ME Hi?- pout: mum- in?ll-lull: Julie mm so 15 - ems-r Tm 6mm Room 1903 New Sootlind Yard Broadway London Solomon Hughes oec United Kingdom Telephone 0207 230 1211 ex 521:5 Flcaimile' mil: pelican ut: "If: Our ref. 2008010005452 -- are - 10/05/2000 Dear Mr Hughes Freedom of Information Requests Reference Numbers: 2008010000514, 2008010005452, 2003010006506 and 2008010006880. I write in connection with your request for information which was received by the Metropolitan Police Service (MP8) I note you seek access to the following information: I would like to see Special Branch ?les on the left wing newspaper the ?Black Dwarf", launched in 1958. I would like to see Special Branch Files about the Revolutionary Socialist Student Federation (RSSF). formed in 1968. dissolved by 1970. Students at the London School of Economics were central to the formation of the RSSF, which had a high pro?le conference at the Roundhouse in Camden in 1968. It was especially associated with the LSE occupation and the Anti Vietnam War Movement. I would like to see any Special Branch ?les on the Institute for Workers Control. Founded in 1968. this was a left wing Ifthink um- Ken Comes. There are likely to be SB ?les from the late 1900would like to see any Metropolitan Po?os or Special Branch ?lea routing to the occupation of the Homesy College of Art in [day The which lasted around 6 weeks. was a notable part of the Meat protests of that year. DECISION relationtoyour can ?answered. infma?m held by public authorities. A public authority in receipt of a request must. if permitted. con?nn if that public austerity holds the requested information and. if so. then communicate that infonna?on to the applicant. The andissubiecitoa number of exemptions. which are designed to enable public authori?es to withhold information that is not suitable for reloase. lrnportantiy. the Act is designed to place ln'fonhation into the public domain. that is. once some to infonnation is granted to one person under the Act. it is then considered public infomation and must be communicated to any individual should a request be resume. i have considered your request for information within the provisions set out by the Freedom of information Act 2000. Section 1 of the Freedom of Infon'nation Act 200D (FOIA) places two duties on public authorities. Unless exemptions apply. the ?rst duty at s1(1)(a) is to con?rm or deny whether the information speci?ed in a request is heid. The second duty at ammo) is to disclose information that has been con?rmed as being held. Where exemptions are relied upon at? of requires that we provide the applicant with a notice which: a) states that fact to) speci?es the exempticn(s) in question and c) states (if that would not otherwise be apparent) why the exemption applies. The MP5 are required under the Public Records Act to transfer to The National Archives (TNA) records of historical value where. if there is no ongoing sensitivity. they are made available immediately for public inspection. You may wish to use resources. including the Internet. in order to acquire information of the type you are seeking. Furthermore. information pertaining to the above organisation may also be available from the BBC series ?True Spies" However. the Metropofrtan Pciice Service as neither con?ne nor deny that it hoids any further information as the duty in s1 (me) of the Freedom of information Act 2000 does not apply. by virtue of the foaming orientations: section 23(5) information rotating to the Security bodies; 2?0) National Seaman .. Semen 31(3) Law enforcement; Sodion 33(2) Hanna and safety. and: Section Peismel hionnedon.