POOR ORIGINAL • ' I t- DIOCESE OF ORLAl\TDO 421 Ea~t Robinson Street, Orlando Otfloe of the Chanoel/or 305-425-3656 Post OfHco Box 1800, Orlando, Florida 32802·i800 September 1, 1988 :pr. Dcmdd ··R'. Esp·en Vice Chancellor Arch4iocese of Seattle 910 Marion Street Seattle, WA 98104 Dear Father Espen: Father Michael J. Cody, a member of your archdiocese, is working among the people of the Diocese of Orlando. We have gladly welcomed him and are grateful to him and to you for his priestly service among us, At this time, as we update our records on faculties, we would -like to request from you a reference. letter on Father Co_dy in regard to his canonicaJ standing. Any pertinent information regarding his life, morals, educational background will be appreciated. We are e~tremely grateful to you for your assistance in this matter·. Sincerely yours in Christ, (}d- ~ Re~. Art Bendixen Chancellor · . AB/s ''Come Holy Spirit RENEW the hearts of the faithful!!/" JH~ARCH000509 ''Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order