Filing 37523784 E?Filed 02/08/2016 12:16:04 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: GUARDIANSHIP OF MARI M. MONTGOMERI, PROBATE DIVISION IH FILE an alleged incapacitated person. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT AS GUARDIAN Pursuant to Section 744.3125 of the Florida Guardianship Law, the undersigned submits this Application for Appointment as Guardian of M. (the Ward) and submits the following information (whenever the space provided is insufficient, attach additional pages): Name: HILDA SANTANA Age: ESES Residence address: 2242 Gabriel Lane West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Mailing address: Same U.S. citizen? Yes No Employer's name and address: Applicant's position: Home telephone number: 3 Work telephone number: If currently serving as guardian for any other ward, list names of each ward, court file number(s), circuit courtts) in which the case(s) is/are pending and whether applicant is acting as the limited or plenary guardian of the person or property or both: FILED: PALM BEACH COUNTY, SHARON R. BOCK, CLERK, 02/08/2016 12:16:04 PM Does applicant have any physical disabilities? Yes No If yes, please describe and state whether such disability may affect applicant's ability, in any degree, to serve as guardian: 10. Has applicant ever been treated for the follojigg},x a. Mental condition? Yes No 4; b. Alcohol? Yes Nb P?f, c. Drugs? Yes No d. Other? Yes No h?ff Nature of condition and summary of treatment: 11. Has applicant ever been judicially determined to have committed abuse, abandonment or neglect against a child as defined by the Florida Statutes? Yes No 12. Has applicant ever been the subject of a confirmed report of abuse, neglect, or exploitation which has been uncontested or upheld pursuant to the provisions of Sectio 415.104 and 415.1075, Florida Statutes? Yes No 13. Has applicant ever been charged with fraud, misrepresentation or perjury 'n a judicial or administrative proceeding? Yes No If yes, please give date and complete details: 14. Has applicant ever been chargedt/3ith? arrested for or convicted of a felony? Yes No If yes, please furnish details including date, type of offense, location and final disposition: 15. Has applicant ever been charged for or convicted of any other crimes? Yes No If yes, please furnish details including date, type of offense, location and final disposition: 16. Has applicanj/pver held a position which required bonding? Yes No If yes, please describe position, date, amount of bond and name of surety: 17. Has applicant ever served as guardian of a person or of a person's property? Yes NO If yes, please describe below, including reason for termination of fiduciary position:_ 18. Has applicant ever been hfig/in contempt of court or removed as guardian? Yes No If yes, please describe below: 19 Has applicant ever filed for bankruptcy? Yes No If yes, please state date and location of court: 20. What is applicant's relationship to the alleged incapacitated person? \ma J?applicant, or applicant's corporation or other business entity a creditor of, or providing professional, services to the incapacitated person? Yes No If yes, please furnish details: 22. Is applicant employed by a corporation or other entity which is providing' professional, personal on?;9ysiness services to the incapacitated person? Yes No If yes, please furnish details: 23. Is applicant a health care ovider for the alleged incapacitated person? Yes No 24. Educational history of applicant: Name and address DBQIBE Date High school: 0&1 Nemmnm \r-b?dn ilnad College:??hlm Mmun??j Other: 25. List applicant's employment experience for the past ten (10) years beginning with the most recent date: Name and address Date Reason for leaving Mam H. Hark?th [lulamq- \m7a~% damn . PR H. glam-123.3% Mms?l 26. Was applicant discharged from employment by any employer listed above? Yes No If yes, please explain: ?215,15 HR. 2925231} 0.. ?t me 1 01.1128?) +0 calm Emir Atom} /-?o?3lac9 o48m9l?gm L. 27. Does applicant possess any pecial educational qualifications (financial, business or otherwise) that qualifies applicant to be appointed as guardian? Yes No If es, please describe belowl 141.142" lime-Bf 91de ?33. WVme?. 5 ?Ami Lh n?mt ?vmn? 4:24:23 anal marl-D Wham mj?iES