BRIGHAM AND HOSPITAL March 10,2015 Ms. Jane Comerford Hospital Complaint Unit Manager Department of Public Health Division of Health Care Quality, (DHCQ) 99 Chauncy Street, 11th Floor Boston, MA 02111 Re: Reference 14-1181 Dear Ms. Comerford: Enclosed please ?nd the Brigham and Women?s Hospital Plan of Correction to the above referenced survey and State of De?ciencies recently received by this of?ce on February 26, 2015. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. Very Truly Yours, Mk David E. Seaver Risk Manager Brigham and Women?s Hospital 75 Francis Street Boston, MA 02115 75 Francis Street Boston, Massachusetts 02115 A Teaching Affiliate of Hi ude' 151 1 "r 8 'Ca 100 Member of - Healthare 62/24/2615 81: 16 6172646366 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE 8c MEDICAID SERVICES STATQMENT OF DEFICIENDIES AND PLAN OF CORRECTION PAGE 89/23 PRINTED: 02/13/2015 FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 0938?0391 1X1) IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 220110 IX2) MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION A. BUILDING B. WING (X3) DATE SURVEY COMPLETED NAME OF PROVIDER 0R SUPPLIER BRIG HAM AND HOSPITAL STREET ADDRESS. CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE 75 FRANCIS STREET BOSTON. MA 02115 (X4) ID PREFIX mo SUMMARY STATEMENT OF DEFICIENCIES (EACH DEFICIENCY MUST BE PREGEDED BY FULL REGULATORY OR I.SC IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) ID PREFIX TAG PLAN OF CORRECTION (EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION SHOULD CROSS-REFERENCED TO THE APPROPRIATE DEFICIENCY) COMPLETION DATE BE A 000 A131 INITIAL COMMENTS A CMS authorized substantial ailegation survey was conducted (ACTS Reference Number MA00022806) On 1/8. 1/12. 1/13, 1/14. 1/15 and 1/20/15 at: Brigham and Women's Hospital 75 Francis Street BostonI MA 02115 The following Conditions of Participation were reviewed using a sample of 10 patients. 482.12 Governing Body 462.13 Patient Rights 482.22 Medical Staff 482.23 Nursing Services 432.25 Pharmaceutical Services 462.42 infection Control PATIENT RIGHTS: INFORMED CONSENT The patient or his or her representative (as allowed under State law) has the right to make informed decisions regarding his or her care. The patients rights. Include being informed of his or her health status, being involved in care planning and treatment. and being able to request or. refuse treatment. This right must not be construed as a mechanism to demand the provision of treatment or services deemed medically unnecessary or inappropriate. This STANDARD is not met as evidenced by: Based on records reviewed. and staff interview. the Hospital failed to ensure an authorized representative, as allowed by State law. signed A 000 A131 i I Health Care Proxy Activation The Medical intensive Care Unit medical staff were reminded on 03/02/2015 to write a note in the medical record when the patient is deemed to be unable to make his/her own medical decisions and invoke the authority of the patient?s healthcare proxy. Any da?oisndy statement ending with an asterisk other safeguards provide suf?cient protection to th following the bats of survay whether or not a plan days lollowin i REPRESENTATIVES SIGN monogamous program part dipsticn. skmg,? 'l denotes a de?otency which the institutlon may be excused (?lm correcting providing it is determined that a patients. (See instructions.) Except for nursing homes. the ?ndings stated above are disclose I of correction is provided. For nursing homes, the above ?ndtn the data these documents ate made avallabte to the facility. If de?ciencies are cited. an approvag TITLE 9 and plans of correctlo plan of correction Is requisite to 5/167}, bIe 90 days Iosable 14 ontinued are cited FORM Previous Versions Obsolete 'r Event ID: 0T5Z11 Facility ID: 23:11 if continuation sheet Page tof155 82/24/2815 81:16 6172646365 OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES cEN'rEiaa FOR MEDICARE MEDICAID SERVICES PAGE 18/23 PRINTED 02/13/2015; FORM OMB no 0938-03in informed consent for Invasive procedures in two of two incapacitated patients (Patient #6 and in a total sample often patients. The Health Care Proxy was not activated by the attending physician in the medical record as required by Hoepsitl policies and Procedures. Findings inctude: The Hospital policy titled Health Care Proxies and Living Wills, dated August 2013. indicated the attending physician makes the determination that apatient lacks the capacity to make healthcare decisions. The attending physician must document the determination of incapacity and the surrogate decision maker in the patient's medical record. i The medical record for Patient #6 indicated i heishe had respiratory failure, was ventilator dependent and sedated. Informed consent forms for Patient #6 indicated the Health Care Proxy signed the informed consents for bronchoscopy (a medical test to view the airways and lungs) and the placement of an arterial line (a thin catheter inserted into an artery.) The medical record did not indicate the Health Care Proxy was activated byi'the attending physician as required by Hospital po icy. The medical record for Patient #7 indicated hie/she had dementia. The informed consent form for Patient #7 indicated the Health Care Proxy signed the informed consent for a lracheostomy (a surgical procedure to create an opening through the neck.) Review of Patient #T's informed consent form indicated Patient #7'5 Health Care Proxy signed the informed consent for the tracheoslomy procedure. The medical i i I STATEMEN on DEFICIENCIES no) PROWDERISUPPLIERICLIA 9(2) MULTIPLE consrsuc'non no) DA sunvev AND PLAN connecnon IDENTIFICATION A BUFLDI co PLETED . NG i 220110 e. WING onizorgpi 5 NAME OF fineness on eraser ADDRESS. STATE. ZIP cone 75 FRANCIS STREET Ans OSPITA -. A. BOSTON, MA 02115 In I SUMMARY STATEMENT or lD PROVIDER-s PLAN 05 coasecnon pie) . (EACH DEFICIENCY MUST BE PRECEDED sv FULL PREFIX (EACH connecnvs ACTION secure as .COMPLETION TAG REGULATORY OR LSC TAG To THE APPROPREATE DATE DEFICIENCY) A 131 Continued From page i A 131 FORM ems-ate7r?t-ss) Previous Versions Obsolete Event iD: I Facility tD: 2341 if continuation sheet Page 2 of15g 82/24/2815 81:16 6172546355 PAGE 11/23. I DEPAR OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENT MEDICARE 81 MEDICAID SERVICES OMB NO x1 AND PLAN donnECTIoN IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: ?gxf?za CONSTRUCTION I I I A 3. 220110 B. WING . 01I2012015 I NAME oxowosn on SUPPLIER STREETADDRESS. CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE anteH Atop HOSPITAL 75 ?was STREET 1. MA 92115 out) to i SUMMARY STATEMENT or DEFEGIENCIES In Pnovroan's PLAN on CORRECTION 1st i FREFIX I (EACH DEFICIENCY MusT BE av FULL 5 TAG I REGULATORY on IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) Whig? oomg?gm DEFICIENCY131 continued From page 2 A131 Iton did not Indicate the Heatth Care Proxy was aftIVatsd by the attending physician as required b4 Hospital policy. T. $urveyor interviewed the Medical Director of . 'lt?ledlcal Intensive Care Unit (MICU) at 1:00 . on 1/14/15. The Medical Director oI the said that the Attending Physician Is I .uired to enter a note into the Progress Notes I 7 a Health Care Proxy Is activated. i . A 347 4 [22(bm)? (3) MEDICAL STAFF A 347 Hospital GUIdeItne for Preventlon of GANIZATION ACCOUNTABILITY Intravascular Catheter Related Infection BWH's ?Guidelines for Prevention of medical staff must be well organized and Intravascular Catheter-related Infections" is a' bountable to the governing body for the quality available on the awn Infection Control medical care provided to the patients. Department intranet website and is based I on 2011 recommendations. The medical staff must be organized In a I nher approved by the governing body. After review of the current policy, the guideline was amended to note that clinical i. - . I judgment is needed to weigh the potential. cdmmittee must be doctom of medicine or speCIfIc patlent situations. We have reVIsed ogreopathyi the wordIng of this gu:delme to better reflect this. The updated guideline was approved (ib responsibil?y for organization and by the Infection Control Department on tiiduct of the medical staff must be assigned 3/4/2015- On 3/9/15. the Infection Control I of? in one of the following: posted the updated guideline on the ?1 An Individual of medicine or Infection Control Website on and shared 0 iegpathY- this with patient #4 unit's Nursing Director. 1 dOCtor 0f denfal surgery or dental The Infection Control Inpatient meme' when permt?ed by State 'aw 0f the Environmental Rounds Monitoring tool has 8 t? In which the hospital Is located. - . A doctor of podiatric medicine, when been Updated to re?w education' mmed by Slate law of the State in which the observation and documentation. edital is located. FORM lined) Previous Versions Obsolete Event ID: 0T521t Facility ID: 2341 If continuation shoe?Page 3 of 15 i 62/24/2815 81:16 6172646366 PAGE 12/23 02M 3/201 NT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FOR APPROVEU CENTER Iron MEDICARE a SERVICES 0 a N0 0930-0391 STATEMEN 0 XI) PROVIDERISUPPLIERJCIJA X2 MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION xa DATE 5 AND PLAN or: I NUMBER: ?1 ?1?me t: I . 220110 a. WING 0110012015 NAME OF PREEWER on sunnuen STREET ADDRESS. CITY. STATE. coca .- 75 STREET BRIGH . I in women's HOSPITAL g) BOSTON, MA. 02115 iD SUMMARY STATEMENT OF In I PLAN OF CORRECTION (EACH DEFICIENCY MUST BE PREOEDED BY FULL (EACH CORRECTNE ACTION SHOULD BE COMPLETION TAG REGUWORY 0R LSC TAG CROSS-REFERENCE TO THE APPROPRIATE ME I DEFICIENCY) all For awareness and sustainability of this A 347 ?nF?nued From page a A 347 education, the section wiil be reviewed SISTANDARD ?3 net met 35" eVldenced by: annually during infection Control rounds with on record review and intewiew, the patient #4 unit Nursing staff and a report of spite! failed to ensure that the Medical Staff compliance Wm be provided to the patient #4 I red to the Hospital's Guidelines for the .t D. reiniion of lntravascuiar Catheter Related Um wise 'rec 0" tions for one of ten sampled patients (Patient me Assessment and Dressmg Change The Pavilion nursing staff will have PICC Line care included in their annual competency Fittings inciude: training. . he Hospital's infection Control Policy titted idolines for Prevention of inbavascular meter Related Infections. approved 10/12/11. lc'ated that a Perlpherally Inserted Central tHeter (a is an intravenous access that it be used for a prolonged period of time) was beirsrnoved if there was clinical evidence of a .thi?ter infection. Nurses Notes dated. 10/7/14 at 5:00 AM, idated Patient #4 experienced rigors (a sudden eiitig of cold with shivering) and malaise (a diticn of genera: bodily weakness). interdisciplinary Progress Note; dated 7?14 and signed by Patient #4's Attending stician, Indicated Patient #4 had an increase in I ta blood coils (War: a) from 7000 to 11,000 primal is 4500 to 10.000; an increase may ?io'ate infection) and reported chills. The egding Physician Note indicated a concern for line infection and that the PICC line Would eiy'need to come out. Physician Orders, at 8:15 AM. on 10/7/14. .icetsd (an antibiotic) 1000 illd?rams (mg) to be administered every twelve 013(in duration indicated in the order) for dirt The medication administration record FORM OMS-2E shit 595%) Previous Versions Obsolete Event iDIO?r5Zii Facility ID: 2341 If continuation shes Page 4 of 15 i . 82/24/2815 61:16 6172646366 I PAGE 13/23 newer ?an OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PR?dggii ??i??iWS centre MEDICAQSERVICES OMB no 09380391 (X1) PROVEDERISUPPLIEWCLIA MULTIPLE. CONSTRUCTION (X3) SURVEY AND PLAN IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: A. CON PLETED 229110 B. Mi?oizmo NAME OF OR STREET ADDRESS. CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE 75 FRANCIS STREET BOSTON. MA 02135 BRIGHA women's HOSPITAL K4) in . summnv STATEMENT OF oencenctse io PLAN or CORRECTEON (K5) nest): MUST BE PRECEDED ev FULL PREFIX (EACH CORRECTNE SHOULD BE . COMPLETION TAG RIEGULATORY 0R L80 TAG onoes-nenenenoeo ro we APPROPRIATE DATE DEFICIENCY) :nlinued From page 4 A 347 i tied 1000 mg was administered etientirzi beginning at 8:48 AM. on 10/7/14. 1L @hyeloien Progress Note. dated 10/8/14 at ?20 .10., indicated Palient#4 had a temperature .8 degrees Fahrenheit (normal is 97.8 to 99 A 347 {2 1:100) donned) and had a low blood pressure. gurveyor interviewed Hospital Physician #1 :50 AM. on 1/20/15. Hospital Physician #1 i ., faiientws PICC line was not discontinued. . ital Physician #1 said he believed there was ,2 i din discussion about asking for an infectious . ebee consult, but Hospital Physician #1 did not; .i .9 this happened. Hospital Physician #1 said ed decided that Patient #4'3 of - dllion were related to the series of injections file/her knees. ?i din #4?5 medical record entries from 10/7/14 align 10/25/14 did not indicate the knee 2 "one as a possible cause for the Willa. malaise. fever or increase in W80 1 FE '.eeouler Catheter Related infections, a item with a PICC line and clinical signs of 549- rigors. malaise. temperature and Voted would require careful jel?ement of the insertion site for erytherna 111,588). induretion (swelling) or purulenoe lit flaneperent dressing were to be changed T'days or when the dressing became eehed or soiledPICC line dressmg FORM OMS-atoll Previous Versions Dbaolete Event 10:01'6211 Fadiini $12341 if continuation 5 of 15 i gametes Notes, dated 10/8/14. indicated 5 I. ll .. i i-i' 62/24/2615 61:16 6172646366 PAGE 14/ 23 cement/gut or: HEALTH AND HUMAN 102? 13? 2?15 Sifgg?fd l?ilgiilSCARE (it; OMB Mi; 99138-0391 y. 1) X2 MULT AND PLAN or: die?mention IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: L. gummy; CONSTRUCTION ?3?83 31%? .. i . 220110 9- WM 01 012015 NAME OF meridian-?on srneer CITY. STATE, ZIP cons women's 75 FRANCE STREET i .4. aosron. MA 02115 pm, to SUMMARY STATEMENT OF in PLAN orc ns max I (EACH MUST BE PRECEDED av FULL PREFIX connecrive as con?gnow TAG .1 REGULATORY 0R Lee IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) TAG CROSS-REFERENCED To THE APPROPRIATE DATE i DEFICIENCY) A 347. tinned From page 5 A 347 nge. The Nurses Notes indicated. Patientiitti the dressing change and no evidence hiin'eeition site assessment was present in - leht-4's medical record through 10/25/14. i 'thysician Orders, dated 10/7/14 at 6:15 indicated Patient #4'5 PICC line dressing to be changed by Registered Nurse #7 and 7' ok to go longer than seven days.? This eohtradlctory to the catheter dressing n, policy and accepted standards of care. urveyor interviewed Registered Nurse #7 at . .M. on 1/14/15. Registered Nurse #7 was in the Physician Order dated 10/8/14 as tgg?iegistered Nurse that Patientit?ii would allow t. l'Ehange hie/her PICC line dressing. Registered . Ni 'se #7 said Pattenti?M was ?xated on ething happening to the P100 line and would i . re?ilow just any Registered Nurse to change the 3 ing. A405 4- (0X2) ADMINISTRATION I A405 Sad-Administered Medications . to The Private Duty Nurse Policy was updated bl I - on 3/4/15 to ensure all staff understands the (- 98 an . ogicals mus? be prepared and role of the private duty nurse. Speci?cally, the a . II ?ared In accordance w'm Federal and amended policy states that "care is limited to . tailaws. the orders of the practitioner ?ctitloners responsible for the patients care as the ?0?43? 9f aCt'V't'eS of da'ly wager?: 3. . Urged under ?8212(0). and accepted companionship measures only. At all times 1 3' ?(jaws of practice. there wiil be a Brigham and Women's Hospitai .5 Registered Nurse assigned responsibility for hugs and biologicals may be prepared and the care of the patient." Private Duty Nurses 3 gm Istered on the orders of other practitioners wiil not be permitted to administer medications It specified under only if to patients. This includes orai medications and qw?monem are acung accordance With Siam intravenous medications. is .. lhcludlng scope of practice laws. hospital i tales. and medical staff bylaws. ruiee, and re stations. 9 ii. Fonlvl OMS-26 67.3! 551%? Previous Versions Obsolete Event ID: 075211 Faculty it): 2341 If continuation sha?iPege 32/24/2815 81:16 5172646366 PAGE .15/23 I 0313;2015' I i .. Nil" OF HEALTH AND HUMAN ssnwoss . .. . . PPROVED .. .. . MEDICAID SERVICES OMB 0933 STAT t. testers screenings ?its 3' - ?2 35.4 220110 a.unNo NAME or stationed on SUPPLIER STREET ADDRESS. oIrv. srn?rc. cops . . . 75 STREET BRIGHAM WOMEN HOSPITAL MA 02115 (X4) ID SUMMARY STATEMENT OF DEFICIENCIES I0 PROVIDERS PLAN or (X5) I 1 CH DEFICIENCY MUST BE PRECEDEE) BY FULL PREFIX (EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION SHOULD DE . TAG i REGULATORY on TAG T0 THEAPPROPRMTE DATE i A DEFICIENCY) . . - Likewise, Private Duty Nurses will not be A 405 itgnuw From page 6 A 405 permitted to perform other professional nursing duties inciuding flushing of an (a and biOiOQlcaif-i tie intravenous line. The policy was reviewed 3% 'Stemd 0" under 0f: numan I with the Nurse Director group following the yd ggtgaigsvf:g?giveai?gmanc? wl'tzfmera; revision. The Pavilion Nurse Director group 3 It . I Inc will review the amended poiicy with staff .lia?lable licensing requirements, and . . . a- dance with the approved medica' Staff urlng an upcoming staff meetlng on 3/11/15. Fl lb? :5 and procedures' The IndtVIduai nurse that took off the order to permit the patient?s prIvate duty nurse to - administer medications was counseled on the 3" TANDARD is not met as evidenced by; Private Duty Nurse Policy on 3/4/15. IS ti on record review and staff interview. for The Pavilion Nurse Director will aiso review Ci ?Lt ten sampled patients (Patienti?i). the the Self-Administered Medication policy with . jpttai failed to ensure that norsing staff staff on 3/11/15. included In the discussion :Li 9?1th {0 12/19/14 that Patient will be appropriate documentation of the I 9min? da'Ey madicat'ons were . medications. including documenting the and 2) reponed to nursmg medications were self-administered by the [romp that personai private staff were patient nursing by accessing a peripherally tied central catheter (PICC). - . i? do include: illospital?s policies and procedures related to r. ,i 9 Medication Administration indicated that ?mgistered nurse, licensed practical nurse :dent nurse will administer medications to EU a safe medication administration practices. pital petioles and procedures related to Self-Administration of Medications pitted that the physician will write an order for at. {stir-grit to store medication at the bedside and the medication. The policy i, 9,4th the nurse will assess the patients ability t. stirredminlster the ordered medications and ?rse will record the medication as ?l capital poiioy and procedure titled Private 5 roam it! ltitrvaousVermont Obsoiete Event Facility ID: 2341 ifcontlnuatlcn ?n??bage 7 of 15? 62/24/2815 81:16 6172646366 PAGE 16/23 . or: HEALTH AND HUMAN ?wag target's CENTER a MEDICARE MEDICAID SERVICES ones: '09 avossr .iciENCIes 0(1) (X2) MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION Ixai' SURVEY AND PLAN or . sonar: IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: LETED I A. BUILDING I A 220110 s. was :03" 5,2015 NAME OF SUPPLIER STREET CITY. STATE. cone -. I 75 FRANCIS STREET BRIGHAMWI. WOMEN HOSPITAL 3031.0"! MA 02115 A 1 (x4; Io j; SUMMARY STATEMENT OF ID PLAN or CORRECTION i - pm; i were .- I CH war as PREGEDED BY FULL peer-"Ix (EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION sacrum BE i TAG 3 REGULATORY on TAG To THEAPPROPRIATE . MW DEFICIENCY) I i a II 5 A405 pinned From page 7 A405 5 ?tter/sing Personnel indicated that private 1 i - jersonnel may assist in the care of patients as cars is limited to the provisions of - '1 . i I titties of daily living and companionship sills/tee. EFL-hysioian Order. dated 6/7/14 at 3:53 PM. i a ?ted that it was okay for the medications to . i Eministered by Patient #4'3 personal staff trig to their schedule. The Order was i to Hospital policy and procedure f- [so private duty nurses may not administer tions to patients. The/Physician's Order I gili?ensorlbed by a hospital registered nurse. - hysician Order. dated 6/9/14 at 5:37 P.M.. tilled that Patient #4 may self-administer b: the i'nedications, but all controlled substances I i Milt/e administered by Hospital nurses. . .. tirveyor interviewed Registered Nurse #1 at .1 on 1/13/15. Registered Nurse #1 said 3 a ient#4's personal staff identified .- elves as nurses. .. uweyor interviewed Registered Nurse #3 at ,3 QAM. on 1/13/15. Registered Nurse #3 said gents/4's personal staff identified themselves dress. Registered Nurse #3 said that Patient - . [personal staff administered oral, 2% medications- Registered Nurse #3 ,l at Patientnut's personal staff would then "her a piece of paper with the date and time . dirt #4 took his/her routine daily medioations. 5 tiered Nurse #3 said she would then enter into Patient #4's electronic I il-zttion administration record 5bweyor Interviewed Registered Nurse #.Ltl roam Sip/Previous Versions Obsolete Event ID: 015211 Facility ID: 2341 It continuation I I NAME 6172646366 I OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES MEDICARE a. MEDICAID SERVICES PAGE 17/23 dIsNCIas TION I (X1) PROVIDERISUPPLIERICLIA IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 220110 (X2) MULTEPLE CONSTRUCTION A. BUILDING B. WING I. .1 SUPPLIER .. fut/omens HOSPITAL STREET ADDRESS. CITY. STATE. ZEP CODE 75 FRANCIS STREET BOSTON, MA 02115 (X4SUMMARY STATEMENT or DEFICIENCIES UH DEFICIENCY MUST BE PRECEDED BY FULL I3 OR IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) ID PREFIX TAG PLAN OF CORRECTION i 'j i (EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION SHOULD BE TO THE APPROPRIAT DEFICIENCV) .I - I - his goArIt A 405 i .M. on 1/14/15. Registered Nurse #4 said Itier witnessed Patient #4 taking his routine 'Ons, Registered Nurse #4 said Patient that Indicated the date and time gslher medications. Registered is would then enter the adminis eonal staff provided her with a piece of Patient #4 Nurse #4 lration into .23? tvsyor interviewed Registered Nurse #5 at livid. on 1/15/15. Registered Nurse #5 said . personal staff told her when Patient gr: etion into Patient #4saw Patient #4 take his/her lived routine medications. Registered . #5 said she would then enter the I, iL?I?veyor interviewed Registered Nurse #6 at - RM. on 1/20/15. Registered Nurse #6 said rou?ne dications. Registered Nurse #8 said 's personal staff would give Patient #4 I outine daily medications. Registered I said Patient #4'5 persona! staff told her attent #4 received his/her medications and ?red Nurse #6 would enter the information MAR. tin review of dated 6/6/14 to i" Fifi, indicated Registered Nurse ared Nurse #5 and Registered Nurse #6 d: a ired Nurse Registered Nurse dated that they administered routine daliy Iions to Patient#4. The did not Id the medications were self-administered ,Exielnt #4 or his/her personal staff. if aged Nurse #1 said Patient#4's hed Petientir?zi?s PICC following fertlanyl persona! sttratlon by Hospital registered nursesFORM Clue-ass: (D a. I Versions Obsolete Event ID: 0115211 FadIlty ID: 2341 it: if continuation tiff. I I I i. . 61:16 6172646366 [18/23l M. 1? i i DEPART a: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES . .7 '??fpg?ffgg - CENTE s? 6 a MEDICAID SERVICES - emails?! 9 ?039:1 (x1) (x2) MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION ?alibi?. stain?y 1 AND :dmoN NUMBER: ABUILDWG . 221110 awn/e Tots NAME OF =11 1p aloe SUPPLIER STREETADDRESS. CITY. STATE. ZIP cone - i: 1 75 FRANCIS STREET i 1. BRIGHA ?tell/l!le HOSPITAL BOSTON, MA 02115 3 i J. (x4) .9 - SUMMARY STATEMENT OF DEFICIENCJES Io PROVIDERS PLAN or CORRECTION i; :3 . 31x5) PREFIK DEFICIENCY MUST BE PRECEDED BY FULL (EACH CORRECTIVE SHOULD BE . ., pot/irrenoNI 1 TAG . LATORY OR TAG CROSS-REFERENCED To THE WE 1 . I DEFICIENCY) 5.4 x? A405 't died From page 9 A405 I - I i i "1 Lira/:1 Nurse #3 said she observed Patient :i t; i staff flushing Patient #4?5 PICC. II 5. dread Nurse #4 said Petlent #4'5 personal . :3 ?shed Petiont#4's PICC. Registered #4 said she never provided the flush i. {ion to the personal staff because the I I I . gt?! staff had their own supplytveyor interviewed Hospital Physician #1 I g: i .1115 km. on 1/21/15. Physician #1 said he 1 I Ilent #4's personal staff tit/sh Patient #4'5 11?- i 1, . . ILIl'i/eyor interviewed Nursing Director1/12/15. Nurse Director#1 said - i. i I not think she reported to executive leadership that nursing staff were i medications administered by Patient j; Jeonal staff or that Patient #4?s private 3 i3 Ere accessing Patientr?i?s jut/lever interviewed Associate Chief Nurse I 1:11:00 AM. on 1/13/15. Associate Chief #1 said Patient #4'5 visitors, guests and I 1 staff were not authorized to practice i- ?lln the Hospital. i; I i . eyor interviewed Associate Chief Nurse .. i. :30 AM. on 1/14/15. Associate Chief ii . I i, said she was not aware the Hospital staff were documenting the ration of Patient #4?s routine daily 3 'i . i ions based on information provided by if it i $1.31; '3 personal staff orthat Patient #4?s i istaft were accessing Patient #4'3 PICC. 5 'i A 502 gee/Irma) SECURE STORAGE A 5025 t? i i. . I 2 item FORM Girls-zest 'ht?ttwiousVereiontiObaolote Event Facility?): 2341 lfoontinuatlon slit/?315182/24/2015 81:15 5172545355 PAGE DEPARFII I 33F HEALTH AND HUMAN tee/fem CENTE I 8t MEDICAID SERVICES I (X1) (sz MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION i AND PLAN (31 TION NumeER; AI BUILDWG I I A 220m: B. WING NAME 0F 9 OR SUPPLIER STREET ADDRESS. CITY. STATESTREET BOSTON. MA 02115 - . (x4) lD SUMMARY STATEMENT or PLAN OF CORRECTION Di?t MUST BE FRECEOED BY FULL PREFIX (EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION 8HOULD ee TAG 0R Leo IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) TAG CROSS-REFERENCE TO THE APPROPRIATI II .9 II DEFICIENCY) Ii; 33 - I Medication Security ?iI it 1 i A502 I I med From page 10 A 502 The Pavilion Units (160 and 16D) have I I I I i purchased lockabie drawers for the unit. I dB and biologicele must be kept in a secure top drawer has a punch code lock for patieth Id locked when appropriate. medications. These are in placeevidenced by: it? - it on interview and record reviewfailed to ensure that medications for It . I . if I I?ninlstietion were kept secure in a patient i: I: 5 ti tie required by Hospital poticiee and I three, for one often sampled patients 2- I i I Iii-?include: - :fii tiers poiiciee and procedures related to I edicatlon Administration and Patient .gIIgi .I .- of Medications indicated the .f I I I lone ordered for self-administration will be i 55,- I iookeble storage container ever interviewed Registered Nurse #1 at ;Ej .on 1/13/15. Registered Nurse #1 said I iti- I 'e routine medications were not kept in Si '35 I piece in room. 1: 3? 1? - I Iii" a I eyor interviewed Registered Nurse #Iii/l. on 1/13/15. Registered Nurse #3 said i; i -tf 'e routine medioetiene were kept in 33 I '3 room and Patientt?i took his/her own. 5; j; . f. It forte. Registered Nurse #3 said she had I - '2 to do with the medications ordered for i; i; 3E II Inistretion. ii I I i eyor interviewed Registered Nurse #1/15/15. Registered Nurse #5 said Ir? - I I I 'not know where in Petientt?i's room ii; 5 I :routine daily medications were kept. El: i FORM Q: I-evious Versions Obsolete EVEN. ED: 0T5211 Facility 2341 {f continuation 3: . I :l i: 3 92/24/2016 61:16 6172646366 PAGE 26/26 it"s-2: - II DEPART HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTER I MEDICAID oust 938.0391 . smeusm I IENCIES (x1) 1x2) MULTIPLE cossmucnou . x3 URY: AND PLAN or NUMBER: AI BUILDING sfeo I: ll Ei . 220110 a. we I NAME PR SUPPLIER CITY. STATE. ZIP cooa ?2035f? . 7s RIGHAM HOSPITAL BOSTONI MA 02115 I I I i: i? SUMMARY A . g: 2' Sigh ILL pa'??nx i it mitten TAG OR L59 INFORMATION) TAG CROSS-REFERENCED TO THE mi": 2: I I - DEFICIENCY) I II 13 I: A 502 ,Ii'ILied From page 11 A 502 I . I fate Chief Nurse #1 was interviewed at i: I 1 I rim. on 1/14/15. Associate Chief Nurse #1 I ii I bedside tables on Patient #4'3 nursing it I a. I ike the bedside tables on the other i: 1 Units. did not contain a drawer with a lock . i I II E: medications ordered for Si Iii-i i 5 A 7:49 - am) INFECTION CONTROL A 749 Infection Control Practices for Precautions I i and Respiratory Protection i I i OtiOl?l control of?cer or officers must Respirator Fit Testing of Staff i 5i a System for identifyingr reporting. An interdisciplinaryIteam including memberig'f'ii ii i Idaiing' an? continuing infections and of Infection Control, Environmental Affairs, ii i I It gable (Masses of patients and I Nursing and Occupational Heanh Departments have been working together tciI I develop and oversee a staff Fit Testing Ii ?4 ANDARD is not met as evidenced by: progr?m' The team is engaged in the {ii i . I record review and interview? for 6 of6 followmg aspects of the program: I I employees (Registered Nurse MI - Review of staff categories most Eikely to I I I 9 and Hospital the Hospnal care for a patient on airborne precautions i 5 i i ensure that staff consistently adhered to 1 Establish an education program to i; i i . practices including Hospital disseminate information to all staff on hospiiai-i i . I for ?9?93?th and respiratory policy. requiring all caregivers providing II. qt FeqUirementS- I. under Airborne Precautions must complete?ijaif?ii 5 . I respiratow medical screening with 't 5 $159 momde' Occupationai Health Service and use a I I I ?i Hospital policy titled Contact Precautlon powered air reSpirator (PAPR) or a ?t tesieii . .eet, dated 8/2013. indicated multi-drug ?95 mask . .I I 1: organisms required Contact - Develop a staff communIcatIon plan to: I - [ons_ The Hospital pansy indicated Clean 1. Remind staff that each staff member mu I ile isolation gowns must be worn Upon have undergone fit testing within the prior i the room of a patient who is on Contact year to wear 3 N95 mask ?ons. I 2. Remind staff to request a PAPR if caring, I i fo;r an airborne precaution patient and to Ii I 5 Progress Now: dated I611 0/14: I request Just~ n~Time if needed I i tie/Sh? was diagnosed With ?5 mUiti'dwg 3. Communicate to staff how to request Jl Iiit; i I I I and placed on Contact Iestin it . I FORM Revlousvaralona Obsolete Evant ID10T6211 Facility Io:2341 "continuation 8 ?gigs 11531} 7i i 1 . I iilit62/24/2815 81216 6172646366 tit it OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PAGE 21/23 ?it? PRIN- - dam/20:16 "f DEPART CFNTER EDICARE 8t MEDICAID SERVIC 0 ?8 taaoset ENOIES (x1) x2 MULTIPLE CONSTRUCT it AND PLAN OF NUMBER220110 e. WING I JAMS ii NAME OF PR ji :iR OR SUPPLIER STREET ADDRESS. CITY, STATE. ZIP CODE i BRIGHAM ft omens HOSPITAL 7?5 FRANCE STREET 2 ii I '5 I is BOSTON, MA 02115 I . (X4) to i? SUMMARY STATEMENT or panoramas i . I it PREFIX 3- Im DEFECIENQY MUST BE PREGEDED av FULL ?RlEf-?lx . Ichg?ndh TAG . - CROSS-REFERENCE TO THE ,3 DATE Improve access to database reports to - '3 I gd From page 12 A 749 Administrators, Directors, Managers, and It} It i: u' Iona Nurse-ln?Charge will have access to active 2? :33 ,i I list of staff that medicaily cleared and fit- i ii I eyor Interwewed Nurse Director #1 at tested :ii?I I . :1 ?rfg?gstilg Use of Personal Protective EQUipment nt#4 as If he/she was ctirty. Nurse '?ticimg a Pat'e?? i i - 1.0 #1 said etaftr were expected to adhere to Th IS . ,gin-Q I i i of personal protective equipment. {e Defin?nznt I Inranewe Ste asaormenie ?onac;'? i eyor interviewed Registered Nurse #3 at Precautions Fact Sheet"- The fact Sheet I 1 .M. on 1/13/15. Registered Nurse #3 said guides Staff 0? the I?dication for Contact i a 5 I it not wear personal protective equipment Precautions, the type of patient room needtid i i tering Patient #tt's room because Patient and the disease types for isolation, and 31,? '1 . -, sted that it not be worn. Registered states that all staff ?must use hand hygienei SaId she dId "0t Obsewe Other gowns, and gloves in order to enter the Hi I 0 rs usln arsenal t' i I . 90 we eqummen patient room and remove such before leavi It; 4: i or a tent . the room? as indicated under the section eyor interviewed Registered Nurse #4 at Firm?? Prf?eft'v?? E??pg?j?anifms I 7 a . on 1/14/15. Registered Nurse #4 said ormafon '8 a $0 Inc an?? OII ii I was adamant about Staff not using Precautions available on the BWH infectio 1i i gowns, Registered Nurse #4 said She Control website. in addition, Infection ConI .tg iI t- veer isolation gowns when caring for staff 8'30 use a "?agging" System When IE it I t' . patients are reported to the department as it 33;- II I i having an MDRO. Any staff member Ii a Lt eyor Interviewed Begistered Nurse #7 at accessing a ??agged? patient?s medical - ?MC/fps- EeQISIe?red Nurse #7 sald record will see a red in LMR or a Dialogu Wet: PBf?Pheraliy ch Indicating the patient is on Contact Ilii' . I i I CentraI Cameter (a PICC '8 an precautions for MRSA VRE or a resistant I tous access that can be used for a t. I 'd_period of time) dressing and was not ?age we ac ena' I a I . anent #4 wag on Contact Precautions. This serves as another alert to staff that the 2' - red Nurse #7 said she did not remember patient should be maintained on contact i? - a age Indicating precautions and she did precautions. Nurses are also asked to i i] Ft an isolation gown when caring for provide isolation precaution educationat Hit} 1 'i - materials to patient and familyeyor interviewed Physician #1 at 7:20 i I . 31 1/20/15. Physician #1 said he visited FORM anteater tater/iousvtarsicna Obsolete Event lDilJl?SZt?l Facility "3:23:11 ctii?fti' 'gei ts ofiil? ii f:IIl i?I'Iisl . 82/24/2615 61:15 5172646356 RAGE 22/HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTE MEDICARE MEDICAID SERVICES one? std-0391 53st? ENGIES (X1) x2 MULTIPLE consmuc?nos "i - I AND PLAN (IF 33% ?trorv IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: SUILDING :220110 8- WING Mat-5. NAMEIOF on SUPPLIER CITY. STATE. ZIP cone I 1' . I ..-I i ., .1 HOSPITAL 75 FRANCE STREET STATEMENT 01" DEFICIENGIES ID PROVIDERS PLAN OF CORRECTION 'i W, 'f DEFICIENCY MUST BE PRECEDED BY FULL PREFIX (EACH CORRECTIVE ACTION SHOULD BE 1?0 TAG ;l We UIATORY 0R IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) TAG- CROSS-REFERENCE TO THE APPROPRIAT 1 DEFICIENCY) I i I The Pavition unit staff nurses, PCAs, unit A 749 From page 13 A749 coordinator, and operations manager have i' . ?Ye to seven times weekly. physician been reminded of the guidefines, manuals 1' i i re?t? 11.9 1101 wear an isolation gown and poticies located on the Infection Contro 3 Patient#4 found it offensive. website. Physician #1 was aiso directed to I . i the infection Control website. In particuiar. I 91/0: Intf?wlewed the Infequ they have been reminded of the availability: If - 3' to momtor Pa't'em #4 3 of Infection Control staff as a resource to . I 3 PM. on 1/14/15. The Infection . . . . . . . I, L: . . aSSIst them If dIffIcult Situations should arIs and She had no know'ec?ge Of re ardin adherence to ractices im ortant I i . I ?if. iprotectlve equipment not being used the Hospital poncy and Staff had not 0 In so Ion preven Ion. eclron ?ung had her about Patient re?educated staff on appropriate PPE I I selection. Their understanding and eyor interviewed Nurse Director #1 at compliance of these guidelines had recently . .Wl. on 1112/15. The Nurse Director said been assessed during Infection Control I . traveled with a private cook, a personal Environment of Care Rounds performed .. i i - . rift, F. 171: aPPlemately SIX (3) attendant staff 1/23/2015. Infection Control will continue tI 1? 3 i ?31,111 a The Nurse assess staff understanding and compliance? i 12:11:13.3 .3101 Patten!? 5 51311 were I annualty and report back to the Nursing i' i I 1.. nee of PatrentMs for his/her six (6) D?ectorofme Unit. i dspitairzatlon. The Nurse Director #1 said I . i I . referred to his/her personal staff as i I a Ind the staff would participate in the direct -eyor intervrewed Registered Nurse #.on 1/13/15. Registered Nurse #1 said i . a '5 personal staff would assist with ,i -. 15 51'? 199-01 daily living care. [it . LT eyor interviewed Registered Nurse #3 at I I Lb. on 1/13/15. Registered Nurse #3 said 3 i I . risk: II's personal staff provided all of Patient l? 9 Imoluding routine medication I ation. . I: eyor interviewed the infection Prevention . -E seplIaIEpIdemiologist, Infectious ll Infection Preventionists and . I Health Director) at 1:.1133. 1 - I1 .QRM amazes? i-j .-. out: Versions Obsolete Event Facility ID: 2341 If 51111?l I 111111?"3:3: I: It 3i", f' .I E. ?11 'i 82/24/ 2615 81:18 6172645356 2-3/2? - 2(13I2?l 5 DEPAR 3 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - PREV .3 EDICARE A MEDICAID SERVICES dual 3th swemem ENGIES (x1) (x2) MULTEPLE CONSTRUCTION (er ?uhyev'll AND PLAN cl .i-Ege TION NUMBER: A BUILDM terse 220110 9' WING adults I NAME OF SUPPLIER smear ADDRESS. STATE. ZIP cone l. - - {may 75 FRANCIS smear I 02115 i i i! i (mm i UMMARYSTATEMENTOF ID PLAN oecoeaecuou ill (er gt? MUST BE PREGEDED oy FULL PREFIX ACTION SHOULD BE <0 me i I TORY TAG From page 14 A 749 I 31' 'The Hospltal Epidemiologlsteeld the l; i 13" M: I did not have any policies or procedures ii I Iii-=3? greletlng to infection control or II i 1 1m? ;_Iatlon that addressed these personal I g; . i l" 3; 5:15? i? 4 Occupational Health Dlreotor said the . I 5! _l polloy follows the requirements for I i! 'i testing of Hospital staff who wear an I a ll tight-fitting facepieoe reapiretor). j? till - . 1 eyor interviewed Registered Nurse #8 l? - fl, it; y't approximately 11 :00 AM. on 1/1511 5. ii . livl'fjft?f; :ed Nurses #8 and #9 said they Could i i t: a patient requiring them to use an 5 .eyor reviewed the health files of i it?? 'd Nurse #8 and'#9 on 1/20/15. Nurse #8 and who said they would E. i immediately don an N-QS particulate ii 3 as needed, did not undergo fit testing I .l 00 and not annually as required the i] El 5 .: . Poticyu?w? . I I i .k lvl. - l, - . . Foam sweet Event if continuation mum - . . . ?BI/low Versions Obsolete Facility ID: 2341