Mitchell E. Daniels. Jr.. Governor x91 3? 300; n3? 4.: in State of Indiana ?7 3% ?People 5 :5 heroics people Division ofFomily Resources "i a gammy. Bureau of Child Care '51 d? msoz. so: w. wasmosroa STREET. soon .70 an IN seam-arm ?ha/Isaak? June 24, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL 91 7190 0005 2670 0000 3440 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. James Cabral, Owner 4740 Century Plaza Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46254 RE: Revocation of Child Care Center License #1100072 Dear Mr. Cabral: This is of?cial noti?cation that the Division of Family Resources is taking action to revoke your license, located at 4740 Century Plaza Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46254. This revocation is based on non-compliance with the following Indiana Code (1C) and Indiana Administrative Codes (LAC): i 10 12412-4333 Disciplinary sanctions licensee shall operate a child care center in compliance with the rules established under this article and is subject to the disciplinary sanctions under subsection if the division ?nds that the licensee has violated this article. (13) The division may impose any of the following sanctions when the division ?nds that a licensee has committed a violation under subsection (1) Alter complying with the procedural provisions in section 19 through 22 of this Chapter: (A) suspend the license. (B) revoke the license. (2) Seek civil remedies under section 29 of this chapter." On February 9, 2009, an inspection was conducted by Lori A. DeWeese, Licensing Consultant, and resulted in the following non-compliances: - 470 IAC sac-43(3) which states, shall be maintained during all hours of operation." 0 There were 6 toddlers and I caregiver is toddler classroom. wrwaan issa Equal UpportuninAf?rmative Action Employer 301$ POST-CONSUMER FIBER mm}