gmgag gaunt-James; :Jozbu 0:710 mama. cnzo nv. JODL (mg as car nru) not? .5 Volume 151 2010 (Pushy: 24, Shaka Vanna 1917) luuc 1 2.33? 032.1355 33:33 GQM ma wobwm Xanadu 55mm. ma?a wanixdam?o .1333 embadwm?o. Geogd mag 03:66 swam man 03:35 552mg $966356 832585ng Bahama) dost). Gangland down 5356:1206: mad maria? Sam-Lat; um?) abomooizw mew 30:25:16: URBAN DEVELOPMENT SECRETARIAT NOTIFICATION No: 2015. Bongnluru. Dated: 09-09-2015 Illa drul?t ol the Kamatakn Mammal Corporations (Regulaum of Cable lam) Rules, 2015 Much. DI: Kmualalu proposes to make In exercise 0! the W5 oonlormd by clause (lab) 0! sub-mm (7) ol scam 423. read Mm sedan 427 0! tho Klimt-kn Munldpal Coma-non: Ad. 1916 (Knmukn Act 14 cl 1977) I: hereby punished a: reamed by union 426 the salt! lor the Woman ol the pursom likely to be a?odnd thereby and notice I: hereby Owen to all that tm and drafl be taken Into oomldurauon altur uimy days from the date at us tn the olhdul Gazelle Any ot-ivcbon and suggestion. hm may be rucelvud by Lhu Stain lnom any person 01 mm mm respect to sand bcloru the expiry ol the pencil spanned above. will ho conSIderud by the State Government. Coleman: and 3W1: may be to the Secretary to Govemment. Depammru 0! Urban Development. Vikasa 50mm. (Sammy-560001. DRAFT RULES 1. mm and commoncemonL- (1) ?use rules may be called the Knmataka Mumapal Corpommns (Regulauon 0! Cable bwng) Rules. 2015. (2) They shall come into Iorae from the dab: at their publication In the Ol?clal Gazette. 2. In these Mas. mless the maxi otherwise requires 'Acl" means the Karnataka Munlcipal Corporations 1976 (Karmlaka M14 0! 1977) 'Appendlf means appendix appended to these mles. means cable provider. registered with the Department 0! Teleconmwucam, to lay the cable wire either inslda the earth (underground) or above the eanh. l0! Telenslors or [or oomec?on 01 Internet ladlnties lo the Computer or for laptop or to any other equipments and eligible to seek license under "use rules. ?Cable' means an assembly cl one or more insulated conductors or optical ?bre or a combination or both, with'n an enveloping jacket may be mdevgrotmd or and Is a high speed physical medium for maan data or inlonnation. ?Cable head end' means the ladlity as a bat cable television of?ce that originates and mmuriates cable televislon services and cable modem services to subscribers. (I) ?Competenz authaixy? means. the Competent Ammrity. Usense' means granted by the urban bcal bodies to use right 01 way or right of use. loans ?Ft l? C?zt?l-z? (90) ?-mw .-..- v. Scanned by CamScanner A I I, A ?a tam, maxi, mama, ?3323 rm. .L smear: or Spa~m (I) of uso.? means nonhuman In use Right at Way or U) "Sealan' means the section of the Act 0' way' means the space [mm-on two [row-m,- I'm-s . . 1 (23 and Express-ens used In these mm hm not de?ned, uni haw thcI smu- mam Nwth?g paw-n in the Act and rules 4] 3. ProhlbItIo-n.- No cable shall be rm or nutn?ed mum'- mw' 9?90 or". corporation 4. Process of Appllution for license (I) Sal-mus. cable. shall be submitted by the applicant along Mm all the particulars to the Canpetenl Authority under unusu- junsrd-Jron the mm In": Inn at eminent-rm try rte-Mm tat-mu wt an tan-w [69:1 t- {51 he and other nut-print min/amt tin-1W?! .. . - (2) W?lem Auttronty mttun sewn day-t turn the dam of urgent at n?iu'xs? t'u? gum up m- m- P?s-y cant - 1 . additional inlormatron or any other n5 t?h?y ho unudwnt mwsury In? hm tart Bun uqknm. u?w mt "mu 1 application. the Competent Authme shall tutu the lantan Into run-NY Easting mums, their mldy (qr-litmus and [mum r! r? d? any (ans Nam", tad Int "worm-mum ol sen-vars In new at the wormed Ina-3 n'qmmt: era-ram I'm Irma? .l'au In newt-n {erasable to relay 0: mat-9n ludl Lemma at tho um at Lanna sudt realignment It his etc-.t-o "untrue-l an! mate allowui - . . (H) the Competent nutle cu [It-mg ultra-ad with the m1.I'hl [India'er thume nuihm? .ugzr?wm-nt .nltm-J mm It?: Inw lux't?c and: the [run-and In In! DIM if"! 0! completed. Issue a loll-at ol (Inna truth the norm: to (w ans-Ala! CH lush," our! I?M?r?l notice 0! charges. ?ght at way or nqu at um Huron Imam (ham tm um r-t Lv? 1w la rut-ma uvl ?Man! it pmtamance Bari Gumm?m tn ll tvlw?ahlo smelly In! taint: ivy rut-wean (l the [w ll- think specified In hum: 11?. Upon Issue ol letter at Int-ant. the uni-(mat shall tut-mm on me .u Nut?rm 'tI? at,ou we: at It? hurt dances to the Quint-tent Autturt) mum Uuly our. (iv) As soon as Un- (Tut-Intro me Orr-mm mm 11-: reinvent Hwy-n, Irv-.0: pertmnance bank guarantee, the Crammer? shall ?mm awn-mm? an) Mun I km In lav-nu- of tho applimnt within a period at tine-m days. to enable the Intense-e to (mm the Bimini-11 r1 it]. .111) nun work. 5. 11m. tram. tor decision at The Competent Authority that! adhere to the lotto-W19 um: I'm riled trian- tor grant of Iiceme. No. Event Number ct wetting dey-I 1 Processing ol wormed: and malaria lor addrticnal meant-rewromnottmm hformatim ll any metered in th's hehall from the date at receipt of complete application including seoldng any additional infatuation or comments '2 of the letter of Intent conditions by the 30 days applicant 3 Erecutionolagreemems and issue ollicense 15 days lrom the date of rece'vl at papers [mm the Applicant 6. Tlmo frame to completion of Infrastructure work-While layth or erowtmg lnlrastrudme wit.- The licensee shall Submit the time trnme It plans to exemte the wort. The we plan may provide stretch wise completion schedule along with the complete plan The licensee shall ensure that. no Inconvenience is caused to the general public In the process 0! mm out its operations. It lound necessary the Competent Authority may direct the licensee to undertake amnion at its wt during the on peak hours or during night the licensee shall duly Informed to the Competent Authority about the progress on a weekly basis. which may be reviewed at regular intervals and Wherever the licensee is not executing the related wart in the scheduled line. the Cancelent Authority revoke the Incense after giving an oppcnunity of hearing to the licensee. ltowwr. whom the limnmn e-i rllu tn p. .r t. quid, .-.. {u new?, buyulrg commit, the Uompetenl Authority may extend the executrm penod and allow the work to be completed within the mutually agreed time-trams. Scanned by CamScanner .- u. OI.- . "In I. V. (?Kw-znwe?nyww??w' Twat-n44 -, . gun an" no ini??d: mum: mam. my, hwa bun. In mm slut Luna?- In I at. We,? V, Um?, i?m, I Inn-Nun? an in M?y?m. bah-i. u? put phi-Mun W15 in: .nuuw I?m-yin a ivwm ?hull Ii: ml h? "i t? mwmu that l- ulu-cm ?n ?an ?a Pd Int-ubumnhp all lumi- uauhuv t? I'm Pb- uh't ha? Am. 1.075? an For? U. lw a lubunuauuwmium luwwmu .a ,y .1. (Wm, ,1 . I'Fnu ul I-IHOU Hm I now-bum! Autumn. and tum-t and II) mu nah-ma 0w luring u! "cumin-J uh Aw bung-mum an?. at am ham-v In: lho? mame u! ?u hv "Hum vt?s int-Au, wasall?. ha swam: I~.n War cM? W) In?.an 0 (mu ?wing and n- k. wen-hand ?up our-tau- iia-vfg mum"ovum-unr- an?: hm n?awmnwu pal-luau "My lemu- Ir an autumn mm Hum Ans-um- m! "In; My Iva-cal has madman an 9- ?am nanny-nonmwm ?new mm- u- nm a? Mum-am up u: us ?1 "w ?mu-in ?in. H) unme qqlnahn nu! how an ?ulu?l'll mm Nun-m out [rs-w but vi 1. aunt-l Mir 091m Md II. min-I ?an ?an m. mitt-w anuni-m ur- . mum-g was, ham to an: w-mn-I I II . Wit-r 0W ?in pan moo-uh. mytuh-urm an nun?u ?Wthme-?mly gum-d hum We! my Inn. an:th- ll In. tau-nu Wm Mow-n, alum-.m- cm. wu urn-t :mmhw? u. ?thwun am 10. Marya-cm; ?murmur-pann- mmem with Ime- shat! no! hr- morr- than thru- haundmd lur ?wry dav during Ilia? um: Scanned by CamScanner pp.- .- -. - 9 . 'V?vv? - . I apart 96 dear-L36 ma?a, retina?ad. 2:33:35 09. JOOL 13. Appeals.- Any person aggrieved by an order of the Competent Authority under these rules, appeal within seven days from the date oi receipt of the Order to the Deputy Commissioner of the concemed district. Provided that. preferring of an appeal. shall not apply to extending the time Speci?ed in the order for removal of the cable or as staying of any action by the Competent Authority proposes to take for comp?ance of the order unless an express stay order is passed by the appellate authority Deputy Commissioner. Subject Regarding grant of license under the Kamataka Municipal Corporations (Regulation of Cable Laying) Rules. 2015. License applied for Name of the Applicant/Company Registration Number Address By Order and in the name of the Govemor oi Kamataka Y. GOPAL Under Secretary to Government (Corporation?2) Urban Development Department. URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Appendix A (see sub-rule (1) of rule 4) APPLICAHON FORM (to be submitted by the applicant on his letter head) Dated Telephone Number Mobile Number Fax E-mail ID We hereby request to grant of licence to carry out the work for underground cableslMicro Trenching or Errection of poles for overhead cables or sharing of commtmication infrastructure at loc:ationiroute). ..(name and details of the Board resolution or power of attomey issued to the signatory of this applicable is attached herewith. We further undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the bye laws. it is therefore. requested to grant of license to carry out the above mentioned work. Signature of the authorized signatOry (Name and Address) List of documents to be attached along with the application 1. Documents to be submitted in all cases ti) 0? (W) (V) .- Copy of registration certi?cate as communication provider or a telecom service provider granted by the Department of Telecommunications. Government of india Two sets of the proposed route layout plan drawings clearly indicating the locations of cable for which the license is being sought Time schedule (stretch and stage-wise) for completion of the work and investment Indemnity bond to indemnity the Corporation against Any liability for the damage caused to the existing infrastructure by the applicant for any reasons. and Claims against any accidents on account of the infrastructure laid or facilities installed or against any claims thereafter during the period ol Operation and maintenance of such infrastructure at all times Undertaking to pay all the applicable charges and the performance of bank guarantee, as speci?ed in 'f?l the a plum} - Scanned by CamScanner ram w; in (W) Mn) rmum (brim, mama, ?rim: :Gfrl. limit-nailing maintain Ilm In will ruin nl nil (M mart-run 1:an puma] In ram rung-aim" UHUH-NBHHU In In Invhunliu? lira rrammlv Hi "alumna urn who in mm met in lira arr-r4 lira arm-r nirumunu-llnn rum/1m wlrlunlrru rnwlu, [#M?rlmr vmli Ira/t, rm?rd rang-ply ranrl hlrz; In Iry "It: nl urn"! r4 "mama ml uni-om?: in PM mum rue/111w! by "In [Mm lip; [alarl?r HUJMMIJ/?l?h?liffrl Ducunronh lm ()pllo Him. Carulal mini-o (In In link-r! .91 ?91rd Mirrored-r4 above).- (U (In; in in: mam! FM ?hm? "mnan 'W?wm' fumijn?um IJorIrlu rnralluxlq nr Mum or (man I?llfJerlu? will: mm imam? may; .1 Micro Game-ilk; runn rlolnll; (In Urrunm lan squirm nuulnr) mr/ lama 0" lira ?murmur! In in; [alum on Innsn (doplh, length and Mill?) of tin: mam Marne-.Optic mu] . Documents for orrocllon of lor overhaul calrlu (ln addition to Emu Hill-r! at strut numbur 1 aimvo) U) (in hm! hf fl?'l?lifnl! fur (like: Henrik/Jill! ll": Irma In In on human marine! on lawn prormad routs numlurr or pnlna of palm (whirl, [Myrna or (librer) diary-m mar and ground durum-u: lor Ila: with, Documonb lor cubic laying (in addition to than at urlni numb-r 1 thaw): Capri-3: at site plan :pnallc (Jamil: (in squnrn loaf or Mun": (or "mitt/lee, on an land proposed to be Mum on luau along with lira in ouch ma Location duly marked on Ila routs map. With global {manning sy?hm reading or value: Data containing namn oi eon/ion or prerdrar Appendix-c (no rule 7) Nana-rd: par-mourn 1. Technical pnramolors to be lollowod by tho Inlrutructuro Service Provldarl whlla laying the cam? (ourng and underground), and Insuliann of pain. (1) Lian of underground cabln TM applicant thrill underlain: work in a an to cum lam: war: (II) (C) lnoonvorrluncn. llo shall cordon nil mm: In tar-sum public mainly and In err-Armand la 071201913 the work during all punk limos no on In mum minimum lo the public. The Wham ma! roam-n tho dug Up men or silo to it; original clear In: ram-'1 of any mrusd arm or m, and dispose oi such dobrl: or earth or dumping am away from rm work till; Warner! and In In: talleluclion oi lira compulunl . Tho elmll carry out around penetration or probing radar survey {or (Mullen a! ?mum mum or urn/lane along the route Micro 1m cable to br: laid. Tm data mm in re:wa or allch may con/loos through this survey their b0 them: with the Corporallrm vi ny mama lar as possible, tho shall carry our 1M work by uclng Micro Trembler or erlzurlai Dire-ward Drilling or Horizontal bonny an to minimim Liv: damage and to tuna: niran lncurrvanlnnoo to public 1hr: cable chall ordinarily be laid at tho edge at tho Right of way or no or apper by rm magnum autlrorlly. In cam of wlritlr oi Righl of Way. wiler may hr: adcquam only it) the wrrlagrrwayc, verge. thouldarn. tlopm of embankan and clear of rho drain. Wherever is land ma! It in nu! lo lay rm: without mu min-Jinn mimim gen/Icy}, rm Irgnw (my Db ulaLrth'J uy urn-mm soar-us oaz?aig, rbdamd. made mt. JOOL 2,7221 9.: (0) Tire top of the casing or conduit pipe containing the cables shall be olieast 1.5 meters below the top surface subject to atloast 0.3 meter below the drains inverts Pits ol 2 meters in 2 meters and 1.5 meters deep, or of lower size shall be made at a distance ol 100 meter, centre-lo-centre. for laying cables, However, In case of Special site conditions. variable 690"? 0' GWEN-ions may be permitted depending on the site conditions (9) Route markers shall be fixed. preferably in steel 0r concrete. along the route at an interval of 300 meters with clear making of the ownership and depth of the cable laid (ll) Erroctlon ol poles tor overhead communication cables: lb) 1. Ucense to lay overhead cables shall be restricted. The electric poles or towers etc., of power utilities shall not be allowed to lay overhead communication cables- Wherever, it is not leasible to avoid laying of overhead cables. the applicant shall take all precautionary measures to maintain the ecosystem and aesthetics of that areas. The height of the pole shall be such that it does not interface with the electric cables or distribution transmission system and minimum distance between two poles shall be forty meters. (8) a maximum 1.0 meter 1.0 meter space shall be made available for errection of the from the edge of the walkway of road (road berm) and shall be Subject to availability. pole at a minimum distance of 0.3 meter installed in cement concrete foundation. (fl 2. Other terms and conditions to be adhered to by the licensee while laying the cables {overground and underground). errectlon of poles. The sag of cable shall be such that it does not interface with the movement of vehicles. The terms and conditions or guidelines issued or notified by the Department of Telecommunications. Govemment of india in reSpect of any condition applicable to the licensee, as amended from time to time. shall be applicable and binding in all cases. (ii) The licensee to lay underground or overhead communication or connectivity infrastructure shall not be granted. where it causes disruption to public services and facilities, obstruction or hindrance to the pedestrian movement or vehicular trai?c. The principle of public convenience and safety shall over?ride all other considerations. However, the competent authority may grant license to in extreme critically only it the applicant offers to suitably adjust and or realign such services at his own cost without any adverse impact on the public services, to the satisfaction of the competent authority. The optic fibre cable or communication cables shall not be brought into use by the licensee unless a completion certi?cate is obtained to the effect that the telecom cables or ducts or manholes have been laid in accordance with the approved speci?cations and drawings and the pits have been ?lled up to the satisfaction of the ccncemed authority. in case of any shifting or change in alignment in the already laid optic ?bre cable or other communication cables is necessitated due to widening of roads or constniction of ?yovers or public building the licensee shall be bound to do same at his own cost within the period speci?ed by the respective authority. If the licensee fails to comply with this condition to the satisfaction of the said authority. the same shall be got executed by the said authority at the risk and cost of the licensee. The charges so incurred on this account shall be recoverable from (W) the licensee. In case of removal ol already laid optic libre cable or other communication cables on expiry of license period granted, the licensee shall be bound to do the same at his own cost within the period speci?ed by the competent authority. if the licensee fails to comply with this condition to the satisfaction of the competent authority, the same shall be got executed by the competent authority at the risk and cost of the license. The charges so incurred on this account shall be recoverable from the licensee. - (V) in order to avoid repealed digging on the same routes. the licensee may voluntarily lay extra ducts or conduits with redundant capacity so as to take care of any future needs. However. the creation of excess capacity shall (Vi) not be a pro-condition for giving Right of Way license. The licensee shall ensure safety and security oi all under ground installations or utilities or facilities and shall be solely responsible for compensation or indemni?cation to concemed authority for damage caused or claims or replacements sought for at the cost and risk of Resume to the concerned authority. (Vii) The rurth r? ti-n i I: strictly :egnfulw en the: tin; came. on; .uic and trenches are irtied up before the close of the work for that day. Filling should be to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority. . -r Scan neoi EVCa'r??Scan ner r. wivqm? um 90 Charges WM mar-us unfit!) rename. mica no. JOOL 93- A 2.-. .v . (hr) The licensee shall not undertake any wurt- (it shitting repair or tiller'niirms oi the cold polite: nr uirmrmumt?um cables without the prior permission oi the am irrelenl uullu?xtly In writing The ?mm-wee the" be liable to am; a "one" 0' days Wi'lI "11116 0! localirin details, pl?ltJl In digging Irir froch or repair The licensee shall make his or mnuomenl tor oi (Jute, rireirmuu clmartureti, rivets rib; . Mitre! bed. In case, this it: not the cables or dual: may be nutclde the rolling or (marine: and supported on brackets lined in the outside oi the lirtdgu duper leclum the luring on: supporting errortq'm with 8" Gem's 90? urrpruvmr in advance [rum tho grrmUng such Additional cost on account ui fixing und semi-unler nrrungenmnt, as trounced try Midi authority, than be PaVGb'e by "If! llCetISG. ii the licensee lull: to with title wruinlnn to the caliciadien the mitt-only. Ibo same shall be got executed by the authority at the risk rind cost oi the numeric end the cost so 0" account shall be recoverable lrom the licensee. (id) in case of any damage to the es lines. electricity supply etc.. original and satisfactory cond suntial services water supply. srmriragr: system and telrxzamrnunicalim it shall be the responsibility oi tin, licensee to gel the services restored to their ition at his own cost. (xii) The Corporation shall not be responsible tor any damage to optic perlonhance or of?cial duties by any employee oi corporation. The licensee shall have to provide be the werk. lire cable and resultant losses. ii any during rricode. danger lights and other monastery caution boards while executing (xiv) if any traf?c diversion is found nece scary during the working period, such diversion shall be provided by the licensee at his cost. (xv) The competent authority may oilect a modi?cnti on or alteration In the plan or route. ll mcocoat'y, In the interest oi public solely. (xvi) The communication Infrastructure shall not be shar ad or sub-let, without the permission oi the competent authority and payment at sharing charges. (xvii) The licensee shall abide by oil the terms and conditions laid In these mice. (xviil) Any dispute arising between the signatories to an agreement under these rules shall be settled or resolved in of ?fteen days. An oliicer ol the rank of Deputy Commissioner shall act as an Arbitrator to whom the dispute shall be referred to and me decision of the Arbitrators shall be ?nal and binding on both the parties. APPENDIX-B (SEE RULE 8(3) AND 10 Schedule of charges Processing fee.- In case of underground cable or overhead cable. (except micro-trenching) it will be Rs.2i- per route meter. applicable at such time. Si. No. 2.1 Charges for license to Right of way or Right oi use (In Re.) City Corporations Purpose (per route meter) Laying of Underground optical ?bre cable or Co-axial cables except micro 80" trenching (per route meter) Laying of overhead communicated cables using Poles (per route meter) 35!- For every Pit dug-up, other than a men?hole with spacing of 100 meters. 750?. Centre to Canine (per sq. meters) For every pole erected to lay overhead communication cables (per pole) 1500!- ln case underground optical libre cable or Co-axial cables are shared (per 20) sharing per route meter) Scanned by CamScanner .HM 13:5 smma? Egg, mazes. :mo ma. 3001-. can (ill) Annual Rent: City connotation The above rates are subject to revisnon once in three years The annual tease diarges in respect oi land area used for the construdion of manhde, shalt be 6 percent of the applicable market rate of the land (in Rs Per Square meter) Die lease Charges initially determined at the brim 0! grant of license. shall be increased at the rate cl 5 peroent every year tor a period '0 ?ve years The ?933?! Charge 5?13? be Rs. BUCH- per kilometer per yea! The ab0ve lease charges shall be applicable only in respect of the land by the Comoratim Wherever the Permanence Bank guarantee against mslu'abon Wt: (Rs. For route metch 7 Performance Bank Guarantee Cement Cement Mctotlod I Concrete Favor Concrete Favor P?oad' Suit?) women on a or Pavements Blocks Rum Micro Method 50!- sw- 301- 101- 201- Hodzontai Directional uniting tow- 100/- iow- 1001- 1001- Method or Ha?zmml Boring Method 4] As per the current SR rate required lor restoration Open Digging Method 1 Hot Allowod Not Allowed I Not Aime sow? I 5001- The licensee shall report regarding satisfactory completion of restaration of related work sites. which shail be visited or (cl) The licensee may prev-Ede the pe?ormame bank guarantee, as applicable for a stretch over which the work is proposed In case the work contemplated by the licensee is not cornpleted to the satisfaction or the Corporation granting the of the licensee Appendix-D (see clause (ill) of sub-rule of rule 4) FORM FOR AGREEMENT This agreement made on the .. day of Thousand .. between the Competent Authon'ty. - AND (Name of applicant! hereinafter ca'ted ?t'w r-l lnr? p- -: uh; Tu? applets the wrupelent authority [or permission to lay Scanned by CamScanner $371 Dalia. rams. cm 09, 303?. Municipal Corporation Act. 1976 [Kamataka At: No. 14 of 1977) aid the Karnataka Martina! Corporation (Regulation ct Cable laying) Rules. 2015, made Uteretnder. hereinafter refined as the Act and Rates NOW THIS AGREEMENT AS FOLLOWS It'Certsee. the ioensee hereby convenience as follows (I) (2i Diatthetbensee regular intervals from any State Govemment approved agony and shall submit the report to the mpetent (3) (4) That the licensee shal carry out the sl'tll?dng or Change in or the already laid optic the cable or other to widertingorroads orpub?cbt?idings alhism costwithinthe periodsped?ed bylhe rapeaive amhority. (S) mat the licensee shall remove already laid optic ?bre cable or other communication cables on the 0' 1'09"? period granted to his Own cost with the period speci?ed by the respective authonty. (6) That the licensee shat ensue salety and secmity 01 all tindErground tmtanatims or utilities or facilities and shall be we}? for mpertsatim a indemni?cation ol dammed amt-only tor damage causad 0' dam 0' replacements sought lor at the cost and risk at the licenspe to the concerned outrun-try (7) That the licensee shall not tridertake arty won: at slitting. repair or alterations to the said cables or communication cables oltheconoemed authoritiesinwrithg. (8) That in ass of any damage to the essential servicm to" water sewerage system and teleco'nmmicatim tines. satisfactory condition at his cum cost. (9) Thatthe Corporation shall not be responsible loranydamage toOptchibre Cable and resultant losses. ilany, during permanence ct official duties by my empioyee olthe Corporation in good laith. dangerlighls. caution boards, etc.. while erratum the Hunt. (11) That the communication cable infrasuudure shall not be shared or sublet. Mthom the permission ot the conipetent authority and payment of sharing diarges. (12) That in case of breach of any of the daises of the agreement, the competent authority shall be empowered to terminate the wntract a?er giving a show cause notice of ?fteen days. (13) That in case of violation of any terms and com?tions the license granted can be withdrawn and micelled at any time. such Ecensee shall neither be entitled [or any compensation at any loss caused to it by such cancellation. (14) Deputy Commissioner shall act as Arbitrator to whom the matter shall be referred to and the derision of the Arbitrator shall be final and b'nding on both the parties. In witnesses whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their respective hands the day and the year ?rst above written. This agreoment has been executed in duplicate arid each party to this agreement has retained one stamped copy each. SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY in the presence of (Compefenl Authority) Signature - Signature Name Designation . Name 8. Designation Address - 1 Address SIGNED AND DEUVERED BY (On behalf of licensee) Signature Signature Name 8. Designation Name 8. Designation Address Address By order and etc. 00 5' PM. but: Under Secretary to Government (Corporation-2) 8.0. 50 Urban Development Department. I I IUI