"PERSONP.L RECORD· OF REY. ~........;.-'M-::::-JC.;.,.,HA,.,....E..;_,L,...-..o~~'.Jtm~N'~··4....;..!..:_...,'·.....!.·~-:··~9..2:9P~Y,·~~.:...-'.·~.;·_.~i..;:+!-. . -{CONf;IDENTIALl . .-., .• IFlrn Name! . ~Middle. Na,~i' .. •.. lfa~lly Name! iA (~--~Jher's ~n~ M~ther's .IM~;denl NQme ;~~"y - Birth Date cmd Plac~pril _5, _F. Cody - Viola Jorde.n l~:n, l_\nc;~n, Cana~ Zone Present C:itizenshiP'---"u~;"-s_..;::cAc:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:__ __:_~----------lf Naturalized, Date and P.lace·-------:---''------._.,,.-,-----,...--_,...-----------Elementary School-Dates and Places High School-Dates and Pl'aces Balboa schools 1936-1944 PA Alle!l Jiigh qohool, BlufftpI), Indiana - 1944 Balboa, Canal Zone - Hl45-l.948 College-Oat.es and Plac;es Harvard 1948 & 1049 St, Martin's Colle~e, Olympia, 1950-1953 Seminary-Dates and Places._ _s_t_._;E_•d_w_a_r_d_'_s-','--l-9_5:...3:...-....:1....:9....:5:..:B::___ _ _ _ _ __ /o)::;,,.d,ct• Wo