United States Department c¹ Agrkulture f Animal and Plant Hssfth Inspection Service ~ttsPscTioM itaj oft CDUS "A
  • iori ~erviL;e :w %. Ht * -% ir :i n ia 3350JJ i i M35g~~g Inspection Report D E 'de! ANiMAL KIN(,DCI,I Ah,D .,A¹ . T E ARY 1.:u:=.Ir! me r I G 322927 l,'ertificeIe OI! 1 . = ',.' >t. PJ'i - i . r . n . . i l ! , ' i n . - 4r,i . .4f ' '919 PC'h,D P.QAD Typt t,1QLNT ',rFANGh ' P R F L I' .FVF!JF lhiiiPFI T GN H I De1- De-.-A I -::AO9 " . F I",4: 5. h.a r ar.-.n~ pl qn.-.e:= , were henfif» g ;-,t toe;ime nl th .=., a~ I!ertii >n '= i E!.InL!Ilier Apl; I'dnI w d r ' I '= 10 JE I i ; E ( i~ed d'= d. ~ Id'=' h.n ieg Jl,=,ted .-ierivi.i» ma y he r o ndigcti-.g iin.ii LI50A I : : er-,.e i.:, i.:,.:,i>ed Apl:-:.anI will t>e 'i nding lici n.; . I .i 10 aegir nal l I'ic Prepared By: . STEVEN NIJ.>RAIJM D V h>I IJ i 0 A ,A P HI i Ar i m;-,I ( « re Dete: VETEP.INAPY hIEDICAL OFFICER In~,l.i er,tnt De-.-A I - OP9 1r",4$ Received By: Dete: De-.-O I -:::A09 USDA aH United States Department of Agricultvre Arilmet and Plard Health lnspecllan Service MI O I 1H1~55445 i~~ id Ilnspec50n Report D E W ANIMAL, KINGDGM AI«ID SANCTUARY CU$1orner I D. 322927 Certifica1e. 1I'I-C-601I7 Si1e. M1 0 F W AF4hlAI KlhC)lÃPJ ANO,AN cTVARY Type.- RGUTINE INSPECTION Date, Sep-22-2016 MOUNT VERNON, ME 04352 2 .131 (c) (1t HAhIGVN9 OF AIIIIIIIIALS, During public exhibition, any animal must be handled so there is minimal risk of harm to the animal and tg Ihe public, vrilh sulficiei11 dislerice aiict'orbar'riers bet«veen 1he animal and lhe geriere.l viewiiig pubfic sa as Io assure Ihe safety of animals and the public. " ' There is a gap in the barrier fence surrounding Ihe re kangaroo enclgsure that would allo«v fine publicIg came into direct contact «vlth Ihe animals, potentially Increasing rfak of injurytoboth. Cgrrect belore beginning of 2911 exhibiting season. 3.125 (al FACILITfiKS 6 iKNERAL Structural strength. The facility musI be constructed of such material and of such strength as appropriate for the animals in«ialved. fhe indaor end outdaor hausirig faailihes shall be structurally saurd and shall be rriainlained in good repair tc protect Ihe animals Irom injury and to contain the animals, "' Paintecl chein link fencing ends an Ihe grcwnd within Ihe sheep englasure cauld reuse Ihe enimals injury Correct by' 9i'2M!610 "' P'ointed ends gf chain link fencing within the oavy'cgati enclosure gould gauss the animals injury. @or rect by 9.'25.'2010 -' A gap between Ihe support bar and the gate to the targe lion ericlosure should be closed in order 1o minimize the risk gt escepe Correct by 9.'2M010 3,129 (al FK~KQIIII6. The Iogd shall be «vhglesgrne, palatable, and free fram contamination and gf suflicient quantity and nutritive value to rileinlein all eriieels iri gaod heettb. The diet shall be priapered with a'.dnsider'efian Ior the age, ®acies„condition, size, arel type et the animal. "' I n the tagd preperalian area, there is an expasej area qf insulatigri pn the Natl and e duel ggvered raijig, bath af which could potentralty Mrve as a source of conlamlnalfon Ior the Iced. Preparedl By: STEVEN N~USBAUM, D V M U Title: SD A, APHIS, Animal Care Date: nspecrto1%8 Sep-22-20'I 0 VETERINARY MEGICAL QFFICER I ReoelvecfBy: Date: Title: Sep-22-2010 Peyg i et 0 USDA mH 'Jni'r-..d ..1;-,t.... Oep.~rrment cl Aq icurt.jr.Aritiri.el arid I'I-rent Hew In loaf:ec!Iorr service : IP. 4 4 k 265101107150 I65 i r:: n ie Inspection Report :n-rr. -l hr ';,r '-:6' ='(! I() In Itle retr gerator rn I tie loUd I.'iepdia'.Iorl dree. rdh'. wild '»eat i~ PJelrlg Itldwed 0'rccverert '-'rj acerl1 Io trust'= Io oe tea rC It e rar -h~rnl;qn pnmgle; T t <' p r'qC;iCC Cocle re.;ptt n CCnta~-ir.-qtiCn Ct The frp 1 Thi;=. r cn-compliance ivy.- .corrected immedia'.ely. Af i Pxn If iter'a'levy Ahc .:oral~ ]ctpd on 4'~ .' +010. Prepared By: .STEVEN NIJ.>ALAI Its'I 0! V h>I IJo I ' A, APHIz Ar im;-,I ( pre VETERINARY hIEDICAL QFFICER In~,piectnr 1r",4$ Dete: C- ' Received By: Dete: ' -' 0 I It USDA aH United States Department of Agricuitvre Ahbrial and Plarlf Heatth Inspection Seattle lsSI I'3483'IMsoo im~ io Ilnspec50n Report D E W ANIMAL, KINGDGM AND SANCTUARY CU$1omer I D. 322927 Certifica1e. 'I'I-C-601I7 Si1e. t)01 0 F W AF4hlAI KlhC)lÃPJ ANO,AN cTVARY Type.- RGUTINE INSPECTION Date, Dec-14-K11 MOUNT VERNON, ME 04352 2 .131 (c) (1 HAhIGVN9 OF AIIIIIIIIALS, (1) During pvblic erhibitm, any animal must be harxlled so there is minimal risk ot harm 1o tide enimat and to the public, with sulfieiei11 lister~ anct'er barriers between fhe animal and ihe general viewing pubfie sa as Io assure Ihe sal'ety of animals and the public. "' A photo receered by LISI3A.'Animal Gare 9.'2011 shcaved the licensee and a ylang woman pwing in @ photo shool ins~de the barrier fenM - and Ius1 outside the primary fence - of a 1~gor mclosure The tiger appears to tK. an adult or, sub-advit. The distance bstwee~ the tigsI and the people is insvfScierC 10 assvre safely Correct Immediately 3,131 (c) SANITATNN, Housekeepirtg, Premises (buildings and grounds) shall be kept elean and in goo>I repair in order 1o protect the animals Irom injury and la facilitate Ihe pj'escI'ibad husbandry pradiees sel for1h in tl'us suboart. Astun ulalleris ol' trash shall be ptaced in designated areas and cteared as necessary to protect Ihe health of the animals, "' G epg in the fencing in the zebr@ eral tallow deer qnqiosvreg muid be injurious to 22'201'I) Of the OI'iglnal inapeotm CcndVCted Qn 12"l4%011. Pmpsredl By: STEVEN N~USBAUM, D V M U Title: Received By: SD A, APHIS, Animal Care Date: nspecrto1%8 Dec-14-X I 1 VETERINARY MEGICAL QFFICER I Ur!ited Slates Department of Ag riculture USDA aH Ariimal and Planl Health Inapaction Barvice 9XI$2$608090MS I ~ Id Illl8pgctliQA RQpgtt D E W ANIMAL KINGDGM AND SANCTUARY Cuslomer ID; Mk927 Certificale, 'tie-C4617 Sile; 6N 0 E W Alvrf AL «ihGMM ANO s~i!Nc'r!L!ii! Rv Type, RGUTINE INSPECTION Dale. I i4ov-28-R12 MGUNT VERNGN, MiE04352 2.49 Ib) (3) ATTf MQ/NQ +if f f +NAY/Al iis AM@ AQQQQA~ g ig~g l itAiR'YCAR'g (MALg iR3 ANDi IEX®IP'QR'9), Each dealer cir exh bitor shell establish anal maintairi programs of adequate veterinary care that include; (Qadi Daily absarvation of a ill animals to assess their heallh arxl well-being, Prqvidad, however, That daily observation oi anirinats may be accomplished by someerie oRer Ran tho atteirid!ng veterlnanah; and Provided, further, That a mechanism of direct and frequent communication is required so that timely and accurate iriforrnalion ah probams of animal heallh. -'Several days ago three bears vrere euthanlzed. AII three arilmals were euthanlzod on an erviergency basis. An olde~ mate bear attacked the bivo female bears resulting in irijuries, Attempts to sedate the animals failed. Acicoiding io 1hs lioshMss. 1IM! elder ms!le had balan showing behavioral changes (including aggression} )or the past year; however the licensees did riot communicate this observalion to the alL'ending volerinarian. Had they oommuriicated the ohservafiorii in a limply iashion, this lraumalio incident may have been avoided. Ce rect im med iately 3,125 (a) FACILITIiKS, O'KNKRAL Structural strength, The facitity must be coretructed of such material and of such strength as appropriate for the animals invalved. The iridoor arel outdoor housing facilifiea shall ba ar-. USDA mH Anirrial and Pl;-;nt Hea tn Inspection Saic ice Q MJ 't 83140itt16320263 Inspection Report 3.131 $A NITATION, =." oribed h ii.',I; andri Cg i=n qaigaqr- --4ri-.-,r'ere nciteij in the fogy prmz r at or .4rea I n o i l e r tn t rig ea ' o ' r -. pri arar tice:-: Yrhich. n tier n..'.a1eqiiard the hea tn i,1 the Rlilmi'Is tiles? na"lh .'.hon d t~ cnvered. Thi.=, r,on-rrimplianoe .va-.-, or>rreoted oefore lhe n~peotr.r~. Ie11 the f,~oil1y Ar exit ir teri eve w,ic .-nnd sr.teel 'ivith the foci ity' ir.escee nn 1'. 19 14 Prepared By, . Title: 'TF".'EN NU. 'RAlgtv1 L.' V h1 IJSf. * , A i ' HI.. Ar m;-I Carr3 V F T E P I N A P Y h.l E I ) IC A L 0 F F I C E Fl In:,pe i:to i 'l I.kh Date, J Jl.(l -'-'."(11$ Received By. Date: 'J«i'.ed .l.=,te' Oepartment ri Ag irurt ir-. A«im.al anrJ Pl;-.nl H.-. a lh lnsp..rtrnn Sar v rre USDA mH 4. 9I 0 .tl r04iii 1 SZO6O~S9 - =r. Inspection Report f.' E 'dc An mal K ingdr>m Anr. 5anr.tu;qr< 919 Pard Rnad >.lour'l l Ve i' norr, fall 043.5~ u. 'Iomr-r I [ 322927 Certlirrale » -Capt 7 Sl- OCI ",,' iaaf. I'P.I,p: r.r . u.';IV A'l u -.ritual ' 'y'Pe PQLrTINF IN iPFC>IQN t ~ale J ul-2:i-' (l l -' h.n mr-romp ident iten'.=, dr-n,i led our ne1 thi= I«:.I:ectir.n L>;il rr lerv eve candu'.lr''J v'i I« licrl ty reprr'-.er tati'r'. Prepared By, . Title: 'TF".'EN NU. ' RAlgtv1 L.' V h1 IJS r.*, APHI.. Ar m;-I Car.. V F T E PINA P Y h.l E I ) IC AL 0 F F IC E R I«:,p e etci 'l l.kh Date, J ul.'-'.i-"'(I l s Received By. Date: e USDA mH 'Jni'.ed .1.=,te' Oep, irtment cf Ag icurI ir-. Anim.al anrJ Pl;-.n1 H.-. a fn lnspertrnn Sar v rr.e cmr.~iia r~n 8151358566470 Inspection Report f.' E ' ii r An mal Kingdi>m Ano 5anCtu;qr< 919 Pni 9 Rnad >.1c~rif Vcrnorr, fvtI 043.5~ u. 'Iomr-r I [ 322927 C i. rtlfi ca1e» -Capt 7 S1- or.1 Ty'pe PQLrTINF IN iPFCTIQN f a1 J q i I4 h.n r~r-comp ident ileni.=, r'ere r cert f ed rJuring th; n . =,pi. -tion 1hc ~rr=pc tli~n ~rid ex~I t)rrr''I rig ivc~c cortduc'.c J vi Iii I "io r 0 I-aundc~. Prepared By, ..HRIFTINA ()E R [ ' V h,t Title: IJSl'* , A PHIS A i im;-I Cari.. VETEPINAPY MEIilCAI. OFFICER I-:pecten 6r.af' Date, J;~i- -15- -'C i 5 Received By. Date: United States Department of Agriculure USDA aH Animal ancI Plant Health Inspackion Service f 82f 5$7ss3M569 I ~ Id Illl8pgctliQA RQpgtt D E W Heaven 918 Pgrxf Road ldlounf Vernon, ME 643M: Customer ID; Mk927 Cetificafe, 'k1i-C4617 Site; 6N OE ih 4EhVEN Type, ROUTINE INSPECTIGN Date. Jul-61-Rt5 Ib) 2.49 (3) ATTf MQ/NQ QifTf +NAY/AIiit AM@ AQQQQA~ g ig~g l itAiR'YCAR'g (MALg iR3 AND IEX®IP'QR'9), Gree of tease aoudad sheep eras gbsewed with a excessivety tory right hind hoof. This was ~of yet affecting the gat of the ainimal, hgwever gould potentielly cause lameness in the 4ture The animals need tg ba gbservsd fgr potential heal1h issues en a d'ally base. This animals requires hoot tnrnmingi ~n order to preverNa hoaifh issue and possible discom fort. "" * " " " ' C o reckby July 4, 2e15 3.125 la) FACILPIIKS. QKNKAAI t. The jacob sheep shelter hakf boards missing on either side of khe door G~e of khe sheep was obMrvekt slicking his ttead throe'h the gaps This cgufd pgssibly lead tg injury gf the ainimafs. AII animal enctgmres imusf be kept in goad repair "' " " " " Gb r recf by July l4. 201 5 2. The fencing for the esca.l enclosure was sagging arxt bent, The keg perl vf the ferne was not aittachekt ko the horizenfaI posts, alleavir@ the I'cruin@ Ia saci in paris. Thjs situailan sqniticantly decreased fha Iofal height of the fence, This coutd possibly lead to injury and pote~tiaity allow entry of unearlted animals. AII anlksal enctosvresmusk be kept iv qogd repair "' " " " " C o rrect by July 14, 20f 5 3. The ferfceg for the goat pens had porfiore which had become detached from the siall et the wolf shad.Taheextra fenc ng which res not attached was Iresely laying gri the grourxt, This created 8 gap where khe goats coukl potentially escape from khe eaclbsure, end possibly bacorne injured. AII amrnal eMlosures must ba kepi in gagd fspalr. Prepared Sy: KERI LUlO,OV M Title; USDA, APHIS, Animal Care VETE R INARY MEDICAL GFFICER Inspector 6023 Date: Jul-6 I -K15 ReceivedIy: Date: Title: Jul-61 -Kf 5 'Jni;i=.d ..Iat... Or-partment cl Agncuit >r-. Anirnal and Plant Hea ln Inspaction Sarv ice USDA mH K4 18215175>350560 ii -p ic Inspection Report " '" " " " C: ir eCI by J»ly14 '-'C ~'5 3.13S PRIMARY CONVEYANCES {MOTOR VEHICLE,RAIL, AIR, AND MARINE). Thi red li' e : .I.iCk tra li-.-r u.:,i d tC .r,rt. -primal' had .wO.=.mail aiea; It a I h,-li' r I t'ai- crindi'imari ccald jo~~iL>ly a'Icc'. tile '-atcIy CI th» a<»nial." bri~ig '.r~n-ported ivith~n I hi - Iraiier r ace- '.c '.1e 'p.pa C l 'lrreCt Oy JL iy ~ 4, '='(I 1 5 Ar exit brielinq v as ccndnc.ed witt- Isa licel sees. Prepared By, K Rt Title: L U ~'0 , IJ V Ivl IJSl'* , Al 'HIS A r i mal Cari.. V: TEPINAFt Y r.IEIilCAL QF FICEFI I-:,p.ctn i 6r; Date, J Jl.(l I -'."(115 Received By. Date: