• (Rev. 08.28·2000) ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 08-22-2011 BY 60322 UC/LP/PLJ/JCF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: T0: Date: ROUTINE Investigative Services At tn: Criminal Investigative Attn: 06/18/2001 IRU ,:l:.....::S~S~A:.:''-_ _...-_ _----l SSA < - '- - - ,_ _- - , - _ - - ' Financial~C~r~i~m~e~s~s~e~c~t~i~o,n Asst. SC Miami From: Copenhagen Contact: Legat ..1 <-1_ _ _ _ _ _ LI_____---II +45 35 55 0283 b6 b7C Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID #: 163H-CH-156..-J\ Title: dba TVIND; aka SCHOOL CORPORATION TVIND FRAUD/FOREIGN POLICE COOPERATION Synopsis: The 'L__-r----------'~a~r~e~i~n~v~estigating captioned subjects lout of $10 Million and are for defrauding the I requesting FBI assiLs~t-a-n-c-e--~i-n--i~n~v~e~s~t~i~g'ating captioned organization. Details: '------' On June 14, 2001, Le at met with! concerning the activities of TVIND. Tvind is a loosely structured rc~o~l=l~e,-,c:.!t,-,l=:·o"'n::...."'o~f'-______-, organizations established in Denmark byl lin 1967. It was structured as non-profit charitable organizations which derived income from two sources. First, TVIND established alternative independent schools in Denmark. Teachers who shared the left wing ideology of TVIND were recruited from allover Scandinavia. The 1 J 1 1paid a substantial portion of the salary expe~n~s~e~s-,~as well as, heavily subsidized rent and other expenses. These subsidies amounted to approximately 100 Million Krones ($12 Million dollars) per year. All teachers were required by TVIND to donate their salaries to a TVIND Trust Fund. This trust was to benefit charities and scientific research in third world countries, principally Africa. In fact the money was laundered out of the Trust by paying high salaries to TVIND teachers in bo biC b7D ._-----------------, To: 'Re: .• S ' I nvestlgatlve ervlces F rom: ?? 163H-CH-156, 06/18/2001 • Africa and else where who in turn sent the money to a bank in Switzerland. Every year about $ 2.5 Million is sent from this bank in Switzerland to a bank in the Cayman Islands owned solely by TVIND. Secondly, TVIND derives income from the creation of Developmental Aid Organizations. Money is raised by the collection of used clothes. The clothes are recycled and sold in third world countries. The proceeds are sent to charitable trust funds established in Off Shore tax havens. A number of these groups are operating in the United States. They include: UFF, Development Aid from People to People, Humana People to People, Institute of International Cooperation and Development, and Planet Aid. Humana people To People runs 152 projects in 26 countries in Europe, Asia, United States, and Africa. In each of these organizations the funds are ultimately controlled by captioned subjects who divert the money for personal use. Little, to no money goes to the charities. Planet Aid's head office in the United States is located in Massachusetts. It also does business in Pennsylvania, Washington DC, New York, California, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Delaware. TVIND and the charitable organizations it oversees operate in most countries of the world. The Charities commission in England recently invystigated TVIND activities and expelled them from England. Thel I advised that the I I lare investigating TVIND actlvlties inl I I Thd lare focusing on one specific transaction of TVIND involving 75 Million Krones ($10 Million dollars) fraudulently acquired from thel I r-________~~__~----~~--~~--~~resides in Miami, Florida. The ~~~~~~~~are attempting to gain accesses through Letters Rogatory ank accounts identified as: Citibank F.S.B.75 8750 Doral Boulevard Miami, Florida 33178-2402 accounts # held by : IL______________---Iland any other accounts 1. The Foundation, Skorkaervej 8, DK- 6990 Ulfborg, Denmark. 2. La Societe Verte, 125, Avenue des Champs-Elysees, 2 i I b b c b D To: fRe: ~ . S ' F rom: Investlgatlve erVlces 163H-CH-156, 06/18/2001 ?? • F-75008, Paris. 3. L'Enegie Eternelle, 41 Rue de Richelieu, Paris. Open source background information on TVIND can be found on a British web site: www.tvindalert.org.uk Legat Copenhagen is providing this information to FBI HQ, Financial Crimes Section for information purposes and to evaluate as to whether a U.S. criminal investigation is warranted. The I I are preparing a more detailed account of TVIND activities which will be provided to Legat Copenhagen in the next month. Legat will assist I Jin obtaining Letters Rogatory for banking records ln Mlaml hrough coordination with OIA, DOJ. The I I anticipate issuing an arrest warrant fori land a request through OIA to search his residences and seize identifiable assets. b6 b7C b7 D FBI Miami is requested to advise Legat if it is aware of TVIND activities in Miami and to provide any open source material it can concerning residences and assets owned by I I 3 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .....J '------To: ·· Re: . • S ' I nvestlgatlve ervlces F rom: 163H-CH-156, 06/18/2001 ?? • LEAD (s): Set Lead 1: INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES AT WASHINGTON, DC For information only. Set Lead 2: MIAMI AT MIAMI, FL Advise Legat Copenhagen of any open source information concerning assets held byl lin Miami. Set Lead 3: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE AT WASHINGTON, DC For information only. ++ 4 bE b7C • • FAX TRANSMISSION Office of the Legal Attache United States Embassy Copenhagen, Denmark Telephone #: 011-45-3555-0283 Fax #: 011-45-3555-2839 To: Fax#: 3343-0140 Date: June 21, 2001 Pages: , including this cover sheet. b6 .h 7e Voice #: From: Subject: !Legat Tvind ALL INFORMATI ON CONTAINED HEPL IN I S UNCLASSIFIED DATE 08-1 8 -20 11 BY 60 32 2 UC/ LP/PLJ / JCF Comments: r--J I have faxfd land left messages on Email with I Iwho works ~in OIA offices concerning your requests for bank records but so far I have not been able to contact anyone. These are C l o.s and I would suggest that you start trying to contact him directly at phone I land by fax 001-202-514-0080. My fear is that the facts that you furnished wij n;t supprt a search warrant for bank records. Normally, you must show by probable cause tha is engaged in illegal ;ctivit, and that he uses that particular bank and account and that t e account holds illegal mone could send you copies of past warrants as a guide and might also be able to give you a name of an Assistant United States Attorney in Miami tbat can help with the subpoena for bank r ,rds You 'ght also want to askObout freezing tbe funds in the account and searches of! ! residence. Best p:!ZJ~'--_ _-, be; b 7C • • FAX TRANSMISSION Office of the Legal Attache United States Embassy Copenhagen, Denmark Telephone #: 011-45-3555-0283 Fax #: 011-45-3555-2839 To: Date: June 21, 2001 Pages: , including this cover sheet. 01A Fax#: 202-514-0080 b b Voice #: From: SUbject: c b D ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UN CL AS SIFIED DATE 08-22-2011 BY 60322 UC / LP /P LJ / JCF ILegal Attache ->lt Tvind L...-_ _ _ _ _ Comments: D thel Iprosecutors have an URGENT request for Bank records from Citibank , in Miami in connection with a major fraud case involving a charity organization called TVIND. Th~ Irudge has given the police just one more month to get the bank records and then he wiU notify the Defendants at which time all the money in the accounts will disappear. Can you locate their request? - they said it was mailed to OlA about six weeks ago. Attached is a copy of the cover page. The Prosecutors ard b6 h7e The Prosecutors are willing to come to the states if it will help with the request u - .------------- --_ .._---_._ ---_._ -- -----HEREIN I S UNCLASSI FI ED DATE 08 - 22 - 2011 BY 60322 UC/L P/P LJ JJ CF From: To: Date: Subject: 6120101 1:33PM I ~rgent request for bank records from Citibank in Miami 1"11 would like to talk with you concerning an urgent request froml Ifor Cltibank records in '1Iiliai\,i in the Tvind case. 163H·CH· 156. The subject i~,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _-,I Thel Imailed it tol hn early May. Could you check on status and call me . The Will come to US if necessary -very high profile case here. Along other things he wants I to freeze assets in the account . The Judge here will only give him one more month and then will notify defendant that he is under investigation and of course there goes the money. I have several other cases that I would also like to talk to you about. 4 06 b7C .b 7 D r~'~ " ~"~ - ~'~:~~~~--'~-----------------~'~'-=-=~ - ~ ,- -- - :------ i _ " . \\ ALL I IolFORlIATI OIl CONTAIlII:D HER!:IIol I S m rCLASSIFIED ~ FAX TRANS~;S;~~; ! I I, BY 60322 UC/ LP/PL J / JCF Office of the Legal Attache United States Embassy Copenhagen, Denmark Telephone #: 011-45-3555-0283 Fax #: 011-45-3555-2839 To: Date: June 28, 2001 Pages: , including this cover sheet. b6 3343-0140 Fu#: b7C Voice #: I Legal From: Tvind / Miami bank records Subj ect: Comments: ./' . Tvind ~ ~ 163H-CH-154 . Witness interviews - OUf file: 163H-CH-156 ZZ 01 have talked tq lwho wor~ withl request for bank records is being andled by t-.Jn orA. He tells me that your sislant United States Attorney, Miami tel no. 001-305-961-9210. !fyou have not already done so, I would suggest that you contact him immediately to see how long it will take to get those bank records and to see it they can freeze the assets. ,-:-_",,(, apparently we have not been able to reachDby phone but are still trying, Leads have been set for LA and San Diego to contact other witnesses but I have not heard results yet. Your letters looked good and I discussed wittrlwhat to do if Witnesses fitiI to appear in!. He agreed with my assessment.. it wouldiie1i'est to go ahead with the request to establish a Commission Rogatory to conduct all interviews in the States at a specific dates shortly after their ( If they show up inl ~e can always cancel the scheduled appearance inl Commission, I will be in Austria next week and Washington DC the week after on an Economic Crimes Conference . I will be back in the office July 16.( be hear in my absence twill All the best, b6 b7 C I b6 b7 C r ·· . '" • To: Re: COPENHAGEN Fro' Savannah ITC 163-CH-156, 07/31/2001 LEAD(s) • I Set Lead 1: COPENHAGEN AT COPENHAGEN, DENMARK Complete and return Reply Form to Savannah ITC for SITC Request/Record # 15662, THIS IS PERMANENT FILE MATERIAL AND IS TO BE MAINTAINED IN THE 00 CASE FILE • •• 3 .[ ALL I NFORMATION COHTAlNED ,. HERE IN IS UNCLASS IFIED DATI 0 8 - 22 - 2 011 BY 603 22 UC/ Lf/ PLJ j JCl • FAX TRANSMISSION Office of the Legal Attache United States Embassy Copenhagen, Denmark Telephone #: 011-45-3555-0283 Fax #: 011-45-3555-2839 To: Date: July 18, 2001 Pages: , including this cover sheet. Assistant Special Agent In Charge FBI,Miami Fax#: 305-787-6299 Voice#: From: SUbject: b6 b 7c ILegat b 7D :=====r~'Sit to Miami Comments: I l please see the attached EC with gives the bare bones oftheDcase against Tvind. The AUSA isl 1 ~ ~ planning to travel to Miami Wednesday 25 July and depart Miami Sat.28 JUly. They would like to meet with FBI Miami Thursday 26 July and with AUSA! leither late Thursday or early Friday. AUSAl I served Citibank with a broad subpoena last Friday 13 July. He should hear whether Citibank has accounts and the balance of those accounts by today. I I lwith in the next few months will seek an International arrest warrant for subject Iwho is believed to have a residence in Miami.! lis al Ibut has multiple residences around the world with Miami being one of them. They WIll of course also seek a search of his residence. According to thel Iis well connected with Heads of State in many African countries. with the U.S . and with Miami is unknown at this time but leads are out with INS to detennine his status. b6 h7C bi D L-_ _---J!nexus ,--_~I I wish I had more facts but at this time I do not . Hopefully th~ 1will be able to outline their case during their visit. I will not be able to attend -- I am out of travel funds, other wise I would be there. I o b6 b7C b7 D • Memorandum .. ALL INFORMATION CONTAlllED HEREUI I S Lm CLASSI FIED DAn: Oe-22-2011 EY 60322 UC/ LP / PLJ / JC F 19 July 2001 To INS Attache From : '-____--'1 Legal Attache Subject: I 163H-CH-lS6 -tl b6 b7C let al Law Enforcement Sensitive This memo is to provide you a summary of captioned case and to request assistance. I have 0tened an FBI investigation into captioned subjects based on a request from thel _ have also referred this case to FBI HQ Financial crimes section and to FBI Miami for criminal investigation and am waiting a decision from them. .---_ _ _--"';On 6114/01, I meet wit~ '-____--'1 concerning their requeLst""'fi::-o-r-:-in-v-e-sti""·g-a-:'t·i:-v-e-as---:si-:'st-:'an-c-e-m:-·""'Mi,. .".ann""""·.:-- - - - - I On 7/11-12/01l,-::=~::--:-:-:::--:-:-_-=--::-_---.,._~:----:---:-_-I unit and I met with FBI HQ and FBI Miami in Washington DC concerning this investigation. b6 b7C b7D On 7/12/01 , we began obtaining covertly bank financial records of subjects. On 7/26-27/01) lwill meet with FBI Miami concerning investigative strategy. It is anticipated that we will arrest, search and seize assets belonging to captioned subjects. Request for assistance: I am in the process of collecting all travel documents concerning captioned subjects as well as any visa, citizenship status, or residency pennits relating to them. Additionally, I am trying to locate any residences or assets in the U.S. IF you have any information from your computer checks that would be useful , I would appreciate copies. Because of the sensitive nature of this case, I would prefer that subjects not be entered into at this time. I I b7 E b7C Gazebo Pool Deck I Solarium Mulli-Purpose ".. " :.>F~.·:r . ~. .,.. :~ .'·0· ': Swimming Pool Recreation Floor / / / -~ Terrace Living Room 16'x21' Terrace Apt. 00 3 Bedroom-3 Bolh Wesl -North & Soulh View 2037-2245 TOlal Sq. R. ',; :;f. ORAL REPRESENTATIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORREOLY STATING REPRESENTATKlNS OF THE DEVELOPER. FOR CORREO REP- ~ - "'ENTA1!ONS, MAKE REfERENCE TO THE BROCHURE AND TO THEDOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTiON 718.503. fLORIDA STATUTES ,~, '1E fURNISHED BYA DEVELOPER TO A BUYER OR LESSEE. ~ • COW'LETE OFFERING TERMS ARE IN AN .OFFERING PlAN AVAILABLE FROM SPONSOR. .' \ . ::;,~j'AM;ji;iJ.~~i~hl~iiiht'i;;~aSi:ii:,;:;i~iti,i'';;!i;~~i.\~&.1:*i:~il&i!i'~~ii1i~fu~fi4~~£~i$,\f.!<;:'1ii'i1~.(.;\liiri: :" ._ - .... ..:~ .1 a. .. . w. -, .14: 0% a. .311- a . . - V-r: - wln' is. huh Riki-E}: nui??nunftp-Lia . 3:331; 5223.?, 2?31. • • { FAX TRANSMISSION Office of the Legal Attache United States Embassy Copenhagen, Denmark Telephone #: 011-45-3555-0283 Fax #: 011-45-3555-2839 Date: To: July 20, 2001 ASUA Fax#: 305-530-6168 Pages: 7, including this cover sheet. b6 b 7C b7D Voice #: ILegal Attache From: Subject: Tvind A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' L ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN I S IJNCL A33I fIED DATE 06-22- 2011 BY 60322 UC / LP / PL J/ JCF Comments: Thel • bre postponing their visit to Miami until the end of August. They will have a better picture of Tvind's operation at that time. I met with the police today and got a little better understanding of their case and ofTvinds operations world wide. be Thd lis based on embezzlement of$lO Million dollars fro in unpaid point of view the easiest taxes. This, however, is just one aspect of the case and from th to prove. More interesting to the FBI is his world wide Charities rau and money Laundering operations. Th~ ~elieve that non ofthe money raised by Tvind~oes to support charities. It is all used for profit making ventures and to support the life style 0 _ rand a small group offoUowers. b7 e b 7D Attached with this fax are some documents that I thought you might like to see but you need not keep them - it is just to show you the extent of Tvind holdings. The! Iseized these documents from a search on kormer accountant. The documents are old, dating from 1992 but you can see that in 1992 his cash holdings were over to 81 ,000 acres (See "B"). $17 Million dollars (see "A") and his farm holdi This same accountant will soon be brought i nd compelled to testify about the operations. financial holdings and structuring aspects of I doubt if we will find any assets i~'--_ _..JI name - they will all be held by trust accounts-- i .'. ----------------------------- o b6 b7e b7D J. • cit.. the~ th.----&---. for example, hinks that he resides at I I Isee C) . They think the registered owner is Chilton Intervest Corp. B.YI. This appears to be typical of the way he structures his finances. a~nt ThelL agains""'t-s-o-m-e-o Icurrently have a money laundering case in court Itrunk that thel -l'l---'==91 opera!"ti~o~ns:-.------' The! I Ihave also received inquires from thel all concernind pperations. I will contact our Legal Attache's in those countries to see what is going on there. 1- b6 b7C biD l I I I have asked thq and prosecutors to put together a presentation for FBIlUSA outlining Tvind's structure to see if there are any U.S. Money Laundering Statutes or Fraud cases that could give us jurisdiction to investigate him in cooperation with otheI1L _ _ _ _---' I b6 b7C biD o r-·- - - ' - - i '- - - - , • '. (Rev, 08·28·2000) ALL I NFORMATION CONTAINED HERE I ~ IS UNCLASS IFIED DATE 08-22- 2011 BY 60322 OCJLPJPLJ JJCr FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence. To. PRIORITY Date. Attn. Criminal Investigative Investigative Services L Angeles mi " openbag:en Contact. IOU 1 I Drafted By. '-._ _ _ _ _ _~ rp Title. Financial Crimes Section SAl WCC ASAC Approved By. Case ID #. 163A-CH-156 163B-LA-229871 03/07/2002 LAX RA b6 I b7e b7D \1 -/2. ,-1~~_________~le t ali FPC 00. CH Synopsis. I Irequest FBI Miami contact Real Estate firm: Kline, Moore, Klein at 2665 S. Bayshore Dr. Coconut Grove and obtain documents concerning subjects acquisition of $10 Million properties in Miami. Details. On 3(6~02' Leqatl Imet with,-I~~~~ their I~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~------------~I~concerning investigation of I I Iwas arrested by FB I LA on 2/22/02 under an Interpol arrest warrant. Iheads an international organization known by various names but commonly referred to as Tvind inl I Tvind is str'lctllred at' a non profit group t hat supports world wide charities, . ! is accused o f diverting over 10 million dollars t o his personal use. I b6 b7C b7D Captioned case ha s rece i ved wide news coverage in with in thel Ihave been contacted by una~sclosed sub sources at Kl~ne, Moore, Klein Real Estate Firm in Miami. According to the sub source, this Real Estate firm is prepared to give to the FBI real estate transactions that show I I acquisition of Miami property by using a number o f fro nt companies i n Jersey, Guernsey, Cayman Islands and British Virgin Isl a nds. These properties are identif ied as : I Sources ]0 6, b7C To: Re: Criminal Inv!ltigativ e From: 163A-CH-156, 03 / 07/2002 copenhagt b6 b?C b7D FBI Miami is requested to contact Kline, Moore, Klein Real Estate and obtain any and all documents available concerning subject and those connected with Tvind. Legat Copenhagen expects these documents will be handed over voluntarily but if they are not thel Iwill pursue and subpoena through a letters rogatory request. Legat Copenhagen no tes that subject has a status hearing in Los Angeles on March 19 and may try to start unloading these properties in the near future therefore, Miami is requested to act expeditiously in contacting Kline .et al. 2 " '. To: Re: .. 1 Invest1gat1ve • . . Cr1m1na F rom: copenhagt 163A-CH-156, 03/07/2002 LEAD (8) : Set Lead 1: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE AT WASHINGTON. DC Read and clear. Set Lead 2: INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES AT WASHINGTON. DC Read and clear. Set Lead 3 : LOS ANGELES AT LAX RA. CA Read and clear. Set Lead 4: MIAMI AT MIAMI. FL Contact Kline, Moore, and Klein Real Estate Firm in Cocanut Grove and obtain real estate documents concerning subject . . 3 To: Re: .,., a ~om: Copenhagen Miami 163A-CH-156, 03/25/2002 LEAD(s) : Set Lead 1: COPENHAGEN AT COPENHAGEN Read and clear. Set Lead 2: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE AT WASHINGTON. DC Read and clear. Set Lead 3: INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES AT WASHINGTON. DC Read and clear. Set Lead 4: LOS ANGELES AT LAX RA. CA Read and clear . •• 2 ----_._.. -. _ - - - -- - - - -- -' ,~.ALL I NFORMATION COm'AI!JED HEREIN IS lJIol'CLA3SIfIED DATE OB - 22 - 2011 BY 60 3 22 IJCjLP/PLJ !J CF 4 NEWS THE COPENHAGEN POST 8- 14 JUNE 200 1 ~----------------------~---- Po'ssible smoking gun for Prime Minister ? By Howard R. Knowles New smoking legislation. DKK 30m to help cure smokers· but fresh allega~ons of SUPPQrt from the • us tobacco 19bby. J O UST as the country fmally attempts to fall in line with the majority of Western nations by bWliDg tobacadvertising. a recently co rcleased confidential dDCument reveals tbal Tobacco Council. Sioce then 'Big Thba<:. co' interests in the USA have realised the strategic importance of baving a willing ally with influence m. both the EU and S~navia. A confidential 1989 docu- ment from USA tobacco giant,. Philip Morris, states that, 'Denmark plays a decisive role in the Nordic Council, beaause th~ country has been unwavering.iD its opposition of an advertising ban and other antl-SIl1Qking leg.islation.' Denrruuk\,;; cfforU in prevent.ing Hospital exhaustion IN TIlE first IM:l ~hcnsive report into 'burnt out' personnel at the country'!! hospitals, medical staff are characterised as being. ' chronically tired, depressive, irritable., and very often, ill' leading to futanCial- problems for , hospitals, us doctors and nlllSe5 ! take long periods of sick lelM: or just leave the industry, creating serious consequences for patients who don't get the correct treatmenl 'Because of the pl'CSSURl, our professionalism suffer! and mistakes OCCW;' says. a leadiog doc1or: 'Many palient3 perceive doctDl:8 ~ an:ngact or just not 2 THE COPENHAGEN POST 8·14JUNE 2001 3 NEWS Charity flight: Tvind leaders escape to England (see Copenhagen Post 2nd May), founder and Tvind top man Mogens Amdi Petersen Three members of third plus two female Tvind associ~ ales have moved to unknown world charity Tvind's top brass have disappeared to addresses in Englandb Mogens Amdi Petersen hiJn.. England following charges """'"'" self \\1IS one of the four charged of tax evasion and breach with tax. evasion and hreach of of trust against the organi~ tr-i1Sti'6r alleged1y channelling charitable donations into prosallon. jects that have 'little to do with Tvind's stated message or objectives'. The two women, Marlene Gunst and Ruth Sejem Olsen. have not been indicted, By Pete Westbrook some eightTvind companies. Police believe that Tvind has misused up to DKK 75 million from a so-called humanitarian fund for its own ends, and in the light of the accusations it is hard to avoid jumping to the obvious conclusion as 10 why the throe have decided now to emigrate. Tax lawyer Tommy V. Christiansen, who has been keeping a close watch on the case, says: 'For me there is no doubt that they fled to England to avoid facing Breach of trust is nnt an offence in the Britain, and legislation covering tax fraud is much slacker than in Denmark. In addition, any extradition pr0ceedings are likely to be extremely protracted. Although police believe they have a good case against the Tvind organisation, so far they have failed to break the codes. in the 16 computers seized during police raids on four Tvind offices on 25th April this year. As a result they are making no at the moment either to Petersen or to prevent the: three remaining accused Tvind lead~ ern from leaving the country. The Tvind organisation ilselfhas launched two cases of complaint against the pOlice, the first protesting the choice of accountancy f!fm Deloitt..e and Touche to investigate Tvind's affairs. The company was also involved in a case against the charity brought by the Education Ministry six years ago, which according to Tvind spokesman Poul Jl'lr~ himself one of the four thorn against us: The second complaint concerns police behaviour and confiscated items during the raid! in April, and only after both complaints have been dealt with can the real case receive a proper hearing: Did Tvind spend the DKK 75 million on non-profit charitable activities, or on itselfl What with the Tvind court actions, the absconded leaders and the problems with breaking the codes in the Tvind comput~ ers, it promises to be a long, drawn-out affair. • . Tvind in Denmark. Tvind. - a dossier on Tvind. Planet Aid and" •, Page 1 of6 ALL IIlFOlUlATION CmITAINED HEREIIJ IS TJlJCLASSIFIED TVINDEX .....y--.--=:.DA::;.TE; 08-18 - 2011 BY 603 22 UC/LP/PLJ/JCF Email Tvind Alert Schools for scandal Tvind in Europe Tvind in Africa Tvind assets: Many schools and oolleges, much land and .. . property; businesses. trust funds, a zoo, a riding centre, possibly a TVlnd In the Amencasclinic. Ships. Headquarters buildings at Ulfborg and Grindsted and elsewhere Tvind in Asia Tvind on the Internet Denmark is Tvind's homeland, where it all began and where most of its European schools and colleges are situated Angola until recently handsomely subsidised by the Danish state. Australia But not any more. In 1996 the Danish parliament tried to change the constitution to prevent state funding of the Tvind Austria schools. Click here for more on the constitutional crisis created by Tvind. Although that law ran into constitutional difficulties, most Tvind schools no longer receive state support, and many have gone bankrupt. Attempts to start up new Tvind schools instead have foundered because they cannot prove they are independent. So not everything is going Tvind's way. Mogens Amdi Petersen has recently moved his headquarters from Europe to Zimbabwe - perhaps to put himself beyond the reach of Danish law. Click here to read Tvind Alert's page on Mogens Amdi Petersen, Tvind's Danish founder Tvind http://www.tvindalert.or.uklcountrieslDenmark.htmI • Tvind in Denmark. Tvind &- a dossier on Tvind, Planet Aid andlD I VIlIU Estonia E.lli I~ lilt:: IIC::UIlt:1 UI ell lallllllCelIl UIlLJUI~, Page 2 of6 VVC>:l>U:::111 UI;;:IIIIIC:Ur'\, VVIIt:::It;;! the Tvind movement began. There are now four schools at Tvind, together with the tall windmill which was built in the 19705 to generate electricity. Finland France French Polvnesia Germany Georgia Gibraltar Greece Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Bissau The Necessary Teacher Training College Tvind's alternative teacher education college, founded at Ulfborg in appx 1971 . Also known as Det Nl2ldvendiqe Seminarium.or DNS. More (under construction) Honduras Hong Kong India Ireland The Travelling Folk High School This is the original Tvind on-the-road academy, training Tvind school-Ieavers and solidarity workers. The model has been copied elsewhere in Denmark, in Norway, in England and the United States. Also known as Den Rejsende Folkehl2ljskole, Tvind or DRH Tvind. More (under construction) This school was officially declared bankrupt in February 1999: Jersey Tvind students called home Ten students from the Tvind Travelling High School have been called home from abroad after the school has been declared bankrupt. [Copenhagen Calling 14th February 1999) Korea Lithuania Malawi List of other Tvind schools (under construction) Malaysia Mauritius Morocco Other schools Mozambique Namibia Netherlands Neth. Antilles Tvind has run 30-40 Tvind schools and colleges in Denmark. Most if not all are boarding schools. Some are friskole - free schools - others efterskole, or hl2ljskole. They may be for local children sent by their parents. Others are special schools smaskole - for children with emotional or psychiatric problems, or special needs, with fees often paid by the state or local authority http ://www.tvindalert.org.uk/conntriesillenmark.html , Tvind in Denmark. Tvind & -a dossier on Tvind, Planet Aid andlD Page 3 of6 New Zealand Nicaragua Norway Many take children from other countries - Tvind advertises its schools especially heavily in German on the Internet. Most schools rely on volunteer teachers, often recruited through newspaper ads and the Internet from other countries. Poland Portugal Romania Russia St Lucia St Vincent In 1998 the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten reported a planned new Tvind phase of expansion, with 10 new schools and another nine in the pipeline. But this has not occurred Everybody in Denmark seems to know somebody or have a family member who has been a pupil or volunteer teacher at a Tvind school. Involvement with Tvind on this level has often split families. It has become part of the culture, but none the less controversial. Scotland Slovakia S. Afrjca Spain Sweden ~ including CNN & BBC Education http://www.skydebanegaard.dklomnatvid/hvemerlklasser.htm Tvind page of links to many Tvind schools in Denmark Switzerland Tahiti Proposal for new Tvind school rejected from the Copenhagen Post, 1999 By Cathy Conlon Taiwan Ukraine Venezuela Virgin Is Berti! Haarder, former Danish education minister: "I can testify that Tvind's tactics are to talk and talk, complain and harass, threaten again and again. They are clever and they are dangerous. They are a totalitarian Marxist organisation with an unholy motive." [quoted in the Copenhagen Post, Dec 1998] Zambia Zimbabwe Tvind financial foundations: Faellesej& Central Tvind money tank, enriched by the contributions of members of the Teachers Group and possibly by other sources of income. Members of the Teachers Group do not normally know what the money has been used for. This is a private trust. In 1993 the Danish Auditor-General estimated Tvind's assets in Faelleseje, the other trusts and property in Denmark at £30m. Much of the money passing through Faelleseje and Estate has http://www.tvindalert.org. uklcountrieslDenmark.html • Tvind in Denmark. Tvind. - a dossier on Tvind, Planet Aid an.D Page 4 of6 reportedly been used to buy fruit plantations and property abroad; this was not included in the estimate. Estate Also a Tvind money tank, a private foundation based in Denmark Thomas Brocklebank Tvind money tank based in Denmark Humanitarian Fund Private foundation, said by Tvind to support emergency aid projects abroad. Tvind companies Some companies believed to be owned by Tvind: E4 Isterl!Jdgaard aps Ll!Jvdahl Other Tvind assets: Zoo Tvind hadlhas a mini-zoo, at Christianshede close to Silkeborg in Jutland. More Clinic There is believed to be a clinic or hospital reserved for members of the Teachers group. Riding Centre Peterslyst Riding Centre, recently reopened. Joergensen prosecuted In 1996 Poul JlIlrgensen, a former spokesman for the organisation, was found guilty of knowingly withholding key information from the company's accounts, and in June was refused leave to appeal [Copenhagen Post, Dec 1998] http://www.tvindalert.org.uk/countriesiDenmark.html 6/15/01 • Tvind in Denmark. Tvindert. a dossier on Tvind, Planet Aid anAlD Page 5 of6 Books on Tvind nfn Pa sejrens vej historien om skolesamvirket Tvind og dets ~ skaber Mogens Amdi Petersen (On the road to victory. the story of the School Co-operation Tvind and its creator Mogens Amdi Petersen) by Jes Fabricius Melier (Forlaget DIKE, 256pp) (in Danish) nfn "Tvind set indefra" (Tvind from the Inside) by Britta f.li!t,JRasmussen. (in Danish) (Tommeliden, Mare Byvej 30,5853 0rbeak, Denmark Tel 0045 65 98 23 74, Fax 65982574) m Flere Visne blomster - en kritisk antologi om Tvind A Critical Anthology About Tvindj by 21 former Tvind teachers (1980, 285pp) (in Norwegian) ~ (,More Dying Flowers - Danida Danida is the Danish government foreign aid agency: 'The recent clutch of negative publicity has led to the government aid organisation Danida pulling its support, claiming that the organisation is "secretive and undemocratic. ".' [Copenhagen Post, Dec 1998] UFF Denmark UFF shops, clothes boxes, sorting centre, offices DENMARK U-Iandshjealp fra Folk til Folk i Danmark - Humana People to People Energivej 2, 2750 Balierup, Denmark Tel: +454466 40 16 Fax: +4544664036 uffdkch@web4you.dk www.uff.dk http://www.uff.dk/ UFF Denmark http://www.tvindaJert.org.uk/countriesiDenmark.html 6/15101 • 1- Tvind in Denmark. Tvind Alert - a dossier on Tvind, Planet Aid and 1 CD ____ http:~www-,-tvindaler1:.org.uk/countrieslDenmark.html Page 6 of6 6IULQ_l___ _ • Tvind in the Americas • ALL I NFOIU[ATImJ COIITAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 08 - 16 - 2011 BY 60322 UC/1 P / PLJ J.1 Cr Page 1 of6 [ Back 1[ Home 1[1lQ 1[ Next 1 •, TVINDEX Tvind is huge in the United States and central America Email Tvind Alert Names to look out for: Campus California TG Tvind recruitment college in northern California Tvind in Europe Institute for International Cooperation and Developmenl (IICD) Tvind in Africa Tvind in the Americas Tvind in Asia Tvind recruitment colleges in Massachusetts and Michigan Planet Aid Tvind money-raising clothes recycling operation TYind on the Intemet Angola Australia Austria Azerbaijan now go to ...... . Tvind in the USA Tvind in Canada Belgium Tvlnd in Central America Brazil Canada Cayman Is China Czech Republic Denmark As Tvind has been driven out of Europe, it has moved steadil into North America, where it is relatively unknown. It uses different names, but the techniques - old clothes, street collections and recruiting solidarity workers - are the same. Tvind is expanding fast in the USA and is believed to be receiving support from various official bodies and big busines - including international oil companies, and former CNN founder Ted Turner, joint chief executive of Time Warner. Dutch Antilles Ecuador EI Salvador Planet Aid state-by-state Massachusetts Head office, stores, clothes drop-off boxes, coin cans, sorting centre, http://www.tvindalett.org.uk/tvindJlUhe_americas.htm ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6!2!/..!.152!./~OlL-_ _......J • Tvind in the Americas Estonia • • Planet Aid, 250 Canal St. , Lawrence, MA E.ill 01840. Finland 01746 Planet Aid, Inc. One Cross St. Holliston, MA Stores: 250 Elm St., Somerville 386 Moody Street, Waltham Fundraising office, Boston France French Polynesia Germany Georgia IICD, Williamstown, MA Pennsylvania Clothes drop-off boxes, coin cans Gibraltar Planet Aid, 700 W. Tabor Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19120 Fundraising office, Philadelphia Greece Guatemala Guernsey Washington DC Clothes collections Planet Aid, P.O. Box 4071, Alexandria, VA 22303 Planet Aid 30004 Furman La. #103 Guinea Bissau Honduras Hong Kong India Page 2 of6 Alexandria, VA 22301 New York Clothes drop-off boxes, coin cans Ireland Planet Aid 82 Wall St. , Suite 610 New York, NY Israel 10005 (Partnership in Development President's Office: Planet Aid 6709 Fifth Ave. #2 Brooklyn, NY 11209 Italy Japan California Fundraising office, Oakland Jersey Korea New Hampshire Clothes drop-off boxes Concord, Deny, Hampton, Manchester, Nashu; Portsmouth, Salem .... Lithuania Malawi Rhode Island Clothes drop-off boxes, coin cans Malaysia Providence, Cranston, Pawtucket, Warwick Mauritius Morocco Connecticut Mozambique Delaware Coin cans Namibia Canada Netherlands Neth. Antilles Coin cans Stores, clothes drop-off boxes, coin cans Planet Aid Canada, Inc. 61 Charles SI. Oshawa, Ontario L1H 4X8 Store: Yonge St, Toronto http://www.tvindalert.org.uk/tvindjn_the_americas.htm 6/15101 e Tvind in the Americas New Zealand • • Page 3 of6 Nicaragua Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia St Lucia StVincent Scotland Slovakia S. Africa Registered with USAID. Planet Aid is registered as a private volunta organization with USAID Massachusetts Not for Profit Corporation. Planet Aid, Inc. w. incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on January L 1997 as a non profit corporation. 501 (cll3) Status. The Internal Revenue Service granted Planet A Inc. status as a 501 (c)(3) organization on October 31, 1997. (EIN 04-3348171 ) Sales Tax Exempt Status. Massachusetts Department of Revenl granted Planet Aid, Inc. status as a· an organization exempt from sal, and use taxes on November 18,1997. (# 043-348-171) Charitable Status. The Attorney General of Massachusetts granli Planet Aid, Inc. status as a public charity on February 11, 1997. Spain PLEASE SEND MORE INFORMATION ON IICD AND PLANET AID IN THE USAI! Sweden II .. Switzerland Tahiti Taiwan The Institute for International Cooperation and Development (IICD) Ukraine • Venezuela Virgin Is Zambia Zimbabwe Tvind's US equivalent of its European training institutes for 'solidarity workers' appears to be The IICD in Massachusetts, with a postal address at PO Box 520, Williamstown MA, 01267. Young people are groomed to become solidarity workers in th Central American countries of EI Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua as well as India and Africa. Again, the methods used are the same as in the Travelling High Schools in Denmark and Norway, and the CICD in England . Tvind's IIC website and links: http://www.iicd-yolunteer.orgliicd.htrr also at http://gemini.berkshire.netl-iicd1! http ://www.tvindalert.org.ukltvindjn_the_arnericas.htm _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _"" 6/'-'.1='-5/-0-'-1 " _ _ _--' Tvind in the Americas • • II Page4of6 MORE LOCAL INFORMATION ON IICD PLEASEII Tvind in Florida Tvind is known to have an administration/apartment block several stories high and 'the size of a couple of tennis courts' in Miami. Members of the Teachers Group gather here in secret from time to time - it is believed to be a major new H( for Tvind's extensive US, Central and South American programmes. Apart from the lUXUry beachside apartments, there is also said to be an expensive ocean going yacht. There have been reports for many years of Tvind buying up property, companie and assets in the Florida area. MORE INFORMATION PLEASE Tvind elsewhere in the USA As long ago as the early 1980s, Tvind was sending members of the teachers group to Virginia, to the Ake Pecha school for youngsters with a criminal record. Was this a Tvind moneyearning school, and does it still exist? MORE INFORMATION PLEASE Humana - not to be confused with lhe Humana Foundation Do NOT confuse Humana People-lo-People, a Tvind organisation, with the Humana Foundation, a jolly good charity associated with the Humana Healthcare Inc. e US National Institute for Literacy, an official US government body based in Washington, seems to have done just that in its ebsite (http://www.nifl.gov/Humana.htm). The Humana Foundation is listed as a charitable foundation it supports, but the link is to the wrong Humana. Has the National Institute for Uteracy made any donations to 'Humana' - and if so did the right organisation get the money? Tvind Alert has notified the NIFL's webmasters of the error.. http://www.tvindalert.org.uk/tvindjn_the_americas.htm 6/15101 tvind in the UK Tvind AI_a dossier on Tvind, Planet Aid and ALL m. I NFORKAT I O ~ Page 1 of4 CONTAINEO HERrIN IS UNCLAS SIFIED TVINDEX I , Email Tvind Alert Closed down by the Chari' Commission Tvind in Europe .... but it's back!! Tvind in Africa Tvind in the AmericaS Tvind in Asia . d t Tvm asse s: The College of International Cooperation and Devel Planet Aid UK; volunteer recruitment; empty school building in No house in London; other properties? Tvind on the Internet Angola Australia Austria Tvind's success has been severely dented in the UK following Charity Commission. It no longer raises money through Hum clothes collection bins. Nevertheless, it continues to recruit b British universities, through advertisements in newspapers an and on the Internet. Azerbaijan Belgium Belize Volunteers continue to raise money and distribute leaflets on London and other university towns such as Hull, Liverpool, Bir Manchester. Tvind has also begun collecting old clothes and again, through a commercial company, Planet Aid UK. Brazil Canada Cayman Is China The College for International Cooperati, Development, Hull Czech Republic Denmark Dutch Antilles Ecuador EI Salvador htto:l/www.tvindalert.org.ukITvinduk.html 6/15/01 • • • Tvind in the UK. Tvind Alert - a dossier on Tvind, Planet Aid and II~ Estonia Eill Finland France Page 2 of4 This college, in what was formerly the Tvind-run Winestead Hall Sc~ Patrington, near Hull, is Tvind's main asset in the UK. Here it 'train! recruited from all over the world, at a cost of around £2,000 each. II nine young people left the college, rn Click to read more about the College for International Co' ~ Development French Polynesia Germany Georgia Gibraltar Greece Hot news: On 6th-9th January 2000, seven of the 11 studen college and demanded a refund. Two others subsequently I some cases, relatives flew from abroad to take them home. T students believed they had been exploited and misinformed ~ exodus was widely reported in the regional press and TV to read more Guatemala W Annelie's story Guernsey Guinea Bissau Planet Aid UK Honduras Hong Kong India Ireland Italy Japan Jersey Korea Lithuania Tvind's British clothes recycling charity, Humana, was effectiv down in 1999 by the Charity Commission. The assets of Hum including seven shops and 900 clothes collection boxes have Traid, a new and completely independent charity with no links Nevertheless Tvind is back - it has since set up a new com operation, Planet Aid UK, collecting old clothes and shoes in c collection boxes on the streets of Sheffield and parts of the M is not a registered charity. It has been reported to Northam trading standards officers. Click to read Tvind's plans for Planet Aid UK Click to read about the closure of Humana UK in 1999 Malawi Malaysia Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Netherlands Neth. Antilles Winestead Hall and Red House Schc The Small School at Redhouse Ltd (Reg. Chari Two private boarding schools, at Winestead Hall, East Yorksh Small School at Red House, near Norwich, were run by Tvind 1998 through a registered charity. They were closed down. Winestead's headmaster, Steen Thomsen, subsequently reve had been a member of Tvind for 26 years, and said he recogn http://www.tvindalert.org.uklTvinduk.html 6/15/01 v' 'Tvind in the UK. Tvind PH::::W L.,1::i::1lcU IU Nicaragua Norway AI. a dossier on Tvind, Planet Aid and ~ Page 3 of4 was a cult in a memo to the Danish government, he reveale details of Tvind's management of the schools and financial inf supporting the Charity Commission's evidence of serious fina impropriety, Poland Portugal Click here to read Steen Thomsen's account of Wines Hall School, "a Tvind money-machine" Romania Russia Click to read about the Winestead Hall and Red House S( St Lucia St Vincent Scotland Newspaper reports: The Guardian The Observer The Daily Mirror Slovakia S, Africa ~ Sweden Switzerland :::'.::::'::= The Times Tahiti Taiwan Togo UK Ukraine The Times Higher Education Supplement Venezuela Virgin Is Zambia Zimbabwe http://www.tvindalert.org.uklTvinduk.htmi 6/15101 ~ ! [' , '" . Jvind in the UK Tvind AI. dossier on Tvind, Planet Aid and II. Page 4 of4 Other Tvind property The cult owns a house in Ealing, west London, at 18, Goldsmith AVE W36HN Tel: 0181 8969387 Tvind companies in the UK: Agence Notre Dame Ltd (under construction) Customlong Agencies Ltd (under construction) Dollarforge Ltd International Emergency Centre ?(place of registration uncertain) Help and advice Family Action Information and Resource (FAIR) BCM Box 3535, P.O. Box 12 London WC1N 3XX United Kingdom 44-1-539-3940 http://www.tvindalert.arg.uklTvinduk.htmI 6/15/01 To: Re: • Mi:mi" Copenhagen Fr.: 16 3A-CH-156, 03/25/2002 I ,, , LEAD(S) : Set Lead 1: COPENHAGEN • i AT COPENHAGEN- Read and clear. I I I Set Lead 2: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE AT WASHINGTON. DC Read and clear. Set Lead 3: I INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES AT WASHINGTON. DC Read and cl ear. i Set Lead 4: I LOS ANGELES AT LAX RA. CA j Read and clear . •• ~ , ., I f 2 I ------- -- -- - - -- - - - - --- ~-----.-. --,-'"--- To: Re: • 'Y Copenhagen From: Los Angeles 163B-LA-229871, 03/21/2002 LEAD (s) : Set Lead 1: (Adm) COPENHAGEN, AT COPENHAGEN Read and Clear . .. . . ,. 2 • • • ---- Working Read and clear. Set Lead 3: INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES AT WASHINGTON, DC Read and clear. Set Lead 4: LOS ANGELES AT LAX RA, CA Read and clear. GoPY ---_. Page 2