Reexme COUNTY. CLERK 5 1 . AM Brie- PEG. 1 SUPREME COURT. OF. STATE OF- YORK. COUNTY ROCKLAHD SAMUEL individee?y. and derivatively. 0e beher ef 142 BLAUVELT. LLC, . . . . . Iin?ex Ne: .E?ieiniifi. . SAMGEZ WEWENSTEIN, eezi EX ARQN WEETTZENSTEEN. ie?ivideellyl. end as Managing. Mei'eber ef. 1&2. BLAUVELT LLC . Deieedeni. end :42 emevem?. Lee- Nemieai NQTICE OF COMMENCEMENT 0F. ACTIOR SUBJECT TO. MANDATORY PLEASE. TAKE. NOTICE that {he mane: capi?iene? ebeve, hick. has been commenced by. filing ef. the eceempaeylng ?ecumeeis with the Ceenty Clerie is. sebject maedeiery. eleeirceie filing :0 Section. eff Ehe Uniform Reles. fer ihe. Trial. Cee?e ?leic. 'neiice. is. 'ijeieg Served as. required by. Sebdivie?en eff ?11m; Secfitm .. The. New. Yerk. State. (items. Electreeic Filing, System is deeigeed fer the eiecireeic. :fllieg of Wiih. the County Clerk eed the court end for {he electz?ee?c. sewice of. documents, ceu?: documents. ?ed eeur: eeticee epee ae? eelfufepresenied pei?tiee. Ceeneel eedfer parties. whe de. eel notify {he ?cf. 3 claimed exempece helew} required by. Seetien musi. immediately rec?{3rd Leek represenletien. with?e the eefilecl mailer. er: the Ceeseet page in. NYSCEK 'il-?eiles?e L0. {in so. may. result ie. an inability ie receive. clecl?reeic eerice cf dccumeni filings. Exemp?ens from mantiaiezy. eu?img are limiied re: 3.) etierneye whe. cez?tify .in geed faith that they Zack. the. computer eqeigjmeei em} (Elleng wiih 33% empleyees} {he requisite. knewledge {e comply; am? 2) gerfiee wee cheese net re periic?gete in e??I?Eling. Fer ebeet eleeirenie. filing, ine'lueieg e31 Sect-ion 202.5wbb, ceneeit the web-see a: er. {he YSCEF (Sc-me: e3; 6$6~336~3933 er. ei?ilefeEceui? Deied; New Yerk. New Yerk. Neveiebez?. 2815 Kelly Griffin-Fremm Keliy Grif?n?Fremm Goldberg xi frer?eeye??ir Hem/{ff 15. Bmedwey,. 3?4 .Fleer New York 1.0806 (2'12) e?ewelle .eem. TL): Watteasicin. Rama Wetwastein 142 Biauveit LL13. SUPREME OF THE. STATE 0F. YORK COUNTY. OF. ROCKLAND SAMUEL individually and deri 21111!er 013 behalf 11f; ?42 BLAUVELT LLC?a?ntif? .. Swing. 2111a. AARON WEWENSTEEN, and as. Managing Member of. .142. . Defendant and 14?. LLCE. .. .. Nem?nal ?efen?mit. {mime Ne. SUMMONS Pia?tziiff desig?atee . Reel?and County. as ?ne. piece. of Mai. The baeie (1f the venue. is; the IiE?tiO? {1f ihe. parties; . ..andtheieca?m efthe. . .. property. . TO. THE ABOVE NAMED. DEFENDANT: YOU ARE HEREBY. SIEMMONEQ t0. answer {he Comyiaini in. this and 1:9. serve a eopy of your. Answer. on .i?ia'i?tiffs etiemeys. wi?zin days a?er serviee. of this; 31331111113113, exclusive. 0f. the. (my. 112'. service, er within. thirty". (38) days. after. the. service. it; cempleie. if this. 3111111110113. is. net pereenalty delivered tr}. yea. wi 1h in. the. State ef. New. Yerk. . In. case. ef your. failure. t1}. appear {11' answer, judgmem will. be {aken againei yen: by default. of the reiief ia the Complaint. Daied: New York, New. Yerk?. November. 2913' GOLDBERG. RIMBERG, PHI: f3! Keil?v?. :1-mem By: Keiiy. Griff} :1?Fr0mm Afferneys .Piain {if 2 15 Broadway: Wear New. 3.?ka 10006. {2 I 2). 6913250 ?efendant?s Address: Sammie}. Wetianstai? 35 West Street Swing, Vallay, New York Aamn Wattenstein 35 WEEK Sireet. szing 31133:. New. Yar?z 189?? 142. Biauvcit LLC do Sigma}? 3% Schutzman, RC. 86 Rama 5:9 .835: szing 172111832, N?w, 109?? SUPREME OF THE STATE 0F. YORK COUNTY. OF. ROCKLAND SAMUEL individually 233d deriva?vcly (311 . behalf sf; ?42 BLAUVELT LLC, . . . . . Indcx?us. Date Psmhassd: ?a?ntif? VERIFIED. COM Issmusz. ans. AARON. WEWENSTEEN, isdividusily,. and as. Managing Mamba of. 142 LLC. . . Defendant and 14?. BLAUVELT LLCE. . Ni)an {1&1 ?s'l?ss?sm. Piain?f? Samsei. Tress. (?Tr?ss?T a: incii?duaiiy. and ?erivativsiy? on. bshsif of 142 Bisuvslt. L-LC. (?142. Biauvslf". sir. by sis-ti {hrsugh his. 8: Kimberg PLLC, as. and far his Cmmp?aim against. defendants. Samurai Wetzenstein We?snste?n?) and Aaron 'Wettensis?in, isdividually and as Managing Member {ff 342 Bisuveit, LLC. We?tesstsin?), (caliectiveiy, ?Defendants-?L upon isfenns?on and beiief as. iblinws; NATERE (Iii-7?. ACTION This scam}. arises; Defendants? iilegal and imgrepm? construction an a. prejscE, and. fsiiuss is. secure. suf?cient funding; far. impmper causing the. work 11; halt due in this. 2ka (If funding it}. mmpiete. {he project. . 2.. Piaintiff. Tress shimmer} a membership. inisresi in 1632 ?lauvsli 10. seams the remaining. purchase grist? Etus owing is siuti ff Tfess pursuant to Gamma sf sale. upon the. eempletiee it? pmjeet et pf?p?t?tff at 142 Bias veit Reed, Meesey, New Yerk. In of the eentreet of sale and eperas?ng agreement entered into between ihe paltiesj the Defendants impmper'iy espiesdeti the. seepe. ef the prejeeta. witheet. the authorization. eff Plaintiff es. a member. 242. Biemrelt.. As a Ire-suit. ef the expanded seepe of the. preieet, the Tewe of. Remape Bui?iege Pianning and Zening issues? a Stag) Work Order because the eenstsuetien was deemed iilegei, are? Defendants 'i'?tiled. to seeure seff?e?eei feeding for. the iliegai and expanded .Defeedeets?. impteper eetiees ereete? increased debt en the. prepesiy, and .142. Blemish new. ieeks feeds to. the. seestmetiee er. pay?eff. the. debt. en. the. prepert y. Accordingly? Tress brings. this setiem individeeiiy end derivetisely, against: Defendants fer. breach of fiduciary duty,. waste. of eerpesete. assets eed. specific. among other thiegs. PARTIES 4.. Fiaintiff Tress. is an. ie?ividuel resi?ieg in. the. {Tenet}; e'f Reekiaedg. in. {he Steie ef New York. 5.. S. Wetieestein. is. residing. in {he of is. the State. ef New Yer?k.. 6.. A. Wetteessein. is est. isdivi?ee?: residing in ibe Ceenty of ReekieetL is the Siate. 01? New Yerk. . I 14?. Blativelf, the. seminal}. ?efendant, is. itemized liability. eempeey. formed ena?i Operating sneer. ?ae 'iews. ef. {he State. of New York. with its. principal place e'fbesieess in the. Ceuety ef 8. E42. Bleuvet was formed by. Defendant's for. the. purpose {if epereiing e?ed improvieg reei. property. at .3 42. B?aeve? Rose, Mensey, New ?8952 (she. 9.. A. Wetteesrein is the. meeagieg member of '142.B?eeve?t. . if}. 142. Biauveit?s. beeks. and records. are maintained by A. Wetteesreie, its. managing :rrtember.. . JERESDICTIUN AND. VENUE 11. This Ceert hes. jerisdjetiee in. this. action because the. Pl?eperty. et is see. is located ie the State eff New. Yerir. end defeedeets ?ve. er de. business. in the. State. of New York. 3.2. Venue. is eppreprf?ete. in Ree Mend Ceunty perseertt te FACTS. The Centreet (If. Sale 3.3. I?.?e?.ntiff; Tress and. Sheiem?s Tress. were. the. ewners ef real preperty. at ?42 Bleetzel?t Read, Meesey. New. York 10952. (the ?Preperty"). 14.. On Mary. E, 20:33.. Plaintiff Tress. and. Shelemis Tress. entered. inte. a centreez ef sate. wirh S. Wetteesreie fer the. sale of the Preperty (the. ?Cenrreet?? 'W'iterehy the. Tresses. agreed to eenvey and S. Wertensteiin agreed to. purchase. the Preperty for :3 purchase. price of and. to treesfer. ee. apartment. te. he at the Preperry. te Piaietiff Trese epert eempletieri et? eenstreetien er the. Preperty. 15. At the time. the parties entered the Centreet, S. Wettertsteie artvised Tress that. he intended to tiereeiish the. eenent ?elee en the. Property. eet}. ermse'eet three. een?eminiem traits, three (3) apertmeets. eed an ee?eished beserrient sterege spec-e. en. the Preperty. {the ?Pregeet?U. 26. re the. Certtreet. as. part. ef the pet?ehese priee. S. Wettensteirt was re deed te Tress, upee approval from the ?rtemey for the Cendemirtium Offering Plan. {me {if} ?aiehed the: is; apprexirttarel}? 212268 square feet. as. well 150. square fee: in the basement. storage. . 2.7.. As eet .ferth ia the. Celrtraet. $350,800.80. 01? the. purchase. price ware due to Trees. at the. time. ef. the. eiesirrg ef. rir?e te. the. Preperry. 18. re the. terms ef? the Centraer the. rerearnieg balance ef {he {aerehese price. 150,008.00. was. re. he pair]. re. Tress. after. the. completion ef the. Prejeer and. after. the. repayment of. any. teams, bet in tie. event. was. {he payment of. the. balance re. Eighteen (.18) Month?e. . 1.9. Because. Trees; weeld rtet receive the. he?arree. of. the ptrrehaee price and the. apartment utrtii after eenerreerien wee. man}.r menthe efter the er" tirle. the. parties. agreed that the. Property. weuiri. be. transferred re. art LLC. at the. closing and Trees. :13 ertg with S. Wertensteitr. weeld. be a 4 ea member ef. the. LLC to. secure. the. 'balarlee. clue. to. Tress. as. weEi. re; the apartment in with. the Cean?aet. . 28. 011 {31? about November 13. 28.12.. S. Wettetrsteirr delirere? tr} Trees 21 down payment ef. Thirty. Thereaan Boilers. . Per-Street tn. the Qertrtaet, err. er aeeut Hirer-h 1. i, Plaintiff Trees. transferred. the Property to. 142 Blaevelt. reed received the. $338,890.00 as. perriai by. S- Werreneter'a mines the. drawn partner}: ezf prevreue?y. paid. At the. time. of. the. clearing, anti}. the. date hereof, Trees. is. eel} Greer}. the. rerrtarrtieg $130,808 seek the accessory apartment pursuant te tee. in the. Centraet. . The Operating Agreement 23. II: er eheut .Febrtraw, 20 Trees and AfWetterr stein. the. brether of S. entered. into. arr operating agreemetrr for 142. Blame}? (the. ?Operating 24. The rneineess at 142. Biaas?eit are Tease. and A. Wettenstein {see}. 25. A. Wettenstein is the managing member. at? 142. Blaaveit anti is. fniiy responsible and eentreZs. 1.42.131auve1t?s finanees. and business. 2a.. Pursaant to 2.3. ef. the. Onesating Agreement: Parrpesa The. Cesapany. is. etgaaizeti seieiy. te. awn, manage. eenstruet and deveiep seal progeny inveiving the deveieptnent ef three eendemininm units. and. 3. anartniee?zs anti. sterage. space. in Ree'kiandCeunty. State. eff. E??ew. and. te. tie. any. and. all things. necessary, eensenient.. er ineidee?ai. in that perpese..?1?heManaging Meant-er sailinrevide the. heading plans and the necessary. financing. and wiilbe respensih'ie, in his sale. jasigmea: and. dis-(Jeanna. fer; a) appreving the terms ei? and messaging an? being respensibie for any eenstraetien er ether finaneing abstained er te he ebtained by the Cempaay in eenneetien with the. eenstt?aetien prejeet. er. sate. of the. sentiea whiei}. may be. presitied by variens ien?ers at any tirne and free} time in time, 3:33 seieeting Massey Bai'idess. and. Developers Ene. as. genera? eentraetei?. as, well. as, the. seieetien efall necessary. snbeennraetei?s; preparing. prepesal terms ana netiee(s}. te bidderss assisting in. the. pteparatien. ef the. eentraet easements, ebtaining, evaluating and selecting bids er negatiatiag and. appseving 22%. payments, e} responsibility fer the eenstruetien means, nteihetis, techniques, sequenees es. er the. safety. preeantiens. fer denieiishing existing straetase. and. 3. eentie. units. and. 3. apartments ane unfinished basement sterage space at? incident thereto. ineinding obtaining ail reignite-d. nmnieipa]. appsesats. ant}. NYS. ACE. appreva'Zs. at my. (Tends. Offering. Pian, approving the. testes. and. eenditiens eff. a1]. eende. er. ether. saies. and managing all. funds of. the. Cempany.. The. Managing Memees. shali. use. best efferts to market and seli the eende units to the. best financiai advantage, at? the. Cempany with. {he eesu'it that. Seamus}. Tress. shat]. be paid the. sen] eff. after. repayment ef ail. costs, inelading bank financing, lean payeffs. and closing costs. and fer. Shnaue?. Tress. te {i?e te 1289 +21. spa-amaze (?rst ?ees left. facing heuse unit). and 3.50 sf. of unfinished, basement stesage. space. After {he elesing ef ass tn the Psepesty and. {he exeeatien ef the {gaming Agreetnent.. the heme leeated at the Prepert'y. was denielishe?. anti eeasttnetien eeintnenee? te. the. three. eendeniiniuni units. three. apartments and the. sterage space. 28. In or abeei Augeei, 2(114, A. Wetieneteiri centeeted and infeneed him thei he neede? re. inereaee. the. 21131011124: {if the eeneimetien 302221 from to. as; the. Prejeei required e?ditieuel {eerie 2.9. Accordingly. in er abeet Aegeer, 201.4, the perm-:23. a First. emeede?. Opereiing Agreement for 1&2. Bleevelt whereby" Seetiee 2.3 wee emeeded. to State. the: A. Weiteneteim es managirlg member, is respeneibie in his. sele judgment end {1i screiien fer. arranging. and being. responsible. fer any. er. ether. financing ebieinee er te be. ebtaiee? by. 142. Bleeveit in. en. aggregate Her te exceed. . milkiff Dimmers. Emmet (if. A. Wettenstein 381. er. about February; Trees. their the Defeedenie. impreperly increaseci Ehe. ef the. Project wiiheei euiherieetierr frem Trees. .. 31.. Unbeknewnst Trees, the. {Jefeneients eemmenced. construction of Six. condominium. 'ernits ineteed of. Three eendemieium 213- set ferth in the. Operating Agreement. 3'2. a result efthe Defendant-s? eiieretierle. re the. plea of {he Tewrl e'f. Ramepe. Building, Planning. and. Zeeieg e. stag). wer?k girder. en. the 33. As. 3 further ef the Defen?ents?. improper alterations the piee, 142 Bla'eveil was. underfunded 31311 no longer. had sufficient funds :10 rake {he eet'ierls i0 merite- the. Siep Work. Order em? eernpiete the Prejeen . 34.. Feeling iheli ?e was me. Eefi wiih. no ether. epiiee. Tress an egreemeei wizh. S. Weireesreie err Mere}: 26133 whereby Wetterreiiri weirld Supply. a full. geekege te. accessory. ega?zmeei and Trese agreed te ihe. ineiusrieii ef {he additional eendereinium {i ueite and yet another. ?increase in the. cenett?uetien teat; 0e the }?rejeet to tel aggregate. of $2,25f3599039. . 35.. Simeltenetms?y, Trese. am: A. Wettettetein. executeti Certi?cate. of .hflem?eet?s. te. Execute. Netti: 311d Merigage en March 19,. 293 f3. that ?42. Bteuvelt weuld execute. and deiiver to. Kis?ev Partners LLC at Censtteetiett. Nate and Mortgage. in. the aggtegate. sum. ef $250,009.00 {the ?Certi?eete?}. 36.. The Certi?cate eff 1.42 Bieuvelt euthetieeti the. Membete, Trees. and A. and. S. Wettentstien, eet a member. e? 142.. Blame?1t. te. execute. and. de?iiver the Nete. gee. Mertgage te. Kielev LLC, the iender. Heiutiff. ?iscevers 14g Biauvelt Does Not Katie. Sufficient Fundijgg 37.. In. or about Augeet. 2035., Tie-35;. diseevezreti that. 14?. 131211,: welt was stilE. un?etfunded and. net. eb'ie. te. eemplete the. work en the. Project- The Defendeeis impt?eleeriy cen?eminium emits. eutei?e the 330132 Bf the Operating legreement. 39.. A. ?id net obtain. pt?et autilet?zetien. fer the eettetmetiee. etfthe addizienai. As. 2: result. ef the. Defendants? i'liegai ef the additienal condominium units. 1.42. Bla'evelt diti not. secure suf?cient feeding to eemp?iete the. Prejeet, including the addi?enai. een?emin?um 41.. 34?. Blauveit is. not abie. to. eempiete the. Project. and en wetk it; currently being performed on the 42. Due. to. the Befendan?is? failure to. secure. sufficient funding fer ?512 Blauveli, rfrees has. set receiver?: ihe. oil the. purchase price. currently rise and (wing {he anieunr ei? $159,088.00. piasaant to. the Contract. 43., Due to. the. Defenciarits? failure re, secure seff?ieient funding for ?42. Blaiwelt, Tress has no: received the. accessory apartment due and owing. to. hire pursuant. to. the. Contiaei. . 44. Upon ieaming the? the Projeei was a (iead eild. Tress, t?hrongh counsel, seni a ietier tiered Augasi 20, 2015 1:3 142. Biaoveii demaraiing. {her A. Werieesiein tern. ever his shares in. 142. te ai'iew Tress te comelete ea {he Project . 45 . finisher. demand re garriiri the ioriieas and wrongful eonti'iier aliege? herein. was net made en 141-3., lauveii as A. Wetteristein is. the manager of {he Cerepany and, {he eeairai perpeiraior. of the. iniscendeei described. below, rendering .faiile any. tie-island to initiate ibis action by. 2.42. Blairveit. AS. AND. FGR A. CAUSE OF (Breach of Fiduciary Duty against. A, ?Nettensieini 46. Plaintiff. repeais and ree?ieges each of the a?egations in the. paragraphs. as if. fuliy. set forth herein. This. cause. of. action. is broughi derivativeiy. en behaif of 1.42. Biauveit. 48. As the manager. (if 242. Blemelr. A- Wetieesieia ewed fiduciary duties of care, ioyaliy candor and. good faiih a: 1421. Blame]: and its members. Purseeni {e 489 and till 'i of {he Cempiaiy. Law,. A. Weiiensteie owed fidueiarjir duties. to. eendaet the. affairs. of 1.42. Biaaveit in good faiih. wittli. seeh degree. of care. {has an ordinarily. piedesi. person. wenli?i use in a Bike position eerie-r similar eireunisianees. 5E3. Defeedeei A. Wetteesteie breached his fiduciary. duties. by. emeeg ether thinge, preferring his. ewe intesreets tether than the interests- of 142. Bleuvelt.. imjpreperiy and censemctieg cee?eminium unite; using. ee'pimi. fee. unrelated. it}. the. Cempeny?e eueinees; (cl) mismanagng the equity ef. 142. Eleuvelt; engaging in, that wasted 342 Blem?eit?e equity fer. genome? gain; and te sufficiently feed #12 Bieeveit. . 53. .. Defendant A- Wetteesteie knowingly. cemmitte? these breaches. order to. at the. eff Z42. Biaevelt end ifs members. .. Defendem A. ectiette were. and. are willie? and malicious- eed witizeet Zegel jesti?cetien er. excuse. 53.. Defeizdeets hifeaehes of fiduciary dutiee heve caeseii. and. wilt. ceezieue. te preximefeiy cause. ceheienti 21? Game ge. 3.42 131312 ve'ii and membere. in an. amount to determined at trial. 54. Defeadent A. We?eneteie?s breaches of: ??ecieey duties he ve. eed wi 11 preximateiy. 2.43 Biewe?t. te {suffer gifeet anti ireeparebie damage. end iejcey- AS AND FOR A CAUSE. OF. ACTION (Derivative. Ciaim fer Waste. 0f Cemerete. Assets). Pfaietiff eepeets zinc; rewe'Elege-s. each. ct? tine. ailegetiees. in the. paragraph as if feiiy eei; ferth herein. 56. This cause of eetiee is. breught derivetiveiy en behaif 142. 57.. As eet: ferth sleeve, A. as. the. of die. 2.42.31eeveli. Owed the. highest .iidec-iai?y. duties. ef. Zeyaliy. geed faith. em} i?ei 1' {Zeeli {1g t0. 2.42. Bieuveiz 58. As; Set. ?irt}: ebeve. in committing acte ef mieceedect including imprepeiiy and illegeiiy. additienal cee?emieiem emits eeci failing te. sufficiently. fund 342 Bleereit due te the ieipreper edditienei. A. willi?uiiy pennitieci the weete of eerperate assets. for his ewe persertei benefit end to, the, {ietrimeer of 242 Bleuvelt.. 59.. tie. bene?t freer. the. leek of feeding te. eever the. extra ef the adriitieea'i eeristmeiien became. .142 32211; veit is. rte [eager capable. ef ?nishing the Prejeet er. paying the eutetertdirtg eenetreetien ieerre en the Preperty. 66. AS. a. direct, arid prexiniete remit. of A. c-eiperere waste, 14?, Bieeveit her; Suffered eetuei 61.. A3 a reeliit of the. restierie ef. A. Wettenetei.e,. 142 Biaevelr has. damaged in arr amount. te determined er trial. 62. Because the, abevew?eseribed eetieris of A. Wetteneteie were. wilife] anti wentee, Tress, er}. behalf. N12. Biau veit, entitled {e punitive tieritegee ii1 en errieimt to. be determined. at. trig}. AS. AND, FOR A. THIRD. CAUSE. OF. (Breech 0f. Centred against. S. EVett/enstein). 63. Plaintiff. repeats. and ree?iegee each of the eitegetiens. in. the preceding peregrephe as. if fuliy set forth herein. 64.. This. cause of ectien. is; brought directiy by Plaintiff 6:5? .. Pfaietiff entered irate. an agreemeei with. 3.. Wetteestei 1i fer. the. (ii? the. f?reperty. . ?36. The a. valid, binding and. . The purchase price efiize Property is $588,060.98 and arr upon. eempletiee. of the. Project. 68.. Pieintiff. Tress. feliy performed all. {if his. obligatietie. persuatit re. the terms (if the Cenrreet. 69. S. Wettenstein failed to perferm under the terms the. sad breached the Centreet in that; he has. net temiereii. the. remaiedes of. the. purehsse. price and the. sceessery aps?meez to Tress. . "His Piaintiff Tress. ?les no. adequate. reme?y. at law 7'1. {?Eaintiff Tress. is entitled. t0. specific pesfermsnee efthe. Contract es diseet remit of S. Weti?e?siein?s hseech; or alteriniti?zeiyz. for damages in 2211. amount to be. determined at trial but to. exceed AS. FOR A FOURTH CAIESE. 0F. ACTION. Unjust Enrichment against Defendants) Plaintiff repeats and. re?a'Eleges each {if the. a?egetiens in the. precise-$123 paragraphs as if l?uliy set forth herein "33. This cause of aetiim is bmughi directly. by. Piaietiff Tress. Defendants have. been. enriche? by. their. actions. in taking the i?mpesty. and fai?ing te preside. fair and. {es-sesame. vsiee. te Plaintiff Tress. fer the Qerehsse of the. Prepesiy. to. the. benefit of ?efen?ants. 3'5. The Defendants have. been enriched is {h at they received the. bee efits of a Preperty. without the. fair. and reasonable value for the. Property. T6. The Defends-fits? enrichment. was. at. the expense. sf Plaintiff Tress. in. that. l?lsietifi.? Tress has not received {its fair and reasonable. value ef the Preys?{?32. . As a re salt of the fern-ageing, Defendeets have. been unj estiy. enriched. at {heespense 0f Piaintiff Tsess. . As pie-aided in. this alternative eleim, Piainii?lif hes. 17:0 ether. reme?y at; Jew te recesses the fair. semi reassemble value. {if the. Preperty. AS AND, FOR A FIFTK ACTION. {Deciaratory 7'9. Fiaintif? repeam and rewaiieges each of tha ailegmiens :21: the. preceding paragraphs :13 if fuiiy SEE forth herein. 80.. This came. 0f action is bmughz derivativeiy. onbehz?f {32: the. 3.42. Blauvelz. . 81.. The. Gp?rating. Agmemem was. entered im; in or gamut Fabi?uary, 13:814. Piainfiff Tress; and a. Wetimsie?n are. parties; E0 the (Emmi:ng Agreemem. 82. AS. 562% forth abnvm A. Wetteasi?in, the 0f {be 341?. Blauvezlt, owed the highesi chiary duties. of icyalty, good fai?ih. am'i fair {Ea-?ling to. 1.42. Biauveii 83.. As. Set forl'h abuva, A. brcach?? these: 'f?itiuciary. duiies. by. misappropriatjng and wasting the. aagets of 142. Biauveii. 84. The Operating Agr?emant a vaii? 313d binding anforcaabie centract. 85.. I?m*3mmt Ea Semen 2.3. of. {he Operating Agregmeng the purpese. of. the. Company. was. 1:0. mid and awn-:10? {ha Pmm?y. and construct Thaw: mademiniums, Three. accesmry apa?me?s. and a. storage. area- 85. Pursuant Secti?n 2.3 of th?: {imming ?gr?ema?t, the managing membar, A. W?tenstein, was. to. pay. Plaintiff Tresrs. the. {enmin?er of the. purshase. p?ce, $2 $0,900.00. and. give. title: In. Piaimi'f?i? Tress; an apmmem ans? mum-e. f??ti of unfinished storage. Spaca- t0. Plaintiff TEE-SS, the Befencianta cemznenced mmtruciion 0f. Six cendomin?um units. instead of. Three. (3) condominium ma?a; as. set. in the. Opiarating. Agreement . 88. Defendams. impraperiy increased {123. scope of the ?uke: withem {he prim amhmiza?nn or consent of Plaintiff Tress. . 8i}. Defeadaata breached their coatractnai obligations neder the Operating Agreement by; among other things, improperiy. inci'easingthe Scope. of the Project; (13). causing a Stop Work Ortier. to. be by. tile. Town of Rainapo. Building? and Zoning on the Project due. to the. improper. increase. in the. scope. of the. E?roj eet; caneiag the. Project. to. be. anderfaadeti clue to the increased scope. of the. Project; engaging transactions that wasted eqaity :iioi'. personal gain; mismanage the. equity of. 3.42. Biaaveit and {f1 increasing the debt on the Property. throagh improper actioaa of eapanciing the scope. of ti?; e. Project without authorization. 96.. Defendants? conduct baa eevereiy. the. eerie?ta of ?42. Biaeveit.. 91 i Piililitiff performed all of his; oeligaiiona under the. Operating egreeatent. 92. The Defendants failed to. perform under the. terms of the. Operating Agreement and breached. the. Opeiratine Agreement. 93.. A. bona fide jnsticiabie and. eontroxersy. between Plaintiff Trees. and A. Wetteaateia in this: actiolii. 94. W'eitenatein to continue. hie. anti reckless managing of M2. Blaaveit Will. canoe iirreparabie. hm??L . .95.. P'iaiotiff Tie-ea has no. acieqeate. remedy. at. law. 96. Fiailitiff. Treat: seeks a cieclaratioa by Coni?t that: (1). A. Wetteoateia is: no longer the. managing rnenibei? of: 142. Bianvei't; Piaintiff Tress is the. new. managing member. of 142 Biaaveit; and (3) the. Operating Agreement amended accordingly. As a result of tee. t?oregoiag, Piainti?i Trees. is eatitied to. an. {inlet compelling A. Wetteaeteiit to. tam. over his. Shares of. 142. to. Piailitit?f Treaai . AS. FOR A SIXTH CAUSE. 0F ACTION. (Alternative. Request fer. Breech. ef Operating Agreement) 98. Fieintiff eepeete and re-e'tlegee each ef the eiiege?ene if! the paregrephe as if fuiiy set forth herein. 99.. This. came. ef eetiee. is breeghz derieetive?y er; behe?'f {31" 15:2 Bieuveit. 16f}. A3 eel; fetth Trees. has len?ered as. required. by. the. pertiee? egreemeeis- 3.91. Defe'ede'e is accepted. the Preperty. taut. have faiied to gerferm under the terms. of the pertiee?. agreements. Pia?ul'iff Tress. ides tee edeqeaie. reme?y. 3e law. .. 26.33. Heintif? Trees .ie. entitled te. specific e?f ihe ()peraiieg Agreemeei as; direct result of the ?efeedeeie". ?eece; er. altemetiveiy. for. damages; in en amount to. be determined at trial. but; believed to exceed AS AND. FOR. A. SEVENTH CAUSE OF. ACTION 1? Cenetmetive. Trust} 3.94.. PEeietiff eepeaes and rewe'ijegee. ef the in {he peregeepee as. if. f?eiiy set. fee}: herein. This cause ef eetiee is. hreeghi.? deriveti'eeiy en beheif e1" 14?. Biauveii- 3.96. .f?feintiff. Tress and A. Wetiensteie had 2. reietienship. eiz? end. een?de?ee. as A. We?weeteie is. ?he maeegi 11g member {if 1&2. Blau velt. teeked wiih. {he effzegrs elf ?42.1?lauveli. 263?. it}. i?ei?ence on A. pamper exercise of seeh eeiherity, Plaintiff Trees treesferred the. Pmpe?'y to. Bieeveii in fer his membership interest therein as security for. ?ns remainder. of. the purchase price. acsessary gamma}: due. and swing is Piainiiff Tr?ss. 2.68, A. Waitenstcin his. power and with 1.42. to {he ds?rimsm ?sz 142 Biauvelt. by. mismanaging and the: 0f :42. Emma]; far. the bene?t. of Defeada?is- 109. Daftmdams. have been. unjustiy enriched by rscaipi of assets. and fun?s 'i'rem 142 Blsavsit i0. fhe. derriment sf. .142. Blaaveir and. Plain?ff Hess. 210.. Bas?d. the. foreguing, E422. E'iamr?eit. is testi?ed to. a wast aver the: i?roperiy. AS. FGR AN. EIGHTK CAUSE. ACTION. (Access ta. and reeards Dursuagt ts. agreewment ring. NY LLC 3193;) 3.3.1. .Fiaintiff .ifepeais and rsma??gas cash {if [316 aitsgations in {ha pmse?ing paragrap?s. if. fuliy set fu?h. herein. 1 12.. This. cause. 0f. scrim. is bmughi individuaiiy. 011 behalf. (3f P1 il'iilt'iff 113. Pursuits: to {he Lim?eri Iisiabikit}: Campers}? Law. and tbs. Gpera?ng ?gmemeniy .Ffaintiff?s satis?ed access. and an acwus?ng of E42 Blamrei?i?s. beaks. and records. 114.. I?Zairitiff Tmss. must. isspeci the. basics. sud. records. to. {he extent of the. (iamags dam: by Dcfeadsms to. 142 Biauvc?r. . 215. As a rssrilt 0f the. faregsing, f?laimiff Tress. a member ?42. Bisiwelt, is entitied t0. an. Order Defendants ?0 {urn ever 142 Bla'uveit?s beaks and racerds AS AND FOR A NINTH CAUSE OF {Cisim fur. an {Rewriting} 3.3.6. I?Za?ntiff .sepeais and remaileges each. {3f the El??gi?iOES in the. prece??ng paragraphs if ful?y. sex herei 31.. . 1'17. This; cause of ectien is. breeghi: derive?veiy en behnEf the 142 Blauveli. 3.3.8.. As. an? forth. neeve, A. Wetieneiein> as ?ne manager. ef ihe 2.42 Bleeveln ewee the highe? ?decimy duties. ef geed feiih, anti fe? 1' {ieeling to .242. B1neve32 Permian: Ie the. New. York Limiied. Linbiliiy Cempeny Law. and the Ggyerating Agzeement, Fia?ntiff Tress is; eniitled {e an eccenniing of 142 Blenvelt?e books-g. zecerds. and acceunis. 3.20,. E43 Einuee? net. have. enf?cieni funds in pey the censtenczien leans. thai were. taken ent. in ?nance the. Prejeci. . 12E. E42. Biznzveit ?ees; not have suf?c?ent. fnn?e te finish. the Project. 3.22.. No adequate. remedy exiets at law fer the eqeiinble reiief eeughi AS. AND FOR A. TENTH CAUSE OF ACTION. {Cieim fer Preiiminan? am} Permanent Iniunetien} 3.23. Pinintiff irepee?z?e nmi reneilegee each. ef. the. nilegetiene. in the. preceding. as. if fnliy sci fen}: herein. . 12.4. Given. the ?efendanie?. behavier herein, E?leintiff. Tress is. likely. to succeed on the. mer?'ie ef this; ectien. 125.. Te preserve 142. iainintiff Trees. in. entitied in. a preiiminery. injunctien. enjoining. Defendants. {Ten}. making any dee-ieiens. with respeei to ?42 Sleeve}: er. its operations. abeeni E?leintiff. consent. If an. injunction is not granted? 142. Blame}: will. Suffer eericns and. irreperebie injury, including ameng other things, the lees. cf ?42. Bienve?it?e te deiennine its management and centre}. banned en the. precedln'ee. in {he Onereting Agreemeni and the ices. of .242 Blenveli? aesei if. the construciien 'ieene are neg repent}. Plaintiff raquaatsjudgmertt Dafaadaais aa faiktwa: 5?3 d. ?5'4 Compensatory damages if; an. amount to be. prawn at triai, bat beliave? ?0 be. no iatta that: 3111111033.; Punitiva ?amagca in. an amoant to be. determined at. trial, taut. mt less than millian; A11 ascaanting of ?42 Biauveit?s accnunta; . Specific of the. Contract; Art Quiet. campaing A. Wettaastain ta turnover. hi3. games. of Blattveit to. Piatilttifi Tress; A13 antic: de?ating that: . A. Wettamtain is at} Zongar the member {371? 14?, Blauvalt; 2} is the: new managing mambar at. 1.42. Blame-1t; anti 3). the. Operating Agraemarzt is. amaadad accordingly; A13 m??er. granting access. to. 242. Biamreit?a beaks and recar?s; A11 ord?i?. cnjai?iag. Defentiants making any ?eciaiona with raspegt to. 3.42 Blamx?alt 0r Eta aparatieaa without Tia-5a" c0nsaat;.. Pm? and pastiiadgmant Attomayf ?ies tau! casts of. suit; Awardi 11g panitiva. 02' exampiary damagaa; Imposing. a atmairactiva trust on. the. Property. and Funds. ha hal? for. Piaiafiff anti 34?. Biauvait; and Granting such other raiiaf as the. Com?t deems juat aati proper.. Daied: New York, New Yerk' 6, 291:3. GOLDBERG (it. RIIMBERG PLLC. 53f. G21 By?: Affarmeys?fbr 115. Braadway, Suite. 302 NEW Yozk New Yuri; 1.0006 (212) 6935-3250. ATTORNEY. VERIFICATION Thamiderssigaed. an. aimmey Iicemad :0 practice :15: suchin ?heSt31e {if New affirms, under the. panaity. {3f perj my as foliows: This is. made. by. the. andersign?? am}. not by the. I?iainii?f became. ?ts-ides. a {3mm}; mm than wheat. ihti: undamigmd has. he}: offie?zh Verified Compiaim is mm t0. my know'ladga,. {Except :15 to mesa Siaimnents made upon 'Enf?ermai?tm and. Emli?af5 and is bamd on facts. and igfarmation. related me 5313511}? clien?i, and upen. a review 0f the ?le. Dazed: NEW York, New. Yuri: . Nevembm? 201.5 Kaily? Grif?n-?Fromm. Keii}; Griffin~Fr0mm ?9 11mm Nil. SUPR EME (YOU RT OF STATE OF. NEW. YORK COUNTY OF. TRESS, individualiy and derivativer {m h?haif 142 BLAUVELT LLQ. . . . . . maimg?: . against?. SAMUEL 1158!. l. ENSTE and AARON. inaiividually, and Ma?aging. Max:356? of. 142 . Defwdaai. and .142 LLC, . Nominal. SWOHS ARI) RIMEERG FLU: Of?ce: and Address. ?Elephant: 1 Bi'm?way, 3rd Fhmr. Naw mm. New York i?iifk?a {2 32}. 697325.15Him Hams: bemmth Eur Sewica 9f :1 ?my: of the. Withiu . inn-eh; admixed. Hamil. Miami: 513. ft}: 20