Given at Victoria, Seychelles on this 10 day of November 2014 Republic of Seychelles INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 1994 (Act 24 of 1994) Certi?cate of Good Standing PANGATES INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION LIMITED Company Number 102534 Continued On: 24th January 2012 This is to certify that: The above company has been duly continued under the International Business Companies Act, 1994. The name of the Company is still on the Register of the International Business Companies and the Company has paid all fees, license fees and penalties due and payable under the provisions of the International Business Companies Act, 1994. The Company has not submitted, to the Registrar, Articles of Merger or Consolidation that have not yet become effective. The Company has not submitted, to the Registrar, Articles of Arrangement that have not yet become effective. The Company is not in the process of being wound-up or dissolved. No proceedings have been instituted to strike the name of the company off? the said Register. In so far as is evidenced by the documents ?ied with the Registrar, the Company is in good legal standing. Randoif Samson (In cv'a/ 12': writ-as i clarify REGISTRAR OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIES