I i?Tl?? 4 .. ~igr London, England?gif 25' .tfgu I . SIS EUROPEAN DESK POUCH g]j? 9 yEWgDireoto FBI . 7 3 Si?i" j: -'Ra:f ERHARD-MOSSACK 2? vg?wze?ai?itt?g??ECUBTWV g: Q2 55f:;b% - }_There taChed for the information off?xe?f\fng? a cqpy of pecial Interrogation Report Lig? ?"?figo. Z?glon the abovgfsubject.c?> 3- bf _}This report was made availabie to me bx?%0_ e? Cf Same is not being retained in icf this o?fice. 53? - ?Mr - Very truly yours, A. Cimpermgn I 'f?f Legal Attach? Enclosure ?.Ls-mm??m? cmg?W-' . g3, - - . :35?369, .. 253W 277"" 151v w? 'm'om 516 3. 3* gamma: .- . ailege?: imam was gag-535510}: {of of names .connecte?, with-an .: a was . me shed; at il?iait lihefimaa. a meme-war Such an. organization;- -, References] {5 .2 (I .7 . Admities Af?e'? .V-Eevaar? Asyso?ia??ion Orga?izations? - i 2 gamma-ms . and - 5 i ,Eh? following do?um$nts were also sent-:n with the I ?7Firs?gAc?iQ? Eep?ftf SOHEERLIEG on Id ?Haif ??;ilThifd A?ti?n1Repor?"?y enfo?era?ipn Peter; I if?ur?h A?tib? Repp?? by :Fifthg ?qtiq?i??pg?? by Cpera?ion Petef,A??dj5 if? 5iis? bfaddr?ss?sif?b?g?r?limi??rf 1n?eri?gation bf gossAcK; i i?fi:g ?7 . - Prisoner_whilgrin Jail. g? -. .Q1:x? 47 I . 1 'th-1 querswerda3?;g* 7 I 5;}ffI. I, ?3 I 7 . Bug?ny;gslenderibut muscular? lipsi.firm expre fL: ?3 i ig3ij a EarstcALcE?c DISTIEGUISEIEG FEATURES: gpar;pnjrightg scar 9n left inaex finger?and under armgssioniri l~vnnq Hr s: - - 31549 . igV.-.an; 3ii?e??fd. 533350333? {hang - I-?cidi?pie-t?e .?nlyi'gnei page .. 9 papers; two tempqraryakg r. SOURCEQEPRISOEW, IEGLUDEEG gr'festea?jejMagsruefih 1:15;; amen Ho's Regibn BATE OF WITH I?m-80mg: ag??j?f =?V??ef?xe?cea? -- ?1 4' CARD-IBZDEX: Eegativg BRIEFS 1:90:31 :xHIchisoxm was Briefs; 3EAHES AND UHIT OF My Joh? fi1 A3D first E?f?sed ff i ?eb?mejc0opQrative,u ?q EvALukmxog OF Reliability not establish?dif??yf?g? fjb?ghpl?ing back informgtiog;?ncriminatinthim; i? i?a :ij fEi 7511* 55.7mmth I . 33 Life-11?; to mm . I - 3..y?g live with his.uncle Manfrg?kggl?gmuwg in_pgg_?gm_while f:?3:i Com?a?Yngaypren?ige?i 5? who-okmakerfwiath thje?;zeiss?koni cog" the: - - x?g,f?il939 Became member of?thej?itlerwJugend. "f {g H._f Egl9u0 Bet?rneth? GRUBEQERIKA and wank ta work IlseeBergbau.Goggyhereky_ his appirehicicg tescamivnafc'ion; -: Met 1121:5031 of . ti EJcGebi?tsfuehrer $13803ff_*f i ii Qiph? *?fiff the SS near there;? Here he renewea his a?quaintancefWEthf . 2 23313: 7 mm;- ixthe 00 .1 ?115511341 "-?i?tare3te ?iheft ., 7 . ??sbis;??u?8t??ng3 -- a ysGVisia?aly'sga?iag?igga?= . ?ABENDEAih?roduce?;him $0 hi? rei??iva53 A 7 The highest arer ,11y. ?l?V . [with the" ia?sext?sfthai . in being wa?te??lis?l?w?fim?ciu? .giaegiicl'aiim?s that .the-higheSt db m? x;_Q7f7 iwhiph;he serveaffir??fin Fra?ce ahdslatei in 2: .: .1 :19?n3rmer-hemg .istati r, I I ,l j: 7 .1Marche19HM.Trahsferre? tO'the SS Gab Div N9r?5an@ifgng?t5iniFi?lahg V??5~f retreatintho=Ebrw&YQ" - g. I, v?f 1 Sen-t .tc. the?ffester'nvFron?? andic?p?ture? 2, - is. {j 'Eii-.b; .??tiv1ties aftei December'19n5E . seven Other PUS MOSSACK stol? $F?9k3* f3 i jde': . ;@nd.escaged.fromga PW camp near Lb ?u?i?5145? . -tiVBs were surPrisedrby_a Fren?h l?'f while MOSSA @haerQMOfrhis?a does-not V97 kh87rest. .59 and his_friends Separated i and there he .aVe him the'a?dress of a_?13 :frigh?i 7i -j rau'AnnemaiiE?BUSSE, in in GLADBAGH near 13mm}. paig a5visi? to gga 71; ?9 U333, tb@_wife of a fellow.PW, ent3.' FUilngeC M5 to prod?eded employment.as a he re??ived a temporary Registrati9n*gard;753399? 3 Parents and.Wi?h ?hefvf {If family.- from whom he h?f?1n-GARCEIEG1nearagrg had'committe& sui?ide at surrender)g'rr . to the R?em?r 2-.2 {if-?QJAt the met . of.th? Ehup??chul?ngsamtqu;? ?g a and his ?aja HUEDEEOHL, whom-MOSSAcxyhaa already met at nierhof in - RI-TMGER .infomed-iffsmedt 3 Party) shel?er?deer?Q were of value t0 them, and thAtfhsiwa$ '2'q inSiSted,fhcw?ve ,hat ha I T: against 9- at the . pmo'rrui?ie? moment: "alapi "129-1? 9 - - 1.3 -: thatme; mainta' neg 'iu? (in?lswh y, - .- . Liam. mm hegihagd. 4 come omens 41th: Ith? "Swiss: :Ea?ty ?brcugh a Certain Aloi iss: Whom" he had-moi w;Enciaweim? he claimed he'd; .r 53 ,3 iarass.of aggro Imzmam in zpaic?g held an i?ai suggESted ?hat subjectl?nliS? the di 'bf . ihggi ~s--i-j*fc ?3?"721 .*71 Ukws'fa?k'i?m ?29, 3' nation: at a sizi9l'o?gc?; hid Quit? mil as. fr- ZT _'1Bl?e'chsteinlmusf110814" @on his ratminjgf REEVES-ER that. her.? husband? haci?le'fyt? ?6914; 311.3%? gag-"or [At Ttheia'sme'?timc, subjegtfreceivecl . Erika. van; asking him to com?? "on we, Rhine [for .3116; mpgt?ny, settle; inciluding; clungingi 4 [address from GLADEAGH ?00" 7 ffiicategofzdischaxge from the 5' gBritiSh MG Disbandment Unit 25111233395 lefit?for' the Rh?ineiland, firstifisp?ntif?'hme . {daysfin then. proceeded- ?tQ _w.7.1c~3re' he visited. Fr?uCGc-zrtruggw 3f ,2 wife ?of. former-[fellow .pri 3mg. NMme . ?19 former?E?J'; with whom hasto? IGLABBAOH where; heglived] withfa? @1415? had, workew togetherguifch?_' Ifje?ct' f.arm..7 Hcr?. he who invited - 4 s?ja?t? .thaxfefqz?e pro needed; ghefre'ce iVeci- ibis gapers a_~_fr_jif pf} the ferric?- ?Gagrp'tain Guenfoher- 110 him- Shiite [hi 3, i Subject tyrant-j. ?007791 01?; up . .- 'if?t?h?n re turried." :65. many to "he registered," since'xhe 'intendeci. toxemainf ,RdemerhOfg ?7 Organization?s .- - "-Zj ,T'agcertai? .3ri sg'thge TI 5(1th ftgir findjout??fx-or; whether ish? knew n95 ferming??awnew 4 - 3gl?iAmanIMiad6Lr_e sa?yigngihsi? any; ?rm: SS- ling; 2'1? 1710.333 'Emappen.ec??7 .1391. com: 3360} We: Edema-r11 halted atte?wicd? andll.MDS AGE in}hn underErO? a arganiza$7 q; 'he claimei ?byh?ld a :?yinSition.r as stateif?h?t he bed ?qr?et% . sharply acritipilz??- the ?client 19:51 29359?9 zasavie?a? wexnmentae+v hi ii?arShal OKQLOY xi, 9 is w. 1, GP??$Qi?liy into the.xw$stern ?733099u95t29n Zones: f9T93-W?ul?i3Y93?3511 b9? zyusedsifinaqessarya?v* Emfto:escapeg;y. 'iamonds??ox;h9?pin? 1 M-mw 7? v-v-w-m r-?v MW ?rTh? chief.05 the ?rganization ?yentrm??t of his tim? trav?llingi?e??eanv?rani6x and38Witzerlani; an??openatib?al_?? were in the Prensa ei?hC? ianREI &?d3to receive thgi?iassignm?nts at a'ccnter organized*and financed by th? was 'Lftravglling salesman; making cantacts and building up-his network of age?th Lfinformers. in Hu - 1 . an. furth?ris?atedlthat?therg was anothgf group; at pr?sen?]cqlla?: "?borating With SUVie?gsponSDred groups, but.whoso.ultimatc aim was . -1fE$s?ist rule in.Ermope once moreH LIVERPOOL, and'had numb? 0 had left their in 1938, - v'f?g HOSSACE a?cry kind of if hciagr??di?b?? him??hat?bo or one of his agentstould get in -3k;ng himself known by-tho FFriedrich.?er in hb-ih?cn?o?-tb join this '??ith the ultimate intentipnf and $3a?fpivi magi-laps; had this sole Eran and Eg?;?31?egara2" EDEN at thchafe Regina in Elasti??Vinicl?ndestinC'work at the prescnt time;. Frau BEETSTEITZ3 Who liy?a :g - fin REEL, at Efl SCEGEHFS house in EUEICE, 9- .z?igf? -KJT .staxed their i?teptipn Cf denauncingj?OSSA05 as m~fdrmer aman; andf ;ft?cgq_ .tocxfc; 35215 in doing-g] BU gag Aid off?eetingiherg?gsbanaf .1 Ems not tojknow;3f?i?a to. Hmalpzawifo?-inpssaonax i' -- 1 . . - ?yiclc subjeptIS?at?? that bh11927? a 3e5gxrh 35; T??r?s :83bf whom page Imply 0; SS aw 3 - 5- 7-15? with friends of. the GEES. 1mm: family? in and METIGEItoestayxwuhlANGLE. ong21'May;W SS 2 ~;;agd She stranger named . igjgp- 139- emissary from 1:331:03? maze-me. to the .Eoemerhef- ?Madri?ha?r group and were'seeking to be?omexpart?Qf?aglarg?r:n He himself 010.. he? "motormle-s mi: somamm mdtorcy?le. with? sitar-scar 1. On- the! way;- ?80??34i?3mmi several .o'fficers of the-minim .7 4: Baggage of ?53 many ??iWha? happened @nz at df??f??ot?dVin Anna? in the cour?e of?thsir acaeaintaneag sor?ERLr?a-tola facts about hi?self: Eb was born in'?olland and joine? the Dutchg?avy_a55773?j '7?;rhaVi?gfshown natives ha Hollanc't Just before ?Tbhe-"faisi; 'airl'vhe' met yifiTigthrough Hollanaifor th??SS: ?His Wife returne??to Germany 5 5i at te'nd?eaga' ss 8) Vania i?ihe'yIrhaii'?9?i?20'?' . it; i ?stating i'jo'ined. the in?ofrdger 3 toE-set- release?' maxi oni d? that Fwd, deserted, ?11116 1 Qn the 7?ng; g?bj?gt left ?he Fd?m?rhde?ndfr?gi$??r wi?? ?g?a??$hdri4 agties his i?ggntign to h? sv?nt . on 10-May 25035340 . ?nd Maja; mm "Tof-Maja, Frl3?en?tanzs with-whom they stayed for three ?ays} g0?315??8. A hey both went. up ,th the w, went_alone,to_visit the mother of an Eatbhianff? }f A?lffellow Fygu-Lydia? living.?t Camp wait? 1533, his met-ms. ?13713. ongr?xqorker; aa - former SS 1 [5 tubaf was; Summing him 13h? the 7119319575? - MOSSACIBS 'c'ontalcit'with?som'mmw .i f: and 1:6 meet at} 93:? [33?11mm and all three of them {Ir-0?79 OW hag-.mdabgenian in} the SS Div Viki?g,fa statement9.733; 1m of- the: Uai?fenl SS . and theLgcidii? rFront was so accuiate that it cou;if9313f?i I - gamma linsofar-as . thfey {semi with-13311 35:58.33 wm? ?gef?3?Y?f;Af$ 5'Wif?l? I?Si??n?g? . 'ap.??U??CHg and r?gognmedfby 'fcirm??r? siaj?; - . 'end had seeper at the Cafe Zur Post, between 2000 end 2100 hrs. Aftei_thetg'- they called on Frau RITTUEGER in to tell he obout to they Were introduced to "lflivine with 3 ?rived half an 11013.? Room, - MOSSACE entered through the heck door? in order} not" i'slept in the dining room. 1 4 - cycle and tookithe HUEICELEE EEBEEG Autobahn oo far as IEGOLSTABT, There they gij?x?t dtef paper eontadnimg the address of e?former Concentration Camp guard; seam-31w Item; where wished to ?col: upon a. friend. - was however, and they sew-only his Wife and a young girl when SOHMERLING-introdueedxf5f"h asam,? he had arranged to do DE KOET they little later phoned a friend E?j J;?rem a_peet office deer sortioe etetion where?the$ went to have tii? paired. M17230 at; sometimes 9 hie compenienfs wife VSee fOOtnote On tote 6? y*%95 The papers produeed by SOMMERLIEG included.e.Dutch.Peesport, eiUStgeeOline'jst -o_Ratien Gard, eQDriversegLieense, a Vehicle ?ermit and e-Regietratien At 1630 they stopped in etISELoAseeIo for twenty-minutes tom-1o." MOSSACK and Ma?a went to see because MOSSACK wished to get into if? toeeh.with her hustend; he here received two addresses in EREIBURGg'ateithe?rg?ifI was likely to When MOSSACK and ?aja had rejoined3wf535? (SCETERLING, they all proceeded to the Cafe Fischer in and here 3i request from HOSSACK, Showed his iaentificatidn outlined. to MOSSAGK his ?plans for incorporating his group to: larger underground organization, and MOSSACK then revealed his intention of ._Ff TJOinine OrgaHiZation in w; without mentioning, howevero' othat he intended to Act as an i?forment for 010? SOMHERLIKG and MOSSAGK decidedijiigf ?;te go to OFFEEBACE, where hrough.the offices of e.friend, was enoeure a travel permit to the French Zone for his cempenion,2nd from there'-i -?Vthey were to Prdceed to meet DE after that they planned IEEt'in touch With RITTWEGEEIS organization in FREIBURG, told 77 that he intended to visit relatiVe of RITTVEGER, working for; ~??f0r68tor i3 OFFEFBUEG near FREIBURG, in order to establish contact between - fthe PH and his family, Before lasting the cafe, MOSSACK introduced AREOLD, who was there tool.te 00~yr? oedemmeo and on ?three went to meow! apartment,? where MOSSACK peeked noisy-? 7 ?02belongings and_put on bleak tgoueers and boots. ".returned?to the safe to piek_ep ?aje, and while his companions went on to_ 'l - 3313301313. HOSSACK stepped in to see so}: do: about storing ftmniture_"__z 3ffor'Frau A few minutes later (according to MOSSACK, only fifteen;5 . minutes had elapsed had returned to the Cofo) returhed'_ ?elone to tick um after SOEMERLIEG had unsuccessfully attempted_ to ,ebtaingaeoline at re Ho, ?they pfoceeded in the directiOn of DOPFER, who was At 2130 his left for the Roemerhef, whore motor; i to be seen, and he did not leave Maja?s room until~0000 hrs, while At OMS hos on meow: ono sommueo left on the l?atter? oo?o received gasoline from the MG gas station, eed stopped for breakfast for half_? an hour. -HOSSACK claims that at.this time he saw his companion destroy a Slipl 1600 h?s_that afternoon, they entered a stall village not far ffemefo,d73?de55 flit-1 ; gj? my 1 my 31am?. Pas-mi. seism'mLIETG-tola; 02f. her" experiehces fat the Eiancejejs; {?1het hmsban?'that in his absence two Dutchmen had_called, whom she baa ?cl??f of,gnwalcomB;Callerso? made a;?elephone call-amd pai? a short-visit?td?CIC?g - 0nxthe way, 33011113861 0115360'115-331901'114" -gpanion three houses, that in one he-had tiresfand spare parts f1? I new claims that . K. . Elie} "latter? "whiz: G-Bimn; I'Igrie?'? ?id 159:1 9611', {Inxthe??burse Of the all the] af?rniture Sh??then]to1ani "ft1mt?her husban? had been arrested. -This -- Half'an'h?ur later smmiamm and left fox? where friend who worked.fcr HG was sup?ose?'to provide a ?r?V?l'i if? gpermit to the French Zone for _However, this left hing 7.hiaden, in another an assistant translated documents for him and in the third he?ihad a. short wave radio Agitation. Theysarr-ive? back at 30353133113793 1m 584% 7hisg?3offeeL Went to sleep after his host ha? informed him that he was expecting?_ zi?a Visit fromzn for GIG, MOSSACK Agent an? 3.911%: E: of-an"aukward situation. Action Reports :03? 'y'fo'f am . all: activities at 'the'? Boemhof. .. - 1Q has had a.very eitcnsive; but_sup?rficial politi?al e?u?a?ionwa?ii?f- ?'ifig ideology. A typical HE ?_?liygg_i? his woxld.of-Hazi slogans and is a'striking example of German?y0gth;jg; f.?iif?ccording tc.his awn statemEnts3 he was about to jdin clandestine *ffiorganizatipn; either of former Nazis now turned Communist - TEIHBDFEL) qr of ?;Q*uncOnverted Nazis clcaking themselves as Communists 'i-zphiotivein daring: this-?? ?itogwin the goo-:1 graces of the? US Authoritiw sh? ac?ngif- '3 3% informant for is opbn'to qupstion and may well sim?ly consti?ute a gfg?y mi) BECOr-EmmemIs: . glnterrogafoibn has been suSUc-mdecl --1fntil a. brief is submitted. ~f_regarding the many discrenancies.betweon the interrogation results and th? GIG con?inuo the :thi organizations:a?d Of the suspectsimentioned.in this S?o?ld-thd?e $?il?xb? ?ny doubt as to than anEAU'rrisbn 1 127355113; . Intermen?t' Camp . (aria: awn, gm?: i use'ipi?tribu?ibniIS?eciai5:? 51::iS-rather con?using.account of the events.1eading_up g0 I, "IaCQOnnt differing in almost every datail from the'story'told '?=?impossi hours; and denies ever having made. :ff33ito?1ibera?e?inmates-of yrison camp, ?j?neithef a Kanptmann'DOOE??inar a_man,named_BIES. I report, 4? zi? tpfha#e kaen parachuted in Germany by the British [ifw of trangg},? 52.5. miptal fit anyrof the condition??reported1y STEINHEIM an may ,?7707 MILITARY A903757 '5 f?fo?lbiv9?? - 3% ?7 - ANNEX I Overatioaneter,?dtd %'15 7 hie tp_check?on account without-first obtaipingf?n? Langwer fromeOMMEELING'xegar?ing some.of tbe?flagrant impro?abilitiesjan& an;;i3 ri?i'7 TI?*th9 firSt Place i? will account of his and trip to the Wendelstein-Moun?ains on the a.trip'0f denies knowing anything abdut't?e aileg?dfpl?h; 37: 2 fofmer fellow PW calladeCRENZ( _j farester near gj}53g i ~kbu$,the$e s?a?ements:reapp?ar in an entirely different form in j,3 -4;1om - 1707' - 7f; AENEX IL r_C of the per?onslmentionea' in the following: 1131: lsubm?if??gedf; ?Vihaving ?been ??c?ractedneither from siaddre'ssj 1369}: ., seized. ofjhis arrest;- ?MOSSACKhaagivezfall-ffjf?fi personal details Rabat glad-hasbeen-able to remember about the result, entries vary fram mere maressesi to rat?he'i'? - - Emu is t?i?mge} Hof smegma (m1: 014:) Camp 9. . i the Gammarmom? xw?elzerx?'??m?e '1 . 1 15mm . ja'?qut :29 om thi ck. mack ham-gmscenag?ousg:: .3913st iocks'mm sing-mks German and EiichingW112i9?l Na momma Noam-9155 ?#85917? :1 - - ?Miscellaneous: {Married/mo - sister; Mamba 161?; Allgeme'iri?v - 1mm awaiting stating that. he had sent: a ?aqkagef to the . ?dd?re 555;. 3:333," Franz, 23 1'3'dg-L3r6. ?19079; right" si?'e; whi'?h hie-askean tying-pick - I mm I elf l?aleded $319 7? g?mmeg gaff. msr?hdibebam?s i ., a '533'23'331733135? Emil. @333033.593m? 2? from-himfin . .- f-j' {piazza {033mm m1 "momma 17. i 2 9 "255}. .. Uriah011:" ?at ionai fie-rm?" SS ??ter whiff Cage 'l ;-golzengguam'sgg; in: I (3 Jo! Hakka wish magma-1:33 cmaswaejz?w Gageg' 7 mmsim? inc-ear. m: ?Gabriagl? #021 Swim - iSterETE .. . .. I - . . smotheiuri -, I 5 I. n?g?egwas? :05 $153363 $111911 790 [32v 16;, 5- .. ?7 - 7 saw-czmomw -. i?i- 93.2,; I. 3' .- A1033: . on]; 4 song?, V?s?dend?stf 16o - . f?Eurniture store "recommended ?30 for storing. Louise, E's near HOE, Oberer Graan '1 . 1 Girlri'rien? of Rolf'mssg friend; 933305519; at LE 3mm Fwd-cage, if; nu; megsogcmm; CAMSTADE ma: . K?feibling?r st: from cage, 3,-If1gician, gamma: Imustitiene 29 I . 'igigroth?r? 'of?marcexewia ?nifss ham whom IEOSSACK met in 033mm- chagig; -. pawl, 325?53151461?3 - I I 331935-5335 7 address .. f0. the gammaimage; I -- .59 - 5:327:35; i, ?end. {it'?om' in May'29in?ii if: (mm) Fuezf'stligpe s? 7.2 Qb?rf of Chi?? Forge. after) . His name was _on lis?b, I Ti- 301373., 7 Lo??sehi Str; _-tQ he mg,mim?mhmn?ia; Burg. 15' I I .- I R?pprech??-Vi?rlfl?z? f. 713' ?05? I fumEPopmzenrr-Erm Mr: 03;. ?sax't; 1% 3' .335; 5. f1 sexism} of rgzajaj @5566. :20 new. '7 e; "g twat}. j- i; 1 i - . 7- on left hanaguj j1ny' E;?ccentn_ i? angles}! VHanesseLm?m: 5gf.ih1fAffxieni of SALZHAEE and son ofga his a?dres? at the CEERBOURG ?Baer??'ei?, 333%}? ,9 Secretn-5F?V of the-Emma Of?ce-4- -I r, Lamonhorner- Chainsaw-:75- .5 '3 - - 3193513615; meme?a'cqmi?tedw?h?him afo 0933130039 PH 0959 Cr.Str 11, 0/0 Tfmvo'magjfxayi 3303sz may 11151535 . that atumiz??as 6 . (Bavaria). rmmg. 0' ,22 .- . - Wife Mu?hl?n - 25 ,s g'h?i?sghi?. Bagsi?ml; (tel 3555p) . 5; i ?J3j; Stu?e??;fng?d??lf his mother iS-head ?f_th? 1 gu4. Ema], m; vs UaSLa?member of Culture Gfo?p in CEERBOEESQEW Cage whefe 3,2, gaquinted?wi 7 . gawk-VStr-eaa. . . . 7 I list": ad,er $36.5: -- I 9 half- 5? 339ff}?3Q a? ,Li?yxre? age.. - - 7- . 5i; 1 b?mm?r igcq'?aim'egg in 3332301752515?! _r .ef'i'i: I ]Girl fpiend of ?arcelVGimT, who ?jy' 'j Pang-.IJacob? 3537.170, ?f??dresS given whpre HOSSAGK Co?ld-qon?a "ETEh'asb'z?n?; mag-1mg?; [931mm gearzw?mzm, 1 5' Gm. a'?zq'tu?int as; v: :17; .fgiosmcz ?3.13 cage; -. Lima; mum, liohs?oamti?' - 73 - Wife. of 13:053me miner fellow} P117 Friedri? aid KreisiEoyerswerda-(lo3, Dorfa?s,H I'An?e? (Mark Brandehb?gg?i: f} ?st-9' 4? I g? 'ch; .. '50: .:Unc1e. Of ima-Ezefmz ?5 Leiinthal- Str: 9-1 i - 1j15'ng Svacg+yxggidgnt of EUNLCE Chamber of Commerce and friend . 0 st Nemm?us ?ueber Schliersee'? inquir?d about employm??t=pn the . . at? -Str- 11,- mama -. [mm immsi?Ioasm 3118413 2 3 acggmim?d?f with [inf Gamma f'Q??ioj. I 7 - .. 46 of? ?15461 3. ,?I?zgthe: gqgf, 1:035,qu 1g? jfeilmeryri faga; . - 11% :19 gr; mm] L?chiggf a - . Wiifg} d5?in mac-:3; whom :p ms; cage; - 'j cage3mm, Jo aching '7 - f; 33.5 hams. on} the. give'n'r-zossmx by: zg?czwm - D?rf S?r'181 f? ;_sALzm?ii Eav?? 2520533. "4_Lesgevangen'f5b) Ea? been member of .- -. Chamom}. PW- gage 30mm, (addresg girl friend.) . I rzcm??; GEESELGAS mean? a V, brows. fair complexion -wears-hornmrimme? 'V33Wh?n7rea?ing.4?DiGte?? Baggy He?kenhEEHBr:Allee Eager-1131371 ffSp?akS?E?gl. ??-T7f?g?iscollnh?du?; m: U989 2 . 4 4 2&1212255175' 25 1 I 3? his m?dr?ss in u?'ber moaG'AU' (10) or EARTHES PU Cage, where he_was a member of - 141115;; is); ?Kr-elm mitigighzzagmtj? 9:55:33: Gab Di? 30rd; Eec??e acquainfedlwithg?CSSAGKii?j ?y . 'ch?zjlotteg, am rm: 63,: Gabrial mg 13,7013 lglander 3M ?m1th 192nm: Qatar ial, van Sei?li 152:5 SE: 1,3713} j} ark blond wavy h?if;?COHdef?f?? v.2 11.3035}: "Emma age: 35? 1' ?bland. ham gnif ish-and.Gorman with Rhineian? a?cent: $16 ff~? mew "Bro-aha; Co'f; it 2! sum-m fag-?rm if}: on? . a'rcer'bai'?i- a; miss?iqnaryf'andafdrmeri?m ?p PW Sagan magma mam-7533035, imissaarburg Post} sir? -7 Em?iy'iwliic? sh?iterf?fih?r from LE cages i gigaz-z-zsm, 5 - Eka?schih- .Formerf secretary of Dr, 333331338; {girl friend of,? KU?Z?i?Ei-mm?qwhb, - t} ;jaam go] 7 5 @3163, Shah, Api?; 2-- . frienibf Frw?i?mm? 2 - ffi?e?oir; {Elana}, Zielcna 5? ivrit?QsSi?GK in' ?Gag-9? .?gznima Erwin 79 :?ffrien?? 9f. ithe. misc IS?einaqker; E3, Apt 6/0 ?Iii'ij?yiiffng If ?7 if, Aaar?sgs- EEOSSACX by :E?wwhereb he cduld contact} {handg- r_ magma, 33:36:13; ($121315) who address to Liar: . 3mg Stir - Unici?; Ema; ?agi'imm-Imc; sm?mxm, [12131: near. .Omec}: - . natio??li speaks Dumb-:1" 3113134311 Dutch" accent-s 'r'v Ef?wui? .90 Kings-Squire - Giza}; ?gsi?iengg gr. 3 013mg; ?who. SS {25.05755019 . inm?e?m?s a; list ivengmossmx inf-638%? . 3 where she ga?a'him her adarQSS; mam; ,4 win-3. Karla-3:" St: 9? 1W?bgga 8 their ad?rees t0 may: Same? S?drfiemm; imoni, 31+ ?ESad nurse at*n frien? Christine, 39' ;Danghter ofga farm hand working for?SIEGElj NOSSAGK visi?ed hef?family?l ?severa1.timesian?.staye? thgre.for a.few days in Hereby ?7 2.11 7 121a,, '1 'g?}Two Jewish of a Concentra?i?nfCEQ 1 Imam {15GotjaCQuaint9d witthOSSA ?brough?thg L.m ?uent-her} 3303331?? 'Pox?iiels?crf?r 's nescriptianagi 1968:: I 24? high forehead fairf .2. jn?g3 Miscellaneagspj Studying at EDEN University; sneaks Englishr_forn634Ca@trgi 53.. in Inf and recipient-of Eitterkreuzq_'whsn MOSSAOK visited him he gave.himlgj '-.longilist of help. - mm?.