/ Decmeszaee , nar-.599 N D .15 Ó Í (4 g .83 MIA" ,HáRA,Dsta 4.5/2/ __ _,_.._..-—-" nov. S - narger in 4.:. (eciijman audreslereceives cable from Greco Galleries, Caracas: “Je accept." (CI-144) nov. 21 - Rembrandt (apparently the one mentioned above under June 22, 1944, and Sept. 2, Sept. 18) is to oe delivered by Schoneman Galleries, N.Y., to Pietri (brother of Pietri in Venezuela) to ether with "antigua certificate in S anish”, after Suida has examined it to write an article on ÏE. (CI-151) Conclusion Tae interdepts dealin: with Karger inaicate that he is prinarily - and porhape exclusively - an agent for the sale of art works in Venezuela. In 1338 he was apparently buying (as agent for a Mew ïork dealer) in Europe for sale in Venezuela. at various dated he was buying in new ¿orz for sale in Venezuela. Possibly, but not certainly, he is also interested in sales in New iork; see intercepts uated July 18, '40 and nov. l, 1944. H,is interest in New lor; buying under dates Uct. 4 & 7, 1u44, may or may not be connected with Venezuela. Ene intercepts give no proof that de is trying to bring art works from Venezuela or elsewhere into the U.b., tne paintinqs he was brincinj with nim auq. ll, 1944, were probably some of those ne had tenen to Venezuela ïor the exhibition and remained unsold. The intercepts give no proof that larger is enqaged in unlawful dealing or that ne is trafficking in uflZí loot. She only uoubtful case appears under ll, lu44 (see last entry under Auï. ll), and bchaeffcr may nave had a legitimate reason for tne stipulation made here.