STATE OF MAINE DEPARTMENT OF INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLI FE MA INE WA R D E N SERVICE 1/V VBST1 GA TIO/r/S REPORT OF PiVKSTIGATI ON Case Name: State v. Robert and Julie Miner, DBA DEW Animal Kingdom Case Number: BI5301 Date of Incident: 11/08/01 Nature of Investigation: Unlawful unportation of wildlife / Commissioner's rule violations Date of Report; December 12, 2001 S YNOPSIS OIi' INITIAL COM PLAINT : Bob and Julie Miner are the holders of a ivildlife exhibitor's pemut issued by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. A ivildlife exhibitor's peimit allows the holders of the pertnit to keep permitted wildlife ui captivity for the evident purpose of attractiug trade. On or about November 8, 2001, of Embden, Maine contacted theWmden Service reaardinz a complaint of mistreatment of a cougar at the DEW Anunal Kingdom. On November I 6, 2001, came to the Sidney Headquarters accompanied by of Madison, Maine. I was and but was called away. Asst. Regional Wildlife and on that day. told Kemper that during September of 1999 she entered Maine with a cougar. said that she did not have a permit scheduled to meet with Biologist Keel Kemper met with to possess a cougar or a pertnit to import the cougar into Maine. The cougar originated from a facility in Pittsburgh, PA. stated that she contacted DBW Animal Kingdom for the purpose of seeking a home for the cat and the cougar was delivered to the DEW Animal Kingdom on November 11, 1999. The Miner's instructed to say, if asked, that the cougar was born in captivity at the DEW Anunal Kingdom facility. visited the DEW Animal Kingdom on a regular basis for a feiv years but had a falling out with the Miner's during the spring of 2001. During her visits to DEW Animal Kingdom, took many photographs of the conditions under which the animals at DEW Animal Kingdom are kept. also documented her visits and provided the department with this documentation as well as the photographs. I vieived the photographs provided by and believe without reseivation that they depict the DEW Animal Kingdom as I have been to the facility on numerous occasions. I spoke with on December 10, 2001, by telephone, and have verified statements. I specifically remember a conversation that I had with Julie Miner ivhere I asked her ivhere her new cougar came from and she and her husband both stated that the cougar was born at the DEW Animal Kingdom facility. states that she can identify the cougar that she brought to the facility and also that she has biological material from the cat. A DNA comparison could be used to positively identify the cat as the cougar imported into Maine by REP O R T Ol TELEP H O N E C O N V E R S A T IONS WITH JULIK MINER BETQ iKKN NOVEMBER 15 2001 AND DECEMBER 10 2001: On November 15, 2001, Julie Miner applied for a permit to import 2 cougars, a ring-tailed lemur, and a fallow deer into Maine. It is the policy of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to inspect the applicant's facility prior to granting importation or possession permits. Mrs. Muier telephoned Beth Turcotte and wanted her permit granted without an inspection. Mrs. Turcotte contacted me and I advised Mrs. Turcotte to refuse Mrs. Miner's request. I also told Mrs. Turcotte that due to other commitments during November and into December of this year that I ivould not be free to inspect the Miner's facility until at least December 10, 2001. Mrs. Miner telephoned me at my ol'fice on Friday, November 16, 2001, and wanted to know why DEW Animal Kingdom was the only facility that we inspected prior to issuing permits. I stated that I inspected all facilities before I approve import permits. Mrs. Miner then said that she was going to obtain the animals regardless. I explicitly told Mrs. Miner that she needed to have an importation peimit iu hand before she imported auy wildlife into Maine. On December 10, 2001, I received a telephone call from Julie Miner. Mrs. Miner said that she ives not going to be at DEW Animal Kingdom because she had an appoinhnent. I told her that I could not come to her facility on that day any ivay and that I would be a few iveeks before I ives fice to hispect her facility. Ithen asked ifshe had the cougar she was seeking apermitforand shesaid thatshehad obtamed 2 cougars, a lemur, aud a deer. ArlOLATIONS Ol M A I N E STATUTES AND COMM ISSIONER'S RULES: Bob And Julie Miner conspired with on November 11, 1999, and imported a wild animal, a cougar, into Maine ivithout first obtaining a permit, M.R.S.A. Title 12, Section 7371-3, Fails to have license or permit. Bob and Julie Miner reported to the department in 2000 as required that they possessed 3 cougars at DEW Animal Kingdom. During an inspection in October of 1998, the DEW Animal Kuigdoni had 2 cougars. There is no record of an importation permit applied for or issued to DEW Animal Kingdom fora cougarbetween October of 1998 and July of2000. In November 2001 DEW Animal Kingdom caused to be imported into Maine 2 cougars and a lemur in violation of M.R.S.A. Title 12, Section 7371-3. According to the statement of and supported by photographs taken by the DEW Anhnal Kingdom facility is generally out of compliance with the regulations promulgated by the commissioner for keeping wildlife in captivity, Chapter 7, paragraphs 7.01 Food and water, 7.02 Health conditions, 7.03 Safety, 7.04 comfort, 7.05 Sanitation, 7.06 Employees, 7.08 Record keeping, and 7.09 Stock to be legally obtained. I have been to the DEW Animal Kingdom on numerous visits and state that there are many violations of the regulations as supported by Ms. Hooper's statement and documentation. INITsSTI - I . TION THIS REPORT Philip D ga, arne~ardenInvestigator Maine Warden Service 270 Lyons Rd. Sidney, Maine 04330 207-547-5310