City and (County of Honolulu Honolulu Fire Department 636 South Street, Honolulu Hawaii 96813 Cellular Phone: 808?620?3226 Of?ce Phone: 808383-7178 Fax: 808?723?7179 The Following Report Pertains to a Fire Explosion Incident that occurred at: 1680 East West Rd., Post 109, Honolulu, HI 96822 Fire Investigation Report Number: 2016HFD0015761 Fire Investigations Lead Fire investigator: i. Raphael, CVFI Date of Report: March Fill}~ Zl'l'l? ifCCl?H?JiC?l Reviewer: Captaina]. Hooker: Clifii Date of Review: March 30? ZUIO 13133, I. Raphael3 (11:13.1, CVFI Fire Investigation Report: TABLE OF CONTENTS Table Of Contents .. 2 1 Investigation Summary Report .. 3 2 W'titten Consent (Copy) .. 4 3 Incident Details .. 5 4 Immediater Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) Evaluation .. 7 5 ObSetVations at the Identi?ed andfor Probable Point of Origin .. 7 6 Hypotheses Considered .. 1 1 7 Fire Origin and Came .. 12 8 Evidence/Items of Interest .. 13 Appendix A 1Witness Statements/Observations .. 14 9.1 Fire Crew - Battalion Chief Geoffreyr Chang .. 15 9.2 1?li?itness Statementy?fkservations ?_]ian Yu, .. 16 9.3 Witness Statement Thea Ekins?(?loward .. 17 11) Appendix Supplemental Documents .. 19 111.1 Structure Examination .. 30 10.1.1 Exterior Structure Examination . 22 10.1.2 Electrical Service.? Panel Examination .. 23 10.1.3 Interior Structure 10.3 Incident Related Casualty 10.3 Fire Explosion Investigation Methodolog- .. 31 Page 2 of 32 lilif?)1 l. Raphael, (Il?lil, CVFI Fire lnvestigalion Report: 2ft] (ii 1 INVESTIGATION Susnmv REPORT General Details: Occupant: Thea Elana-Coward Tit-Hi: Incident Address: 1630 East West Rd., Post 109, Honolulu, HI 96822 Date of Incident: March 16, 2016 Time lot?Alarm: 17:51 hours Initial liire Company (hi-scene: Ladder 29 Platoon Lead Fire Investigator: Fire Investigator, I. Raphael, CFEI, CVFI Lead Agenev: Honolulu Fire Department Fire Investigator, Captain Hooker, assisted with this investigation. General \V'eather Conditions ?based on local area weather station On?scene ll} - Clear (less than 1/10 Cloud cover). Air Temp (F): 73.9 Dew Point 55.9 Humidity {9 53 Wind Speed (mph): 19.6-24.2 lWind Direction: North lightning: No Precipitation: No r?irea tit?Urigin: 31 - Laboratory Point of Origin: Portable gas cylinder Related (:asualtt' liniurvKt?atalityj: Injury ExplosiomDet'ails; Source and liorrn of leat of Ignition: Source: Digital Pressure gauge Form: Electrical Arc/ Spark First Material: Ferrous Cylinder Item: Portable Cylinder- Speedaire 13 gallon Model: Material: 15 - Hydrogen gas. Mixed with C0 and C02. Factors Contributing to ignition: 1) Digital pressure gauge not designed for the conditions it was installed. Fire lixplosion 4C.ilat-tsitication: Based on the totaling.F of this investigation to include but not limited to the physical examination of the incident scene, observed tire. patterns, photographs, witness statements and the culmination ot?my training education and experience, it is with a reasonable degree of?re investigative certainty that this incident was caused by an accidental explosive event. This ?reX explosion has been classi?ed as ACCIDENTAL pending any further infonnation. Total Damage Estimate: 3 Unable estimate loss. Page 3 of 32 FF3, I. Raphael, CFEI, CVFI Fire Investigation Report: 2016HFD0015761 2 WRITTEN CONSENT (COPY) Honolulu Fire Department?Fire investigation Report It. HFD (U WRITTEN CONSENT TO AVA ?3 AL .1 ?9 C?fx . hereby grant access to the Honolulu Isaac Raphael. CFEI {Prhl Home In! tilt at HFDpurumml'i Fire Department (HFD) to my personal property described as: Era-(7' [U?f ?4 rm. toe-don. um, lpl?m??t most at: Mme/whiff? ?41.33 I understand that the HFD ls conducting an investigation relati to the origin and cause of a ?re! explosion that occurred at the above mentioned location on L5 {Dim I am fuliy aware that I have a constitutional right to be free from wanantless intrusions and that I may refuse to allow this investigation: however, I waive this right. I am iulty aware that have a right to consult with an attorney before ailowing this investigation; however. 1 waive this right. I am fully aware that any evidence uncovered by this investigation may be used against me in a court of law. I am not under the in?uence of drugs 0r alcohol and em mentally capable of making decrslons voluntaniy grant access to the above mentioned personal property and af?rm that I am not being threatened. coerced. or intimidated in any manner. I further con?rm that no promises have been made to me in return for my consent. Witness Consenter .I, - A: {Colo m3 5133/ [35. Wli Signature Datef?me ?7 Datenlma .. ?9th M5 M5 "V'tk? Home: Printed Name Relationship to Cetuentor Name .t 31 Li T8- Fire lnvestigatq; ?764?: r/1 ill/rt, Isaac Raphael. CFEI Insighature Dater?me Printed Nouns HFD Page 4 of 32 {I'x'l?l Report; JHIGI 3 INCIDENT DETAILS llu-iLh-11L Address: 1680 East West Rd., Post 109, Honolulu, HI 96822 W'mther (lumlitinm I?lmsed (m lHL??l urea weather starim?: 0n 10 - Clear (less than [/10 cloud cover). 73.9 New 1301111 55.9 (?1:le 53 \Yind Spec-Ll {mph?i 19.6-24.2 \Viud ljli?L?L?LiUllZ North Lightning: N0 l?recipilunun; NU- ldalmrmul?y Jr: Name: Jinn Yu, Pll.D. Di Cull Plume: Plume: 308-956?5373 Refer to attached statement in Appendix A. Hume I?lmnc: Unknown l'l'llm'x' Regearelwr: Name: Thea EkinS-Cuward won-? (gen l?hrme: Refer to attached Statement in Appendix A. \Tm?k l?lmm': None I lmne None l?erswn Disem?ermp the Incident Name: Unknown DUB: 115"":1 n/a (LL-ll l?lmnv: n/a \?i'urk l?lmm-z nfa Home l?lmm-z n/a (anmL-ms: n/a P11 apart; Page 5 (ml-32 l?i?t?i, i. Raphael, Fire investigation Report: lel?l Person Reporting the Incident: Name: Unknown n/a nXa Home Phone: n/a Cell Phone: n/a \?i?ork Phone: n/a Comments: nXa Investigation Request: Date of Request: March 16, 2016 Time of the Request: 20:10 hours Agency Making the Request: Honolulu Fire Deparnnent Person: Platoon, G. Changr Request Received Honolulu Fire Department, Fire Dispatch Contact Person: RC General Arrival Departure Information: Arrival Date: March 16, 2016 Arrival Time: 20:29 hours Scene Secured: Yes Securing Agency: Manner ofSecuritr: Physical Presence and Barrier Tape to [inter Scene: Exigent Circumstances and Written Consent Departure Date: March 16, 2016 Departure Time: 23:30 hours incident scene left in the Custody of: Owner Representative Assistin I rencies: Secondary Fire Department: None Report Number: n/ a Law Enforcement: Detective M. Tom (HPD) Report Number: Unknown Private Investigation Agency-'2 Eugene Ngai- Chemically Speaking LLC- Specialty Gas Technology, Safety and ER Ken Smith- Executive Director Environment, Health and Safety Of?ce of Risk Services University of California. Imke Schroeder? Research Project Mgr, UC Center of Laboratory Safety Craig A. Merliew Center for Laboratory Safety Page (i of 32 FFB, I. Raphael, CFHI, CVFI Fire Investigation Report: 4 IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUs To LIFE AND HEALTH (IDLH) EVALUATION I performed a visual evaluation of the incident scene and did not observe any concerns that would prevent me from continuing my investigation into the Origin and Cause of this tire/explosion incident utilizing appropriate personal protection equipment {131315.}. 5 OBSERVATIONS AT THE IDENTIFIED AND OR PROBABLE POINT OF ORIGIN The. interior of the Structure was examined from the least damage to the greatest damage in consideration of ventilation fuel load. 1witness statements and my overall observations. \?i?itness statements are noted in Appendix A while any supplemental documentation is noted in Appendix B. Digital photographs were taken at this incident and are being held in the case ?le. The following obsen-?ations are speci?c to the identified and/or probable Point tit-(high: Markings on the gauge do not indicate it?s an intrinsically safe gauge as would be evidenced by having any of these markings below. These photos were provided by Professor Jian Yu and is part of the apparatus. Page 7 Uf32 1-143, I. Raphael, (IX-7131 Fire Investigation Report: Horizontal teat acrosg the weld of the tank. Tank identi?cation below. Ashcroft 3.0? Industrial Digital Gauge. This: is; the circuit board to the gauge above. The. body of the gauge went missing between Manll 21, and has. not been recuvered as of thi? writing. Bulge in the tank end cap. Severed end cap. Page 3 HF 32 FFEL l- Raphael, CFHI, (IVFI Fire Investigation Report: Ashcroft 3m} Shut off gauge. Base valve connection Pressure Name plate relief valve Page 9 [?32 1-4143, 1. Raphael, (11713.1. CVH Fire Investigation Report: x?tsltemft psi gauge previoust used as per witness statement regarding an earlier incident. Body of the gauge that is mis sing Appears to he a battery used to opt: rate this gauge. (Jeanine of Personal Protective Equipment and Tools All personal protective equipment and tunls utilized during the course of this investigation were Cleaned and decmttaminatcd or disposed of at the cunelusimt 0f the Dn?sitc phase of this investigatiun. Page 10 01332 1. Raphael, CHILL (351:1 HTC Investigation Report: 6 HYPOTHESES CONSIDERED Natural Fire flixplusion lCause: - No severe weather activity was observed or reported in the area Level off'lertaimr: No supporting evidence to indicate a natural ?re cause Fire/Explosion {IauSez - Accidental causes were considered and only one probable cause remained. The accidental cause of this explosion was caused by the detonation of compressed gasses to include: Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen within the air tank. A digital pressure gauge used to check the pressure within the tank was not rated or designed (not Intrinsically Safe) to be in a ?ammable gaseous atmosphere. When the OFF button was pressed, an electrical arc/ spark created within the gauge detonated the ?ammable gas within the tank causing the explosion. Level oi?flertaintr: Probable, with a reasonable degree of ?re investigative certainty. incendiary: Fire/Explosion lCame: - There were no observed or reported indications of an intentionally set ?re. Level of Certainty: No supporting evidence to indicate an intentional ?re cause. Undetermined l?ireXleplosion Cause: Refer to ?re cause noted above Level (ii?Certainty: Refer to fire cause noted above Recommendation. It is tn}; recommendation that all items (ii?interest (tagged and tin?tagged) in the area of tire origin. and/or at the idcnti?ed/prohaliile point of tire origin. be further examined by :1 certified forensics laboratory or other Certified Referrals to Other Agencies: 1. HIOSH- Tin Shing Chao 2. Honolulu Police Department, Criminal Investigations Division Page 11 of 32 FFE, l. Raphael, Clilil. (Ill-"Fl l'ire Investigation Report: e33 7 FIRE ORIGIN AND CAUSE Description of;\rea of. Origin: 31 - Laboratory Description of the probable Point tit-Origin: The item ofinterest is an air tank on the ?oor near the south wall adjacent to the counter cabinets. This air tank was separated at two points. One end cap was completely severed from the tank and the weld that ran horizontally across the tank was split open. The opposite end cap remain intact but there was visual evidence of over pressurization as the end cap bulged outward. There were 4 threaded holes in the tank; one was for the digital pressure gauge, one for the shut?off valve, one for the drain, and the last for the pressure relief valve. Only the pressure relief valve and drain valve remained intact and af?xed to the tank. The pressure gauge and shut off valves were separated from the tank when the explosion occurred. [ix lnsion Cause: Source anti Form of I [eat of Ignition: Source: Digital Pressure gauge liorm: Electrical Arc/Spark liirsl Material; Ferrous Cylinder ltem: Portable Cylinder? Speedaire 13 gallon Model: Material: 15 Hydrogen gas. Mixed with CO and C02. Factors Contributing to Ignition: 2) Digital pressure gauge not designed for the conditions it was installed. Fire/Explosion Classification: Based on the totality of this investigation to include but not limited to the physical examination ofthe incident scene, observed ?re patterns. photographs, witness statements and the culmination trim}: training. education and experience, it is with a reasonable degree of ?re investigative certainty that this incident was caused by an accidental explosive event. This tire/explosion has been classi?ed as ACCIDENTAL pending any further investigation. Total Damage Estimate; $5 Unable estimate loss. Page 1201-32 F143, 1. Raphael, Clilil, (fl-?lil Fire Investigation Report: 8 EVIDENCE ITEMS OF INTEREST Item Number 1: Description: Speedaire- 13 gallon cylinder 2TWC3 Removed by Investigator: No by HPD ()f?cerXInvestigator: No Collected by Private Investigator/(lunch Unknown Item Number 2: Description: n/a Removed by HFD lnveetigator: n/a Collected by 1 WT) n/a Collected by Private Investigator/Other: n/a Item Number 3: Description: nfa Removed by Investigator: n/a Collected by HPD Of?cer/Investigator: n/a Collected by: Private lnvestigaror/Otl?icr: n/a Item Number 4: Description: n/a Removed by HFD Investigator: n/a Collected by HPD Of?cer/Investigator: n/a Collected by Private Investigator/((Jther: 11/3 'l'agged: Yes Current Location: Place of discovery Name: n/a Name: n/a Tagged: n/a Current Location: n/a Name: n/a Name: n/a Tagged: n/a Current lacation: n/a Name: n/a Name: n/a 'l?agged: n/a Current location: n/a Name: ?fa Name: n/a Page 13 of32 FF3, I. Raphael, CVFI Fire Invastigatlun Rep?rt: 2016HFD0015761 9 APPENDIX A WITNESS OBSERVATIONS This page left blank intentionally Page 14 of 32 lilifi, l. Raphael, CFHI. (ZVFI Fire Investigation Report: 211161 lFDiliilF??] 9.1 FIRE CREW STATEMENT OBSERVATIONS BATTALION CHIEF GEOFFREY CMNG Name: G. Chang Rank: Battalion Chief Assigned l?ire Company: L29/2nd Rule at incident: Incident Command Location of the Inlen?iew: Incident scene The following was related by the named lil?iD Member above. 1 serious victim, lost arm possible. Female victim oriented x?s 3. She was transported to Queens Hospital. She was working in the basement lab when an explosion occurred. She was in the process of mixing gasses when the metal cylinder blew up. A metal cylinder blew up. Possible biological agents in the lab. Awaiting con?rmation from Hazmat 1. The building was evacuated. Hazmat 1?s plan is to review the list of chemicals that were being used in the lab then re-evaluate mitigating actions. It was later determined that there were no biological hazards. The building was deemed safe to continue I the investigation. University staff shut off gas to the building. This page and l} continuation pages were transcribed from my ?eld interview with the stated li?lernber above. Date: March 16, 2016 'l?inie: 2035 hours Page 15 of 32 1:133, I. Raphael, (Ililil. Iiire Im-rstigation Report; 201? 113134 ?115761 9.2 WITNESS OBSERVATIONS JIAN Yt?, PH-D. Name: jian Yu, DUB: Unknown Involvement: Laboratory Professor llomef?N?oi-l; .-?iddress: 1680 East 1West Rd. Post 109, Honolulu, HI 96822 Occupation: Researcher Home Phone: Unknown (.Iellular Phone: Phone: 808?956-5873 Location oftlie Interview: Incident address The following was related to me by the named individual aim-ire: The victim Thea Ekins-Coward was working as a Post-Doctoral Fellow trained in Marine Science and a Chemical Engineer. She was hired by Dr. Yu October 2015 to conduct research in bioplastics and biofuels. In response to my questions he related that: The tank that failed was Ms. Eldns-Coward?s design. She bought the equipment (tank, digital gauge, pressure relieve valve, and ?ttings) between November 2015 and January 2016. The tank was to have been rated at 10 bar or 150 psi. When the tank was assembled with its parts, a pressure test was done using the buildings air which produced 91.2 psi. Several leaks were detected. So the tank assembly was taken to the Universities maintenance for help in stopping the leaks. This particular tank was used to contain a mixture of gases to include: 70% Hydrogen, 10% Carbon dioxide, and 20% Oxygen in that order and to a normal operating pressure of 50 psi. The tank was not grounded and was normally moved from a stored location to areas where it could be ?lled. The tank would be moved approximately 3 feet to ?ll it with Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide, then moved approximately 13? so it can be ?lled ?with Oxygen. The}? have a Bunsen burner but was not used at the time of the incident. This page and continuation pages were transcribed from 1113' ?eld interview with the stated Individual above. Date: March 17, 2016 Time: 0930 lours Page 16 of 32 1. Raphael, CFEI, CVPI Fire Investigation Report: 2016HFD0015761 9.3 WITNESS STATEMENT OBSERVATIONS Tana Name: Thea Ekins-Coward DOB: Involvement: Victim Home/work Address: Occupation: Post-Doctoral Fellow Researcher Home Phone: None Cellular Phone: _Work Phone: None Location of the Interview: Queens Medical Center, The following was related to me by the named individual above: From our conversation I learned that: The air tank and assembly that failed was purchased between November 2015 andJanuary 2016. The parts were assembled and pressure tested with the building supplied air. This output of air was 91.2 psi which was suf?cient enough to cause leaks at the connections so the tank assembly was taken to the Universities maintenance shop where they helped stop the leaks. The design of this tank assembly was that of Dr. Jian Yu. The tank was rated at 145 psi. The air tank (13 gallon Speedaire? model: was used to contain a mixture of gasses to include: 70% Hydrogen, 20% Oxygen, and 10% Carbon Dioxide. In doing her research, she needed to change the composition of the gasses to 70% Hydrogen, 25% Oxygen, and 5 Carbon Dioxide. This premixed gas would then be connected to a reactor. On this particular day, she moved and ?lled the tank with a set amount of gasses using the Ashcroft 300 psi digital gauge that is battery operated. This gauge is a push button type for ON and OFF. 1When she disconnected the hoses used to ?ll the tank, she checked the pressure in the tank to verify the amount to be 117 psi. She then pressed the OFF button and the tank exploded. Prior to the explosion, she did not hear any sounds of escaping or leaking gasses from any of the ?ttings or pressure relief valve. She did not lose consciousness or hit her head; she was aware that she lost her arm in the explosion. She couldn?t open the door to the lab, the door was stuck closed. A person by the name of Savannah was there to help get the door open and help her out of the lab. She added that earlier in the week, she was conducting another experiment using a smaller one gallon size air tank assembly nearly as identical as the one that failed using similar components to include the Ashcroft 100 digital pressure gauge and the premixed gasses. The tank pressure was set to 27 psi. After reading the gauge, she pressed the OFF button and a small internal explosion occurred. She related to me that there was evidence of a soot and smoke stains. Page 17 Oil-32 Fire investigation Report: Static shock also appeared to have been a problem as Ms. Ekins-Coward would get shocked on occasion when touching the tank. She brought this information to the attention of Mr. Yu who she said told her don?t worry about it. I asked if they have been doing this type of experiment for a long time why now did this happen. She related to me that this is the ?rst time the use of premixed gas in a portable tank to conduct experiments was being done. In the past, each individual gas would have a separate hose line and be premixed at the reactor eliminating the use ofa portable tank. She was alert and knew what was going on. This page and l} continuation pages were transcribed from my ?eld inten?icw with the stated Individual above- Date: March 22, 2016 Time: 1215 hours Page 13 of 32. FF3, I. Raphael, CVFI Fire Investigation Report: 211161-11: 10 APPENDIX - SUPPLEMENTAL DOCUMENTS This page left blank intentionallyr Page 19 of 32 FIG, 1. Raphael, (IFHI, (:Vl?il Fire ltwestigaLion Report: Bill 5701 10.1 STRUCTURE EXAMINATION 'l'ype of Uccup aney: Property 2-8-023-003:000 Zoning: Residential Occupancy Use: Educational Estimated Year of Unknown Number of Floors: 3 upper floors with a basement Length: ""190 Width: ?"150 Properg? Status: Building Status: 02 In normal use Name of the last individual in the structure: Unlmown Date the individual was last in the structure: March 16, 2016 Time of departure: Time of alarm Exited via which exit: Unknown Building Construction: lit?tuntlation 'l'ype: Basement Foundation Material: Poured concrete Exterior Material: Poured concrete Roof Material: I was unable to View the roof 'l'ft'pe. of Construction: Type II, Non-combustible Main liloor {building foot print) Square Footage: ~28,500 Damaged Square Footage: ~300 Building Fire Protection Security: Presence ofs?tutomatie I?ire Suppressitm System: 01- Present Type of Automatic Fire Suppression System: UU - Undetermined Operation of r?tutomatic Fire Alarm System: 02 - System was present but did not alert occupants Presence of Smoke Detectors: Undetermined of Detectors: n/a Presence. of/and operation of Security Cameras: No security system was observed Page 11(32 1. Raphael, (Ii?i?ii. Fire Investigation Report: 2m (ii iFDliUi 5761 Condition of and Windows: Doors: Undetermined Forced/Broken: N0 Forced/Broken by: 11/3. \?(Find?u??i n/a n/a by: n/a First Arriving l?ire Compam"s (Jest-nations: l?itst Arriving l?ire Company: Ladder 29/2"d Platoon Company Commander: Capt. D. Dougan lt)lzrservatitms: A Statement was not taken from Captain David Dougan. Battalion Chief ill?Charge of Incident: Platoon, G. Chang Obsen?atiuns: Chief Chang was managing the incident scene on our arrival. See Witness statement BUildin 1 Utilities: Electrical Service: Yes Prtwider: Hawaiian Electric Company Number: 808?548-7961 Gas Service: Undetermined Pruvider: The Gas Company Number: 808-535-5933 \?i?ater ?Service: Yes Provider: Board of Water Supply7 Number: 808-748-5010 'i'elepht'me Service: Undetermined Provider: Undetermined Number: 11/ a Loss Estimate Based on Square Vantage of Observed Fire Damages: Loss iisdmate tr.) Structure 0 Estimate tn Cnntents: 0 Loss Estimate (Either: 0 'l?otsl Loss Estimate: Cannet Estimate Loss Page 21 of 32 1313, l. Raphael, (li??l?ll, CVlil Fire Investigation Report: 10.1.1 Exterior Structure Examination Owner of the StructureKProperq': Name: State of Hawaii/Hans Nielsen DUB: n/a [hime/?x?i?ork :?tddress: 1680 East West Rd., POST 109, Honolulu, HI 96822 Occupatitm: n/a \V?"ork Phone: 808-956-5180 Home. Phone: n/a Cellular Phone: n/a General Impression of [he Structure: Overall: No observed structural damage Incident Damage: No observed ?re damage Aerial View of the StructureX Property: Entrance to the basement lab Rm. 31} room where this incident occurred was accessed through a stairwell From the north side of the building 111 The perimeter of the building was photographed and and determined not to be the origin of this incident. Page 22 of 32 1. Raphael, Chi?Cl, Fire Investigation Report: 10.1.2 Electrical Service! Panel Examination Disconnect Location: Unknown Main Size: Unknown Meter Number: Unlmown Main Disconnect 'i'urned Off: No Turned Offby: n/a Fire/Heat Damaged: n/a General Comments: - Electrical service to the building was remote to the building and secured. Electrical Distribution Panel Location: Lab 30 - east wall Circuit Protection Devices: Breakers Breakers Turned Off: Yes Turned Off by: Electrical maintenance? Bob Shinagawa interior Examination Conducted: No Fire/l leaf Damaged: No General - 100 amp service to Lab 30. - The distribution panel for the lab was located against the east wall behind the entrance door (right side). No damage was observed at the panel or circuit breakers. Electrical Distribution Panel for lab Unknown tripped breaker Page 23 of 32 F133. 1. Raphael, (:l'tlil. (:Vl?l [rite ltwestigatimi Report: (it 10.1.3 Interior Structure Examination l?uat?130ctorai lielluw Researcher: Name: Thea Ekins-Coward DUB: Home/Mk (.l'ccupatjunr Dr. Fellow Research I lnme n/a Cellular Plume: Plume: n/a General lmpresgiun (it [he (if the Structure: Overall: Moderate obscured structural damage Fire Damage: Minor observed ?re damage llezzignalinn (it?Probable l?ire (.lrigin: Lab Room Room Length ~40 Roam \?Uidth [ft ~20 Room Height ffL): ~12 Ceiling h'laterial: Other l'ani' i?x-?Iarcrial: Concrete 5 4 Sketch of the plan: a lucatitm ol? the area ('l'rigiu Various stored gas )l'tfd cylinders cylinders (I lydrogen, it Nm'rnally stored 111111;. 1 it Em? M. aned to ?ll with various Dioxide. and Hamlin-wed Mr] Page 24 Hf 32 l?ll'if?i1 l. Raphael? (:Vlil Fire Investigation Report: Interior ?all Designation (corresponding exterior wall): North Wall Covering Material: Gypsum Board Dunensions: Il/? Number tit-Windows: None Fire/l leat Damaged: n/a Number of Doors: None Dunensions: n/a Fire/l [eat Damaged: n/a Observed Electrical Receptacles: Electrical outlets were observed. No visible arcing or damage occurred to the outlets. Observed Ignition Sources: Electrical branch circuit(s), ?xture(s) and appliance(s) Observed Fuels: Common combustibles (paper, plastic, wood, textiles other) Did the explosion originate on or in the proximity of this wall? No Other Observations: An island work bench separated the north and south wall. Assorted test equipment and electrical outlets were Visually observed with no electrical are or short noted. The explosion did not occur in this area. Drop ceiling panels and ?orescent lamp ?xtures fell from its location and was hanging by their respective wire conductors. Fallen Petri dishes and test tubes was scattered throughout the floor and ecuntertops. Page 25 0(32 I. Raphael, Clil?ll. C?t?lil Fire Investigation Report: Interior lWall Designation (corresponding exterior wall): West \X?all Covering Material: Gypsum Board Number None Dimensions: n/a leat Damaged: n/a 1 Number ofDoors: None Dimensions: n/a Damaged: n/a Observed Electrical Receptacles: Electrical outlets were observed. No visible arcing or damage occurred to the outlets. Observed Ignition Sources: Electrical branch circuit(s), ?xture(s) and appliance(s) 4 a? Observed Fuels: :17 Common combustibles (paper, plastic, wood, textiles other) Did the explosion originate on or in the pt'oxit'nit}r of this wall? No Other This photo is facing the south west wall. An island work bench on the right separated the north and south wall. Assorted test equipment and electrical outlets were observed. No electrical are or short was observed in this area. The explosion did not occur did not occur against the west wall area. Page 25 of32 FF3, l. Raphael, CFHI, CVFI Fire Investigation Report: 2016HFD0015TGI Interior Vii-"all Designation (corresponding exterior wall): South W?all Covering Material: Gypsum Board Number of??indows: None Dimensions: n/a Fire/l leat Damaged: n/a Number of Doors: 1 Dimonsions: (2)32" 7' (approx) Fire/Heat Damaged: Moderate damage observed Observed Electrical Receptacles: Electrical outlets were observed. No visible arcing or damage occurred to the outlets. Observed Ignition Sources: Electrical branch circuit(s), ?xture(s) and appliance(s) a: 2 Observed Fuels: rn Common combustibles (paper, plastic, wood, textiles other), ?ammable combustible gas (possible) Did the explosion originate on or in the of this wall?-I Yes Other Observations: An island work bench on the right separated the north and south wall. Assorted test equipment and electrical outlets were observed. No electrical are or short was observed in this area. The explosion did occur approximately the center of the lab against the south work bench. Page 27 of32 1. Raphael, CFEI, CVFI Fire Investigation Report: Interior W?all I'Designation {corresponding exterior wall): East W?all Covering Material: Gypsum Board Ntmiber of Windows: None Din-tensions: n/a liireflrieat Damaged: n/a Number of Doors: None Dimensions: n/a Fire/l leat Damaged: n/a Observed Electrical Receptacles: Electrical distribution panel is located against this wall. No structural damage was observed. Electrical outlets were observed. No visible arcing or damage occurred to the outlets. Observed Ignition Sources: Electrical branch circuit(s), ?xture and appliance(s) 1 u: Observed Fuels: Common combustibles (paper, plastic, wood, textiles other), ?ammable combustible gas (possible) Did the Fire Originatc on or in the Proximin of this wall? NO Other Ubsorvations: Gas cylinders are located opposite this photo against the island work bench. Page 23 of 32 15143, I. Raphael, (Ililil? CYFI Fire Investigation Report: 20161 ()thcr Pertinent information regarding the Interior of this Structure: March 24, 2016 at approximately 1030, I met with Hans Neilsen at the incident location to gain access to LAB Rm. 30. Accompanying me was Inv- Edward Millerd, Hans Neilsen, and Nicholas Metivier. The use of our re-exarnination was a follow 11 on investi ation. This Twas to include, closer . photos of the failed air tank and its associated parts. What was not found and is considered missing is the Ashcroft 300 digital gauge that is visible in my photos JH folder #253, 269, 288, 2.89 and 20160209_084856 in folder Jian Yu photos. March 28, 2016, at approximately 1100, I spoke with Nicholas Metivier UH Employee Facilities. He related that a cleanup company hired to decontaminate the lab worked from March 17-March 19, 2016. He took before pictures with his camera phone and it appeared the missing gauge was in one of the photos. Page 29 M32 I. I?il'e Repm?l: SHIN Him (ml 10.2 INCIDENT RELATED CASUALTY General [min-math 111. Name: Thea Ekins-Coward Gender: Female .Midresw University nfl-Iawaii 1m: 41 )emqmlirm: Post Fellow Physical None Lasunltr Treated :11 Scene: Yes-3 Inmal 'l't'enrmem Hy: Emergency NIedieal Services Medic-Al (Lure Emergency Driedieal Services 'i?rilIWSP?Jl?l-Cd: Yes Vii?here: Queens Medical Center Iniurjy ?I?ype Hf Emmy: Trama Sevcrilf.? {if In?ll-y: Severe Brier?murmur]: Next Hi: Kin. Name: Amy Ekins-Cuward 'I'eleplmne: Kratitied: Yes Relminuship In \riclim: Spouse nfNu??emmn: Unknown date and ?rm: \'icr11n Int?m?lgyiliuLL Lm'nliun victim was dim?nn'ered: Seienee lab where his. Thea EkinS-Coward was working diriem'ered \?ieum: Unknown Pmirinn ntW'iL?Lim?s h?JLh': Able body Signi?cnm 1d Yes Uther Infurnmtiun: None Page .30 Hf 52 FEB, I. Raphael, (:Iilil, Fire Investigation Report: 2016} 10.3 FIRE EXPLOSION INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY Recognize the Need (Identify the Problem) Event .v-?tssignment Particular Role (Investigate the Origin/Cause) Event Location Define the Problem Assess the Incident Determine Equipment Needs Understand Fire Service Actions and Response Obtain Right of Entry Conduct Scene Safety Inspection Secure the Scene Conduct a Preliminary Incident Inspection Collection of Data Conduct Interviews IE Conduct Exterior Examination IE Conduct Interior Examination [3 Document and Tag Physical Evidence (if needed) *3 Document and Tag Pertinent Documents (if needed) Diagram the Scene Photograph the Scene Compile Field Notes IXI Analyze Data Collected Examine Burn Patterns Correlate \l?'ritness Statements IE Develop ?I'imeliine ifNecessary Examine Reasonable Potential Fire/Explosion Causes Examine Necessary Documents IE Reconstruct the Incident Scene Page 31 of 32 FPS, I. Raphael, CFEI, CVFI Fire Invesngation Report: 201 5761 Deve l-l oth Inductive 0 Based On the data analysis, develop a hypothesis or hypothesis to explain the phenomena observed. 0 Origin El 0 Cause 0 Fire Spread Responsibility El Test othesis eductive Re 5 1n 0 Consider all Reasonable Natural Fire/ Explosion Causes 0 Consider all Reasonable Accidental Fire/ Explosion Causes 0 Consider all Reasonable Incendiary Fire Explosion Causes 0 Consider all Facts in Relation to the Hypothesis and Select Final Hypothesis 0 Test Hypothesis against K110wn acts 0 Experirnent and or Model {as necessary} Select the final If the ?nal hypothesis fails after consideration of all known facts, re?analyze the data. If the hypothesis stands?up to the known facts, consider it as the probable cause of this incident. Page 32 of 32 Incident Report 2016-0015761 -t100 Honotulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH Honolulu, H1 96813 Printed: 04f18/201 6 2.64:3 1 Number of Pages: 14 Basic Alarm Date and Time Arrival Time Controlled Date and Time Last Unit Cleared Date and Time Response Time Priority Response Completed Reviewed Release to Public Fire Department Station Shift Incident Type Aid Given or Received Alanns Action Taken 1 Action Taken 2 Action Taken 3 Casualties EMS Provided Apparatus Suppression Apparatus - Other Personnel Suppression Personnel Personnel - Other Property Loss Contents Loss Property Value Contents Value 11:51:12 Wednesday. March 16, 2016 17:58:17 23:20:04 Wednesday March 16, 2016 0:01:gas rupture ofpressure or process vessel - None 1 42 - Hazmat monitoring. sampling, analysis 55 - Establish safe area 86 - Investigate No Yes 4 3 13 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Property Use 241 Adult education center, college classroom Location Type Address Address 1686 East West RD City, State Zip Honolulu, HI 96822. District 2 Census Tract 0021.01 Directions 1686 East West Rd Latitude 21.291014 Longitude 4518115066 Map Page 7.01 Situation Initial Dispatch Code 4 [2 Critical Incident No Person Involved - Alpuro, Savannah Name Pre?x Last Name First Name MS Alpuro Savannah Page 1 of 14 Printed: (14151813116 12:54:31 Honolulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH ST Henotut'u, HI 95813 Incident Report Printed: 04/18f2016 12:54:32 4300 Number of Pages: 14 Person Involved - Alpurot Savannah Business Name Univ. Security Of?cer Street Address Phone 8(18956961 I Person Involved - . ('Jecupies Property Yes EMS Patient Yes Involvement ode Last Name First Name Street Address City. State Zip Honolulu? HI ?5 Phone Person Involved - Evangelista-Gouveim Bridget Last Name Evangelista?Gouveia First Name Bridget Business Name Univ. Securin (SeargentI Street Address Phone 8089566911 Person Involved - HAWAII STATE GOVERNMENT. - Involvement Code REP Last Name HAWAII STATE GOVERNMENT First Name Street Address Person Involved - Name Pre?x Last Name First Name Business Name Witness! Rescuer Street Address Phone Person Involved - Name Pre?x MR Last Name First Name Business Name Researcher Street Address Phone Person Involved - Sukekane, Name Pre?x MR Last Name likekane Page 2 of 14 Printed: 12:54:32 Honotulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH 57' Honolulu, HI 96813 Incident Report Printed: 04178112016 12:54:32 2016-0015761 -000 Number of Pages: 14 Person Involved - Sukekane, First Name Business Name HPD LT. Badge?329 Street Address Phone 8085514481 Person Involved - Name Pre?x MR Last Name First Name Business Name Head Researcher Street Address Phone Apparatus - Apparatus ID Apparatus Dispatch Date and Time 17:53:34 Wednesday. March 16, 2016 Apparatus (?lear Date and Time 17:55:13 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 Apparatus priority response Yes Apparatus cancelled after dispatch Yes Number of People 2 Apparatus Use 1] Apparatus Action Taken 1 93 Cancelled en route Apparatus Type 92 - Chief o?ieer ear Personnel 1 261137 - Harris. Leslie-James Position: FF2 Personnel 2 8954 Bowers, Joint A Position: BC. Apparatus - L29 Apparatus ID L29 Response Time [1:06:01] Apparatus Dispatch Date and Time 17:52:17 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 En route to scene date and time 17:56:25 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 Apparatus Arrival Date and Time 17:58:17 Wednesday, March 16. 2016 Apparatus Clear Date and Time 23:20:04 Wednesday, March 16. 2016 Apparatus priority response Yes Number of People 5 Apparatus Use 0 Apparatus Action Taken 1 73 - Provide manpower Apparatus Action Taken 2 42 - Hazmat detection. monitoring. sampling, analysis Apparatus Action Taken 3 21 Search Apparatus Type 12 - Truck or aerial Personnel 1 211180 lClishi, Ken Position: FF3 Personnel Action Taken 1: 58 - Operate apparatus or vehicle Personnel Action Taken 2: 42 - Hazntat detection. monitoring, sampling. analysis Page 3 of14 Printed: 047113721116 12:54:32 Honotutu Fire Department 636 SOUTH 8T Honotulu, H1 96813 Incident Report Printed: 0471 812016 12:54:32 2016-0015761 ?000 Number of Pages: '14 Apparatus - L29 Personnel Action Taken 3: 21 - Search Personnel 2 32973 Berting. David Position: Personnel Action Taken 1: 73 - Provide manpower Personnel 3 76167 Hass. Adam Position: Personnel Action Taken 1: 73 Provide manpower Personnel Action Taken 2: 42 - Hazmat detection. monitoring, sampling, analysis Personnel Action Taken 3: 21 - Search Personnel 4 18657 - Dougan, David Position: CAPT Personnel Action Taken 1: 73 Provide manpower Personnel 5 17761 - Peterson. Derek Position: FF2 Personnel Action Taken 1: 58 Operate apparatus or vehicle Personnel Action Taken 2: 73 - Provide manpower Apparatus - Bn2 Apparatus 1D Bn2 Response Time 0:04:33 Apparatus Dispatch Date and Time 17:55:13 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 En route to scene date and time 17:55:20 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Apparatus Arrival Date and Time 17:59:46 Wednesday. March 16, 2016 Apparatus Clear Date and Time 22:00:27 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 Apparatus priority response Yes Number of People 2 Apparatus Use 1 Apparatus Action Taken 1 81 Incident command Apparatus Type 92 - Cliiefoi?cer car Personnel 1 31751 - Endow, Keith Position: FF2 Personnel 2 19522 Chang, Geoffrey A Position: BC Apparatus - E29 Apparatus 1D E29 Response Time 0:06:14 Apparatus Dispatch Date and Time 17:53:57 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 En route to scene date and time 17:56:26 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 Apparatus Arrival Date and Time 18:00: 1 1 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 Apparatus Clear Date and Time 22:01:12 Wednesday. March 16, 2016 Apparatus priority response Yes Number ofPeople 4 Apparatus Use 1 Apparatus Action Taken 1 76 Provide water Apparatus Action Taken 2 63 - Restore ?re alarm system Page 4 of 14 Printed: 0471872016 12:54:32 Honolulu Fire Department 635 SOUTH ST Honolulu, HI 96813 Incident Report Printed: 04/18/2016 12:54:32 2016-0015?61 4300 Number of Pages: 14 Apparatus - E29 Apparatus Type 11 - Engine Personnel 1 12997 Villalon, Anthony K. Position: FF3 Personnel 2 24291 - Tauro. Edward 1 Position: Personnel 3 71885 Ponce. Nicholas Position: Personnel 4 21062 - Tom. Kevin Position: Apparatus - HMI Apparatus 1D Response Time {1:14:48 Apparatus Dispatch Date and Time 17:53:28 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 En?route to scene date and time 11:56:15 Wednesday. March 16, 2016 Apparatus Arrival Date and Time 13:08:16 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 Apparatus Clear Date and Time 21:58:48 Wednesday. March 16. 2016 Apparatus priority response Yes Number of People 5 Apparatus Use 1 Apparatus Action Taken 1 42 - Hazmat detection. monitoring. sampling. 8: analysis Apparatus Action Taken 2 44 - Hazardous materials leak control 3: containment Apparatus Action Taken 3 36 Investigate Apparatus Action Taken 4 RI - Incident command Apparatus Type 93 HazMat unit Personnel 1 28078 - lsltida. Kenn Position: FF2 Personnel Action Taken 1 42 Hazmat detection. monitoring, sampling. 8.: analysis Personnel Action Taken 2: 44 - Hazardous materials leak control 8: containment Personnel 3 30826 - Baldeviso. Dean Position: Personnel Action Taken 1: 42 Hazmat detection. monitoring, sampling, analysis Personnel Action Taken 2: 44 - Hazardous materials leak control 8: containment Personnel 3 12418 - Randall. Dean Position: FF3 Personnel Action Taken 1: 86 Investigate Personnel Action Taken 2: 7'4 - Provide apparatus Personnel 4 13383 Adams. Alexander] Position: CAPT Personnel Action Taken 1: 86 - Investigate Personnel Action Taken 2: 81 - Incident command Personnel 5 18980 Flores. Destry Position: FF3 Personnel Action Taken 1: 42 - Hazmat detection. monitoring. sampling. analysis Personnel Action Taken 2: 44 - Hazardous materials leak control containment Page 5 of 14 Printed: (1411812016 12:54:32 Honolulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH ST Honolulu, Hl 96813 Incident Report Printed: 04/18/2016 12:54:32 2016-001 5?61 -000 Number of Pages: 14 Apparatus - L05 Apparatus ID L05 Response Time 0:09:07 Apparatus Dispatch Date and Time 18:55:05 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 En route to scene dale and time 18:52:41 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Apparatus Arrival Date and Time 19:04:12 Wednesday. March 16, 2016 Apparatus Clear Date and Time 22:38:56 Wednesday, March 16. 2016 Apparatus priority response Yes Number of People 4 Apparatus Use 0 Apparatus Action Taken 1 86 - Investigate Apparatus Type 12 - Truck or aerial Personnel 1 1832 Miller. Christopher] Position: FF3 Personnel Action Taken 1: S6 Investigate Personnel 2 26059 - Cuban, Javen Position: FF 1 Personnel 3 19386 - Calistro, Dean A Position: F131 Personnel 4 21205 - Goo. Bryan Position: CAPT Apparatus - Apparatus 1D INVE Response Time 0:13:40 Apparatus Dispatch Date and Time 20:10:52 Wednesday, March 16. 2016 En route to scene date and time 20:1 1:02 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Apparatus Arrival Date and Time 20:29:37 Wednesday, March 16. 2016 Apparatus Clear Date and Time 22:57:26 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Apparatus priority response Yes Number of People 2 Apparatus Use 1 Apparatus Action Taken 1 86 - Investigate Apparatus Type 00 - Other apparatuslresource Personnel 1 2233 Hooker. Jeffrey Position: CAPT Personnel Action Taken 1: 86 - Investigate Personnel 2 35TH - Raphael, Isaac Position: Fl-?3 Personnel Action Taken 1: 86 - Investigate Authority Reported By 13383 - Adams, Alexander] 01:49:03 Thursday. March 17. 2016 Of?cer in Charge 19522 - Chang, Geoffrey A 23:46:18 Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Reviewer 19522 - Chang, Geoffrey A Page 6 of 14 Printed: earns-mus 12:54:32 Incident Report 2016-0015761 -OUO Honolulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH ST Honolulu, HI 96813 Printed: 04/18f20 6 1 2:54:32 Number of Pages: 14 Authority 20:55:36 Friday. April 8, 2916 Narratives Nanative Name Narrative Type Narrative Date Author Author Rank Author Assignment Narrative Text Nan?ative Name Narrative Type Narrative Date Author Author Rank Author Assignment Narrative Text L5 Company 23:39:37? Wednesday. March 16. 2016 21?05 - Goo. Bryan CAPT 1 L5 was dispatched for a special call to assist Bn2 with a gas leak at The University of Hawaii Campus. L5 arrived at scene and was assigned RIT by Command. LS assembled gear and staged adjacent to the mauka entrance to the POST Building. A?er the RIT assignment was completed. L5 was later assigned to enter the lab and search for a severed upper body limb. L5 and HM personnel made entry. did a search and used the camera on the company iPhone to document what was seen. L5 was told to exit before anything the limb could be found. L5 did a brief deeon and was released from the scene by UH Command. exchanged PPE and returned equipment to service. L5 available. Bn2 Incident 00:03:17 Thursday. March 17. 2016 19522 - Chang, Geoffrey A BC I Bn2 arrived on scene and established University Command. Two UH Security Guards, Sgt. Bridget Evangelista-Gouveia and Of?cer Savannah Alpuro. along with grad student 1 had made entry to the damaged Laboratory by kicking in the door. They cxtricated the patient to the elevator where L29 personnel found her sitting on the floor. As we walked up to the scene, L29 brought the patient out ofthe building and placed her in the ambulance. Bn2 called FCC and informed them that the patient care was transferred to EMS. Command had HPD and campus security evacuate the building and set up a perimeter around the building. Conunand met with the building manager and asked him ?nd out who was in charge of the lab involved as well as what chemicals-"product were in the lab and what kind of research was being done. A graduate student who worked in the lab. Mr. (orange T-shirt} came forward and explained what was in the lab and what type of work was done there. He informed us of what we had to do to shut everything off. Mr. a map of the basement and the locations of the gas cylinders in question. We did have some trouble understanding Mr. Page 7 of 14 Printed: 12:54:32 Incident Report 2016-0015761 -000 Honolulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH ST Honolulu, Hi 96813 Printed: 041?13/2016 1 2:54:32 Number of Pages: 14 Narratives eeause he had a strong accent. l?vIr. xplained that the researcher was working on a renewable energy experiment that involved transferring CO2. C0. 02. Hydrogen gas. and Helium gas from large high pressure cylinders into a 13 gallon mixing tank. The mixture was then added to a solution of water and organic phosphates. Mr. was not sure how or why there was an explosion. Ms. another graduate student came forward to assist. She stated that she was actually the ?rst person on scene after tlte explosion and was familiar with the lab. She had been Working in room #3 when the explosion took place and she ran to help. She drew another map for us of the basement and the Lab in question. arrived on scene and began their investigation. It was determined that Hydrogen. Oxygen. Carbon Monoxide. Carbon Dioxide. and Helium were the possible gasses involved in the explosion. After meeting with both Mr. and Ms. . determined that it would be safe to enter the basement to investigate and turn off all of the gas cylinders. E29 was assigned water supply and L29 was assigned as RIT. L29 officer was assigned as Safety Of?cer. FF3 Randall was assigned as entry of?cer. Command requested another Ladder Company be dispatched to the incident to assist with ventilation and RIT. A Communications Plan was developed with BE-tae 4 as the primary radio channel for the entry team. The back?up channel would be l. BZ-tae 3 was the primary operations channel. personnel entered the building and monitored the air quality. No LEL was detected. There were several compressed gas cylinders in the room with open valves but no gas was leaking. All tanks were closed and the atmosphere was declared safe as no LEL was detected. personnel also conducted a pritnary search for the missing arm with negative results. exited the building. L5 arrived on scene aitd was assigned as L29 entered the building to conduct a secondary search for the missing arm with a representative to monitor the atmosphere. Only traces of the arm were found and Bn2 ordered that they be left in place for the investigative team. sent a team to walk the remainder ofthe building. all ?oors. and assess the atmosphere. Again, no LEL was detected. All companies exited the building and all personnel were accounted for. Page 3 of14 Printed: Blind-"2016 12:54:32 Incident Report 2016-0015?61 -000 Honolulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH ST Honolulu, Ht 96813 Printed: 04/18/2016 12:54:32 Number of Pages: 1 4 a rratives Narrative Name Narrative Type Narrative Date Author Author Rank Author Assignment Narrative Text L5 was assigned to enter the building and search the attic space of the lab for the missing arm. again only traces of the arm were found. At this point the person in charge ot'the lab (Mr. informed us that there were some bioIOgical agents in the room that were used for experiments. All personnel were ordered to exit the building. Command. Hlv?ll of?cer. and Mr. Brian Taylor, the Dean of the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. questioned Mr. further. He provided documentation upon request and showed us that this biological agent was no threat to humans. He also discussed each chemical in the room with the HM of?cer and assured us that there was no threat to life. Mr. ensured all three of us that none of the chemicals or compounds posed any threats. even when mixed together. The Fire Investigator arrived on scene, was briefed and began his investigation. The Fire investigator, Captain Hooker, informed Command that he was told there was a similar explosion one or two days ago. Command asked Mr. Brian Taylor ifhe was aware ofany explosions other than the one we were currently dealing with and Mr. Taylor stated he was not. At this point Mr. (orange T-shirt), walked up. Command asked him if he was aware of an explosion that may have happened within the past two days and he said yes. Mr. stated that it had happened doing the same experiment as the one that resulted in the explosion today. He also stated it was nothing to worry about because it was small. Captain Hooker was satis?ed that the scene was safe to enter and conduct his investigation. Companies were released as they secured their equipment and personnel. The scene was left in the command of the Fire Investigator and HPD investigators. became available for response. Incident 00:40:49 Thursday. March 17, 2016 13383 Adams. Alexanderl CAPT 1 At l'i'Sl hours on Wednesday March 16. 2016 we were dispatched to an air or gas rupture of pressure or process vessel. Seven units were assigned to this incident. Twenty-two personnel responded. We arrived on scene at 1753 hours and cleared at 2320 hours. The incident occurred at 1686 East West Rd. Honolulu in District 2. The local station is ST29. The general description of this property is adult education center. college classroom. The Page 9 of 14 Printed: ?4llth"2t}16 12:54:32 Honolulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH ST Honolulu, Ht 96813 incident Report Printed: 0411817201 6 12:54:32 2016-00157'61 ?000 Number of Pages: 1?4 Narratives primary taskts) performed at the scene by responding personnel were material detection. monitoring, sampling, and analysis. No mutualx'automatic aid was given or received. Alarm number 0015761 has been assigned to this incident. arrived at scene and briefed by BN2. There was an explosion in the basement ot'the POST building. IOne female person in the room had a serious arm injury. She was assisted by another worker in the building and later by ?re fighters and transferred to EMS. A researcher for the basement lab said the explosion might be caused by hydrogen and oxygen mixing in another container. He said there was also Nitrogen, CO. and Helium cylinders in the lab. He continued that turning off the cylinders would be a safe task. He provided a sketch of the basement layout and of the lab. Several entrances on the ground ?oor was opened for ventilation. After consulting with BN2. sent a 3 man entry team with ?re ?ghters from E29 and L29 as RIT. The mauka entrance was used as the entry point. entry surveyed the lab and encountered heavy damage to the lab including the walls and ceiling. A large amount ofbiood was located near the doorway. A broken water pipe in the ceiling was leaking. Meter readings were normal with no LEL readings in the lab. tunted all cylinder valves off. No lintbs were found. entry returned and gave a report. A second entry was done by and E29 to the lab. Other team members surveyed the rest of the upper floors ofthe building. No elevated readings were detected. encountered at least 3 people on the upper ?oors of the building that never evacuated the building earlier. A third entry was made searclt the ceiling area. Police investigators stuveyed the lab also. The head researcher provided a inventory declaration of microorganism in the lab. The microorganism cutropha 17699 [bacterium] was listed. There was a concern because it was located in a refrigerator that was badly damaged in. the explosion. The researcher assured HF personnel that the organisms were inert and was not a health hazard. Chemicals spilled on the ground (white powder.water} also was not hazardous. Blood from the injured person was still a concern. HFD personnel decontaminated their boots after entry. escorted a plumber to turn water leaking from the ceiling. provided boots for head researcher and escorted him to survey the lab for any other hazardous issues to HF personnel. He determined that there were none. Fire investigators arrived. Later, BN2 released the building to UH of?cials. Companies were released. became available. Narrative Name Bn] Page 10 ofl4 Printed: 04t?lRt?2016 12:54:32 Incident Report 2016-00157'61 -000 Honolulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH 5? Honolulu, Hi 96813 Printed: 04!? 8f20 1 6 12:54:32 Number of Pages: 1 4 Narratives Narrative Type Narrative Date Author Author Rank Author Assignment Narrative Text Narrative Name Narrative Type Narrative Date Author Author Rank Author Assignment Narrative Text Narrative Name Narrative Type Narrative Date Author Author Rank Author Assignment Narrative Text Company 22:40:18 Thursday. March 2016 3954 - Bowers. John A BC I But was noti?ed of this alarm prior to dispatch by phone from FCC. Between the time of phone call and walking out to apparatus and starting to rcSponse. 8111 was taken off?tis incident by FCC. available. E29 Incident 12:53:19 Monday. MarehZLZ?l? 1299? - Villalon, Anthony FF3 1 E29 arrived at scene and coordinated the movement of vehicles to gain access to the standpipc and hydrant. Per University Command. E29 secured a water source and hooked up to the standpipe. E29 personnel assisted University Command with securing building and egress points for entry team. Upon clearance from Hazlvlat 1 E29 personnel assisted UH Security with restoring their ?re alarm system. E29 personnel were required to go to the floor of the explosion to reset the pull station. Also. there was a flow alarm warning on the 5111 ?oor which E29 personnel investigated (no ?ow found). E29 decontaminated personnel and equipment with a l? hose. picked up. and became available. L29 Company 20:42:17' Monday, March 2016 13657 - Dougan, David CAPT 1 L29 responded to a gas leak alarm at the UHM POST Building. While on route Fire Dispatch updated the incident status to include a person with a severe upper limb injury. who was located in the basement of the building and that forcible entry might be required to get to the patient. At scene, L29 assisted EMS in getting patient out ofbuiiding and taking her to the ambulance rig, placing her in the care oft: 8: EMS MICT J- Kusano. Makiki Unit. (Patient was found just outside the basement elevator doors when L29 exited the elevator. in the company of another UHM Lab Student and a UHM Security Guard who was also with her. They had tried their best to cover the patient's right arm inj ury. which had been severed below the shoulder just above the elbow. L29 applied the Combat Toumiquet as quickly as possible and set it before bringing the patient up out ot'thc building and taking her to the ambulance rig). L29 of?cer was assigned as Safety Of?cer. L29 crew was then assigned by BN2 Command as RIT Backup Team to Entry Team. When L5 arrived. BN2 Command assigned L5 as Backup Team and reassigned L29 to assist with monitoring atmosphere and conducting a secondary search for what was left 0 1' patient's right arm, and Page ll of 14 Printed: ?4llSi'2ill6 l2:54:32 Incident Report 2016-0015761 -000 Honolulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH ST Honolulu, HI 96813 Printed: 04ft 815201 6 1 2:54:32 Number of Pages: 14 Narratives Narrative Name Narrative Type Narrative Date Author Author Rank Author Assignment Narrative Text ?nding only flesh traces of it, After the All Clear was given. L29 was released from the incident by BN2 Command and returned to quarters to extract PPEs and prepare 2nd set of PPEs for use before becoming available response. Investigator Incident 081?]? Wednesday. March 30. 2016 3570 - Raphael~ Isaac F3 8 Investigation Sununary. General Details: Omer?kcupant: University of Hawaii Incident Address: 1680 East West Rd. Honolulu. HI 96822 Date oflncident: March In, 2016 Time of Incident: hours. Lead Fire Investigator: Isaac Raphael? Lead Agency: Honolulu Fire Department. Assisting Fire Investigator: Captain J. Hooker, CFEL and Edward Millerd. General Weather Conditions. Dn?seeue Observations: Overcast (more then 92?] cloud cover). Air Temp 73.9 Dew Point (F): 55.9 Humidity 53 Wind Speed {mph}: 19.6 gust 24.2. Wind Direction: N. There was no reported lightning or other severe weather activity reported. although there was some Iitht passing showers throughout the day. Area ofOrigin. Laboratory R111. 30. Point of Origin. Digital pressure gauge and pressurized air tank. Fire Related Casualty {injury}. was severely injured in this accident. Explosion Details. Source ofIgnition: A battery operated pressure gauge. Form of Ignition: Arelspark from a gauge that is not intrinsically safe. Page 12 ofl4 Printed: OMIRKZUIG 12:54:32 Incident Report 2016-0015761 -000 Honolulu Fire Department 636 SOUTH ST Honolulu. H196813 Printed: 6 12:54:32 Number of Pages: 1 4 Narratives Narrative Name Narrative Type Narrative Date Author Author Rank Author Assignment Narrative Text Narrative Name Narrative Type Narrative Date Author Author Rank Author Assignment Narrative Text First Material Ignited: Hydrogen. Carbon Dioxide. and Oxygen gas mix. Factors Contributing to Ignition. Installation of a pressure gauge not designed for its intended use. Fire Explosion Classi?cation. Based on the totality of this investigation to include but not limited to the physical examination of the incident scene. observed damage, photographs. witness statements and the culmination of my training. education and experience, it is with a reasonable degree of investigative certainty that this incident was caused by an accident. The ACCIDENTAL cause of this explosion was caused by the detonation of compressed gasses to include: Hydrogen. Carbon dioxide. and Oxygen within an air tank. A digital pressure gauge used to check the pressure within the tank was not rated or designed [not intrinsically safe) to be in a ?ammable gaseous atmosphere. When the OFF button was pressed by the victim. an electrical arelspark created within the gauge detonated the ?ammable gas within the tank causing the explosion. This explosion has been classi?ed as ACCIDENTAL pending any further information. This ?re incident report has been amended to re?ect the ?ndings of my investigation. The Fire Investigation case ?le (to include the Fire Investigation Report. Photographs and any Supplementary Documentation} are being held at the HFD. Fire Investigation Section 2 Of?ce. Auto Narrative? inv Incident {18:36:19 Wednesday, March 30. 2016 35m - Raphael. Isaac I- FF3 8 At l'lSl hours on Wednesday March In. 2016 we were dispatched to an air or gas rupture ot?pressurc or process vessel. Seven units were assigned to this incident. Twenty-four personnel responded. We arrived on scene at 1758 hours and cleared at 232i] hours. The incident occurred at 1686 East West Rd. Honolulu in District 2. The local station is STZQ. The general description of this property is adult education center. college classroom. The primary taskts] performed at the scene by responding personnel were material detection. monitoring. sampling and analysis. No mutuaLlautomatic aid was given or received. Alarm number has been assigned to this incident- Technical Review Incident 09:52:16 Wednesday. March 2016 2233 - Hooker. Jeffrey CAPT 8 1 reviewed this report and concur with the ?ndings of Fire Investigator I. Raphael. Page 13 of 34 Printed: 04l18l2016 12:54:32