VIRGINIA: In the Circuit Court of the Cig of Norfolk THE COMMONWEALTH OF Indictment for: VIRGINIA Child Neglect v. AN GEL Felony) DOB: ?lfi4f83 SSN: 223-27?4369 Janan 5, 2011 The Grand Jury charges that: 000213 On or about May 25, 2010, in the City of Norfolk, ANGEL HOSKIB, being a parent, guardian or other person responsible for the care of Dylan Cummings, a child then under the age of eighteen years, did felonioust by willful act or omission or by a refusal to provide any necessary care for the child's health, cause or permit serious injury to the life or health of said child. Va. Code Grand Jtn'y Witness: Detective - Homicide Norfolk Police Department ATrueBill NotATrueBill _W?l 9>~zx Parkinson of the Grand in}; (For administrative use only) Jill Harris {Direct Indictment] VC Code: