Document 12 POOR 9 THE: IN5T!TUT1!: OF !...!VIN G 200 RlirRE/\T /\VE:tn.Jl! QR GINAL H..t.11Tro1u> a, co1m .:cnc1n ornt:ls OF l'HJ. PsvettlAtRJsr.m~ctnu Docto1' W;l.llie.m !qnoh and I :tmve jue t been ifi consultation ovsr Father Michael Dody. As lfOU know 1 he ill vast~ improved.· He he.& ba~n saying Ma.1111 de.Hy at a nearby- eonven'fi and he has been helping at a nearby pa1·ish over !;he WGek: end. He oerta.inl;r· hall a greali deal o:f insight. ·Re realises wb·ere h'h probl!!!ma started and, throu£h his understanding of ~motional oonflfot. he hae bee.n. ab}.a to relB:tq himself muo}f bett11r to others. I Wll 11ure that you know that we have competence o~.1ly in psyah1atry And with siclt peopie 6Jld We do not p:resulns to ad:vise on matters that are outside Q.f our i'ield, However, it ill our f·Hling that )!lather Dody vou.ld do beat in aome kind o! a:peGial mis!llo.i "l'ath~ tha.n bei~e an a11s~.atant in a ;parish •. · fhe rea10o;;i :for thia .!,.e that enoirunter .. ing em0Uon11-l probloms ln pll:tiahioneni liBhh \l.:P hia own old difficulties ond \fG that l'.1;1 be protected from thoBE! :for a while. WHh aome outpa;t.iant help from :Doctor Hurley and w1 th a job t.o do,. I am siri-e he wonld t;urn ont to be mtn1t . satiafaato:r;y. We are getting a little anxioue hara now. because he is getting restless and a little bit tearful beoalll3e we have not heard f'ro:m ~ls 11u)i>e:riors. It is O'\l.l' hope that some arrangements will b@ llll!.de for him, !01· he iti r>I tine lll!l.11 basically an.d we woµld no-t 'Hant to aee him slip back to where he was~ While his l;old on reality ia n.ot that ~nuoua - noi:urthel&l!ll rt1a:!.tinl$ a:nd insec'\U' :I. ty vill not · aid b h.ia oonV'alesoenCce and :l.t is w;\.tb. tMs thtH1ght that I t"eapo,et:f'1lll'T write you to ask whe thar :H w;Lll be poall :lblfl :for something to be dorte tor hill!. We feel that he has J1ad full berrnfit t1·0111 hospiteliz.e.flion now and that :!.t :l.s tilr.t• IV.! moveCl into tb.ce ne.xb ! • st£i:p. : ' I. JH-ARCH000349 "Sensitive Information" Per Protective Order ':."~ro··oR· k""' ' . OR\GINAL ...W1 th enry aaauranM of. o'\U' resp'eot and e11.rneat d.eaixa to be of belp and with thanks for 7our oonfid.ena& in ua. wa aend you our wishes. bee~ J, :Br1i1.r.:ela.ndt M. l'a;yohia.tria t..-:1.n-Olli et .. ' Most Reverend i'honms A. Connolly AreJJ.biahop·of Seattle 907 1.'err.r Avenue Seattle ~. Washington ,• •;:· ,TH~ARCH000350 ·~sensitive Information" Per Protective Order