ALBERT M. HURLEY, M. D. P!IYDHl1'T.RY UU4 BOYLSTON AVENUf; SEATTLE 1 0 WASHINGTON DFFIOE PHIJNEI EAST 2·2277 j. March 19, 1962 I' ; Archbishop Thomas Connelly 907 T.erry Seattl~ 4 1 Wash, Dear Archbishop Connelly: Re: Father Cody Peruant to our telephone conversation this morning, this letter is written to inform you of my findings in the oase of Fathe;r- Cody. I saw him first on February 23 upon your referral and··at that time he told :me that he was suffering fro:m an abnormal sexual attraction toward young girls. Since his ordination about three years ago 1 and more particularly since his father's death approximately one yea-r ago, he has molested at least eight girls twelve years of age or younger. As you know 1 there have been complaints about his hostility and temper in the various parishes where he has served. He also complains of feelings of severe depression, during which. time he prays that God will allow him to die rather than continue this behavior. A rather simple formulation of this problem seems to be that he lias sexual impulses which he fights against consciously and is unable to control volunarily. The aots themeelves are followed by guilt, depression and also externalized hostility. It is my opinion that Father Cody is dangerous both to himself and to others, He has exhibited sadistic tendencies towards boys with whom he has associated, has talked arout killing adults 1 and has entertained ideas of suio.ide. It is my diagnosis that he is suffering from a for:m of sexual deviation (Pedophilia) associated with a long-standing characterological problem and a serious emotional readion to it. It is my recommendation. that he be removed from parish work as soon as possible, It is likely that if external controls on his acting out are made, and this cycle of aggression and depression sufficiently interrupted, then he can once again assume a useful and productive life. Respectfully yours, AMH:mc ~ A. M. Hurley', M.D. "Sensltivelnformation" Per Protective Order JH-ARCH000624