State of Wiscangi? Circa?! Caz-art Qutagam?a Cami?; BA Case Na: 26106030482Q P?a?niiff; Asg?gmea? BAIADA: An?mw 3. Maia? Ag?my 33% Ni}: (Emir? {233$ Nil: David Maw? QTN: (gag? 1% A Stiaw??wer Large STATE SF Apm?ma W1 54315 DOB: 5955 Criminai Campia?nt Sex?am: aw: Cami: 859% Hair (Smear: 3mm Height: 5 ft 16 if} Waight: . A535: Xe?) gamma a ?aw $aag being fins: dwy swam, sistes that: Gaunt 1: THEFT - BUSWESS GVER $16,698 The abave~named defandarat an a: 3mm Friday; 21 2397: in the Tawn 91? Grand Chute, Gutagam?e Caunty, Wiscmsi?, by virtue of his business, having 9033833306 {3f maney havmg a mine greatar that?: $101088, cf amther did use such {Haney witmut the awne?s cansentr comma; t9 the defe?damt?s autharity; and with intent? ta convert the preperty t9 his awn use, car:th 29 sec: arid (3X0), 97304.5( 19) Wis? 813%., a mass (3 Femmy; and upm a-gnviciian may be ?ned act mare thaw Twenty Five Thausmd 53:35am ($251988); 9: imprismed mt more; that: tare year& (33' bath. and furthermare, ?avaking the pmvigims 3f Wiscmsin Statuie 97304609}, the mart may impgse a acid analysis. surcharge cf $25f}, Ce?nt 2: THEFT BUSWESS SETTING OVER $19,90? Theaahevemamad ?efe?da?t an 02-? abeut Wednesday? Becgmbey 13, 2906; in the Team: 52f Grand Chum, Guiagamie Cg;an by viriua af his busi?ess, haying passemm 9f mane}! having 3 2:33:39 graatar may; $T?m?a a? amther did use sash mamy wiihwt the mef?s magma asn?rary t9 {ha defanda?fs agihmityg and wiih Meat ?33- gamer: that pmper?y ta his: {:3er 925% m?tmry ts sec. am we?eaamg) Wig. Siatsq 3. {?ags 6 Faiaay; am: 12199:": cami?im may be {fries} mt mam than Twerzty Fiw Thsusand {Basia-rs; ?mp?ss?ed mi mare that; {era (18) steam; gr bath. Am furthemare; Emeking the pmvisians {3f Wisca?gin Statute 973g?34??g?? the smart may impsse a ?eaxyribamcieic mid grimysis samba:ng 9f $2513. vs a mm. K. Maggy Gaunt 3: THEFT SETTWG OVER $183069 The abavewrzamed defendant cm 32mm Tuaadayg May 29; 2981 in the T833233 cf Grand Chuteg {Butagamie Cguntyg W?$mn3ing by virtue 9f his busi?essi havirzg sassassim sf mam}; haying a vaim gfeaier fhaa $19,689? 9f another did use swab mmey wit?mi the ewner?s can-saga mairary {a iha defe?dam?s auihmityg and with imam? {a mave? the gamma; is: his awa use? gamma! ?13 sear; mama-x22) am Wis; Stats? 3 Ciass Feiamy, am: wen ww?c?m may be ?ags! mi mere than l'wemty Five Thcusand Ba?ars {3r imgriaamd as: 336% than years, bath; Arid farthefmsfe, iavaki?g the: gravisiam {33? Wisca?sia Statiate {he mart may imgcge a deexyribmwfeic agid analys?g samharge af $258. 86133314: THEFT BUSINESS QVER $19,683 The anew-named ?efemdam an ab??t O?f?b?f 24; if? the Tawn a? Gram Chute, Gutagam?e Ceanty, Wiscmsim by virm of his basiness, having pmsessim af mega? having a va-?ua greaia: mar} {3f simmer did- use 3343?: {away witham {ha awner?s {moment ca-ntrary ?33 {11% aefa?darifss authority, am! with Eaten: {a mnw? the pmperfy is his Lisa, amtrary 123 sec. and? 939i58(3)(g), 9?3i046(1g) Wig Stats? 3 Ciass F9983, and 3pm canvic?en may be ?Fined mt 3mm than Twenty Five Thausa?d Daltars ($25i0f30), a? impfismaed mt mare mar: ten wars, mm. And furthaermmref invoking the prawi?erzs 9f Wisconsin Stamte 973*048( 19); the mar: may impose a deexyribmnucleic acid a?aiys?s surchafge $2593 Cam}? 5: THEFT FALSE REPRESENTATION OVER $16,660 The abavewnamgd Ciefendant {3f abcut {33122107 is: (3432/07, in the Tswr: 51? Grand Chute; Guiagamie {36mm Wimsnsin, did obtain ti?e t5 pragerty of Mid State Tmakingg having a sigma mar: $1 ?1669, by E?tentis?aify d?caiving the person with a fake rapresematian which ha knew ta he faisg, made with intent ta defraud and which defrauded ihe parsang sanitary in sect aria 973.046(Tg) Wis, 87:313., 3 Ciass gammy, am? :3an agnvic?an may be fined {19% msie mars Twenty Five Thausaad Baitarg a: net more than ten {19) years, a? bath, And fmhermefa, inwkfag the pr9v?-3?ms 6f Wiscansi? Sfatuza 973134609, the court may impgm a agaxyribsnmieic Mid a?afysis sum?argg {3f $250, Gaunt 6: THEFT FALSQ REPRESENTATSQH (EVER $10,869- The a?we?ame? dafe?dam 3mm: 621123267 is ?33!26i?3?, if? the Tawn 9f Gram Chute, Guiagamie (Emmy, Wiscami?, 5&3 sitatain ti?e is {amped}; af Gram Bay Kg?awmth, havi?g a vaiua greatey mar: $19566?! by Ementima?y dacaivisg the gemm with a $3356 rapmsematisa w?ich he knew is: be fafseg ma?a with i?t??t ta damage: am! whim defrade the g-ersam mntrary ta sec, am 93359?3Xg?? 973?4??1g? Wig, 3:33?; a ?agg aw @6333; ?ag: gag-fag @mm 5% ??iiars m: mm? ?33333 2% wag? mg: bd- iif??} IE gm? Wismwsiw vs a mm x. Arid furthemwe, inmking prayisians {3f Wiscmsia Statute st?d?gig}? the cam may impasa a deaxyribamdeia acid analysig Sumhaa'ge (21? $250,. Gaunt 7: CWER $19,886 The ab?vawnamed ?efendant er: ahead 0212356? is in the Tswa {:sf (Emmi Chine! {Emagamia Wismns?m aid thairz {?fe ii} meperty sf Mid State Truckizzgg having a yams greatey was?: by Eman?wa?y ?a?eivi?g the wi?h a faise {ewe-sematim whiah he be Mag, ma?a with men: ta da?am am which ?efram?ed the sanitary is sec, 9432G<1de am; (33m), Wis, 823:3; a {3:333 Fefmy, am: aspen aamictiw may 3% ?ned as: mare iha? Twenty Five Thaw-sand {Da?farg ($253680); :33" Empr?gmed mi mam than ten (f0) years?! far 53%. And fu?hemar?, iavekiag the gravisions af Wigcarzgi? the: mar?" may immse a deaxyribmucfaia acid anaiysis sarcharge cf $259w PRQBABLE CAUSE: PRAYS SASS BEFENEBANT BE ACCORQING ANS THAT THE FOR THE CHARGE 0F SUCH GFFENSE 18 AS FOLLOWS: Comwaiaant $3 a Deputy wifh the Gutagamfa Cam-by Sheriff?s Dapanment 31% bases this cam-33min: :3an the Emeatigation candmted by farmer Specia? investigath Stem Maicmw of the Outagamie Cou?ty Dist?c?t Niamey/?3 Of?ce; as we? as i?farmatien provided by Asscmaied and Citizen? Banks, Dcugiag Behake, Jeffrey Hmig, Lawrence Schaper, Stave Kimett, Jan Vandehay, Christi?e Murphy and Tim Jah?sm are 35! presumed re?abie citizen witmsses. Camgiaf?am is 313:) refying iafarmatim pmvided by inv. MiG-has! Urbar: a? 113% Wiscms?n Dega?ma?t cf what; is {aresumed refi-abfe as swam 33w af?sea Cam-mam: is 34% reiying cm E?formatian pmvidad by {David Wm made statements; agaiasi his penai iatera?ts. Comgiainam states that 113% ream and Envestigatisn Qf im? Stem Malt:th mazes he wag assigned t0 investigate gamers! theft camptaiats pertaining ta the business 0f Ema Fewer Fm Agparama and itg awrzer David Masai. inv. Maiamw matacted {Mag Bahnke, wh? is me TQWG f0: the V?iage 61? Bear Creek, Qatagamig 06mm Wismnsin regarding this Envestigatim. 86mm states Er; Ami? of 2957', Bear Creek and image. ?ing; Raga-3 {Egg ?aga?mmts- ism-?y pmhfage? a $53319; tanker {task far $199,586 fie-m Eiita P??fi?f pwdmia if! Ti?a?a? W1. 39mm farther stated ?2131: by payitzg th?s amsani up mm may wage given a {ii-swam? but haw mam? raasive?-ihg {m tag-km imag- ihgy paid w?sgy?fim bag-id, gem-m alas 513%: that ha ?23 new a-wam that 55-18 E3 {33.11; {32? basiaasa 3:33 {My am. amt Ema magma? states that after ?bfaif?ii?g {he check? submitted by the of Sea? Break ti} Ema Prsducts in 2% amth 91? $199,586 he determim? this aback wag a ?ashiem chaak issued cm 4i2732f3?7; Premier Bank in Wiscm?i?, am g?wge?i ifs-g $3 $5 {Egg-ii. 53$ ?a?ghaa?g f?g??gg 32:23: ??mgii mfgma?g? i?gigaigd gawk wag ?gmg?iw a: S?igzg?g Egaka Um ??33251? SE gum {322? .. vs mm: K. Meg-er gage?: apart this infamatien im, Maicmw ?bia??ed the 833k resizde ff}! tha demgit ascwm arid 183mm: that the $199,585 was degassite? Ema an mews-i bemming is me Maser Swap: ?(has-e magma indisaim the shack whim: was tendered by the V?fiage 0f Craek 1?0? 333%? new fire truck was depagited gm gamma: the Citizens Bank 4321 Wesi Ceiiega 233333 ?fawn 0f Gram (Sham Gmagamie Cam:in Wiscarzsin {3:1 33:3 3631 289? Sank rewr?a further i?dicaia that Mime {his data the Maser 8mm; was ovardrawn by aggraximateiy 1mm Maicms? that 3133:" ?ne Seas? Cr?ek? cheak wag depsgii?d, there wage? swag! {331$ng ifs-m she Grams acm?ai w?i?h are as {Bate Swami! Payaa Cheak 3 Amcam Na. 83% {3f America 1358 41381208? Snsurame 135? $28,392.75 51"11?268? Twat 1:355 $115854 5f2i2?3?37 Assasiated Bard-z 1659 $36,383.83 $212857 Assasiated 83% 1 682 31 E600. 08 517mm Citi Cards. 1884 $1 1159,57 Citi C3333 1383 $6,875 94 538328637 Sim Trust H388 $32 158.54 513122998 U?kmwn 33?? $2,598.89 Inv? reparts that thrcugh his Enves?ga?m he teamed that the aheak3 ?ssued in 3133?} Trugt in the amaum 9f $721-$854 were paid on tha ban fa? David Maser?s persona; yacht, a 2606- Carver Marquis 85 fast mam; yacht named Latte Bah. my, further {apertg that at this time mast 0f the me?ey paid by Bear Creek far the?: fire traak had been 3333:}? and that there are :39 regards i?dicati?g mamas Bear Creek pay/mam has bees? pm tswazd the canstructimz 0f thair water tanker truck w?th was never bum r303? delivered as pramised. Em Mammal: reperts that he raviewed infema?m giger his invegtiga?a? raiatad is Outagamie Caurzty Case {38011952, whim maimed ema?s sent David Maser regardirtg the yacht, Latte Bah These ema?is indigata that the yacht was 23 56:39:13? asset and mat re?ated to his; bag-mass, Sm, Macmw farther reperis that his Envestiga?m and review Mgaer?s ??a?aiai regards indiaate that s?bstantiai mamas the Gimp acwant a?;th taward payments far Latte {Dah- which were in exams $7,996 per menthx In there wera 3:39 Qaymants far am far Latta am ms?tmy sredit card {ma-Eng ?r3 tha tens 0f thwsa?ds af @3313 paid fa: by Ef?e F533 imp Maicmw 3:31:95 that durimg {he c-aurga this imastiga?m ha iaamed that sewrai me; fire dgga?mems amarzd than? {sea-airy bag 33% Missy f?r ?fe tracks; but that Maser had fa?a? ta pe?srm i23- bu??i?g 1m. Max:th gates that aiming the murge sf {ha i?ves?ga?m ha spgka with Jeffrey H?nig, 3r: a?smey far the Ashby? Magsathusa?s. Atty, Hmig s?iaiad that they issuad 3 Chem t9 Elite Eac?mber 13" 2968 if?? that? amam?t sf $348392 far the pamhasa 91? a ?aw fire Husk Atty; Han?g further sigma 3331: they $973356 this 533 that may {ageiw a dammit? 3:39 that 533mm i?zg? a tim? w?ig? was; ?gigf a; 3m a? ?g?gg ?gwg ?g 2 - vs; mm a. Mesa: 1m. Maichsw aisa wake with Lawmnae Schapfea fer iwingtang New Yak may purchased a ?re iruck fram Eiite 3mm May 29, 2667? far Thay {ace-Wad a di?scmm far making a paymem a? $322$2815?3? ?fine 9f ?wimgte? gave; {waived ting-Er fife track. im Maig?ew afsa wake with Amway Sieve whiz; rgpregamg Tawaship a? Shef?ei?g In?ianai Kin?e? $iata$ they parthased a Era track Elitaa {an a: abath Gambia: 24$ 26%w They re?eiva? a discm?t fa? gregagag {ha wmhaga price a? $332, we 313:3 maze? {waived their ?Era ?ask, Ki-mati $331333 their check wag dapagiied in assay-{rt #52?23?432 at Ci?zeng Batik; Em, Malcmw gtaies thai ?vring the {ta-urge {3f {he i?vesiigatim ha 3mm with Chrig?m Murphy, Wm is; the Samar Fimm?ai Eaves?gatsr with the Massachuse?g A?grney Swami-?3 Gf?ce. my Maismw teamed them we mare bark and cm?if {tam {swag availaiafe in assisi if: thig images?ga?m which he has slammed mart swam far; Christine $ that the Massagmsa?s A?army Gemrai?s effice has been mixestiga??g My; Mosef?a acf?ws regami?g the $319 a? 3 FM Truck tax the 9i Ashby Wigwam-seas, skated that in {he marge this inwa?ga?an they reviewed the regards; 3f variaag card aacaantg, era-d ham 3-663??t3 {mm Citizeris Bank and Bank issued in the names a? Eiite P'swer Pradacis and Grcup whisk: were descr?bad pariiwiarfy as Mics-vs: 1) Citizens Bank: a Maser Commercial 452923MQQ Ei?te Fire Geaera! Aaccmt 4529237432 Ef?e Fire Paym? - 4529237440 Mimey Mame! Savings Aswan: 4529534991 Asselerated Persmal Savi?g$ Acacum 4529236954 Maser Famiiy Pemonai Checking Aswan: - 4529234883: 2} Assesiated Bank: a Maser Gmup Csmmercia? ?2183?388123 Eiite Power Wadacts Cammerciai Acmmt (Busmess Chaise 180) 2183622f3?i? 9 Elite F?awe-r Pmdums Cemmemia: Acmmt (mamas Chaim 259) 1: {David am?: Tracy Mass-er Pemma? Cheakmg 0603123553 an {Bav?d M?sar Persana? Shackmg 218318576?? invi Stated mat a?er reviewiag them ghe damrmined that the Ef?e Fife Paymii Asmara: (main-g is ?343) was bei?g mead is pay fm am~paym? items incm?i?g ta fund a was? wiih Agsegiai?d Tr?st hma??rsg 8533M mine: chiiag Krigta M$S$fi 11%. Murphy fume? siaiad that she reviaweci we America: card-s- iden??ed as fa?i?ws: 3} Ei?iig @gwgg gmgaggtg ngg' was? 2} Eii?ia @?wgf ?m?a?s {123% 3:3 ?gf? gig} i 2:5 vs; 3:32am Kt Mm?r Iav? Mumhy sigma thai the ?Masai? Gimp? American Expfess card aasdimg in 82806 $333 used exaiusiwiy by Bav?d am: Tracy Maser. Th6 card wag used ti} purchaga ?tems inef?di?g an: mt fimiied ta airiirze tickets; ti} 3375 {mm hateis in Canm?i Pver?w Vaiiartag Samba ?sia?dg am Miami, namemas 8mm: am spa treatmams; beatingwe?tad ememess {stirs-hams; a: watery Barn Tam; exciic sham; geweiry; taxes er: a pergenai ?ake pmpertyf 1m. Murphy fwihey sigma? mat paymenfs ti} this Sam wefe made bath Rama?s persmai check?ag gamma: whic? was fmde? by the Pawser Amerisa? Expregs firm 3? again am? 31% Elitg Fire Apparams 38mm: e?diag in 432. am, Maichsw aim 5mm with Tim at Green Bay Kenwwih. Jamsw sigma they ask: an am shassis far a fire track {a Masai February 5? 269? {Bav?d Mssar gigna? a Baiimerai Ackmwiedgamam Letter? fa: this sngine am chassis is: PACCAR Finamiai Cari), agkmwi?dg?ng 1&3: PASCAR had a lair: an the wit Gr; March 22; 298-7 Ema Fire issaed a ahaak it} 83y Ke?wmh far $88,585,8? fa: payment game. gaging and chassig. Gamer; Bay? Kaawarth dammed ma {max 13:} Bite but Jam; iaame? M359: had shamed payme?t Gr:- the shack? Mssa-r reperted {as it was a mistake am a ?ew cheak weuid b3 bat wasn?t Apri? 22, 206? Maser made a par?ai s-aymem {a Green Bay Keawa?h ?373 the am?mt cf $16,888, but 1133 33:3? ma?a arty farther payment gima 3m Maiahaw 3:30 sgakg w?h Jar} Vandehay at Mid Siam. Trusk- if: Marsh?e?i. They gravid-ea twa aagines- am cham? ta Ef?e cm at ab??t Jammy 21%; 208?? whitth Eiite {$63 if; buiid fire which may fate; said to tha West Ptain?eid Fm ?epartment 5:1 Wiscansin and 816135: Fire District if} Washingma Vandehey {warts that Maser issued" eh?eks far thew two units er abaut February 23, 206? they: Maser had mapped paymem {m thasa Mme: reissuad the checks an er about March 26, 2887 than stoma-d payment 3 seems! time. Maser told Vandehey that due is there rapid they were experienciag cash ?ew prcbiems am: wcuid pay wher; they ccuid. The mine 91? the trucks and smear}? sf ma checks; isgued by Maser wefe $85,892.23 and 57626612. Mega; has Raver made these checks gmd. Maser wag mm is? these camp?etad trucks by the grad user. Ima Matchew remains that 11f24f2009 he, aisng Set. Scat: Caiiaway 0f the Gram Chute Paiice {Department want is: the hsme sf {David Maser: 1m. Maia-haw {gyms that he and {Detec?ve Caiiaway spam wi?h Mesa? regard?rzg the patem?ai canasersie? 9f mersz ha received is buitd fire tracks is his perse?ai L133 which Massey denied. 3mg, Mafchaw reams thai mated that he Sid r301 gamer! ?we pang-y? 9f the mgney agar Creak?s 3? their fire} maker {rugs-k is hi3 gems-ma! me. Mr. Maser further stated that the Nigger {Swap ass-aunt was Ms campany that awaed the {33! ?$f3?56 age-? am agsaciate? with Site Fife. My, Mas-er stated if 0f the ma?a}: war}: $2310 that amcum {hm {away wrde hays beef: Lisg? smieiy f9: buaimss Mpg-mag am: as: far gamma! use; my. Magma?; {warts that Mr, Mega? wigs vary deaf that 3mg {32? the mmey Bear Cmek?s paymezzi wag aged far his persmai expe?ses inciudig?tg his gamma} yam: #33 {18319, gamma! expwses, Mm?r?s bank irz?icata he: spent asggi?ewaa mamas aewsitgd if; the wager aim-23;: and {?ber gem-mtg fa}? his 1345:5653; ?333 and Eif?styie. Em wagng {gag-??g gag?f?g gag-wag as? gig ggi?m wig?; 33% gig? @325? M?ggf gg-gg?migs?gg 33:23 i?a?g m??i?sg am fag i?-gig ?g mags; $5 Egg-S Ea} gag g?aga?gw mg fgigg? 135% ?gga?mg?ig 3% mag?: Egg @3ng 3% Ea mmf??a ?g g?i mm? $3 ?gg?g giaffgg 53%; E. ?52? E22 ma?a a? - VS .- ?Qavici x. ifi?gar w?untaw {kg fighters arid received appreximaieiy a 5% {ii-seem! fer prepayi-ag their fim trucks. The victim fags; ?3 as faiiswai Vi?aga {33* Bear Creek? W3 Tawa 9f Ashby; 53% V??agia sf 5W??Egi?3? NY ?fawn 9f Shef?ei?g 1N $33219mi?35 ?633 {base 4 fire departmams $1,232359459 Mid~8taia Truaki Mamh?eim $162 35233 Greer; Bay Kenwa?h, Greez?; Bay; W3 Tc?a? 3:383 chassis supg?iefs $23833?Zs33 T313: vigiim #3395 $3 544'? $585,833 Sabmr?bed and swam befera mag anti appraved {car ?ling This 34?; day 3f Sagtamiser, 2:312 Wmam Assistant [District A?cmey State 83:? Ne. 1834922 far Assigned 3 ?533 2 313% sf Wiswasia Cimuit Quad: Gutagamia Gaunt}; 135% Case No; Hai??fi Assig?ed EDNAEBA: Aa?raw J. maize? Cam Nam: Bayid M?ser Page; New: 51321 N. Summa?ana {331% Apmaia? WE 5:3?33 {338: 5555?}? 955 Sexf?ace: MW Ci??ri 331.38 Hair (3636?: 3mm Haighi: 5 ft 1952*: Safanda?i, The Of?ce the District A?smey far Gutagamie Camry; hereby maves the (Saw it: dismiss the abme?nti?ed ac?m wii'ham p-{ejmiice my? the faiiswi?g reasons: We 8:323 ?eas mt bef?gw it {tan preys: beycmi a rea?snabia the: the dafmdan: engagad i? suf?cient acticms {a gmmriy ve?ug the charges in Gutagam?e Caunfy. The foifsw?ng was?: time is canceied: Juana 05? 2033 at 3:85 PM Datedthis 2?9 day A?drew??hnaier Agsistant {Bisirist A?cmey State Ear N0. 1834922 GREEK EASEQ LPON THE ET is HEREBY OREBEREED that the abevauentitied 35:56:: is harem dismiased withcut ?regmige and the 359% cam date is aa?mig?i mm this 5?3 {2233; 0? May, 2613. 5? THE mum: H03, Na?gy ,7 {limuii ?39m ii m: @ig?gg i 3 CIRCUS CGERT GQTAGAEJIE CQUERETY Sk??f? If . wagga?? Pia??i?? -353? K, MQSERS 353 Dsfemdani QRQER REMOVING CASE FRGM CCAP 85:36.3 {,1an Eh?? argumenig {3f camsei and ma gubmissi?aas 8f the ?afmdama 18 QREERED: The mark :31? ?362.23? far Quzagaa?e {3:311:21}; shall remava entitled Siam 0f Wismnsin v, David Maser 59m CCEXP (Cimuii Access Pragram). Thai: C2821: {3f Cam": Quiagamie Cami}; shall erasure iha: ihe physicai ?ie {3f 123E742 rfzmain umseaied and {3pm far gimme. BY THE COURT: Dated: 59?? f5? 3? {3:132:32 C?cuiz Cami ?aw