r iti sh Broadcasti ng C orporati on Room L I I Id Whicc City 201 Wood La Pic Lo.ld ovi W12 7 T 5 re lpiphona 420 B752 F a x 0 2a B 75 2 2 = e 13111 M David VencsS Assistant Commissioner, Metropolitan Police New Scotland `Card, LONDON SW I ur 9" January 200 1 Dear David los It was good of you to find the time to see`us when Peter Taylor and Y paid a brief visit to the Commissioner before Christmas . sc You kindly offered to help us contact some of your forrner colleagues for our current BBC project- What we plan to examine is how the State - through its various agencies - has dealt in recent decades with tho5e it has considered "subVersiVe" . We aim to cover a wide spectrum of group, from the Communist party to the BNF, from CND to animal rights ~► rvEescars, from industrial unrest (mincrs, gar workers and so on) to roads protestors . The series will be essentially historical in nature but as with our Irish Trilogy - Provos, Loyalists and Snits - w e would like to bring the story reasc nabty up to date _ Di What follows i s a l ist of some of those m en {are there any women') w e would like to meet . It is worth stressing that we would do so initially o n a strictly off thG record basis . In other words, even i f any of [hose listed have no intent ion of app earing i re front of a te l evi sion camera we would still be keen to meet them informally for backgrou nd information, s o long as they are happy to do so . IA Raymond Kendall - former Assistant Commissioner . Now Interpol Secretary-Gcnerai . Bob Bryan - Special Branch (?) late 1970s (recommended by Sir Robert Andrew, head of the police dept- in the Home Officc at the time) . Colin Hewett - head of Special Branch, 1980- 5 Simon Crawshaw - head of Special Branch, late 1990 s FO Bill Taylor -Assistant Commissioner in charge of Special Operasions, early 1990s John Howley - Assistaiiit-Cmrnmissianer mid 1990 s Barry Moss - head of Special Branch late 1990s and National Public Order Intelligence Unit? Commander Roger Pearc e .tabu Abbott - NCIS MP S If you were prepared, on our behalf, to contact any of the above directly, then obviously we would be delighted . But to save you the time and trouble, we would he more than happy to approach any or all of them our5elves, though it would be extremely usl,-ful if we could mention your name when we make our written approaches . If theie are names you think we have unwisely overlooked we would be very grateful for other suggest=s, pc iTtlCUliltl]1 in the earlier peniod . Those whose experience stretches back into the 1970s or evcn 1960s would be especially interesting for us to meet . We would also be grateful if you felt able to spend some time with us yourself to discuss your personal experience, again on a confidential basis . I look forwar d to hear ing from yo u . Yours sincerel y Sam Collyns Series Producer