Origination Characteristics Original Option Total Number of  Total Dollars  Total Average  Loans Approved Approval Score Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 4,662 $58,141,155 696 2,817 $45,199,953 59,855 $821,471,697 67,334 $924,812,805 731 734 721 Origination Characteristics Total Number of  Loans Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total Total Dollars  Approved Total Average  Approval Score 481 1,599 4,662 $5,193,625 $18,112,875 $58,141,155 708 705 696 6,739 4,660 2,817 $103,318,742 $75,175,302 $45,199,953 750 738 731 19,641 $245,768,814 59,040 $791,593,224 59,855 $821,471,697 159,494 $2,163,975,387 739 739 734 727 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted option 3 loans based upon the year the loan was approved. OrigRepmtOpt Total  Total  Average  Total  Average  Average  Months  Total  to  Total % of Loans  Total % of Principal  Defaulted  Total Defaulted  Principal  Approval  Default Score Defaulted Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 7.28% 7.28% 5.48% 5.59% 5.37% 6.08% 8.74% 8.74% 6.48% 6.76% 6.20% 7.23% 476 476 5,601 284 5,317 6,077 $7,198,465 $7,198,465 $85,004,878 $5,253,915 $79,750,964 $92,203,343 $14,197 $14,197 $16,510 $19,807 $14,449 $15,701 669 669 696 690 700 687 17.5 17.5 17.0 17.9 16.3 17.1 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted loans based upon the year the loan was approved. Total  Total  Average  Total  Average  Average  Months  Total  to  Total % of Loans  Total % of Principal  Defaulted  Total Defaulted  Principal  Approval  Default Score Defaulted Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total 4.97% 4.97% 2.99% 4.64% 7.28% 4.07% 3.60% 1.71% 3.50% 5.59% 4.54% 3.84% 4.42% 5.37% 4.37% 5.22% 5.22% 2.47% 4.44% 8.74% 4.27% 3.95% 1.46% 3.62% 6.76% 4.59% 3.13% 4.43% 6.20% 4.58% 582 582 18 88 476 9,618 663 157 222 284 8,955 741 2,897 5,317 10,200 $8,277,378 $8,277,378 $162,031 $916,881 $7,198,465 $135,300,411 $10,912,754 $2,025,156 $3,633,683 $5,253,915 $124,387,657 $7,539,836 $37,096,857 $79,750,964 $143,577,788 $11,896 $11,896 $9,285 $11,840 $14,197 $14,488 $15,368 $13,576 $13,988 $19,807 $13,792 $10,937 $15,991 $14,449 $13,638 663 663 665 657 669 698 694 696 695 690 701 700 702 700 687 19.9 19.9 27.5 16.3 17.5 20.3 22.4 33.4 15.3 17.9 18.5 25.3 14.0 16.3 20.2 Credit Score This table shows the average credit score for all the loans  in a category v. the average score for defaulted loans in the same category for option 3 loans. Total Average  Approval Score Row Labels Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower 696 696 733 731 734 Total Average Score  on Defaulted Loans 669 669 696 690 700 Credit Score This table shows the average credit score for all the loans  in a category v. the average score for defaulted loans in the same category. Total Average  Approval Score Row Labels Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 703 703 708 705 696 739 740 750 738 731 737 739 739 734 Total Average Score  on Defaulted Loans 663 663 665 657 669 698 694 696 695 690 701 700 702 700 LnType Approval ScoreDefault Score Credit Score This chart shows the average credit score for all the loans  in a category v. the average score for  defaulted loans in the same category. 760 743 740 740 727 723 727 726 730 727 725 720 734 743 741 741 740 735 734 721 720 712 696 695 700 688 684 696 693 705 701 683 680 672 Default Score 660 640 620 Borrower Student Borrower Borrower 3 2008 SFY Values Approval Score 662 OrigRepmtOpt TypeLink Student Borrower Borrower Student Borrower Borrower Student Borrower Borrower Student Borrower Borrower Student Borrower Borrower Student Borrower Borrower Student Borrower 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on option 3 loans that defaulted. OrigRepmtOpt Total  Total Avg.  Total Avg.  No  Avg.  Total Avg.  Total  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  FICO Score Parties Score Parties Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 696 696 736 734 738 723 696 696 733 731 734 721 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.1 669 669 696 690 700 687 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.2 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on loans that defaulted. Total  Total Avg.  Total Avg.  No  Avg.  Total Avg.  Total  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  FICO Score Parties Score Parties Product/Option Graduate 1 Student Borrower 2 Student Borrower 3 Student Borrower Regular 1 Borrower Student Borrower 2 Borrower Student Borrower 3 Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 703 708 708 705 705 696 696 743 749 753 744 743 742 744 736 734 738 729 703 708 708 705 705 696 696 739 744 750 739 739 738 739 733 731 734 727 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.1 663 665 665 657 657 669 669 698 698 696 700 699 695 702 696 690 700 687 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.2 Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category for option 3 loans OrigRepmtOpt Total % of Loans  Total % of loans  Total % of loans  w/ Coborrower w/ Cosigner w/ 2 Cosigner Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 0.00% 0.00% 20.29% 31.83% 8.74% 13.52% 0.00% 0.00% 48.98% 6.99% 90.98% 32.66% 0.00% 0.00% 11.17% 0.43% 21.92% 7.45% Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category. Total % of Loans  Total % of loans  Total % of loans  w/ Coborrower w/ Cosigner w/ 2 Cosigner Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 21.92% 32.43% 31.20% 34.25% 31.83% 11.42% 14.70% 10.82% 8.74% 14.62% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 47.02% 5.89% 3.97% 6.72% 6.99% 88.15% 84.01% 89.47% 90.98% 31.35% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 10.38% 0.45% 0.23% 0.69% 0.43% 20.31% 17.51% 21.50% 21.92% 6.92% Serial Student Borrowing ‐ Option 3 Loans  Option 3 loans associated with a student that 1st took a loan state fiscal years 2008‐2011 General Section Number of  Individuals Type of Role 25,098 1,329 26,427 Student Borrower Borrower Totals: Number of  Loans 44,773 1,946 46,719 Average  Loan  Amount $13,176 $15,486 $13,292 Average  Average  Number  Average  Standard Deviation of  of Highest  of Loans  Total Approved Approval  Approval Score FICO  per  Score Score Student $604,553,286 724 728 1.78 56.90 $30,595,700 723 726 1.46 57.21 $635,148,986 724 728 1.77 56.91 Additional Parties Section Type of Role Average Number  of Parties,  Excludes Borrower Average  Number of  Cosigner Student Borrower Borrower Totals: 1.19 1.04 1.19 1.46 0.09 1.39 Average  Number of  Average Number of  2nd  Coborrowers Cosigner 0.29 0.16 0.01 0.43 0.27 0.17 Defaulted Section Type of Role Student Borrower Borrower Totals: Average  Average  Average Loan  Number of  Average Number of  Total  Total Dollars  Principal  Months to  Parties Defaulted  Defaulted Defaulted Default per Role $66,059,874.90 $14,644.35 20.2 1.19 $23,557 $4,089,393.71 $18,860.73 19.8 1.08 $27,714 $70,149,268.61 $14,861.22 20.2 1.19 $23,800 Serial Student Borrowing ‐ Option 3 Loans  Option 3 loans associated with a student that 1st took a loan state fiscal years 2008‐2011 Detailed Default Information Number of  Individuals Type of Role Number of  Loans 2,711 147 2,858 Student Borrower Borrower Totals: 4,361 216 4,577 Average  Loan  Amount 12,681 15,816 12,842 Average  Average  Number  Average  Standard Deviation of  of Highest  of Loans  Total Approved Approval  Approval Score FICO  per  Score Score Student 686 688 1.61 56.91 94,043,367 680 683 1.47 53.88 7,522,065 101,565,432 685 688 1.60 56.77 Additional Parties Section Type of Role Average Number  of Parties,  Excludes Borrower Average  Number of  Cosigner Student Borrower Borrower Totals: 1.19 1.08 1.19 1.13 0.15 1.08 Average  Number of  Average Number of  2nd  Coborrowers Cosigner 0.21 0.21 0.03 0.37 0.20 0.22 Percentages of Default to Certain Characteristics Type of Role Student Borrower Borrower Totals: Type of Role Student Borrower Borrower Totals: Number of  Individuals 10.80% 11.06% 10.81% Number of  Loans 9.74% 11.10% 9.80% Total Dollars  Average Loan  Defaulted/Total  Principal  Dollars Approved Defaulted 10.93% 13.37% 11.04% 111.14% 121.79% 111.80% Average  Loan  Amount 96.24% 102.13% 96.61% Total Approved 15.56% 24.59% 15.99% Serial Student Borrowing Loans associated with a student that 1st took a loan state fiscal years 2008‐2011 General Section Number of  Individuals Type of Role Number of  Loans Student Borrower                      40,323                93,126  Borrower                        4,541                  9,107  44,864 102,233 Totals: Average  Loan  Amount $12,735  $15,191  $12,983 Average  Average  Number  Average  Standard Deviation of  of Highest  of Loans  Total Approved Approval  Approval Score FICO  per  Score Score Student 2.31 53.56 $1,228,037,637  727 732 2.01 51.47 $140,525,734  737 740 $1,368,563,371 728 732 2.28 53.43 Additional Parties Section Type of Role Average Number  of Parties,  Excludes Borrower Average  Number of  Cosigner Student Borrower Borrower Totals: 1.20 1.03 1.19 1.93 0.10 1.74 Average  Number of  Average Number of  2nd  Coborrowers Cosigner 0.40 0.24 0.01 0.65 0.36 0.28 Defaulted Section Type of Role Student Borrower Borrower Totals: Total Dollars  Defaulted $103,045,741.47 $8,061,749.08 $111,107,490.55 Average  Average  Average Loan  Number of  Average Number of  Total  Principal  Months to  Parties Defaulted  Defaulted Default per Role $13,487.19 $16,153.54 $13,668.26 20.1 24.6 20.4 1.20 1.04 1.19 $20,051 $23,022 $20,266 Serial Student Borrowing Loans associated with a student that 1st took a loan state fiscal years 2008‐2011 Detailed Default Information Number of  Individuals Type of Role Number of  Loans Student Borrower 4,948 7,356 Borrower 341 486 Totals:                        5,289                  7,842  Average  Loan  Amount $12,560 $15,373 $12,741 Average  Average  Number  Average  Standard Deviation of  of Highest  of Loans  Total Approved Approval  Approval Score FICO  per  Score Score Student 55.99 $94,043,367 686 689 1.49 53.91 $7,522,065 680 683 1.43 55.88 $101,565,432 1.48 686 689 Additional Parties Section Type of Role Average Number  of Parties,  Excludes Borrower Average  Number of  Cosigner Student Borrower Borrower Totals: 1.20 1.04 1.19 1.06 0.13 1.00 Average  Number of  Average Number of  2nd  Coborrowers Cosigner 0.21 0.22 0.01 0.38 0.20 0.23 Percentages of Default to Certain Characteristics Type of Role Student Borrower Borrower Totals: Type of Role Student Borrower Borrower Totals: Number of  Individuals 12.27% 7.51% 11.79% Number of  Loans 7.90% 5.34% 7.67% Total Dollars  Average Loan  Defaulted/Total  Principal  Dollars Approved Defaulted 8.39% 5.74% 8.12% 105.91% 106.33% 105.27% Average  Loan  Amount 98.62% 101.19% 98.13% Total Approved 7.66% 5.35% 7.42% Origination Characteristics Original Option 3 SFY 2008 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total Number  of Loans 1,352 2009 Dollars  Approved Average  Approval  Number  Score of Loans $15,315,362 703 813 $11,619,558 14,863 $173,506,063 17,028 $200,440,983 723 727 718 1,101 2010 Dollars  Approved Average  Approval  Number  Score of Loans $14,591,488 708 755 $11,741,992 13,759 $182,509,070 15,615 $208,842,550 726 727 721 716 Dollars  Approved Average  Approval  Score $9,808,779 702 620 $9,841,807 14,061 $181,778,895 15,397 $201,429,481 720 725 716 Origination Characteristics Original Option 2011 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2012 Number  of Loans 475 Dollars  Approved 2013 Average  Approval  Number  Dollars  Score of Loans Approved $5,300,346 695 272 $4,913,053 7,143 $111,471,508 7,890 $121,684,907 727 730 717 399 2014 Average  Approval  Number  Dollars  Score of Loans Approved $4,905,779 693 130 $2,462,516 3,786 $65,527,728 4,315 $72,896,023 734 734 720 225 Average  Approval  Number  Dollars  Score of Loans Approved $3,079,950 690 90 $1,736,654 2,289 $37,413,533 2,604 $42,230,137 740 743 724 212 $2,687,265 75 $1,595,021 1,991 $35,674,042 2,278 $39,956,328 Origination Characteristics Original Option 2014 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2015 Average  Approval  Number  Dollars  Score of Loans Approved 685 741 743 723 182 Average  Approval  Score $2,452,186 694 62 $1,289,352 1,963 $33,590,858 2,207 $37,332,396 740 741 725 Origination Characteristics SFY 2008 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total Number  of Loans 2009 Dollars  Approved Average  Approval  Number  Score of Loans 2010 Dollars  Approved Average  Approval  Number  Score of Loans Dollars  Approved Average  Approval  Score 86 253 1,352 $1,130,752 $2,889,650 $15,315,362 735 719 703 96 447 1,101 $1,214,834 $4,594,533 $14,591,488 728 714 708 57 216 716 $594,240 $2,957,026 $9,808,779 723 720 702 1,626 922 813 $24,746,616 $13,929,272 $11,619,558 750 742 723 1,324 920 755 $20,089,182 $14,224,850 $11,741,992 749 738 726 883 754 620 $13,389,281 $12,201,133 $9,841,807 747 736 720 1,755 $22,597,439 5,952 $74,782,095 14,863 $173,506,063 27,622 $340,516,807 740 742 727 731 1,828 $22,729,878 8,072 $93,618,594 13,759 $182,509,070 28,302 $365,314,421 736 734 727 729 1,424 $19,415,707 6,895 $93,211,530 14,061 $181,778,895 25,626 $343,198,398 734 737 725 727 Origination Characteristics 2011 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total 2012 Number  of Loans Dollars  Approved 2013 Average  Approval  Number  Score of Loans Dollars  Approved 2014 Average  Approval  Number  Score of Loans Dollars  Approved Average  Approval  Number  Score of Loans Dollars  Approved 37 127 475 $379,333 $1,391,531 $5,300,346 698 705 695 39 110 399 $317,533 $1,239,365 $4,905,779 679 697 693 39 128 225 $309,318 $1,379,361 $3,079,950 709 690 690 69 155 212 $647,172 $1,812,404 $2,687,265 896 653 272 $13,482,016 $10,088,148 $4,913,053 745 733 727 631 547 130 $9,519,876 $8,942,045 $2,462,516 746 732 734 475 305 90 $6,973,102 $5,297,663 $1,736,654 754 743 740 580 328 75 $9,415,414 $5,762,227 $1,595,021 4,131 $48,084,635 10,819 $138,580,079 7,143 $111,471,508 24,553 $333,690,649 730 728 730 721 2,933 $34,729,052 9,673 $131,022,281 3,786 $65,527,728 18,248 $258,666,175 734 733 734 720 2,374 $29,355,094 6,110 $89,643,649 2,289 $37,413,533 12,035 $175,188,324 745 745 743 729 2,939 $38,894,951 6,382 $92,114,595 1,991 $35,674,042 12,731 $188,603,091 Origination Characteristics 2014 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total 2015 Average  Approval  Number  Score of Loans Dollars  Approved Average  Approval  Score 695 697 685 58 163 182 $600,443 $1,849,005 $2,452,186 691 699 694 752 743 741 324 231 62 $5,703,255 $4,729,964 $1,289,352 754 741 740 2,257 $29,962,058 5,137 $78,620,401 1,963 $33,590,858 10,377 $158,797,522 748 747 741 728 747 744 743 728 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted option 3 loans based upon the year the loan was approved. OrigRepmtOpt 3 SFY 2008 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 12.65% 15.33% 171 $2,348,365 $13,733 674 12.65% 15.33% 171 $2,348,365 $13,733 674 12.65% 14.62% 1,927 $26,074,720 $15,020 690 13.04% 15.23% 106 $1,769,538 $16,694 684 12.25% 14.01% 1,821 $24,305,182 $13,347 695 12.65% 14.86% 2,098 $28,423,085 $14,591 684 Average Months  to Default 24.6 24.6 21.7 19.8 23.7 22.7 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted option 3 loans based upon the year the loan was approved. OrigRepmtOpt 2009 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 11.90% 15.02% 131 $2,190,922 $16,725 673 11.90% 15.02% 131 $2,190,922 $16,725 673 11.55% 13.94% 1,646 $26,162,080 $17,407 692 11.79% 14.48% 89 $1,700,242 $19,104 688 11.32% 13.40% 1,557 $24,461,838 $15,711 696 11.67% 14.30% 1,777 $28,353,002 $17,180 686 Average Months  to Default 24.4 24.4 19.8 18.8 20.8 21.3 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted option 3 loans based upon the year the loan was approved. OrigRepmtOpt 2010 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 11.87% 14.51% 85 $1,423,352 $16,745 678 11.87% 14.51% 85 $1,423,352 $16,745 678 10.73% 12.65% 1,500 $23,080,681 $16,979 688 11.29% 13.33% 70 $1,311,479 $18,735 683 10.17% 11.98% 1,430 $21,769,201 $15,223 693 11.11% 13.27% 1,585 $24,504,033 $16,901 684 Average Months  to Default 20.7 20.7 19.9 20.4 19.3 20.1 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted option 3 loans based upon the year the loan was approved. OrigRepmtOpt 2011 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 9.68% 12.58% 46 $666,621 $14,492 656 9.68% 12.58% 46 $666,621 $14,492 656 5.54% 7.30% 412 $7,553,022 $22,399 679 5.51% 8.18% 15 $401,777 $26,785 662 5.56% 6.42% 397 $7,151,244 $18,013 696 6.92% 9.06% 458 $8,219,643 $19,763 671 Average Months  to Default 17.2 17.2 18.2 18.1 18.4 17.9 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted option 3 loans based upon the year the loan was approved. OrigRepmtOpt 2012 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 9.02% 10.28% 36 $504,496 $14,014 660 9.02% 10.28% 36 $504,496 $14,014 660 2.53% 2.61% 79 $1,611,288 $19,129 703 3.08% 2.88% 4 $70,877 $17,719 701 1.98% 2.35% 75 $1,540,410 $20,539 705 4.69% 5.17% 115 $2,115,784 $17,424 689 Average Months  to Default 16.5 16.5 16.6 15.3 18.0 16.6 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted option 3 loans based upon the year the loan was approved. OrigRepmtOpt 2013 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 2.67% 1.60% 6 $49,241 $8,207 633 2.67% 1.60% 6 $49,241 $8,207 633 0.63% 0.56% 29 $419,326 $14,460 735 0.00% 0.00% 0 1.27% 1.12% 29 $419,326 $14,460 735 1.31% 0.91% 35 $468,567 $11,333 684 Average Months  to Default 11.5 11.5 13.1 13.1 12.3 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted option 3 loans based upon the year the loan was approved. OrigRepmtOpt 2014 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 0.47% 0.58% 1 $15,467 $15,467 710 0.47% 0.58% 1 $15,467 $15,467 710 0.18% 0.14% 7 $99,706 $14,244 716 0.00% 0.00% 0 721 0.35% 0.28% 7 $99,706 $14,244 712 0.27% 0.29% 8 $115,173 $14,855 714 Average Months  to Default 7.5 7.5 12.4 15.0 9.9 10.8 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted option 3 loans based upon the year the loan was approved. OrigRepmtOpt 2015 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.03% 0.01% 1 $4,056 $4,056 672 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.05% 0.01% 1 $4,056 $4,056 672 0.02% 0.00% 1 $4,056 $4,056 672 Average Months  to Default 7.0 7.0 7.0 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on option 3 loans that defaulted. OrigRepmtOpt 3 SFY 2008 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2009 Avg.  Avg.  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  FICO Score Parties Score Parties FICO Score Parties Score Parties 673 703 703 674 708 708 673 703 703 674 708 708 692 729 725 1.1 690 1.1 731 727 1.1 1.1 688 727 723 1.0 684 1.0 729 726 1.0 1.0 696 732 727 1.2 695 1.2 732 727 1.2 1.2 686 721 718 1.1 684 1.1 723 721 1.1 1.1 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on option 3 loans that defaulted. OrigRepmtOpt 2010 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2011 Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Score Parties FICO Score Parties Score Parties FICO Score Parties 656 702 702 678 695 695 656 702 702 678 695 695 679 726 722 1.1 688 1.2 733 728 1.1 1.1 662 724 720 1.0 683 1.1 730 727 1.0 1.0 696 729 725 1.2 693 1.2 736 730 1.2 1.2 671 718 716 1.1 684 1.2 721 717 1.1 1.1 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on option 3 loans that defaulted. OrigRepmtOpt 2012 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2013 Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Score Parties FICO Score Parties Score Parties FICO Score Parties 660 633 693 693 690 690 660 633 693 693 690 690 703 735 738 734 1.2 1.2 744 742 1.2 1.4 701 737 734 1.1 1.0 742 740 1.0 705 735 739 734 1.3 1.3 746 743 1.3 1.4 689 684 723 720 1.2 1.2 726 724 1.2 1.4 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on option 3 loans that defaulted. OrigRepmtOpt 2014 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2015 Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Score Parties FICO Score Parties Score Parties FICO Score Parties 710 685 685 694 694 710 685 685 694 694 716 672 744 742 1.2 1.4 744 741 1.1 1.0 721 742 741 1.1 742 740 1.0 712 672 746 743 1.3 1.4 745 741 1.3 1.0 714 672 724 723 1.2 1.4 727 725 1.1 1.0 Credit Score This table shows the average credit score for all the loans  in a category v. the average score for defaulted loans in the same category for option 3 loans. Column Labels 2008 Row Labels Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Average Approval Score 703 703 725 723 727 2009 2010 Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans 674 708 673 702 678 674 708 673 702 678 690 727 692 722 688 684 726 688 720 683 695 727 696 725 693 Credit Score This table shows the average credit score for all the loans  in a category v. the average score for defaulted loans in the same category for option 3 loans. Row Labels Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower 2011 2012 2013 Average Approval  Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Score Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans 695 656 693 660 690 633 695 656 693 660 690 633 728 679 734 703 742 735 727 662 734 701 740 730 696 734 705 743 735 Credit Score This table shows the average credit score for all the loans  in a category v. the average score for defaulted loans in the same category for option 3 loans. Row Labels Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower 2014 2015 Average Approval  Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Score Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans 685 710 694 685 710 694 742 716 741 672 741 721 740 743 712 741 672 Credit Score This table shows the average credit score for all the loans  in a category v. the average score for defaulted loans in the same category. Column Labels 2008 Row Labels Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Average Approval Score 719 719 735 719 703 738 738 750 742 723 737 740 742 727 2009 2010 Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans 686 717 661 715 677 686 717 661 715 677 685 728 636 723 695 699 714 673 720 658 674 708 673 702 678 693 735 691 733 685 694 738 692 734 679 697 749 702 747 686 702 738 686 736 666 684 726 688 720 683 692 732 691 732 691 680 736 688 734 686 700 734 689 737 692 695 727 696 725 693 Credit Score This table shows the average credit score for all the loans  in a category v. the average score for defaulted loans in the same category. Row Labels Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 2011 2012 2013 Average Approval  Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Score Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans 700 662 690 646 696 675 700 662 690 646 696 675 698 679 630 709 702 705 668 697 646 690 691 695 656 693 660 690 633 732 682 735 700 745 716 735 674 737 700 746 706 745 691 746 709 754 703 733 670 732 690 743 709 727 662 734 701 740 729 689 734 699 744 723 730 682 734 694 745 717 728 689 733 699 745 716 730 696 734 705 743 735 Credit Score This table shows the average credit score for all the loans  in a category v. the average score for defaulted loans in the same category. Row Labels Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 2014 2015 Average Approval  Average Score on  Average Approval  Average Score on  Score Defaulted Loans Score Defaulted Loans 693 658 695 602 693 658 695 602 695 644 691 697 621 699 602 685 710 694 745 718 745 703 745 716 745 752 687 754 743 740 741 741 721 740 744 720 745 703 747 731 748 723 744 718 747 713 743 712 741 672 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on loans that defaulted. SFY 2008 Product/Option Graduate 1 Student Borrower 2 Student Borrower 3 Student Borrower Regular 1 Borrower Student Borrower 2 Borrower Student Borrower 3 Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2009 Avg.  Avg.  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  FICO Score Parties Score Parties FICO Score Parties Score Parties 661 719 719 686 717 717 636 735 735 685 728 728 636 735 735 685 728 728 673 719 719 699 714 714 673 719 719 699 714 714 673 703 703 674 708 708 673 703 703 674 708 708 691 742 738 1.1 693 1.1 739 735 1.1 1.1 695 750 745 1.1 688 1.1 747 742 1.1 1.1 702 753 750 1.0 697 1.0 752 749 1.0 1.0 688 746 740 1.2 680 1.2 741 736 1.2 1.1 687 747 742 1.1 701 1.1 740 736 1.1 1.1 686 746 742 1.0 702 1.1 741 738 1.0 1.0 689 747 742 1.2 700 1.2 739 734 1.2 1.2 692 729 725 1.1 690 1.1 731 727 1.1 1.1 688 727 723 1.0 684 1.0 729 726 1.0 1.0 696 732 727 1.2 695 1.2 732 727 1.2 1.2 681 734 731 1.1 691 1.1 732 729 1.1 1.1 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on loans that defaulted. 2010 Product/Option Graduate 1 Student Borrower 2 Student Borrower 3 Student Borrower Regular 1 Borrower Student Borrower 2 Borrower Student Borrower 3 Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2011 Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Score Parties FICO Score Parties Score Parties FICO Score Parties 662 715 715 677 700 700 723 723 695 698 698 723 723 695 698 698 668 720 720 658 705 705 668 720 720 658 705 705 656 702 702 678 695 695 656 702 702 678 695 695 682 738 733 1.1 685 1.1 738 732 1.1 1.2 687 746 740 1.1 686 1.1 743 737 1.1 1.2 691 750 747 1.0 686 1.0 749 745 1.0 1.1 682 741 734 1.2 686 1.1 737 730 1.2 1.2 679 741 736 1.1 679 1.1 736 731 1.1 1.2 670 740 736 1.0 666 1.0 737 733 1.1 1.3 689 742 737 1.2 692 1.2 735 728 1.2 1.2 679 726 722 1.1 688 1.2 733 728 1.1 1.1 662 724 720 1.0 683 1.1 730 727 1.0 1.0 696 729 725 1.2 693 1.2 736 730 1.2 1.2 677 1.2 730 727 1.1 682 1.1 725 721 1.1 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on loans that defaulted. 2012 Product/Option Graduate 1 Student Borrower 2 Student Borrower 3 Student Borrower Regular 1 Borrower Student Borrower 2 Borrower Student Borrower 3 Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2013 Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Score Parties FICO Score Parties Score Parties FICO Score Parties 646 675 690 690 696 696 630 702 679 679 709 709 630 702 679 679 709 709 646 691 697 697 690 690 646 691 697 697 690 690 660 633 693 693 690 690 660 633 693 693 690 690 700 716 740 735 1.1 1.2 748 745 1.2 1.4 701 710 745 740 1.1 1.1 752 749 1.1 1.2 709 703 1.0 749 746 1.0 1.0 756 754 1.0 694 717 740 734 1.2 1.2 748 745 1.2 1.3 695 713 737 732 1.2 1.3 747 744 1.2 1.6 690 709 735 732 1.1 1.2 746 743 1.1 2.0 699 716 740 733 1.2 1.3 749 745 1.3 1.3 703 735 738 734 1.2 1.2 744 742 1.2 1.4 701 737 734 1.1 1.0 742 740 1.0 705 735 739 734 1.3 1.3 746 743 1.3 1.4 682 701 723 720 1.1 1.2 731 729 1.2 1.4 Defaulted Parties This table shows the average credit score and average number of parties on loans that defaulted. 2014 Product/Option Graduate 1 Student Borrower 2 Student Borrower 3 Student Borrower Regular 1 Borrower Student Borrower 2 Borrower Student Borrower 3 Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2015 Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Defaulted  Avg. No  Avg.  Avg.  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Highest  Approval  Avg. No.  Approval  Defaulted  Score Parties FICO Score Parties Score Parties FICO Score Parties 658 602 693 693 695 695 644 695 695 691 691 644 695 695 691 691 621 602 697 697 699 699 621 602 697 697 699 699 710 685 685 694 694 710 685 685 694 694 718 703 748 745 1.2 1.5 748 745 1.2 1.3 709 723 753 749 1.1 1.7 754 751 1.1 2.0 687 755 752 1.0 758 754 1.0 731 723 750 747 1.3 1.7 751 748 1.2 2.0 729 713 746 744 1.2 1.3 747 744 1.2 1.0 740 745 743 1.1 744 741 1.1 718 713 748 744 1.3 1.3 751 747 1.3 1.0 716 672 744 742 1.2 1.4 744 741 1.1 1.0 721 742 741 1.1 742 740 1.0 712 672 746 743 1.3 1.4 745 741 1.3 1.0 698 678 729 728 1.2 1.5 730 728 1.2 1.3 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted loans based upon the year the loan was approved. SFY 2008 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total Average  % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 8.00% 8.30% 190 $2,549,751 $11,433 686 8.00% 8.30% 190 $2,549,751 $11,433 686 5.81% 4.25% 5 $48,076 $9,615 685 5.53% 5.31% 14 $153,310 $10,951 699 12.65% 15.33% 171 $2,348,365 $13,733 674 7.76% 8.34% 2,488 $33,468,973 $13,907 693 7.74% 8.56% 225 $3,552,518 $15,520 694 3.57% 3.04% 58 $752,199 $12,969 697 6.62% 7.40% 61 $1,030,781 $16,898 702 13.04% 15.23% 106 $1,769,538 $16,694 684 7.78% 8.13% 2,263 $29,916,454 $12,294 692 5.19% 4.10% 91 $927,375 $10,191 680 5.90% 6.26% 351 $4,683,897 $13,344 700 12.25% 14.01% 1,821 $24,305,182 $13,347 695 7.84% 8.33% 2,678 $36,018,724 $13,082 691 Average Months  to Default 32.2 32.2 46.2 25.7 24.6 32.2 34.3 57.5 25.7 19.8 30.1 45.0 21.7 23.7 32.2 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted loans based upon the year the loan was approved. 2009 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 9.58% 9.35% 177 $2,591,703 $11,440 661 9.58% 9.35% 177 $2,591,703 $11,440 661 8.33% 5.88% 8 $71,434 $8,929 636 8.50% 7.17% 38 $329,346 $8,667 673 11.90% 15.02% 131 $2,190,922 $16,725 673 8.65% 8.96% 2,650 $37,144,999 $13,920 691 7.85% 8.61% 211 $3,481,199 $15,828 692 3.40% 2.83% 45 $568,649 $12,637 702 8.37% 8.52% 77 $1,212,307 $15,744 686 11.79% 14.48% 89 $1,700,242 $19,104 688 9.45% 9.30% 2,439 $33,663,800 $12,012 691 7.88% 6.18% 144 $1,405,653 $9,761 688 9.14% 8.33% 738 $7,796,309 $10,564 689 11.32% 13.40% 1,557 $24,461,838 $15,711 696 8.96% 9.09% 2,827 $39,736,702 $13,094 681 Average Months  to Default 29.7 29.7 40.9 23.8 24.4 26.6 28.9 47.8 20.3 18.8 24.2 32.8 19.0 20.8 27.6 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted loans based upon the year the loan was approved. 2010 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 6.86% 7.54% 101 $1,606,499 $14,081 677 6.86% 7.54% 101 $1,606,499 $14,081 677 1.75% 2.40% 1 $14,238 $14,238 695 6.94% 5.71% 15 $168,909 $11,261 658 11.87% 14.51% 85 $1,423,352 $16,745 678 6.73% 7.24% 2,072 $30,658,301 $15,052 685 6.12% 6.99% 126 $2,266,124 $17,113 679 2.15% 1.98% 19 $265,640 $13,981 686 4.91% 5.65% 37 $689,005 $18,622 666 11.29% 13.33% 70 $1,311,479 $18,735 683 7.35% 7.49% 1,946 $28,392,177 $12,992 691 5.55% 4.27% 79 $828,912 $10,493 686 6.34% 6.22% 437 $5,794,064 $13,259 692 10.17% 11.98% 1,430 $21,769,201 $15,223 693 6.78% 7.34% 2,173 $32,264,800 $14,728 682 Average Months  to Default 24.6 24.6 24.0 29.2 20.7 24.0 24.6 39.1 14.2 20.4 23.5 34.1 17.2 19.3 24.2 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted loans based upon the year the loan was approved. 2011 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 5.33% 6.28% 54 $753,628 $12,684 662 5.33% 6.28% 54 $753,628 $12,684 662 0.00% 0.00% 0 6.30% 6.25% 8 $87,007 $10,876 668 9.68% 12.58% 46 $666,621 $14,492 656 5.48% 5.89% 1,607 $22,540,341 $15,947 682 4.23% 4.95% 68 $1,143,250 $18,090 674 2.57% 2.03% 23 $273,023 $11,871 691 4.59% 4.64% 30 $468,449 $15,615 670 5.51% 8.18% 15 $401,777 $26,785 662 6.73% 6.83% 1,539 $21,397,091 $13,803 689 6.61% 5.80% 273 $2,787,724 $10,211 682 8.03% 8.27% 869 $11,458,124 $13,185 689 5.56% 6.42% 397 $7,151,244 $18,013 696 5.43% 6.02% 1,661 $23,293,969 $15,131 677 Average Months  to Default 15.9 15.9 14.5 17.2 19.7 20.7 30.6 13.4 18.1 18.7 22.7 14.8 18.4 18.7 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted loans based upon the year the loan was approved. 2012 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 4.77% 4.58% 40 $524,671 $8,659 646 4.77% 4.58% 40 $524,671 $8,659 646 2.56% 2.47% 1 $7,857 $7,857 630 2.73% 0.99% 3 $12,318 $4,106 646 9.02% 10.28% 36 $504,496 $14,014 660 2.78% 2.63% 581 $8,178,233 $14,988 700 2.41% 2.22% 28 $416,544 $15,428 700 1.58% 1.42% 10 $135,634 $13,563 709 2.56% 2.35% 14 $210,033 $15,002 690 3.08% 2.88% 4 $70,877 $17,719 701 3.15% 3.04% 553 $7,761,688 $14,547 699 3.65% 2.74% 107 $952,314 $8,900 694 3.84% 4.02% 371 $5,268,964 $14,202 699 1.98% 2.35% 75 $1,540,410 $20,539 705 3.44% 3.28% 621 $8,702,904 $12,878 682 Average Months  to Default 15.9 15.9 15.0 16.3 16.5 19.0 19.2 24.7 17.8 15.3 18.7 23.3 14.7 18.0 17.9 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted loans based upon the year the loan was approved. 2013 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 3.05% 2.91% 12 $114,182 $9,655 675 3.05% 2.91% 12 $114,182 $9,655 675 2.56% 3.14% 1 $9,714 $9,714 702 3.91% 4.00% 5 $55,226 $11,045 691 2.67% 1.60% 6 $49,241 $8,207 633 0.81% 0.73% 153 $2,258,039 $11,650 716 0.29% 0.13% 3 $22,579 $7,753 706 0.21% 0.12% 1 $8,435 $8,435 703 0.66% 0.27% 2 $14,144 $7,072 709 0.00% 0.00% 0 1.34% 1.33% 150 $2,235,460 $14,247 723 1.26% 1.27% 30 $372,578 $12,419 717 1.49% 1.61% 91 $1,443,556 $15,863 716 1.27% 1.12% 29 $419,326 $14,460 735 1.56% 1.46% 165 $2,372,221 $10,902 701 Average Months  to Default 17.0 17.0 30.0 9.4 11.5 17.7 21.2 27.3 15.0 15.4 21.4 11.7 13.1 17.4 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted loans based upon the year the loan was approved. 2014 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 1.98% 2.53% 7 $123,444 $15,046 658 1.98% 2.53% 7 $123,444 $15,046 658 2.90% 1.66% 2 $10,712 $5,356 644 2.58% 5.37% 4 $97,265 $24,316 621 0.47% 0.58% 1 $15,467 $15,467 710 0.33% 0.32% 62 $940,356 $15,150 718 0.16% 0.13% 2 $30,539 $15,270 716 0.17% 0.23% 1 $21,575 $21,575 687 0.30% 0.16% 1 $8,964 $8,964 740 0.00% 0.00% 0 721 0.49% 0.51% 60 $909,817 $15,070 720 0.54% 0.66% 16 $255,745 $15,984 731 0.58% 0.60% 37 $554,366 $14,983 718 0.35% 0.28% 7 $99,706 $14,244 712 0.88% 1.06% 69 $1,063,800 $15,111 698 Average Months  to Default 8.3 8.3 9.0 8.5 7.5 9.3 7.7 7.0 1.0 15.0 11.0 15.5 7.5 9.9 9.0 Default Characteristics This table shows the default characteristics of defaulted loans based upon the year the loan was approved. 2015 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total % of Loans  % of Principal  Defaulted  Defaulted  Average Principal  Average  Defaulted Defaulted Loans Principal Defaulted Approval Score 0.20% 0.24% 1 $13,500 $13,500 602 0.20% 0.24% 1 $13,500 $13,500 602 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.61% 0.73% 1 $13,500 $13,500 602 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.03% 0.03% 5 $111,169 $15,373 703 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.05% 0.06% 5 $111,169 $15,373 703 0.04% 0.03% 1 $9,536 $9,536 723 0.06% 0.12% 3 $97,577 $32,526 713 0.05% 0.01% 1 $4,056 $4,056 672 0.09% 0.10% 6 $124,669 $14,904 678 Average Months  to Default 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.8 6.8 7.8 5.5 7.0 5.8 Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category for option 3 loans OrigRepmtOpt 3 SFY 2008 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2009 % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 17.96% 46.89% 7.92% 18.95% 47.40% 8.67% 27.92% 5.54% 0.25% 28.87% 6.49% 0.26% 8.01% 88.24% 15.60% 9.03% 88.31% 17.08% 11.98% 31.26% 5.28% 12.63% 31.60% 5.78% Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category for option 3 loans OrigRepmtOpt 2010 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2011 % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 19.19% 48.03% 8.46% 22.22% 48.11% 9.46% 28.55% 7.26% 0.81% 34.93% 5.51% 0.00% 9.83% 88.81% 16.12% 9.52% 90.70% 18.93% 12.79% 32.02% 5.64% 14.82% 32.07% 6.31% Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category for option 3 loans OrigRepmtOpt 2012 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2013 % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.21% 51.41% 12.55% 24.61% 49.31% 12.91% 31.54% 10.00% 0.77% 40.00% 6.67% 0.00% 8.87% 92.82% 24.33% 9.22% 91.96% 25.82% 13.47% 34.27% 8.37% 16.41% 32.88% 8.61% Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category for option 3 loans OrigRepmtOpt 2014 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower Regular Borrower Student Borrower Grand Total 2015 % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 23.45% 50.63% 15.26% 15.69% 50.09% 14.14% 38.67% 8.00% 1.33% 24.19% 6.45% 0.00% 8.24% 93.27% 29.18% 7.18% 93.73% 28.27% 15.63% 33.76% 10.17% 10.46% 33.40% 9.42% Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category. SFY 2008 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total 2009 % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 21.11% 45.28% 8.99% 21.42% 45.13% 8.48% 31.72% 3.55% 0.17% 31.71% 4.62% 0.17% 32.96% 1.97% 0.06% 31.80% 2.79% 0.15% 34.27% 3.15% 0.22% 34.46% 4.57% 0.11% 27.92% 5.54% 0.25% 28.87% 6.49% 0.26% 10.50% 87.01% 17.80% 11.13% 85.65% 16.79% 14.07% 83.48% 16.87% 14.22% 80.96% 15.54% 9.43% 89.31% 20.93% 10.13% 87.67% 17.77% 8.01% 88.24% 15.60% 9.03% 88.31% 17.08% 14.07% 30.19% 5.99% 14.28% 30.09% 5.66% Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category. 2010 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total 2011 % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 22.36% 45.84% 8.91% 22.45% 46.49% 8.61% 32.63% 5.38% 0.43% 33.53% 5.58% 0.23% 31.94% 3.96% 0.23% 30.58% 4.02% 0.22% 37.40% 4.91% 0.27% 35.07% 7.20% 0.46% 28.55% 7.26% 0.81% 34.93% 5.51% 0.00% 12.10% 86.31% 17.39% 11.38% 87.40% 17.00% 15.59% 81.60% 16.99% 13.44% 83.76% 15.08% 10.88% 88.51% 19.07% 11.18% 87.75% 16.98% 9.83% 88.81% 16.12% 9.52% 90.70% 18.93% 14.91% 30.56% 5.94% 14.97% 30.99% 5.74% Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category. 2012 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total 2013 % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 22.24% 47.99% 10.81% 23.02% 48.75% 11.87% 32.56% 7.10% 0.56% 34.58% 7.68% 0.58% 31.22% 3.80% 0.00% 30.95% 6.53% 0.42% 34.92% 7.50% 0.91% 32.79% 9.84% 1.31% 31.54% 10.00% 0.77% 40.00% 6.67% 0.00% 11.92% 88.87% 21.06% 11.46% 89.83% 23.17% 15.34% 83.87% 17.01% 14.53% 86.18% 17.61% 11.54% 89.93% 21.83% 10.62% 91.34% 26.07% 8.87% 92.82% 24.33% 9.22% 91.96% 25.82% 14.83% 31.99% 7.21% 15.35% 32.50% 7.91% Distribution of Other Parties This table shows the percentage of other parties on for each category. 2014 Product/Option Graduate Student Borrower 1 2 3 Regular Borrower 1 2 3 Student Borrower 1 2 3 Grand Total 2015 % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  % of Loans w/  % of loans w/  % of loans w/  Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner Coborrower Cosigner 2 Cosigner 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 22.54% 48.48% 12.95% 20.25% 48.22% 12.40% 33.63% 6.65% 0.81% 29.07% 6.60% 0.64% 31.72% 3.10% 0.17% 28.40% 5.56% 0.62% 30.49% 8.84% 0.91% 34.63% 7.79% 1.30% 38.67% 8.00% 1.33% 24.19% 6.45% 0.00% 11.46% 90.31% 25.10% 11.42% 89.85% 24.16% 15.01% 86.87% 21.37% 15.42% 85.38% 19.63% 11.13% 90.79% 24.76% 11.66% 90.42% 24.57% 8.24% 93.27% 29.18% 7.18% 93.73% 28.27% 15.03% 32.32% 8.64% 13.50% 32.15% 8.26%