PAUL WOZNEY eiconte to the Limo Spring edi- tion oiithe h?lagazine. Due to scone changes From the last CPA election. President Howard Burns asked me to take the magazine as the editor. As you can espect. I?ve never done something like this heiore. i always liked the magavine when Les Kaminski had it. [here always seemed to he the right hal- ance articles and controversy. ilhat?s what lint hoping to re-estahlish with the magazine. i want it to he Fresh and current with whats happening with our member? ship. 1 want the CPA Board to write at. tit:le that matter. 1 want their opinions on issues that aiiect you. You voted. For these members to represent you and a big part oF that is taking a position and commu- nicating that to the membership through the magazine. And that?s what this nuga zine is a venue to communicate with the membership. Do you have any content For the mag- azine? so. please contact me directly i and work with you to bring your ideas. articles or concepts to the magazine. 1 should men- tion that anonymous articles. I've always thought that iFsome? thing is worth saying. one should put their name behind it. That said. iF you do have a message that?s worth saying. and you can reasonably explain your rationale For keep- ing your name out oF the article. i'll work with you to bring the article forward. the ?ip side. iF you do have some Content For the magazine. consider what you are saying. ?o be blunt. we have enoUgh hurt-holes in the media. the com- munity. and on the defense-side uF the bar taking shots at us. We don't need our own members. taking shots at each other in our There's a New Editor in town own magazine. Bringing Iotward issues. problems. or organizational shortcomings is more than appropriate - hut I won?t use the magazine as a venue to ?throw stones' at each other with impunity. in the spirit oF that. i do want to take a minute to compliment the Service on an issue that has been iEstering For quite some time. 'lhis past liehruary. the Service sent out a strongly worded that relcrred to the various media leaks that have oc- curred over the last several months. iF not years. The amount and type oF inlitrma- tion that our own memhers (sworn and civilian) have spilled to the media is noth- ing short oFa hig ?screw you' to the Service and our members. It's incredihly damaging to the Service and to individual tnetnhers that have had their names released hy in- dividuals who take it upon themselves to talk out oli turn with the media about is- sues they have no husiness speaking to. Recently. we had a media leak regard? ing one oF our Inet'nhers who was involved in two rather signi?cant ofiicer involved shootings. ()ne oF these occurred lasr year and the other early this year. 'lhe ?tnedia Ieaker' in this instance Felt inclined to he. a source" lint the media. in fact dropping in- lhrmation that was nowhere near his or her husiness to do so. Don?t you think that the member you blahhed about. who respond- ed to two extremely high risk calls and had to make split second decisions in the interests oF their own personal safety and the saFety oi" the community. has a right to Feel sale within their own organization? ilhis member has a Family and kids that need to live and play in this community. Did you story and consiilcr that your leak would cause nmecessary stress and griel to a menther who is alreadb? coping with not one hut two major events? It disgusts me i that one oli sur own Intemhers (sworn or civilian) won choose to make such a sell1 ish decision. What i ers receive Ii no the media For dropping mt get is -.what do the lealo this in their laps. The media sure doesn?t ay For this ilhey donit have at ything to exchange For .it. Hi you. as a member. Feel like you need some sort oF irpm someone - get a dog. yo! are somei sort oF unhappy employee. tien I suggest you leave the organisation or join thri? lire department. Don?t inst sit there and play it like you are aw contrilntting part oFi the organisation when you are really a dressed up like a sheep. i am nor anti?tnediti. The Service and the Associati to share a great relationship. established er the last iscveral years. with the media. i would that we have people who we better placed to speak to issues and pr sent them lto the media. 1 hope yo enjoy thti spring 2016 edi- tion oFthe mtgaaine. if on have any Feed- hack. questi as or cominents. i am avail- ahle at - Wot. 10-4 VOL. 1-0 ISSUE 1 5