'On April. 04. 2012. completed an interview-with wtated that she was a supervisor at the Praise Fellowship Assembly of God Day Care. _stated that when she cared for the ch ran. it was mainly the 4 and 5 year oids..stated that she opened up the day careal 6 AM on the day of'the incident. does not remember Juan Carlos arriving that day._ stated that the last time she saw him was around 11:30 AM. He was getting his diaper changed by ?in the bathroom. ?stated that on that day'the parents dropped off the children in the cafeteria. Around 1o AM the children went to their own classrooms. Around 12 the children went back and ate lunch. _stated that Juan Carlos normally slept in the nursery. ?stated that there was no system to know where each child was supposed to be and which staff member they were supposed to be with?stated that the'staif. members should just know which ohdren they should be watching.? stated there is no way for the little children to open the door to the sanctuary.? stated-that she did not notice it Juan Carlos favored any older children. stated that when the arents arrive with their children. they swipe a card and sign in the children?stated that the police department has the sign in sheet for-that dadstated that Juan'Carlos smiled a lot. -stated that she cannot remember if Juan took off from the adults11.- -1 ?All