106814 ruea TBllU: c. L. »mah•, •.D., April 5, 1967 Director, Divlalon of 11010&7 • •edlciae B. a. Inaner, 11.D., l.aalatat Director for Medical 6 Health leaearcb, Div1a1on of 1101017 • Kediciae llOTIS OB PBONI COllVDSAUOH VITB COL. ODLIJCD, IASI, DlrroH, CllIO, llilCR 31, 1967 WIGHI~.PATRllSON All. rcl\CI BEST AVAILABLE COPY . Colonel Odlaad la the officer in charge of the Plutonium legiatr7 for the U. s. Air Poree via-a-vb the 1800 or ao USAP people vbo went into the Pa109llrea area or who were potentially exposed. Of the 1800 ke atlll haa about SO to collect aamples f r • and he la tryin& hard because they have been dlacharged, are being dlacharged, or are reaaalgned all over the world. llo one hu received a body burden areater than 15'1 of aa llPIB u calcu- 1 a ted fr- urine •a.plea. Twenty-five have ILad burden• between 7' nd UX. Some are beln& ex-ioed ever7 tvo llOOtha or ao up now to a year. Only one aan b.&a died ao far, and by the beat of luck aa 8 ar• ••ple of unspecified lung t1aaue was found to have 3 pcl ( r' 600 pc or 0.0006 )IC for the 2 lunp). 8e 1a not able to get the aupport of the Departaeat of Defease to 10 after theae people er aet •P a real registry because •f the Sleepingclog policy. Ria au.her at Wrl&ht PatteraOD Air Poree lue le AC 513, 257-6672. Collection OFFICE II> suRNAME ... :{) 0 ~ Mc C r-a.u.t ·------------U -- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------· ---------------------ADMHR ~ HDB r tk'er· wg _______7il&rr,,-------- _____________ -------------------------- -------------------------· ---------------------- __ DA TE II> --- -------Porm AEC•818 (Rev.~) O. I. 80YUNlll:Jft NIJfTIN& O,,ICI: 1&-e27GJ-I