420 – April 20th What is ‘420’? ‘420’ – pronounced ‘four twenty’ - refers to consuming cannabis (marijuana) and identifying with cannabis subculture. 420 observances are based on time – 4:20pm – as well as date – April 20th. On Wednesday, April 20th 2016, there will be a rally in Vancouver attended by several thousand participants and onlookers. While not officially confirmed, it appears that the 2016 Vancouver event will be held at Sunset Beach. Students are aware of ‘420’, and schools report a number of students who either leave school to attend the ‘420’ gathering, or use ‘420’ as an excuse not to attend school that day. Vancouver Board of Education Policy Please note:    School is in attendance on Wednesday April 20th Attendance will be taken, and students WILL be marked absent as on any other day For many reasons VSB does not condone students participating in the 420 event. For more information on 420 see the FACTS, FICTION AND CONVERSATION STARTERS WITH YOUTH handout which is available at www.vsb.bc.ca/sacy. Topics covered in the handout include:  420 - more information  How can we, as adults, support youth safety?  What youth need to know & how we as caring adults can talk to youth about marijuana. Learn more about cannabis at: http://heretohelp.bc.ca/factsheet/cannabis, http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/sites/default/files/cannabis.pdf, http://ncpic.org.au/ Please connect with a SACY staff person affiliated with your school for information, support and resources: www.vsb.bc.ca/sacy/contacts Art Steinmann, Manager, Substance Use Health Promotion and SACY Vancouver School Board asteinmann@vsb.bc.ca Ph. 604.713.5233 www.vsb.bc.ca/sacy