_E%Vntw: DE unshingr; niscracion AHA i559 1' g-?zi f? . 2.211379 hazaruhlc huroid Eroun Scarccary of Drfunse Th: Pentagon Washing;an. D.C. 20301 Dun: Hr. In th: coura chu ?n the utilixgd during t? chit similar neVern} {Thu resultls of our c?rortu to health of Vanaruu: of to herbicides Yiecnn: Unr, Wu biie.benn Exccd uith'aTIe ationt herbicide: were utiligsd V??ernn: have Til:d.cf:Tm; from nuCh 01posurclh cian frou yod_couc:tning t! by the in any of tha herbicide: employod by the of in Sburh Vi?knam bctveln 1952?1970 the dcmilitanz?d none of.torea during the name uqriad of tineT If thezn herbfcidon wire employed in Koren, could you pFoYidr u: uicb dxti concerning chair ideytiry. the ?itF? they ucrc {ti-flayed. the tile In?: duri: Ind the amount; or Inch herbiC1de I woul? nypreciatk receiving inform: Official ule q!.herbicidcs Karen. In p}r:icu1ar, vcra uhich?th?y were unad; no; he readLiy prgciutcd Ilucc faucet. Althouzh the information rrqueaccd as yet: errediticuu rulponnr would be 1p unnblu ua ta teaan: pressing awailn?l- it will Thank you 16: 3 our cooperation in L?it Sincerely ynu'rn. .i i AND 12:. A :35 At??iliiliflli?l? . 0m 2 9 1978 omCE W, 1* .: 4- . - hl??RALEVl?su?sz (10/23/79) 10183 :727d\h?1 .b . . 9 1. i :h I. JBJECT: Use of Chemical Herbicides in Korea (U) To answer specific questions-asked by the .Administrator of the Veterans Administration in his 29 October 1979 letter to the Department of Defense. ,x.'eunposr: Oursrzons AND . 0. 'Were any of the herbicides employedzby the Department of Defense in South Vietnam between 1962?1990 utilized in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) of Korea during the same period of time??. A._Yes; however, no evidence indicates that US personnel were involved in-the actual aplecation.oE the herbicides. It is possible that US personnel were exposed to them but not likely since the herbicides were applied'by hand or trailer mounted? spraycrs instead of by aerial spraying as in South Vietnam. 0. 'If-these herbicides were employed in Korea, could you provide us with data concerning their identity?? A. ORANGE, BLUE, MONURON, Zed-D. ?The geographic sites where they were employed?" A. Between the south tape of the DMZ and the civilian control line in I Corps (GP) and First ROK Army areas. .- O. 'The timcframe during which they were used?? ifh_ - and 2-4-D at nine locations tetaf?ng?aoiacg?s_ Apr?Hay 68 -_5,000 drums of MONURON to 200 meter wide strips along DMZ security fence for a total coverage of 2020 acres. Apr-Aug 68 BLUE and ORANGE in un?peciriea amounts:t0518,425 acres . May-Jul 69 unnamed herbicides redistributed from South Vietnam to Korea were applied to 3,162 acres. 0- "The amounts of each herbicide sprayed?? A. Limited information available but data found in historical records. preceding ansuer contains the - UHSIDRE: if: