tine ta de it again Pith te-eptr- etive te preuide thin new kind at park. "1th the papulatinn Hh?t they are her: in thin Ht till he barki?g net en]; fut euteeluee, but far tho generall?n? te Thil 15 am: we can't aft"an tn lune. I Seen Cannery 1e hath en the bend? uegnn egtet five year theenzc in his 511th appearance ee [en Flem" ieg?e euper epy. a little elder. heeviet and still ep?rtina heirpiete. in mere durable and deehina then ever- He still eheue hie yell?kneun diudnin Let the rule that made him famuui thteuah his Liberal Hie af Hry puns, which are heued Le a finer edge Lhdu in pre? Hieue Hend filth. Hith a humntpue the plat eeveluee ateund the inflicte- tine end destructinn ?f diemend Hmuggling ting tun hy the viilein. tenet Elefeld Gray]: fr?m hie Lee Veg-e headquartete- he usual in a ?end plet. the diamonds figure in a :ule?tha?unrld scheme EB 51D- fald Hurley: and impereenernn a multi?millieneite. tyt?en named Hillard thte [Jinmr Dean} E9 achieve hi. end. Sene at the therettett Bend en- are tie enmit killer in- v=tte nened Hint end hidd -r Eln? fql??a hit man. The Bend girls are a little flenhy thl? time but Jill 5L. hivee better than banal perfurnnucz eh Lhe green Tiffany Gene and Lane Hand antnlier? eietet]. as Plenty ?'TnulEl in given gratuitnua reLe an geld-dinger- The mill- teht Ha uill eujey the tee :thletlt agile female bodyguards. EumhL and Thunpet. uhn hick, three. and hnunte 39nd hruund. - he heEnre in Hand Eilms. the t1- tle eehg un- letting in quality. iLEh the tee: ef the store hardly netieedhle- Guy Heuiltnn direeted with attien in hind. but with fen fieue. the eetien tequehtee. the thteegh the uncut: a! in the ?eet feeteetie -- here the ?ue being the linen: of peeple en the eideuelhe, ell intently watching the actinn being filmed- But who eaten. Rimmed; .433 euer 1e ate at the beg: Band and font? In evening of ettien ee- terte?uhenti-Il II 31:51:55 . ifh'ag H. Fin/?2" men gees heme and masturbates hie typical Ennl?af- yearn nu her knees, unuen tied up. A ueman ahuued. Hanan enjare Hith he: nan r? as ehe being raped by 3 man niuulL?nE?Ullyn The mun and l??ln 3e: dreamed up an Sunday end 5e te chureh. at maybe to their "revoluti?hnry" p01- 1t?enl meeting. Have yen ever leehed at the Stag, Hhe, Here, Thugh negatinte an the eheiE ef your hnnhetete? Du yeu knau,uhy the heuepepete with-the ertitlee like ?Girl 12 raped by It tn WITH Item. Ia?: elem "eh! Hen" sell so well? To whet in me are they? appealing? Heath, fer their one ere trying te pull themselvee Legeth? er. And it?s for all nf huneeitt that they dn en. Slavinh- neaa an ant hand htEEdH Pigucl? en the ether hand. an ant hend breedn eluulehneea an the athera Htu and venue -- ere intern. Hemen edept theneelvee to fill the needn nE men. and men adept themselvtn tn till the needs tf Heme?. In the th=rt were ettnne men uhn killed the animals and hreught hnmE the feed and the dependent Hh? it. He here! Only the rule: rcm?i? -- waiting to he ehnket eEt. There are at "human" have lent their huuanity. ?n nne hand qn the ether hen-Ii "plateau." 51.x allege, half de:en ef the other. th ?inl? Hang HBMEE to be H?lking tighttepe eeH? Their qualitiee ei lave, epenneen. end were ten deeylj enme5hae utth qualitiee ef eehnetvienee, end masochism. ?ee to jam lave utte- ?ut being dependent? ?ew de yuu he gentle uithnut being euheertient? Hey de rnu neintein witheut giving up-yeur idegtity [ uithaut getting atrung rut? Hnu da ran teath aut and give yaut heart ta yaur latte. hut maintain the anal which in gnu? had Heu- Heh are in pain taa- The? are thinking, aandetlag. What it it the? want free a Hanan? are they at .teult? Are the? perpetratlag thia @n?vueman nituatl?n? HIE th?r appren- The men la hitter. rl?fau lied ta me." he amid. {She did}? "feu aala that tau lattd that tau H??l?d me. that yea ee. Thaae are year three.? (The? are}. "But in reality." he said. "If the ever lated me, at Hunted mt. HT needed at {all of which I'm not tet- taih Hal euet true}, tau ala? hated me. Tau hated me juat aa yau have hated every men in year entire lift. but yea didn't have the gut: ta me that. Tau hated mt htlate tau aver tau ne. eteh tnaugh 1 ate aat year rather. ar taut teacher. at year aex friend when yea Here i} teara ald. at yaut huahana- In? het? ed he not hetauaa at the I an. at aha: I yea, hut hetauae I an a nan. tau did eat deal Hith a: II a peraan -- aa ue- Tau lived a lit with ma. uatd m: und'alated ganaa with me and that'a a piss? thing tn dull! And she said, "tau wanted me uat as a Hanan. er a later1 at a friend. but as a auhalaalae Hanan, at nub- niaalte frle?a. ar auhniuaive later: and right nan where mi head 15 I halt at even the alighteat autpitd inn at that kind at demand- he nlid. "?uu'te Eull Of . hn? they never again made lave {which they had eath liked ta da mare than anything} at never ever urn-r eath athar ant narr? tiltt- I 1.:ead had Clarke's an Earth Peaple?a Path in the Hid?Janu- lry laaue at the Freeman with teat- [Inna mixed between diahellef and herretg Hhila that atateaent night ante-atitillf ne aa'a tan- Hetvitiue+ my feelinga hat free any aenae af layalty ta "straight" satiety. hut tath?r Efnm It Beatit- ttan that any trulf alternate cul- ture neat aIfer tantratl thlnEEI Huneu free their traditional ralas aa wife and anther. Fran alarhe'a ar? tlale I tare at the ante fat at femalea. were at the line he har- laitrarh that haa Bee-u eannigned ta ta thtaughaut hittery. were at the name leak at appurtanltitu tn detain up he an: tulle-t creative. intel- lggj?ii patentille.r the anti-t5} Clarke. eaterlbea. -al: -ianih tn_hia artitla}_1l in urgent: at better then auburhae I .- Euelingtaa. far it tan is heard an the at interlarit? at In a telling sentence, utltlag thta h? teraaena uhila April nahea dinner an hat amall Hand?burning atute.? Clarke than! u: that 1: in he uhe deea the head work. the creative talks, uhlle aprl}1 Like tenet throughaut hlatary huaitn htr- aelt Hith aupparting man's :teatlw- 1tt and ambition. Hhere are her urti- rIen and he: ideaaT I auaatat that meat af the creativity of the Hanan in the alternate satiety H111 he [and aumad at in the at anmen straight tultare in the aaehe at many dinnara. and the dirty af many uni?ed diahea- Hatae far Hanan in the new tal- tute than in the eld.-.ia the ten- dency fur thege'lalanda at revalu- tienary culture ta Elatlrj a return- ta and difficult ways of lghur. which [Tap a Hanan mate than the mudern uhrJd inta he: tales af wife and authtr. tank. cleaner, and baby-inter. ?hilt and washing mathiuaa. ua?tra Btavta. and driera night be damned far tea- they have ta he lauded-Eat at lean: ?amethat Ettaina amen Ere: alt-re. ef the treat anna- taneua, repetltlaua and uuereatlae Hark than fat tanaacttd by Ian. And I nae that laat tar: deliberately- the lath ef the-e nadert teal- deeaa't Lather the men at the nek culture. Perhaps the life?atyle at Earth Paaplt'a Path la an alternatite [at man ta the unrkedaf at and pra- life. They. after all, are still managing ta urita eaen in the light at a leap. ta Laply'that this life in truly an al? tartatiae tar all peeple aeema PEEL- 1a a heat. even a cruel ant, fat in thta new and better Harld. atill the larger half af humanit? 15,4?i?t 1955 which they?ve aluaya danet heat- ing and bringing up hide. auapartiag and man. ?mly nan theae jaba are even here arlfleult. at the Hand part. at the ald Harld. it: lube: any1n3 deuicea and teehnalagy. are three? put ?1th the had. leaving Humen mare LLed LU hear and hearth than eter? humeaakia? Truly, an eaelety be built- But thla tine let it real? ly he a revalutlanary Ont- Unlike almaat all known uatietit?q includina :aat af the nea experime?ta in liv- ing, let that new uarld. far the flrat time 1: hierary. perhaps. Fauna ltaelf an the amazing hi the hiaia alanity. equality. and hUEinitj at tamea. Sand? ?aira ?luau-kl "an; :11: AH. e'naa, Sister Baird. Ian mutt he putting me an. Jane I Bald I van . ~urit1?: Hhila April E11ed dinner an hat wand ataue-daean*t-aatala-tilr make me a lexual Earth Eeaple'a blak?aqdl hraneh at the Hale chaualniat Society. '51; differenee. IE yau'ta inta 1 agree with malt a! that you any- Unmen :ettlinlf hate ttapped 1a tertala traditianll and auhaerviant ralta 1n male-damlaat-. ed anciety! and thla 1a ahhatrant to me. tea. Eevah thaagh I halt a?llt ta and accept at there af the guilt]. But even at peaple have te eat. and alata the HaeIItmal-ul'a 1a amethqu lL?te l??l mllea away, thin alually ueana auteaee haa ta tank. Bamut?mea lt'a the Hanan, nametimea the lee. That particulat night. 1 ?ne I auct' It and Peter'i haule {at dinner- and hell?re it at eat. ahtll Lliha amt-e other ?atten. and than} tanking. ha far trantitityq htt11m11 Has every hit a. creative an #3 article and ptahahly a helluva lat mare eatlatylna. antic: tau dian't complain Peter Han nut thepping need while I ?ll data; the ?head I never implied that Earth Peaale't Path tea. at it. "truly an alternatlta far all th: penple." It lan't- "hit I laid HEB that it halangn to all the peapla- elethea dtlara and alattria reirlgeratara. it aarttlalr ian't fer yea. Unfortunately, hiatart haa ahuun that.ti-e-aatiag gadget! da nut Hanan {ran drudgery. but only give them mate tine ta anand an mate neaaingleaa and tedlaua tharaa- Planet. Ha. aalta. dan't read late my article thinga aren't there. Den't he an that your far a uala chantinlat behina every tree alauda the very real and valid petuta yau nah:- nu: apparent differentea. I have a hunch we're an the Bill aide. Cut: up and [at fauraelt. I prnmile ta tank auppar,! and Haah tha aiahtl- Tamra far the dignity. equality and humanity far all the peaplp, Had Clarke Ethic Camera: ?likab- Pennant lq-dlu?iiui - Hun?t in Ii. re? 1am. natured in part by lhc_ I. MISCELLANY Cancer, Disease and Seciety by Bernard .Sanelerr. ll. 1: petaihle d'e?eecirtte [Ill-1r 111E Ill-r: the Item the er Can disease be we denim-ll h1- hinting :itIt-D leel -rni-crt:- imp-i: while igeerinr. 131.; nl_ lhe put-em: whet, _l.tteeumh re 'll-lm? It. tithe-title illhl a. tu- mug-'1? an ulcer. er a head- ache, at are time manifesletiut'e- ed a ?rearm whole state e-I .- he": been EIT?ll'llIl?I- Incler ?uently il'i antiwar cementi- ms. hith eerie-e1 student tritium. ete.. n. inlnr cue-referent 4H ItIL'rie-I l:lE meeting: he ?it-meet the rulure. Th'n initieIi-t'e. which lthtI'l-tl Tl'c'll'l tall."- IitI-e thie- l?EliL?i?L cum-ll Ilwtle .m'ttD-her; ahahe'hetin'I-e seat-d3- I I let gum-term: It: I: eerie:- ei'ple: let leirt in the mere-up- mentdieetl'eein?h _111.:n: will I ?rigsJ? mile-?nder? l'tltler'lr titl- Sf? will he read-5' Ithl' Mlinruil ee-Tceit?mul MEM- ita'htln fee mme Iin'lc. It alter hell he l'I'i'l- fer learned-h}- 1I-te helfer letl-dl. the peel :rtleteeltn nett- join? nl n1liel;la' I'l. lJlia ?-1"he l'll.IlLl'l irl natiunal nudem pu'mil eeuItl in 1th! mum-?errant IB rcael-ce-11Hir rele Th-d' debacle t'hc pant athenee er am well men-emenl 'EIJ'rujrin: the eenridenee ef the The student:- heel-l burdened with Ill-cl many mppielhililIe-t. Fer :r'rlan-gr fem they hut-e heen hurcetl 1a In Fem-rut mimenl. llul lhe: in help-fleet earl- flier ll?rl'i'r ice-uni . am. nIJIeh remains. all. limimd? The seen-anilinel lei.- Ihnl the lee-.1 ll'ht?_ meme-lent tell-l bath a maturity; it demeretiein: eepe-lfiienm. mills: lhere- ie_nrl genuine ?min: united muc- me?L 111', :hililt- lhe 'rtu?t?nti 1e Tull-f gel leg-?ber Will Belle-"d err the ed" the ?fteenth-e in the enli- neu- meme-men! a-I IIllitll It. the ability we intdlipt'nt Elect: 1Iii-thin the Existing Ell-5 lee- 1iene tn enltF? 1m Em teem nl'lhe lilt?'l'lec'me sled-?it- mid. it this. is true. can :t tearing cttre he Etrutllel'll: aha-HI hj drillill? the elene. while tee-e- irm lhe. heel?l'l: E'Jlt'?? unluuct-l- ed? Whr- Ii it Pt cam-tea ,tte-e-rt with :1 diee'aee and nut Ft'i' Dee: Fm? "il?t e-etl"-ta hit all. and net El, er are: the: deeper teeter-res illatl chance Iu He'll)" melee-em ate at: the be rest-it disease and remain healthy, whit: lath-Eli [-1It etitlle'l" Md. reletrd ten the aha-1': an]; meet hep-errands. tee-w will the luhlre battle agail'lht distant! he taught?! 1I-'In'ill Err?Ills and suegtq- curl-lime Id he need aeuirtet he will satiety. and the we we- li-ne, untlleeya redienl change ei- lhat the nrganiam ?u Elmer's]: ent lhid planet. in the-rt. Zl'lill'l?dd eel- an 1L1 lit-lhe ninth- n} the hurl-lint argue-ism. nr .Ih'll. lhe humming-intent earn- Linul: [a 11: er'lnl-Jnl .1an entailed rel- lit i_rt1n tins-it- .[Il'lf insane and die-cm: nettl- t-ultine: ?lth-rm. The-Te] paper duh. U-il'J'l the em -Irt I952 study. entitled "r't Petehaeenlalbe Eurh?' uf Cancer at the ?ttest" tum: pat-lliehett in -the medial eirte. The atlIJleIre. three Chi? cane physicians .here - Dre. Him-I1. Heart-thee. and C111- ]er. Their ?nd? attempted tu- tlet-ermine whether er eat it me penile-l: let etheer-re male. ehurJ-etertltegic-Il in patients l'he lied developed breast eaneer. In ether ?nerds. did tremen whet Ile- vlh?i?'? brain-1' clutter 111-1?: ?l'lt'lil'l mellntegieal :rjiu Hill-Eh might lead one m-aee a eenaeeutln hemeen Int-14551131 l'te?itll?t incl cane-er- The study etelee': niaeet?temutltnutetule' ID amen 'h'llt} were thrilled: Interme- tieerl {earn ll'rllir parents. ed the lat-mm were tri?ine grim '1e mart-i- 5 anmuui-ell members. at the' get-?ue Theme-rm - ele- claim. le'J'I'lL'? Ht?lil D'lnr sidem: it; Iellitjr. The '5 ?int-int. Irt ire-eluded Imtl?ll. ?les! 15. 5 _wnre'lr:n 'mere ell ?rF-?l-l 5 there neuter-teed rare tn- attest-en- Il emwrr. II is intere-atlng: tn nate-t'lut the lee. etlhe eel:- I. mering- he ll'erlge' ?all! nel'ltettetl patie t1e tit-re ?ll. h'T, end 41: uhrrenr. these at the pnrtinlh- adiueted 54, 55. 55. 51'. all-t1 El. 111': ?Jeane tha1 eat the pd1'lt'nle St or mun: Hit! had at 1.1: th: a :?tfeT-egns 2h DEE 'tt'A5._ The IulJtL'r} eetleltI'I??Jn the" study by ailing El'ellut- whilih tl'ltlu' feet were ehu-retl ti:- IJle Pltl?l'lh'. ll} A chur- ?le; (Till: ultitltl'u ?ill lit-e tic-peered re-lz-l 'Ii't'rlf ?mug. h'latnt- tht'lTl lid-"e" n1 mung: [ur [lull-IE the Lil? that the-l- ur'll'C'?li lump-I nn their lmeaatt end there cut what ?it-"r alt-um I1: Inhibited sew-?itt? - i ii: Inhibited melherJI-m?. i-I-i The inability Icl ear tit-Ill ippf'ajgpri-Ildy Halter, ?attened? er entered our he a fecal-1t: e! The ?Emmi-rd hurt- lile enntliel.wilh the rnr-rher. hanJled 1hruwt1h deer?II and unrceLrLlIJ-l: seerltlee. "ill Delay in mural-e In ail-ether tint-ell: in tlch- . ilil'all'l'lr-l] FHEhlJat'Im?lil: h1etll- eartc. Veil. tti. itlt?lil. Film. eii:illed "L'tie "Street. all-:1 Cancer at the Cert-at." II it. ?Hell that "smell. l?-iUE-l- let be ten.- Fleur in these ti the cert-it were [menu In have incidence at urge-til: awhile sent-1 interceure: mt}. llatienee irt lhe eelnre] [mu-plea heat-uni met: cent-Inc; Iual Jt-e?ien fer 1he' :teL ae- ellrreel far mere Frequently- in the-niltienla -lt-i1!1 en'leer inf-1h: ?rein. thll: ir?n' pain-nu 'ttEl'h Uh till?lEI' 55hr?: In a MFR. enti1!.ttl Petehtehigtwl Hemin- Cenetr". h'r ??ne'er- elli :tmt thither. an int-uses:- uni: ?truly di??t?n?l. res-enrchere. 5.1.ellit'll1eJ In the cute-er cutie-l1 til it he's-aiml- attempted [a deeper-er 'tt'l'et?t't- er "ll'lgere wire. a tel-Hinder: pet-eheiapht?al and the erewth. at tenet-i Thee thin i" 11?3". tillt't't'In. there e- 15- steel: rl- ll'l wee. . Lights curezluded IthI-p. "Chanel-Heels?: til" the last. eerie:- are great-r tie-ten- there MARIE. 2'33 leg [Lll relena: [them-l1 met-er discharge. eilher eerhul tIr . pill-item- when etmleJ-red 1a the chat-5?. aJE-cl- Still:- tini- lt-n: ?Pattern-tel" with relied erettlh it'ele. met-ate inhibit?l ln mil-Herd ?shnet-JD." In a E?l'h?uatill Lt:- CHIP- hr Jueeh?h. Lit-t. L'hc :lulhnr quutnjje. James lit- euht tn the Elle'ulrt lhel ??ee man the appeal-tune: _eiE httlust l'Il lL'lic 1n- nhititl' leI tlieeharee thee: thl-tlitel lhe ale-er:- er the tile spar! er the emitter patient". The amulet?1n, ltz-rert t'tetieTI ll'lt'll: l1= pile-Dual?: hlte. anger, dz.- [Judge-E. er en the c-th-El? hand. 11. a Inner;- 'e:tltu.1' here-1n. when i5 emi- eureed u'ith aed 511?.- Eeul in ale}: ilk-n-" .-1t Intel: 114-!- mnierence by the ?t'erl: Academy at Selenee en the Asp-5.5 ul L'ualeelhae cheered he Help. ?t'lrurh TllT'tE'h {h'l Hi? llilert. Dr. Elena Balin- mu repented-J hurt]; at 2th} p-Ilit?nla. Wei-elite trem- ethtr .llgl-rierh. "lie: rltettlle- ill-Ii- .tI-uetl that the cancer patient: Ice rem:- ,1l:l.i lacking in ant-trend trite-we." llIlrt's- u-leu r-I'Wl'l-? Elli Ilu'IJre-il- til 'I-ttltI: L..-.J I51.- it at The-e ttl.lt the nan-met the ?rhen they were re- ?Elln? In a lu-lu ecp-Irtlle?rt. u'lli'l inner fretintte v.11 hell:- hupelcelmlh?. Pt held-.- It hie-i- ?I'curl: malihntu-giht. La'mat'lulr LI: is. new Le shell hlultl-IL'tl Still elm-Der 1H- ?gee. pent-ell; were chain-t1 muted try eArLl' Jere: hr'tultinlt pain and Icclit'lle: L'll deact- ;mn. [Hemline-ate. nit-en lel al'I.l Dr. Bahamian was hunted t1} lhe limes tea t-Iatinll; thel; ?In the e-rr-eer penenei' tuck- lenient! where parents and par? inathere. ?he were' ?thee-e" nhg?catly hm. 'rlcl-l en-erierl?llzt- he a result. the childlu? learned to deny lhelt- rather than let deer. that? Hum-?- j? a hut clte'elliel?ll'tl il?l ill-alt, ht- DL enema! "lhe Eith- Hfi?l?l l'li till-5' Iquln'llif li'll: lillii ejn'rvlL .1111 55":qu il??llh. a-l'llil Thu-.m- rn:ln__l' DI ?l'lr: [:Hlutlie?ll: llEnl. .l-H um." n-eJrLere. Reich felt her nearly ei?l?nr neth- eal-trite. lJ-t'l; tn mtft. Hr.- eltlee 1h'il; "Lit?I 1e ?aw. :mneetlem b-et-h'ten dim iv- deciliter: at tet- uI" retiree lIn-J care-er halle ?Ten Etetr- I. Ewett-ielhph? all! eremellr retiree? jws?l ethi'l'l a eenn'teuerl ?in; Fleet-triler distill-- 'hr-tlees and museum-r term an: the "unmet-Jule malt eta tear ef etett-tliun tur- gee'tie .ilnpeleneel. [Imam new :eeplratlan. Dr?lt?- which are epeettie and intut- fifiehtlj- charger]. are hidin- pjenlly weatean. they are hiel'lljr susceptible en un- cer-pt-ndueine annauli. Wilt!- etler theyI may he. tin the hand. enema bieluei-ertittl nil-1111:1- an: lee-t lit-?e aunt.- _Tl:1ir5 l'i -l emrj.? .?l'l'tl in?ate! lawman "The-e: clill??ilh' he?ll- e-slahlieheel muscular enasm :an defkicnt .1.th internal lJle at 'etheet tile- mnil?n' lmgihle I thall nut-w Jltenlet la ell-:mr Emcee-Jamie ellnical expert-nee led tel cancer re- '51::th ur nearer-Is- she-tied alert-n' + Pi1 1313: sienitt- ?neg; t'll mus-?ll? ten-MFG and me resulting detitilin. ?rm in the IterE'IIrIIhll'l. Museu- lee' melan- lln-J deleeiL'he-l in the-lee :te'eah- ieclitcir mu dire-J?. h-?iltewtar hire-tr- lc..l.i.-ln tie..- te ee'tuut'r-ueie refljlarll' trade. In a [inn tit seneeliune; the ell this. is the; eeneelit'ln. elf. the auntie: 'ilmne- dead" This eerte- ere-lnt'lr- -I hill-ti; L1l hell- [ggipa] nctieal'tl _in 'the respec- me menu. Fer ee-Imple. the mpg-kin: t~1' ceriu- Ei..n lhe- :eninJl alt-w}: gun 1 .qu span-let Lenhiun ill the pal-trit- mahcululurtt. .15. i5. ti:- eu'J-rtI-I then in the mum: in trieid Such. iMm-? nth-en result in nl-t?rt-r hermit] . desttarhanee-t, men- strual Dei'n't. h??llhr?. Til-e anew. ed the menu: lea: taunt-eh mammal; ell hret'enlire; th-l: hh-Htll?l enerel- lrem mili- ing ibtell'. Eett :Le h'tlteflrlilj lt-ltt'l- miea. Shams tree-resenting lnhihilir-tn eld' Elli- rent :Ir'e ['Iflr'll'culilrif mull-emit: lt-helee'n'e: we find annulir mtetcultlturt. u- mrgee- the threat. at lhe mtmhe: lei end the teat tram the seamen. at the Ul'ltll. ere. The-.- are: ?ee the allele cancer iet {nut-ll! parl'iztlla'lt "Han! ?emu! whu stutter El?cll'il Ill-It]. 'Iu'il'l:'lrul linu- amheeiu. centpluil'l- let a feel.- ml: the: hum-mun: it rtul be it shunt-cl lhe rJn'rI-I'l thine.1 Til-ctr ethic ?1:11 during pul- h-erttr they experienced the ell-ell helmet-n of binge:- L'Iill He?datinnh that Ill-tr they lenmed' if.tt1 thcel: let?er l'tclI'I5 by teat.- ell heldin: hr-eeth. "Later. rehte in be- eel experience in the rim: hat a n?l 'IJe-?Idneea_ er *nern'euett? wltith. Ir- lure. them. It'li relative eeatetienj lhe nee-tine :lr: iHMEu-lillgiijr?hlnthe her-let. tueh etnte- rrtelle-t. ere et' etlteme ll't1-* parlance t'?llu?'uil L'd' anther": putt-eh." [End at quuze {rem Fteit-i-ll uterine 1' Im't'i" 1h: ill ?ng means may 1111. $55 Ill-Jilin? why-Hui! it put i1111:I slam: can-1:? mulch inurnai 1:1: slamming? dun i1 rum: in mt'i" Th1: sass-1:1. 1111' Hand. is shims- 11 .111: ?ll-11% ln'da- Willi- 11am. IE1: lbs-n: rain-mans. in 11:1 mnlin bar-Ins. 1111111 112111 11:11: ?li?lt 11:11: wall In: 1h: 114111111: 11f ?new. "Mull" 531': chin-.11 and haul all 111-: "sh- sur'c]. Imps-11:10:11- I dnn'l: Huh-11' irrirrJ?LiIIn-?hnut 1:511:11: latch! lhs1 aim: Halli: ?it-1] at it 11:11] 1h?: 1111: Curt-r cittr wili' ?antu-Illy Dru-ash: it}. Hidinulnus. 111: biting. 1.111: Hus! airman" hint 11:1 lasL. 1.13 111-1151. Hit-I?d 1E1: abs-1n: mammal-11.1. I111- Iha manna: ugairi. 1111:. lirm! mun: dish-lg, 5.11:1 in min-1 Ihal 11111 physicians. 11.1111 vim-Ia mass-.2 11.111111 Iii: mutim 11E Rciahil :11: 111-1.. sun's-l critics. min: and matter {11' Easily. What 111:- mu think it many in?ll-11: when 3 dust-airs. .inluisc 111111151. write 1'Ii:11 215 put-11:11:. [1111111 Emmi lap-Ed . hraast cumin-:1 halt-1.1- 5 {Jars 11! 15111. 1.11111 1111:. ?El-111?! It mruns. 'I'Ei'jl' bluntly. lh-11 1h:- Marin-1:1- in which 5-111: hit; up yuur daughter with undid 11:1 51:11- m-1 attitudss 111.15.- 1am: 1:1-1' run-1 5h: Will breast tune-n. 'sm-aus 1:111:11: 1.1111le. I Hlil'i'l' Quilt, nunumncq 11111. 1-11-11 imbued in 1-1111: with [spiral 11.1 :121'1? Ii i5 15- 3- ftilrl pub-HI] lanai 1hr: _1i11-11: which 111111.111: 5111;111:111 11.1: baa-ring. almd spur-11: :1 nip1-11 111.11 'I'Illh 111:1 haw-ism. what "n 1111111: l'tl-tliul? Eh:- 11-1111 r1311: ha: 111 humans: :11: is us' :1 "11111131 It." or :urII: Tupi- 11ml sh: 11:5 [sum] 11:11:11:- un-i: wilh Inth 5.11.: 11:111- sham HER a: Duh-11111 1111111 "rtplujaliun" in. 11:11 caramuniiy. I?I'Illh ?gar-1] 1:111- 1111: Khan-"II. _th111 111:1:1 111:1." Ehll?t??l 11:. 111:1 111111}- at ?rst 1111 Initial 111111113111- Ihsn I11: [quash 1111.- Ills. 'pr' .md antics?;- 11111: 1:11 H1115. Wh?l .l1 liar?has imil-a Ihsi 1J1: 1:51:1- ca: - mushy "rlml'esscs Ila-1t. tin-ET. 'di?alhiaaliun ind muslin. an: 1111: hand. is 1 'gmd' 1111111111.. had. is I 11:11:11]? person. 111th rut-s1:qu Iaijlh 11:11 pity. su?tra ln' uni-1: an jail Ella-Ir what hi: is ulhin; - lbw-t. Ind 1th.? lh': has :h?drtn. and II mans this qufit simp?Is thin has an 11H hit-ch - at i 1511;111:1- ?IfJnd 1:11:11: .111: mm? at Ihaii} a-r whips hi.- - mm is 11-11 int-:raalaql than! Ind 1111qu mum 1m.? lhing. H1: _nnd'r=hnf1 against 1hr. I-Irhi-t'h IE 'hesi- 111:1 Misti-1n. Wham .1 1111111111 Iltll'L :11: matter whz1 apt. 1-1; stint.an Isbtl. And mini Iii-11:11 lit shihl [label-1 sis-Illm Iha will? 11.1: is. 11 1::ilI1'1I mural instilutions . lil-l sch-aunt tai- 41' Iar mli'b-E- sin-ins: .1111: 111111111.- system. who [is-1111111 1-.1 him. 11111121 Lain-:11 him. and his Rulings. seriously? i'l'n-u mind; 111111 uncut: lzl: "ius: sl11: mitts laid: miserable? ?1'th darnde Ihal campiqu hi: Elil'rlinalad "111.11 batsman" million: kids don't 11-11111: 1i: 31:1 11:1 scharsl Th1: I:th nth-t1: hi. Euu?u'. b1! 1' child. whim: happens. His rchallinn 1'1. il'll' palm bca-Iust. lilting a child. Ear?'1 lhiil 11.1: 1111:5111 know Mill is. righl [1.11: him Bull 111.? the msiur ducisiun; in his lih: him: 111 11-: 11:11: him by adulls. 5.1m.- m'niluiar?, sin-pill: all 1211.- 11h- in thsir war. mulls-u: lu- us?: rims- - Dll'lanL irr 11:11: [arm :11 .111- mhar. 11,1111: in and htcumi: 1121111151151] 111.1 the 111d this is what 111: car-:16: snniliti' 1.1. dumb-111! lhll?l'l i: all 1111:1111. Th1: child hi:- 1:1.in E111 his nil-lurid sum and aha-Lit 1h: situation 11-: 11nd: Minis-d1 1:1. ?ulwln?r .1111: 1:11:- a ?gun-ll {1:111- {arming :11 1h: ruin 111:]. rt:- ul?li?m an? #11: 53111111111. 111- his spitil is {mi-11.11. and his sun] ins-amt: with 11.11- 113] 11:11] 11111111: which is un- abil: Is: he H1: has Icamad 11.1 11th but]: his amu? Iim'u: 11ml 1111.11 1:111 1111: Ia-i alumni-11:111. Thir- Isl-1:1: a duct-n1 tall. h'il'rl I11=t I11.- in; cans?. .rr' Ihl: rib-111111:- [egg-arch inns-11111: sail-Was: u- ncis 1.11 can-ctr aim-11': 11-1: is 11111. 111 1mm. .mignatiun is 1hr: Hath-Er aid: the nil-in 111 1111.- Eli-mlLi-II brawn-1:111 mile-1 Emil-L 5:111mun11. mun-3 1121.11.17JL in. 1115 5111:" marl: milled .Pd-p??s 1.1.1 111- nqnsei- when imam-strum- alliss dwalu-p-nl smut: Ill-1:1: sultan-i113 s-Erinln'. :mmimil- -tm1mas_1111: di?apminunann null IIti_l lha1 1111:4r Mun: 11's: tau-p1! 1111111111 ?it-human spirit isJarutal. will-n Ihn i-iEc i=1 munhrd. 1:5;qu a misih?illi'. The E-irEtl' :I-rn'irlrm. Eiha dish-Isis in smral. 1:11:51: 211' cum-milith dittrunm fur satiew. H1111 warm it 1111 five: H11- :11 1h: Irurh. and hm.- 1:11.11- iI _i.t pl?n!? 1" lab-1:! r111 snm?hinp. cancer. misc. Er million dollars EIhr nth-earth 11nd pin-1.- _it 11.1 handilti all 1111:1111: curl. ".1511." iI-tjiil- "shit-1: 11111 can-121:1 ambit-m. Pawn: 5:111? 1:I=r. Tel! 1111: It'lnut 1 1a lilil: virus Ihlt saus? it. inn-aha In inica?-a-n Ii: 1:111-1: i1. and wen-thing I1111i? be Mr ?Whilq ynu'n: i1. _11:Il rl'rgu friend: at The nth-a: dismalhri? to inwnt'.sn id'd- pulsars: lI-tIJIrusi: +1111 prim-basis; hurl" .ilnI-l and . nulls [1:111:11 impmsuat _l 1d_ Iri?idil'r :kulu-Iism 11rd nilru-n ntialis'lin'n, Elk-1:1:in and insomnia. cam- 1111 1:111"- Lil: il. war-1.- simplt. All nrr-II is -.1ts 1111 mama-r. I an asli'lm'l 11:11.5 In' 111-: 11111111111. 11:11.1. hail sitar-inn II: lime: 111- h: quit-1: critical at numbers 1:1! ?11: Sun: Pulitt. includmg 1I11: 1:111 lia-s-IE-crship. 111-1: as 31111111115 [-11 individual pct- iumanc: 1F1:1r humperE-Jnn- uncut. 1nd 11111 a hiankal slan- but I'm sun! this has album-115111111]. 111.1: Hamill] I111: lull-inal. Th1.- [nilurc and lliwrr?irn: 11'IrJ-kliiaills- all snail-:1: ulh'uas has 1 I'd-Dull 1:11 15:11th 9111' IJ'at mummy; 11f 1111: ham. and unjuailil- TIA-L1- in Its-ant munths 111E111 11.11 upmrluniur 15-11 lrl; la- lhis: injus- tiaa. Th1: iiral 1111's in IE1: 1.1131111: 1151.11: 1:111 ?111.11 :1 Jul :1r11ur11;1l11: Schmi- h-nuas. Enushun: Gill-lil- blurs. 11.11.: u-l'cr 2.51111 milss a m-Ii_111h. T11:r11 m: 1im-:s' M11111 11.1511: 1111' I111: 1.1-1.1cr Ilia 5111.11] limll- 5111111: mil-is mum 1.1! 51- Alhsujs. .L think his ?11.1111: has William-1111. sl-11-p11tai' 11: url IntL-L'stuln- Wc'd but-r1 .guilnn: IW fail. and lhia. tint-11: aliiln?t ll. L'It'tuusi: I was. The 1111-1111:: 1:111:12: :11" 5:11:11an lu_ulI1_-r; j1.1:1:l 51:11:11.1: Ml" mill-Grim 'is that H.1us aiahar hazy.)- r11- slips-1:111- ur bulb. 1.11- thal Iha hint-ad limit hall-ll hm'a than hum-Julia. and 1 lam-r 111-1: Ill-1': I'I'rlil. 11a:- pair-1:11 1:11.11 lh?t thinns'lu 1:111: in 11 muuplillul mars-lap 111:1: LiI'Jri 11111?! truth annual-11:11: a Thai] "In ?'ir aria-11111. I'vahman slaps-ail ahead- [silt all 1111: 1111:111- yuu null]. int-ml sl] 1.111115 111111 1111-1111 BUT. unit: 1111 ulrsurnsupsas- - IELL 111E 11111.1 ?1935's llil?lTI-i THE WAT I Dill-AT TELL ME THAT H1115 'l'lli'l "Dm'i [cl] r1111." "hil- the ht hints-1] 1a- 11mph: was-ling. 1111-1111 1:l'11:ir 1:11- '1111: screen- For 5-11 haunt :1 watt. 11:1 smhili 'hhi- which 11:11:11: 111: will: I11: [It-sin:- 1:1r 11:1 1111:1111 unha?iy manual tins tn shildm [shin-11 ?ling- and tailina'. dim- Ward: In DD-JPIE ?aehiang drunk and 'Hnm?? "1:1 gird-1:; 1n fun-1111a! nab-.1. and ta'p-mpl: jlul "killing 11.11111". Hwy: 1111-111 Ml I111: thesa- sln'rr't 111:: inc-11111 11111111111 _1 1.1111: 1.1111. The' Good Cups 11111111113 1- dutch limas. and mum mm: 1:1th lil?? I?m: tin-:11 mamas] -Ib1:1ul 1:14!th 1111' :1 hurn?L-uu: lailliphl. nr lira. and 11111:: arr-11in: driving 1111.11.11.11: 1 Ins. Iquing_ unit-1:11. This. 1113.1 1.1111: ul'hur limcs. mt. Th: swam-11 menial-11 111-11: il?l 1.11an Drilling rum: Ht did [In 'li'c tam-I: 1.1I1 lh: stun: 1:1 2 r.11l11:1' rum amid-2111. 1-1. 1.1er and his tim-Hur-aid 1111'- hEuJ kl: windin [-1.111] that [11"sz HHIFII-intlmi. Th1: 1:111- mnhaq :i :llu jun he. il 11.111?: 1"de inm 1hr: llulilinpiurr Hint 'l'l'llcn we 1:1:1l lhcn: .1 Ialimllg nr shar [Ii-r ill:- [sthr f?li: 11.1111 :1 hrulsizrl 1'ih.. girdled. chin .;1ri-1I hum:ch ailsl' :1 hunch ul tau-11m 1111:1111. H?n sun was Hill in 1h: cat. ?in. 11-11.] unihr Iha 1111-11 sagL 11.1; 'Il-trt l?t?r JELIrllIlhui had in his riphl In! all-nu.- aan halls-11' 1hr 1:11.11; :15 hit" ?1111 ?Ell! 111111; push 111: hi: 111151-15. II . Wham 111111111111 Edward: artist-11 h: 1.1311 calmly II-h'lk chum. Wi1h 111:1ch ban-1h hi: lhq: bu:- Inii 11.11] him up I111: when 'a 11111.! bun nn 1r a irnm lh: 1iri11:-. In: 111.35 Iii] hi: :11 11111- 11111111111 scum. I11: tut-111- it had 11.111.1- nl 1111:: :1 111111! wait 111 111:. ha sluppcd' atrium-ti 1.1m. th-1: smug-arty. Withdh.? bra-1' in- 1l11: lilLl?lJrIS this. in: 111-er 11.1 11-11.- 1th sum-I Iinl-uaiIJ humbling. 115L241 11.1mm: 11:111- '11: 11:5- li'ilrJl 111-: d?lraught ert while I11: mlurnc? 11:1 1111:- hurlim'. highland 5:11'1. In miller 11F nmb-illaram Tram-tr Edward-I. I'm an his way Jr- r'iI-Iacl- Father and 1111-11 11-11 thcir was [1.1 1:111: my mum ?11: Planet-1:: unit 11! the Mudiaal {3:111:11- in Elli-:lintlun. Than 11'11: Mllmiuiun? I'l't and. tau-1:1 01h": 1-11 I111: 1:111- 1:111- illp and 11:: 11111111? llama.- 11.11.11 hlal happened. - 1'56 11355-111] 1J1: 1111.111: :pusr- h-?Ips 1:11is111ln Lat-1:11 111-1: hall-?s mullin- bl: thv: hhsnitsi. Trumps: E11. Innis 11:13?; gum?- 'IiJ-il?ll Ih1: 1.11 1111: 11ml 1h: gaihcrinp 111:1 nl' 1h: mminm 111.11 had htni sculttreal mus-id in accident. 51111 Ian-r. 11-1: 111in [Emily In 1hr. 11mm 11:1- Iinish nnlirq: uh: I'd-1th i'ur his na'purl twirl: tun-Julian arr-.1 51111. A: 1-: it 1111'; sum-1111:. 11.: 1.1.11.- asnuclina 1I1un.? 1:51th ilil'. 11.11" al 1.111111 wan-1 ?1.11:1' 1111' 1hr.- 11.:th HI: was r."thth 1:111 1:111 dids'l shim ia- ?Twat! EJu-I'irikgam 1:1- 11:11! h: 1111-: 11mm ?1:11.111 11: spam-gird I11: whim: so 11mg. cared. was. fur ailnrli: nit-1r: ll'lun I'm: what dun-in: 1-11-11 rcquncs. Happily. Ills-111: 111.111 I11.1t nuI-I-llzd rnunr. rum-nth! 11pi1;; ctp-Ericncu. lh-E'r war: it": aim-rirm'a 111' lb: sludmls in ?ak-tin. ll11: Ills-:1: in Chianti. 1:111: Htgruaa "1'11 Iha- 511111.11. and 11-11:: pct-pl: irL 1I1-Il1j.- places. Ihcn "luarili'lqmr' :1 issuu. I11 ii I111.- Hn?. D's-rid. LH. Johnson 111 irashuru. had [and 'Iaind 13f tsp?ri- 1'n-s-s wiih aha 'l-?l-Irnnm 5111a Fun-11:. Llia-n ?rm-.1111 wuuld nun-l lull?: 11.1 nun-111.11: 11.1111 11.1 puliui: tn ugly minim-111.. [n m} nl'l-ininn. Ensurniir Dan-is and I'll-i 11.111 mp. 111 Alanna-tr. did :1 unlgilulihlc il?wrtiut 1'11 car-Jubil- 111m 1111-: 'li'lr'iIIJunnurI- 11111] bli- 'a-ar-Ja in- Ina-din: [Ii-a 1:11:11 Inn-dings 1.11: huh-:11: uni-cl 11:11:11 harms-111mm in the Jrushurz "lb-1:1 chi-11.1w. elm-11111.} my} Luihptl?iL 111 mm many gum] mun. L15 l:11ii12 disciplinin- Malia-as assure: 1hr: lav-'1' uh? mishuilJtEd. ur 'A'cllr iI111.'1.I11.i- With such "11.11:th mini}. 111111: 11111121311115 :1 writ-1.1m: t1:- 1111.1:r- i'l?h: ?lilisr's. {Harugalhgl 111.] writ: win-1 utII-nmm-J praise Eli: phlc. lining-J11- ful 1I1tn M111 don'1 1111:1111:- I'lltildlirihi 11:11- :Illd I.I1-I11.1 rJ1.'1 sgn-E well I'iIl'l littlc- til?1111141. Read'fhe VERMONT FREEMAN I am indie-pandas.? iuumal :11 analysis In mwih? mailiuin' Flwunicl'thn ?at 1mm haul-titan: 1:111. c-n-ITInllnirrE min-1.1 {mini-d Icahhitin-ig. and .1 111-lush-arm 11:11 bun i111 nE ml- an.? mum?;- 1:1! nail-lam.FHEEHAH 111-12. 1915a L.- C'ttlna: the Other Side :1 the Ste-r11 by Bernard Senders The Cults: Mai-mien "rs l:n years old. this :p'f-Ir and at 111: until-mug.- 1h: as: mass rue-ii: 11.11.: been smut-[11115-r 1111- their usuatl disturbs-:1 tutti in- sect-mt: rep-1111:; 11-11 lhu! 1iu11_ (This 1w nmpte. as: :t-ultl h:.1r :11: 12.5.5. radio 11:31. U1: Cuban has "1:11:11" 11:- ?use East-:- has lt-t-te tm-attl: t: "up-tun" he. L: ether Last-1 Amer-nan na- em wish. .11- l-zmp-i her: 1J1: very dif?cult 11st at trying I: int-111:: 1111: Cuban rewh?i?n in tut-n. I maul-:1 hum-ever. Int: pt:- st:t1[ bet-1:: the mil-m at the Vern-net Emmi-1 smut in- all?'tt'l. strik:s m: as hens}; null: l..l1:l- iI' lane 11. Li} 51am wh?l is happening Hg.- main saute: ni I111:th- is an art-cl: Hu- her-nan whish app-tern] in list: innuan issue at HID-mill} Hes'inlts, left win ?mpmhetit: ?11: IE- 111: East.- ps'n-thtell an 1J1: uni-11:. he 1th wI1_ stun- ut the sttualltt?'l. do n-ul t:ll. fur emu-111:. tit-nut 1h: Istl. nl :inlil ]i.l:er1.it:s its Cub-.1. the Itl??'ti'lil?d 'juill. ?it fen-cl and int!"- at why tent. at at Inrts and! peasants} has: ulna-:11 Eula: and why tens nl tbs-us- ind-i 11m "will he Ins-ring in th: tutu-11:. Till] Witt?? pres-set. a side tn 1.11: Cuhu? te-t-nlun'ue Ill-Iti-tsh i: I1.- pmented d1: Amuiqttn Impull?un; I. sititt HUI-HI needs hll: [Ill-Id. il Americans- it: [till gsitt 1 mar: i-Itltli'tsmi n1 EssIrIJ's Cub: than Ibey here ll: present. 1.11m. reps-ti tn edueat'ts-tt Eula: has made anth- ten the: nuns-rainin- pram-ass. let [9'61 te??ll- Ii?nats immune?! null-man?s 1h: ?1.11: at 'l'ili' In: that itllittr in C1111: in one fl?. Cassi 1:15 the let: that true-- 13- petteet 111 llt: slats illiterlle. this was 11-1 111:5: List, In :rtl:r I: mpii?ll this 5:11] el' millinn pumping sin-eluding 1:115 Dti lira-stands 11-1 91:11-11: 11mins! was as- semble-L trained sis-:1 Hans? pm-ted tut-r Ll1.:' undertaking. I111: year-Itin- l:ns: til-art. illiterttey in Cuba Ins arts-I;- mitts-:1. Hum.- tIIttds-nl mate?studs nt? pep-w Ial all.er were resulting, m. hit-11 tt:1r:r use her-see. and 1h: Ins stile tn r-tpurt 1.11111 In: tbs-w: tn 3.11 per-teat. Th: :IJ'DlT-lli'l-y :1 this Ewe-mat sh-tI-ultl 11: seen ll]- sgew the Light 111: with 111.: Ewen-t etlu-ntts-n-II_ gist-st: it- til Laltn amt- st:a_ ub?mun quill-t: Sixth .IttsnuaJ [hp-111. til-he. :nlillnl Satin?Emmi: P111- 51155 1.11mi:- Amt-rims. puls- Iiehed Isl-.- ll'p: Inter-Austrian Bani: in Wash- ing-an. Th: states that. "hulls-ling. 111: latest data supplied b3- the Latin American shun-tries. aha-11 33 pert-1th.! :1 th: in- habitants- at the region artil- hterat:.. .Tl'l-ltl'e atr: 1.11:1: sariaJi-Ettatl. us illiteracy rules 1h: Lnti.n Amen-2a: ?unt?es magi 1mm 3.15 pet-1:111 in Argentina la putt-mi Elniu'. Beth-mt: 111:5: Lrerrte-s u-iIJ't :1 rutt: at ucy 111:1 miner-ks with this n:ng nit-Jinn. i=1 Erna-16L when: 32.5 $1th ?i pupulalitjln lltliv'lF'TEli'?- ill IML Rita. Hui-1D. Fan-Hun. luay. Ul'gl?jl. 11:11:] :tr: aha-t: the n1t-1iart. Th: t't-unLrL-et ate 1111:1111- i1." :12-1-1 ell-thy has. Int-en .aLITt-tht mpe-d tau1. I1L1L sch-ants 11-[ an kin-.11. at: being built in unprecedented numb-.12. in. du the tum-tas- number :1 students- Hu- hercnan. quill-:5- 111- the meet that 1I1-z:r: were- year 2.3119334 Cubans I11 ail attending tart-tel clues-turn 11-! [last ltirstl a: In?thtr. H: then states Iltal "tl1t pip-ninth: nt Cult-s is estimated $1 mil: Its-1. This Ll't:ll putent. or t11tIr: than 1 heat {If I in Cults. is Betting sum: Int-11 I?ltil. Ins-muslin 1:111 this [It-In! is can b! 11m :nm?a?s ?rst. tel-an: and alter the Res-alum: in 191?. th: l?l?l- [title's-glu- li?n?jl in: MI: Which reliath Fig-tee: at: availst-I-t. Ih: pan- ttlalia-n. DE Cluha 1-15 5.4 mil- litls tun! sst-u-t-l :ntellrn:nt was she-lat ar taugh- Iy H.113, in 11111-3. while Fi?-ulati?n at Cult-ts hit-1: an": up 25 petan the 1111111- ber 3:11-11:11. sum: Isn'er nt 111-- ysttissd :dusili-n-n his gun: up [strut-tut!" with regard Castra- gm'ernmenl's emphasis usil?m H11 1ertnart writes. 1.11:1 "he: met? tree but-ks. hundreds L11 ssh-null. that-sands at net-r slammns. hen- nut-trials. the-1- tits-thu- Ltn'ntin: 11:11- opp-ctr- tuai-lies Em Inn-tin: fue' hun- dreds t1! mum-:15. qt pesple. and old ail lit-is EDI-15 mnrtey. at IL Etta-:t :tltt- satin: budget ?gs-tea at: dil- I'Lnult because tent-.- instant-=5 minim-i=1: Witt 1115-: Edutattutt. is well as. mass antistatic-11s. Int-1:: EILI?llnj'l Ins-r ?it-satin; hut things seem l- unatins sums It1r in ensue t1! what Isa-s spent bets-t1: the ?mlurinn tat-er lint-?- a: much. {In Cuba's pt'l' :nplla 1:1! 539. and p" sludetal nE is last in ems-est 111.11 :1 all the Latin Ameri- can enuntl'i? a: wh?ls: Dump-sired to $6.13 per esp-11a, and 51-1111 sump-1m] tn ?31151 per stud-tat; ii is nl?l high-:1 111311. that at Uri-151111.: pet say'rl: at 513.1? and per stmitrn esp-enditut': 'zi are the highest in uh- Di Latin America." rep?! 1:1- [llt :I-tli-m n-Itls 11me HI- tlt: health tit-utilit- in Cuba. the rtsults 3r: um dissimilsr Lt: thus: in the am- 11-1 calm-Jim- ran: the the vast majority amt-217.1 and health sum-ices wet: emits-trains in Havana and nth-21' Urban Ire-In?- 111'. Mare Brutality-r irt Chl'iinrnia by Barry .leltns-an it 11-11- sretns Ihal the lust 1risls. al II't-tt l?l'?idia win he paupene-i int-El April. sine-e tl'te sis trials bepn Mar-:41 ?lls ar: 11a! clam- Fists-.1. lily-Hens: has: res-nit": MID-11mph: h-s Jan-g.- tuf- :l'tcials Ls'l ?ill: the pr-ns. rnah-z With 111-5 int-midst: the accustll I'm-m wrist-rid: I-I-ill's the'r Isu- 14-h. The trial It'll nu: 411' ll?: IIt-t, Laircnn: J. Linn. has lteen tnc-tss-t-d b-ss'ntr-It 11-! 11a! suffer-tel I-thslun L'ttl?. Millard. if- his nidt-ly-eitettlaled ptu-llise'l l't- Its-l recast-meals] Iain-a I11.- il1 alt-tur- din-cc with. the. ell-sin: tai .?trrn: rEpcII'l wit. maul-t- Iain-til 1'11"- m??ll [Its-ehiaLrit: m?tJl times. 4-11-1112: Ins-ll: lI'it'Il: 21mph an ?f . Isis Iii-t. H: has ran-I- E:rr:tl I: lit: Hunt! lat-ll al?l- Treastst: Isl-Ind. Frll'lrri??l. There 1.: 1m 11ml as- m'tte-tl. as. has 3: 15:5' Lt: Budd, aha an: at the IF. hi5:- Iii-:- u-i? lust a hill-11:1 Isl stuittlu'l: ll- tt-mj'tts. (In: time lasl nintl't?'l' I11: tut-'41. {ilI'I Hr- 1'i1-al .11 annun Gene-1t Hes- ]1i1al. and r:lurn-:I:l L-a prim. Dne hi the salt-[Iliad- "im- al this has been In 1ra111lt't' Ill-?lth win-11.1: na-nEitst-mertl 1m- tlu- the Mat-net. 1'11: littlest 11? such a Hamlet ls being used In intimidal: wit-until. Ha- rine 1?!th Ire-Hum?? 1.5.11: tilt-dim: ts threat-t1- 1h: rut-twin- Th:- tat-flittingI t:Ii T'I?lit and akin-.1 is. 1111113 t:-nt: WAR AND centers. Thes: ninth-l 1h: upper and middle class-ts. hale-titul- Jr. the mule at the cit-Jetty- sisle stud peanut-1- wete all- must cunt-1:11 gum-1 snrsiu la Hut-emu. "1:111:11 Illt. I935. hid the and has- pitsl Is-itls t:n tub; [only In wan-list Cub-Ilia: a?'ul?t' rust-l t-n-pltals 1with Ins-dis, plus SE est-in?_ Int-d. dean]. clinics. "in" Ell-11:. 1h: 1111m- twat Ire-n belies: the Hewitt-titan tn 11'? pets-titties thealth unite-s1. inn-L111 beds elm-Male s1: hit-mill]: art-1. {Lil-115:5 scented, I'rIlJtn 11m: Err-n1 33' 111:: ll- hat-items. 1. . Elf-lb: Ii tau-1 .lt. Lisle. s11 ru :3 mm pres-tall. {Tune-Ian "In 11'! Cuba. slum- het- at hush-lull I111: tit-tn lr-arlt 51' her-are Renal?. tn pin push-? tlinlts ?mllh mis?t. pr:? s-inusly h-ntls rwa'II- in- hut-pita]! and ?it'li-ns has: innit-1:15: 1mm 11.09:} jut-111 3.3 pct- t1:- 5.-1. DI the JEI Latin Mush-tut ens-na- Eliu sit-Ir an": r1th pun-tn Cut-Eta impart-tut pelt-Ii: . hull-'11 east h: gauged by Il'lt: Md?t ?gures slit-natal IL1 h-telth- 11 milliun 131:? insist: 1h: Heart-Inna: 1.111 Lat-1.0m mill-tie 111 19-1-1. that is. stir-timid It1- crease in only tight. years" pants-tad. sat-sum pub- lic hellth with rustic-r 2.15 an. p-e-t:nsi:n lest-tad 111 tuft. 11:: media] tare. dues 11211.1 and thatists hut-spits]: wh:r: they il slatts skyrocket-that Is the hull: Frag-1m in su-tiallst, Cut-L-.- And it writs. The unlistirs pm: that res-1h spelt-hath [11 lb: p11!- hIttn :sn brim-c: .II-t-we stak- uus tad neath nun in?lheld she-rt spurts: nt 6.31.11 3:111: in I my Illa! is Ill-t Latin Amer-1:: 'tn'ill'ut'lul sa- tialasm.? I has been pres-Elem in Cuba in Latin J'I-rnttitun 11. THE El?n. 11:11: ?ll th: the bet-ding tsus:s at death.in still is. tat: int-uh. in Etmmh'ta Il- it'll-31. Guate- nula 129, Vert-t-eueln 154.4. P:ru ?13.5. In Eula II use wet, three years aft-:1 the :e-tt-I-u- lie-I1: litI aat?'Ll't?' it Im, the was tIu-tntl tar-19.6. That retitle- n'ntL. Irutn'?i? ls- In jusl [but years. ante-i nuns 2.5m "?ue the art-.11 not}; 1.1011: by IJrlu. Elli: and Eat-in. '11 ts not-- possible to get that the: dread 11151::th Ill-I [11511111, rat net Lillill ti-y has success-:1 in Elimina- ting it-ese-t-pt Eve's-rt. Thu: has nul? ?tteen an: singr: palin- in {Tulsa [I'Ilt pas-l: three years.? ?Malaria is still shin till- in. Bet-11's; ?ning-.9} 31:. "It's-stunts. There we in Eulsl In i-n HIE-E. that: were ?Perl-tape the best '- Itts- Lrnli-nl 1:1! 111-: BI :11: heetth program-Li: socialist Cut-.1 lt- m-q thrust mentality nr: winch, the Hep-an 111: Inter-tht: lite-telepment. ?ank In. in rIilt: La- tirL Assert-t? :11 countries end: Ell per Lil-{lib Iih: births. and l: Dummies is 1-1 excess-111W. Ii?: births. in 1.11"- ?tment-en menu-Jr ls infant mumlity less. Iban 1-2 11-? lit-e births. But in Cut-u. In it was 31'1" 1.1? hi-elel or. life I- V'Elut'tlil?T truest-:11 In r?l Same. Sweetnin' fur the Bitter Cup af Tax by Deane C- Davis :Im Hm mu.- LIT ll'JE IL'uur-P- hula:- tin law. is. :hu hum Jun-J hunt ?h'L-Imunlrn "3.11m: mine?. I'm: yuL n'lun-Jl LII: mung. :Iwg. p.15.- nul lgl-r :I'w IruH mullrr i1 mm 51:11? as?: I-n- ul' n: in mm: I;an 1,.f mil-h m: nhanuj. 'l'hn mn- I Clinch-[1: lu 1 an.? January- I. .Flu alilit'll! :wf wrun?q Ian-an- nuprLi-rcd the INC lam-m in?:ch ml m; Ell L'llI dupl'n?uniq tut-ring the :nnm mung-5r. :m t1urnp1u. F'?'r?lil making 51mm {pl-Hr Harm: dependants i: Iln' 515' IJ-j'f-ih' ulna-195::- - IHIEIPHESEHI A. BROWN, Ilnc. Am Halli Hurling?m FIE Lula?- 5t. Hr: r'n' 3'35 I?u' F1. a. Fail-u. TL Handling rt'nwn'?'Tqun 593 'Br?wn .l 4' 'nujrcd IL1 fil: an murmur?. . . - Vi?ua??miw?igf IL-Ir'llj'lu'l I'll: IJI. LIE.I Ihh Hut-um in. ch. a refund .1i 4 duh-:1- ILI in was in 1 .l nil} chm: tu- SFIH in hull: 1.I.lli I1..- mild-.- 1u mun: than urn."- l 1I- \Indn Huh-I: du Illi'- ali-LH'I- mun: I- lr?lnL' tn Inuhu 4-. nunplu: [u'mihlc gm?. ttuim u-raliuhlc lu- Luau} I 1 :r'Jl-Il an: :1 uiEL-ntn wllu require-d .m inumnl.? 1mm. can l'I't-u: Ih.i: ynur fn-cmu: ?lm. If {mu an: rlul ITII: 1.41:, 1-mle um] 'I-L'ill I:th Eur.}uur Tb: lhix ruEurL-il ?an-Hm Lu rq-lluw mu: or th? LEM. hurIJL'n [rum Ll'h: It'd-In" Fact-111: prupln th: Iran :Ihililgr' to page. I uric Dw?l-t 11-h? M: null-m]: mthligHI-t lhr. uni] rum]? 1? :Ipplj. Jflur Jul-mun,- I lutl. Lh'udrl- hil'l- ihwllucl .1 "Haw. "g1.r Fw-lw II l'h? In 'uL-H-rt'u ill'l'lJ [rum ("lurk-5 :mr. h.I1-: nul lift-l] [Hr-1 "min-c. iljlul I null LhzulHM: 'll? la?- If urge .in Ir- Huh. m: In; ll'ui- hit-HI p.ij Hm Buick, ur. sign-ml HIE-LII: T. Midl?ellury. EBB-4912 - . - .- napalrn lurlutt whn-IE buly mm. and iiI'J. "IIi-l defense nf 1:11.313: "agaian mm. mutant American amply ph'rsr-L'I'I. dt?d arm-ken I13: lit-Ill] The Revulutian ls Life Versus Death Berna-rd Enid-In. In?. in?: I'?l [ul- "lin- Ili'lL" {Juli-?bum [lg-furl. Hhith :It In: a l-nnh. ll'l-I'Jrll] :Imlull Hm. nl ll'l .u tlb." murnmg. [m1- u-n [El 1qu m?t?trunl arugu- unll ouch "Iii'ltI: lL'illJ- hm: filluLI urn win.?- Ian} haul. man 111 In?. hulnilmly un?mn :I'ur In: 9.35. Ham-n ?urkl wurL. cum-L- pump. and 5 ramp. mm hm; lr=un. Haw-Juan: mat: in WEN. turn- amund and 1112?11?1- Ilm u?ur v.13. 'I'hc IruI'rl. Hap: hum-cwh-Izn: HrL'I-uhilyn- urn-A's] guru. {#:1th a law Huck-u .a n'Inn'I quart. mum. dir?l?_ at?- m-ulh and Eight? rrHI-rninp Lh: Iraln I1 incl; m1 141:: mm Thu am] 1141. ?blunt-u.? Hun-L5. LluHu-Ihm. hurl.- ?lm-g? dfuthl I'll? ?lial]: the VERMONT FREEMAN - an in?epen?enf inurnal uf l? arguing; Inna-mun- fur Inter-campui pwp?c- Il?. .I Lllitcd gunman: mmpuml nf huh: Icgi?nlurcn lL'll'll5fgu'l?l?. um: .1 mun-sand 'LnJ'n- rcpt-caulk. him in hill ilr'l -'lrl"ll Itd??l? chum: [m uh h: r- In ?inmumhcw iI1. In fu'u'lntudu. aw] in cud-I;- nuru. 'I'Innp Inp- .II-I-J Flaw. fund abnlc 'J-l'lf. I'I'cn: Finn.- 11-5. Ila-n. Fc'. 1:51, RURAL r1 Litmus: Armlr- Haw induE-trius. r'Jl?t in; rrIadeIn and 11:15.: IpIIt-?i?. ar-?-l hui1tL-5hupping. - jars. 'fagik'sttu. Iltnarie-a, . _wnl.1:r pyitcnh.f..__.. 5 .ThisI :nmn'lunit'y", develnpm?ont haan-n- rum-amp cam: it begins when "rural [1231;11:1- - uifu'?i ?tn: mnknaIt-huir mura- in npnn'numiw. Hurnl.. IE'IL'lquil?. hritiw. 111.1!" [Lar'?l 'r?rnrnunjt'acan hum. I . 'I-i?Ir rm- 11EWl??zl tnI mule,?an 'I11iL11-r5 r1:- I'uIr- lthF-r fn'l' nur CI H. tIur - . In. I II ?l .I -I.I - E'Irr . III.J-I If}: -. um 31.'55135ifr-r: wkFlu 151? l? I .: I m??E I - lup- with (Minna?rim Hm: Imi?' r??im .I- I . I. 1. p. Published Ell-Hindu Com-I]- for It: Poop]: ol' "'ll'u'mool 1 7'41]. E?i's'l? l-lal'l', 196'? 'The Moratoriij Leader-s 'Are a Peoples Lobby Counterdenionsirations- 'Deieat Unity? Seagch Trim Hayes in Washington -Our Kind Oi Guy? ??clolresses of thi Unions - Washington Join the Otgonizotions Mobilization ._'D_octors look ot Cortoon Sn?m?bile o?d Holot'ds Letters i Philip Holl supports mobilization in Washington Steve Early has an analysis of ?Up With Bernard O'Shea . our pre?idenl? bungl'eCI in Vietnam .. I. rPetet Bien the real questions in student dissent . Deane Davis some notes on the sales tax rebates Bernard Sanders the _revolution is life versus-death Will lumen. -- ?rellections' on '.-kmmgasmss .4. I In?ll-I. Initi- Lilli: will th-u. 3am]; '[at EFL all?, we. and ?n lah'his tin-UTE: air and in: unit-ad lwith [tit-ads. Hi: any": Im- In light. Thar: nnlhing liar than 1h; ?lathe-El l1?- man tinny. tr." Miami. Matti-ran Iguana-rt: a ?rally data-mgr." Eran Jntkic ?lm- . att-t'lltii. Ran Martin-an oi: til: Dunn ll- al'mtt-I] I'm: luv- inp: a pariarrnumm H: ?unata-taL" Th1: Fred-hm or the Mun-nun Liam-11 culls Inf mun: 1.1T nan-L ?Burnt: than in1a 1h: agt". liit grim-rat sat-L. iftgr ?rming nut L'huruh. Thii is 1h: maraiin' Ihal . :jt-nlitatiun is and: 11!. Thu:- mam] rip is ?InnuaraJ.? Etna: lh?' haw: been lint: and but:- tauw lh: Um :r'czr 'n 'Ij't-c-rul. daddy is ?ling 1-: ul- I :rw Entry-?u: who :5 am I3 inane .I'lm1 Curinln . law.? TH. yam can and ma maual ll'Ii'Er' :I'igl't't JD flit-II Vigil] min Hunt-Ira.- Ant: ?lm lamp]: {am-tr Jittl: girl!? and t":er and if. Tu. tap: an}, that"! haw Ill-11H dn - In Fern-uni, at Ital?: hunch. a nit-11m is repriman- dutl lay Im- ail-aw- in: Er mn?th_nill dingh- ta in: hunt 'In'lhnut IIEE dun-cru- nu." tin-W. il call-dun art-1ier unit-Ii. lab]: in Huh nth?:- u] cit-gun, and I: El'lm mitt: than. T?l'i I: - It In: aging up thil it Ian ruin 1hr! ?bula an apha- hull-inn. ?aunt-chm: in:- m1 IDI- 111': Wit-1 ] m- I'I'ij which rank: in winner - 'tij- .ptayia; an pawl: annual . Inn-talkie?. 111:1}:quan a ?aming l-Trd [1 ll -I may butlliliul Mutiny-It is trawliiul tr:- cm. in in limp-nit smut. it i: qurcL pur- usiw. What. in man lmnanant in thin: rt'I-n- .Im'm in]! an gum, I lla' muddm?. an Ittgumia: "inn-drn". and run- nubilnalinns muting Immh?i?-?my. mu. The wit-m tun nramrl lunar mime: tn- umi an it!? In Ichaul b:ch Icinnls- Ila-tray tutu a Ilu?ni I.11l:l pantie bap'n Lruai :ndI'tIthpr. win a mini Him-u la in um. and I?th git-i putt: h'rde .ail Ha: ha: nub-Erma ?taught?- h-r Int! Int-pt! blt' hint- ]pwt. n- I'E'l'?il'lljun Lanna! awn: waltz. ltlitlig'. Imt'i-twut'rl zn'lti. trit's nut. Wu mint]; Fitic. W1: ftulimt' dirucliun ui lu'l' girm-Et- with UIJT mm- just ut'f 1hr path. twu?aml-tmn-htLEf-f-?l' Eli-Frict- in-ml. .14: unniu ii sht- haa hut:- hint-n. I'm t11fn again tn tin-make- J-it- is tit-anliiu]- tut :ii'h'liil? hrm'rli math him hi5 angniar hmti in his tn- pcting tai]- Ih: n1n1.1:5 Hiuwljt. gi- with tiignity. Ewan :te: mirt- him. I ?ntl mane.r 1h-at1gl'1ts. rushing thru the warmth: of In; min-ti. T1th are thiidrcn in the Park. Thur}: run tht: trail. It i5 inn: iaiL. and anaitH ar! htginning In trek. mn winter shelter. tin-r hibernatit'm. mini-cat are in thtir mtural habitat harp. whih: pm- .1-1: awn thiidrnn arc Eight: nears, Stili, we Will, Har- tiara. tannin. Nani art: prank. Erniwthaatlat including . this an: trawling silflwiy 11.1.. an: [Innis-unifinn. Then: an: ahti-rtmn medicines. Inn h-nw many miles: away? i innit Il' Neal. nt Emmi-t. fit- Earh-ara- "tt'n a an?'t'ltati'lf [inhuman ?Shali an: kiil it?" "Hi cnursc- Ht tinclz." ?ab harm's mic-t is [tr-w hut 5tr-rlnat'. ?Tm tin-t mniain.? tannin: hasi'tatn. ?Ti-In." nnsatrs Neal- '-'ThE1't :If-t thikintn 11in yinir il-ii lh1?l.1 I tilt-1n. "and [in w: hart: thl: right In rial-i; their being hittnn?" ?Lamas watt beam-f" says: Ct'irt'll'II-E'. Aft-Er 3 im 111nr-r: wnrdi. Tit-a1 wheat-j,- 5thn-I: EmIRh-the .tnaitn?s. head and agaimt the htqultT aim-lg whirl! it gran-Ia. It Mitt: -.1t us and in pat-tit- E1111 with a sma?hcti had; its ITl?l'i'? it"itit ?llet. with tun-Ed ta Inn-gr. 1mm 311:1 sun-airtth nhadnurs. Haw many- minivan Tania hat. it Wain-n tin-treat: :til'lti' this mam-t .A fcn' mm" hiilvmral mat-r: Reference. for Life by! Will Innun mung. and I apt-alt ratiu-r rtlini-i- gc'litailj' a11qu 1ilt' killing. Thu}- start: at :intl gun-45 thay Ihink it mid far nu: tn:1 kill- ing a make. .311. [Tum 1l'1-t' 51:111. I :itl'l?'ti. that it haw: tn ha- Examining 1113.- fant- iugri. i that I him: Hurt-r nut 'i1'llt'1IIit'1'I I-tili ti'll' Tu i rt'nflri _i1. :Lntl- 1113.- t?au?rilm in pulling tin: an: tit-E5110! inn-1 mt: ah-Jnj intenti-JnEL Furtth Eli-nu: 1ht' 11itli'l. i ?.1151 11me rtaliiri: that i5 nut awaiting tn nut- 1 nunatinn hrr. and the 1mm ht'r than. ?"fun :tlnl'rpt'rl Int:le ah-ma it-? innit: {ti-111d. 'haw: Ynu'n: always [in-aching that t1nn"l allnw tin-11: far mriimnuntafgr nit-halts. 3ft! gnu sin-ad right anti heicl Inna while that malt-I: wag"- cmwiing' away. Jim-I: ymi Erin-I bitten whan she war: him than 5L1: wctiL't' mum??! 5hr: had tn- ha't'c_ a nttiit'al iIh-nrti?n In tram tit-aid HIE risi-c nt' ha'rm hart:- sat-um tn- a pregnancy. i?tnti flan-I itnr-w I 1hinlt- I'm pregnant- might hat'E'hEEH hitl-t-n- pan sin-m1 than: winin- tllihim: art- pinging ncnriy - nl'lti int-l -- that snake I?i-tr 1rrlit'e?I larval-t5. i ran hard: 13; hutr. ital-E T11 ?rm?IE de?nitively- "Imit." fit? ht-r immhi'y?'i fully intruded tn Icili that mike. But I hit it was man: inn'mrtant t-n lamp up. {mu than tn- hil'l ihl: sum-it.? "It might hart- away!" ?Tiat Tilt-3r mam aim-?y. Anti thanr Hath-1H1: tinn't hile nnieas. you star: nn them nr verge near-them- Hr:- Ei?t?. I grit-Hr up it1 a ?nalim'l whcn: warm-n n-Etlzn cit-magni- thrir inta hmthil'lga. I want In and think hut-fur: I INTI anything junk-51 I?m antler iinnmdiaw mack." "Tim :1 fir-iatth-z-? mam-EEJ ?All right,? i 3.11:. I?m glad 3mm hat-t a nut rmtim ta damn 1 guns at im?at?t is illut inrfnul: than :1 man's. 1t'tn1 11m].r my life with 1'I'Iur T?atti?n nan-n: tLay- I-iul lln?ltl'atnnri lit-utl 1II ill?'51?: 1:341 Tm. king-l] 1n1ahing nmking nu: fun] that - rl rlu HI wrung "?u?faii a Ininntl'-? aht' Eli-11m- gft. "this is nut m1 nitulmte atrugglr. ?it- an: dlSiI-Ltr?h in: ?n tit?tili?.? - think it it- uitinmlt?-" i Mi 'tI-L'n My hurt anr] angnr an: shunning. My tuning.- match-nu: is nil-i1 in 11m Eur killing at ail. {turn-it killing mun 1 [Ltd hnt?rt'lt'?- and - "if th-r: inahn?t?it? us apart- 1-H: might as. we]! haw: hut-n mini-1m! with Ilia: fangs!" Elli-r war with channt. 1t is I'iarhara whia hurt-3min: ratinnaih In ant-r- man-print. "3:11. it is not ultima 5h: ESE-HFE. ma. can itam irnt'n Having kilird tht- 51min; but it wnuld hat?: h-ntn a tarnihin itintl: ai-lnarning int-[Ti stun-mun:- ta haire- h?-n bitten- Wa mam-gut, and can Ital-n- Wu.- nciatl each ?thcr. il'ti'il'l "wan tn 3m? intn a I ftit an paralyzed 'i 53w that n-I'I-isp nut-nun ?nal-a:- that I Imam: En- iuriatltti wht'n I inn-r :Fll'lli 'tt'ln'i were rutntiynid -- hnl?a It'll!- hah: {war it." 'Wn gr-nn'. La.an Fil?' tin; me she wnn?nra a man al'H'Itiitl H't'r ial his pride gt-t 5n raitnr-thin That ht- int-ii t?ri b3.? his n?iit'i Flu: data tn ital that my l'it'Illtl'IdE int: ma. Finn-13* 1.1.1: iaarn- if m: rit'un't malt-e nl11' mitini'ln infinit- iblc. cl-trnen mir in1e1'thange and can build real trust: Pin it is with Barbara anri THE anal-a: ?iti hill: 1.15. HE inncu'lattd 1n. Man I mu m: tt?rtain rh?tl? hillim: lillt' ?crhta?f Still in: {Iain-m 1: nf living. nr 1m.- hat-e last an: {mm tht: rink. What it.in ?i in that? Jill-Lat Itin chi-mitt? dn? uni-1 tri?ing bring 11: ?nial-E w: gram? Em I'I-tr'tt'l we hath w'nn? du tin wt mly justify. nr ?n we hag?in'ta 1am? Th: mam-Phil; Baa flu-and his; ?rm in the racks under the at tiur htwil-dttment- malnduL-thh Ital!" Intuit?1t. "Elia. ha? aw matap' - a .nhll m! in .T I I. "Wanna Lil-l I. mi} mum Fain-uh - lcunnmxally. ?l'hlid cur p. um. uh nihm ll- lcl-I with when Whit- min. who IHI In"! 1r mun-urn: Inn-:1 hmninlar- bu! hill? I.l'l ?Sale in l?u?i mm}. m: may in .1: 1m]- iillgn?l' IIJI help ml. Tim hi:- plrliripcmu nn :11: Jmtliliun? whit-cu a! path. #itl?lct. 1111.131. lin- Inl?tl. and 3am! Fl'Lllii'i-? null-I aching wan-5.. and] $11? [heir miatiIImETI-an 1n the uh'a-l- knit}. w: int-c. w: wnuI-J alum b-a-Iiu. lupin. T-yaup-I. licld ?lms. and harm-1:: :u Ila-cal Iggu. EH: L'Il'l?l'ling indium. Sir-na- will-nin- sf??jp rqarnunl: a vari- 431' in1nruls. all :In'uill upmd ?1 new ill-:11. aml tl:p1:-. Durirl: Ihir mm}. mm: mighl irI Im? cmmunlty. Eel-ling iLvl Hari-t?llr put-rule. in mud; and hunt they: :Ir: bung Tram: Ill-mild bu: u?p-mlunhiu HIE manning. wu-nd-sph?ing. Ir?- phi-?ling, hiking nnu we. Iain; slur-gazing. 11h: lather :Wil'i be .1. purl nf ail:er mmn?u-y ur rlu- nah-?rimm- rill-dial: - A?er w-ntll hr Emissary ml] rlurl um :nmmunuf nlc. far ir no] h?p ug li'n: hull Ilvdirl puma-id:- n?n-vcerJ ITIHM tler-I-il'll: "wry-chm and ink-"ri- I'rin: 'Irilh thu 4'1'1' haunt 1b: wad-ii in Hilltl'l In: il'li't. . After Il'lil. p-crind nE aricnla- IiIJ-r'l 1MB.- - 'Ih pill: mini-"bums. In: .1 urn-:1: le?lar-d IDT Frc-urr unit] In Incl: I?di'?ldlu?a wail-id In 24:: nu: cum: In. Tim rnunrh ur w- IJ-I lrn'rcl MUN Mm Fm- x'idc- sludanll; u?jlh :l than? ulna: (In: wnri: hem; ?an: in Hffl?l i?l't'l'?l I'm-Ii: musk. cmmruarinn. In. dance. infill. inlcpiiunul tmmu?ilin. Fri-ngm in r?sclUIim. wmmu?aly Minimum. uihnn Fanning. mu:th heallh. tle putrwp. jab 1manina, bg-in; in war-cra- than-31.1w. 'ue. .i-s 'Il'um mums an: madr, :ludnnu.'llh? lil- rpend Januaury ghmugh Mirth in Ian! {If WillI 151 yrs-grind. or studying I punk-uh; whim or guru-mun. {quid ml'kl in In In. Hup?u?y. mm: maul-d them: In mi: 1hiir {Iv-In- mu- lir. Irl, writing at rimmh. n-r pun-an Hid dr?l . ?aring Juimu')r h: Hay-gm!? mill-u wt'wmd til: illmin: ?ail! cuhuxc in .I'IJilh. Milt-1min. Mu- in: ar Lulu Amnx mun: Hr?ihm ill thin in hm?nhhm miml Iii-rt u?ll'. a: mild. ?in: ?ll-Ir: cur-Incl: In Amt-in. ind .hlricl, and IlErclap-ing; "mm. Hlihltm'm'i?h rl rl pawl-II: prE-gTIIm. - mung-?l: 39mm: iir. nun-9.- Education by Hhrriard Sanders Hr. hid-In Ills hull-m I qult In. I I'll! luau-I ru thud! [Id I'mn'l Greens.- b-um am. "Eduulmn' mam bl.- I'hich fearful ml] un?llpr .I-EiLliBl punnh lhrir mil-hen Iar hung; [qucrul and unhappy. In aim-c, may: :hildrm bl:- ra-rn: "clinging". "adju?d"- and "mull-m they lute Ill'lcir Elli-I'll] Ihcm 1n sci-mm, ?1.1 mpdal c].th Unrartunalcl}; a mum: mun!- IIEI b4: Hailing u-i' Iallz. CHI-NEH all ?at-ail arr ?ghting WEI. - ll Damn thal dpcn'r Fri-In: be "tdulzalrd" i15- Til-3}" an :Iull of Ethnic-ii- inert-El?n: numr hers. duly-inn :rgulau?ml- which Ihz-ir llic mil: I'I'bul-Ilz. hair. Llf?a. 5H. am]. in sum: Hid-'5. ilFI-' th-l-llt?inp: In hum shy-an Iht-Ir 59mm? 1?3 Wu.- lulu-i .1. "[1135: 5 a 13F ind mm Elli-Jr: [I'll-1m. lite- prc?lrm it 'rur]: mar-mm. Ji of 5 rI-zli taughl obcga' ?lm-its. L-r liI . i Eu: 1? my. run-cu rim-Ir and rain.- Il1I:ir him-H Will-"l1. In 3:41 1h-: lehdeH-n. will uh? Irarn linl'lt: mm: gran :?il ?pillar-11m") HI I11: :Pui'liIJI 'H-hn? Leer: -:Iur H.1- cing- free. ?uf (tuna-nu- ?nun-r. Ind II11-rliring, I'm-n HI: HiEth-d Minn mi Dru-nu Dari-:1 in maiilic?il d! ?ared 1b.: ptuhlrm is war]: win-us. .- T??il i5 lru: rhh: aver Mir ??II-triran is un- ?Er 35. and Ihar ?cruel: ?r fl": Venn-an! l-zziilalnr is ?ll} 111..- 3.3.5.- hulk-nit. unh- [Eli Dill. urn cahcuc-rn-_ In! uhuul :hH- um] Iowa-m an- Itchy- which l-I. trig-arm: air: higher al Inducuu Hun. Ch?: by {Irlr1he uni-Gim- Li??l lII-ihiul?m Min! [armed un- tm? Emu-id. mu.- irI than?: Ill-:1 'Fulill'l Ind .ul ??ricrhr: In ll'bDEhtf unit-Jr: u'udi-ina Inmign- Ian- [uni-t, usury. mimic. an, :m'it an. a 15": Ihu prawn-t In-ilJ mm In rerun In rhcir hurl-I: has i'I'lI]r ind Jun: I-u- I'm: tulm' I'?d pm 1hr 1M Emu-In Ind li'h: Email an: In Ihi: stud-enl- mlizt Brent In: which the:- inn-n. [mm mil-:1- RrI-d inn HPEfi?'Illrl. ml um be frum mus iwmr uu in?rm thEil Inch-Ml": hl'm hm run 1H- q. hukmm u! Halli-an. whiI:I-I W: i? In": and chemh. but-n3 ium ?ung-h Emlidrr. i1 ll'lti Il'cr?l menu] imam: mun]: jI-bnr-ft cmlanilu._ what all New nr 1h: ?nctily nr marina-t. p-Iupll: 1-11-1 1mm: Inuit-um int-in; 1m] "15' ?ad and sun-.3. whu will happen ID 1h: mum-1nd: a! lav-1m?. Mu: 1I'.cir Ila-Inga. Him-Ign- Iii-dum- unvd rm: cal-airing 11.11:. my nln?t a mull BIG WEEJIJJHGE in a-J-d'ninn. :n Elm-r {If r11: Ina-usl mm cur in: tawny which Elf L11: I'm Huh? will pull martian: :u-unular: 'I-I'hu. it]! ml: law. an: mignulzl Ia ?lth cuss mam-at FIT-nth?: 'hili?l Emlle ?lling dimrw. Pmpi-z flu}: unn': under-Hamid Educatin-I?I. abd'u't. I: Imnr and I 5111 :irc? Di h-cani?l: Eran-ti: an. Thu: kids have: 3m to :rigl'Ll Erum wu'm?: ?nd 'Ih-l: gum! [mm thI.? hill Burl-'5. Cum- . lid-tr 11cm- dc: Ir'mnl rum nb-aul lit-I'th :uunlrr Ls anal; came h?r? ill 3339 Incl Mum-rd lint II'idii-n liT?l inn: Dr lh? unw'?igt 1'qu Hill! in mammal: ml mama; 11cm- m: mm?L'l HHFE minim ?mum mgr. ?li?t'r'ET'?l? HIRING ?Ir??21 [mi cur "HT-till: inn-:1 hm} Iii-it? hEIp-ed Ill Hind: pin h =ir hard-um in all. Lil'u?l ill- IWll'l 11F 1hr ?res-lull Nari-5m: mum - 3am: pulpit rnirLimia: undu- cnli-un. m. Er I211E I'La'lliil??lhADHITIDH: HHIBITIDH ur vital? my :3 [m nun Minx. DHBE mu Hm Ewan THE HEMAHHABLE BBLLEBTIUH suggest that gnu . .. COME WATCH THE .. BOWLS BEING TURNED rim: until all In? 1mm WE BE Tums .1u-5 mu. IHunsIm'. Flillill?l ?newsman 3k. EH Cr '2 and . .SilTlIRli? - . uEmauf Flinn-Agi- .- vie?imu SEPTEMFEH: '11-19. 19159 Pagl. . cum in cuumu c5? In: an rec-111a cl? I HD. 33 If} CENTS WEEKEND SEPTEMBER. 311?. Norm Wilson a leek at the -5trugg e fer peace in Japan . HUMAN October i5 Moratorium -.to Protest Vietna War vRaiiciai lr?rsensitivity in University Procedures A Perspective on Actions in Dissent 1.. 'Agenda WAR AND PEACE 2.1 aver-ice- n! the m?r?tcrium :alcing shape an L11: Anuican campus as pgulenl agiliml :11:c 'Ir'lc-L- Lam Eu: Ell:- macr :5 and. mum; Herm Wile-en !m-uh Ian-an cn burn-1 E?F?la at the peace mawmcu in Tim and ?rm Finn-pew: pun: re?ec?qc interprilttelic-n ?lm: Hun?! in 111.: hi: JE Liumdhi. um fun-'5 arm-51k at nan-victim: - actiaa change 1-5 Part: I-IaIntir lake: mil"- the capitalit in the Ii.r5l Ainr'lcun at the: article-a mew-die; tn- cum-lem- view P?l?hi publiI-hlr hill- 1c-rrlc eblcr'u'l?en: an. Encilj- til: Eur thil?ht-n In .. Fawn-I, Ia.? i hulrcnuuz'nlil: g-aq! racial m-crianci at L'H'ht 5-1 an mcn'icw L1II [cl-Milt than an: urchin-ting.- Ie nupqu ll Imp-Au! i-igru- in ream-ml.- IIJ minurlly cling-m in .r'lul1c:i- a u-c-rsz nr Ihunlu 1-.- xcliring. ad menus-1 [Flu-m Duch: il'.'l IEIE Muurlum Flu-:1; by Mark Taung. iancrulj. fer [Inac- u?hu went and an m- Iecale Eh: .- day to clay. THE gamma 3-9 ?ick _Hi]ll? au?inc: 11a.- thiulcinz hclu'm] enacth Farm lib-hm] ccmrimenl Ln HILDI. :m editerinl Lm tin: runny wehicm a: it an? ace:- 'u1 It: pul'llzi: sch-Duel: Bernard urrm mm: Laliric paragraph; ?u ri?an- and cir- Ipun. jun la:_ a Eu? lnu?tl. Race 111?: Freeman 59mg. TU 1m: It! .a'tn uf anelhcr Lind u! scarc?a- Licln in 1&2:an :IuI'u chfill'. [Bat-L Thu: Frcumnn in: epiniaru and Hammer: which :hcy Jam [be fun. terri?c? 1141 cuntluailm ef the ?Ipc?tcll in by ?are Cemmencc. clue of 1:1- car?cr Ihi: are-1r limaly rut-apical In 111:: tiurgcening cunccru enl- anal-aga- and mum: hinnrp-clicr plum nun; plus a. Mimi-ca] ?lter by tlm'lhcr-rditar Hal Went-an cm the prahlcm inning up ih H1c' mourning. and Ill map-m1 aft-tyne aubuctibc [at a Iticnd =n'r'ircln piumncn and Peter Haraty begins a critique at American capitalism Mark Young reflects an the Aquarian Festival ?g at White Lake ?pkm Hi cleac hes anether educatienal experiment Bernard Sanders - has acid theughts en educatien? Nat Werman on getting up in the morning All Vermonters PLUS Otto - ran-Mahatma Gandhi Barry Comh?i?'ner en .frern technelesnr .