Approved for Public Release Date of Final Determination Detaineg Name izetaigee 155? 7 APR 20l6 Saifuliah Paracha l094 The Periodic Review Board, by consensus, determined that continued law of war detention of the detainee remains necessary to protect against a continuing signi?cant threat to the security of the United States. In making this determination, the Board considered the detainee?s past involvement in terrorist activities, including contacts and activities with Usama Bin Laden, Kahlid Shaykh Muhammad and other senior aI-Qaeda members. facilitating ?nanciai transactions and travel, and developing media for ai-Qaeda. The Board further noted the detainec?s refusal to take responsibility for his involvement with ai-Qaeda, his inability and refuse! to distinguish between iegitimate and nefarious business contacts, his indifference toward the impact of his prior actions, and his lack of a plan to prevent exposure to avenues of recngagement. 1 Approved for Public Reiease