MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUAL FIREARMS CLASSROOM Approval # I Initials Date Expires (this p1·ogram# is to be recorded on a weaponfo1·mor data entered under weapon Lnforn1atlonin sldll m.anageJ·) ***Check box to indicate if application is also requested for 2 hours of in service credit*** [lJ FIREARMS CLASSROOM- IN-SERVICE CREDIT Note: l. hours of IN~SERVICECREDITmust have written test with a minlmurn of 70 % for credit, Department Approval # I Initials Date Expires (this p1'ogrant# is to be recorded on nn in~serviceform or data enteriedundel' in•servke iuf01:mationin sldlI manager) Baltimore City School Police Agency Code 406 Address 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD. 21202 Contact Person Detective Lashon Kelly Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail Classroom Instruction I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1tkelly@t> - Minimum 2 hours, to include: Legal a. b. c. aspects rules for the use of deadly force alternatives to the use of deadly force emotional, mental and psychological preparation needed for the possibility of a deadly force shooting situation d. judgmental or decision training on the use of deadly force e. criminal, civil, and administrative liability for misuse of deadly force Nomenclature relevant to the firearm for which the training is being given. Care and cleaning of the firearm for which the training is being given. Safe handling and storage of firearms. a. at home b. in a law enforcement facility c. on the filing line d. on patrol Fundamentals of marksmanship and shooting related to the firearm. Explanations and reasons for qualification comse of fire. Ballistic properties. Reduced light firing techniques. Malfunction causes and clearing. Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number :rv!PCTC Regulationsrequire that all FirearmsInstructorsbe certifiedby MPCTCand that their certificationbe current. It is not necessaryto send any other docu1nentationwith this application,howevert said documentationshouldbe kept on file within said agency. I certify that all information pro w;5ho ~ \Lek. Printed Name January2013 1 ed on this application is true and correct. cahrr,f(zlJ_, Signatur· J) +ed;11e Title 0Date MARYLANDPOLICEAND CORRECTIONALTRAININGCOMMISSIONS FIREARMSPROGRAMAPPROVALAPPLICATION FIREARMS INSTRUCTORS LIST AGENCY: BaltimoreCity SchoolPolice AGENCYCODE:~40~6 __ ----.._____ _ ________ -------'-...___ _ CERTIFICATION# FULL NAME OF INSTRUCTOR Kim Johnson DonovenBrooksSr. TraceyJohnson Irvin McGregor Mark Holland(Provisional) MPCTC Regulationsrequirethat all FirearmsInstructorsbe certifiedby MPCTCand that their certificationbe current. I certify that 11informationprovidedon the applicationis true and correct, Signatur OOhn1 /l.e_,l'J Wp.Sdpain!lt ctorlistformdjk - Title 'De:Jed-i,r:e_ Date 9 --r]Qi)oll( MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUAL LIVE FIRE TRAINING Approval # I Initials Date PRIMARY HANDGUN Expires __ Agency Code_4_oe Department Baltimore City School Police Address 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202 Telephone 410-396-8588 Contact Person Detective Lashon T. Kelly E - Mail 11Ke11y@bcps.k12.me1.ue .. t· Training Requirements: An officer shall annually discharge a minimum of 30 rm/lids of'~mmunition for training with the officer's primary handgun. Training drills to improve the police officer's skills may be incorporated into a course of fire. Training MAY NOT include practicing the actual qualiijcation course . Rounds •• ' Pistol Weapon(s) ~ (30 Rounds Minimum) '* '! Ammunition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number Description of training Participants will perform any or all of the following, utilizing a minimum of 50 rounds: 1. Moving and shooting drills within the 3 through 25 yard lines. 2. Shooting while behind cover from within the 3 through 25 yard lines. 3. Prone shooting drills from within the 3 through 25 yard lines. Permission to cleviatefrom the required MPCTC Fireann Program should be requestedin writing (with explanation),and sub1nittedwith said prognun. MPCTC Regulationsrequire that all Firemm\lInstructornbe ce1tifiedby MPCTC and that their certificationbe cun-ent. It is not necessary to send any other documentationwith this application, however, said documentationshould be kept on file within said agency, I certify that all information pr vided on this application is true and correct. \t_,e/ k J!llluacy2013 / MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUAL JUDGEMENTAL I DECISION TRAINING Approval # I Initials Date Department Baltimore City School Police Expires 6__ Agency Code_4_D Address 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202 Contact Pei·son Detective Lashon Kelly Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail,Llll Training Requirements An officer shall annually receive instruction and skj!ls development conducted in the classroom, using firearms simulation, or on a firing line, to enable an individual to: (a) differentiate between tlu-eatlevels; and (b) respond appropriately to an identified tlireat. Weapon(s) _P_is_to_l ----- (if applicable) Ammunition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent (if applicable) lnstrnctor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number Description of training Participants will receive instruction and skill development conducted in the classroom using firearms simulation and or on a firing line differentiate between threat levels; and respond appropriately to an identified threat. MPCTC Regulations require that all Fiream1sInstructors be certifiedby MPCTC and that their certificationbe current. It is not necessary to send any other documentationwith this application, however, said rlocunmntationshould be kept on file within snid agency. Janumy2013 MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUAL OUALIFICA TION - DAY Approval # I Initials Date Expires ***Check box to indicate which application is requested*** 'l'Ji>RIMARY HANDGUN oSECONDARY HANDGUN Agency Code_4_o6 __ Department BaltimoreCitySchool PolIce Address 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202 Contact Person Detective Lashon Kelly Semi-Automatic Weapon(s) Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail 1tKe11y@bcp~.k12.mt1.usAmmunition - authorized by agency 01· ballistic equivalent (human torso or silhouette marked to indicate scoring values with maximum scoring Target(s) B-27 area 725 square inches) Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number __ Qualification - _s_o rounds (30 Rounds Minimum) Required firing distancesor farther Scoring- % only, _10__ (70% minimum) (1) less than 5 yards, (2) 5 yards to less than 10, (3) 10 yards to less than 25 yards, (4) 25 yards Requit·ed percentages of rounds~ rninin1umlOo/o,but not more than 40 o/01 fron1any range of the above firing distances, Maxinlum times Course- 2 seconds per rot1ndless than 5 yards, 3 secondsper round 5 yards to less than 10 yards, 4 secondsper round 10 yards to less than 25 yards, 5 secondspct· round 25 yards or farther, Reloads - Rcv9lve1·17 seconds - Pistol 8 seconds Movement - 5 seconds maximumpermitted to rnovefrom one specifiedfiring positlon to next. Required weapon holding positions - Strong hand supported by weak band; strong hand with 110 support; weak hand supported by strong hand and weak hand with no support Required body positions - Standing,kneeling and 2 ditl'erentpositionsfrom barricade. ***Note where reloads or movement to a different firing position are in the course*** YARD #OF LINE BODY POSITION ROUNDS TIME UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDWISUPPORT 6 seconds UPRIGHTSiRONG HANDW/SUPPORT 3 6 :mconds 3 UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDONLY 2 4seconds 7 7 UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDWISUPPORT 3 9seconds UPRIGHTSTRONG HANOWISUPPORT 3 9 seconds 14 50 secohds (reload) 48 seconds(reload) UPRIGHTS'l'RONGHANDW/SUPPORT (8) UPRIGHTWEAKHANDONLY(6) 15 UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDW/SUPl'ORT(4,6) ID 15 UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDWISUPPORT 3 12 seconds UPRIGHT W~AK HAND WISUPPORT 3 12 seconds 15 Permission to deviate from the required MPCTC Firearm Program should be requested in writing (with explanalion),and submittedwith said program. MPCTC Regulations reqiiire that all Fi.reannsInstructors be certified by MPCTC and that their certification be current. rt is not necessary to send any other docum-entationwith this application, however, said documentntionshould be kept on file within suid agency. I certify that all information prov'ded on this application is true and correct. ~h n elk Printed Name Jnuunry2013 "Ohm/ Signatlli'e Attachment: Yard Line 25 Body Position Barricade Kneeling (3) # of Rounds 6 (reload) Barricade-Upright strong hand w/support (3) Time 38 seconds MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION ANNUAL QUALIFICATION- MPCTC USE ONLY REDUCED LIGHT Approval# I Initials Date Expires *::,*Checkbox to indicate which application is requested*** MPRIMARY HANDGUN oSECONDARY HANDGUN Agency Code_4_06 __ Department Baltimore City School Police Address 200 E. North Avenu9-Baltimore, MD. 21202 Contact Person DetectiveLashon Kally Weapon(s) Semi-Automatic B_-2,...7 ___ Target(s) __ square inches) Telephone 410-396-8588 E ,_ Mail Ammunition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent (human torso or silhouette marked to indicate scoring values with maximum scoring area 725 Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number Qualification " 50 rounds (30 Rounds Minimum) Scoling- % only,_7_o ____ (70% minimum) Required firing distances - (l) less than 5 yards, (2) 5 yards to less than 15, (3) 15 yards or fMher Required pereeutages of rounds - minimun110%, but r1otmore than 40 %, fro1nany range of the above firing distances. Maximom ti:mes Course - 2 seconds pei· round less than 5 yards, 3 seconds per round 5 yards to less than 15 yards, 4 seconds per round 15 yardsor farther. Reloads-Revolver 17 seconds -Pistol 8 seconds Movement -5 seconds maxilnumper111itted to 1novefrom one specifiedfiring position to next. Required weapon holding 11ositions- Strong hand supportedby weak hand; strong hand with no support; weak hand supported by strong hand and weak hand with no support Reqnired body positions - Standing and kneeling. Required lighting - at least one of the following; Circle lighting used - flares, street lights, vehicle lights, vehicle emergency lights or alternate lighting source ***Note where reloads or movement to a different firing position are in tlie comse**" YARD #OF LINE BODY POSITION ROUNDS 3 Uprightstronghand w/support 3 Woukhar1donly 3 Uprightstronghandw/support(e) 7 Kneeling strong hand w/support(5) flashlights, TIME 10 seconds 10seconds 8 24 011oonds (rolm1d) 10 38 secom!s(~lo!ld) 10 3Bseconds(reload) 10 4B 1moortds{reload) Strong hand only (2) Uprightstronghandwlsupport(5) Uprightslronghandwrflashl!ghl(5) 7 Upright$(ronghsndwl flashDght (5) Kn~~ll1'19 e,11an(j haridw/e,uppt>rl (!>) 15 Uprightstrong hand w/support(5) Permissfonto deviatefrom the requiredMPCTC FirearmsProgrmnshould be rcque.~tediu writing (with.explanation),anclsubmittedwith said program. MPCTC Regiilnti.ons requirethat all Firei:1rrns Iustnwtorsbe certifiedby MPCTC and that their certificationbe current. It is not necessaryto send any other docui;nentation with thi&application,however, said documentationsho11ldbll kept on fi]e within said agency. I certify that all information pr Lko {)I) January20JJ ellL ided on this application is true and correct. rle+ee:L\/e Title MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUAL OUALIFICA TION - DAY Approval#/ lllitials Date Expires ***Check box to indicate which application is requested*** oPRIMARY HANDGUN "1$ECONDARY HANDGUN Department BaltimoreCitySchoolPolice Agency Code._4_06 __ Address 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore,MD 21202 Contact Person Detective Lashon Kelly Weapon(s) Semi-Automatic Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mai] 1tkelly@bGl) Ammunition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent (human torso or silhouette marked to indicate scoring values with maximum scoring Target(s) B-27 area 725 square inches) Instructm:(s)-Attach list by name and certification number Qualification • _so __ rounds (30 Rounds Minimum) Scoring- % only, 70 (70% minimum) Required firing distances - (1) less than 5 yards, (2) 5 yards to less than 10, (3) 10 yards to less than 25 yards, (4) 25 yards or farther any range of the above firing distances. Required percentages of rounds - minimum 10%, but not more than 40 %1fro111 Maximum tbnes Course - 2 seconds per round less than 5 yards, 3 seconds per round 5 yards to less than 10 yards, 4 seconds per round 10 yards to less than 25 yards, 5 seconds per round 25 yards or farther. Reloads -Revolver 17 seconds - Pistol 8 seconds Move1nent- 5 secondsn1aximumpermittedto 1novefron1one specifiedfiring position to next. Required weapon holding positions - Strong hand supported by weak hand; strong hand with no support; weak hand supported by stL·onghand and weak hand with no support Required bocly positions - Standing, kneeling and 2 different positions from barricade, ***Note where reloads or movement to a different firing position are in the course*** YARD #OF LINE BODY POSITION ROUNDS TIME upright5lronghandwlsupport 3 6 seconds 5 seconds liprlgh!strongha11d w/llupporl ' upright stronghand only 2 4 seconds 7 upright strong hand w/support 3 9seconds 7 uprightstro11g hand w/supporl 3 9 seconds 1 uprightstronghandw/~upporl(B) 14 50 seconds 48 seJJonds Uprightweak hand only (6) .15 upright strong hand w/support (4,6) 10 15 uprightstronghandw/support 3 15 uprightweak hendw/support 3 12 seconds 12 seconds Pennission to deY'ialefrom the required MPCTC Fireat1nProgram should be requestedin writing {withexplanation), and submitted with said program. MPCTC Regulationsrequire that all Pirear1nsInstnictors be cerlified by MPCTC and that their certificrttionbe c11rre11tIt is nol necessary to send any other docu1nentationwith this application, howeve.r,said docrnnenlntionshould be kept on fi]e within said agency, I certify that all information pr v· ed on this application is true and correct. L"., /41IL January 2013 cohm /lJlc Signature s+ecl,v~ Title Yard Line 25 Body Position BarricadeKneeling(3) Barricade-UprightStrong hand w/support (3) # of Rounds 6 (reload) Time 38 seconds MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUALOUALIU'JCATION - REDUCEDLIGHT Approval # I Initials Date Expires ***Check box to indicate which applicationis requested*** ll;iRRIMARYHANDGUN yJSECONDARYHANDGUN Agency Code._4_o_s __ Department BaltimoreCity SchoolPolice Address 200 E. North Avenue,Baltimore,MD.21202· Contact Person DetectiveLashon Kelly Weapon(s) Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail Ammunition- authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent Semi-Automatic B_·2,..7 ___ Target(s) __ square inches) (humantorso or silhouettemarkedto indicatescoringvalueswith maximumscoring area 725 I Instructor(s)-Attach list by name andcertificationnumber i Qualification" _5o__ rounds (30 Ronnds Minimum)Scoring-% only,_7_0____ I (70% minimum) Requil·ed firing distances - (1) less than 5 yards,(2) 5 yards to less than 15, (3) 15 yardsor farther Required percentages of rounds - 1ninimum10%,but not more than 40 o/o,fro1nany range of the above firing distances. Maximumtimes Required lighting - at least one of the following;Circle lighting used - flares, street lights, vehicle lights, flashlights, vehicle emergencylights or alternate lighting source ***Note where reloads or movement to a different firing position are in tlie course**" #OF BODY POSITION 3 Uprightstronghandw/support a WElakhalld oolY 3 Upr1~htstll)ng hand w/support (6) ROUNDS s Strong h11nd only (2) Kneellll9$lrOngh1mdW/~upport(5) TIME _1_°'-'-"'-"'-' __ _ 10 seconds • 24 seconds (roloiu!) 10 311sooonds(reload) 10 36 eoconds(reload) 10 40 se~nds (raload) Uprightstrongh~ndw'6upport{6) Uprightstronghand w/ l!ashllghl(5) 7 Uprightslrong handw/ flaahllght(6) Kneallr.gITTl"reihk..c. k 6(\ Printed Name Janumy'.l:013 I / Coursc-2 secondsper round less than 5 yards.3 secondsper round 5 yards to less than 15 yards, 4 secondsper round 15yardsor farther. Reloads -Revolver 17 seconds-~Pistol 8 seconds Movement-5 seconds 1naxiinu1n permittedto movefron1one specified firing position to next Required weapon holding positioos -Strollg hand supportedby weak hand;stronghand with no support;weakhand supportedby strongband and weak hand with no support Required body positions - Standingand kneeling. YARD !,!NE i -v !v, l[ l, ]c +ec Title Date I MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION ENTRANCE LEVEL PROGRAM MPCTC USE ONLY Approval# I Initials Date Department BaltimoreCity School Police Expires __ Agency Code_4_06 Address 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore,MD21202 Contact Person Detective Lashon Kelly Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail Total Program Hours ___ HANDGUN 3_5 ____ Hours __ 3_5 ___ _ Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and ceiiification number (35 hours Minimum) Weapon __ P_is_to_l ___ _ Classroom: To include: legal aspects ( rnles for use of DF; alternatives to use of DF; emotional, mental and psychological prep needed for DF shooting situation; judgmental I decision training; criminal, civil, and admin. liability). Nomenclature relevant to the fireann; Care and cleaning of the firearm; Safe handling and storage of firearm (at home, in law enforcement facility, on the firing line, & on patrol); Fundamentals of marksmanship and shooting; Explanations and reasons for qualification; Ballistic properties; Reduced light techniques; Mechanical operation of weapon; Malfunction causes & clearing. Training & Qualification - conducted over a minimum of 3 separate calendar days (1,000 Minimum)Ammnnition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent Number of Rounds 1,000 Target(s) !3-2 '7 (human torso or silhouette marked to indicate scoring values with maximum scoring area 725 square inches) Qualification - Day Fil'e Require 3 successive Day courses of fire. Program # of agency approved day course Qnalification - Night Fire Require 1 Reduced Light course of fire. Program# of agency approved reduced light course TYPE 3 or 4 LONG GUN (if applicable) TYPE 3 • Hours ( 14 hours Minimum) of classroom, training and qualification .,....,,_-~Rounds (350 Minimum) of ammunition for training and qualification Program # of agency approved day course Require 1 Day course of fire. TYPE 4 - Hours (7 hours Minimum) of classroom, training and qualification ____ ,Rounds (50 Minimum) of ammunition for training and qualification Program# of agency approved day course Require 1 Day course of fil'e. Pennission to deviate frmn the required MPCTC FlirearmProgra111 should be requested in writing (with ex.planalion),and subntltted with said prognnn. MPCTC Regulations require th.atall Fireanns Instructors be certified by MPCTC and that their ce1titicationbe eurrent. It is not necessary to send any other docutnentationwith this application,however, said documenrutlonshould be kept on file within said agency. I certify that all information provided on this application is true and correct. Lashon Kelly Detective Printed Name Title January2013 1&3-jc:YyDate MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY WEAPON CONVERSION - HANDGUN Check box to indicate which conversion you are requesting Approval# I Initials Date Expires Agency Code_4_06__ Department BaltimoreCitySchool Police MD21202 Address 200 E. NorthAvenue Baltimore, Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail IU1011y@bcps,k12.mt1.1.!S Contact Person DetectiveLashonKelly lnstructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number Weapon from _____ PRIMARY WEAPON- DIFFERENT TYPE --"to"-------- Honrs ([ 4 hours minimum for classroom instruction, training and qualification) Number of Rounds (400 rounds minimum, authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent) Classroom - to include (a) nomenclature of firearm (b) care and cleaning of firearm (c) ballistic properties (d) mechanical operation of firearm (e) malfunction causes and clearing Training Drills-to include (a) reinforcement of fundamentals (b) reloading techniques (c) clearing malfunctions. Qualification • Day Fire Program# of agency approved day course -----Qualification - Night Fire Program # of agency approved reduced light course-------- PRIMARY WEAPON ______ Weapon from_P_i_st_o_l SAME TYPE _,t"'o_P_ls_to_1 ____ _ Hours 7 (7 hours minimum for classroom instructiou, training and qualificatiou) (200 rounds minimum, authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent) Number of Rounds 200 Classroom-to include (a) nomenclature of firearm (b) care and cleaning of firearm (c) ballistic properties (d) mechanicai operation of firearm (e) malfunction causes and clearing Training DrHJs - to include (a) reinforcement of fundamentals (b)reloading techniques (c) cleating malfunctions. Qualification - Day }'ire Program# of agency app1·oved day course------Qualification - Night Fire Program# of agency approved reduced light course -------lnsfructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number Pennission to deviate from the required MPCTCFirearmsProgram shoi1ldbe requestedin writing (with explanation),and submittedwith said program. MPCTC Regulationsrequire that all FirearmsInst1·uctorsbe certifiedby MPCTC and that theircertificationbe current. It is not necessaryto send ally otherdocumentationwith this application,however, said documentationshould be kept on file within said agency. I certify that all information pro i Lashon Kelly Printed Name Jmmary2013 on this applicatiou is true and correct. {)() h rT) &_,{ Signature Detective Title . · FEB g.2015 '::....:·:.... :>:·l:·:·:'. 01:54PM· ·. ·,'"'',.' ., .. '.-, P22856 .· . M.PCTC·..· · ·· ·· · · c9ursep13ta1oi,Report··.· Annual Firearms Classroom Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: Baltimore City School Police Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) tl¢J~~~~~;; ,D'4 .Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 0.00 0.00 M"'"""'C.. . ····course P22857 Program: Subject: ¢11t:i6g R~pofr Annual Firearms Classroom In-Service Police Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: Baltimore City School Police Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 FIie Number: Description: (None) :\P1~~jl~2i'·' ···,..,, Fee: 2.00 0.00 · · · · MPCTC · . • .... ··.·...C'lu~seCafo\og}t~pqrt ·..• >··• Annual Live Fire P22865 Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity School Police Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 0.00 0.00 i <•',FEl;.l;,9;201 s·, lif'Y':~:~~r/ .·.· .· MPCTc··. · .· · · Cour~edatalog·Repc,,rt .. ' !,• AnnualJudgemental/Decision Training P22864 Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity School Police Crs Type: Trn Type: Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) {'.~j'~!ifiiit?: . . ·,·.,J· :"i.·..'.' 0.00 0.00 fi,;6 9,?015.. ·MPCTC oio1PM ..· . Coors~ ~1;1talog .. . Report ' . • ' Annual Qualification Primary Day P22858 Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity SchoolPolice Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2·09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) h9!!~!1i!!.••·t:'.:)..·. Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 0.00 o.oo . ·...· •·..·..·. ·.··. ·-: ,.- -., •., , 18.00 0.00 In-Service Training 2014 June 18-July 11, 2014 1 )/ci:''.'. .·: W!i'dll~s!fnv/ ..f •.·.···.· ····· 0800 - 0900 hrs. ' .,..·..\/ ·'l'Mi•i11~:ri:>: . :::,;, ··.: : ···:····•··· t:'!l'riiiiH{iiC.··;c;;;;;t\ ' ,;: 0800 - 0900 hrs. 0800 -0930 hrs. Blood Bourne Pathogens: Active Shooter Det. Lashon Kelly Terry Warren Baltimore School Police Ofc. Wesley Callow Baltimore School Police 0900 - 1100 hrs. 0900 - 1200 hrs. Roll-Call: - 0930 - 1100 hrs. Drug Trends Violence Against Police Ofc. Marcus Lansey Baltimore School Police School Shootings Ofc. Danaena White Baltimore School Police "Will you be Prepared?" 1100 -1200 hrs. 1100 -1200 hrs. Sensitivity Training Ofc. Lawrence Smith Baltimore School Police Communications Update Rabbi Chesky Tenebaum, Chabad of Park Heights, Director of the Jewish Uniformed Services Assoc. of Maryland Mrs, Delores Williams Baltimore School Police - 1200 - 1300 hrs. 1200 - 1300 hrs. LUNCii LUNCH 1300 - 1400 hrs. 1300 - 1400 hrs. Police Suicide Prevention & Post Traumntic Stress Disorder Identity Theft Ofc. Lawrence Smith Baltimore School Police Ofc. Jeffrey Jones Baltimore School Police 1400-1500 hrs. 1400 - 1500 hrs. Crime Scene Preservation Officer Safety Cpl. Mark Holland Ofc. Ronnie McCain Baltimore School Police Sergeant Fred Ramsey Sr. Baltimore School Police 1500 - 1600 lu·s. 1500 -1600 hrs. 1500 -1600 hrs. MV A Medical Review Process Social Media in Law Enfo1·cement "How to refer Dt'ivers" Ofc. Jeffrey Herriott Baltimore School Police EVALUATIONS REVIEW TEST/GRADING 1200 - 1300 hrs. - LUNCH 1300 -1500 hrs Firearms Class1·00111 Ofc, Tracey Johnson Detective Lashon Kelly -· I MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION ANNUAL FIREARMS CLASSROOM MPCTC USE ONLY Approval # I Initials Date Expires (tWsprogram# is to be recorded on a weaponform or data entered under weapon lnfot·nmtionin skill Juanager) ***Check box to indicate if application is also requested fot 2 hours of in service credit*** [ZJFIREARMS CLASSROOM- IN-SERVICE CREDIT Note: 2 hOUl'Sof lN"SERVJCECREDIT must have written test with a minimum or70 % for credit. Approval # I Initials Date Expires (this program# is to be recorded ou an in..service fol'm or data entered under ln-set'Vlceinfonnatlon in skill manager) Department Baltimore City School Police Agency Code 406 Address 200 E. NorthAvenueBaltimore,MD. 21202 Contact Person DetectiveLashon Kelly Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail Classroom Instruction - Minimum 2 hours, to include: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Legal a. b. c. aspects rules for the use of deadly force alternatives to the use of deadly force emotional;mental and psychological preparation needed for the possibility of a deadly force shooting situation d. judgmental or decision training on the use of deadly force e. criminal, civil, and administrative liability for misuse of deadly force Nomenclature relevant to the firearm for which the training is being given. Care and cleaning of the firearm for which the training is being given. Safe handling and storage of firearms. a. at home b. in a law enforcement facility c. on the filing line d. on patrol Fundamentals of marksmanship and shooting related to the firearm. Explanations and reasons for qualification course of fire. Ballistic properties. Reduced light firing techniques. Malfunction causes and clearing. Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number MPCTCRegu1ationsrequire that all FirearmsInstructorsbe certifiedby MPCTCand that their certificationbe current. It is not necessarylo send any other documentation with this application, however, said docutnentationshould be kept on file within said agency, I certify that all information pro W\5\-,or-J.£-k. Printed Name J,muary2013 ed on this application is true and correct. CDhrr,ftJ1 J) +ed:11e Signatur Title 0Date MARYLANDPOLICE AND CORRECTIONALTRAININGCOMMISSIONS FIREARMSPROGRAMAPPROVALAPPLICATION FIREARMSINSTRUCTORSLIST AGENCY: BaltimoreCitySchoolPolice FULL NAME OF INSTRUCTOR AGENCYCODE:_4_06 __ CERTIFICATION# KimJohnson DonovenBrooksSr. TraceyJohnson Irvin McGregor Mark Holland(Provisional) MPCTC Regulationsrequire that all Firea11nsInstmctors be certified by MPCTC and that their certificationbe current. I certify that ll informationprovidedon the applicationis true and correct. Signatur Date 9 l) ()i)o! l( MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUAL LIVE FIRE TRAINING Approval # I Initials Date PRIMARY HANDGUN Expires Agency Code_4_06 __ Department Baltimore City School Police Address 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202 Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail llkl' Contact Person Detective LashonT. Kelly Training Requirements: An officer shall annually discharge a minimum of 30 rounds of ammunition for training with the officer's primary handgun. Training drills to improve the police officer's skills may be incorporated into a course of fire. Training MAY NOT include practicing the actual qualification course. Weapon(s) Pistol Rounds~ (30 Rounds Minimum) Instructor(s)-Attach Ammunition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent list by name and certificatio1111umber Description of training Participants will perform any or all of the following, utilizing a minimum of 50 rounds: 1. Moving and shooting drills within the 3 through 25 yard lines. 2. Shooting while behind cover from within the 3 through 25 yard lines. 3. Prone shooting drills from within the 3 through 25 yard lines. Perrnission to deviate fr01nthe required MPCTC Firearm ProgrELm should be requested in wl'iting (with explanation), and submitted with said program. MPCTC Regulationsrequire that all Fireanns Instructors be certified by MPCTC and that their certification be current. [tis not necessary to send any other documentation with this application, however, said documentationshould be kept on file within snid agency. I certify that all information pr vided on this application is true and co11"ect. -"o cJ J(IIIUary2013 MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUALJUDGEMENTAL I DECISION TRAINING Approval # I Initials Date Department BaltimoreCity School Police Expires 6__ Agency Code_40_ Address 200 E. NorthAvenue Baltimore,MD 21202 Contact Person Detective Lashon Kelly Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail Training Requirements An officer shall annuallyreceiveinstructionand skillsdevelopmentconductedin the classroom,using firearmssimulation,or on a firing line, to enable an individualto: (a) differentiatebetweenthreatlevels; and (b) respondappropriatelyto an identifiedthreat. Weapon(s) _P_is_to_l ----- (if applicable) Ammunition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent (if applicable) Instrnctor(s)-Attach list by name and certificationnumber Description of training Participants will receive instruction and skill development conducted in the classroom using firearms simulation and or on a firing line differentiate between threat levels; and respond appropriately to an identified threat. MPCTCRegulationsrequire that a11Firearms Instructors be certifiedby MPCTCaud thnt their cerlificationbe current. It is not necessaryto send any oth~ documentation with this application, however, said docunientalionshould be kept on file withhl said agency. January2013 MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUAL QUALIFICATION - DAY Approval# I Initials Date Expires ***Check box to indicate which application is requested*** 'ldl>RIMARY HANDGUN oSECONDARY HANDGUN Agency Code_4_06 __ Department Baltimore City School Police Address 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202 Contact Person Detective Lashon Kelly Seml-Automa~c Weapon(s) Telephone410-396-8588 E - Mail Ammunition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent (human torso or silhouette marked to indicate scoring values with maximmn scoring Target(s) B-27 area 725 square inches) Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number __ Qualification • _.B_o rounds (30 Rounds Minimum) Scoring- % only, 70 (70% minimum) Required firing distances - (l) less than 5 yards, (2) 5 yards to less than 10, (3) IO yards to less than 25 ynrds, (4) 25 yards or farther Requil'ed percentages of rounds~ minin1umlOo/o,but not n1orethan 40 %, front any range of the above firing distances. Maximum times Course- 2 seconds per round Jess than 5 yards1 3 secondsper round 5 yards to less than 10 yards, 4 seconds per round 10 yards to less than 25 yards, 5 seconds per round 25 yards or farther. Reloads - Revolver 17 seconds - Pfatol 8 seconds Movement - 5 seconds maximumpermitted to n1ove from one specified fil'ingposition to next. Required weapon holding positions - Strong hand supported by weak hand; strong hand with no support; weak hand supported by strong hand and weak hand with no support Required body positions-Standing, kneeling and 2 different positionsfro1nbarl'icadc. ***Note whel'e reloads or movement to a different firing position are in the course*** YARD #OF ~ LINE BODY POSITION ROUNDS 6 seconds UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDW/SUPPORT 3 '2 UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDW/SUPP0R1' 3 UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDONLY 7 UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDW/SUPPORT UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDW/SUPPORT 7 5 oeCt'lnd$ 4seconds 9seconds '14 9 seconds UPRIGHT STRONGHANDW/SUPPORT(4,6) UPRIGHTSTRONGHANDW/SUPPORT \0 48 seoonds {relm1d) 3 12 se0011ds UPRIGHT WEAK HAND W/SUPPORT 3 12 seconds UPRIGHTSiRDNO HANDW/SUPPORT(!l) 50 sacohds (reload} UPRIGHT Wt:AKHANDONlY (6} 15 15 15 Pennission to deviate from the required lvfPCTCFirearm Program should be requested in writing (with explanation), and submitted with said program. MPCTC Regulationsrequire that alI FirearmsInstructorsbe certifiedby MPCTCand that their certificationbe cun·ent. It i.,;not necessary to send any other documentation with this application,however, said documentationshould be kept on file within said agency. I certify that all infonnation prov'ded on this application is true and correct. lrish n elk Printed Name Junumy2013 •ohm J Le' Signature ,! "+e · Title Attachment: Yard Line 2S Body Position Barricade Kneeling (3) # of Rounds 6 (reload) Barricade-Upright strong hand w/support (3) Time 38 seconds MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUAL QUALIFICATION - REDUCED LIGHT Approval# I Initials Date Expires *?Check box to indicate which application is requested*** MPRIMARY HANDGUN oSECONDARY HANDGUN Department Baltimore CitySchool Police Agency Code_4_0_6 __ Address 200 E. North Avenu~ Baltimore, MD. 21202 Contact Person Detective LashonKelly Weapon(s) Semi-Automatic Target(s) _B_-2_7 ___ square inches) Telephone 410-396-8588 E ....Mai] l1ke! Ammunition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent (human torso or silhouette marked to indicate scoring values with maximum scoring area 725 Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number Qualification - 50 rounds (30 Rounds Minimum) Scoring-% only,_7_o ____ (70% minimum) Required firing distances - (l) less than 5 yards, (2) 5 yards to less than 15, (3) l5 yards or fm1her Required percentages of rounds - minimum 10%, but not ,nore than 40 %, from any range of the above firing distances. Maximum thnes Course -2 seconds pe1·round less than 5 yards, 3 second!::per round 5 yards to less than 15 yards, 4 seconds per round 15 yards or farther. Reloads- Revolver 17 seconds - Pistol 8 seconds Moveinent- 5 seconds maxilnum pennitted to 1novefrom one specified firing position to next, Required weapon holding positions - Strong hand supported by weak hand; strong hand with no supporti weak h!-lnd supported by strong hand and weak hand with no support Reqnired body positJons - Standing and kneeling. Requirecl Jighting - at least one of the following; Circle lighting used - flares, street lights, vehicle lights, vehicle emergency lights or alternate lighting source ***Note where reloads 01· movement to a different firing position are in the course"** YARD #OF LINE BODY POSITION ROUNDS Uprightstrong l1~tndw/aupport 3 Weakhandonly ' Upright slrong hand w/support (6) 7 Kneelingstronghand w/suppa;t(5) flashlights, TIME 10 seconds 10 seconds B 24 seoortds {reload) 10 ~HJ~1o1cond1, (reload) 10 38 seconds(teload) 10 48 secoods (reloftd) Strang hand only(2) Uprightstrongl1andw/support(5) 7 Uplightstronghandwtflashllght{5) Uprfghtstronghand w/1lnol1Eght (5) 15 Knaellngslmnr,handw/r.wpport (5) Uprightstrong handw/support(5) Pern:iissi(into deviatefrom the required MPCTC F.ireru·ms Program should be requestedin writing (with explanation),and submittedwith said pl'ogram. MPCTC Regitlationsrequire that all PirearmsInstructorsbe certificclby MPCTC and that their certificationbe current It ls not necessary to send any other documentation with this application,however, said documentationahouldbe kept on file within snid agency. I certify that all information pr lAtS kellL "Dr, Printed Name J.aturnry2013 c_ ided on this application is true and correct. oo} Signature L · Tul-ec,:-/-;\/e Title MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION ANNUAL OUALIFICA TION - DAY MPCTC USE ONLY Approval# I Initials Date Expires ***Check box to indicate which application is requested*** oPRIMARY HANDGUN 'eiSECONDARY HANDGUN Deparhnent BaltimoreCity School Police Agency Code_4_06 __ Address 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202 Contact Person DetectiveLashon Kelly Weapon(s) Semi-Automatic Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail Hkelly@bops,,us Ammunition - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent Target(s) B-27 (human torso or silhouette marked to indicate scoring values with maximum scoring area 725 square inches) Instructor(s)-Attach Qualification. list by name and certification number _5o __ rounds (30 Rounds Minimum) Scoring- % only, 70 (70% miuimum) Required firing distances - (1) less than 5 yards, (2) 5 yards to less than 10, (3) 10 yards to less than 25 yards, (4) 25 yards or farther l?equired percentage.~of rounds - ntlnimum 10%, but 11ot1norethan 40 %, from any range of the above firing distances. Maxiinu1n times Course - 2 seconds per round less than 5 yards, 3 seconds per round 5 yards to less than 10 yards, 4 seconds per rouud 10 yards to less than 25 yards, S seconds per round 25 yards or farther. Reloads -Revolver 17 seconds - Pistol 8 seconds Move1ncnt - 5 seconds maximu111 permitted to move fl'ontone specifiedfiring position to next. Required \Yeaponholding positions - Strong hand supported by weak hand; strong hand with no support; weak hand supported by strong hand and weak hand with no support Requir-ed body positions- Standing, kneeling and 2 differentpositions from barricade. ***Note where reloads or movement to a different firing position are in the course*** YARD #OF !!ME LINE BODY POSITION ROUNDS 3 uprightstronghandw/support 3 Liprlgh!stronghandw/support 3 upright strong hand ohfy 7 uerlghtstrong handw/support 7 upright stronghand w/supporl 3 9 seooods 7 uprlghlstronghandw/support(8) 14 50 seconds 3 a seconda 5 sai::ond1, 2 4 saooridfl 9:;;eoonds uprlgt.t weak l1t1ndonly (6) .15 15 upright strong hand w/aupport(4,6) 10 3 48 seconds uprightstronghandw/support 15 uprightweak hand w/support 3 12 seconds 12!l(;lllOt\dS PennissionLodeviate from the required MPCTC Fireann Ptogram should be requestedin writing (with explanation), and sub1nittedwith said program.MPCTCRegulationsrequil'ethatall FirearmsInsttucton; be certifiedby MPCTCand thattheirce1tificationbe cooent. It is no!necessary to sendanyotherdocmnenlation with thisapplication,however,saiddcx::umentatlon shouldbe keplon fi1e,vi1hinsaidagency. I certify that all information prov·· ed on this application is true and correct. l, /4/1 cohn1 lJ[c Signature January2013 ,,+ec-l1v~ Title Yard Line 25 Body Position BarricadeKneeling(3) Barricade-UprightStrong hand w/support (3) # of Rounds 6 (reload) Time 38 seconds MARYLANDPOLICE AND CORRECTIONALTRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVALAPPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY ANNUALOUALUcICATION-REDUCEDLIGHT Approval# I Initials Date Expires ***Checkbox to indicate which applicationis requested••• l;il.PRIMARY HANDGUN ~CONDARY HANDGUN Agency Code_4_0_6 __ Department BaltimoreCitySchoolPolice Address ZOOE. North Avenue,Baltimore,MD.21202 Contact Person DetectiveLashonKelly Weapon(s) Telephone 410-396-8588 E - Mail Ammunition- authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent · Semi-Automatic Target(s) ,_B_-2.,.1 ___ squareinches) (humantorso or silhouettemarlcedto indicatescoringvalueswith maximumscoring area 725 I Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certificationnumber i Qualification. _so_~rounds (30 Rounds Minimum)Scoring-% only,,_10 ____ (70% minimum) Required firing distances-(!) less than 5 yards, (2) 5 yards to less than 15, (3) 15yards or farther Required pel'centages of rounds - minimum 10%,but not morethan 40 %, fro1nany range of the above firing distances. Maximumtimes Course -2 secor1dsper round less than 5 yards1 3 secondsp~r round 5 yardsto less than 15 yru·ds,4 secondsper round 15yards or farther. Reloads - Revolver 17 seconds -· Pistol 8 seconds Movement- 5 seconds 1naximu1npermittedto move froln ortespecified firing positionto next. Required weaµon holding positiot•s-Strong hand supportedby weak hand; strong hand with no support;weak hand supportedby stronghand and weakhand with no suppol't Required body positions - Standingand kneeling. Required lighting- at least one of the following;Circle lighting used - flares, streetlights, vehiclelights, flashlights, vehicle emergencylights or alternatelightingsource ***Note where reloads 01· movement to a dift'erent firing position are in the course*** YARD LINE #OF ROUNDS BODYPOSITION 3 Uprlghtslrong handw/support TIME 1ooooomls -1-,-.,..-na-,--- Uprightstronghand w/support (6) a 24 se.condo(roloar!) 10 38 seconds(reload) 10 3B!leconds(relriad) 10 48 HOC(lnda (raload) Slronghanc!only (2) Kne!tllngstronghandw/suppnrt{li) Uprightslrong hand wfouppott{6) Uprightstronghandw/ ftashl(ght(5) Uprightslrong handw/ flashlight{6) Knoalhy slror\{1handw/s1.1ppol1 (5) 16 Uprightstronghandw/support(-5) Pe1missim1to dti.viate-f1'0fU the 1-equired MPCTCFireanns Programshouldbe requestedin writing (with explauatkm)1 and submittedwith said progran1.MPCTC RegulattonsmqUiJ"C that nllFirearmsInstrUctorsbe certifiedby MPCTCand that their cc1tificationbe current. Il is not nece.~smyto send anyother documentation wit11this application,however,said documentationshouldbe kept on file withini;aidagency. I certify that all infonnation ro tled on this applicationis true and correct. l '"<'-'~ k.:c.k 60, Printed Name Janllilry'.2:013 -v ~ [ (G i }c+e C Title I I 1 ! MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION ENTRANCE LEVEL PROGRAM MPCTC USE ONLY Approval# I Initials Date Department Baltimore City School Police Expires Agency Code._4_06 __ Address 200 E. NorthAvenue Baltimore,MD 21202 Contact Person Detective Lashon Kelly Telephone 410-396-8588 E ....Mail Total Program Hours ___ HANDGUN 3_5 ____ Hours __ 3_5___ _ Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number (35 hours Minimum) Weapon __ P_is_to_l ___ _ Classroom: To include: legal aspects ( rules for use of DF; alternatives to use of DF; emotional, mental and psychological prep needed for DF shooting situation; judgmental I decision tmining; criminal, civil, and admin. liability). Nomenclature relevant to the firearm; Care and cleaning of the firearm; Safe handling and storage of fireann (at home, in law enforcement facility, on the firing line, & on patrol); Fundamentals of marksmanship and shooting; Explanations and reasons for qualification; Ballistic properties; Reduced light techniques; Mechanical operation of weapon; Malfunction causes & clearing. Training & Qualification - conducted over a minimum of 3 separate calendru· days Numbet· of Rounds 1,ooo (1,000 Minimum)Ammunltion - authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent (human torso or silhouette marked to indicate scoring values with maximrun scoring area Target(s) !3 -2 7 725 square inches) Require 3 successive Day courses of fire. Qualification - Day Fire Program# of agency approved day course Qualification - Night Fire Require 1 Reduced Light course of fire. Progmm # of agency approved reduced light course TYPE 3 or 4 LONG GUN (if apnlicable) TYPE 3 - Hours (14 hours Minimum) of classroom, training and qualification ,....,.....__ Rounds (350 Minimum) of amrrmnition for training and qualification PI"Ogram # of agency approved day course Require 1 Day course of fire. TYPE 4 - Hours (7 hours Minimum) of classroom, training and qualification ____ .Rounds (50 Minimum) of ammunition for training and qualification Program# of agency approved day course Require 1 Day course of fire. Pennission to deviate from the requiredMPCTC FirearmProgra1nshould be requestedin writing (with explanation),and subniittedwith said program. MPCI'C Regulationsrequire that all FirearmsInstructorsbe certifiedby MPCTC and that their certificationbe currenl. It is not necessary to $endany other docu1nentationwith this application,however,said documentationshould be kept on file within said agency. I certify that all infonnation provided on this application is true and correct. Lashon Kelly Detective Printed Name Title Junuary2013 MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS FIREARM PROGRAM APPROVAL APPLICATION MPCTC USE ONLY WEAPON CONVERSION HANDGUN Check box to indicate which conversion you are requesting Approval # I Initials Date Expires Agency Code_4_06__ Department BaltimoreCitySchOolPolice Address 200 E. NorthAvenueBalllmore,MP 21202 Contact Person DetectiveLashon Kelly Telephone E ..... Mail 410-396-Sssa Instructor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number Weapon from ______ PRIMARY WEAPON - DIFFERENT TYPE t~o~------- Hours (14 hours minimum for classroom instruction, training and qualification) (400 rounds minimum, authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent) Number of Rounds Classroom -to include (a) nomenclature of firearm (b) care and cleaning of firearm (c) ballistic properties (d) mechanical operation of fireann (e) malfunction causes and clearing Training Drills - to include (a) reinforcement offundamentals (b) reloading techniques (c) clearing malfunctions. Qualification • Day Fire Program# of agency approved day course -----Qualification - Night Fire . Program # of agency approved reduced light course-------- PRIMARY WEAPON - SAME TYPE Weapon from._P_ist_o_l ______ .,t"'o'-P_ls_10_1 ____ _ Hours 7 (7 hours minimum for classroom instruction, training and qualification) (200 rounds minimum, authorized by agency or ballistic equivalent) Number of Rounds Classroom - to include (a) nomenclature of firearm (b) care and cleaning of firerum (c) ballistic properties (d) mechanical operation of firearm (e) malfunction causes and clearing Training Drills -to include (a) reinforcement of fundamentals (b)reloading techniques (c) clearing malfunctions, '°' Qualification - Day Fire Program # of agency approved day course------Qualification - Night Fire Program# of agency approved reduced light course-------Instmctor(s)-Attach list by name and certification number Perinissi.onto deviatefrom the required}.ifFCTCFirearmsProg1·1m1 shouldbe requestedin writing(with explanation),and submittedwith said program. MPCTC RegL1Lations require that all FirearmsInsta·uctorsbe cerliflcdby MPCTCand that their certificationbe current. It is not necessaryto send any other documentationwith this application,however,said documentations:honldbe kept on fil~withinsaid agency. I cetiify that all information pro i Lashon Kelly Printed Name J11nuary2013 on this application is tme and correct. {))hrn u_,ll Signature Detective Title . .,"' FEB 9,2015 '>:M:~4P_fyl·-· _- . -_M.Pbrc:.-_ - ----- -- - - C,c>J1rse C\italog ~_Elporf-_ Annual Firearms Classroom P22856 Program: Subject: Police Firearrn·s Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity SchoolPolice Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) tl~,l~~i~~:f,,f/i : ,' .Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 0.00 o.oo 1;t~;:~li 016 tf .. ··•· ..··.. •..· M~CJy···•·.·; • CoprseQ~(alog R~p.ort · i;.,;:_' ..:. AnnualFirearms Classroom In-Service P22857 Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity SchoolPolice Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) •):;g1,~iiiil(· it:••. Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 2.00 0.00 ::im1&~:&:~Ql5 , . ···. .·. . .·...... ··· fv,lf!c;:.rc/.> .... . .. course . '· . cat~!og.R~pqrt .:, ·.·.. '', ,'. ,: ,_ '. ' ;->" Annual Live Fire P22865 Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity SchoolPolice Crs Type: Tm Type: Date Approved: 2·09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) !'.f{ji~i~fj',:\f ('(!.. • Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 0.00 0.00 ·..· · · · .MPCTC · ..•. Course Cfttalog Rep9rt ·.·· · P22864 Annual Judgemental/Decision Training Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity School Police Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2·09·2015 Approved Period: 9·23·2014 To 9·23·2017 FIie Number: Description: (None) ;~j:lif~i~it]· .. Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 0.00 0.00 fl;:$ 9,?Q'.1'5 . · MPCTC. .. · ·•Ccior~~Catalo1;i'Report 02:01r~ · Annual Qualification Primary Day P22858 Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity School Police Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) i:O\i!i~~$' HJ.,. Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 0.00 o.oo ',>·,.F'EJ:l.:9::!0'1·5 ;:\::S~;oiWif ·, ·.. · rinf'~tc: . ...· Co1.1rse·Catalqg ..· . . '.'. " Report .. · ,, P22859 Ann1.1al Q1.1alificationPrimary Red1.1ced Light Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity School Police Crs Type: Trn Type: Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: 0.00 0.00 Fee: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 FIie Number: Description: (None) i~§'!~~s,$"t) '"''·J.<, r:1: ·.. ! ·· ·.·· . , MPCTC.. ·. · cqur~e R~prirl C~t<11(>g Annual Qualification Secondary Day P22860 Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity SchoolPolice Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) :"tia$.$~ii;.::\/••· .1,.....~.,1,:..·3 ..... .:.,..~,, ..: \ ...: ''-~ Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 0.00 0.00 . ... •.. ~1;1CTC , . ;. · Co1Jrse Caffllog Report ·· P22861 Annual Qualification Secondary Reduced Light Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity School Police Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 FIie Number: Description: (None) 1121 ~9,~~~e,$/£< u.c Status: Active Hours: Passing Score: Fee: o.oo 0.00 ..•. l"EB 9,2015 · · · ..··.·.· ..·..·•.M.f!GTC:. <, ...··..· ii\)pf ¥~PM •... P22862 ··. Cour:seCatalog:FJ.eport , ..... : :·. .. ' . ·:" . ' ' : Entrance Level Program Program: Subject: Police Firearms Instructor: Provider: Location: BaltimoreCity School Police Crs Type: Trn Type: Date Approved: 2-09-2015 Approved Period: 9-23-2014 To 9-23-2017 File Number: Description: (None) f:'.¢li!!~~~f:::.;.\J,:<'.;.·· ... ·· Status: Acllve Hours: Passing Score: Fee: 35.00 o.oo