J a=- i J -.-d EKsN bfrA-( J//qJ PROPRII'TARY I{TORMATION Fq Authorlzrd ConrPrnY tll. O.tU RESEARCH AND EIUGINEERING COMPANY P.O. BOX 1O1, FLORHAM PARK, NEW JERSEY 07932 EXXON ENGINEERING PETROLEUM DEPATTMENT Planning Engineerrng Oivision Coble: ENGREXXON. N.Y. R. L. MASTRACCHIO Manager L. E. Hill October L6, Senior Eng. Assoc. L979 Controlling Aturospheric CO, 79PE 554 Dr. R. L. Ilirsch: The attached memorandum presents the results of a study on the potential impact of fossil fuel combustion on the CO, concentration in the a's.rmer employee i-n atmosphere. this study was made by St".t" Kt$, Division. Plaruring Engineering The study considers the changes in future energy sources which would be necessary to control the atrnospheric CO, concentration at differenr leve1s. The principle assumption for the COi balance is that 50% of the CO. generated by fossil fuels remains in the-atmosphere. This corresponds to thezrecent daLa on the increasing COI concentration in the atoosphere compared to the quantity of fossil fuel cofibusted. Present cllmatic models predict that the present Erend of fossil fuel use will lead to dramatic clfunatic changes wl-thln the next 75 years. However, it is not obvi-ous whether these changes would be all bad or all good. The major conclusion from thls report ls that, should it be deemed necessary to maintaln atmospheric CO,, levels to prevent significant clinnatic changes, dramatic changes in patterfis of energy use would be required. llorld fossil fuel resources other than oil and gas could never be used to an appreciable extent yet neans of recovering and disposing of CO, emissions has been developed and the above conclusion assumes thaE recov6ry will not No practical be feasible. It must be realized that there is great uncertainty in the existing climatic models because of a poor understanding of Ehe atmospheric/ teirestriaUoceanic CO. balance. Ifuch more study and research in this area is required before roaj6r changes in energy type usage could be reconm.ended. IILF: ceg Attachment 'I -2J. F. Black J. l{. llerrmann L. E. Hill E. D. IIooPer F. J. Kalser R. L. Mastracchio I{. H. Mueller H. Shaw G. O. $lLlheln PR0PRIiTi,l'r :: ; :'iRi",lATl0N Exxon For Authorized ComPanY Ulc OnV Engineering 7 EXXON RESEABCH AND , gPE 554 ENGINEERING CONTR0LLING TI{E COZ CONCENTMTION IN TIIE Petroleum Department ocrober L6, - L979 COMPANY ATMOSPITERE The C02 concentration in the atnosphere has increased since the beginning of the world induetrialization. It is now l5Z greater than it lras in 1850 and the rate of C02 release fron anthropogenic sourcee appears to be doubling every 15 years. The most widely held theory is thac: r The increase is due to fogeil fuel conbustion o Increasing coz concentration will cause a warming of the earthts o surface The present trend of foseil fuel consuoption envirorunental effects before the year 2050. vill cause dramatic However, the quantitative effect is very speculative because the data base support ing it ia weak. The CO2 balance betueen the atEosphere, the biosphere and the oceans is very ill-defined. Also, the overall effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration on the world environmen! is not well understood, Finally, the relative effec! of other inpacts on the earthrs climate, such as solar activity, volcanic action, etc. Bay be as great as that of CO2. Nevertheless, recognizing the uncertainty, there is a possibility that an atmospheric CO2 buildup will cause adveree environnent al effects in enough areas of the sorld to coneider limiting the future use of fossil fuels as major energy sourcea. This report illustrates the possible future lirnits on fossil fuel use by exanining different energy scenarios nith varying rates of CO2 emissions. Comparison of the different energy scenarios shoh' the uragnitude of the switch fron fossil fuels to non-foseil fuels that night be necesaary in the future. Non-fossil fuels include fission/fusion, geothernal, biomass, hydroelectric and solar power. Itre possible environmental changes associated with each scenario are al.eo d iscus sed . CONCLUSIONS As 6tated previously, predictions of the precise consequencea of uncontrolled fossil fuel use cannot be made due to all of the uncertainties associated with the future energy denand and the global CO2 balance. On the basis that C02 emissione must be controlled, this study examined the possible future fuel consunptions to achieve various degrees of control. Following are some observations and the principle conclusions froq the s tudy: o of fossil fuel combustion with a coal euphas is will lead to dranatic world clinate changes within the next 75 years, according to Eany present clinatic nodels. The present trends .id..' f c1798 -2buildup in the atmosPhere is a worldwide problen. U-S. efforts to restrict CO2 enrission would delay for a short tirne but solve the problem. Ttre CO2 not Warming trends rihich would move Ehe temperate climate northward may be beneficial for aome netions (i.e., the USSR' see Figure 1) and deUrimental for others. Ttrerefore, global cooperation may be difficult to achieve. Removal of CO2 from flue gases does not apPear practicat due to economics and lack of reasonable disposal meLhode- If it becomes necessary to linit future CO2 eniseions without practical removal/dispoeal roethode, coal and possibly other foesil fuel resources could not be utilized to an appreciable extent. with dramatic changee in current energy resource uaer it appears unlikely that an increase of 502 over the Pre-industrial CO2 level can be avoided in the next century. Ttris ttould be likely to cause a slight increase in global ternperatures but not, a significant change in cl.imate, oceen neter leveL or other serious environmental efforts. Even potential problem is great and urgent. Too little is knonn at najor U.S. or worldwide change in energy type usage thie tine to rffia but it is very clear that ionediate research is necesgary to better modeL the atmoephere/terrestrial/oceanic CO2 balance. Only with a beEter understanding of the balance will we know if a problem truly exists. Ttre Existing Data and Present Models industrialization, the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has increased from approxinately 290 ppm in 1860 to 336 pp'n today. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have been recorded on a monthly basis by C. D. Keeling since 1958 at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii (see Figure 2). Seasonal variatione are cl-early shorm with the CO2 concentrations lowest during the North American and Euraeian sunmers, due to increased photosynthetic activities. Over the laet ten years, the atmoapheric concenEration has been increasing at an average rate of about 1.2 pp'n/year. Ttre present consumption of fossil fuels releases more than 5 billion tons of carbon as CO2 into the atmosphere each year. Data to date indicate that of the aount released approximately one-half ie absorbed by the oceans. the other half remaine in the atmosphere. There is some question as to whether the terrestrial biosphere is a sink, absorbing atmospheric CO2r or a source of CO2 enissions, due to manrs land clearing activities. Current opinion att,ributes the atmospheric CO2 increase to fossil fuels and considers the biosphere input to be negligible. t c1798 -3Figure 3 shows the carbon cycle with the ocean and the biosphere as sinks for approximately 502 of the fogsil fuel emissions. Most models show the ocean !o be a major eink while the biosPhere aPPears to be a much smaller sink if it absorbe any CO2 at all. It is clear frorn Figure 3 that the net atmospheric increase in Co2 is quite srual l comPared to the quantities of COZ exchanged betlreen the atmosphere and the earth. This nakes it very difficult to analyze the fossil fuel inpact on the overall carbon cyc1e. fossil fuel resource is very large conpared to the quantity of carbon in the atmosphere. Therefore, if one half of the C02 released by cornbust ion of fossil fuels remains in the atnosphere, only about 202 of the recovetable fossil fuel could be used before doubling the atnosPheric CO2 The conEent. the increasing CO2 levels arises because of the radiative properties of the gas in the atnosPhere. CO2 does not affect the inconing short-lrave (solar) radiation to the earth but it does absorb long-wave energy reradiated from the earth. The absorption of long-wave energy by CO2 leads to a warming of the atmosPhere. This warrning phenorBenom is known as the "greer*rouse effect.r' The concern over A vast amount of speculation has been made on how increased Co2 levels will affect atmospheric temperatures. Many rnodels today Predict that doubling the 1850 atmospheric CO2 concentration will cause a lo to 5oC global iemperature increase (see Figure 4). ExtraPolation of Present fossil fuel trends would predict this doubling of the CO2 concentration to occur about 2050. A tenperature difference of 5oC is equal- to the difference betrreen a glacial and an interglacial period. The temPerature increases will also tend to vary with location being rnuch higher in the polar region (see Figure 5). These ternperature predictions may turn out too high or 1ow by several fold as a result of many feedback nechanisms that nay arise due to increased temperatures and have not been properly accounted for in present rnodels. These nechanisrns include: and ice coverage. albedo (reflecE ivity) This is a pos it ive would result in a decrease of the earth rft ich would produce an added warming effect. I s Cloud Cover. This is considered Ehe most important feedback mechanism io=E-?i.oir, t ea for in present Bodels. A change of a few percent in cloud cover could cause larger temperature changes than Ehose caused by COZ. Increased atmoepheric temperafure could cause increased evaporation from the oceans and increased cloud cover. the CO2 level is increased and the ambient temperature rises, the ocean may lose some of its capacity to absorb CO2 resulting in a positive feedback. However, increased C02 leveLs could increase photosynthetic activities r.tr ich would then be a negative feedback mechanism. Ocean and Biosphere Responses. As !tlj- r c1798 ,li t -4As evidenced by the balance shown in Figure 3, the atmospheric carbon exchange with the terrestrial biosphere and the oceans is so large that srnall changes due Eo these feedback mechanisrns could drastically offset, or add to the impacE of fossil fuel combustion on Ehe earthrs temperature. Appendix A gives one, but not unanimous' viewpoint. of how the environment night change if the feedback mechanisms are ignored. Ttre contribution that will ultimately be made by these feedback mechanisms is unknorrn aE Present. Energy Scenarios '';' :# 'i+'l,'.S. $' 't; { for Various COc LimiEs Using the CO2 atnospheric concentration data recorded to date, of these data with fossiL fuel consumption and the proposed correlation the Itgreenhouse effecttt models, thie study reviews various world energy consumption scenarios to liuit CO2 atmospheric buildup. Ttre concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is controlled in these studies by regulaEing the quantity of each type of fossil fuel used and by using non-fossil energy sources when required. Ttre quantity of CO2 enitted by various fuels is shown in Table 1. Ttrese factors were cal.culat,ed based on the combustion energy/carbon contenr ratio of the fuel and the thernal efficiency of the overall conversion process nrhere applicable. They show the high Co./energy raEio for coal and shale and the very higlr ratios for synthetic fuefs from these base fossil fuels r*rich are proposed as fuels of the future. The total world energy demand used in these scenarios is based the predictions in the Exxon Fal.l 1977 Wotld Et".gy Ottlook for the no high oil trice case for the years 1976 to lgffiat period be made of energy could during this of supply the sources in changes CO2 restrictions on emissions, has no follows the of time. Case A, which 2000. price predictiona until high oi1 upon Petroleum production and consumption is the same in each scenario. high oil price case predictions are followed until 2000. After 2000 petroleum production continues to increase until a reserve to production ratio (R/P) equals ten to one. Production peaks at this point and then continues at a ten to one R/P ratio until supplies run out. The The consumption of coat, natural gas and non-fossil fuels (fission/ fusion, geothermal, biomass, hydroelectric and solar power) vary with each scenario. Shale oiL makes small contributions past the year 2000. It is not predicted to be a major future energy source due to environmentat damage associated with the mining of shale oil, and also due to rather large amounts of CO2 enitted per unit energy generaEed (see Table 1). If more shale oil were used, it would have the same effect on CO2 emissions as the use of more coal. Ttre fossil fuel resources assumed to be recoverable are tabulated in Appendix B. I I cl7 98 -5A. No Lini! on Co2 Emissions In this ecenario no limitations are placed upon future fossil fuel uae. The uee of coal is ernphasized for the rest of this century and continues on into the next century, The developrnent and u8e of non-fossil fuels continue to grote but without added enphasis. Natural gas production continues at a slowly increasing rate until an R/P ratio of 7/l is reached around 2030. Production after 2030 continuec at a 7lL ratio until leserves run ouE. Figure 6 shows the future energy deBand for this scenario. Figure 7 shows that the CO2 buildup frosr this energy strategy is quite rapid. Ttr e yearly atrnospheric CO2 increase rises from 1.3 ppo in 1975 to 4.5 ppn in 2040. Noticeable EeoPerarure changes soutd- occur around 2010 aa the concentration reaches 400 ppn' Significant clinatic changes occur around 2035 when the concentration approaches 500 ppur. A doubling of the pre-industrial concentration occurs around 2050. The doubling would bring abouE draBatic changes in the world's environment (see Appendix A). Continued use of coal as a roajor energy source Past lhe year 2050 would furEher increase the atnospheric C02 level resulting in increased global temperatures and environmental uPsets. B. coz Increase Linited to 510 pplq This energy scenario is linited to a 752 increase over the preindustrial concentration of 290 ppm. No liuitations are placed on petroleum production. Natural gas producEion is encouraged beginning in 1990 to ruinimize coal combustion until non-fossil fuels are developed. Production of natural gas would increase unlil 2010 when an R/P ratio of 7/l would be reached. Production would then continue at a R/P of 7/l until supplies ran out. Ttre developdent and use of nonfossil fuels are erophas ized beginning the 1990rs. Non-fossil fuels start to be substituted for coal in I990's. Figure 8 shows the future energy deroand by fuel for this scenario. Figure 9 sholrs the atnospheric CO2 concentration trends for this scenario. The lower graph shows che maximum yearly atmospheric CO2 increase allowable for the 510 ppm limit. The yearly CO2 increase peaks in 2005 when it amounts to 2.3 ppro and then steadily decreases reaching 0.2 ppu in 2100. A 0.2 ppn increnent is equivalent to the direct conbustion of 5.1billion B.O.E. of coal . This would be approxiarately 2 to 3% of the total world energy denanded in 2100. (For uore detail on the construction of Figure 9, see Appendix C. ) A conparison of the Exxon year 2000 predictions and this scenario's year 2000 requirenents 6hows the nagnitude of possible future energy source changes, The Exxon predictions call for nonfoseil fuels to account for 18 billion B.O,E. in 2000. This scenario requires that 20 billion 8.0.E. be supplied by non-fossil fuels by iI" 1p i, :+ br798 + ? -62000. Ttris dif ference of 2 billion B.O.E. is equivalenE to Ehe power supplied by 214-1000 MI{ nuclear Poner plants oPerating at 607. of capacity. If it were supplied by methane produced from biomass, it would be equivalent to 801000 square miles of biomass at a yield of 50 ton/acre, heat value of 6500 Btu/dry pound and a 352 ctnversion efficiency to methane. Therefore even a 2O7 itcrease in non-fossil fuel use is a gigantic undertaking. of the change to non-fossil fuels as major energy sources is more aPParent lthen scenarios A and B are comPared in the year zoz5. scenario B requires an 85 billion B.o.E. input from non-fossil fuels in ?025. This ie almost double the 45 billion B.O.E. inpur predicted in scenario A. Ttris 35 billion B.o.E. differenc" i" "pp.oximately equal to the t'otal energy consumption for the entire world in 1970- Ttre magnitude with Ehis scenario wouldn't be as severe as if the CO2 concentration were allowed to double as in scenario A. Noticeable temPerature changes would occur around 20I0 wtren the CO2 concentration reaches 400 pprn. Significant climate changes would occur as the atmospheric concentration nears 500 ppn around 2080. Even though changes in the environment due to increased atmospheric CO concentrations are uncertain, an increase to 500 ppm would probably bring about undesirable clinatic changes to many parts of the earth although other areas may be beneiitted by the changes. (See Appendix A, Part l)- Ttre environmental changes associated c. COr Increase Limited to 440 pPm Ttris scenario lisrits future atmospheric CO2 increases to a 502 increase over the pre-industrial concentration of 290 pprn. As in the previous case, no timitations are placed on petroleum production and increased natural gas production is encouraged. Much emphasis is placed on Ehe developrrent and use of non-fossil fue1s. Non-fossil fuels are substituted for coal beginning in the 1990rs. By 2010 they will have to account for 5O7" of the energy supplied worldwide. Thie would be an extremely difficult and costly effort if possible. In this scenario coal or shale will never become a major energy source. Figure I0 shows the future world energy demand by fuel for Ehis scenario. The atmospheric CO2 concentration trends for this scenario are To satisfy the lirnits of this scenario shown in Figure ll. the yearly COZ emissions would have to peak in 1995 aE 2.0 pprn, b1798 -7and Ehen rapidly decrease reaching a value of 0.04 ppm in 2100. A 0.04 ppm naximum allowable increase means that unless removal/disposal methods for CO2 emissions are available only one billion B.O.E. of coal may be directly combusted in 2100 (or 1.4 billion Barrels of Oil). Ttris would be less than lZ of the lotal energy demanded by the world in 2100 To adhere to the 440 ppur linit, non-fossil fuels will have to account for 28 billion B.O.E. in 2000 as compared to 20 billion B.O.E. in scenario B and 18 billion B.O.E. in scenario A. Ttris difference between scenarios A and C of l0 billion B.O.E. is equivalent to over 1000, 1000 MW nuclear power plants oPerating at 60ll ot capicity. Ten billion B.O.E. is also approximately equivalent to 4001000 square miles of biomass at 357" conversion efficiency lo methane. Ttris is equivalent to almost one-half the total U.S. forest land. By 2O25 the 110 billion B.o.E. input from non-fossil fuels called for in this scenario is more than twice as much as the 45 billion B.O.E. input predicted in scenario A. This difference of 65 billion is approxinately equal to the amount of energy the entire world will consume in 1980. In tetms of power plants, 65 billion B.O.E. is equivalenE to almost 7000, lO00 MW nuclear power plants operating at 6O7. ot capacity. An atmospheric CO2 concentration of 440 ppm is assumed to be a relatively safe level for the environment. A slight global warming trend should be noticeable but not so extreme a8 to cauee rnajor changes. Slight changes in precipitation night also be noticeable as the atmospheric CO2 concentration nears 400 ppn. S. KNISELY a1798 -8REFERENCES Corporate Plannlng DeparEment, Exxon Corp. (Fal1r L977). I{orld Energv Outlook, 1977-1990. Flower, A. R. (1978). t'I'lorld O11 Production,rl ScientlfLc Amerlcan 238 (3) ' pp. 42-49. Griffirh, E. D. and Clarke, A- W- (1979). tlflc Amerlcan 24O (l)' PP. 38-47. McCornlckl W. T.' R. B- Kallsch, aad T. J' Assesses World Natural 13, 1978, PP. 103-106. ItWorld Coal Productionr" Sclen- Wander (1978). rrAGA Study Gas SuppJ-yrrr The O11 and Gas Journal. February peterson, E. K. (1969). "Carbon Dloxlde Affects Gtobal Ecologyr'r Envlronmental Sclence and Technologv 3 (11)' pp' 1162-1169' Rotty, R. M. (1979). Uncertainties Associated wlth Global Effscts of Atroospherlc Carbon Dloxide' ORAV/IEA-79-6 (0)' rrPredlctlng Future Atmospheric SLegenthaler, U. and Oeschger, H. (f978). Carbon Dloxide Levels," Scierce 199' PP. 388-395. Shaw, Henry (1978). Attached Appendlx Jr. on December 7, 1978. (B) of Letter to Dr. E. E. David' SteLabergr. M., A. S. Albanese and Vl-duong Dang (f978). 'rEnvlronmental Control Technology for Carbon DLoxlderrr presented at Tlst Annual AICIIE MeetLng, November L2-I6, L978, !li-aml, Florida Stuiver, ll. (1978). "Atmospherlc Carbon Dloxide and Carbon ResenroLr Changesr" Science 199, Terra, Stan (1978) . 1978' pp. 22-27. PP - 263-258. "CO2 and Spaceshlp Earthrrl EPRI Journal July/August, !{illiams, J. (f97S). "Global Energy Strategles' the Inpllcatlons of Futures, August, 1978, PP' 293-302. CO2r" b1798 Table I @e EMISSIONS Z Fuel froo of Present CO. Out,puE 0.35 0 a32 0 0.38 0 II2 frm Coal Gasif icat ion 0.38 0 Shale Oil o.23 0 SNG Coal Coal Liquids Methenol frm Goal Bituminous Coal .2L 382 Petroleum .15 492 Natural .11 r3z Gas triesion/Fusion 0 0 Biomass 0 0 SoIar 0 0 * Includes converaion losses t*rere applicabLe. c1798 APPENDIX A ECOLOGTCAL CONSEQUENCES OF INCREASED CO. LEVELS From: Peterson, E.K., ttCarbon Dioxide Af fects Global Ecology,r' Environmental Science and Technology 3 (1f), 1162-1169 (Nov '69). 1. Environmental effects of increasing Ehe times 1860 level) CO2 levels to 500 pprn, (f.Z o A global temperature increase of 3oF which is the equivalent of a 1o-4o southerly shift in latitude. A 40 shift is equal to the north to south height of the staBe of Oregon. hotter, probably by nore than . The souEhlrest states would be and drier. o Ttre flow of the Colorado River would dirninish and nater shortage would become much more acut.e. the 3oF, southwest Ehe glaciers in the North Cascades and Glacier National Park would be melted. There would be less of a winter snow pack in the Cascades, Sierras, and Rockies, necessitating a major increase in storage reservoirs. . l'lost of . llarine life would be markedly changed. Maintaining runs of sal-mon and steelhead and other subarctic species River sysEem would becosre increasingly difficult. . in the Colurnbia The rate of plant growth in the Pacific NorthwesE would increase 102 due to the added CO2, and another l0Z due to increased temperatures. 2. Effects of a doubling of the 1850 CO2 concenrrarion. (580 ppn) . Global temperatures would be 9oF above 1950 levels. o Most areas would get more rainfall, and snow would be rare in the contiguous states, excepE on higher mountains. . Ocean . The melE ing o The levels would rise four feet. of the polar ice caps could cause tremendous redietribution of weight and pressure exerEed on the earEhrs crust. Ttris could trigger major increases in earthquakeg and volcanic activity resulting in even more atmospheric co2 and violent storrs. Arctic ocean would be ice free for at leasE six months each year, causing major shifts in weather patterns in the northern hemisphere. . troplcs rtould be hotter, more hurnld, and less habltable, but the preaent teaperature latltude would be warmer and rcre habltable. The present b1798 APPENDIX FOSSIL FUEL RESOURCES barrels of oil potentially recoverable as of 1975 (agsuming the future recovery rate to be 402r. ltre ninimun allowable Reserve to Production (R/P) ratio is ten one Oil Shale B Assume Oil Natural Gas coal t.6 trillion Potential of 3.0 trillion B.O.E. but aesuming 1977 technology only 20O billion B.O.E. actuaLly recoverableApproximately 1.6 trillion B.O.E. potentially recoverable. Minimun allowable R/P = 7.1. :::iil::":;:;:"::::Jil":"::":::::.i::'ffi'::::L::"1ity. b1798 APPENDIX C CONSTRUCTION OF SCENARIOS (scena l. Scenario B AND C ncrol ) B the concenEration by the folLowing equation CO2 vs. year curve in Figure 9 was generated afEer 1970 (t = 0), then xC = 292 ppm + 2L9 ppr^/[l + 5.37 exp. Gt/Z4 years)l where C = concenEration in PPm the lower section of Figure 9, atmospheric co2 generated by finding the difference in the concentrais years, increase vs. This years. curve gives the maximum yearly increases tions of successive placed on this scenario. The amount of the lirnits within allowable to stay any given year can then be. calculated by in be consumed fossil fuel that may For examPle: the lower curve. The curve on In 2100 the maximum allorrable CO2 increase equals 0.2 ppm' This is equivalent to: 2PPrn 3.1 x tOl2 tU x $$!:lJ CO2 x +ftl!- x $ffi =3.rxrol2 nay be released by the combustion of: forcoar_, @ +x 1990=Pt9- ';zTTffio2 '1B'o'E' 5--8-T-ro6 rtu = 2.5 billion B.O.E. of coal This scenario is based on Ehe assumption that 507', of CO2 rewill always be absorbed by the ocean and the rest will renain in the atmosphere. leased each year FDerived Trom an equation presented by U. Siegenthaler and (1978) (see references). ll. Oeschger lbco2 aL798 -22. Seenario C Ttre equatlon for the generatton of F!.gure 11 ls derlved to be, after *C - 292 ppD + 1970 146 (t - 0) r then ppn/tl + 3.37 exp. (-tlz0 years)I Thle scenarlo ls the saoe ae Scenarlo B ooly with dlfferent llnlts' Figure 1 MOST OF THE USSR'S VAST AGRICULTURAL LAND BASE LIES LATITUDINALLY NORTH OF THE UNITED STATES #[?h rc sovrET AGRrcuLruFAL LANDS Flgure CONCENT RATION OF ATMOSPHERIC CO2 AT MAUNA LOA OBSERVATORY, HAWAII c)'\t 529 () F,* 320 OT}IER"STATIONS POINT MRROWI AK 316 ANTARCTICA At'lERlCAl,l SAI€A r96e 1964 t966 1968 t970 tg72 YEAR t974 Ficure 3 The Carbon CYcl e Current Fluxes in Gt/a Pool sizes in Gt ,,- SpecuLati ve adsorption of fossi L C02 by oceans or terrestriSL bi osphe re Atmosphera i0? Photosynthesi s 56 Decompos ition 25 Fuel Conbustion Respi Gas Exchange 90 90. ration 3l 5 Surface llater Dissolved Carbon 580 Dead l2 ,ooo (7,300 recoverable) Livi 0rgan i c ng ( ltumus 0rgani c ) I 000-3000 Li ve Aqua',f c 0rgani c I Thern''oci i ne 0l sso'!ved Ca rbon 6,600 800 Deep a Aquatic 0rganl c llater Dissolved Carbon 3l ,800 Fossil Fuels anC Shale Terestrial Biosphere 0ceans Reac t'ive Sedi;r:nts Flgure 4 HOW PREDICTEDAT COMPARES \AJITH RECENT TEfuIPERATURES () l- t3 trj t2 lrJ il g- z UI r E o tr, to E, I F 7 ) E tJ (L 5 F 4 trj u 3 rr 2 v) I tr f o trJ (9 <. l:() 0 o o o o 6 s rd Eslimoled Polor Regions Temperolure'.oi o 9 o Estimoted Globol Meon Temperolure Or Approximbte Ronge of Undislurbed Climote in Posl Few Cenluries 0bserved Norlhern Tempero o -l o o o o o o 1850 le50 YEAR ( ilil1 I Flgure 5 TEMPERATURE EF!:ECT OF DOUBLING COZ d Y tr, t20 tu v) IJJ o m F10 I !, x tr, /\ 0 j' 90' 70^ /-r \* \^ '\qtil 60' 50' l0 IATITUDE \'r- - 30' --- t-- t-\ -, 20' Figure 6 WORLD ENERGY DENNAND BY FUEL UNLIMITED C02 INCREASE (COAL EMPHASIS) 140 r20 E trl 100 ttJ Im tn z o = 6 Natural Gas 15 Petroleum And Shale 0il 0 t9B0 L990 2000 YEAR 2010 2A20 2030 Figure 7 coz IN ATMOSPHERE RATE 0F C02 BUILDUP UNLIMITED INCREASE oo- 500 z, o tr E. 450 ztl.I c) z. o O 400 ol o c) 350 E 5.0 oo- tl! a 4.O lrl E, () =N 3.0 o c) 9 E trl 2.O oa o F 1.0 1980 t99A 2000 20].o YEAR 2020 2030 2040 : Figure 8 WORLD ENDERGY DEMAND RT FUEL LIMITED T0 A 75"h CO2 TNCREASE E ttl 100 UJ o 6 a 80 z, c) f J 6 Petroleum And Shale 0il 0 1980 1990 2000 YEAR 2010 2020 2030 Figure 9 c0 IN ATMOSPHERE RATE 0F CO2 BUILDUP LtM TED TO 75"/" INCREASE 500 oo- z, o 450 E, z. (J z, UJ 400 o C) C! o o 350 E lrl 2.O =o otlt VI 1.5 lrl E, () =N o c) 1.0 () E, lJ.l o- a o 0.5 F 0 1980 2000 2020 204A YEAR 2050 2080 zLO0 I .. } J:iJ 'tr,'. 5:." I lul: \' i' \ t' t, Figure ' ""-t 11. CO.' lN ATMOSPHERE RATE 0F CO2 BUILDUP 45A =o oz. 400 F E F = lrl () 3so o z, o C) sl o C) 300 E lrl 2.4 oo- F z, lrl l= rl 1.5 E C) z, N o (J q) 1.0 E, lrl oU' o F 0.5 0 1980 2000 2020 2040 YEAR 2060 2080 2100