Case 1:13-sw-00522-CMH Document 36-15 Filed 02/24/16 Page 1 of 1 PageID# 635 redacted Case l:13-sw-00522-CMH ^SEALED* Document 15 Filed 08/16/13 Page 1 of 1 PagelD# 71 APPEAL TRANSMITTAL SHEET (non-death penalty) 1:13sw522 VAED /_ I'irsi NOA in Case 4CCA No(s). for any prior NOA: Division: _ Subsequent NOA-same party EDVA Subsequent NOA-new party Caption: Subsequent NOA-cross appeal USA Paper ROA District Case No.: District: Transmitlal to 4CCA of notice of Hiinpal filpil: 08/15/13 I'apcr Supp. V Vols: In Re: Information Associated with Oilier; Excentinnal Circumstances: 4CCA Case Manager: Ed_Snowden( Bail Ciinfinemcnt-Criminal (?ase: Death row-use Dl' Transmittal Recalcitrant witness In custody On bond On probation Defendant Address-Criminal Case: Inlerloculorv Uccaleitrani Witness Other Fee Status: No fee required (USA appeal) Appeal fees paid in full ^ l-'ec not paid Criminal Cases: District court granted &. did not revoke CJA status (continues on appeal) District court granted CJA & later revoked siatus (must pay lee or apply to 4CCA) District court never granted CJA status (must pay fee or apply lo 4CCA) Civil, Habeas & 2255 Cases: Court granted & did not revoke ll-T status (continues on appeal) Court granted 11-P & later revoked siatus (must pay fee or apply lo 4CCA) Court never granted 11-1' status (must pay fee or apply lo 4CCA) District Judee: Claude M. Milton PLRA Cases; Proceeded Pl.RA in district court, nu j-strikc determination (must apply lo 4CCA) Proceeded I'l.RA in dislrict court, detemiincd to be 3-striker (must apply to4CCA) Court Reporter (list all); Tracy Westfall Sealed Status (check all thai apply): Portions of record under seal l-;niirc record under seal I'artv names under seal Docket under seal Coordinator; Richard Banke Record Status for Pro Se Appeals (check any applicable): Assembled cleclronic rccortl iransniilied Record Status for Counseled Appeals (check any applicable); / Assembled electronic record available if requested Addilinnul sealed record emailed lo 4cea-ll!mg Additional sealed record available ifrequested I'apw rceord or supplement shipped to 4CCA Paper record or supplement available ifrequested No in-tourt hearings held No in-court hearings held !n-eo«rt hearings held- all transcript on file In-court hearings held - all transcript on l"ile In-eourl hearings held - all transcript not on file Other; Deputy Clerk; Kathy Roberts (11/2012 / In-courl hearings held - all transcript not on file Other; Ph„ne: 703-2992102 Dale; 08/16/13