CHAIRMANS REPORT FOR LAKE ROTOMA PRIMARY JULY 1992 - MARCH 19?3 The?new Board Cam? ?n after the "electipna?g in an anfielimatit fury amid much Th? previous Beard hadnt had a.meeting for some tim?a;s con?usion and mayhem. I . _having_virtually down tabled and a?f?ifB-Wgrg dpErating at a fairly 51.113 er'ficiai "level -., . I i :7 Such was the layel Sypport within the commuhi?y that-the four_pgople?y?p?had put=thbir games fcrward-yere automatically sel?cted without the-nge?gfgr ?g '1 eladtibn at all, ?Nqne of the previous_Bomrd were Willing tg stand the new Boar? had no'one with previous expefiEnqg as a Sghg?l?frustgg. I) .r Howeygr?our.first move was tb ?ppbint as gur financial sgff??g_advisors a?d kaePEIs which hag bee? a great and+has taken aahu?equad off . mag shd?idgrs pf the BOT TrEasurer. The Board has made a number of pufghases thezease an??i??ni?g of the ?a?el?y a ugr? prqceSSor f?r ?ut irreplaggbla ?hich cast b: ardund.$1390 in IEal terms afi?r?GST refand? ?hg?i;urned out be be abbut ?ne hundred dollar5.mgrg than ?he Boards original gh??s?gg?t?. As_??ll, the Board agreed td p?rcha??_a f$3 mag?i?y?in ;att9r part cf the year.. which was subsequently bmig?t ?afl?d Christmas. This is pro?ting El ya;%w a boon for Correspondigg with BEST in Put?g?r?ggand hop? it Will serve tn? secondary purpose of ?tbviding .,at service inspur cnmmunity C.- where faxes are few and far ?1 1 .- The entire ??hgpl want on a campfin OEtd??r whi?h the Par??t Support Group helpad to, hind.- This genagoug sure that all puipils. ceuld a?fbrd 'tq attena the we?k long camp, 35 in Eyiwgg?munity wg have many parents and Caxggivers whose only means 6f ??P?Drt Big ngg?its, IQ a similar hr.PD Boys-as-they are affec?ibgat?ly called are;cge of life supp?mt'gystems. Led by ah ax Bpafd MEmb?r: nth? EDK?ggcers pxovide valuable f?nds far tha??ghobl by chopping 9H2 ?Which grant 'Sup?grt; Group sells and. ii?l?'sthiS period. did much of painting a?mgye adhoql..which was un?artaken by the ESG. A1. _h.o at a maidr r??amp Of the iibrary wag ?iSCussed and i?Stigat?d; which Hoyeingmuch pf the Bg?rdS'?img and energy was spent trying to ??30;te what appeared b?tWee? $taff, the Prih?ip?ls this qurd ?toqk?over in Jun?! problems between the prgvious-Board and the Prindi??l'w?re I i . . ,1 ,m?fcd?mon knowledge (amall gummunityj. HhN??gr i? was felt that the,pr ?eSsibnal failings. 16 this i mqye personali?y elaSh?S than ?rw . . en?s-ourag?m?nt fer the Principal- End we a?d Matters cam? ?b a head when mapy paregtg in the cummunity signed an ?p?n iett?r gontaining min?tes of a'?dmmUQity in which allegations pf teadhing fE theFPrincipai, B?ft?tt wa? ?o?pled with a call far the Board tb canc?l his gantract with us. t?e le?t?r_CQntain?? much disgourse from previo?s E?ard members who fact hiyed Mt Barrett, thig display 9f ig?oranca bf the HZEI qulegtife award! was surpris?ng. m0 g?lthis. Will The Baafd?s biggest tohearn at this time is the schodl_rnle; whith as it stands Jenny Mich-1e page 2 is eVent (in Noiamber)_the three other staff members at the school .Just prior to th the Principal, had engaged the NZEI to halp resolVe their own difficulties with Naturally the Boat? was not privvy to the private meetings but we know the Staff memberfs concerns had to do with mr Barretts administrative role as Head of the sehool. A This is an area where the Board also-has had some difficulty. At this time NZEI were called in to act on Mn Burrett-g-s behalf and we spent muc 5.9.2 3 Olly consultation with our STA advisor,[i Aexs ware eXchahge? hatwe?h the Principal and the Board and meaa?teaineie put in place resolVe the phoblems. i The Board was stuck betyeen and rock and a hard place trying to placate an? support the parents'and care giVera who are taking ahildien out of Mr Burrethgjelass (the sohOol rel1,has dropped from 70 pupils ?n November 90 to around Alxs? the preSent time) at the same time protiding a?pporh for Bob; who must be ungag%EGnsiderahie supporting the other staf? Who also are vefy stressed, with morale at an all time 10w. .51} Net surprisingly we have had three resighation? so are finding it very difficult to hang on to our fifth member. Fortunately, the Ghtistmas break everyone a time to reflect. and reaupe?r'ateq - "(tau - F, .M. I. .5511! 1 ?1 I. '53" -. (if? sf?. . .sga; The Board came had; 'to' sehgol munch work ahead of them.._.aa budget-s needed to be draWH uh, an BRO inspectign WhiCh is about to gat underway! and policy 5 review work to be done. . g; 1 Unfortunately the previOus'Eeara problems followed us into the new year (not surprisingly) and the stress?faetor at the school is quite high. Fortunately my male colleagues on_the:Board are made of-sternei stuff than me and dont lat it dominate their to the same extent I Ho. The?Board is hol?itha byaeleetion in the hope of getting and retaining our elusive fifth hamb?t. 89(2 a OIA The Prina?l??fgl i3 321.511; combieting' a teaching appraisal with?and . its hoped this will highlight and weakness sq ??pf?pfiatg action 5 can has just another lather from parents gelling for the resignation of Mt Burrett and'weino doubt be back in consultation with and STA over will.leave us in the ?n?hviahle positibh 6f having to dfop a grade A teachar afte: the July rall_return. Natorally our two teachers extremely worried' about are we all1 Chairp?rSon Rotoma Board of Trustees. 2/4193