INSPECTOR GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 4800 MARK CENTER DRIVE ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22350-1500 MAR 0 4 2015 Ref: FOIA-2015-00487 Mr. Steven Aftergood Federation of American Scientists 1725 DeSales Street NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Dear Mr. Aftergood: This is in response to your March 30, 2015, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for a copy ofDODIG-2015-097, Evaluation of DoD Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for Support to Civil Authorities. We received your request on March 30, 2015, and assigned it case number FOIA-2015-00487. The Office ofthe Deputy Inspector General for Intelligence and Special Program Assessments conducted a search and located the enclosed documents. I determined that some redacted portions of the records are exempt from release pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6), which pe1iains to information, the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Mr. Pa\ll R. Polk, Initial Denial Authority for the National Geospatial-Intelligence . Agency, determined that some redacted p01iions are exempt fi·om release pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3), which pertains to nondisclosure provisions contained in other Federal statutes. In this case, the Federal statute which prevents disclosure is 50 U.S.C. § 3142, which exempts from disclosure operational files of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Colonel Christian Rofrano, Chief Counsel at theN ational Guard Bureau, determined that some redacted p01iions of the document are exempt from release pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(7)(E), which petiains to records or information that would reveal techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions or that would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if disclosure of the information could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law. In view of the above, you may consider this to be an adverse determination that may be appealed to the Department of Defense, Office oflnspector General, ATTN: FOIA Appellate Authority, Suite 1OB24, 4800 Mark Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 22350-1500. Your appeal, if any, must be postmarked within 30 days ofthe date of this letter and should reference the file number above. I recommend that your appeal and its envelope both bear the notation "Freedom of Information Act Appeal." Sincerely, Mark Dorgan Acting Division Chief FOIA, Privacy and Civil Liberties Office nse - INTEGRITY * EFFICIENCY* ACCOUNTABILITY* EXCEllENCE Mi~~ion Our mission is to provide Independent, relevant, ami timely ovcrsi[Jht of the Depc;rtment ofDe[ense tlw( support$ the Warf!ghter; promotes accountclbtlit,y, integrity, amJ effidency; .advises the Secretmy of Defense and Con,qress; and Informs tile public. Vi~ion Our vision is to be a model oversight orgcmtzatlon in tlw Federal Govemment by Jeacling change, speCiking truth, and prO/noting eXcC?llence-a diwrse organization workit~,q together as orw professional team, ri!co,(Jnlzed as leadl!t~~ lwour field. F!ll' more inflll'llHJ\Ion about whlstlcQiower protec.Uon, please se.e the inside bad( cpvet: FOR OFFICI/'J.L USE ONLY (U) Recommendations 0Jl Objective (!l)purobjcctiv~wast6de~e.~mh\~Whether • (FBHB) We recommend that USD (P) establish a. stm\dardized formal approval process for UAS support to domestic civil authorities. • (F9\J9j We recommend that USD (P) addr·ess the concerns of Military SeJvice/National Guard Bureau UAS experts that policy ambiguity is potentially degrading UAS training and operaUonal readiness, • (FBIJBj We also recommend that the USD (P) fo1'mally charter the Domestic Imagery Working Group. .·I.Jh~ liotici.~$ •. ~.~~ .Ptoce.dyr~~ fo.r ~sing l)ol) UAs ••.~.!l ~lt"?~,~~~~ w~essi9!J. ~lljliOJ~tlon. an.~ ~i$~~mlratloJi·att~vitie$ compl)'·witl) · ap~I!CPerati.n~\l(l~st!)Id us !lta.r,y;h!!et1!eyundemamttbe Am!ific:l\r!I>Ublic'sll'l!itlliiate ~oMetnlrab9\itc!\l privacy n~htS,they dotlqt• ww~ any qtlferentlyfrl'liJ) tnarined . platf(lr~ )Yitll slmllarcapabilities. (U) Management Comments and Our Response (U) The Assistant Secretary ofDefense for Policy, Homeland Defense & Global Security concurred with our recommendations, and no further comments are required. Please see the Recommendations Table on the next page. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONlrY Recommendations Table ' ' ' ReC!lmmenaatmns ' t\11 anagemt!nt ' lRIA. VIRGINIA 22350-150(} March 20, 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR SECRBTARY OF DEI'ENSB UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY SUBJECT: (UJ llvaluationofDoD's Usc of Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Support to Civil Authorities (Report No. DODIG·2015·097) (U) Tho Ooputy IG. Intelligence and Special Program Assessments (I SPA) Is providing this report for your information and use. (U) We considered management commentsona draft of this report when preparing tho final report. Comments from the Office ofAssistant Secretary ofOefense for Policy, Homeland Dofenso & Global Socurity wore responsive for all recommendations. (U) We appreciate the courtesies e~tended to the staff. Please direct ques~om to n.e at (703) 699--DSN 664Jiiao. . . . . .t(703) 699-J>SN 4 9 9 - PQR OFPIGIAb YSB QNb¥ POR OFPICil'.l, USB ONL-Y Contents (U) Introduction (U) ObJecdve ....................................................... ,..................................................................................................................................... , 1 (U) Background ............................................................................................ ,..,,.. ,, ...........................................................,, .. ,.....,............. 1 (U) Scope and Methodology ............................ _ ........................................................................................................................... 2 (U) Finding ........................................ ~···~·············~~~······&········ 3 (l'900} DoD Is Fully Compliant with Laws, Regulations, and National Policies for UAS Support to Civil Authorlttes ........ ,,N,,,,,... ., .............. ,,..,,,,,.,,,.,,,..,,,,,.,.,.,.,,.,,,,.,.,,,.,,.,,.. ,,,,,N,.,.,.,.. ,.,,.,, ..,,~ ............ ~ •• ,, ..... , .......................................................... 3 (UJ StatutotY Envlt·otunent for Umploymont oflloD UAS In Domestic Operations ..................................................... 3 (U) Office of the SecretatY of Defense Unmanned Aircraft System Policy and Guidance ............................................ ! Military Service and National Guard Bureau Implementation and Execution of DoD UAS Policy .................. 2 (U) DoD UAS Support to Civil Authoritlos Evonts ............... ,..................................,.... ,............................................................. 3 (l'900} DoD Does Not Have a Standardized Approval Process for UAS Support to Domestic Civil Authorities..............,........... ,.............................................................................................................,............................................ 4 (U) (l'900} Setvice and National Guard UAS Experts ~i (U) Scope and Methodology (U) The evaluation was conducted in accordance with Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation issued by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Those standards require that we plan and perform the evaluation to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions hased on our evaluation objectives. (U) Our evaluation included a review of Federal Statutes, DoD policy and directives, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instructions, Service policy and directives, and National Guard Bureau (NGB) policy and directives, We also conducted Interviews with personnel from across the Department responsible for policies and procedures for the conduct of UAS operations {See the Appendix). 2 ~ The USAF uses the term Remotely Piloted Aircraft Instead of UAS. "Protecting Security and Privacy~ An Ano.fytical Framework for Airborne Domestic lmagery/1 Colonel DaWn M.K. loldl, USAF; USAF Law ftevtew1 Vol70 b J{c~purt FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI:rY Nn. DOHHt<.~Ol :r\19'/j 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Finding (FOUO} QqO I~ Fully CompliaMwith ~aws, Regylatio!'lliiand .National Poli~;ies for UAS support to Civil Authorities. (f'!)O(l) W.e foun~'Uo!Widenijetll~t !!llY\)()1). entity l!sipg IJAS'$ ()ra$~96Wed PllD in $upport9Nom!!$ti~ ~ivll EF approval. Since the request was for incident awareness and assessment during the entire fire season, the unit chose not to pursue blanket approval because of what they felt was an onerous approval process. (POliO) Another example was provided by the Army and Air National Guard. In this case, a DSCA exercise was proposed to NGB (b)(7}(E) 3 Proper Use Memorandum: a memorandum signed annually by an organltatlon's certifying government offleial that defu,es the organbatlons domestlc Imagery requirements and Intended osc. It also contains a proper use statement acknowledging awareness of the legal and policy restrictions regarding domestic Imagery, AF114-104, 23 Apr 2012 FOR OFFICIAb I:JSB m!b¥ Htiporl No, IHJDH.i-20 I 1i .fJIJ7 ] G FOR OFFICIAb USB ON bY We were also told about a DSCA training exercise with the Department of Energy using a U.S. Air Force remotely piloted aircraft that was conducted without formal SECDEF approval. This exercise was for incident awareness and assessment support of a simulated hazardous material release on Department of Energy property. The training met all of the Internal Service guidelines and was forwarded for approval. However, since the exercise was conducted within DoD restricted airspace, the Joint Staff determined that approval was not required. Our interviewees explained that this left them confused about just when the OSD policy requiring SECDEF approval of UAS support for DSCA applied. (~'Q!JQ~ (FQ!JQ~ Finally, a U.S. Marine Corp UAS unit told us that once each month their wing hosts a community leadership program where local politicians are invited to view and learn about the capabilities of the various aircraft on base. During one such event, a local mayor requested UAS support to look for potholes In the area. While the unit conceded that this type of operation could provide realistic training for their pilots and sensor operators, local commanders determined that under the interim guidance, requesting SECDEP approval to conduct a UAS mission of this type did not make operational sense. (U) Impact of DoD UAS Policy on Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination for DSCA (JlQYQ) Along with interviewing various units operating UASs, we also interviewed organizations responsible for performing the PED of UAS collected data. We met with National Geaspatiallntelligence Agency (NGA) personnel responsible for ensuring that NGA and other Defense Intelligence Components comply wjth the domestic collection of tactical imagery consistent with DoD 5240.1-R. While NGA does not operate UASs they do provide PED support to DoD DSCA and other Federal agency UAS operations within the United States. NGA(b)(}) '0USC §Jl42 NGA(b)Ol souse §3142 FOR OFPICIAb USB mlbY FSR SFFIGIAb HSE S~H:rY Findlng ,'GA(b)(3) 'iOUSC § ~1<1.2 (PIHJO) U.S. Air l'ot·ce units operating UASs rely on the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) for the II· PED support. We visited the 480<11 intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing and two subordinate DCGS elements to capture their processes for DSCA UAS PED support. The Wing executes any DSCA support mission .i:UAI)GN WAfHllHGYON, bC iUOMOU h~\Jr.Ut)' 17,2015 MEMOHANIJLiM fOR SH:R.f.lARW.S OFT1Jf! Mlll'fAJlY DEI•ARTh.t\!NtS CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CltiEfS OF STAff tiNl>Pt SECR~-I'ARYOF DEf""ENSE FOR ACQUlMliON. TIWHfi.'OLOOV, ANU LOOL'i.TICS UN DEl\ SJ:CRETARY OF DEFENS[ FOR POUCY UNOfJt !Sf,(;H.I:;TARY OF Uf.H::NSE FOR PERSONNEL ANIJ 1ti":AOIN)~SS UNDUt sr£RtTARV OF OEICNSE FOR INTELLIG!iNCI: COMMANDI'R, U.S. NORTI!UlN COMMAND COMMANOliR, IJ.S. PAnnccO~iMAND Clllm·, NA110NAI GIIART> llUIr ~1-:CRF!'AR\' OJ.' IJr:ft~St': fORU:OIStA TJVl:' AFFAIRS DP.PARTMtNl' Of llri'HNSE CIIIW INI'OitMA'riON OHict'R ASSIST MIT TO nm·sr;crurrAR\' OF UfTl!NSt. FOR PUHLK AfFAIRS SF.NIOll INTEI.I.IG~NCfl OVJ:RSIGHT Ol'FI('~I\ SIJBJEN: Polity Memorandwn IS-002, ''('mldmcc rorlh~ Domtllic Usc ofUnmmntd 1\ln:n\1\ S)!h.owy 17,2018 POI'Nl' OF CONTACT; &1or mo"' lnrumwtlon, «~ntco;t flASil(HD&OS) al (571) 2S61Ji 11Us po11o)'tnemonhdum provfdos Buldat\co forlho domt;Stlc usc ofuruno.nncd Alrm.l\ a)'$mJ'(lfAS) w truwo,thot »cporlfn.:nt "r~r~ru~o@oi.))OAS aro urw In~~ with U.S. bw 111d DoDpolky, Md to omlurc tlt•q!PJI>Pfl"" 1110 of DoD UAS""" In dom..llo fJIWIIlh'lru, trainlnt ntttbet. Md wnlng. DoD domedlc tvlatiQn OJ~r•limu ~uppott Uomtluid lkfciiM:: (HDl. O~femc Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA)1 and miliW)' ltalnlng and rxt:n:lstl. llnlw;a l'f'O\•idedfcr ln ihb polk:y, law, or otbcrgufd!\JI!;(', th~ &pprovd ofdw 8"rdttt)' ofPcfm~W Is ~equiml for all dommlcliAS ofl'I'IIM> (ln<:ludlngiiD, DSCA, ondNIIIontl 0uW (NO) Slllo support oporalions,II>Ciudlng DoD UAS opcUiantt! on P.S. ~t,lrcdhc 5~00.27 1 aud e:ppl~ing the ('vtolghtguldanre inl>oD $240,1-R"IO iutclligcncil and non·lntel!igtncc ...:lalcd domutlc UAS_ u~, all UAS atqubhitll'l, «.'~llJ«.tl'N'Nprlatueln:uml!, UhS m•)' ~ llUd lo lieu ol'munnN nircMtl (~>rd()mC!>"tlc mtult:IM. AnmJrrittt thturn~ m.o:y ineludd wttcn: &ll$tt&lned tndurat1Q.l ~n~•J1>~MO ~qu!rl!'d; • UMW'.ned a!rmft pmvid¢ ~uptrlt't capabilll.!rs; or pt1)"il'!'lll11ftftWW:ttltt: linlitatioM JWi'>hll!it tho usc ,lf m411ord tolaty· or thcd:·Win~ 11lroran. uou IJAS In !he Unlud 5tl~tJIJUI)' oo1y ~wed frrr no, DSCA, ondN:O Hla!t "'rPPon ,pmfitm~, lnefudlngopemtlnn• kl SUPfWlrl ttemntl, ~taiL', J~al,llttdtribal gtWeMini!Dt organltAaon•, lf'l't>""'m 0\~t(<'.!IIJ.: VtnV~t<'tt Orttt1l:t1lon1 Nc» Affititftlt11 Set;"t.!} ofl)tfe~: h<-wm:-r, lheuo ("',ov~oo> may t'OOSider DoD UAS an_rlo)11lC'nl in thtlr planning fordim!ltl.':fft'J;fl'"tt!W nctivlllc-~. t: PoD UAS nt~ctiJo Jurpon ofStRII) dhadet Naponsc 'hou!J iubmlr n l'omud rcquntlb \\lilins lo thOc &:creta')' ori)(fcnl.t Sw:h TAttJCMs sh®ldcoJ\tltln the tf)ridnctcd tb11t !f~mnlnetllbBtuthcr mann.r.d 11!r ~'"we~ n~ flJl)'n>Pf(lll~. 1l1C Clutlnnnn of the Joint Chief~ ofSII)ff, In t.flf) UAS ln.$ll(li'Oitcfa StaiC-fNUUt!. Plon! !ihoutd fllCtor In tOO r.~ure.' m time n-qulrOO (('It FAA e· Mbgemenl Agtncy·toordlnatcd rc@ouotl planning, &n)' State Chit prop~ th~ '*"of PoD UASin lUi l'lant tt,vuld co.-.nwll with rb~wm:\pc_ndlna eca&rJrhlc ComblltSIJt Cnmt11itrldcrto Cl151110 that Stflii: and D<11 """'"'ndcr•111 pt"omptly inf(lrm the Sr:rteUI.ry .uf llefenst, tbrQugh rlfll-1tilpt\i\l~· ch:tf)tt!:l-9-.llf\er lho uso oi'DoD UA.~ hAl! tx:cn approved "'*'"' • f'6R 6f'fi'IE11\L HS~ 6NhY l{eport No. fH.HHG·i!(H !'l·097j13 FQR QFFISIAh HSE 81fh't Ma1tagenwn\ Comnwnts Ute All~lstonl Sew: till)' of Dcrtn~e- fot Tl(lmcl~nd Dcfrnsc _ruld Gl(lbll1 Scc:urity (t\SI)(1ID&0S)J wtllluc-lud¢ thi~ SARetctpli(ln ln I~ n...,_l tfViil011 orDol> Dlrettiu~ lOlS-.18, ''OcftiJ~e S\~lf'\lr1 otCMI Autlmrhir.~.'' The primM)' pi!IJXlSO ofdomc:rtie llAS training 1\fld exercises is for P:oD fon.'Cb to ~:oodul.\1 ren.lj~tlc training In their core l'~(.'faf milllttr)' !11!~9h:ih IU't4J, DoD UAS used h1 tfainlng nud ex~:rd~ wlll not.c.qul~ or ('(lfl~t inf,-,mu:tion (e-t;cept for ~nci!kntal cotlettlon) about "{'"ifiilt U,S, ~n~ or OOtl·DOf) 'ontroUcd pr9pcrty fir faciiiUcs I~X.t'lled nutsldo DoD· «Jnlrolh:d ln~mlllltions witlli'Ut amscot. All UAS l\l:qJllsitinn, roue~liOf1t r&nlk!n, and dliStm~hm tJflnrorm:~lton will b(f in lltC(Irdmce whh stnodln;.; Doll hl:B\ll~timu Md policy, including l,)(lu (.'nmponent lnielll~nee ol'tufg:bt guld.wre, and will ttqulre o !JtJM. Usc urDoD OAS Wtl$ Jn dQili\.'J>IIc lmln!li$ tJ:X~(('iS-e!l nVJUltn: • l11iut notlfl{:ftlfnn to 1J10 Se¢rcLUy of'Ocf'en~~ lftl10 plntftmn ill !llilriJ"Il OoD UAS1 an4 b to~ used 1n tNIInlnl! JUd tl:rtefcnwrcqolrcd by this «dion will be sttbmitted to tho 5tW~Y nt IC8113~ dQ.y& prl<'rto tho trotnlna, ~erofsq, ur tt:ati11go\"cat through t~pproprit.l.e Mlliwty Dcp!Utl:nont/Sorvlco, COtn~t l'mnmand, or NOB cltannels via the Joint Start(J..J)• .nd maybe subnilttcd either on 01.11$C>-by-c« con~ult with the FAA f~r ~~" tu til~ neecmty nlnp11;:# f!nd to tJbtttln S~«elllf)' "r Uc:kun~ IIJlPfO\'ol. Stotcsln whlt:h DoD UAS a1:itts uo fleWcd lhatha\'c •~V~tUircmtnl fer their uso in these t."te«:bf:s (or trnJnlng n:qutrtng 11ppr0vn.l by the S«IttoryofOeren~) \l.i_ll $tlbtnlt the Uovcrnor'f Rq~t ln wOtlng at tcu 30dayr; in adu.nce to the Sa:r&l'}' ofDch•me through nppn1pria.1~ MilitAry OcromncnfiS~·In", (\J~IIbt!tllnt lOmmaod. or NOll chal!nds vW. tht Joint Sta.fT(J~;J), and f!1a)' shbJUil such u:qut~rllthmt11J th~ NAS, M well as In 11gg~55ivcly (levt:loplog dded•und•&W'+id tcchnotog:.· to ori!IUJ'(I Mf~fol"(:fiJtlon ofUAS in m on~c:gragat'ed alri:poc~ The ChAir or the ~D ~\'~lie)' lJo;ud on F_edmt Avb.tia11 0'8FAl wllllc.ld the Depmmcnt's effotU II> advi,'Uto for Ute c_tlmln4t10!1 ofunnf(t1Uty I'C'guiR!OI)' l'C$trictlon$ that prevent rauiloo \\I:mow the develapment or tcCtmo1uglc9,_!trutdAn.11:!!~ opcraUus vrocWu!Ut and poll~l'" that ensure ~t UQO U~8 ~ll.'l ilhto to npcratcs~tfc1y wllhln the ntJtonal ain~ while MillO bftlanclttg and rrotcding ptrJOI'!I'It prlvi!Cly, fhhcr QtmlgnMod l\sl3pomlhll!!le!j Untl.!r Se~.·r.tary of Dt.{fmll/or P~llay The r;ndu :i~Riaty uf Ocfe-pse fur Polit)' 1U~D(P)) b IIU11wri~cd co ~:«abllsb tho approrrime fiOllty for domes1ie U$C crUAS for force prot~~lon lnd protcclll'in ofolhcr DoD 8$$&, whether In_ DoD lnstroction 2000,16, "DoD U'AS dome.ttle oprrallon\ This guhhMt replace• and M'lnd$ th~ Ot,'JIIIIY ~r.:le1111}' 11rDeftnsc: Men10rJlldttm, "fntc1m Ol.lldftnce for lhe Domt'$11C IJ~ot nf llnrnrmm"d Aircraft Sy~tem~.'' ""''"'""21,2006: ~ • fi6R 8Pf'le!Ab HSB 8Hb¥ Hepnrl No. JH)OH.i-tOt:i·Wr/ j l(, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONIN Appendixes Appendixes (U) DoD Offices Visited • (U) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy representatives from Homeland Defense & America's Security Affairs. • (U) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence representatives from Warflghter Support. • (U) Assistantto the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight representatives. • (U) USNORTHCOM Directors from the Operations, Plans, Intelligence, and Judge Advocate General Directorates. • (U) National Geospatial Agency (NGA) representatives. • (U) National Security Agency (NSA) representatives. • (U) Headquarters National Guard Bureau Policy, Operations, and Intelligence Directors. • (U) Headquarters u.s. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force Policy, Operations, and Intelligence Directors. • (U) U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force Commands responsible for Service UAS employment policies, tactics, techniques, and procedures. • (U) U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force Commands responsible for Service PED policies, tactics, techniques, and procedures. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFJC!Ab l:JSE ONI:N Appondixos (U) Unit's Visited and Location 1st Air Force Tyndall AFB, Florida Second Marine Aircraft Wing (2d MAW) MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina 480th ISR Wing (ISRW) langley AFB, Virginia 27th Intelligence Squadron (2715) langley AFB, Virginia California National Guard JFHQ Sacramento, California Air National Guard 181st Intelligence Wing Terre Haute, Indiana Air National Guard 174 Attack Wing Syracuse, New York Army 15th Military Intelligence Battalion Fort Hood, Texas 1St CAV - Grey Eagles Fort Hood, Texas 9'' Reconnaissance Wing Beale AFB, California 491' Fighter Wing JTF- North 2-13'h Aviation Regiment Holloman AFB, New Mexico Commander Naval Air Forces NAS Coronado, California U.S. NORTHCOM Colorado Springs, Colorado NAVAIR VMU-2 Patuxent River NAS, Marvland MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina Ft Bliss, Texas Ft Huachuca, Arizona (U) Use of Computer-Processed Data (U) We did not use computer-processed data to perform this evaluation. (U) Prior Coverage (U) No prior coverage has been conducted on DoD's domestic use ofUAS for civil authorities during the last 5 years. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY /\cronyrns and f\tlhreviations (U) Acronyms and Abbreviations COCOM Combatant Command DCGS Distributed Common Ground System DIWG Domestic Imagery Working Group DoD DSCA ISR Department of Defense Defense Support to Civil Authorities Intelligence, surveillance, and Reconnaissance NGA National Geospatlal Agency NGB National Guard Bureau OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense PED Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination PUM Proper Use Memorandum RPA Remotely Piloted Aircraft SECDEF UAS USNORTHCOM Secretary of Defense Unmanned Aircraft System United Stales Northern Command FOR OFFIC!t.L USE ONI:N FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Wbistleblower Protection U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 11111 Whlsl/eb/owel' Protection linlwncement Act of 2012 reqrtires the lnspecwr Gencml to designate a Whistleblower Protection .Omb.11(/sman to educate ogmn:J' cmplt~Yees about pi'Ohibitlons on re/(1/iatlon, ami ri,ghts and remedies against reta/lution j'or protccll!cl c/isdo.~rw~:s. 1/w designated m1ibudsman is t/111 Do/) 1/ot/ine Direc/01: For more itlj(mnol/011 on your ri,qhts and J'l!medies against rewllat(lm, visit wwll'.clod/g.nJII/t't'Of)l'iltns/wl!istlciJ/ower. For mote information about l>oD IG report~ or activities, plea~e contact us: Congressloiial Liaison; 703.604.8324 Media Conta~t; 703.604o8324 Monthly Up1late !lodlgconnect-request@listserve.wm ReJ!Orts MaHlngList Twitter DoD Hotline FOROFPICIAL USE ONLY a worm