Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke I ConservativeAssociation Dear- LOVALTV IS WHAT MAKES GOOD CITIZENS A community draws its strength irom its members A country draws its strength irom good citizenship The announcement last week by the Immigration Minister to fast track Canadian citizenship for refugees and migrants, while at the same time revoking the law that was brought in by our Conservative Government which removed Canadian citizenship from dual citizens A Hem come, Hem convicted oi terrorist acts asks the questions. why do migrants need to be protected from losing newly granted Canadian citizenship ii they are convicted oi committing a terrorist act? why is it now necessary to shorten the waiting time to become a Canadian Citizen? Is the liberal party airaid oi alienating tens oi thousands oi new voters with the threat of deportation 'lf any are convicted oi terrorist aCtivity7 is the decision to relax screening procedures, which may have ailowed terrorists to sneak into Canada to Commit atrocities against Canadians linked to the shorter waiting period? The one threat that may have prevented a terrorist act, deportation. is now being removedis; .tflauipuam Canada should be careiully screening all applicants for citizenship. Canadian citizenship is a privilege that should be taken away irorn anyone who does not respect our laws and our country, Our country is being changed. Changed in ways that lcnoclcs Canada down instead oi building it up. The government plans to iast track citizenship ior the tens oi tho reiugees and migrants it is ai into Canada in time for the next election. agree with me, we do not want convicted terrorists living in Canada. an Best Regards, Cheryl Cheryl Gallant PO Box 332, Pembroke, ON K3A 5x3 You (an aiso keep up with Cheryi Gailant on Twmer or Facebuok.