Appendix 2 Sand Abduiaziz Majitn' AI. Saud Private Offlw No, :33 Data - 1 Novemberzmt HIS Daia' 5" Mohd Neflb hh'l Tun HaiI Abdul Razak Your Excellency, RECOGNITION OF SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE ISLAMIC WORLD I hepathis letter finds you in 900d health. Further to my Istterdatsd 1 February 2011, I have heart Mtowtng your work raoenuy and I am impressed the significant Wk that you have done to govern Malaysia using Islamic i prinotplas and new you are reintroducing Islam to the rest ol the world in view of the cunent perception that many people have sinoe 9/11. your suggasflan to iaumn me Global Movement of the Madeiates shows a modern way of dealing with issues on international terrorism and extremist groups. In View at the lrtenusnlp me: we have developea over the years and yaur new ideas as a modem IsIamIc leader, In add'nlon to my eartler commitment. I hereby glam you an addilionaI sum or up to United States Dolhri Tulsa t-lunoreu and Seventy Five (usbewspaopom Only shaII be remitted to yuu at such times and in such manner as I deem t'it either directly from my personal bank amount at Il'ttough my lnaIrucIed company bank amounts (such as Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners Limited). You shall have absulule discretion to determine now the em shall be utilised and i am confident met your actions will continue in promote tslam so it oomtnum to fluwIsh. This is merely a token gesture on my part but it a my way or wmfibtfling to the developmen't or talent to the wand. i This letter ls Issued as a gesture ol good faith and for clarification, i do not expect to recelve I. any personal benefit whether direcIIy or Indirectly as a result oi the Gift The Gift snoulol not In any event be construed as an act of corruption since this Is against the practice cl Islam and I personally do not enmurage such practices In any manner whaEaever. This is merst a personal wken of apprecia'ion Ind I am hepIng thai (he would encourage you to cunIinue your good work to promote Islam around (he worIct Thank you. RespecfiuIIy yams, SJLNI HRH Prinwa Saul! Abdylazlz Msaud