MARYLAND POLICE AND CORRECTIONAL LESSON PLAN TRAINING COMMISSIONS COURSE TITLE: Police Officer Training LESSON TITLE: Police Officer Dealing with Truant Jnveniles PREPARED BY: Lawrence Smith DATE: April 14 2015 TIME FRAME PARAMETERS Hours: 4 hours Audience: Police Officers Number: 50 Space: Classroom/Lecture Hall PERFORMANCE • OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUE ,/ Utilizes tutors, counselors for truant students as well as families, and information about what type of student the individual is. ,/ Police need to show students options available to them in their future by attending school (verbal judo) When approaching students that are doing the "RIGHT" thing; let them know by engaging in positive conversation! Always tell students how doing the "RIGHT" thing will benefit in the future Assess overall climate, peer to peer climate, and police to student relationships Identifythe prevalence and problems associated with truancy. • Describeintervention strategies used to combat truancy. • Identifyintervention efforts that policecan use to combat truancy. ,/ • What: Prevalence and associated factors ,/ • So What: Outcomes associated with truancy ,/ • NowWhat: Interventions at home, school, and how the police can help! ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ 1 Use climate assessments to set up a greater structure in the community. Is authority established? Students may easily criticize without it. Is your approach aggressive? PCTC Lesson Plan Page2 INSTRUCTOR MATERIALS ___ Overheads ___ ___ ,Slides ___ _X_Reference Videotapes: Posters Documents: _X __ Lesson Plans: There are four companion Lesson Plans and PowerPointPresentations that supplement this overview. Each companion Lesson Plan and PowerPoint reiterates the Course Objectives in specific areas within this overview. They are attached and labeled by Session and time needed for instruction. EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIED ___ .Flipchart & Stands --~Flipchart NEEDED ___ Videotape Player Markers _X __ Power Point CD ___ ___ Video show ___ Overhead Projector X.___ ___ Projector Screen ___ Televisions Computers Videotape Player STUDENT HANDOUTS #Needed 50 Title: Understand there is a reason students don't attend school 2 Police Officers Deoling with Truont Juveniles Baltimore City School Police Department Marshall T. Goodwin, Chief ?An Overview of Truonl Benoviors Among our Youth ond Whot Police Con Do to Intervene? Presented by: Baltimore City School Police Training Section - Objec?ves his pr3?ehid?on ?yo Will ?d?hd a ss wiTh ?rru n?rion??effo Th 0 Our Agenda - WhaT: Prevalence and associated facTors I So WhaT: OUTcames associafea wi?rh Huancy I Now What: Infervenfians aT home, A Case IllusTraTion: Marlon?s STory Marlon is in The sevenTh grade and is considered To be an inTeIIigenT boy who once enjoyed school. When Marlon is in school he compleTed his work and received greaT marks in reTurn. The problem is ThaT halfway Through The semesTer, Marlon has missed 19 days of school. Over Time his aTTiTude has gone from brighT and energeTic To downhearTed, his oarTici oaTion has decreased, and he is noT Turning in his homework. In a siTuaTion such as This, whaT do you feel is going wrong wiTh Marlon and more imporTanle whaT can you we do To change iT? - Truoncy in our Schools I Truoncy is sweeping The nolion wilh mony sludenls missing school olue lo unexploined obsences. I 30% of sludenls ore missing school in some cilies lGoldslein,2003). Officers Torgef Truenf Teens How we iden?fy The problem ofHuonoy I Chronic school olosences I Severol unexcused obsenoes Iiyes of sTudenTs demonsTrOTing T37 onf DeliDCIUe-ncy Offic?ji??f Efbgroms, 3 Dep?men?r of JusTice, - - . . Officgeof Safe and Drug?Free SQ?f??ols, >School reloled foclors such os bullying or unsofe environmehl wi?rhih The school. >Fomlly foclors problems such 05 dis?rress wi?rhlh The fomily clue To flhohciol issues or hego?rlve fomily slruclure/environmehl. >Sludehl choroclerlslics such os low self? esleem or lock of lhleresl ond oulslde lhfluehces conlribullhg To use of drugs ond olcohol. What happens without intervention? I Failing out of school. A lower self-esteem paired with problems in social interactions. An increase in violence and drug abuse. Higher risk of pregnancy and violence. Higher crime rate and unemployment. What to do IDO not single out students with chronic: absenteeism in front of peers! IDO not make assumptions about reasons behind students behavior. lUnderstand that there is a problem why there are not going to school Who?r Works: Reseoroh YOU Con Use WhoT con police do To combof Huoncye com we do To help 05 Truancy Interven?on CIS Bolfimore Cier School Policell Gaining Early Awareness I UTilizes TuTors, counselors for TruonT sTudenTs os well os Tomilies, ond informoTion obouT whoT Type of sTudenT The individuol is. I Police need ovoiloble To '0 show sTudenTs ogTions 'hem in Their fuTure by oTTending so nool (verbol judo) REWARD THE lWhen opprooching sTUdenTs ThoT ore doing To Thing; The know engoge in posiTive oonversoTion! lAlwoys Tell sTUdenTs how doing The Thing will benefiT in The TUTure So whof?? th? YOU can do Uhdersl0hd There is reoson sludehls clon?l ollehd school lBelieve ll or no! sludehls love lo ollehd school! sludehl doesn?l ollehd school There is or reoson. hove lo remember eveh sludehl doing wrong lhihgs ol?rehd school. IToll< lo lhem! of why ?rhey don?l won! lo ollehd school! Climale Assessmeh?r I Assess overall climale, peer lo peer climale, and police To sludehl relalionships I Use climale assessmehls lo se?r up a grealer slruclure in The commUhi?ry. ls aulhori?ry Sluaehls may easily crilicize wilhoul ll. - Is your approach compeli?rive? Some sludehrs may feel rhrearehed while orhers may do qulle well I Look al The sludehls? background for help. . . aPochgg Case sTudy Illus?rro?rion Now Back To Marlon . . . Where youcon ge?r more help: Addirioncrl resources Remember each Truont Juvenile is on role at some school! Identify what school the student belongs to and transport the student to the assigned school THINGS A POLICE CAN DO TO IMPROVE ATTENDANCE **What POLICE can do individually. . Make students and parents/guardians feel welcome. Make a point to say ?hello? to every parent/guardian or student you come in contact with??mal