104829 murmur: autumn "4 a. . A1 thusCollection Boxw ?Fajel?mu?F {pang - with idea of presenting Ir I it to marid for use with Spanish Authorities). . P0317101 9'1 0.3. intends to ccsduct clean-up oparaticcs Us a level which is conservative by 0.8. Itss-?srds. Rs are by the apparent desire at Spanish authentic: to catcnd .ths cleanup for safety in the interest of- .?Eo cscurc of normalcy to tho I H's do not see this as tho bcst?rcyto caps with possible future at place. It rsuld acts: to as pre- go back to normality cs coca as possible, and thus hutch departure of this subject Etc: than public mica. 6:271:23, I 10:3 tam gestures serve as 'a rczic?ar, and cculd inflate tha importer.? of the ?2;le matter. ?ur rstismlc chsuld be that it is caithsr in can: own or Ezra-sis!) istcc?cst to trace a sis-sent in Spain to this cram . Physically. rs would. take cars 8511 material . BEST COPY. AVAILABLE have as of this by removing frcca a certain level. It is possible to cc 3 call as physical commas?. has-aver, and to svcid is also; BEST COPY AVAHIKBE ZL arcs. 41? rs? of joint, interest. .0 app. . I - .m-1 . l? - . 0m- - 43': we intend it at all'pazsiblo to amid the "inflatica of attendee-a" thick might result {ma-mic: teaser?. We on were that the 0.8. may be required to sewn a par . of tin area's ?can; by cuttight 7.226.29'0, {er eensu?pticd. of e: all. of ?333. tech at sures teed not specifically emitted at this time. but we atmuld cake clear that Chile we dan't tense-t eeil maul he pallia- tive._m ago 0:33 to'ccnoicata?tiem of can: tern of restitution. . U.S. believes it reuld bt?a mistake. for ?365393,. menace publicly new that we. are pr pared bu;- tcsato crop for next year tad/or teccsediug years. ?33::ch be pig-tremble let area etc-am proceed est-really; but with understandiua'md cede at this time to (:33 that in want real or maimed tears of radiation 1:333:11 future pro-shes tales e: other oceanic activity, 0.8. fully prepared pet-chase crops a: when such other ems-mic testimo. tier: as my be jointly agreed to be mutated. "'Q?esuop. future U.S. payments of this sort still under study here prepared at moment to authorize any commitments. End - . U.S. octet? criteria to: this type of situation (to distinct {m hit-enter? that-(a) treat with 6221- urination gtceter than 1030 nitrogen: pct-scum eater shall be demmatsd aid trees with lesser mate BEST COPY DOE I. 0 gran:- pa: qqiu'c materc?wi?WL-ur? - {w . i - \?wr-Ma?f-W vi 5 ~v ?421:3 4.2: m?f-T? 61:: magma-u p33 mat: be ?swan to 13?: a rah-.0 to youth}: consistent with reasonable ?57230, wanna. 111:6; {mean-?3 are based :3 c.2235!? ca train mm mama w: swaths: as: ho Ciao . 5*..me to 1.12:0 I: 2:312. calm-n 4313 from than (1:34 am ma?a ?auntie to (313 Wish. ACm-caco to {base misty ?mm will limit wanm ??12m 633:: to 12:. lung: to values tn: heist: I Cans imam6:1: mama-:1: minis-:1 ?mug-reams on maxing. the praccf'atou It}: commits! be!? will reduce to cram lows: when any ream execs-ens. Part ch: 0.8. away 'u an quanta c! 0. #:5533232: be: as: set. We comic-.5: wetting cat pic-.7133 c1 0.2m than 1690 96'! square acts: to ba an :er n33 t?mu pw-ctz?m than c: :3?an W0 :13:ch DOE ARCHIVES can: 130. 090 scant: per abuzz: ?sienna by Mmu mn?y In use an cite ?new to 1039 mimma per ataxia-2:332 that BEST COPY- AVAILABLE: tea-32.630 newmama with the 5:322:31 haw been 15-3935 :93 3:3. 689 ens-.313 per mums: a; (mam. Fe: prawn-S manta. we may cam-cider 100. 009 um to 1630 mistozw-ququ-p-?w?ma? -.. r. A - . n? -. um, 313'?, ,3 - .. 5 a. 3.333. 2.33.3 noum?nuwuno 1395 Pa.? nuahu ?a "use 3523 can?? 3 Ghana ?a 30. one wanna 3-. 55:9 In? ?.30 uuq ?madam. do ?"3303 no a a . :39 In? 03.833 3 nwud shun . . ?Numb ?no.3 amnawwunbnu no ?anon 1?33 998 .33 3.38 an .3 I3 9 nuan?nnuu 8 ad? has Inna? 53394.4 5 ?on? Samoa om ?one 99% . 5.3 n3 9an ?man? on . . In? 30 34.39 was. duo ?nwa?unu BAN .53 a. a .3: nnu nude E393 anon nanny I nnwuuvuu?o nu ?v.3 unnu- 939 an waggnuda 3330? no an? 35 ?an sumo 3 ?an 8.33% ?an 3.6 339? nun 035 Inch 9 an? ago an. no 30 ?may ?u an? 3333 wagon? own nonnqu ?a panama Gnu ?ne I .n?nmn??g 8 I. 53.93 8.3 an Egrda In? ?agave? mane can? .u . 8 In? n?n?wn no ?Banana. ho no? as? 3 an,? ?nwuu can! . . . . mama no: 5&5me dub 8.839 ?manna Fan 33? 3 3330 B??mwn .9.- Rh.? 9. 13v Wh?uchn. .39 aka ?38. ?338 Rune an ?Egg 3 93%? a: . Icon Eugen? unknown I ?.33 n?o?n? In any? a?g?g ?a ?a?nu?nu all?? 8 90 ?5.8 an Rang? 393 4.6 r! .II t?nn "uh van? 5333 ?Run wnouu?u Io "?ns cabana. >3 ?numb au- 1 . GU an 68 are?. 9.. ?wanna 303 90 new dang signat?uuq . -- nanny? . bf- . .H ?1.19.35