POOR QPtGtNAL 5 November 2004 Hfs Eminence, Joseph Cardinal Rat.zinger Prefect1 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Plazza del s Ufflzlo 11 00193 Rome ITALY Your Emlnence: May I respectfu!ly submit herewith to the judgment of the Congregation for the Doctrine Faith the case of Michael John Cody, a priest of the Archdlocese of Seattle. Two Female accusers allege that f'ather Cody molested them between 1958 and 19511 when they were minors. Father Cody has admitted to molesting at lea.st forty minor females and one minor mafe since his ordination. of the In 1962, upon receiving a report of aberrant bcllavior on the part of Father Cody from tl1e pastor of the p,arish where father Cody was parochial vkar, my predecessor referred Father Cody to a psychiatrist fur evaluation. To this psychiatrist Father Cody admitted to an abnormal sexual attraction toward young g!rls, and to having molested at least elght minor fernales. This psychiatrist diagnosed Father Cody as a pedophile, and requested Father Cody's removal from parish ministry. Father Cody lmmedlateJy was sent to a res!dentlal treatment center. Father Cody was released from this residential treatment center in 1963. Following the recommendations of Father Cody's therapists at the treatment center1 my predecessor placed Father Cody In a series of parish assignments between 1962 and 1975, assignments which were thought to be relatively free from stress and where Path et Cody would pose little risk of offending· again. In 1975, following three years of a divisive pastorate, Father Cody was removed frpm the office -Of parish pastor and was placed In resldence in another parish, without ministerial duties, Never again was he assigned to ministry. In 1979 Father Cody was placed on disability retirement. Thereafter Father Cody departed the geographical boundaries of the Archdiocese Of Seattle and moved to the territory of the Diocese of Orlando. In 1988 Father Cody requested to be allowed to celebrate Sunday Mass In !:he parishes of the Diocese of Orlando1 because of the pastoral needs of that diocese. My predecessor dedlned to grant Father Cody permission for this ministry, and referred Father Cody to.the Center for the Prevention of Chlld Molestation In Tampa, Florida for psychological assessment. In the course of this assessment the extentii Father Cody's abu'sive activity emerged, OFFICE OF· THE A·RCHBISHOP Archdiocese of Seattle • 910 Marion Streel • Seattle, Wash\ngton .. 98104-1299 JH-AJ1CHOOU324 "Sensitive !nfannal:ion" Per Proteettve Otder POOR ORIGINAL Father Cody estimated to his therapists that the mlnor victims he had abused,, predo111inately female, numbered as high as in the forties. father Cody admitted to a (then) twenty year history of fondllng and masturbating minor females. He also admitted to masturbating on a dally basis to sexual fantasies of fondling minor females. In response, the Center recommended that Father Cody not be permitted unsupervised contact With chlldren1 and that he enter a sex offender treatment program. FE!ther Cody already had been restricted by tny predecessor from any exercise of priestly ministry, and thls restriction continues to the present. S!nce 1988 two accusers have come foiward, confirming the abuse that Fath.er Cody had admitted. Father Cody continues to move around the country, making minima! contact with the Archdiocese of Seattle but canonically remaining an lncardlnated priest of.uur Archdiocese. He receives a monthly Income from the archdiocesan Priest Pension Fund. In 2003 Father Cody 111dicated that, beyond this support, he desires no connection with the Archdiocese of Seattle. It ls my desire now to b~ing Father Cody's ambiguous relatronship with the Archdiocese of Seattle to a close, and to end this ldentlf1cation of a p~dophlle priest as a priest of thfs Archdiocese when he ls not under my super\ilslon. In 1989 Father Cocly petitioned my P.redecessor for lalclzatlon, a petition my predecessor accepted. However, due to a change of personnel at the chancery, the process of la!clzatlon was not pursued. In 1993 the Archdiocese wrote to Father Cody Inquiring whether he still wished to petition for tafdzation. Father Cody responded that he considered hls resignation from active ministry as sufficient fot his purpGises and regarded lalclzatlon as an Internal ecclesiastfcal process Irrelevant to hlm, Father Cody noted that personal Involvement ln a li'llclzatlon process would only be stressful for his health. He voiced no objections as to my predecessor pursuing Imposed laiclzat!on for Father Cody 1fthat served the needs of the Archdiocese. Il: is my judgment, as expressed above1 that Father Cody's laldzatlon does s~rve the Archdiocese. Father COdy's continued -status as a priest of the Archdlocese Is a source of • scandal and wonderment to the faithful, who do not understand how ttils situation can continue unresolved. Our archdiocesan Case Review Board has recommended to me that I petition the Holy Father for the dismissal of Father Cody from the clerical state ex officio et in poenam. The archdiocesan Promoter of Justice concurs with this recommendation. With the evidence for father COdy's dellcts so abundant, and with Father Cody unwilling to participate personally In a lalclzatlon p~ocess but also having no objection to his lalclzatlon being sought by me, hls Ordinary, I agree that this rs the most healing action for the Church of Western Washington and for father Cody I am take. Therefore1 r ask for derogation from prescription tn thl~ case, and hereby petition the Holy Father to dismiss Mlchael John Cody from the derlcal state ex omcto et In poenam. l have Informed Michael Cody of my request of the Holy Father. Because of Michael Cody's advanced age and the requirements of cMt law1 he will continue to receive a monthly stipend from our archdiocesan Priest Pension fund !n the event of his la!cizatlon. IB-AJ1CH000325 "Sensitive lnfi:>rmation" Per Prptectfve Order POOR QRt~U"AL .' Howe11er, If it sho!Jld be the judgment of the Coo~~tlon to remand this case tu the trlbumd of the Archdiocese d Se~ttfe fo1' e foimm jYd!da! prot~ I request the Qmg~tkln to dispense tbs ~l olkers dihe court from ttie reqUlr~ents d pltMtll®d end a dodDl"ate 1ri airion hlw, betelme dthe lrmlted rwmber of our 1"""'""1nrilllli who possess these qualflcatloos. With wmnm p~n111! regards and best w~, I remain . Sfrrcerely yoors 111 Chl1st, .'· JlI-.ARCR000326 POOR ORtGfNAL CORPORATION OF THE CATHO!JC ARCHBISHOP OF SE:ATTLE vendor Name: Page 1 ' 16241() Check Pate Nov 02, 2004 Che~kJ Vendor No. 018175 CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE Accounl1'11>. rnvo:i.ae Number 11 110204 3 ) P1'11M1e Pt1l1.c~ if•~ Proaanllna for Paymeftl. ---~···· CORPORATION OF THE CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF SEATTLE 910 Marlon Strool SeaU!e, WA $8104 PAY ********** - - -· -· -· . THF- NORTffi:RN TRUST GOMPl\li!Y Ctilc•jr of Holy may P:iirfsh In Auburn tepOMd to ~bl-shop Conntllly bn 7.XII,1967, ~t Mlmael Cody, "he takes no meals attne rectory, Hie domastrc hefp are 1:1ftald of him tiecause offils temper tantrum~ and the Sl1lte1:eand lay tetacliers are scandaflzed at his undue ff;lmlllarlty With the siXl:h and seventh grade gtrls." {dowIDent 7) 19/:S Michal!!! COdy exhibits .emotlon!i!l lnstabilltv and ang1y, unreasonabl! outbursts during his pastorate at Assumption .Parish in BBlllngf'lam. The>~ i:lehavlors put tile pari:sllltmers and surrounding community In state of turmoll. (dOQJments 15, i6, 17, 18, 1f>) a Psychological lvaluatlon/R.lsk Assessment Year 1962 l'hec-aplst/Evaluator A. M. Hurley, MD · ivah.tation/Pf(1Qnosls Mlmool Codi is suffering from "~ form Of slilleuaJ devlatio dophllla) assodated with a lo~ndlng :iglail pp,blem iil'!d a serious emottom1i reectfon to it.,, Chdy !:S a dangtr to htm~lt and ottiers, has e)(hibfted sadfstic tendencies towatdtrboys 11nd has tal~d about kiillng adultsand himself, Dr. Hurley rlilcommene.ed that Cody be rlll!moved from parish work lilG soon as possll:de atJd that external contt<>fs, on his behaviors must oo made, {documant 2} A memorandum f!'om the Ria\/. Allbe McGrath~ pastor of Holy Family P {d!;~ents ll Md C{:lntermr the Prevention ot Chlffl Molestat:IC!n in Tampa furwl:trdml center for Pte:vention In a lettlW 4111:ad '.15.V..t9B9, Tampa, Forida .a psydlclog!a.11 as~ssmanl: of ~rr::hael Cody that liad . .or Chlld Molestation been completed in December :1:9BS, Ouring the assas$1tli:ll1t1 C«!y admitted to mo19ting 20·40 girls agl:'l$ ll - 121 and one. male child, He adrnltted to a 2-0 year history of fonilttf!g afld meswrtietlng )toung girls. He also admitted ta rnastur~tlng tbtlp O:ll'lfdly also mentklns ID the :PriJl:Sl:S' Pmit:iMEI Board that "11~1 Corly Is emt:itl~ 1.1nsttW!e. 1975 lbe Archdloreb ~nges ftlr the Rev, MD for appnilsal and treatment for his {documents 20, :a, and :22) 1979 Cody tD work~ Dr. W'llllamog!e, of n~MMI prOblems i:Ind anXletles. The Rev. Michael Corly has been is placed C'fi drsab11lt¥ retlrement(document 23} 19.DC. 1988 Althlf!Shop Raymond GI. Hoothal!S!:ln wrm to tht:? DJ~ tif Onan~ r~arding the st-1ws of the Rev. M!~I Corly f!:lfld ~ ~fitimt about his ptoblel"l'i! nm:~ f1elnted ti;> pedophtlla but to a mafllt. depresi!V:e disutier. {.document 25) !:l.X.1988 Archblshop Hunthaumt'l .asks the Rev. Mtohael Cody tD undergo~ oompletre assessment ~t the J:llorlda Mental Health Association In ortfer to oontirm the resultll Gf hls· 1962 psychological assessment by Dr. Hurley. The Archbimop formally restrid:s the Rev. Michael Cody from any form of priestly mlrttstry, (dooument 26) l::.UJ.1989 Archbishop Hunthausen fonnally accepts the Rev. Michael Cody's request for lalc:izatron. {doctiment 30) .. 1990 TM canon faW}ter assigned to process the lalcizatlon for the l\e\!. Michael Cody le.;aves active ministry, A memo from the Rev. Patrick McDermott, Director of Priests' Personnel dated 5.II.1990 to the flit! da1itles Cody's status. {rlotument 32) 11.III.1993 The Arohdlocese Informs the Rev. Michael COdy of an ln~ease In the Income he had b:eef\ recelvlng from the Archdiocese Irr accord with current poll.cy. (document 33) 199~ The Rev. Anthtmy Ba~M1 JCLt coritacts the Rev. Michael eody regardlng resuming hJs lalclmtion process. (document 35) !:lJX.1993 A flle memorandum from the Very Rw. George Thomas fnlllcates that he spoke wltt'! the Bishop of Reno/las Vegas regarding the presence of the Rev. Michael Cody Wfthfn the boundarles 'Of his diocese, (document 36). 1994 Al"ter receiving allegati{lns of sexual abuse by a brother and slster (document 37) on 29.XI.1994, the ·allfi!gations are turned over to the Office llfthe Proserutif:lQ Attorney In ! pHtoral '1lrl!l to l:tiis womaf\c. (docl!ments 4Q,.41142.), lhe archdiocesan Case ~iVlew Board Is mada aware of s!X priests who have Mt active prlestly mlnistry bliitause of ;;u;wsations of sexuai abuse of mlnars, pr adm!!isiorn; ta.. same•. The Cilse Re\llew /!oard recommem:lsto Archbishop Brunett that he seek tor these priests, d!sm!Ssar ff'Om the clerical ~ ())( offlao et In poenam from the Hofy Father1 one of Whom l~ Michael Cody. JH-ARCHll00332 "'S~nsftlve lnformatton" Per Protmctlve Order POOR ORIGINAL 2004 Archbishop Brunett opens canonlcal Investigation. (docuinent 44) 2004 Archbishop Brunett closes the canonical investigation. (document 45) 2004 Archbishop Brunett informs the priest of his actions. {document 46) 2004 Archbishop Brunett remands the case to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. I Sustenance Provided by the Archdiocese to the Cleric . 111e Rev. Michael Cody recefves a m_onthly Income o f - and is enrolled ln the Prlest:s' Health Plan. (document 39) · ·· .. Response/Recourse Made by the Cleric Year Action .. 8.II.1980 The Rev. Michael Cody expresses concern that he wlH continue to receive his retirement benefits. (document 24) 1988 Nine years after being on disability retirement, the Rev. Michael Cody asks Archbishop Hunthausen for permission to mlnister In the Diocese of Orlando, Florida. (documents 25 and 26) 1988 The Rev. Michael Cody Indicates In a 13.X.1988 letter to Archbishop Hunthausen that he would not have applied for faculties in the Diocese of Orlando if he thought he was stlll a threat. He states that he would do whatever the Archbishop asked. (document 27) 4JaL1988 The Rev. Michael Cody moves from Florida to New Hampshire and states In a letter to the Rev. George Thomas, Chancellor, that he would pursue laidzatlon· if he were guaranteed full pension benefits. (document 28) 20.I.1989 The Rev. Michael Cody Indicates he seeks lalcizatlon for the Church's best Interest. (document 29) 31.Vll.1993 The Rev. Michael Cody Indicates he wants nothing to do with Church bureauO"acy and believes hls holographic letter of reslgnatlon from active ministry was sufficient for Church purposes. He states that lalclzatlon is irrelevant. He also provides his new address In Nevada. {document 35) 2.IX.2003 The Rev. Michael Cody Indicates he essentlally wants nothing to do with the Archdiocese of Seattle (document 43). 5 JH~ARCH000333 "Sensitive l'.11formation" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL summary Vr1tf,Jmof the Arehbishop TM Rev. Midi~ Cody WC:ls d~gnosed as a pedoph!le In 1962. Ha underwent intoos& therapy fur ne~ one v-r at the Indute for L!Vlng 111 Hartford Cannet:tiad: from 1962 to 1963, The Atchcloc~ assigned him to what were thought to be tow risk assignments In oc{;O!"dzmce with the recommendation made hy the Institute. I11 Ul79: COdy was placed on disability retirement. Stm:e l979 he has lived In a stata of"voluntary reslgtlation." In 1986, Cody admitted to molasttng approximately fort;y minor females, ages eight - twelve{ and to molesting one minor ma~ Si:lce 1988, iwo· attl.Jsers have come furwwd, tont!rmlng the abuse that Cod)' had admitted. Sin.ca his retJram~ Cody has had l~ltbmt oontact with the Al'r.hdlocese, and then only to derooolne If he Will amtln® tn rece!Ve hls pm'!Sbn. Cody's ,c;oo!;lnueq status as a pr,iMt Of thf;'l Archdfooese Is a source of scandal and wonderment to the faithful, who do oot understand how thls sltuiltion can contt11ua uriresolved. The archdiore$lilll Case Review Board has recommended to me l!lat l petition the Holy Father for tha dlsmlssl!ll of Q:ldy form the clerical state f'JX offir:lo et in poenam. I agree that this wlll be the most heallng aetlon for the Church of Westam Washington and for Cody• . Jff.. ARCH000334 "Sensitive Information" Per Prof.Bdlive Order POOR. ORIGINAL ~ AROHDlOOESE OF SEATTLE CERTIFICATE AUTHENTICATING THE.ACTS CASE: MICHAEL JOHN CODY By these present, I certify that the acts of 1he above-mentioned case contained herein are either original writings or exact duplicates of original writings, and form the authentic acts of this case to be transmitted to the Congregation for the Doctrine ofthe Faith. Very Rev. Stephen Rowan Vicar General Archdiocese of Seattle Christine Ta or Chancellor/Notary Archdiocese of Seattle Given at the Chancery Qf'the Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington Thia 8th day of November In the year of our Lord, 2004. JH-ARCH000335 "Sensitive Information'' Per P,rotecthre Order POOR ORIGINAL l"fi;;tj;.'f FAJltll.'I' fi*J'i~EH. !l'!!liMl'O'.m AVtNu>; fl;.W. ttcn..y rNtll"-'I' llttl.l!iillli ffcl& ,w, li~tB!JR'r 1'1'1£1#111• whf 15c•o•;..1< ftnlu JtamU11 lfrtltt! ti!l!~Sa 11.ctrR A'('L PH.d oti'nfm.-~ce with DotY~or '.Bingbalri, Doetor 11.. 1'! 1 'Hu:rler, aDd Fatli~r William Gall~her. ~ese l)i'l.o:bora 'l',OV'ea;l.ed. tfuit ,Fa~ QodyJa Chm:>aQtei,t J.s reuJ.7 path<:flo$ioa:LJ ·'bruit h$ .ia l.'4ow 11!$rltllll:1 a'l:l:d eo'lii.~ly ~.o'aaJ;y '~~; that he has definite and stl:'ong ~denc1ea toward aeI:t'-destruut:uin or suic1dl'lJ tbh I w.111 not 11111.nt±cin b.!'JI'e) may o.auae 11 Dlajor"~dil . :i.n thit'J p4ll>is'i:;.1 ~d ;U:' di~.wed. 1 mq t-P'!ll.ii in e pen:t'kli~y eerrtiemie 41~ Wallei Walla.. · . ! oo'Uld pve l'~r Ex:cell6flcy ~ct:i.~n atnce ~ appoint'!l'Jant ~&.. v~b?J,l;y r.\:lth.er 'hhan in m~;,ng. a list. of bis il'1".ati6111111 word!J 'end · l 'lt'Oilld prfi!f81: to eiv!!J yoy ~hi/j li~ Se ha.a h.and m111 be:r reri!nat:l.C1n of 'Hi'lfch ~a, 196'2.. . · . , As of tdtis date l havl!I preteni.!&d not i;o 110tioe QJ.' to ino'W' .at hie OU!:' relatio:n111 Ul'fil .,.11;aaf>t ~ aoicm. 'Jltt prob'lli!ml ~ 1'.!l:!rei;.so:nef(ll'fil p~~ M aoon kl;s ~ nqne~ a~ p.:>~aihl~ .. l'mxr ~el.;l.enr;y to moVe. ll'$her ~ "Sam!Jtive·1nro....tion'' ~ l'rob,:dive Onler Dooument2 !• 1:•·. POOR. ORIGINAL .. ALBERT M. H!J Rl.EY, M, !J. PSYDHIAThY 1.Dl4 GCYLSTQN AV~NU£ 6£ATTLE I, VIASl'lllfllTUN Ms.rob 19,. 1962 Arohbisliop Thomas Connelly 907 !J.Je:rry Seattile 4, Wash, Dear Arohbiehop Connelly: :R<:n Father Cody ... -.. . ; ~.: ...... .._ Pe:tuant to our helephone oonveraaiaon this :morning, this lette:.· ie w:ritten to i:n:form you of iny findings in the case of Father Cody; I, a.aw him first on February 23 upon your referral ~d·· at ihat iime he told me tha-t he was su:fferihg from an abnormal sex:ua.1 atkaotion toward young girls. Binoe his ordination about .three .years ago,. and more p,a.rt.ioula.:tly since his ':fatherls deatl:i ·approximately one year ago• he has molested at least eight girls twelve yea;ris ·o:f a;ge or younger. As you. k:now 1 ther.e he.ve been complaints about his hostiUty and: temper in the va.rl:ous parie;hes where he has served • .He a.tso complains of feelings of severe depression, Q.u:ting which time he prays that God will allow him io die :i:-ather than continue i-his behavior. A rather simple :formulation of this problem seems to be that he has se:x:ual impulses· which he fights against consciously a.n:d is unable to control voltmarily-, · The a.ots ·themselves are follovy-ed by guiU 1 depre>ssion and e.lso exLernalized. hostility. It is my opinion that Father Cody is dangerous both to himself and to othe:i:-s. He has exhibited sadistic tendencies towards boys with whom he has aesociated 1 hae talked aboul; killing adults, and has entert.ained ideas of suicide, It is my diagnosis that he is suffering from a form of sexual deviation (:Pedophilia) associated with a long.:..ata.nding oharaoterologioal ·problem a.nd a. ser!oul!! emotional reaction to l.t. H is my recom:m.endatiol'l that he be removed :from parish work al:l soon <1.s possible. It is likely tha.f, :if exiel;'ne.1 oo:ntrols on hie acl;ing out are made, and this cycle of aggression and depression su:fficiei&t1y i11terrupted, then ha can once again assume a useful and. productive life, R.eepeot..fully yours, AMH1:1nc ~ Hu::rley, A. M~ M. D. ........ it .: :~... • ra~ARCH000337 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL Amentoran~um. relative t~ Father Miohaal J. Dody: Sin~e his appointment as a aurate to this parish, I have oaretully observed the conduct of Fat!l-er ·OQjl;y, and. I oame ti!) the c0noluej.on that h.e is lllentally si.ak. I'~/ 1¢' ~.IA..h //i;4 ~ · Father Jan .Bogus:s also has oba"Srvad the at.range conduct- e:f Father Cody a.nu has a;pokan to ll.im more intimately. than I have·., :Father Bogu.sz :believes: that Father oo if ts not oPJ.r ment~U;r s-,10)~,.•.ljl,l,t that l4_e.. ~10,kneJlS 1s· vary serious. · ~I 'fP~P'l'~J~ ;;., 1a, ~ ~ fet, · . • To get some aoourata infol'I!latiOJa on ll'ather Qody 1 .I had a lons 09n- . wit.h. Father Williatll Gallagher,· the ~astor or st. L~ke B :me the long litany of abnormal behaviolU("'of Father Father Gallagher ad~ised me ta consult the doctor. ve~sation Pariah~ Who.gave Op~y. '' As' a eonaaquen }}rM.ns out or oauae a mlil.jP:r aeettdal in the pariah." · ~a n~t I told Dr. Binghaxn that as Paat~ra we ne~er report tQ the A!roh~ . anything about curates ~r other pr~eats. Dr. Bi~gham adTised Bisho~ 111.e that it was a ·d;uty and an obliBatlon t&. repor.t this mattel' to the Arohbish~:p iJ:nmediataly, as the matteP .is moat urgent and l!lost ose.rj,.OUlh For a solution . o~ . this problem, I Will gladly cooperate with B:x:eellency 1.n. any way:,; Y~1Ar l am also ·certain tha.t Doota-r Billgha:m will gladly give -you his complete diagnosis and will euggest therepa7 fl>ll! F~ther. Codyo The othe;(' doctors whol'l.ave exa:mined Jl'athe:r Oody wi11 also~ .I pres'l.Ulle, ()pop'erate., !heae· do~to:i:s ~re;, Daot?~Q.'le:ntil},.,-,Ji_.;. ll'l.sk, e.nd: Doetor Franklin R. Smith., ';tbN..t..7 fl,./Wf· 'AF:!....~,,. Up to tll.e preaeni'h:f.me ~:i.:i. relations between Flithar Gody and lliy.s.eilt are peaoeful and1Without any embarrassment or o?isls. I hav.e pre~ :Ii.ended net tG notioe any unusual oonduot on Fr. C!lt;idY*s part. May I request Your Ex{lelleney to regard this imformation as oontldential and not t~al its souroe to Fr. Oody • o'f:!h~ ~;: ,AJ/~--~ .A. :l.'ew samples strane;e oonduc t: {l) Tablernaale;. (2.) stay with l3rowna.; (!3) order to housekaepe:r; (4) Vlolent temper; {5). re.Peate!l statement. to Dr. E1ngham and Jl'r. eailaglle.l' re his seJ.f-destruotion; (5.) dislike ot people--a oomtem~t tor people--no a.-ympathy• (7) exoessi-re p:ride; ts·) a: daep .seated 1n!eriorit~ 00111ple¥; teJ parishionara do not wiah to deal wit~ hilll. : (10) Holy OollllltunioB at at. Luke's; {ll) two revolvers in•hia roOlll; (12) b1.J.Y'a desk Nadt ohair ~117.00 without eon4ult1~ me; (13) his s.tudy Mn.ta.ins nothing but h:l.-:t'i; tl4.} Motel--rf\ther tha.n hie own room 'J' 'fU"~J /VP~1 ' JH-Al~CROOU338 ''$ensftive Information'' P~r Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL HOL'Y FAMILY li!!PHOOL HOL"Y f'AMll..Y CHURCH SSJ-..5 .. ~Q'TH AV.Jtt>J-1.Ht e.w. ~HcNltJ WE.aT !5"0345 ~ 18,tl a.w. ROX:BU1l''f .. Document4 1.(JnltJ 1Jft>u11Un iirttnrg 'i!62Z 20TH AVE. S. W. PflONe:, WEST 7•2122 SSATTl.I!'. 6, WASHINGTON I' May 14, 1962 Connolly, D.n., J.e.:e. You:r Ex:eellEaiey: l am neiw urt1entl.y req11esting Yenr lilll:aell.en111 to move Father Miohael Cecily from this parish ae aooll as possibl.e £or :f;Jaa l.'easons l:l.et4iid iti tirl.11 letter. _ It is imperative and. neoessar,r :f':~n: me 'be brin~ to Yo'lll' Ehtoellencyts attention. cinee_ mare the pl'Elblems and the m0ntal aioknei:1t1 Fa;l;h(ilr .Cecily, H:\:s problems and !Sickness are really urgent, He is de'berierating rapidl:y. oi' _ Jl.s a !'!liner example of his reaen.t oonduet,--Father OGttr refused to awear in cmmoh f<;}:r the admi.n:i.sbat!l:om of the Saeralll®llt ef'. !ilc.m£irmati01n 1afllt -Saturday~ May 1.23 be lee>ked ltimslill.f J..n hiii room! :refused to GGllle ·ta dililtler w.l:th tha Vial.ting olerg;r3 cil.id net appeal." £0r the &it'tll'day Oont'essions3 and :il:lfo:t'lllefl me that._ ·he was taldng the week Of£ on $\l.nli~Y: May .12~ at the ~et;tues:b of his ~ct.or. :; . ·In dealing with Father Ci;uJ;r, I mave used every form ef kindneis 1 charity -and patience: :r l!te.ve no:J; at my· time used o.rrectionJ a!!l.vicre, 0r e:ny llt'll'ds that may dist'll.rb hiln; l kave. pretended net to :netice his irrational actions and words-,. It is :raow 0bvious that ;jurlioe~ cha.rt 'by and patience will' not solve Father Gi;idyl a :problems. lie regards all eharlt;y and patience .as a weakness. . It is now al.89 &qually obvio~ 'that b!l.s S-uppressed rage, di.sllke.t al.:ld hatred of all persens in this rectory may soon 'explode :i.n a er.rime of violenoe. H:l.s ph:ych;i.at~st~ D:>ctor A. M. Hurley, will oonfim this 11t.atement. l do not want a ITJµl'Cler, a mrl.oide, er a de sexto orime of vic:>le~oe in this reotoey or in this pariah, In lli\t epinion _and in the- judgmtmt o.r Dootel' ll\'lrley1 tbis is not merel}" an aoadelllic 11oasibiJj:l;y1 but a very l'eal. pre'bability. i'fuen I read in tha dai1y papers of crimes of llrorder and :rape,, I beg:lzt to wondel" if Father Ood;f is involved. · May I therefore ae Yr:iur ~oellenoy te move Father Ood;r from tbia psrish as seon aa possible. SinaereJ.y yoU:s in Ohrist.1 .. ~ ~ . •· ~ (Father)~ ~ .~··. ,Ailpe M. McGrath JH-ARCEl006l39 "sensitive Inforrnatfon" Per Pl'tltectrve Order POOR. ORIGINAL uocumantb 820 file Exoerpt from letter o~ Bi.shop Gill to Arohbishop date of October 14, 1963: · i~ Rome; under "Father Michael Cody. haa been giving_ me a 1.1 ttle wo:rry lately, It is not that he ia not trying; there are mani:test signs of deteriorution in ld$ mental health. He has wide _mood-l!lwings, Ue experi1m9es deep deµre.ssions 1 alte_rnated, by manic explosions, del,1sions of importance and g1'andeur',• etc., etc·, In the e:t'fort to epare him any pre~­ sure, we -gradually reduced his assignments 1 .snd even then. recognized that it was not enough, Right now we are allowing hint to rest "entirely, and have 1Hted a:u. :responsi b1.lit:l.es and asaignmentl.i! for a week or two, until he fe&ls better able to pic.K them up again, r expect it will be eometi1ne before he 111 in ooncti tion to a..'>sume even a mode:rate worlc load of assistant 'a work.'' JH-ARCH000340 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR. ORIGINAL !M~ MEl:>l<>At. -'«" l>lmTJ.I,, llillll.~!­ WAlllH!ff&~N !a!!ll~ 1<111r;f;l.!. ll;..!1"1 SJ;A'f'f!..E:. April llQM~ QJI:' lliUJt. ~t. Jall!u ~thedt>d 804 • !1th. .&venue Seattle, \.Ut.snin,ton Most Reverruid GUl: Fath&T Cod)!' bas }Je&l\ 111)' patiemt f.:>r ·quite sa'1etime, H\11 ba.s rec:.imtl1 "lcute pain in the abclonum, clue to an 11la1 ·1t· is a .dir01at sti111ula.rit tCJ thii!. at11~eh to prod~11: ~ li~ceu of .wid;. Control pf add and peJ!tie juice {ievelop~d p:o~uction is a vital. plan~ tn the trea~!llellt ~f pancr~titia, .I wQUll'J much: rather have ial:~r cOdy emu 1i1p J>1i-th an ,nlaa);' OJ;' a surgical PrQl:>lem than what he ha11J Ch11J:Jnio :n1lapsing panq't'e 1ti" p~~!i!H. ou $P des:l~e. ~SensH:ive.lnfoMatlicn" Por P'l'Qtectiv~ Qntw POOR. ORIGINAL uocwnent 7 ·.,.•"'.,.... ~ HOLY FAMILY RECTO.RY P.O. llo;B . . . .. Aubw•, Wash1ngmn ' ' JR-ARCH000342 - "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL Oocument7 December 7, 1.967 Your EXcellency: You are an und~rstandlng man. I have a problem and you are the only one who can solVEJ It. It is not a personal problem but involved the mental Jilness of Father Cody. The sltuatlol'J has deteriorated to such a state that he takes no meals at the rectory, the domestic help are afraid of him because of his temper tantrums, and the Sisters and lay teachers are scandalized at his undue familiarity with the sixth and seventh grade glrls. have sympathy with his problem, but I am unable to cope with It. His deviant behavior ls a danger to the good of souls. I Before the people become Involved in this priestly problem I consider It prducent to being this matter to your attention. '· RespectfUily yours in Christ, John J, Duffy Jli-ARCH000343 "Sensftlve Information" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL vooumenra BUJ/ .562. Yuy Rev. .Ailb~ Meara.th Holy Family Rectory 9622 20th Avenue 8. W. S1:Jattle, Washington Dear .Father McOrathi I wish to asau:re you that provision will be m~de fol' F:t.', Ml.cha.el Cody ttl unde:rgo treatment at the Institute n£ the Livil;ig ln Hartfo1•t, Connecticut, as soon ae accommoda:tiona a:re ready :for .hifn in that ini:;titution, l w~s spealting to the director o:C the hospital, Dac'tor he assured me that he \vil.l do what he can to make pro .. yi.sion to :receive .Fr, Oody. He is to send ma an air mail lett.wr with . · t:he :required information at the £h·st opportunity, Bracalan~, and fhave talked again with Doctor Hu'dey and it is his opin:l..on that .Fr. Cody is becoming progressively worse. Personally, X do not hold out any great herpes ior his·iniprovement 01:.that he will e'!rer raa.ssume hie pl'iestly aa:i-eer, With every best wish and blessing, I am Si11ce.rely you1·s in Christ, Tho:ma.e .A. Connolly .Al'chbhhop o:f Seattle JII~ARCH00-0344 "Sensitive lnformati-nn" Per Protective Order POOR. ORIGINAL c. GQrdoll Edgr•n. M. I>. AHb1ta11t Medi.cal :O:h:·&eto;r The Institute of Uiv:lm,g 7..00 lll~t-,-eai'.Avenue Hartford; Conooctic~ . " I '!.vi.iah to ;;uuntt·e you that tlle :Re'l!"f$l'octo1· Oil th«:i patllll.flt.. l;:bir~ey will aend y•ou a. p{)ropJet-e :report . (Moet ltev. I Th.ei~a~ .A. C:ormolly .Arc111:'>.hihop <:>I. Se~tt1e POOR. ORIGINAL jJOGUmem IV 1J20/56Z Ma.y 2.4, 1962. Rev, Mi.cha.el Cody Holy Fa.rni1,y R1;H:tar1 96Z.2 2.0th Avenue S. W. Se~ttle 6, Waeliington Oeat' Fa.the r Cod)'l I am plea.sod to' notify ypu to the ~.f!ect that >!e$erva.tione ba.ve fo:r you to depa;r.H'rom Seattle United Air Linn .li'light 830 at 1Z:3.S A. M. ~n ~011d~y, .May 2.S, a.:r:rtving in Cl:d.Cl!'Lgo at ~n15: A, 'M.• and e,onnact~ ing with United Flight 700 leaving Cbicago dii:eatly for H1u·tfol;'4 a.t 8:l!i A. M. and a.t:riving ln Bradley Field, l{a:rtford, at i'J.1 LO A, M. In order tp Bave time the ticket will be i.naHed to you today togetl1e-,: with t~ ~tatem~nt.' rondly forward the s~a.tamen.t to me immea!ately so that l may aend the check to United Air Line'S. _lt is· a. :reund tiip tfoqt. ' been ~ada . cm The ln:;tit\\te of the .t,i:ving b loc.a.ted at 2.00 Retreat Avenue, Hartford~. Conneotiout a1td 1 am s1ll'lll that you will. be able to. locate it euily enough with thEi )1el.p of a cab drive:t-, · 1 p:ruume tha.i yo-u will dou lay dress following y'C>\tt' anival antd rmgist.ratlon, the !e<'.I tor whfoh I hav1> alrtady paid the Ifl.stitut~. Acc:nrd1ngly, I wou'l(i S'\\!\f&est tba.t you b:d.ng eeve~al pii,hr of ala.eke ',i.nd some soft shirte with ·a je.<:ket or sport coat, '.I"lie wai'm weather rnay be setting· in' at Hart!o:rd befoT~ too leng and you iihl'>uld keep thi.a element in mind. I ha.ve noted tha.t in your request :for pea•mililsion to be ab!lent !rec:rn Holy ;F~mUy Fa.rle;h Otl.YO\ll' ann~l v;;1;catlon from June Z4 to July 7 I you menUoned l'et\tj.ng 11 beach ca.bin on an "81~nd. l woi.il d sugge.st tha.t you. cancel a uch tti;u::onimodatienll, at least fol.' the Ume being. · · It ie my earnes.t tirayer that a soj_ourn at the Inatitute of the ,Livw ing will prove most beneifoial to you in evei-y way fer you }1ave xna.ny yea'.l.'s of ja#h:ful, zealou.s Ma·vi.;;e to the .Ghurcb and to her children before you, I would appreo1e.te hearing from Yi.?U after you have undergone the preliminary examinations at the lnst:ltute, With every best wish and blessfog, lam Sincerely yours in Cht'il}t, · 'l'ho.roa11 :A. Oormolly Ari::hhis.hon o:rsaattli:i JJI~ARClI000346 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL oooumeni 11 THE INSTITUTE OF 1...IVING aoo RETRlo:AT AVEtlUl: !"IARTl'"ORO 2, Co1uo:cr1c11T Oflf'ft:f:.S QF THC Psvcuu.TR•rr --1tt~:Ctt1cf' .. Your E~eellency: ·~ •• Fe;l;her Michael. Oody has shown impX"avemen'!i in the :past eight lllOnths anCI ! :reel that hos;pita.lization is no longer necesaa:ry. · In 'hhe past l!'a.thel' (locly had d.it:t'iculty in oont:roJ.lj,.ng his temper :pa;rticule.rly in dealing with bis :Pee;rs and supeJ:>iors. At present Fa:bher Oody i.13 awa.xe that th:l.a Cliff;iculty had. soniething to do with earlier experiences at eclloo.'.\. and -with his :family. ·I1l Father Cody's understanding of this · · emot:totJ.al con:t'J.iet 1 there ha.a developed a. better und.ef• standing of relatingiD other people. < 'r, . While li'a:tb.er Ood:yJ in my oi.,;inion, rio 1onger needs hospitalization I do t'eel that he is in ueed of :tV.rther outpatient psyol;tiatric ca.rs. ~his has been discussed with :Father Cody aJ-ld he is also Eriia;re of th:l:G need. Sf.nee Fa.the;r Cody 1 B 113,neBs w:;i.s a aerious on.e he ahares "With me rese;rvation.s rega.:rding assuming the duties o:t' an· a.a.1>iui'.E:1.nt :tn. Pa;rish ;1o~k i1mnMia.tUy upcm d:l.scha.rge, -There the stresses of. l:ui,nd.ling' other peopl.e 1 s personal problems highlighted h1s O"Wn. MY ad.vice in thia area, wh;ile a, tempm-a:ry ccmsictera.tion, is of' conce;rn to Fa.the:t Cody a.l!l.d myself, Raving known :Father Cody · oV'el' the piwib eight monthe I a'lll a;ware o:f' his assets, · partiaula.:rly in regal'd to orga.nize.tiona.l ability a.nil. aduJ:t educationa.1 ability~ anP.. :reel that these can be utilized extensively, While hel."e a.t the hos pita.l, a.s· you. know, Father Cody has been Say,l.ng dai:ty mass a.t the convent e,nd. alao saying ma.5s in· a neighborhood parish on ... Sundays. '":-''·"·· I ha.'lfe talked. to Father COd.y with regard to the )?OBsibility of his discussing with yau his· future assignment e.nd I wish I could. have the oppo:i:·tun:l:ty to d.o· this myself. U.n:t'ortuna;l;ely the d.iata.nce between Cpnnecticut and Wa.ab.ington makes this d.i:f'f:t~ult 1 but perhaps it'W:luld be possible to discuaa thia by phone or I oouad·try to '. . I ·:--·: .. '• ...........,,' .. ·~· '"', .. JH~ARCH000347 ·•sensitive Infarmation 11 Per Protective Order POOR QRtnl"'AL '"-,. ~" ·r ~ - ~ ~nawer a.ny question:i'you :ha,ve in ~ind by letter. Sincere.ly yours 1 John Donnelly, M· D. MedicaJ. Director ~he Most ;Reverend Thomas A. C:onnolJ.;y Archdiocese of Seattle 901 Terry Avenue Sea.tt.le 4, Washington '· .;I . I JII~ARCHl.100348 "S~nsitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL iN~TTtUTR: TtiE aco R.llfllg,T !'i.l!ITFOl!.P. OF LIVING A.n~u:1; a, ():t}!OIC<:tl'l<;;lft J)o()ttll' WiUie,lll; ~ . d I li£t'ii:e JI.mt in o~:W~t:hm QVf.tl' l'ittlu!!l' Hichalal ~. yeu. knoll', Alli 1.e •aa r.:cy :i~o'lled,. · .ie h1t11 bee;n 'ti.Mell h aa~p.g Ua11s &d.44" alt a nnrl>;r ~en'tl ~·~· hlil'I b&lll%\ h«1lpbf: ~t ~ n•v~y ~dtlll tivtr :tba Wffk auA. Re eel't1dnl1". mu1 a. 1J;re.at deal .at ialli!ht. 1k ;JlilaU~H ·w'ir•re )lia :tir~bllilll!J atutad a~, thl'l?ugh hia \Ul.dtn•111~din~ .~~ ti!lltO~io;n~ ~un:flillt1 lie l!u 'been .llibl.e to rela.te hi!naeU wol;t netter 110 otl!..en. '· iUui.t :you .lmow tb:11.t 'ie MTB MIJ!l'late,noe c:.J'J.f" iii pqcttiilitr;r ~na with &iell: peo.Pl• e.nd tl!e do n.e~ :prt11t•e to a..d:vi11' on m3ttflri ~t lil.l'e o~tdde .of· ;nm tteU!.. IWwever, 1 t 111 cll.f' !Hl..:. i11~ th&t ~thS:i Ooq ~d dlom!I tn. pal'i~it111.~f! 1i~t~ 'Ill' his min old U.ffbulUu &.nd vo l}re!e1.' tha\ 1,. }.le proteot!'fl! f:r.C'Jln th<>11e i""l' a whil.«, Witl!i name ouirpe·U,ent l;j.o.l:p £.ram Dct11!'9~ 1'1'11.l'l•Y and with a ~o\ to da, I am Wl'B .hJi llau.ld ttn'li (lat to b~ lilO&t (?a~i11$oto1'1', · .W,o Rif ge:!;tin.I!: a, little ai:a::d,oM her!1 no'!". t~~e~ ilc ~a g~Ul~ Nt1iUeti1J '$Jld ~ l.UU• 'bl~ f~t·M b.eea:uu. we J:aaya Mt A~ £ram )is •Ullf11.'i.Ol'il. It. i;S ¢'W:' ~a;pe tbet ~~e &PraJ.li~tn wUl 'ba l!l!Mle for billl. :lo'Jt m. ill f'1 Un~ ~ \lui~l!lT a:a we vould .not v~n.t t<1 •te hill! $Up 'b~k tl'i wm,ei-~ he · was.. llillle ~io ~old i:i'n l"l'laliV h not. i~t 'llel:\'\l."" w.it, ltoAetJac!#'letit nitll)l i;.u il:1Uq.\U'ity 'Jill ~o·t · . .ti.~ b hb ~on'Vt1loIJotmoo ~rut O !1 "'itl> ~}de .,. . . tltat ! HGpe11ttullT W.ril;e Yo'\> to ~sk wheihor 'it Vill bia }x.n1db\• flltr •~thing tq ~e 4ou!ll f(.lr b~. Ye ::feel tir&t :4e nae '.i.e,d . blil.U~;f'U .t:.ro111 Up!IJ?1ffaU~.. th~ ll1.7'11 u4 ~~ it 1~ ~1111i ~ ~ad i~to th~ -1:~ IJ'l;(l}l· ! •J;>> POOR ORIGINAL ' With ••tn'T tu1t11ll'aztr-" oj our '.res:Jfeot aml. llla.rnas t dHire to be r;i:t' help and wtth t}IB.:nks t0cr TOW cbniidmioe in 11~, vs 11E1nd 7011 our lJe&t :Wbhea. };tost Reverend !p.Olllf!.S A. hehbisho;p· of l!e}9.t1il.e 907 ~r:r:r .l\.yerru Oe~e>ll.1' aattl1!1 4 1 WaShingtlfln .. ' ' ·~ '' ,JIJ-AltCH000350 "~iffve Information" hr .,m!&ctiV& Order POOR. ORIGINAL ~;.. w-~ Document 13 MEMORANDUM Ret- Rev. Michael Cody March Z5, 1963 . This morning l telephoned to The Institute o:f Living in Hartford, Connecticut, and spoke to Doctor William F. Lynch in the absence of Doctor Franci!! J. Braceland, Paychiatrist"in-Chief of the Institiition in question. . I informed him that it was not poesible ;fo.r me to sign assign Father Cody to \'!Oma type o:f· spacial :m1i3si on in place of appointing hitn an assistant a pa:i:ish. · .A.pparantly, the doet<>:ta in the Institu.te of Lilting desire him t;o have some ty:pe o:f work; possibly fo the field of re·search , whe:te he will not have to come in contact with people. They feel that ii people 5hould came to consult Father· Cody and. unload their p-roblem's upon hlm, he would be to~ally unable to hand.le them and, in addition, he would become upset by the !act that other people have problems along" with himseU', · · in l informed Doctor Lynch that.I have be"en unable to secure the consent of any pastor who· would be .willing to accept FatheJ:Cody in view 0£ the latter's q:u.estiop.able proclivities, if euch they may be called; ! suggested that aincs Father'· Cody's b:rothe:i: lives in the vicinity of the I11~ stitute, a suggestion might be passed on to him to seek an appointment somewhere in that area with p.;_rtfoulal'lreferences to the parishes in which he has gi_v.en substitute service ove1• the past few ;months. Doctor Lunch informed me that Fa.titer Cody e:x~ellent service in these appointments and that the pastors ~n question regar5led him as a -perfectly well balanced y'outlg p1:iest and a.b. excellent preacher, Eowever, ~ d.octor alao decla:red that Father Cody appeared well ba·lanced because he did not have to deal with parishioners 01• their pi•able~a .. · g.;,ve The irnm and aubstanee. of our telephone convel'sa.tion, insofar ae Fathe1· Cody's :future ie conce:rned, z.-e:veala that thesepeople in the Institute of Living are un~ble to fIDilJe.east Father Cbdy1 s iutu.re with any degl'ee of cei-ta.inty. Apparently, he is still a problem ta all o:f thetn. Doct91• Braceland or Doctol' Lynch is ta call me on next Monday morning at 11:.30 to ,l1ive me thei:r opinion with rei;:ard to my s~gges­ tion and whatever other i·ecom:rnendation11 they hew(! to offe1'. 1 ha.d informed Doctor Lynch that we cannot conti~me the treatment :rxrnch longer at this price. JII·AH.CH000351 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR. ORIGINAL Ooooln!eltl114 Sl!pullllu11r 5, l!JJS I<.everend ! • x. MurPl11 st. MaJ:~aJ;et's ll~toey 3221 14th Ave S'Httle, WA_ w· 96111! llmir F&~er Mm-pb7t 1'1\ank yon for Yo'!il:' lett~r relt!.tive to'the 'tlllSidence. of 11'tith1?i:- Cody at ~t·, Mt1rprt!it•s rectory, 1 wis'h to aasure you thti.t :i; am a~eei11i1mt. ':rhe Oh1.1nccey ; , 'Will pay l!'at:iuit Cody _ a mOn.th as a H.'.Utl7 ll!ld $100 .nn :a 1!l01l1;1\ u a ~1' allowance. l: h&pe that J'athn ~il1 'b,e cf SOW!! Hebtanc~ to you in the patish aru:iorihg tt> h:ta abtl!Lty 'f::f tlie weelc, On at lenst two. ocensiona ha haa diatributed llol;ir oo.nimu.niqn (so I hear1 l hove not yi;t cbeclirod) in i;he hand 0£ tbe COlllllllinicant. lie has eome o.f :n1s people, 0: hope) ·who 11av£t rec::ei vad ti eoll'll!lisaion :from the. O:rf!:l.na:ry to distribute Holy 9ollllllun1on, running around tu private homes w1tll t~e Bhaaed Sacrament and giving Oollllllun:t<:>n to some of thEril' f:riellda. not 'only ill the Pa:risl1 of the Ase\lmj)tion 1 but ;l.n ne;l.gllbo;dng pa:risbea. There seems to be 110 11en<1 br tail to what the llllilll jB doing, . cc , : Msgr. Doogan JH~ARCH000353 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective :Order POOR. ORIGINAL Dair- J?a"llher Pert:L;_ ti.-~~i~ Pmllh ha111 Ell'rived fil.t ~ ;poi~ o:r ileoi$oI'h '!l'h~e is need for !I',!, ~- diree'ti~l a ~w ¢dun.. \'fa . <'lesp~l5.tely: neei a paftar • e~ unU'y and t\ii'eet• ).. ~Wilte'.r 'the l'vis'h rel).y l!lt'OU~, .1;11)maon9 W-io e~ be J.l>'Ved' witu love, nlri\ an iD'hlllleetA.ttil e)tiarctt1H· . ial:ld who Will ~ - · - .,.,1 • . ~ ' . . ' " :rhe reaction ot t:lia. Ps.rxM tQ Fathar Gody is tll:lde:itlllt.&ijt\abl.e \t::f!3Wad in the li;ffl ();f' hilJ. tQ!laL inHnlllitli:vi'ty to the · · ' Mal. ~&t!.s ~~·:t~li~s -0t th't!!·mE!l:!. ~ ~n tif t.lu:e P~il'lh; ~- sbak.e~ ill thi> I:Wi.•~ e~si4 ':i;y fat'l.1~. 90<1:r1 has ...... vam Ocf iheU a. g~t>d ttl~J:ig.. le 'a'te lll:>W '111;1.4-e ~a ~d '\dlli~ ·":tn~tively move. i'he. 'aura o'f e-omp-l'aceincy vrhi.Gh an::shd ~'t\hin ·us ~iWJ.'tfo" Father Cl!>dy 1 t idn lial been rem.oved., though i;'h~ .. · eff.Ori .ot reiiiovi218 ·Hi haa iisolahtl Father f'r(ll.ll the Pe.rhh :~s.~:cl.-b)'.. .. ·.· .. ":. ...... :. -.· ·'... •...,..,:._,. 'The 'flh~at o~ iibi!is::It oi: pr:essure., 110 tl'lsls attll!.lka(f'$:id thl:'i!!llib1'ned en all sides, and does Mt undm-s\Md why. · Ja'!;l:!m- is ~-n the un.en'Viabl.111 posii:iop Qi. 'be:t~ h v:L::rt;t·m of il1e· 11?'ehr l'l'inaipl.e11 • He has bem';promoted "'ii.0 1 1:t1s ltlveJ. of incomp.riance ed. H b 'denroyi:l1!i!i ldm phyl!lioalJ.y ·-e:niI' en;i:rt.io'lla'.l.ly.. :. · . · . .. , . . . . · •. ._ · ~ • • • • • .. • '« • ' · · l!'ather fl<>dy 1,.. tal):e~s a,11 i :iirel;\cl'\&r 1 . ·1~ot\lrer1 mut rHaaroher ~re $it'eEl.'t and sh~il ca -pu;, ' i i use". His llledie. !la.ea, pr.iol" to tl:le nuihiup 0£ 'f;he' P~M preeeurea, i'Va!il V!Gll cicme. m.s se~M!! wez:e wall .prapi;.~ad 1 'Well thought. o!rl; 1 Md qui.ta well exicmtecl., : ttnforiu~e,·~~at' ;ir~~a; ~~. o~noi ~e'. ~~o\'JU tr~ b'am a dist-.ioe he i.& ?:Prelil~V«h.. lt i& .· It il!I a di.triartofi, baeausa . .tl:~_ar .'$~o ~loae> ao:n.i:ll~!l)' 'ot fiha. .aq to day og~~~onti o:t thf1 . , :pm-isht tfi,(lt. hiB< fl.awli «1.me to ibe.··l'll.td'l'\Ce" lliit gToe11 ;w.ok: of sens;l.1.iv:t:t.y t,o. t~e 'neerla of thi:.n11e wou:oo him, Gilli'! hb inatiil.iiy ·to per9el.vf1 ·foe -~f'::l'enno~ lle-\HeJt ·~ helPil:I$ b~d imd a threat are perbe.p11 ail'. the r<>C1t ad, printed, a.rid distr.:t."buted vr.l'thout the" adviae and oonsam of' thl!J Pariah Gaunoii. The opinions and oo~olusione coixhained in the report are Father Oody' ::i, -~ot t.h~ Farish a.st: : -:a~~~ee~-t~e. situation· ia Pimi-lar.. ' · l.n ;atta;a '.ot- Parish '.Cb.ere· appears -bp be iui al.mos!; 'total. lack o·f u:nderirliaiid:i.118 ·o:r the·· need :r.or,aocli~lil.ta. recording .oi' Paci.an. i.ricome and diaburseme¢1S• • n •• ~ - • • ' 'I a - •• ' •: • -. • • • .'t J" - • • I • O"' •" ·- • . "'"" • " I - • •• ' • ..,i 'f • ~ '"" '" • "~· r~ • ._ o , • '' is 'trite. that l'ar.i.'ah .-revenues. h1we declined -~Ma.year..•. audit ia ·also irua· that lllan"y° p·ariab-ioner-s. have .. 1el':\;, .:tb"ei Pariah.. allld al.'6 at:l:ertdil:lg ~fl.lie. elsewhere.: -'.l'Jlaae'... pariehionera. feel, 'With aome .jue-\ification, that. :t;hef have'. "been e;i:ther" 'insulted ox• . ' grose1y' Put do:vm :p6rsoriall-y by. Fa.ther Cody. Many- o:r- our -exiled ,parishioneri;i havs been'meni'bsrs of this Parish Tor. ·40 years 'or mfrs~ · 'XO:"say_ \hat· -·~h5y ··ro:·e 'um:iapy ':i.s M. 'imc.ierat.ateiie:i:rt, ·they speak· as. though- -they- l';ave bee.n d'riveri. fr.om- .their- hom:i--·: ... --<· · .. -· • ~ • •• • : • • • ' • " • • • ~ - ' • • ' ~ • • j • ,,,. • . " ~ . .':rn light'of tna above a decline in reve1'.lue is urideratandable, beceri:se for. most' 'pari'iihionen th:ie ia the oru:y way that th!flir diBJtleasure can be voiced... ' ., >- • • • • '.' 'l. ' • • . o .. , I • ...... - · • .. . • "'• • • • • -" I• ,• • ! Ii' any 'leas~ll Call be drawn :rradi ilbe expa:rienoes of the last t.wo 'Y~a:rs· at. J\,ssl,l!ll~ion, it_ mer be ·!;hi11! Occasional.ly a parieh' needs th\'I introduction o_i" en ;i.rriij8llt S"timul.ani> ·to ~e. M. up _lll:l.:1 bri~ it 'back, to ~~fe. . . M.'ter tlie. introduction of the irr;i:tmit and the attenda:1'rl> welte _up and axciimient '-the Parish needs a 'soothing le~ar .and orgi1r.d.zer ·l;o giv_~ __di~!ci:.i?n:~.o. t_h:i acti~:t-r__c~-:~~t.ed... _ ....... .'. _ '. _· ..... " _ ... J • •, . . . . . • ·' . '.lrimuiy, in .:t:airness .to· th& :in.div;.dual.. 'Who inust.. :runctii:m· as- ... ·hlle l.rnt:llllt i>timi.tlant, ho· should not. be placed il:i that· position··. eigain vi.i.t.ho.ut coiwiderati'oit :Cor his. ovin. needs; The e.t:ffict ·is fully a.e traunla.tia 'upon the lnd3:vidual as ·bh'e gr:oup.. In this instance Fathers health haa su:C!sred.conaiderably. Oopy to Phil Schwiiind~ JH-ARCH000355 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR. ORIGINAL Document 17 .; ··-~·- ... ... .,, ,,. .... - --- , --~------- JH-AI~CH000356 ·•sensitive lnfor~tii:m" Per Protetthte Order paOR omeaNAL . vi?'m ink?31.2? 1-1 n. POOR. ORIGINAL Dowm•tl7 December 15, 1973 Dear Father Perry, I am a convert to the catholic faith. My wife and 1 are reglster!ild memberlf of the Assumption Parish !n Bellingham. Upon moving from Kentud)I to Bellingham last March we registered. I was introduced to Father COd)l's Masses. Afl:er several weeks I was conVinceci that I WGUld have to attend different M!!!ss than the ones by Father Cody. My reasoning was that he seem to continuallY. contradict himself and at times, even that which r was tl!lught about the aithollc system. · As I wrlte this tetter my wlfe Is attemllng Mass, Father Cody ls giving the s@rmon so I chose to stay home. I feel I would be committing a much ~reater sin to attend, for then l would be a nypocrfte. · " a:y talking to fellow parishioners l also understand am:! feel that the economic situation has rapluld lmve bttf:4 ~!l: JI. !.J cJwl.d. ·~ have fi0.11A cd;Le. :!:a illta '1..i.m. {/ fw.ve ~l/111!¥ d~p1t11val ht tlr.e.. orrJ.k' !J <'l-d Vd k/'lDw lww, ~tlflz 'IrHOnt tJiJ!le he is pastor nf Au1111lption 1'111.rish :Ln rullllingl:uim, but finds it cxtr •t1~ I.I\ B.f.f!« September 61 1975 The R~v. ~~nd·G. Muntnausen Arthbist!Op of Seattle :l\r~f\tntiee$~ of Sedtie i01 Terry lite. Seattle, ~.. iBl04 Rei fr, M§e.hae1 Gbdy Y<>Uf' Excelhmcy: r should be hq:ppy to wiirk with fr. Hith~l Colly.. Such w1.rrk t~ould spHt rnto t\tlo parts •.an appr9isal portion leadi)'\$1 to 11 re\!Qmmehdatiot1 to be !hared wnh yourstlf. and a treatment port1o~. j:louib1y :w1th mYlielf and Fr. Cody, or with someone else. and Fr. Ci>dy. • There it ·fl prat'!tic;al 11trat~r often b$.st: dHlt ~1th frOtll tile ~utset. A pr.i~t movfng out of parish i'iotk. ruH.v 1.1uds s(lllletbifltl to occupy Ms tjnie during an &J;pra1n1 t\111'.l subsequerrt treatml:!nt. A job other ~h '1'1111 ttme pHtor plus an aca~t pre· grain often does yery VJeiL It is just hard to 111ake the posJthn and activHks of psyehhtric hospital very worth whi 1e to. 11ey man. If Fr. Mi cll&;el happens t,o M\te · an ?c~clemic bent now b .th& time for him to se1 eci: and reg1 ste:r 1n un1vers1 t)' work. At tMs poi n:t- Fr. Mich¢!1lli .should just go ahead and set up ·~iome appointment ti!llf~ by phnne with my secr;etacy. · . May G!Jd bless YoCI. and in yoar work.· f ' ''Sensitive InftlrmatiQn1' PerProtedhfe ·or&u' POOR ORIGINAL Document22 DJ;• W. k. Ogle 4705 16th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105 Dear Dr, Og1e1 Thank you for your kind letter of Septe111ber 5th and your willingness to be of assistance to Father Michael Cody, Since wri·t:l.ng to you I have had further eon.:ver11ao. ti on with our 1'ersot1nel Board and with· Father Cody himself, He is presently .receiving u foi:m of assistance in wqich he has ge&t cciufidence and for t:ne time bein.g I am inclined to allow him to continue this type of help. · I hope I can tak.e a.dv!'lntage ·of your offer and call upon you s.hould this. present situation be unsatisfactory, " Again thanking _You fol: yQur kindness, I am Sincerely yours 1 Raymond G, llunthauaen of Sea'ttle ·~n:cl1bisnop { . JH-ARCH000365 ''Sensitiv~ J:nformC!tiOn" Per Protective Order POOR. ORIGif\IAL ,. \ ' ' Re:ws:t'tlnd Miab.ael .J. Cody 533 Srd Avenue. " Seattle, WA !lf.tl.19 ~ar 111.- lff.kai . As :}'oU \'lill noee,, tbi(il tnOnth 1s e11ack rep;es1ni:t:lii :ine~e ovet· wl1at you bsV'e biwn reee.i-v!:n,g in thct past, :Ct ;i11c .~ effort on uaistan~ in mo:rti. Pblipd.on$. ' · . mn' 'Part !:o provide you \rl.t11 a bit ~ to ~eia.t: your var:l.ous f:LtUanc!al · · · .l:u11ve bee.rsi 1 the. Boud of ~~st!W!a of the Clergy ree&ntly to +atse the. t!.nnual :i-nsion amoW11t to tbly, B~ver, ~ ,-ou. kliloW 1 your sal.a.ey :i,s not ptoVided through t:ha l'ension l'la:n but :rather f!h:rough th~ l!i;:l.Hts S~olZt/:D:l.s~lb:l.tiJ:.y aacount. an account whi~ has had o0ndde~ab1e de~lilnds .'1?1n~tl. up.on it: we:r reeent yru:iu. ·:i: :w:l.lllh that we "aria :b a l)'>sititil\ to pwv:f.de the satiie :lt\emase for you .u lfua l'ensd.ott :Plan is doing ~Qr tne :rad;i:ed y:rioata 1 but 11111 bopeM that tM.s psrt:::La1 imz:reu~ .'fill 1u::and ;irot.l :tn. be.t:tGr .stead. · l I:f you 'lui.ve ~ny questions about ·this, g;r- ,.,oW.d l:.tke to dittcm$ ii: fuxthex, please do .not ll.er;~tal:e to JJi'Ve lllfl. .a oall. · .1111;,1!5'e:r.flll •#! w~es fpr the~ I a!'l 1ra.t,lltt4\:J.l1' 11:1, th~ Ui:td, liev. '.m..ensei a, llyu.u ~Mmll'°r. "~tive In~<>n" Per PfOte(ihl'tl OfdSr POOR. OR\G\NAL lrev Mi~l G 90? 'i'e:n:1 Jve Itls.n, ~~llm.' Sea.ttle, lfll 98lo!J. l'lea:r Milt$ i ln '1;'$fi~. t.o ~~ •~nt l.lM~t1.t:t'1n ~gari1~ •tiri•at :r "111 five a b:rtei" ns!.lllle ifJf 117 st&tuti with t1'le Arobdiooeae Al!l t tmda~at~d ii, 1no0li!e1 Jh~)l ! fb:;st s.p;pll~d the k!'lhhiahOJ;!, ~ ~d M to wit& a :fr:trl!!Al requeat fo'/: :r:ei.~Jnliiut to the .ll:'iel!l'tlt !'en$ie11 l'lan l!~d. UlJon de'ling ao I d,ili!/l-Oil;l:ty retit'eme,Bt atatus eo1lfe.rr11>d on me ' 'W&lil 8!Jllle t!Jna l~tex:, it 'Im!> dedded tti ,-1Ml'le fimdlilg t'oi' <'lisabilita< rt1tlrl!!)llent :f:l:om: :j:ha l'1n1s1oJ1 Pla.n out Qf •v~nee £~ the Bo~d's actuarial ta'bles, ln 11. riaw ~ a~ oonOQ:i:-n l then ~le,Phoned Meg.r Jann Dooge.n llibout this cbaxigs, My oonoa~ atell!llltd :f:l:l))11 two reJ.a.tei:I. so~ou l 1. .:fea.r of 'be~ shunted to a. Obancs;t-1.an l:IJrfuo ( ~ d~s tend ti.:> fs!!!l 11>D!'Pl:t' to be in a somewtiat. less ban,OX'~b1e aitution, even tl\ough this vu ebviouSJ.y not.· inte.nd,ed.) 2, a. seni!.111 of .:fundiJJS :Lnata.\'JiUty', inaamuoh rm J>lilnBion, benep.~ ~ pri?il!il8!i!S .might :mrl; llltill ~· ~ow;i;ned b)'. th(:l eJ,eoted.-pdeat-pee:cs 111ho · gl'i~ina.lly e~te.blii!!hed In tbJll.t oonveraa.ti.tm l!IY ~ti»ement. ~sr :Ooog~ al;l~ me that I woul.d a.'.l;w~I$ blil '\;Z'es.ter:l in nar1 w~ as ~ priut. ;eti:Ced 1:i!aca.t\f5& of Qg\!i j d , that '11f! ili0;1:>Uitq :ru:na:mt 11eul.r:l a.iw~ 'be e~o'tl7 wha.t wM given to t~ p!'ii!.JSta. rfat~d ~:i; MO. etSJ,:l .fmiAed. bf ~ l'mui!iOll. Pl1m. The only di:ffe:rf)noi;i, J: waa told, wolll.d be in the O&d.ures :!Qt: ~ohdlocese.tt :fund.111. a.!;)own~t\i );Q;'Ow Thank you, Mike, fi:>:t> the lllall1 1d.iJ.duesa1.u1 you ha.ve (:lXpt'ee111ed to .e~p•Hi:lall¥ fdt: you;- inte:r:eet bl ilhe welia.r.e 4Ilf the pl';'ies'blil, •, S~ly ,rciu-s 1ri OIA" Lc:tt'l!I, (-)•:....~ '• "Semmwe~n"' :P:erPrn~e Omer POOR. ORlG\NAL .,_1. ',, Dooument25 ARCHDIOCESE Or SEATTLE 1110 MARION STREET $E:A1Tt..E:'.'" WASHINGTON 98JOA 12.061 362.·4l!BJI omcE a•"" A""""'""o' .19 Septel!lber 1986 Most Reverend Thomas J. Grady Diocese of Orlando 421 E. Robinson P:o. Box lBOO Or1andol FL 32802-1800 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTil!!L Dear B1shop Grady: I am wr1t1ng to you with reference to one of our priests, Father Michael J. Cody. Father Cody is a priest who has been on medical d4sabi1ity retirement for some years. He has recently moved to your d1ocese. · The purpose of this letter is to ma.ke you aware !>f certain items in Father Cody's past which have only now been discovered 'ln the Secret Archives, This d1scovery was the result of communications between rather Bendixen. in your office and Father Espen in mine. Father Bendixen 1s familiar with the situation. l am encl~sing a report made by Dr. A.r~. Hurley ta Archb1shop Thomas Connolly on 19 March 1952. I believe you w111 find thJs report · se1f~ex.µ1anatory. later that same year, Archbishop cunno11y sent Fat.IJ'er Cody to the Institute of Liv1ng in H11rtford for .several months of treatment, · · Father Cody returned to the Archdiocese of Seattle in 19&3 and received a number of assignments over the following years. Finally, ill thQ late 1970's, Father Cody went on "disability retirement. 11 During this time, whi1e ha enjoyed no assignment, he did "help out" at various times. Lest there be any m1sunderstanding, I do wish to state that, s1nce Father Co'Cly' s treatment, the S·eattl e chancery offi ca has never received any comp1 aints regarding pedophilia. The priests in general, and I myse]f 1 were under the impression that Father Cody had been treated for a manic depressive aisorder, wh~ch in earlier days manifested itself by outbreaks of temi:;er and .hostility. ' JII-AltCll000368 "Sensitive Informatfon" Per Protective Orcter POOR .. QR\GiNAL letter to BiShop Grady 19 September 1988 Page Two In conclusion, I want to be ab1e to assist Father Cody in his request to do some pastoral work in your diocese. At the same ti!'ne, I want to share wlth you tMs report from Fathet Cody's file. It 'is possible that ret1red Archbtshop Power of Portland, who was Chance11or at the t1me father Cody was sent for treatment, would be able to fi11 in .some details .• If etther my staff or l can he1p you further in any way, please do not hesitate to call upcm us .• ' •, Raymond G. Hu hausen Archbishop of Seattle Enclosure .fil-ARCHOOCt369 "Set1sitive lnformation" Per Protective Order POOR. ORIG\NAL 00oument26 ARCHDIOCESE OF SEATTLE BIO MARION S'l"JtEEl SE.hTTl.lt, WASHINGTON U!04 lll0613Sl!.ASS4 October 3, 1988 The Rev. Michael Cody llOO Matterhorn Street Oe1tona, FL 32725 Oear 111ke: I am writing in reference to your recent phone ca11 to Father George Thomas concerning your \"equest; to become involved in w.aekend ministry 1n the Diocese of Orlando. As Father Thomas to1d you, 11e. have informed the •, Bishop of Orlando that we.are unable at this time to recommend yoU for pr1estly mtnistry basecl'orr the 1nformat1on that· r-ecent1y came to light in a review of.. _your ~onfidentia1 pe)".sonne1. .files. . . . Mik.e1 all of us·· are hopeful t_hat you have come to terms with the psycho-sexual fssues addressed in your 1962 assessment. However, recent research tells us that we silllply cannot take this for granted. At this moment in our history, ·1 am keenly aware of the fact that the diocese of incardinatfon continues to llave great responsibility for its priests regardless of where they are 1ocated. For this reason, I find it necessary to require that you take the steps necessary to insure your -continued well-being as well as that of the community in which you now 1ive. ~ ~ ., Upon the recommendation of 11\.Y professional advisors, I am asking that you contact Richard Laws, Ph.D., at the Florida Mental Health · Associatinn, associated 1·11th the University of Southern Florida, who has the professional training to evaluate cases such as yours. The Archdiocese of Seattle will assume financial responsibility for this assessment. Bills may be submitted to the Office of the Chancellor in Seattle. :· I want you to undergo a complete assessment as soon as 1t can be arranged and ~1ould like the results of this evaluation to be sent to me as soon as possible. Jn this way, we can together make dec1sions based on sounq psychological information. · lf the results of the 1962 assessments are confirmed, it will then be ·necessary for you to involve yourself in life-long psycho1ogica1 treatment and support. Until then, Mike, I want to remind you that you will be disallowed from exercising any forlll of priest1y ministry except as provided by Canon 976 (hearing the confession of someone in danger of death.} "Sensitive lnfnnnation" Per Prot6Cthre Order POOR. ORIGINAL '•"!' .r l want to assure you that I· have taken these steps out of my sincere .concern for you and your spiritual and psycho1og1cal we11~being, and out of my own responsibility to the greater community. I ask for your understanding and your cooperation. You ma.y be certain of my prayerful support for you in the days ahead. If you have need for further information, .YOU can direct your.inquiries. to Father George Thomas in the Office of the Cha~ce11or {206, 382~4889) • ... "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order PGOR . i 7 :2 POOR. ORIGINAL Oocument2.7 October 13, 1988 Your Excellency: After receipt of your letter of Oct. 3 and speaking With Father Thomas1 I called Father Richard Laws In Tampa and left my name and number for him to return my call and set up whatever appointments are necessary for his evaluation as you dlrect1·ed. The number I was given by Information is 813.977.~702. I hope for early to mid-November, Inasmuch as a 90 year old aunt, a 68 year old cousin and my .brother are arrMng here today and tomorrow for vacation, I live with a widowed 62 year old cousin and ai:i 88 year old aunt. .. l wish to gJve you whatever reassurance I can that would never have applied for faculties here for Sunday Masses if I believe I was !ill¥ danger to anyone. Is has been a substantial number of years, ancl I have discovered my problem is under control if l can accommodated my manic depressive swings. Thls means I must be able to back off from continuing stress such as ft.Ill-time parish work. Control of my IMng and working environment is my key to equl!lbtium. The needs of the Church come first and as I explained to Father Thomas, I am willing to do whatever ls necessary, servates servandis (i,e., maintaining control as explained above). I deeply regret the great Jnconvenlence I have lnadvertently caused you. (Rev,) Mit.hael Cody JH-ARCH000373 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR. ORIGINAL .g~~ ~·~1·~.~D~,rt fo: ~ &~.<:TutLe Al''t- t\::ie.r-fs~ ol:d/;., lJ~of J.~~~ ~-"1-~~~~ ~~ ~,,..~ h-~ ~~-~~~/; ~~-/)~~~ /)f~~~.~~~~ "~~l~ ~l~-~6~~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- !{Jill. tL.r. ~ J (~ . ~~}~Ji~.tt..~~~~~ ~~.~~4~~~~·~~ z.l ~·~1d~f~,~-~~? . ~~~~ ~ ·~Sei:JBIHV~ Infannatkm'* Pet Protective Order POOR. ORIGINAL l am now residing with my SO year old bral:het, An airllne pilot and bachelor, he 1$ now considering a base: transfer tc Ralelgh~Durnam in North Carolina, probably In lam Spring or early S:U!'l'ln'ler, 1989, Thts Is a much better ~ttmtfo.n fot ma. S<>o!\ I will clllU you to discuss my situatto11 and options. Perhaps It would be best for all ir I were 111Jcized, an that event, I wotdd have to ret11111 my futt pem;ion benefits. When I retired 011 my •· medlca!, this was { ) to the priests' age retirement plan, i.e., my benefits were understood by myself and the Archdiocese to always be Identical to wliat age--rettred priests received ln all respects, WIOif:h trtls proviso l would ai::cept laioizatiort1 ..ithoogh it would bell bitter pfll to swallow. Could yi;H.1 alstJ find oot what treatment facil!tfts are available in North Garo!ina, southern Virginia, and South Carol!na? Yours in Christ Mike Cody POOR ORIGINAL ~~ .~~ ~~..J 'Hu~, bi> f(lll ~~LJl,,.t 1' tlQbti, ~ ' ~Hl-.1 11~ f''~ "'~c:~~un" P.- Pri>teCUve Ord.- POOR ORIGINAL Dooumoot29 20January1989 Dear Arthb&>hop, Earlier today, Fr. Thomas t:efepbone to discuss my case. I believe It In the Church's bgat\ Mike Ryan, and George Thomas are. that l .!il~ys r~ whatever age~retfred ests reool~ - the same lnoorne (Including Increases set by the Board and yourself) and the ! medical benefits. I simply cannot do without th ls. Fr. n·wmas sald that would not be at Issue. l wish only to be at pe;;ice with God) His Church and myself. The first is always avaltable, the second can best be achieved by lald:zat!oo, and the last I have effectively denfesil.q>erienced any severe financial 'Both parents were described as alcoholics and he reports that his mother may have been mentally ill. No incidences ·of phys.ical or sexual abuse within the home were reported. 'l'he · cJ..ient was an above average student and completed eight~,years of college. . . hardships. The client reports a history of abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs, although denies current- problems with either. He also reports a prior diagnosis and treatment of manic-depression although he-. is. currently not taking medication t'or this prol:>le1!1· Th~ client reports approximately 20 - 40 femal~ victims between the ages of 8 and 12, and one male child victim. He engaged in kissing, fondling, and mutual masturbation with the victims. Typically, the client engaged in long-term relationships wi tl1 chilqren he knew weJ.l. This behavior began when the c1ient was 28 and he reports that it has been several years since his last sexual contact with a child. He reports that he currently fantisizes and masturbates to sexual fantasies of fondling young girls on a daily basis. - Labprato:ry .EvaJ.uati.on The clien~ was evaJ.uated in our sexual behavior laboratory. This eva.luation is not desiqned to separate. pedophiles from nonpedophiles. It is designed to measure the curre.nt sexual arousal patterns of admitted pedophiles ·to dete:tllline whether or not they might benefit from our treatment program. The client's sexual aroui;_al response was ass~ssed by means of a device called a penile transducer. The penile transducer is a small, mercury-filled, rubber loop which is worn around the penis. This device can detect changes in penile circumference which are expresf?ed as changes i.n electrical resistanee. These :minute resistance changes are amplified, converted, and shown as a pen tracing of the response. These values are expressed in ·terms of percentage of full erection (0-100%). · "Sensitive J:nformation" Pet Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL The client participated in the procedure for evaluating arousal patterns on the paral'l\eters of sexual development and s~x of the subject. In this procedure he viewed thirty-six (36) slides for two minutes each while his erectipn response was J:>eing monitored electronically. These slides are.divided into twelve categories according to sexual development and sex of the subject: male and female children ~nd adults. There are five categories of sex;ual development in children (Category o, approximately ages 0-4; category 1 1 approximately ages 5-7; category 2 1 approximately ages a-11; category 3, approximately ages 12-14; and Category 4, approximately age~ 15-17) and one for adults (Category 5 1 ages 18 and older). Before ea.ch presentation he was instruoted that 1f be felt himself becoming aroused, to let that happen. He was also told that he will oocasionally be all!ked to describe, in detail, the slide.he had just seen. · The results of this assessment prooedure are as follows: ... Categocy category Category category category Category SLIDE ASSESSMENT O l 2 3 4 MALE CHIµ;! FEMALE CHILD * * * * * * * * * * * 5 * * Responses less than 20% of a insignificant. J full erection are considered The client responded with insignificant arousal to all slides. . . The client also participated in the procedure for evaluat.tng arousal pa~terns on the parameters pf .sex of the victllll and the amount of force used to complete the act. In this procedure, he listened tG> thr-ee~minute aucti·o '!!.apes 't'lescri·bing an increasing use of physical :i:orae by the offe11der to effect a sexual relationship with a child, The tapes are divided into the following categories; l ~ Fond;Ling a consenting child; 2. Mutually oonsent.ing intercourse with a child; 3. Psyohologically ooeroive non-consenting intercourse with a ohildl 4. Rape of a child; 5. Sadistic sexual assault of a child; 6. Aggresll!iVe non-consenting and non-sexual assault of a child; 7. Mutually consenting intercourse with an adult. There are two separate sets of these tapes: one descr.ihi:ng se:i.::ual activities with males and ·one Before each · describing sexual activities with females. presentation he was instructed that if he felt himself becoming aroused, to let that happen. H~ was also told that he will occasionally he asked to describe, in detail, the audiotape he had just heard. ' JH-ARCH000381 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL The re~ults of this assessment procedure are as follows: PEDOPHILE VIOLENCE AUDIO . HOMQSEXUA1' Fondling Rape * * * Sadistic Agg.l"eseive Non-sexual cons·enting Adult * * Mutually Consenting Non-consenting * HETEROSEXUAL 2J.% * * * * * * * * Responses less than 20% ·of a insignificant. ASSESSMBN~ full erection are considered The · client responded with minim~l. arousal to audiotaped descriptions of fondling a female Child. He. responded .with insigni:t:icant arousal to all othei: audiotaped Clescriptions of sexual activity. §Pmmarv and Recommendations: .. 'rhis client ·was cooperative and open throughout this evaluation. He showed no significant arousal to any of the stimuli presented, This .happens with about 20% of the clients who undergo this procedure. Lack of responsivity to the sexual stimuli presen~ed may be due to any of a number of factors inoludlng age, medication, fatigue, discomfort with the procedures, active suppression of arousal, or an absence of sexual attraction: to the stimulus materials. Unfortunately, when a client is non-responsive, it is difficult, if not impossible, to know which of the above reasons is responsible. There:fore, under these conditions, the evaluation is deemed invalid . Based on this client's extensive history and disclosure of current deviant masturbatory behavio?: / we recommend that he not be allowed unsupervised contact with ohilctren. The client claims that he uses masturbation to fantasies of sexual activity with children as a coping technique ta avoid acting out sexually with children. However, in our experience, deviant rnasturba~ian only serves to :reinforce se::.i:ual attraction to children pot to decrease it. Therefore, we recommend that this client enter and actively participate in a specialized sex offender treatment program to learn more adaptive coping responses :for this problem. ' ' "Sensttrve :tnform~tfon" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL Wa would recommend that you exert extreme caution in the interpretation of the results reported above. These data are psychOt>hysiological measures of sexual arousal and should not necessarily be ponstrued as indicators of motivation, or lack of motivation, to act upon that arousal. The results are, therefore, at best an approximation of the person 1 s sexual arousal and propensities. We strongly urge that you not use these measures alone as clinical indices or predictors. CH· 12k.., can&OStfii~: m. G:. Laboratory Coordinator center for Prevention of child Molestat~on ~~-cJILP Katurah Je~Ph.o. Clinical Director C.enter for Prevention of Chil!l Molestation JII..ARCH000383 - "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL Document32 Memo for Fi le Re: Mike Cody February 5, 1990 Mike Cody cont1nues zat ion. His papers Becaus~ of his age, 1s forbidden to act to move around the country. Mike has reque.sted laiciwill be prQcessed here 1oca11y and then sent on to Rome. etc., Mfke receives a pension from the Archdiocese, but he as .a priest, Rev. Patric!<: McDermott JH-ARCH000384 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR OR1Glf\JAL llff~i!tS~ . .$!a1f!ll', --fl:m~ (20$) ~-7fl1 Rev, Mi24'01i ·toulder Cit,1! tfV .$9G06·2:40o · Dear Father Cody: .. ! am writing ·~o ~xpldn the change 1n il'Jconie that ;rou will be receiving frllnl the Ari;lldi1a~. 1 have diedced, atld ~1ru ir~ enr!:il l fld in the the Pl"i"ests' ffeaHb Plan, as ,e,. U1.e agr~~nt rJJ1cMd wH.~ Ar.c;hb1sbop w.u1th~~~n. . . . . Tl$\!td JlN}:~J'd i~ wen you, t!Jt 1(!;St · f~. and tliat .you dG not tuo l)lticb pt'esstire or ttmsion. ·}'dth ll~.~~i Pet~OnlS. POOR OR\GtNAL " 1·<: -2- . If you have any co!lllllents <)bout the above decision 1n regard to .your incol}le 1 .please do not hesitate to ·contact me. Sincerely, (·Rev".} .Patrtck McDermott Director of Priests' Persbnnel cc: ... Mp st .Rc:v. Thomas J. f'lUrpny 11ery Rev. George Thomas, V. Q.. ,,_,j,_.. JH~ARCH000386 "Sensitive Information'' Per Protective Order POOR ORtGINAL Document34 ARCHDIOCESE OF SEATTLS: • CHO MAR}ON STREET SEATTU. WASHl .. G:YO!i 90104·1:1.SO (ll05ll!62•41J7$ F'AX tiOSJ 382_..3ASl5 21 July 1993 Reverend Micnael Cody Post Office Box 62406 .Boulder City, Co1orado 89006-240Q Dear F.atner: has coma to.my attentio~ that several years ago y9u m.ade a request to petition for la1cization from the priesthbod. It also appears from. the file that'no.one responded to your request either at that time or at any subsequent time. Most likely fr •. Don Espen, Vice'.-·C:hancellor and priest responsible for processing such requests, would have fo 11 owed thrpugh, but he was i p the process of leaving active min1stry. · Matters were further complicated by the change of leadership to Archbishop Murphy. Then Fr. Espen's successor, Fr. John Pinette, may have been .aware of your request b1.1t also has left active mi·tiistr.Y. ·it I, as canonical consultant, have been asked to write to you on Could. I invite yo·u to tell me if the information I have about your request 1s accurate. Jf so and tf you are still interested in petitioning for 1aieization, I would be happy to start the process with you. this subject. A bit of background about myself: I was ordained for the · Archdfocese in 1982 and have served in three parishes .. When Archbisho.P Murphy came te assist Archb~s·hop \itmt!rn.us.en, he .ask,ed me to return to schoo1 and obtain a degree in canon law. I returned to the Archdiocese in September 1992, and I wo~k full time in the Office of the Archbishop. Thank you for your consideration and assistance, and I look forward to hearing from you. Yours very truly, {Rev.) Anthony f. Bawyn, JCL canonical Consultant · JH-ARCH000387 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order Documenl35 31July 1993 Reverend Anthony E. Bawyn, JCL Canonical Consultant Archdiocese ~f Seattle 9 IO Marion St Seattle, WA 98104-1299 Dear Father: Thank you for your letter of 21 July regarding the status of laicization and my r,equest of several years ago. I espeeially thank you for the fraternal tone and sense of sharing that was evident in the letter. First, letmesaythatl only requested the process, in the event the.Archdiocese may have Wished it. For myself, Ifeel ihat my holographic letter of resignation from the active lninistry was sufficient for my purposes and shoUld have been enot1,gh for the Church. Laic1zat1on is an internal business of the Catholic Church btU'eauc;racy, which I consider irrelevant. If a bish9p can br.tng in, he can let 'em go. I em h'iippy with the present status if you are. It will save you a bit of paper shuffli.ng. Bluntly put, the less r have to AO With the Church structure, the better my health. 'em Secondly, 1would ·request my name be taken from national malling lists to priests, as well as those of the Arc-hd!.ocese. This has been. pr~viousiy requested. Thirdly, please not~ that my addres.s is 1460 Bronco Rd, Boulder City, NV 89005·3104. Let Business and Finance know, if you would be so kind. Business rside, I have lived in the upper Mojave Desert for about 4 years now with my pilot brother. We have a happy, fulfilled and stable life. We both have done volunteer work in a nero:by national park for nearly the whole time. My brother is now au 1ntemntrent Jaw enfoxcement Park Ranger. Our work is mostly remote backcountry patrol, although I have lessened the .amount 1 do personally since I had a CVA a year and a half ago. That stroluring that; se. ~dy of eu~ informed b.im l;b<\t M:l.a!;ta,!;;l the·n~o/~s Vega;ii diocese, and was not allowed to e:ic&:rcise any form of priestly minist::ry. l told him that in ~~1ike1y event: that Michael requests fsoult:ies or ii!,SS:l.gnmflll.t:, tbe patit!<>n ohquld be 1111Jll111W1.rily C!.en.ied. (41,,'r/VG ~ . the "Sensitive lllfonuatton" Per f'\tv~ive Order POOR ORIGINAL Oocumenl 37 INTEROFFICE MEMORAHDUM Date: From: Dept: Te1 tk>: TO: Fat)1er TlJomat TO: Patrick Crowley Subject: ca11 from i.111 29-Nov-1994 1l :40am PDT Sister Joyce cox Office of the Archbishop {206)392-4829 · { THOMAS } { CROWLEY } i.!11eged victim of Rev. Michael Cody Tuesday 111orpi·pp· , November 29! 1!194, 11 :40 ~.m. I re~eive~ a Q··h·g·pe call from al. I •• a man in his early thirtus who lwes Jn • II , · Oregon, a sext1al abuse by Rev. Michael Cody while this man was a young stu Luke's in Seattle. H1s s1ster called him last n1 ght frorn . to say that she had been abused by Rev. Cody when she was a child in grade school _at St. tuke 1 s. I offeted. to meat \dth Mr. - b u t also told him to put the a11agation fo writing and ~ and .send it to us as soon as p.oss1bl~. He ditL. ?fl\IK: !3ENE;F!T$ GOl.Pfl\IFtl;:)D: H~ . I Jll·ARCH000392 "Sensitive Illformation'' Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL Intake Statement Prima!Ynumbei:_ _......_~---------~.odaryn.umtier:_ _ _ _ _ __ Maffiryg acldress: _ _- : . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - - - _ _ _ _ __,_..,,.,..._ _...,,,,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ N!!me of~~: POOR ORIGINAL Document41 Intake Statement Name of accused: Father Wiiiiam Cody Date(s) of lnddent; 1960-1961 _ _ _Location of incident: valious locations lnd. Rectory ~' Signature Follow ·up: f?ate r I Phone a1wt. ·scheduled with lessleOye.for 6{23f(j3 at 9:00 a.m. JH~ARCH000394 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective order POOR ORIGINAL Pocument 41 Abuse occurred whe~was 11-12 years old. Her sister,- had called In May 2003 to get lnforrnati~u~al Outreach, and about what had"iiappened t o - (see intake statement). - s a i d the worst abuse occurred at the Rectory, but that t~se had occurred In varlous locations. '· '7 JH~ARCH00039S ••sensitive lnformati<>n" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL TO: ~ File ~OM: Jessie ova~ RE: Meeting with .U-- 1 I DATE: July 21 2003 July 25,.Wfl The story is as foHows: I.o 1961, at the end of-5tb grade year1 Cody asked i - a n d her three ststers could work for h'im"ttierectory/ a~ys~t times when Gallagher was not :. present. Cody was a friend of the famny, and had been at their house several times for drnner. The first time the abuse happened, Cody too.k the three girls to · a drive In movie~ and had the two sfstl;l'S go and get snat:kfJ. While they were out, he got In the back seat, p~cin his lap and covered the two of j:hem wtt.h a blanket. ..!2.w:l.t!aD. ·tthh·e mov~.· en the other girls were In the front seat, Cody undr.essed~m the waist down and put his ftngersln her vagina, At the end of tfJe movie as he put her pants back on, he whispered to ner, "It's okay, don't talk about it". · The next U~eit with her sisters to work~ the ~' Cody took tier upstairs to his room and took many picture of her {dressed and staged 1n a variety of poses) though no actually abuse took place. . Another Incident occurred When a sleepover at a ,girlfriend's house when Cody showed up at· the party. t was on the far and of the group, and Cody came right~ her and sat on ber cot. Whtie he chatted wl!n the , other girls.1 Coely put his hand into lier sleeping ba9' lnto pe~, and peoetrat£!£:1 her vaglna. ShQrt!y after that, 10Qdy had her call~ to see In me back of the Chllteh and tcld her not to ~a boy (who apparently lifted her) ~ed llm Ra(JlQ.hek. · .JB-AR.00000396 11 "'$eftlfli'R J;nfor1,natinn Per~eQrder POOR ORIGINAL . The last abu~remembers was on another Saturday in the rectory. Cody ~asks for her sisters, and again invlted her up to. his rooms: He brought - I n t o the bedroom and locked the door and proceeded to undress her and have her lay on the bed next to him. He placed her hand on his penis and placed in fingers In her vagina, saying somethlngrltke "it's okay; I wouldn't do this if it weren't okay". He finally released her after about a. half hour. The next ttme the girls got a call to the rectory;.efused to go and told her mother why. Her mother took her right down.to co sion with Fr. Gallagher, who then asked to see the two of them In his office, where-told him the whole story. Gallagher eventua.bro· ht Cody Jnto the office, at which time Cody knelt and put hi? head In lap and apologized. Gallagher said they wou-de Cody again, that e wo d be sent to an Indian mission. Indeed, whe ent to school the next week Cody was gone and no one knew wher€ he went. · -also reported that Cody had a terrible temper and would yell and hit children in the school. She was very afraid of his ouJ;bursts. In the present1 ~ant to know where Cody Is now and what happened to hi~as been anxious that he actually was sent to an Indian mission where he abused other girls. I did offer them counseling, and told them I would get back to them on the Cody· file. JH-AU.CII000397 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL Oocumen!43 Archdiocese of Seattle' Office of Vicar for Clergy 910Marion Seattie, WA 98104-1299 bear Father Magnano, Thank you for the offer to centralize documentation for the period after · my de:rnise. I note that l have lived in Nevada. for a ~umber of years, and am not a resident in a .rectory or other property of the Archdiocese. There are no plans to return to Western Washington before or after death. Accordmgly, l decline the .offer t0 centralize plmls and documents fqr various dispositions .regar!fulg wills or obsequies. My next of lctn. has full access to my preferences and is trusted to carry out my ~esires. This ·will be less onerous for all. : , · · My next of km will notify the Benefits office to ehd pension and medicm'e payments when i:ny life and its immediate sequelae are concluded.· . · Sfr1cerely, Michael J Cod~ ~± :'A.~ ;i,o o.:? JH-ARC1I000398 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order POOR ORIGINAL Document44 ALEXANDER BY THE GRACE OF GOD AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE APOSTOLIC SEE ARCHBISHOP OF SEATTLE In July 2003, I, the undersigned Archbishop of Seattle, received a complaint against the Reverend Michael J. Cody, a priest of this archdiocese, alleging that he had committed an act of sexual abuse of a mll1or below the age of eighteen years In violation of the norm of Sacramentorum s11 February 10, 2006 Th&Rev. rvlsgr, Dermis i:::. Sheehan St Pt:!L~I Church 2'9 Mount Auburn street Cambridge, Massachusatts ~138 Dear Msgr. Sheehan, Ori 18 F'ebrttary 1950, Mlohael Cody wss baptized In your parlish. On 17 June 2005, he was dismlssad tram the clerioal s~ by ihe Holy rlilther, Popa Benedid XVI. Wooid you kindly make this notation In Ile remarks ooJumn of ihe appraprtate bapf!smal entry? I would also ask that you complete and return 1he form to me below at your earliest convenlence. !fj~~ hci~~ ~n~'q~estl~h$:· p·j;~~e-kat.~1e kfi~tfJ: ~- ,\ I> .• • ~ T ... ·~·- t·''''"•·• '\ •~ • -..,H-' Tliemkyou. Sineere-ly, ~#71Christlne Taylor Cflam::e!lor Nofiiication of Registration Jhave received your notice regarding Michael Cady and hava duly entered It Into the baptismal re{1iatlt,gf th~ c:huroh. ,,,,.... rnk;'" ;.· ·~ ;:~'!'_,,_~,,_ =;(:-.::r" . . ·"~... ~;,,~4 lM& ". oz.. L.2. I I .~-·: ~ "' if' I ) () G