efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS ~ ~ D Employer identification number 13-0433430 E Telephone number (202) Amended return Open to Public Inspection , 2013, and ending 12-31-2013 Number and street (or PO box 1fmail 1snot delivered to street address)! Room/suite 1220 L STREETNW Terminated 2013 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except private foundations) Do not enter Social Security numbers on this form as 1t may be made public By law, the I RS generally cannot redact the 1nformat1on on the form Information about Form 990 and its 1nstruct1ons 1s at www.IRS.gov/form990 A For the 2013 calendar year, or tax year beginning 01-01-2013 C Name of organ1zat1on B Check 1fapplicable AMERICANPETROLEUM INSTITUTE I Addresschange Doing BusinessAs I Name change Initial return OMB No 1545-0047 Under section 501(c), ',!;! I I I I DLN:93493318050174 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Form990 Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService As Filed Data - 682-8000 City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code WASHINGTON,DC 20005 Application pending G Gross receipts$ 357,806,437 F Name and address of principal JACK N GERARD 1220 L STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20005 I Tax-exempt status J Website:~ 1 p- 501(cH3l officer H(a) H(b) I 501(c) ( 6) -----+---!---~ 8 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section S09(a)(3) the supporting organ1zat1on, or a donor advised fund ma1nta1ned by a sponsoring business holdings at any time during the year7 9 Sponsoring organizations supporting organizations. organ1zat1on, have excess Did 8 1----+---1---~ a maintaining donor advised funds. Did the organ1zat1on make any taxable d1stribut1ons under section b Did the organ1zat1on make a d1stribut1on to a donor, donor advisor, 10 Section S01(c)(7) a b Gross receipts, fac1l1t1es 11 organizations. In1t1at1on fees and capital included Section S01(c)(12) a included on Form 990, Part VIII, Gross income from members on Part VIII, Section 4947(a)(1) b If "Yes," year 13 Section S01(c)(29) a 10b Enter charitable of tax-exempt qualified 9b I 1oa I line 12 or shareholders non-exempt enter the amount 9a person? line 12, for public use of club 11a 1----+-------------l b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts against amounts due or received from them) 12a or related Enter contributions organizations. 49667 nonprofit due or paid to other sources 11b '----'--------------l trusts. Is the organ1zat1on f1l1ng Form 990 1n lieu of Form 10417 interest received or accrued during the I 12b I health insurance issuers. Is the organ1zat1on licensed to issue qual1f1ed health plans 1n more than one state7 Note. See the 1nstruct1ons for add1t1onal 1nformat1on the organ1zat1on must report on Schedule b Enter the amount of reserves the organ1zat1on 1s required to ma1nta1n by the states 1n which the organ1zat1on 1s licensed to issue qual1f1ed health plans 13b c 13c 14a Enter the amount of reserves Did the organ1zat1on receive b If "Yes," 12a on hand any payments for indoor tanning has 1t f1led a Form 7 2 O to report these services O during the tax year7 payments 7 If "No," provide an explanation m Schedule O 13a 14a I I No 14b Form 990 ( 2 O 1 3 ) Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) page •@I'd Governance, Management, and Disclosure For each "Yes" response to lines 2 through 7b below, and for a "No" response to lines Ba, Bb, or 10b below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes in Schedule 0. See instructions. Check Section 1f Schedule A. Governing O contains a response F or note to any line 1n this Part VI Body and Management Yes la Enter the number of voting year members of the governing body at the end of the tax la No 44 Ifthere are material differences 1n voting rights among members of the governing body, or 1fthe governing body delegated broad authority to an executive committee or s1m1lar committee, explain 1n Schedule O b Enter the number of voting independent members included 1n line 1 a, above, who are lb 2 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee other officer, director, trustee, or key employee? 3 Did the organ1zat1on delegate control over management duties superv1s1on of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees 4 Did the organ1zat1on make any s1gn1f1cant changes f11ed7 have a family 42 relat1onsh1p or a business relat1onsh1p with any 2 customarily performed by or under the direct to a management company or other person? to its governing documents 5 Did the organ1zat1on become aware during the year of a s1gn1f1cant d1vers1on of the organ1zat1on's Did the organ1zat1on have members more members of the governing a Did the organ1zat1on contemporaneously year by the following The governing b Each committee 9 or other persons who had the power to elect or appoint B. Policies No No Yes one or 1--7_a_+-_Y_e_s_1---- document to (or subJect to approval the meetings held or written by) members, actions undertaken to act on behalf of the governing 7b stockholders, (This Section B requests information No during the body7 Is there any officer, director, trustee, or key employee listed 1n Part VII, Section A, who cannot organ1zat1on's ma1l1ng address? If "Yes," provide the names and addresses m Schedule O Section 4 5 body7 with authority No 6 b Are any governance dec1s1ons of the organ1zat1on reserved or persons other than the governing body7 8 assets7 or stockholders? stockholders, body7 3 since the prior Form 990 was 6 7a Did the organ1zat1on have members, Yes be reached Sa Yes Sb Yes at the No 9 about policies not required by the Internal Revenue Code.) Yes 10a Did the organ1zat1on have local chapters, branches, or aff1l1ates7 b If "Yes," did the organ1zat1on have written pol1c1es and procedures governing the act1v1t1es of such chapters, with the organ1zat1on's exempt purposes? aff1l1ates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent 11a Has the organ1zat1on provided the form7 b Describe 12a 1n Schedule copy ofth1s Form 990 to all members of1ts governing O the process, or trustees, of interest pol1cy7 If "No," go to /me 13 and key employees required monitor to disclose and enforce annually compliance interests wh1stleblower Did the organ1zat1on have a written document 15 Did the process for determ1n1ng compensation of the following persons include a review and approval by independent persons, comparab1l1ty data, and contemporaneous substant1at1on of the del1berat1on and dec1s1on7 If"Yes" 16a CEO, Executive Director, pol1cy7 retention and destruction or top management pol1cy7 off1c1al of the organ1zat1on to line 15a or 15b, describe the process Did the organ1zat1on invest 1n, contribute taxable entity during the year7 assets 1n Schedule or s1m1lar arrangement 12b Yes 12c Yes 13 Yes 14 Yes 1Sa Yes 1Sb Yes with a 16a ,__---+---1------ No 16 b C. Disclosure 17 List the States 18 Section 6104 requires an organ1zat1on to make its Form 1023 (or 1024 1f applicable), 990, and 990-T (3 )sonly) available for public 1nspect1on Indicate how you made these available Check all that apply I Yes O (see 1nstruct1ons) to, or part1c1pate 1n a Joint venture b If "Yes," did the organ1zat1on follow a written policy or procedure requiring the organ1zat1on to evaluate its part1c1pat1on 1n Joint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the organ1zat1on's exempt status with respect to such arrangements? Section 12a with the pol1cy7 If "Yes," descnbe Did the organ1zat1on have a written or key employees No that could give 14 The organ1zat1on's Yes 1f any, used by the organ1zat1on to review this Form 990 conflict Did the organ1zat1on regularly and consistently m Schedule O how this was done b Other officers 10b No body before f1l1ng 13 a Yes 11a Did the organ1zat1on have a written b Were officers, directors, rise to confl1cts7 c a complete 10a Own website with which a copy ofth1s I Another's website Form 990 1s required P- U pan request I to be filed~ Other ~-------------------------~ (SOl(c) (explain 1n Schedule 19 Describe 1n Schedule O whether (and 1f so, how) the organ1zat1on made its governing interest policy, and f1nanc1al statements available to the public during the tax year 20 State the name, physical address, and telephone ~JOHN E ROBERTSON 1220 L STREET NW WASHINGTON,DC 20005 (202) 682-8000 number of the person who possesses O) documents, conflict of the books and records of the organ1zat1on Form 990(2013) 6 Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 1 3 ) i:ifii*di Page Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Employees, and Independent Contractors Check Section 1f Schedule A. Officers, la Complete O contains Directors, this table for all persons a response Highest Key Employees, to be listed and Highest Report compensation Compensated for the calendar current key employees, 1f any See 1nstruct1ons Employees year ending with or w1th1n the organ1zat1on's tax year • List all of the organ1zat1on's current officers, directors, trustees (whether 1nd1v1duals or organ1zat1ons), of compensation Enter-01n columns (D), (E), and (F) 1fno compensation was paid • List all of the organ1zat1on's Compensated or note to any line 1n this Part VII Trustees, required Key Employees, regardless of amount for def1n1t1on of "key employee" • List the organ1zat1on's five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) organ1zat1on and any related organ1zat1ons • List all of the organ1zat1on's former officers, key employees, or highest compensated of reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on and any related organ1zat1ons director, trustee or key employee) of more than $100,000 from the employees who received more than $100,000 • List all of the organ1zat1on's former directors or trustees that received, 1n the capacity as a former director or trustee organ1zat1on, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on and any related organ1zat1ons List persons compensated IC 1n the following order 1nd1v1dual trustees employees, and former such persons heck this box 1f neither (A) Name and Title or directors, the organ1zat1on nor any related (B) Average hours per week (list any hours for related organ1zat1ons below dotted line) 1nst1tut1onal trustees, organ1zat1on compensated (C) Pos1t1on (do not check more than one box, unless person 1s both an officer and a director/trustee) o....,::, Q.~ =~ ~ -::, ~ ~ E" a C) 2. ....,.... ~ 2 Q (!, :i:[• ~ ~ [.[.- 2 B ~ ::,::: C!.. Form 990(2013) 7 Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 1 3 ) j@i*tfiSection p age A. Officers, (A) Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Average hours per week (list any hours for related organ1zat1ons below dotted line) Compensated (C) (D) Pos1t1on (do not check more than one box, unless person 1s both an officer and a director/trustee) Reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on (W2/1099-MISC) (B) Name and Title and Highest o-, ::J = :s ~ §Q.~ :s2. -, ..+ 2 ij'J «:" oJ:• -::, ~ ~ a Q 2 B ~ ~ - ~ ::,;:: ID '"r" 11> 3 "D 0 ID I ::l,i:i 'l:l::. ~x ""Tl Employees 8 (cont,nued) (E) Reportable compensation from related organ1zat1ons (W2/1099-MISC) (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organ1zat1on and related organ1zat1ons Q ::, _. [, -, ID (") 0 '"r" 3 11> 11> -;::, ([\ ::; ~ oJ:.oJ:.- (I, a,r, C!.. lb ... ... ... Sub-Total c Total from continuation sheets to Part VII, Section A d Total (add lines lb and le) 2 Total number of 1nd1v1duals (1nclud1ng but not l1m1ted to those listed $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on..-153 3 Did the organ1zat1on list any former officer, on line la7 If "Yes,"completeScheduleJforsuch 4 For any 1nd1v1dual listed organ1zat1on and related above) 0 18,257,988 who received 1,833,321 more than Yes director or trustee, 1nd1v1dual key employee, or highest compensated 3 on line 1 a, 1s the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation If "Yes,"completeScheduleJforsuch organ1zat1ons greater than $150,0007 Section 1 4 Did any person listed on line la receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated services rendered to the organ1zat1on7 If "Yes," complete Schedule] for such person B. Independent organ1zat1on Total number of independent $100,000 of compensation Yes or 1nd1v1dual for 5 No Contractors Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent contractors that received more than $100,000 of compensation from the organ1zat1on Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or w1th1n the organ1zat1on's (A) Name and business address BLUEWORLDWIDEINC 1875 EYEST NW STE 900 WASHINGTONDC 20006 FLEISHMAN-HILLARD INTERNT'LCOMMUNICATIO200 N BROADWAYST ST LOUIS MO63102 PROTNITI 1401 I STREETNW SUITE 400 WASHINGTONDC 20005 DESIGNATEDMARKETMEDIA LLC 3299 K ST NW SUITE 200 WASHINGTONDC 20007 DDC ADVOCACY174 WATERFRONTSTREET500 NATIONALHARBORMD 20745 2 No from the 1nd1v1dual 5 No employee contractors (1nclud1ng but not l1m1ted to those from the organ1zat1on ..-160 (B) Description of services ADVERTISING ADVERTISING BUSINESSSOLUTIONS ADVERTISING ADVOCACY listed above) who received tax year (C) Compensation 32,834,698 23,941,600 6,368,748 6,124,143 5,553,397 more than Form 990(2013) Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 1 3 ) Page 9 1:)ffiif,iuStatement Check of Revenue if Schedule O contains a resoonse or note to anv line 1n this Part VIII (A) Total -!! -!! la == (,::I= ... ~ ~ E ! ... ~= ~ E VI·= 0 :.;:::::... = ..:.: ·;:: 0 = 0 -= = (,::I ff) la dues lb b Membership c Fundra1s1ng events le d Related organ1zat1ons ld e Government grants (contributions) le f All other contributions, gifts, grants, and s1m1laramounts not included above lf g Noncash contributions included in Imes la-lf $ -- h Total.Add Q) .Q u campaigns (C) Related or exempt function revenue (,::I :::; I Business c ~ 2a c CERTIFICATIONFEES 541900 8,913,904 ..... d MEETINGREVENUE 900099 6,075,728 6,075, 728 c e SUBSCRIPTIONS 900099 1,871,645 1,871,645 v f All other program 10,045 10,045 g Total. Add lines 2a-2f £, ~ service revenue 0 &: 3 4 Investment income (1nclud1ng d1v1dends, interest, and other s1m1lar amounts) Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds 5 Royalties 6a Gross rents b Less rental expenses Rental income or ( loss) (1) Real c d c d Net gain or (loss) Sa ev ::I 52, 154,228 8,913,904 210, 719,378 2,135,333 12,885,094 2,135,333 12,885,094 ... (11)0ther 131,830, 134 132,336,036 -505,902 .... -505,902 -505,902 236,498 236,498 Gross income from fundra1s1ng events (not 1nclud1ng $ ii :> of contributions reported See Part IV, line 18 ev a: ... 1l - 141,693,828 (11) Personal (1) Securities b ... ... ... ... Net rental income or (loss) Grossamount from sales of assets other than inventory Less cost or other basis and sales expenses Gain or ( loss) 7a I Code MEMBERSHIPDUES ~ I ... lines la-lf (],l s; (D) Revenue exc I uded from tax under sections 512-514 Unrelated business revenue 0 cX ·- Federated (B) revenue on line le) a .c b Less 0 c Net income or (loss) from fundra1s1ng events 9a direct b expenses ... Gross income from gaming act1v1t1es See Part IV, line 19 a b Less c Net income or (loss) from gaming act1v1t1es 10a direct b expenses Gross sales of inventory, returns and allowances .... less a b Less c Net income or (loss) from sales of inventory cost of goods sold Miscellaneous 11a MISCELLANEOUS Revenue REVENUE b Business ... Code 900099 b c d A II other revenue e Total.Add 12 lines lla-lld Total revenue. See Instructions ... ... 236,498 225,4 70,401 214,690,568 8,913,904 1,865,929 Form 990 ( 2 O 1 3 ) Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 1 3 ) 1:)Mjf:j Section Page Statement 501(c)(3)and of Functional 501(c)(4)organ1zat1ons c h ec kf I Sc hdl e u e O contains must complete a response all columns or note to anv All otherorgan1zat1ons Grants and other assistance to governments 1n the U n1ted States See Part IV, line 21 2 Grants and other assistance to 1nd1v1duals 1n the U n1ted States See Part IV, line 22 3 Grants and other assistance to governments, organ1zat1ons, and 1nd1v1duals outside the U n1ted States See Part IV, lines 15 and 16 (A) (B) (C) Program service Management and expenses general expenses (D) Fundra1smg expenses and organ1zat1ons 5,404,883 129,434 4 Benefits 5 Compensation key employees 6 Compensation not included above, to d1squal1f1ed persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(l )) and persons described 1n section 4958(c)(3)(B) 7 Other salaries 8 Pension plan accruals and contributions and 403(b) employer contributions) paid to or for members of current officers, directors, trustees, and 10,471,978 and wages Other employee 10 Payroll 11 Fees for services 26,886,222 (include section 401 (k) 1,298,014 benefits 8,030,794 taxes 2,411,445 (non-employees) a Management b Legal c Accounting d Lobbying e Profess 1ona I fundra 1sIng services f Investment g Other (Ifl1ne llg amount exceeds 10% ofl1ne 25, column (A) amount, list line 1 lg expenses on Schedule O) 45,836,552 12 Advert1s1ng 67,862,975 13 Office expenses 14 Information 15 Royalties 7,676,599 163,440 9,841,699 management See Part IV, line 17 fees 232,736 and promotion 2,426,483 technology 829,385 16 Occupancy 4,787,199 17 Travel 3,843,745 18 Payments of travel or entertainment state, or local public off1c1als 19 Conferences, 20 Interest 21 Payments conventions, expenses for any federal, and meetings 5,819, 700 to aff1l1ates 22 Deprec1at1on, 23 Ins ura nee 24 Other expenses Itemize expenses not covered above (List miscellaneous expenses 1n line 24e If line 24e amount exceeds 10% of line 25, column (A) amount, list line 24e expenses on Schedule O ) a column ~ (A) Total expenses 1 must complete 1ne 1n t h IS Part IX Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, 7b, Sb, 9b, and 10b of Part VIII. 9 10 Expenses and amort1zat1on 3,325,577 474,877 UNRELATED b STUDIES, depletion, BUSINESS !NCO 271,610 A 18,089,909 RESEARCH,AND c NET PENSION d POSTRETIREMENT EXPENSE 6,326,660 BENEFIT 2,803,690 e A II other expenses expenses. Add lines 1 through 2,659, 754 25 Total functional 26 Joint costs. Complete this line only 1fthe organ1zat1on reported 1n column (B) Joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundra1s1ng sol1c1tat1on Check here~ 1 1ffollow1ng SOP 98-2 (ASC 958-720) 24e 237,905,360 Form 990 ( 2 O 1 3 ) Page 11 Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 1 3 ) l:ifil!I Balance Check Sheet 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any line 1n this Part X (B) (A) Beg1nn1ng of year 1 Cash- non-1nterest-bea ring 2 Savings and temporary cash investments and grants 1 3 Pledges 4 Accounts receivable, 5 Loans and other receivables from current and former officers, directors, employees, and highest compensated employees Complete Part II of Schedule L receivable, End of year 16,979,496 2 8,999,788 4 net 17, 189,927 3 net trustees, 9,718,488 key 5 - 6 Loans and other receivables from other d1squal1f1ed persons (as defined under and contributing section 4958(f)(l)), persons described 1n section 4958(c)(3)(B), employers and sponsoring organ1zat1ons of section 501(c)(9) voluntary employees' benef1c1ary organ1zat1ons (see 1nstruct1ons) Complete Part II of Schedule L 7 Notes and loans receivable, 8 Inventories I/I cJ) (,/', I/, <( 6 9 10a b net 7 12,508 for sale or use Prepaid expenses and deferred charges Land, bu1ld1ngs, and equipment cost or other basis Complete Part VI of Schedule D 10a 29,914,016 Less 10b 12,664, 108 accumulated 11 Investments-publicly 12 Investments-other deprec1at1on traded 13 Investments-program- 14 Intangible 17 Accounts See Part IV, line 11 13 payable and accrued 15 15 (must equal line 34) expenses ',/' Escrow or custodial .9! 22 Loans and other payables to current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, and d1squal1f1ed persons Complete Part II of Schedule Secured mortgages and notes payable notes and loans payable Organizations 27 Unrestricted 28 Temporarily 29 Permanently Organizations :..... complete u. 0 ,fl ,fl 15,289,303 19 D 15,444,087 21 22 to unrelated third parties 23 third parties 24 25 ~ p- and 62,150,427 25 51,655,516 102,434,961 26 87,565,353 27 32,721,302 complete 31,733,763 net assets restricted net assets 28 net assets 29 that do not follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here ~ I and lines 30 through 34. 30 Capital 31 Pa1d-1n or capital stock or trust earnings, principal, surplus, or current funds 30 or land, bu1ld1ng or equipment ci 32 Retained 4) 33 Total net assets 34 Total l1ab1l1t1es and net assets/fund z 20,465,750 L to unrelated that follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here restricted ::::! ,fl 17 lines 27 through 29, and lines 33 and 34. ,:::; 4) Add lines 17 through Total liabilities. ,:::; ca !::: Part IV of Schedule Other l1ab1l1t1es (1nclud1ng federal income tax, payables to related third parties, Complete Part X of Schedule and other l1ab1l1t1es not included on lines 17-24) D u - 24,995,231 20 l1ab1l1ty Complete 25 Q) ~ account Unsecured ,fl 120,286,655 bond l1ab1l1t1es 24 26 16 18 revenue Tax-exempt ,;-.; 134,168,724 payable 20 :.::::l 23 11 12 21 -= :.a 17,249,908 74,359,207 See Part IV, line 11 Other assets Deferred 10c 14 Total assets. Add lines 1 through Grants 13,163,923 See Part IV, line 11 related 16 18 9 assets 15 19 11,612 1,757,513 92,457,279 securities securities 8 2,555,730 endowment, accumulated or fund balances balances income, fund 31 or other funds 32 31,733,763 33 134,168,724 34 32,721,302 120,286,655 Form 990 ( 2 O 1 3 ) Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 1 3 ) Page 1:)ffi$:HReconcilliation Check 1 Total 1f Schedule revenue 2 Total 3 Revenue 4 Net assets 5 Net unrealized 6 a response column Subtract or fund balances gains (losses) services .F or note to any line 1n this Part XI (A), line 12) (must equal Part IX, column less expenses Donated of Net Assets O contains (must equal Part VIII, expenses 12 1 2 2 5 ,4 7 0 ,4 0 1 2 237,905,360 3 -12,43 (A), line 25) line 2 from line 1 at beg1nn1ng of year (must equal Part X, line 33, column 4, 9 5 9 (A)) 4 31,733,763 5 -984,911 on investments and use offac1l1t1es 6 7 Investment expenses 7 8 P nor period adJustments 8 9 Other changes 10 1n net assets Net assets or fund balances column (B)) 1:r.1111•:••• Financial Check or fund balances at end of year Statements 1f Schedule (explain Combine 1n Schedule O) lines 3 through 9 14 ,40 7 ,40 9 10 32,721,302 9 (must equal Part X, line 33, and Reporting O contains a response .F or note to any line 1n this Part XII Yes 1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990 If the organ1zat1on changed its method of accounting Schedule O 2a Were the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements compiled If'Yes,'check a box below to 1nd1cate whether a separate basis, consolidated basis, or both I Separate I basis Consolidated c F basis Consolidated by an independent the f1nanc1al statements I audited If'Yes,'check a box below to 1nd1cate whether basis, consolidated basis, or both Separate or reviewed basis b Were the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements I I Cash F Accrual 10ther from a prior year or checked "Other," by an independent I basis 1n 2a accountant? for the year were compiled Both consolidated the f1nanc1al statements explain and separate or reviewed basis for the year were audited and separate either its oversight process or selection process 2b Yes 2c Yes on a separate basis If "Yes," to line 2a or 2b, does the organ1zat1on have a committee that assumes respons1b1l1ty for oversight audit, review, or comp1lat1on of its f1nanc1al statements and selection of an independent accountant? If the organ1zat1on changed Schedule O No on accountant? Both consolidated No during the tax year, explain of the 1n 3a As a result of a federal award, was the organ1zat1on required to undergo an audit or audits as set forth 1n the 3a SI n g Ie A u d It Act and O M B C I re u Ia r A -1 3 3 7 b If "Yes," did the organ1zat1on undergo the required audit or aud1ts7 If the organ1zat1on did not undergo the required audit or audits, explain why 1n Schedule O and describe No 3b any steps taken to undergo such audits Form 990(2013) Additional Data Software Software ID: Version: EIN: Name: 13-0433430 AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Compensate d Emp I oyees, an d In d e~en d ent Contractors (A) Name and Title (B) Average hours per week (list any hours for related organ1zat1ons below dotted line) Key Employees, (C) Pos1t1on (do not check more than one box, unless person 1s both an officer and a director/trustee) o....,::, Q.~ =~ ~ E" C) 2. ....,.... 2 (!, :i:[• -::, ~ ~ a Q 2 B ~ ::,::: ID '"r" cr, 3 l'.J 0 ~ - '"r" cr, cr, ~ ID I ::l,i:i 'l:l::. ~x ,, Highest (D) Reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on (W- (E) Reportable compensation from related organ1zat1ons (W- 2/1099-MISC) 2/1099-MISC) Q ::, ...J ,x., ...., (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organ1zat1on and related organ1zat1ons ID (") 0 3 -;::, ([\ ::; ~ (I, a,r, [.[.- C!.. KHAllD S ALNAJI 50 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 BOARD MEMBER NABEEL AMUDI 50 BOARD MEMBER ALAN S ARMSTRONG 50 BOARD MEMBER MORTEN ARNTZEN 50 BOARD MEMBER JOHN BANNERMAN 50 BOARD MEMBER JOSEPH BRYANT 50 BOARD MEMBER CLARENCE P CAZALOT JR 50 x x 0 0 0 x x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD STEPHEN I CHAZEN 50 BOARD MEMBER & CHAIR FIN CMTE MARTIN S CRAIGHEAD 50 BOARD MEMBER PETER EVENSEN 50 BOARD MEMBER DAVID FANTA 50 BOARD MEMBER G STEVEN FARRIS 50 BOARD MEMBER TIMOTHY C FELT 50 BOARD MEMBER GREG C GARLAND 50 BOARD MEMBER JOHN T GREMP 50 BOARD MEMBER JAMES T HACKETT 50 BOARD MEMBER GARY R HEMINGER 50 BOARD MEMBER JOHN B HESS 50 BOARD MEMBER RALPH A HILL 50 BOARD MEMBER PAULL HOWES 50 BOARD MEMBER RAYL HUNT 50 BOARD MEMBER W HERBERT HUNT 50 BOARD MEMBER JAMES F JUSTISS JR 50 BOARD MEMBER TRACY W KROHN 50 BOARD MEMBER RYAN M LANCE BOARD MEMBER 50 Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Compensate dE mp I oyees, an did n e~en d ent Contractors (A) Name and Title (B) Key Employees, (C) Average hours per week (list any hours for related organ1zat1ons below dotted line) Pos1t1on (do not check more than one box, unless person 1s both an officer and a director/trustee) o"""::, -::, = :'.::. a C)~ 2 2 Q_~ ~ §""" g ,.,, ii!" (I' ~ 2 B ~ ::,::: [:, 3 "D 0 ..... [:, ;;;: - =l oD I .!;!. :3,:i5 [:, ,, Highest (D) Reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on (W- (E) Reportable compensation from related organ1zat1ons (W- 2/1099-MISC) 2/1099-MISC) Q Q_ ::;- ::, ~[ oD (") ...J [, (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organ1zat1on and related organ1zat1ons """ 0 ::, ...J -;::, <[I ::; ~ ~ a [, [, I[, C!.. VIRGINIA GIGI B LAZENBY 50 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 BOARD MEMBER DAVID J LESAR 50 BOARD MEMBER BILL MALONEY 50 BOARD MEMBER DOUGLAS R MATTHEWS 50 BOARD MEMBER AUBREY MCCLENDON 50 BOARD MEMBER JAMES P MCGREGOR 50 BOARD MEMBER LAMAR MCKAY 50 BOARD MEMBER JOHN C MINGE 50 BOARD MEMBER AL MONACO 50 BOARD MEMBER JACK B MOORE 50 BOARD MEMBER ROD NELSON 50 BOARD MEMBER J LARRY NICHOLS 50 BOARD MEMBER MARVIN ODUM 50 BOARD MEMBER ROBERT BOBBY L PARKER JR 50 BOARD MEMBER HARRY N PEFANIS 50 BOARD MEMBER DANIEL W RABUN 50 BOARD MEMBER W MATT RALLS 50 BOARD MEMBER DAVID T SEATON 50 BOARD MEMBER REX TILLERSON 50 BOARD MEMBER HANK A TRUE III 50 BOARD MEMBER AL WALKER 50 BOARD MEMBER JOHN S WATSON 50 BOARD MEMBER DAVID W WILLIAMS 50 BOARD MEMBER KAREN WRIGHT 50 BOARD MEMBER JACK N GERARD PRESIDENT AND CEO 40 00 x x 13,264,388 0 839,087 Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Compensa t e d Emp I oyees, an d Idn e~en d en tC on t rac t ors (A) Name and Title (B) Average hours per week (list any hours for related organ1zat1ons below dotted line) Key Employees, (C) Pos1t1on (do not check more than one box, unless person 1s both an officer and a director/trustee) o"""::, -::, = :'.::. a C)~ 2 2 Q_~ ~ §""" g ,.,, ii!" (I' ~ 2 B ~ ::,::: [:, 3 "D 0 ..... [:, ;;;: - =l oD I .!;!. :3,:i5 [:, ,, Highest (D) Reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on (W- 2/1099-MISC) (E) Reportable compensation from related organ1zat1ons (W- 2/1099-MISC) Q Q_ ::;- ::, ~[ oD (") ...J [, (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organ1zat1on and related organ1zat1ons """ 0 ::, ...J -;::, <[I ::; ~ ~ a [, [, I[, C!.. HARRY M NG 40 00 x 474,924 0 75,089 x 404,983 0 75,838 x 521,236 0 124,400 x 403,724 0 119,537 x 395,541 0 101,012 x 388,570 0 79,459 x 327, 766 0 56,126 x 252,515 0 12,633 x 682,960 0 77,283 x 316,856 0 77,374 x 280,597 0 36,151 x 273,057 0 73,796 x 270,871 0 85,536 GENERAL COUNSEL & CORP SEC JOHN E ROBERTSON 40 00 VICE PRESIDENT AND CFO llNDA G ROZETI 40 00 VICE PRESIDENT KYLE B ISAKOWER 40 00 VICE PRESIDENT ERIK G MIITTO 40 00 GROUP DIRECTOR ROBERT L GRECO 40 00 GROUP DIRECTOR JOHN D MODINE 40 00 DIRECTOR MARTIN L DURBIN 40 00 EXECUTNE VICE PRESIDENT CHARLES R WILllAMS 40 00 EXEC DIR CTR FOR OFFSHORE SAFETY ROLF W HANSON 40 00 SENIOR DIRECTOR ERIC J WOHLSCHLEGEL 40 00 DIRECTOR JOHN C FELMY 40 00 CHIEF ECONOMIST DREW P COBBS EXEC DIR MD PETROLEUM COUNCIL 40 00 efile GRAPHIC SCHEDULE rint - DO NOT PROCESS c (Form 990 or 990-EZ) As Filed Data - DLN:93493318050174 OMB No 1545-0047 Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities 2013 For Organizations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501 (c) and section 527 ~ Department of theTreasury Complete if the organization is described below. ~ Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. See separate instructions. ~ Information about Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its ov form 990. instructions is at www.irs. Open to Public Ins ection If the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, Line 3, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 46 (Political Campaign Activities), then • Section 501(c)(3) organizations Complete Parts I-A and B Do not complete Part 1-C • Section 501(c) (other than section 501(c)(3)) organizations Complete Parts I-A and C below Do not complete Part 1-B ~ InternalRevenueService • Section 527 organizations Complete Part I-A only If the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, Line 4, or Form 990-EZ, Part VI, line 47 (Lobbying Activities), then • Section 501( c)(3) organizations that have filed Form 5768 ( election under section 501(h)) Complete Part II-A Do not complete Part 11-B • Section 501( c)(3) organizations that have NOT filed Form 5768 ( election under section 501(h)) Complete Part 11-BDo not complete Part II-A If the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, Line 5 (Proxy Tax) or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 35c (Proxy Tax), then • Section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations Complete Part Ill Employer identification Name of the organ1zat1on number AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE 13-0433430 Complete if the organization 1 Provide 2 Pol1t1cal expenditures 3 Volunteer a description of the organ1zat1on's is exempt direct under section and 1nd1rect pol1t1cal campaign if the organization is exempt under section of any excise tax incurred by the organ1zat1on under section 2 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by organ1zat1on managers 3 If the orga n1zat1on Incurred Was a correction jfflii3 act1v1t1es 1n Part IV ..;;..o 0 Enter the amount If "Yes," 527 organization. $ ________ 1 b or is a section hours l:iflld:j Complete 4a 501(c) describe Complete a section 501(c)(3). 4955 under section 4955 ~ $ ______ _ ~ $ ______ _ I I 4 9 5 5 tax, did 1t file Form 4 7 2 O for this yea r7 made7 I I Yes Yes No 1n Part IV if the organization 1 Enter the amount 2 Enter the amount of the f1l1ng organ1zat1on's exempt function act1v1t1es directly expended is exempt under section by the f1l1ng organ1zat1on for section funds contributed 501(c), 527 exempt to otherorgan1zat1ons except function for section section act1v1t1es 501(c)(3). ~ $ --------- 527 $ ______ 2 _84~7_7_5 $ ______ 2_8_4~,_7_7_5 3 Total 4 Did the f1l1ng organ1zat1on file Form 1120-POL for this year7 5 Enter the names, addresses and employer 1dent1f1cat1on number (EIN) of all section 527 pol1t1cal organ1zat1ons to which the f1l1ng organ1zat1on made payments For each organ1zat1on listed, enter the amount paid from the f1l1ng organ1zat1on's funds Also enter the amount of pol1t1cal contributions received that were promptly and directly delivered to a separate pol1t1cal organ1zat1on, such as a separate segregated fund or a pol1t1cal action committee (PAC) If add1t1onal space 1s needed, provide 1nformat1on 1n Part IV exempt No function (a) Name expenditures Add lines 1 and 2 Enter here and on Form 1120-PO (b) Address L, line 17b P-Yes ( c) EI N (d) Amount paid from f1l1ng organ1zat1on's funds If none, enter -0- I No (e) A mount of pol1t1cal contributions received and promptly and directly delivered to a separate pol1t1cal organ1zat1on If none, enter -0- See Add1t1onal Data Table For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ. Cat No 500845 Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2013 Sch e du Ie C (Form 9 9 O or 9 9 O- E Z) 2 O 1 3 pa e Complete if the organization under section 501(h)). A Check B Check is exempt under section 501(c)(3) and filed Form 5768 ~ 11fthe f1l1ng organ1zat1on belongs to an aff1l1ated group (and list 1n Part IV each aff1l1ated group member's expenses, and share of excess lobbying expenditures) ~ 11fthe f1l1ng organ1zat1on checked box A and "l1m1ted control" prov1s1ons apply (The term "expenditures" la means amounts paid or incurred.) Total lobbying expenditures to influence public op1n1on (grass b Total lobbying expenditures to influence a leg1slat1ve body (direct lobbying expenditures (add lines la and lb) c Total d Other exempt e Total f Lobbying columns purpose exempt expenditures amount but not over $1,000,000 table 1n both The lobbying nontaxable amount is: 20% of the amount on line le $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000 but not over $1,500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000 $1,000,000 nontaxable amount (enter 2 5% of line lf) If zero or less, enter-0- h Subtract line lg from line la i Subtract line 1 f from line 1 c If zero or less, enter -0- Ifthere section 1s an amount other than zero on either 4911 tax forth1s year7 (Some Calendar Lobbying line lh or line 11, did the organ1zat1on file Form 4 720 reporting 1 ves I No 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below. See the instructions for lines 2a through 2f on page 4.) Lobbying 2a lobbying) Over $1,000,000 Grassroots (b) Aff1l1ated group totals roots lobbying) Enter the amount from the following Over $17,000,000 g EIN, (add lines le and ld) If the amount on line le, column (a) or (b) is: Not over $500,000 Over $500,000 name, address, expenditures purpose nontaxable (election (a) F1l1ng organ1zat1on's totals Limits on Lobbying Expenditures 2 year (or fiscal beg1nn1ng 1n) nontaxable During 4-Year (a) 2010 Averaging (b)2011 Period (c) 2 O 12 (d)2013 (e) Total amount b Lobbying ce1l1ng amount (150% of line 2a, column(e)) c Total d Grassroots e Grassroots ce1l1ng amount (150% of line 2d column (e)) f Grassroots lobbying year Expenditures expenditures nontaxable lobbying amount expenditures Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2013 Sch e du Ie C (Form 9 9 O or 9 9 O- E Z) 2 O 1 3 Pa e Complete if the organization is exempt under section filed Form 5768 (election under section 501(h)). For each "Yes" response to Imes la through activity. 1 11 below, provide 1n 501(c)(3) Yes a b Paid staff or management Media advert1sements7 e Publ1cat1ons, f Grants g Direct h Rallies, i Other act1v1t1es 7 j Total 2a Ma1l1ngs to members, (include legislators, or published compensation with legislators, demonstrations, reported on lines le through government conventions, 11)7 off1c1als, or a leg1slat1ve body7 speeches, lectures, or any s1m1lar means7 11 1n section b If "Yes," enter the amount of any tax incurred under section c d If "Yes," enter the amount of any tax incurred by organ1zat1on managers If the f1l1ng organ1zat1on incurred Complete 501(cH6). Amount purposes? Did the act1v1t1es 1n line 1 cause the organ1zat1on to be not described 1:r.111•11..,,,·• No statements? their staffs, seminars, Add lines le through 1n expenses (b) or the publ1c7 or broadcast to other organ1zat1ons for lobbying contact (a) Part IV a detailed descnpt1on of the lobby mg During the year, did the f1l1ng organ1zat1on attempt to influence foreign, national, state or local leg1slat1on, 1nclud1ng any attempt to influence public op1n1on on a leg1slat1ve matter or referendum, through the use of Volunteers? c d a section 4912 if the organization I 501(c)(3)7 4912 under section tax, did 1t file Form 4720 is exempt forth1s under section 4912 I year7 501(c)(4), section 501(c)(S), or section Yes Were substantially 1 all (90% or more) dues received 2 Did the organ1zat1on make only in-house 3 Did the organ1zat1on agree to carry over lobbying 1 lobbying nondeductible expenditures by members? of $2,000 1 or less7 and pol1t1cal expenditures 2 3 from the prior year7 No No No Yes Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(4), section 501(c)(S), or section 501(c)(6) and if either (a) BOTH Part III-A, lines 1 and 2, are answered "No" OR (b) Part III-A, line 3., is answered "Yes " 1:r.1ili•11~:, Dues, assessments and s1m1lar amounts from members Section 16 2 (e) nondeductible lobbying and pol 1t1caI expenditures expenses for which the section 527(f) tax was paid). 2 3 and has NOT 1 141,365,571 97,054,584 (do not include amounts of political a b Current year Carryover from last year 2a 2b -2,967 c Total 2c 94,086,597 ,987 3 Aggregate 3 77 ,7 51,0 64 4 If notices were sent and the amount on line 2c exceeds the amount on line 3, what portion of the excess does the organ1zat1on agree to carryover to the reasonable estimate of nondeductible lobbying and pol1t1cal expenditure next year7 4 16 ,3 3 5 ,5 3 3 5 Taxable 5 :r.1... amount amount reported of lobbying Supplemental 1n section 6033(e)(l)(A) and pol1t1cal expenditures notices of nondeductible section 162(e) (see 1nstruct1ons) Information Provide the descriptions required for Part I-A, line 1, Part 1-B, line 4, Part 1-C, line 5, Part II-A Part 11-B line 1 Also comolete this r art for anv add1t1onal 1nformat1on I Return Reference PART I-A, LINE 1 dues (aff1l1ated group list), Part II-A, line 2, and I Explanation API CONDUCTS POLITICAL ACTIVITIES THROUGH A SEPARATE SEGREGATED AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE FUND, Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2013 Sch e du Ie C (Form 9 9 O or 9 9 O- E Z) 2 O 1 3 .:F-Til.l"• Supplemental I Return Reference Information Page 4 (continued) I Explanation Schedule D (Form 990) 2013 Additional Data Software Software ID: Version: EIN: Name: Form 990 , Schedule 13-0433430 AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE C, Part 1-C, Line 5 (a) Name (b) Address (c) EI N (d) Amount paid from f1l1ng organ1zat1on's own internal funds If none, enter -0- AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE POLITICAL ACTION COM MITT EE 1220 L STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20005 272596972 A BETTER MISSOURI NIXON FOR GOVERNOR PO BOX 11418 STLOUIS,MO 431579701 10000 DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION 1401 K STREET NW SUITE 200 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 521304889 50000 MAHONING COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY 4011 HILLMAN WAY YO U NG ST O WN, 0 H 44512 341628309 9500 OHIO DEMOCRATIC PARTY 340 EAST FULTON STREET COLUMBUS,OH 43215 314165080 10000 REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION 1747 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW STE 250 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 113655877 125000 REPUBLICAN MAYORS & LOCAL OFFICIALS 412 FIRST STREET SE STE 100 WASHINGTON, DC 20003 521976233 5000 REPUBLICAN STATE LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE 1201 FSTREET 675 050532524 75275 WASHINGTON, 54977 63105 NW SUITE DC 20004 (e) A mount of pol1t1cal contributions received and promptly and directly delivered to a separate pol1t1cal organ1zat1on If none, enter -0- efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULED As Filed Data - DLN:93493318050174 OMB No 1545-0047 Supplemental Financial Statements (Form 990) ~ Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService ~ Complete if the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, line 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 12a, or 12b to Form 990. ~ See separate instructions.~ Information about Schedule D (Form 990) and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/form 990. Attach Name of the organization Employer 2013 Open to Public Inspection identification number AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE 13-0433430 Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other orqa rnzat1on a nswe re d" Yes to Form 990 PartIV, Iine6. (a) Donor advised Similar Funds funds or Accounts. Complete (b) Funds and other accounts 1 Total 2 Aggregate contributions 3 Aggregate grants from (during 4 Aggregate value at end of year 5 Did the organ1zat1on inform all donors and donor advisors 1n writing that the assets held 1n donor advised funds are the organ1zat1on's property, subJect to the organ1zat1on's exclusive legal control? 1Yes Did the organ1zat1on inform all grantees, donors, and donor advisors 1n writing that grant funds can be used only for charitable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor advisor, or for any other purpose conferring 1mperm1ss1ble private benefit? I 6 number at end of year l:ifii•i 1 2 to (during Conservation Purpose(s) I I I 1f the Protection easements Complete of natural Yes 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 7. held by the organ1zat1on (check of land for public use (e g, recreation Preservation Complete easement year) Easements. of conservation Preservation year) or education) habitat all that apply) 1 Preservation of an historically I Preservation ofa cert1f1ed historic important land area structure of open space lines 2a through 2d 1fthe organ1zat1on held a qual1f1ed conservation on the last day of the tax year contribution 1n the form ofa conservation Held at the End of the Year a Total b Total acreage c Number of conservation easements d Number of conservation historic structure listed easements included 1n (c) acquired 1n the National Register Number of conservation easements 3 number of conservation restricted easements 2a by conservation easements 2b on a cert1f1ed historic mod1f1ed, transferred, structure included 1n (a) 2c after 8/17 /06, and not on a 2d released, ext1ngu1shed, easement 1s located or terminated by the organ1zat1on during the tax year~------- 4 Number of states 5 Does the organ1zat1on have a written policy enforcement of the conservation easements where property 6 Staff and volunteer 7 A mount of expenses hours devoted subJect to conservation regarding the periodic 1t holds7 to monitoring, monitoring, 1nspect1ng, and enforcing ~------1nspect1on, handling conservation easements of v1olat1ons, and I Yes during the year ~-------incurred 1n monitoring, 1nspect1ng, and enforcing conservation easements during the year ~ $ ---------8 Does each conservation easement and section 170(h)(4 )(B)(11)7 9 reported on line 2(d) above satisfy la b of section 170(h)(4 )(B)(1) 1Yes In Part XIII, describe how the organ1zat1on reports conservation balance sheet, and include, 1f applicable, the text of the footnote the organ1zat1on's accounting for conservation easements 1:iflihi the requirements Organizations Maintaining Complete 1f the organization easements 1n its revenue and expense statement, and to the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements that describes Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 8. or Other Similar Assets. If the organ1zat1on elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), not to report 1n its revenue statement and balance sheet of public works of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education, or research 1n furtherance service, provide, 1n Part XIII, the text of the footnote to its f1nanc1al statements that describes these items If the organ1zat1on elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to report 1n its revenue works of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education, service, provide the following amounts relating to these items (i) Revenues (ii)Assets included included 1n Form 990, 1n Form 990, Part VIII, statement and balance sheet or research 1n furtherance of public ~ $ --------- line 1 Part X ~ $ ---------- If the organ1zat1on received or held works of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets for f1nanc1al gain, provide the following amounts required to be reported underSFAS 116 (ASC 958) relating to these items 2 a Revenues b Assets For Paperwork included included 1n Form 990, 1n Form 990, Reduction Part VIII, ~ $ ---------- line 1 ~ Part X Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat No 522830 $ Schedule D (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie D (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 j@IO! 3 page Organizations Maintaining Collections Using the organ1zat1on's acqu1s1t1on, accession, collection items (check all that apply) a b c I I I of Art, Historical and other records, Treasures, check any of the following Public exh1b1t1on d I Loan or exchange Scholarly e I Other research Preservation or Other Similar Assets 2 (contmued) that are a s1gn1f1cant use of its programs for future generations 4 P rov1de a description Part XIII of the organ1zat1on's collections and explain how they further the organ1zat1on's exempt 5 During the year, did the organ1zat1on sol1c1t or receive donations of art, historical treasures or other s1m1lar assets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be ma1nta1ned as part of the organ1zat1on's collect1on7 purpose 1n I 1:iflj(fj Escrow Yes and Custodial Arrangements. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21. la Is the organ1zat1on an agent, trustee, Inc Iu de d on Form 9 9 O, Pa rt X 7 explain the arrangement custodian or other 1ntermed1ary for contributions or other assets not 1Yes b If "Yes," 1n Part XIII and complete the following table c Beg1nn1ng balance le d Add1t1ons during the year ld e D1stribut1ons le f Ending balance Amount 2a b during the year lf Did the organ1zat1on include If "Yes," •:r-~ill'f.8 explain an amount the arrangement Endowment Funds. on Form 990, 1n Part XIII Complete Check Part X, line 217 here 1fthe explanation Contributions c Net investment d Grants e Other expenditures and programs f Adm1n1strat1ve g End of year balance (b )Prior year b ( c )Two yea rs back (d)Three years back earnings, gains, and losses for fac1l1t1es expenses the estimated percentage Board designated b Permanent endowment~ c Temporarily restricted The percentages year end balance (line lg, column (a)) held as endowment~ 1n lines 2a, 2b, and 2c should equal 100% Are there endowment organ1zat1on by (i) unrelated of the current or quasi-endowment~ a funds not 1n the possession of the organ1zat1on that are held and adm1n1stered for the Yes 4 If"Yes" to 3a(11), are the related Describe 1n Part XIII 1:ifli*d Land, lla la organ1zat1ons the intended of property listed as required uses of the organ1zat1on's Buildings, and Equipment. See Form 990 Part X line 10 Description No I 3aCi> I 3a(ii) organ1zat1ons (ii) related organ1zat1ons b (e)Four years back or scholarships Provide 3a 1n Part XIII Beg1nn1ng of year balance b 2 has been provided 1f the oraarnzat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990 Part IV line 10. (a)Current year la 1Yes Complete on Schedule endowment • j 3b R7 funds 1f the organ1zat1on answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line (a) Cost or other basis ( investment) (b )Cost or other basis ( other) (c) Accumulated deprec1at1on (d) Book value Land b Bu1ld1ngs c Leasehold improvements d Equipment e Other Total. Add lines la through le (Column (d) must equal Form 990, Part X, column (B), !me 10(c).) 8,029,668 4,224,640 3,805,028 7,181,309 5,186,890 1,994,419 14, 703,039 3,252,578 11,450,461 ~ Schedule 17,249,908 D (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie D (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 i:ifii*di Page Investments-Other Securities. See Form 990 Part X line 12 Complete 1f the organization (a) Description of security or category (1nclud1ng name of security) (b)Book value 3 answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line llb. (c) Method of valuation Cost or end-of-year market value (1 )F1nanc1al derivatives (2)Closely-held equity interests Other ~ Total. (Column (b) must equal Fol7Tl 990, Part X, col (8) /me 12) lifliia"IU! Investments-Program Related. See Form 990, Part X, line 13. (a) Description ·~) ....... Complete (b) Book value of investment Complete 1fthe organ1zat1on answered 'Yes' to Form 990, (a) Description Total. (Column (b) must equal Form 990, Part X, col.(B) l1ne 15.) ~1 .. :a·-- Other Liabilities. Complete Form 990, Part X, line 25. (a) Description 1 answered I I Yes to Form 990, Part IV, line llc. (c) Method of valuation Cost or end-of-year market value ~ Total. (Column (b) must equal Fol7Tl 990, Part X, col (8) /me 13) Other Assets. 1f the organization Part IV, line lld See Form 9 9 O, Pa rt X, IIn e 1 5 (b) Book value ~ 1f the organ1zat1on answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line lle or llf. See (b) Book value of l1ab1l1ty Federal income taxes ACCRUED PENSION SUPPLEMENTAL POSTRETIREMENT LIABILITY BENEFIT 10,414,535 PLANS BENEFITS OTHER THAN 6,485,743 PENSION Total. (Column (b) must equal Fol7Tl 990, Part X, col (8) /me 25) 34,755,238 ~ 51,6 5 5 ,516 2. L1ab1l1ty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons In Part XIII, provide the text of the footnote to the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements reports the organ1zat1on's l1ab1l1ty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons under FIN 48 (ASC 740) Check here 1fthe text of the footnote provided 1n Pa rt XI II that has been p- Schedule D (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie D (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 l:ifii!•i 1 Total 2 revenue, Amounts gains, and other support included Net unrealized b Donated c Recoveries on line 1 but not on Form 990, services e (Describe 1n Part XIII Amounts included (Describe Other Add lines 4a and 4b Total Amounts included b Prior year adJustments c Other losses d Other (Describe e Add lines 2a through 3 4 services Part VIII, Part VIII, line 7b ) I 4a I 4b Part I, line 12) 5 With Expenses 225,470,401 per Return. 1 f1nanc1al statements Complete 237,779,140 Part IX, line 25 2a 2d 106,516 2e on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b ) I 4a I 232,736 4b Add lines 4a and 4b Total expenses 237 ,67 2,624 Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1: not included 1n Part XIII 106,516 3 on Form 990, expenses (Describe ) 2d 4c Add lines 3 and 4c. (This must equal Form 990, •~u•·•n• Supplemental 232,736 5 Part I, line 18) 237,905,360 Information Provide the descriptions required for Part II, lines 3, 5, and 9, Part III, lines la and 4, Part IV, lines lb and 2b, Part V, line 4, Part X, line 2, Part XI, lines 2d and 4b, and Part XII, lines 2d and 4b Also complete this part to provide 1nformat1on I 232,736 2c 1n Part XIII included Other 232,736 2b Amounts b -881,555 225,237,665 line 12, but not on line 1 on Form 990, and use offac1l1t1es line 2e from line 1 Investment 103,356 3 per audited Subtract a c 2d on line 1 but not on Form 990, Donated -984,911 4c and losses a 224,356,110 2b Add lines 3 and 4c. (This must equal Form 990, Total expenses 2 2a Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements 1f the oraan1zat1on answered 'Yes to Form 990 Part IV me 12a. •~1..;;a:u• 1 revenue 1 1f 2c not included 1n Part XIII b Complete 4 line 12 ) on Form 990, expenses per Return 2e line 2e from line 1 Investment Revenue 2d Subtract c 5 Part VIII, and use offac1l1t1es Other With f1nanc1al statements of prior year grants Add lines 2a through a per audited gains on investments d 4 5 Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements the oraarnzat1on answered 'Yes' to Form 990 Part IV line 12a. a 3 page Return Reference any add1t1onal I Explanation PART X, LINE 2 PART X, LINE 2 API BELIEVES THAT IT HAS APPROPRIATE SUPPORT FOR ANY TAX POSITIONS TAKEN, AND AS SUCH, DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNCERTAIN TAX POSITIONS THAT ARE MATERIAL TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS API'S INCOME TAX RETURNS ARE GENERALLY SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION BY THE IRS FOR THREE YEARS AFTER THEY WERE FILED PART XI, LINE 20 - OTHER ADJUSTMENTS API POLITICAL STATEMENTS ACTION 103,356 COMMITTEE CONSOLIDATED IN AUDITED FINANCIAL PART XII, LINE 20 - OTHER ADJUSTMENTS API POLITICAL STATEMENTS ACTION 106,516 COMMITTEE CONSOLIDATED IN AUDITED FINANCIAL Schedule D (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie D (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 •:F-Til•;•n• Supplemental I Return Reference Page Information 5 (continued) I Explanation Schedule D (Form 990) 2013 efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULE F (Form 990) As Filed Data - DLN:93493318050174 OMB No 1545-0047 Statement of Activities Outside the United States ... Complete if the organization 2013 answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 14b, 15, or 16 . ... Attach to Form 990 .... See separate instructions. Department oftheTreasury ... Information InternalRevenueService Name of the organ1zat1on AMERICAN PETROLEUM about Schedule F (Form 990) and its instructions Open to Public Inspection is at www.irs.gov/form990. Employer identification number INSTITUTE 13-0433430 General Information on Activities "Yes" to Form 990 Part IV line 14b. 1 For grantmakers.Does other assistance, to award the grants 2 For grantmakers. assistance outside 3 Act1v1tes per Region (a) Region ( 1) See Add'I the the organ1zat1on grantees' maintain el1g1b1l1ty for the or assistance? the United records grants to substantiate or assistance, Complete States. the and amount the selection 1f the organ1zat1on answered of its grants cntena and used P" ... Describe in Part V the the United States. (The following Outside organ1zat1on's procedures Part I, line 3 table can be duplicated (b) Number of offices in the region (c) Number of employees, agents, and independent contractors in region for monitoring the 1f add1t1onal space use of its grants and No Yes other 1s needed) (d) Act1v1t1es conducted in (e) If act1v1tylisted in (d) 1s region (by type) (e g , a program service, describe fundra1smg, program spec1f1ctype of services, investments, grants serv1ce(s) in region to rec1p1entslocated in the region) (f) Total expenditures for and investments in region Data ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) 3 3a Sub-total b Total from cont1nuat1on sheets 1 to Pa rt I c Totals (add lines 3a and 3b) 4 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. 7 1 10 252 959 1,8 71,2 0 3 8 Cat No 50082W 12,124,162 Schedule F (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie F (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 Page 2 1:ifliO Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States. Complete 1f the organization Part IV line 15 for any rec1p1ent who received more than $5 000. Part II can be duplicated 1f add1t1onal space 1s needed. 1 (a) Name of organ 1zat1on (c) Region (d) Purpose of grant ( 1) EU ROPE EVENT SPONSORS HIP ( 2) EU ROPE GENERAL ( 3) NORTH AMERICA RESEARCH ( 4) SOUTH AMERICA GENERAL 2 3 (b) I RS code section and EIN (If applicable) SUPPORT (e) A mount of cash grant 6,995 (f) Manner of cash disbursement (g) A mount of non-cash assistance answered "Yes" to Form 990, (h) Description of non-cash assistance (i) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) WIRE TRANSFER 20 ,5 20 WIRE TRANSFER GRANT 60,919 WIRE TRANSFER SUPPORT 41,000 WIRE TRANSFER Enter total number of rec1p1ent organ1zat1ons listed above that are recognized as charities by the foreign country, tax-exempt by the IRS, or for which the grantee or counsel has provided a section 501(c)(3) equ1valency letter recognized as ..,_ 1 Enter total number of other organ1zat1ons or ent1t1es . 3 Schedule F (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie F (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 1:ifii01 page Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals Outside Part III can b e d up I1cated If a dd 1t1onaI space 1s nee d e d (a) Type of grant or assistance (b) Region (c) Number of rec1p1ents the United States. (d) A mount of cash grant Complete (e) Manner of cash disbursement 1f the organization (f) A mount of non-cash assistance 3 answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 16. (g) Description (h) Method of of non-cash assistance valuation (book, FMV, appraisal other) ( 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) ( 6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) ( 13) ( 14) ( 15) ( 16) ( 17) ( 18) Schedule F (Form 990) 2013 Page 4 Sch e du Ie F (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 1:)ffij(fj Foreign 1 2 3 4 5 6 Forms Was the organ1zat1on a U S transferor of property to a foreign corporation during the tax year7 If "Yes,"the organ1zat1on may be required to file Form 926, Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign CorporatJOn (see InstructJOns for Form 926) Did the organ1zat1on have an interest 1n a foreign trust during the tax year7 If "Yes," the organ1zat1on may be required to file Form 3520, Annual Return to Report Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts, and/or Form 3520-A, Annual InformatJOn Return of Foreign Trust With a U.S. Owner (see InstructJOns for Forms 3520 and 3520-A) Did the organ1zat1on have an ownership interest 1n a foreign corporation during the tax year7 If "Yes," the organ1zat1on may be required to file Form 5471, Information Return of U.S. Persons with Respect to Certain Foreign Corporations. (see InstructJOns for Form 5471) Was the organ1zat1on a direct or 1nd1rect shareholder of a passive foreign investment company or a qual1f1ed elect1 ng fund dun ng the tax yea r7 If "Yes," the orgamzatJOn may be required to file Form 8621, InformatJOn Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Elect1ng Fund. (see InstructJOns for Form 8621) Did the organ1zat1on have an ownership interest 1n a foreign partnership during the tax year7 If "Yes," the organ1zat1on may be required to file Form 8865, Return of U.S. Persons with Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships. (see Instructions for Form 8865) Did the organ1zat1on have any operations 1n or related to any boycotting countries during the tax year7 If "Yes," for Form the organ1zat1on may be required to file Form 5713, InternatJOnal Boycott Report (see Instructions 5713). I Yes f7 No ' ' Yes p- No Yes p- No ' ' Yes p- No Yes p- No p- Yes ' No Schedule F (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie F (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 i:)ffiifj Page 5 Supplemental Information Provide the information required by Part I, line 2 (monitoring of funds); Part I, line 3, column (f) (accounting method; amounts of investments vs. expenditures per region); Part II, line 1 (accounting method); Part III (accounting method); and Part III, column (c) (estimated number of rec1p1ents), as applicable. Also complete this part to provide any add1t1onal information (see instructions). 990 Schedule F, Supplemental Return Reference PART I, LINE3 Information Explanation APl'S CERTIFICATION PROGRAMSINCLUDELICENSINGOF MANUFACTURERSAND INDIVIDUALSTHROUGHOUT THEWORLD AUDITS OF MANUFACTURERSARE CONDUCTEDTHROUGHINDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS,WHICHA RE PRIMARILYCOORDINATEDTHROUGHA U S -BASED ENTITY THE EVALUATIONAND GRANT OF LICENSES IS CONDUCTEDAT APl'S HEAOOUARTERSINWASHINGTON,DC SIMILARLY,APl'S INDIVIDUALCERTIF ICATIONEXAMINATIONSARE OFFEREDAT VARIOUS WORLD-WIDELOCATIONS,PROCTOREDBY A US -BASE D INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR THE EXAMINATIONRESULTSAND CERTIFICATIONS ARE ALSO EVALUATEDAN D AWARDED AT APl'S HEADQUARTERSINWASHINGTON,DC Additional Data Software Software Form 990 Schedule F Part I - Activities (a) Region CENTRAL AMERICA CARIBBEAN (b)Numberof offices 1n the region & THE ID: Version: EIN: Name: 13-0433430 AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE Outside The United States (c) Number of employees or agents 1n region (d) Act1v1t1es conducted 1n region (by type) (1 e, fundra1s1ng, program services, grants to rec1p1ents located 1n the region) 0 0 PROGRAM SERVICES (e) If act1v1ty listed 1n (d) 1s a program service, describe spec1f1c type of serv1ce(s) 1n region CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS E ASIA & THE PACIFIC 2 5 PROGRAM SERVICESPROGRAM SERVICES CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS E ASIA & THE PACIFIC 0 0 PROGRAM MEETINGS SERVICES (f) Total expenditures for region 22,7 26 6,239,173 881,991 Form 990 Schedule (a) Region F Part I - Activities (b)Numberof offices 1n the region Outside The United States (c) Number of employees or agents 1n region (d) Act1v1t1es conducted 1n region (by type) (1 e, fundra 1sIng, program services, grants to rec1p1ents located 1n the region) (e) If act1v1ty listed 1n (d) 1s a program service, describe spec1f1c type of serv1ce(s) 1n region (f) Total expenditures for region EUROPE 0 0 GRANTS & CONTRIBUTIONS EUROPE 0 0 PROGRAM SERVICES CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS 1,383,949 1 2 PROGRAM SERVICES CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS 1,038,269 MIDDLE AFRICA EAST & NORTH 2 7 ,515 Form 990 Schedule (a) Region F Part I - Activities (b)Numberof offices 1n the region Outside The United States (c) Number of employees or agents 1n region (d) Act1v1t1es conducted 1n region (by type) (1 e, fundra 1sIng, program services, grants to rec1p1ents located 1n the region) (e) If act1v1ty listed 1n (d) 1s a program service, describe spec1f1c type of serv1ce(s) 1n region (f) Total expenditures for region NORTH AMERICA 0 0 GRANTS & CONTRIBUTIONS NORTH AMERICA 0 0 PROGRAM SERVICES CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS 598,417 RUSSIA 0 0 PROGRAM SERVICES CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS 552,689 & THE NIS 60,919 Form 990 Schedule (a) Region F Part I - Activities Outside The United States (b) Number of offices 1n the region (c) Number of employees or agents 1n region (d) Act1v1t1es conducted 1n region (by type) (1 e, fundra1s1ng, program services, grants to rec1p1ents located 1n the region) (e) If act1v1ty listed 1n (d) 1s a program service, describe spec1f1c type of serv1ce(s) 1n region (f) Total expenditures for region SOUTH AMERICA 0 0 GRANTS & CONTRIBUTIONS SOUTH AMERICA 1 1 PROGRAM SERVICESPROGRAM SERVICES CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS 553,001 SOUTH ASIA 0 0 PROGRAM CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS 614,720 SERVICES 41,000 Form 990 Schedule (a) Region SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA F Part I - Activities (b)Numberof offices 1n the region Outside The United States (c) Number of employees or agents 1n region 0 0 (d) Act1v1t1es conducted 1n region (by type) (1 e, fundra1s1ng, program services, grants to rec1p1ents located 1n the region) PROGRAM SERVICES (e) If act1v1ty listed 1n (d) 1s a program service, describe spec1f1c type of serv1ce(s) 1n region CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS (f) Total expenditures for region 109,793 efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Schedule I (Form 990) Data - OMB No 1545-0047 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States Complete Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Name of the organ1zat1on AMERICAN PETROLEUM General ,... Information answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, line 21 or 22. ,... Attach to Form 990 about Schedule I (Form 990) and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/form 2013 if the organization Open to Public Inspection 990. Employer INSTITUTE Information identification number 13-0433430 on Grants and Assistance 1 Does the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n records to substantiate the amount • the selection criteria used to award the grants or ass1stance7. 2 Describe l:ifli•I DLN:93493318050174 1n Part IV the organ1zat1on's procedures for monitoring of the grants or assistance, • • • • • • • • • • the grantees' el1g1b1l1ty for the grants or assistance, and • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P-ves I Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 21, for any rec1p1ent that received more than $5,000. Part II can be duplicated 1f add1t1onal space 1s needed. (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) A mount of noncash assistance (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra 1saI, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance See Add1t1onal Data Table 2 Enter total number of section 3 Enter total number of other organ1zat1ons For Paperwork No the use of grant funds 1n the U n1ted States Reduction Act Notice, 501 (c)(3) and government listed see the Instructions organ1zat1ons listed ,... . ,... 1n the line 1 table. 1n the line 1 table. for Form 990. Cat No SOOSSP Schedule 55 52 I (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie I (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 pa e Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals in the United States. Part III can be duplicated 1f add1t1onal space 1s needed. (a)Type :r. .... of grant or assistance Supplemental Return Reference PART I, LINE 2 (b)N umber of rec1p1ents Information. (c)Amount of cash grant Provide the information Complete 2 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 22. (d)A mount of non-cash assistance (e)Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (f)Descnpt1on of non-cash assistance required in Part I, line 2 Part III, column (b) and any other add1t1onal information. Explanation I ALL GRANTS ARE ASSIGNED AN API STAFF MEMBER AS THE CONTRACT OFFICER THE CONTRACT OFFICER'S RESPONSIBILITIES MONITORING THE ACTIVITIES OF GRANTEES, AS WELL AS THE RECEIPT AND REVIEW OF PERIODIC PROGRESS REPORTS INCLUDE Schedule I (Form 990) 2013 Additional Data Software Software ID: Version: EIN: Name: Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government 100 BLACK MEN OF AMERICA INC 141 AUBURN AVENUE ATLANTA,GA 30303 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 58-1974429 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 13-0433430 AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 2 5,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government 100 BLACK MEN OF AMERICA INC 141 AUBURN AVENUE ATLANTA,GA 30303 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 58-1974429 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 15,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government A BETTER MISSOURI NIXON FOR GOVERNOR PO BOX 11418 ST LOUIS,MO 63105 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 43-1579701 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable SEC 527 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 10,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government A WIDER CIRCLE 9159-C BROOKVILLE ROAD SILVER SPRING, MD of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-2345144 20910 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 10 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of ABATE OF ILLINOIS INC 311 E MAIN STREET GALESBURG,IL 61401 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 37-1217154 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C4 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 10 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF BLACKS IN ENERGY 1625 K ST NW STE 405 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 84-0782569 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 10,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of AMERICAN CHEMISTRY COUNCIL INC 700 2ND STREET NE WASHINGTON, DC 20002 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 53-0104410 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C6 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 2 5,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR CAPITAL FORMATION 1750 K STREET NW SUITE 400 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1091172 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 50,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE 1150 SEVENTEETH STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20036 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 53-0218495 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 2 5,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS (AICHE) 3 PARK AVE 19TH STREET NEWYORK,NY 10016 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-1623892 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 7 ,500 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE EXCHANGE COUNCIL (ALEC) 1101 VERMONT AVE NW llTH FLOOR WASHINGTON, DC 20005 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-0140979 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 10,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of AME RICAN NA TIO NA L STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) 25 WEST 43 STREET 4TH FLOOR NEWYORK,NY 10036 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-1635253 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 39,951 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of AMERICANS FOR TAX REFORM 722 12TH STREET NW4TH FLOOR WASHINGTON, DC 20005 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1403587 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C4 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 7 5,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of AMERICA'S WETLAND FOUNDATION 1055 ST CHARLES AVENUE SUITE 100 NEWORLEANS,LA 70130 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 7 2-0408921 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) A mount of noncash assistance 501C3 50,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT AND INTERN SPONSORS HIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government I. Part II of ASSOCIATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH &SCIENCES FOUNDATION (AEHS) 150 FEARING STREET SUITE21 AMHERST, MA 01002 Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN 26-2624347 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to Governments (d) A mount of cash grant 13,000 and Oraamzat1ons (e) Amount ofnoncash assistance m the United States Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (f) (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government BLOOMBERG FINANCE PO BOX 416604 BOSTON, MD 02241 of LP G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-3417984 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 25 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 9190 ROCKVILLE PIKE BETHESDA, MD 20814 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 43-6075050 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 10,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of THE BRYCE HARLOW FOUNDATION 1701 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NW SUITE 400 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1266620 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 7 ,500 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES DEPT (BCTD) AFL-CIO 815 16TH STREET NW SUITE 600 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 53-0025755 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C5 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 50 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of BUSINESS INSTITUTE FOR POLITICAL ANALYSIS COM MITT EE (BI PAC) 888 SIXTEENTH STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-1985476 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 25 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of BUSINESS INSTITUTE FOR POLITICAL ANALYSIS COM MITT EE (BI PAC) 888 SIXTEENTH STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-1985476 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 250,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of CAPITOL HILL PUBLISHING CORP 1655 K STREET NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 11-3217916 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 19 ,500 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government CLEMSON UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION PO BOX 1889 CLEMSON,SC 29633 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 57-0426335 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 42,250 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance PETRO-CHEMICAL HEALTH EFFECT RESEARCH Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE 1421 PRINCE STREE SUITE 410 ALEXANDRIA,VA 22314 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 41-1984081 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 10,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of CONFERENCE GROUP INC 1580 FISHINGER RD COLUMBUS,OH 43221 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 31-1157243 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) A mount of noncash assistance grant 10,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS FOUNDATION 1720 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20036 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1160561 to G overnments (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash 501C3 110,000 grant an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS INSTITUTE (CBC) 455 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW STE 150-355 WASHINGTON, DC 20001 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-2270607 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C4 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 25 ,000 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of CONGRESSIONAL COALITION ON ADOPTION INSTITUTE 311 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20002 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 54-2035617 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 50 ,000 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of CONGRESSIONAL HISPANIC CAUCUS INSTITUTE 911 SECOND STREET NE WASHINGTON, DC 20002 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1114225 to G overnments (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash 501C3 110,000 grant an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of CONGRESSIONAL HISPANIC CAUCUS INSTITUTE 911 SECOND STREET NE WASHINGTON, DC 20002 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1114225 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 25 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL ACTION CONFERENCE 1007 CAMERON STREET ALEXANDRIA,VA 22314 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1294680 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 11,0 00 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of CONSUMER ENERGY ALLIANCE 2 211 NORFOLK ST RE ET SUITE614 HOUSTON,TX 77098 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 26-1658339 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C4 50,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of COORDINATING RESEARCH COUNCIL INC 3650 MANSELL ROAD SUITE 140 ALPHARETTA,GA 30022 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 58-1483100 to G overnments (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash 501C3 15,000 grant an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of COUNCIL O F GREAT LAKES GOVERNORS INC 20 NORTH WACKER DRIVE SUITE 2700 CHICAGO,IL 60606 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 41-1427529 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 50 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of COUNCIL OF STATE CHAMBERS (COSC) 315 COUNTY LINE ROAD PALMYRA,PA 17078 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 35-0827885 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 10,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS PO BOX 11910 LEXINGTON, KY 40578 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 36-6000818 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 6,000 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS PO BOX 11910 LEXINGTON, KY 40578 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 36-6000818 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 15 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS PO BOX 11910 LEXINGTON, KY 40578 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 36-6000818 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 10 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION 1401 K STREET NW STE 200 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1304889 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable SEC 527 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 50,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of ENERGY POLICY RESEARCH FOUNDATION INC 1 2 0 1 WI SC O N SI N A V E N U E WASHINGTON, DC 20007 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-1512139 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 50,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL OF THE STATES (ECOS) 50 F STREET NW SUITE 350 WASHINGTON, DC 20001 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 36-3962169 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C6 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 10 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL OF THE STATES (ECOS) 50 F STREET NW SUITE 350 WASHINGTON, DC 20001 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 36-3962169 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C6 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 25 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL OF THE STATES (ECOS) 50 F STREET NW SUITE 350 WASHINGTON, DC 20001 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 36-3962169 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) A mount of noncash assistance 501C6 18,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of FEDERAL RECYCLING AND REMEDIATION COALITION (BARNES & THORNBURG) SUITE 4400 ONE NORTH WACKER DRIVE 60606 CHICAGO,IL G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 35-0900596 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 10,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of FEDERAL WATER QUALITY COALITION (BARNES & THORNBURG) SUITE 4400 ONE NORTH WACKER DRIVE 60606 CHICAGO,IL G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 35-0900596 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 31,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of FORD'S THEATRE 514 TENTH ST NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-6073157 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 10,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of THE FOREIGN POLICY GROUP 11 DUPONT CIRCLE NW SUITE 600 WASHINGTON, DC 20036 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1850864 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 7 5 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of FORMULA SPORTS GROUP LLC 4350 EAST WEST HIGHWAY SUITE 111 BETHESDA, MD 20814 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 20-4160854 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 15,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of THE FUND FOR AMERICAN STU DIES 1706 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20009 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-6223604 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 10 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION 3301 FAIRFAX DRIVE ARLINGTON,VA 22201 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 54-1603842 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 40,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of GROUND WATER PROTECTION COUNCIL 7728 EAST 98TH PLACE TULSA,OK 74133 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 73-1210455 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 153,300 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government I. Part II of GROUND WATER RESEARCH & EDUCATION FOUNDATION 13308 N MACARTHUR BOULEVARD OKLAHOMA CITY,OK 73142 Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN 73-1271210 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to Governments and Oraamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount ofnoncash assistance 10 ,000 m the United States Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (f) (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government GULFOFMEXICO ALLIANCE 1141 BAYVIEWAVE BILOXI, MS 39530 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 27-2968791 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 10,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of HART ENERGY PUBLISHING LLP 1616 S VOSS RD STE 1000 HOUSTON,TX 77057 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 02-0715651 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 6,500 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of HISPANIC ASSOCIATION ON CORPORATE RE SP ON SI BLITY 1444 I STREET NW SUITE 850 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 85-0356947 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 2 5,000 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of HM&C CENTER STAGE LLC 233 PENNSYLVANIA AVE WASHINGTON, DC 20216 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 26-1582812 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 20 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of HYDROGEN SULFIDE COALITION 1203 19TH STREET NW SUITE 300 WASHINGTON, DC 20036 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 25-1908551 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 10,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government ILLINOIS AFL-CIO 534 S 2ND STREET STE 200 SPRINGFIELD,IL 62701 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 36-2388785 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) A mount of noncash assistance 501C5 10,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS FOUNDATION 400 WEST MONROE SPRINGFIELD,IL 62704 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 36-44 78169 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) A mount of noncash assistance 7 ,500 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of INDEPENDENT PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (!PAA) 120115TH STREET NW SUITE 300 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 73-0296927 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 500,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government INDIANA WORKS INC 1435 CHASE COURT SUITE 100 CARMEL,IN 46032 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 46-1375513 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C4 10,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government JUNIOR LEAGUE OF RALEIGH 711 HILLSBOROUGH STREET RALEIGH, NC 27603 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 56-0562849 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 10 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of THE KEYSTONE CENTER 1628 STS JOHN ROAD KEYSTONE, CO 80435 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 84-0688506 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 15,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of MAHONING COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY 4011 HILLMAN WAY YOUNGSTOWN, 0 H 44512 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 34-1628309 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable SEC 527 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 7 ,500 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of MAINE ENERGY MARKETERS ASSOCIATION 25 GREENWOOD ROAD BRUNSWICK, ME 04011 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 01-0511224 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 240,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance ENERGY POLICY RESEARCH Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of MARCH OF DIMES NATIONAL CAPITAL AREA CHAPTER 2120 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD ARLINGTON,VA 22204 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-1848366 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) A mount of noncash assistance 501C3 10,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT) 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 04-2103594 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 16 ,500 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance ENERGY OUTREACH Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government MICHIGAN CHAMBER II 600 S WALNUT ST LANSING,MI 48933 of PAC G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 20-8100621 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C4 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) A mount of noncash assistance grant 50 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government MISSOURI PETROLEUM MARKETERS & CONVENIENCE STORE ASSOC (MPCA) 205 EAST CAPITOL AVENUE SUITE 200 JEFFERSON CITY,MO 65101 I. Part II of Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN 44-0540103 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable NONE to Governments and Oraamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount ofnoncash assistance 7 ,500 m the United States Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (f) (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL OF WEST VIRGINIA INC 707 VIRGINIA STREET E STE 400 CHARLESTON,WV 25301 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 55-0726301 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 7 ,500 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT AND INTERN SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 500 5TH STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20001 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 53-0196932 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 100,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK JOURNALISTS (NABJ) 1100 KNIGHT HALL SUITE 3100 COLLEGE PARK,MD 20742 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1266959 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 10 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS 1331 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-1084430 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C6 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) A mount of noncash assistance 2 25 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE ENERGY OFFICIALS (NASEO) 1414 PRINCE STREET SUITE 200 ALEXANDRIA,VA 22314 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1474553 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 10 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT AND INTERN SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF STATE LEGISLATORS FOUNDATION FOR STATE LEGISLATURES 7700 EAST FIRST PLACE DENVER,CO 80230 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 74-2232576 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 7 ,500 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government I. Part II of NATIONAL ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT REFORM COALITION (NESARC) 1050 THOMAS JEFFERSON STREET NW 6TH FLOOR WASHINGTON,DC 20007 Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN 52-1763800 to Governments (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant 501C6 10,000 and Oraamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance m the United States Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (f) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE COUNCIL 1625 K STREET NW SUITE 200 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-5266965 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 15,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL SAND ASSOCIATION 2011 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW SUITE 301 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1104882 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C6 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 50 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance RESEARCH GRANT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government NATIONAL JOURNAL GROUP PO BOX 64408 BALTIMORE, MD 21264 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-2051130 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 50 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of NATIONAL OCEAN POLICY COALITION 601 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW SOUTH BUILDING STE 900 WASHINGTON, DC 20004 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 27-2005123 to G overnments (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant 501C6 50,000 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of NATIONAL RETAIL FEDERATION (NRF) 325 ?TH STREET NW SUITE 100 WASHINGTON, DC 20004 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 13-5582627 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 100,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 101 N UNION STREET SUITE 305 ALEXANDRIA,VA 22134 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 27-0567842 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 995,326 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION OF WYOMING 951 WERNER COURT 100 CASPER,WY 82601 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 83-0325299 SUITE to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 30,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 396 493 BEV ROAD BLDG 3 BOARDMAN,OH 44512 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 34-0945178 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C5 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 7 5,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government PO LIT I CO 1100 WILSON ARLINGTON,VA of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 27-4022975 BLVD 6TH FL 22209 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable NONE to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 45 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of PUBLIC LANDS ADVOCACY 1155 S HAVANA ST 11-327 DENVER,CO 80012 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 84-1538795 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C6 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 11,0 0 0 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR'S ASSOCIATION 1747 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW STE 250 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 11-3655877 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable SEC 527 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 25 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT AND INTERN SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR'S ASSOCIATION 1747 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW STE 250 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 11-3655877 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable SEC 527 to G overnments (d) A mount of cash grant 100,000 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of REPUBLICAN STATE LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE 1201 F STREET NW SUITE 675 WASHINGTON, DC 20004 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 05-0532524 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable SEC 527 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 7 5,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of THE RIPON SOCIETY 1300 L STREET NW STE 900 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 04-2370356 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C4 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 2 5,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government ROCKWOOD POBOX31 EUREKA,MO of LABOR CLUB 63025 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 43-1850319 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 7 ,500 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT AND INTERN SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government STANFORD UNIVERSITY TERMAN ENGINEERING CENTER ROOM 452 STANFORD,CA 94305 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 94-1156365 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 20 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance ENERGY EDUCATION Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of STATE REVIEW OF OIL AND NATURAL GAS ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS 1990 ROSEDALE AVENUE MIDDLETOWN,PA 17057 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 31-1666039 to G overnments (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant 501C3 100,000 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government SUSTAINABLE REMEDIATION FORUM C/0 KL GATES LLP 1 NEWARK CTR FL 10 10 NEWARK,NJ 07102 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 27-1954162 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 30,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of THE TAX FOUNDATION 529 14TH ST NW STE 720 WASHINGTON, DC 20045 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1703065 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 15,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance ENERGY POLICY RESEARCH Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of TEXAS STATE SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON DC PO BOX 70155 WASHINGTON, DC 20024 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1282038 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C4 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance grant 50 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of TOXICOLOGY EXCELLENCE FOR RISK ASSESSMENT 2300 MONTANA AVENUE SUITE 409 CINCINNATI,OH 45211 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 31-1437448 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 25 ,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of TRI-STATE BIRD RESCUE 110 POSSUM HOLLOW ROAD NEWARK,DE 19711 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 51-0265807 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 20,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT AND INTERN SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of US CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 1620 I STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20006 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 53-0196642 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 15,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990,Schedule I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government UNITED STATES ASSOCIATION FOR ENERGY ECONOMICS (USAEE) 28790 CHARGIN BLVD SUITE 350 CLEVELAND,OH 44122 of Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN 04-2685180 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C6 to Governments and Oraamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount ofnoncash assistance 15 ,000 m the United States (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS 1 SHEILDS AVENUE DAVIS, CA 95616 of G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 94-6036494 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable SEC115 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 13 9 ,2 71 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance RESEARCH GRANT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON 140 W MITCHELL STREET ARLINGTON,TX 76019 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 75-6000121 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance SEC115 10,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPT OF MICRO BIOLOGY 400 MORRILL SCIENCE CENTERIVN AMHERST, MA 01003 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 00-0000011 to G overnments (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant SEC115 117,000 an dO raamzat1ons (e) Amount of noncash assistance mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance RESEARCH GRANT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of VIRGINIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 9 S STH STREET RICHMOND,VA 23219 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 54-0421190 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C6 10,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT AND INTERN SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of WASHINGTON HUMANE SOCIETY 4590 MACARTHUR BLVD NW STE 200 WASHINGTON, DC 20007 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 53-0219724 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 10,000 grant mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance GENERAL SUPPORT Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ 1zat1on or government of WASHINGTON PRESS CLUB FOUNDATION 529 14TH STREET NW STE 1115 WASHINGTON, DC 20045 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 52-1046926 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 10 ,285 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990 '•S c h e d u I e I. Part II (a) Name and address organ1zat1on or government of WESTERN STATES AIR RESOURCE COUNCIL 1218 3RD AVENUE SUITE 1518 SEATTLE, WA 98101 G rants an dOht er Assistance (b)EIN 84-1074423 to G overnments an dO raamzat1ons (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable (d) A mount of cash grant (e) Amount of noncash assistance 501C3 20,000 mt h e Unite dS tates (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) of (g) Description non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493318050174 Compensation Information schedule J (Form 990) OMB No 1545-0047 2013 For certain Officers, Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees ~ Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 23. ~ Attach to Form 990. ~ See separate instructions. Information about Schedule J (Form 990) and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/form ~ 990. Open to Public Inspection Employer identification Name of the organ1zat1on number AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE 13-0433430 uestions Re Yes la Check the approp1ate box(es) 1fthe organ1zat1on provided any of the following to or for a person listed 1n Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la Complete Part III to provide any relevant 1nformat1on regarding these items F F F I b 2 First-class Travel or charter I I F F travel for companions Tax 1demn1f1cat1on and gross-up D1scret1onary spending payments account Housing allowance Payments Health or residence for business or social Personal use of personal use residence club dues or 1n1t1at1on fees services (e g, maid, chauffeur, chef) payment or to explain lb Yes substant1at1on prior to re1mburs1ng or allowing expenses incurred by all 1nclud1ng the CEO/Executive Director, regarding the items checked 1n line la7 2 Yes Indicate which, 1f any, of the following the f1l1ng organ1zat1on used to establish the compensation of the organ1zat1on's CEO/Executive Director Check all that apply Do not check any boxes for methods used by a related organ1zat1on to establish compensation of the CEO/Executive Director, but explain 1n Part III I F F 4 Compensation Independent F F F committee compensation consultant Form 990 of other organ1zat1ons During the year, did any person listed or a related organ1zat1on a severance payment 1n Form 990, Part VII, a Receive b Part1c1pate 1n, or receive payment from, a supplemental c Part1c1pate 1n, or receive payment from, an equity-based If "Yes" to any of lines 4a-c, Only 501(c)(3) 5 and 501(c)(4) or change-of-control list the persons organizations a The organ1zat1on7 b Any related 6 employment Compensation Approval Section contract survey or study by the board or compensation A, line la with respect to line Sa or Sb, describe The organ1zat1on7 b Any related 4a nonqual1f1ed retirement compensation the applicable plan7 4b 4c arrangement? amounts A, line la, did the organ1zat1on pay or accrue Yes No any Sa Sb 1n Part III A, line la, did the organ1zat1on pay or accrue any 6a organ1zat1on7 to line 6a or 6b, describe No for each item 1n Part III 6b 1n Part III 7 For persons listed 1n Form 990, Part VII, Section payments not described 1n lines 5 and 67 If"Yes," 8 Were any amounts reported 1n Form 990, Part VII, paid or accured pursuant to a contract subJect to the 1n1t1al contract exception described 1n Regulations section 53 4958-4(a)(3)7 In Part III For Paperwork to the f1l1ng organ1zat1on organ1zat1on7 a If"Yes" section committee only must complete lines 5-9. For persons listed 1n Form 990, Part VII, Section compensation contingent on the net earnings of If "Yes," Written payment? and provide For persons listed 1n Form 990, Part VII, Section compensation contingent on the revenues of If "Yes," 9 for personal If any of the boxes 1n line la are checked, did the organ1zat1on follow a written policy regarding reimbursement or prov1s1on of all of the expenses described above7 If "No," complete Part III Did the organ1zat1on require directors, trustees, officers, 3 No A, line la, did the organ1zat1on provide describe 1n Part III to line 8, did the organ1zat1on also follow the rebuttable 53 4958-6(c)7 Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions presumption for Form 990. procedure any non-fixed 7 that was If "Yes," describe 8 described 1n Regulations 9 Cat No 50053T Schedule J (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie J (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 l:itii•I Officers, Directors, page Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees. 2 Use duplicate copies 1f add1t1onal space 1s needed. For each 1nd1v1dual whose compensation must be reported 1n Schedule J, report compensation from the organ1zat1on on row (1) and from related organ1zat1ons, described 1n the 1nstruct1ons, on row (11) Do not list any 1nd1v1duals that are not listed on Form 990, Part VII Note. The sum of columns (B)(1)-(111) for each listed 1nd1v1dual must equal the total amount of Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, applicable column (D) and (E) amounts for that 1nd1v1dual (A) Name and Title (B) Breakdown (i) Base compensation ofW-2 and/or 1099-MISC (ii) Bonus & incentive compensation compensation (iii) Other reportable compensation (C) Retirement and other deferred compensation (D) Nontaxable benefits (E) Total of columns (B)(1)-(D) (F) Compensation reported as deferred 1n prior Form 990 See Add1t1onal Data Tablel Schedule J (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie J (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 i:ifilOI Supplemental Page Provide the 1nformat1on, explanation, or descriptions required Also complete this part for any add1t1onal 1nformat1on I Return Reference 3 Information for Part I, lines la, lb, 3, 4a, 4b, 4c, Sa, Sb, 6a, 6b, 7, and 8, and for Part II Explanation PART I, LINE lA FIRST CLASS OR CHARTER TRAVEL- FIRST CLASS AIR TRAVEL IS LIMITED TO EXECUTIVE STAFF MEMBERS AND MAY BE BOOKED ONLY WHEN BUSINESS CLASS IS UNAVAILABLE ON QUALIFYING FLIGHTS OTHER STAFF MEMBERS MAY TRAVEL FIRST OR BUSINESS CLASS ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANYING AN EXECUTIVE STAFF MEMBER, A MEMBER COMPANY EXECUTIVE OR GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIAL WHO TRAVELS FIRST CLASS OR BUSINESS CLASS, OR, FOR INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS, WHEN EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES JUSTIFYING TRAVELING BUSINESS CLASS FIRST OR BUSINESS CLASS AIR TRAVEL MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY AN EXECUTIVE STAFF MEMBER, AND THE EMPLOYEE MUST PROVIDE THE JUSTIFICATION ON THE EXPENSE REPORT FIRST CLASS TRAIN PASSAGE IS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO COACH AIR FARES OF EQUAL OR GREATER VALUE IT IS NOT API'S PRACTICE TO CHARTER TRAVEL, EXCEPT IN THE LIMITED CIRCUMSTANCE IN WHICH COMMERCIAL TRAVEL SCHEDULES DO NOT ACCOMMODATE THE PRESIDENT AND CEO'S ITINERARY NO FLIGHTS WERE CHARTERED DURING 2013 TRAVEL FOR COMPANIONSINSTANCES IN WHICH A COMPANION ACCOMPANIES AN EMPLOYEE TRAVELING ON BUSINESS AT API EXPENSE ARE LIMITED AND APPROVED IN ADVANCE IN SUCH AUTHORIZED CASES, UNLESS THE STRICT LEGAL DEFINITION OF BUSINESS PURPOSE IS MET, THE REIMBURSEMENT IS TREATED AS TAXABLE INCOME TO THE EMPLOYEE TAX IDEMNIFICATION AND GROSS UP PAYMENTSFOR EMPLOYEES WHO QUALIFY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NON-QUALIFIED RETIREMENT INCOME PLAN, API PAYS TAXES DUE ON THE ACCRUED BENEFITS AS THEY ARE AWARDED TO THE PARTICIPANTS THESE TAX PAYMENTS ARE TREATED AS AN ADVANCE AND NETTED FROM THE ACCRUED BENEFITS TO THE PARTICIPANTS UPON DISTRIBUTION HEALTH OR SOCIAL CLUB DUES OR INITIATION FEES- REIMBURSEMENT OF CLUB DUES TO AN EMPLOYEE FOR MEMBERSHIP IN ANY CLUB ORGANIZED FOR PLEASURE, RECREATION, OR OTHER SOCIAL PURPOSE (IE, COUNTRY CLUBS, LUNCHEON CLUBS, AND AIRLINE AND HOTEL CLUBS) IS LIMITED AND REQUIRES EXECUTIVE STAFF APPROVAL EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE BEEN REIMBURSED FOR CLUB DUES MUST ANNUALLY ACCOUNT FOR THEIR BUSINESS USE, AND NON-BUSINESS USE IS TREATED AS TAXABLE INCOME TO THE EMPLOYEE API OFFERS ALL WASHINGTON, DC EMPLOYEES AN OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN A LOCAL HEALTH CLUB AT A DISCOUNTED RATE API PAYS A PORTION OF THE DUES ($14 75 PER SEMI-MONTHLY PAY PERIOD)AND TREATS THIS PORTION AS TAXABLE INCOME TO THE EMPLOYEE PERSONAL SERVICESAPI PROVIDES AN ANNUAL ALLOWANCE OF $5,000 TO THE PRESIDENT AND CEO TO BE USED FOR FINANCIAL PLANNING AND TAX PREPARATION SERVICES THIS ALLOWANCE IS TREATED AS TAXABLE INCOME TO THE PRESIDENT AND CEO PART I, LINE 4B PARTICIPANTS IN THE AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT PLANS RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS IN 2013 AS FOLLOWS GERARD, JACK N - $2,819,943 - INCLUDES NONVESTED ACCRUAL OF $759,521 NG, HARRY M - $8,051 - INCLUDES NONVESTED ACCRUAL OF $39,778 * ROBERTSON, JOHN E - $46,462 - INCLUDES NONVESTED ACCRUAL OF $37,853 GRECO, ROBERT L - ($3,112)INCLUDES NON-VESTED ACCRUAL OF $29,943 * ISAKOWER, KYLE B - $81,128 - INCLUDES NONVESTED ACCRUAL OF $33,835 ROZETT, LINDA G - $92,492 - INCLUDES NONVESTED ACCRUAL OF $85,482 MILITO, ERIK G - $66,958 - INCLUDES NONVESTED ACCRUAL OF $32,663 MODINE, JOHN D - ($3,818) * DURBIN, MARTIN J - $4,612 WILLIAMS, CHARLES R - $111,605 HANSON, ROLF W - $28,946 WOHLSCHLEGEL, ERIC J - $3,987 - NON-VESTED ACCRUAL ONLY FELMY, JOHN C - $1,769 COBBS, DREW P - ($19,814) **AS A RESULT OF INCREASED INTEREST RATES, THESE EMPLOYEES EXPERIENCED REDUCTIONS IN THE VALUE OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL DEFINED BENEFIT ACCRUED THE FOLLOWING PARTICIPANTS IN THE AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT PLANS RECEIVED PAYMENTS IN 2013 GERARD, JACK N - $5,815,006 DURBIN, MARTIN J - $109,428 DURING 2013, THE PRESIDENT AND CEO VESTED IN CERTAIN BENEFITS PROVIDED FOR IN HIS EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT WHICH WERE PREVIOUSLY REPORTED IN COLUMN D OF SCHEDULE J, PART II INCLUDED IN COLUMN F OF SCHEDULE J, PART II, IS $4,558,850 RELATED TO RETENTION THAT WAS PAID OUT IN 2013 (INCLUDED IN THE $5,815,006 NOTED ABOVE) AND $2,886,000 RELATED TO A CONTRACTUAL RETIREMENT BENEFIT THAT VESTED, WAS TAXED, AND INCLUDED IN COLUMN B(III) OF SCHEDULE J, PART II, BUT WHICH IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR PAYMENT UNTIL TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Schedule J (Form 990) 2013 Additional Data Software Software ID: Version: EIN: 13-0433430 Name: Form 990. Schedule J Part II - Officers, (A) Name Directors (B) Breakdown ofW-2 JACK N GERARD PRESIDENT AND CEO (1) (11) HARRY M NG GEN E RA L CO U NS EL & CO RP SEC (1) (11) 37 2,379 JOHN E ROBERTSON VICE PRESIDENT AND CFO (1) (11) 306,87 LINDA G ROZETT VICE PRESIDENT (1) (11) 392,066 KYLE B ISAKOWER VICE PRESIDENT (1) (11) 291,365 ERIK G MILITO GROUP DIRECTOR (1) (11) 299,755 ROBERT L GRECO GROUP DIRECTOR (1) (11) 312,209 JOHN D MODINE DIRECTOR (1) (11) 274,619 MARTIN L DURBIN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (1) (11) 170,333 CHARLES R WILLIAMS EXEC DIR CTR FOR OFFSHORE SAFETY (1) (11) 481,639 ROLFWHANSON SENIOR DIRECTOR (1) (11) 266,515 ERIC J WOHLSCHLEGEL DIRECTOR (1) (11) 236,679 (1) (11) 247,779 (1) (11) 243,525 CHIEF DREW P CO BBS EXEC DIR MD PETROLEUM COUNCIL Trustees. and/or Kev Emplovees. 1099-MISC (ii) Bonus & 1ncent1ve compensation (i) Base Compensation JOHN C FELMY ECONOMIST AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE 2,508,233 1,230,120 (C) Deferred compensation compensation 9,526,035 0 94,500 0 d EmP ovees (D) Nontaxable benefits (F) Compensation reported in prior Form 990 or Form 990-EZ (E) Total of columns (B)(1)-(D) 8,045 60,518 550,013 7 ,608 0 6 6 ,2 7 4 0 9 ,564 0 480,821 0 3,894 645,636 10,570 120,506 0 31,659 95,017 0 17 ,486 0 76,383 0 5,361 50,974 71,000 0 0 0 0 2,34 7 0 0 0 0 50,800 96,700 82,182 38,300 0 518 0 2,578 2 2,600 24,196 8,383 11,8 7 5 0 760,243 0 24 ,3 24 0 394,230 0 9 ,788 0 316,748 0 9 ,825 0 346,853 0 60,379 25,157 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 265,148 0 26,363 0 0 383,892 0 0 63,971 0 0 0 0 4,746 0 468,029 5 3,050 0 0 28,485 6 5,408 12,041 22,700 0 24 ,6 29 0 496,553 0 356,407 0 7 ,444 ,8 50 0 0 523,261 0 31,930 0 0 4 3,400 0 24,520 0 4,250 104,621 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78,300 0 14,10 3,4 7 5 0 14 ,5 71 0 80,700 0 0 0 0 0 28,797 0 0 118,600 0 810,290 0 0 90,500 0 0 Compensate (iii) Other compensation 0 5 0 and Hiqhest efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS Schedule L As Filed Data - DLN:93493318050174 OMB No 1545-0047 Transactions with Interested Persons (Form 990 or 990-EZ) ~ Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lines 2Sa, 2Sb, 26, 27, 28a, 28b, or 28c, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 38a or 40b. ~ Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. ~ See separate instructions. ~Information about Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its instructions www.irs.gov/form 990. Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService Name of the organ1zat1on 2013 Open to Public Inspection is at Employer identification number AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE 13-0433430 Excess Benefit Complete 1 2 (section 501(c)(3) 1f the organ1zat1on answered (a) Name of d1squal1f1ed person Enter the amount 4958 3 Transactions of tax incurred "Yes" and section 501(c)(4) organ1zat1ons only). on Form 99 O, Part IV, line 2 Sa or 2 5 b, or Form 99 0-EZ, (b) Relat1onsh1p between d1squal1f1ed person and organ1zat1on by organ1zat1on managers (c) Description Yes or d1squal1f1ed persons I No during the year under section ,... $ . Enter the amount IUffii•i Loans Part V, line 4 Ob (d) C orrected7 of transaction of tax, 1fany, on line 2, above, reimbursed to and/or From Interested ,... $ by the organ1zat1on. Persons. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 99 0-EZ, Part V, line 3 Sa, or Form 99 O, Part IV, line 2 6, or 1f the ore an1zat1on re po rte d an amount on Form 990 P art X I 1ne 5 6 or 22 (g) In (a) Name of (b) (c) (d) Loan to (e)O rig1nal (h) (f)Balance (i)Written interested Relat1onsh1p Purpose of or from the principal due default? Approved agreement? organ 1zat1on 7 person with loan amount by organ 1zat1on board or comm1ttee7 To From Yes No Yes No Yes I No ,... $ Total Grants 1:r.111•••• or Assistance Benefitting Interested Persons. Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 27. (a) Name of interested person (b) Relat1onsh1p between interested person and the organ 1zat1on (c) A mount of assistance For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ. (d) Type of assistance Cat No 50056A (e) Purpose of assistance Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2013 Sch e du Ie L (Form 9 9 O or 9 9 O- E Z) 2 O 1 3 Page l:itil(fJ Business Transactions Involving Interested Persons. Como Iete If t he oraa rnzat1on a nswe re d Yes on Form 990 Part IV II (a) Name of interested person (b) Relat1onsh1p between interested person and the organ1zat1on me 28a 28 b or 28c. (c) A mount of transaction (d) Description of transaction (e) Sharing of organ1zat1on's revenues? Yes (1) EXXONMOBIL SCIENCES INC -~lillA•• BIOMEDICAL Supplemental REX TILLERSON IS THE CEO OF EXXONMOBILAND A DIRECTOR ON API'S BOARD CONTRACT WITH A PI TO TEST GAS OILS UNDER THE HIGH PRODUCTION VOLUME PROGRAM No No Information Provide add1t1onal 1nformat1on for res onses to Return Reference 105,000 2 uest1ons on Schedule L see 1nstruct1ons Explanation Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2013 lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS Filed Data - I DLN:934933180501741 OMB No 1545-0047 SCHEDULE O Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ (Form990 or 990-EZ) Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService ~ Name of the organ1zat1on I As 2013 Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on Open to Public Form 990 or to provide any additional information. Inspection ~ Attach to Form 990 or 990-EZ. Information about Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its instructions is at www.irs. ov/form990. Employer identification number AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE 13-0433430 Return Reference FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONA, LINE1 Explanation APl'S EXECUTIVECOMMITIEECONSISTSOF UP TO 14 MEMBERSOF THE BOARD ( BUT NO LESS THAN 12) MEMBERS INCLUDETHE API CHAIRMANOF THE BOARD AND THE CHAIROF THE FINANCECOMMITIEE,WITH REPRESENTATION OF THE TOPSIX (6) DUES-PAYINGMEMBERS,AND THE REMAININGMEMBERSCHOSENFROMTHE REMAININGDUES-PAYING MEMBERSTHE API PRESIDENT AND CEO SERVESAS AN EX-OFFICIOVOTING MEMBERTHE EXECUTIVECOMMITIEEHAS THE AUTHORITYTO EXERCISEALL OF THE RJWERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSINTHE ABSENCEOF ACTION BY THE BOARD, EXCEPTTO AMENDTHE BYLAWS OR AS OTHERWISELIMITEDBY LAW ITS RESRJNSIBILITIES INCLUDELONGRANGE PLANNING,STRATEGICISSUES,PROGRAMAND BUDGETDEVELOPMENT,OVERSIGHTAND ADMINISTRATION Return Reference FORM990, PARTVI, SECTION A, LINE2 Explanation FAMILY RELATIONSHIP HUNT, RAY L , HUNT, W HERBERT Return Reference Explanation FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONA, LINE6 API IS A TRADE ASSOCIATIONWITH MEMBERSHIP ORAWN FROMTHE OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY AS DESCRIBEDBELOW,APl'S MEMBERSPARTICIPATEINTHE ELECTIONOF THE BOARD REGULARELECTEDBOARD MEMBERSHAVE FULL VOTING RIGHTS APl'S PRESIDENTIS AN EX OFFICIOVOTING MEMBEROF THE BOARD OTHEREX OFFICIOMEMBERSDO NOT HAVE VOTING RIGHTS HONORARYDIRECTORSHAVE NO VOTING RIGHTS Return Reference FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONA, LINE7A Explanation THE BOARD MEMBERSARE ELECTEDBY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSAT THEANNUAL MEETINGEACH DIRECTOR SHALL HOLD OFFICEFOR A T\NO YEAR TERMOR UNTILTHE DIRECTORHAS CEASEDTO HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL FULLTIMECONNECTIONWITH THE MEMBERCOMPANYTHE DIRECTORSERVEDWHEN ELECTED Return Reference Explanation FORM990, PART APl'S FORM990 WAS PREPAREDBY API STAFF AND REVIEWEDBY ITS EXTERNALACCOUNTINGFIRM PRIORTO VI, SECTIONB, LINE FILING,THE FORM990 WAS INCLUDEDWITH THE MATERIALSFOR THE FINANCECOMMITIEES MEETINGIN OCTOBER 11 2014, AND REVIEWEDDURINGTHE MEETINGA COPY OF THE FORM990 WAS PROVIDEDTO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITIEEPRIORTO FILING Return Reference FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONB, LINE12C Explanation APl'S STANDARDS OF CONDUCTPOLICY INCLUDESPROVISIONSRELATEDTO AVOIDINGANY ACT THAT MAY RESULTINA CONFLICTOF INTERESTON AN ANNUAL BASIS, ALL EMPLOYEESARE ASKED TO CONFIRMTHEIRCOMPLIANCEWITH THE STANDARDS OF CONDUCTPOLICY ANY EMPLOYEEWHO IS AWARE OF A VIOLATION OF THIS POLICY MUSTTAKE APPROPRIATEACTIONSO THAT THE VIOLATION IS PROMPTLYADDRESSED THIS MAY INCLUDEREPORTINGA VIOLATION TO AN EXECUTIVESTAFF MEMBEROR TO AN EXTERNALLY-OPERATED ETHICSHOTLINE ALL REPORTSARE ASSIGNEDTO AN APPROPRIATEEXECUTIVESTAFF MEMBERFOR INVESTIGATIONAND RESOLUTIONAND A REPORTOF ALL INCIDENTS ARE PROVIDEDTO THE FINANCECOMMITIEEEACHYEAR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSADOPTEDA CONFLICTOF INTEREST POLICY IN2008 THAT REQUIRESFULL DISCLOSUREOF ALL ACTUAL AND POTENTIALCONFLICTSTHE DISINTERESTED MEMBERSOF THE API EXECUTIVECOMMITIEESHALL MAKE A DETERMINATION AS TO WHETHERA CONFLICTEXISTSAND WHAT SUBSEQUENTACTION IS APPROPRIATE( IF ANY) A COPY OF THE POLICY IS PROVIDEDANNUALLY TO ALL BOARD MEMBERSWHO ARE REQUESTEDTO COMPLETEAND SIGNAN ACKNOWLEDGMENTAND DISCLOSUREFORM Return Reference Explanation FORM990, PART COMPENSATIONFOR APl'S PRESIDENT & CEO, OTHEROFFICERS,AND KEY EMR...OYEES IS REVIEWEDAND APPROVED VI, SECTIONB, BY THE EXECUTIVECOMMITIEE,BASED ON PERFORMANCEREVIEWS,EXTERNALCOMPARABLEDATA OBTAINEDFROM LINE15 CONSULTANTS,AND OTHERRELEVANTINFORMATIONTHE PRESIDENT& CEO'SCOMPENSATIONIS BASED ON A WRITIEN CONTRACTAPPROVEDBY THE EXECUTIVECOMMITIEE A REVIEWWAS LAST CONDUCTEDIN2013 FOR THE PRESIDENT AND CEO, OTHEROFFICERS,AND KEY EMPLOYEES Return Reference FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONC, LINE19 Explanation NO DOCUMENTSAVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC Return Reference Explanation FORM990, PART VI, LINE1OB EXR...ANA TION OF STATE COUNCILSAPI OPERATES STATE PETROLEUMCOUNCILSLOCATEDINV ARIOUS STATE CAPITALS THESEARE NOT SEPARATELEGAL ENTITIESBUT OPERATE AS BRANCHOFFICESOF API UNDERLOCAL TRADE NAMES THEREARE ALSO SEVERAL UNRELATEDLOCAL CHAPTERSTHAT EXISTTHAT MAY USETHE API NAME, BUT THEY ARE SEPARATELEGAL ENTITIESFROMAPI EXR...ANA TION OF CENTERFOR OFFSHORESAFETY THE CENTERFOR OFFSHORE SAFETY IS AN INDUSTRYSPONSOREDPROGRAMFOCUSEDEXCLUSIVELYON GULF OF MEXICOOFFSHORESAFETY THE CENTERFOR OFFSHORESAFETY IS NOT A SEPARATELEGAL ENTITYBUT OPERATES AS A BRANCHOFFICEOF API UNDER A TRADE NAME EXR...ANA TION OF FOREIGNREPRESENTATIVE OFFICESAS THE MARKETSFOR APl'S PROGRAMSHAVE BECOMEINCREASINGLYGLOBAL, API MAINTAINSOFFICESIN CHINA, UNITEDARAB EMIRATES(UAE), SINGAPOREAND BRAZIL TO SERVE INTERNATIONALCUSTOMERSTHE OFFICESARE RESPONSIBLEFOR PROVIDINGINFORMATIONABOUT APl'S STANDARDS,CERTIFICATION PROGRAMSAND OTHERINDUSTRYSERVICESTO COMPANIESTHROUGHOUTTHE WORLD THE CHINA, UAE AND SINGAPOREOFFICESARE NOT SEPARATELEGAL ENTITIESBUT OPERATE AS REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES THE BRAZIL OFFICEIS A SEPARATELEGAL ENTITYBUT HAS ELECTEDTO BE TREATEDAS A DISREGARDEDENTITYOF API FOR TAX PURPOSES Return Reference FORM990, PART IX, LINE11G Explanation ADVOCACY CONSULTING20,045,871 CONTRACTEDAUDIT SERVICES13,399,920 IT CONSULTING5,064,580 OTHERCONSULTINGSERVICES7,326, 181 Return Reference FORM990, PART XI, LINE9 Explanation PENSION-RELATED CHANGESOTHERTHAN NET PERIODICPENSIONCOSTS 14,407,409 Return Reference FORM990, PART XII, LINE2C Explanation THE PROCESSHAS NOT CHANGEDFROMTHE PRIORYEAR efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULER (Form 990) As Filed DLN:93493318050174 Data - OMB Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships ~ if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 33, 34, 3Sb, 36, or 37. ~ Attach to Form 990. ~ See separate instructions. Information about Schedule R (Form 990) and its instructions is atwww.irs.gov/form 990. Open to Public Inspection Employer Name of the organ1zat1on AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE 1545-0047 2013 Complete ~ Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService No identification number 13-0433430 M:J.fiiM Identification of Disregarded Entities Complete (a) Name, address, and EIN (1f applicable) of disregarded entity 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990 I Part IV I line 33 (c) Legal dom1c1le (state or fore1g n country) (b) Primary act1v1ty (1) AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE HOLDINGS LLC 1220 L STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20005 HOLDS A MINORITY INTEREST IN API-BRASIL CONSULTORIA LDTA (2) API-BRASIL CONSULTORIA LDTA CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS (e) End-of-year (d) Total income DE BR (f) Direct controlling entity assets 0 0 0 0 PRAIA DE BOTAFOGO 228-16 ANDAR 22250-040 RIO DE JANEIRO BR 98-1154471 . •iBi••• .. Ident1f1cat1on of Related or more related tax-exempt Tax-Exempt organizations Organizations Complete during the tax year. (a) Name, address, and EIN of related organization (b) Primary act1v1ty 1f the organ1zat1on answered (c) Legal dom1c1le (state or fore1g n country) ..Yes ..on Form 990, Part IV, line 34 because 1t had one (d) Exempt Code section (e) Public charity status (1f section 501(c)(3)) (f) Direct controlling entity (g) Section 512 (b)(13) controlled ent1ty7 Yes (1) AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE 1220 L STREET NW POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE/SEPARATE SEGREGATED FUND DC 527 No Yes WASHINGTON, DC 20005 27-2596972 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat No 50135Y Schedule R (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie R (Form i:ifilhi 9 9 O) 2 O 1 3 Page Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Partnership Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34 because 1t had one or more related organizations treated as a partnership during the tax year. (a) Name, address, and EIN of related organization (b) Primary act1v1ty (c) Legal dom1c1le (state or foreign country) (d) Direct controlling entity (e) Predominant mcome(related, unrelated, excluded from tax under sections 512514) (f) (g) Share of Share of tota I income end-of-year assets (h) (i) (j) D1sproprt1onate Code V-UBI General or allocations? amount in box managing partner? 20 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) Yes . lifli•l"4 2 .. Ident1f1cat1on of Related Organizations Taxable as a Corporation or Trust Complete 1f the organization line 34 because 1t had one or more related organizations treated as a corporation or trust during the tax year. (a) Name, address, and EIN of related organ1zat1on (b) Primary act1v1ty (c) Legal dom1c1le (state or foreign country) (d) Direct controlling entity (e) Type of entity (C corp, S corp, or trust) (f) Sha re of tota I income answered (g) Share of endof-year assets Yes No II (k) Percentage ownership No II Yes on Form 990, Part IV, (h) Percentage ownership (i) Section 512 (b)(13) controlled ent1ty7 Yes Schedule No R (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie R (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 •:ifil*M Page Transactions Note. Complete With Related line 1 1f any entity Organizations 1s listed 1n Parts II, III, Complete of (i) interest Receipt b Gift, grant, or capital (ii) annu1t1es (iii) royalties contribution c Gift, grant, or capital d Loans or loan guarantees contribution e Loans or loan guarantees f D1v1dends from related g Sale of assets h Purchase by related organ1zat1on(s) or other assets to related k Lease offac1l1t1es, equipment, or other assets from related n Sharing 2 0 Sharing with related of services offac1l1t1es, entity organ1zat1on(s) equipment, organ1zat1on(s) or membership or membership equipment, of paid employees organ1zat1on(s) or fundra1s1ng sol1c1tat1ons by related ma1l1ng lists, with related organ1zat1on(s) or fundra1s1ng sol1c1tat1ons for related or other assets with related No 1n Parts II-IV7 organ1zat1on(s) Lease offac1l1t1es, m Performance listed organ1zat1on(s) from related of services organ1zat1ons organ1zat1on(s) Exchange Performance with one or more related organ1zat1on(s) i I transactions or (iv) rent from a controlled j of assets Yes organ1zat1on(s) from related to or for related to related of assets to related answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34, 35b, or 36. or IV ofth1s schedule 1 During the tax year, did the orgran1zat1on engage 1n any of the following a 1f the organization 3 la No lb No le No ld No le No lf No lg No lh No li No lj No lk No organ1zat1on(s) 11 organ1zat1on(s) lm organ1zat1on(s) organ1zat1on(s) Yes No ln Yes lo Yes p Reimbursement paid to related organ1zat1on(s) for expenses lp No q Reimbursement paid by related organ1zat1on(s) for expenses lq No r Other transfer of cash or property to related lr No s Other transfer of cash or property from related ls No If the answer to any of the above 1s "Yes," organ1zat1on(s) organ1zat1on(s) see the 1nstruct1ons for 1nformat1on on who must complete this line, 1nclud1ng covered (a) Name of related organ1zat1on relat1onsh1ps and transaction thresholds (b) (c) (d) Transaction type (a-s) Amount involved Method of determining amount involved (1) API POITTICALACTIONCOMMITTEE L 66,550 FAIR MARKETVALUE- IN-KIND (2) API POITTICALACTIONCOMMITTEE N 118,450 FAIR MARKETVALUE- IN-KIND (3) API POITTICALACTIONCOMMITTEE 0 156, 191 FAIR MARKETVALUE- IN-KIND Schedule R (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie R (Form i:ifil'1i 9 9 O) 2 O 1 3 Unrelated Organizations Page Taxable as a Partnership P rov1de the following 1nformat1on for each entity taxed as a partnership revenue) that was not a related organ1zat1on See 1nstruct1ons regarding (a) Name, address, and EIN of entity Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 37. through which the organ1zat1on conducted more than five exclusion for certain investment partnerships (b) Primary act1v1ty (c) Legal dom1c1le (state or foreign country) 4 (d) Predominant income ( related, unrelated, excluded from tax under sections 512514) (e) Are all partners section 501(c)(3) orgarnzat1ons7 Yes No (f) Share of total income percent of its act1v1t1es (g) Share of end-of-year assets (measured (h) D1sproprt1onate allocat1ons7 Yes No by total (i) Code \/7UBI amount in box 20 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) assets or gross (j) General or managing partner? Yes (k) Percentage ownership No Schedule R (Form 990) 2013 Sch e du Ie R (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 1 3 l:ifilf,11 Supplemental Provide Page add1t1onal 1nformat1on for res onses to uest1ons on Schedule R see 1nstruct1ons Return Reference PARTV, 5 Information Explanation API PAYS CERTAIN ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES RELATED OTHER SERVICES AND ARE PAID DIRECTLY BY API TO THE API POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE THESE INCLUDE PERSONNEL AND Schedule R (Form 990) 2013