#. Lo p- GENERAL T7A lrEtt0Rtil0ur -a ....t !t'., ro T. K.''lKett : , FRoM HENRYSHAW oare December 18. 1980 is the "C02 Greenhouse Effect" technological forecast. I have added the Attached items you suggested on 12fi6180. Pat McCall has not had a chance He will to review this draft. contact you directly if he has any corments. HS/lw Attachment cc: P. P. McCall H. C. Hayworth lf. N. wEtNf:iiG ulu 3 0 tggo Exxon Research and Engjneering Company's Technological Forecast C02 Greenhouse Effect by H. Shaw and P. P. McCall Current Status The bu'ild-up of C02 in the atmosphere has been monitored continuously at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm'inistration's 0bother places since servatory at Mauna Loa, Hawai'i and periodicaliy in .1957-.1979 1957. In addition to observing a trend between that showed atmospheric C02 increasing from 3.l5 to 337 ppm, Keeling and others also observed a seasonal variability ranging from 6 to l0 ppm between a low at the end of summer growing season (due to photosynthesis) and a high at the end of the winter (due to fossil fuel burning for heat, and biomass decay). There is little doubt that these observations indicate a growth of atmospheric C02 (See Figure 1). It is also believed that the growth of atmospheric C02 has been occuring since the middle of the past century j.€., coincident with the start of the Industrial Revolution. There is, however, great uncertainty on whether the atmospheric C02 concentration prior to the Industrial Revolution was 290-300 ppm or 260-270 ppm- relative contributions of biomass oxidation (mainly due to deforestation) and fossil fuel combustion to the observed atmospheric C02 increase are not known. There are fairly good indications that the annual growth of atmospheric C02 is on the order of 2.5 to 3.0 Gt/a ot carbon and the net quantity of carbon absorbed by the ocean is similarly 2.5 to 3 Gt/a. Thus, these two sinks (atmosphere and ocean) can account for the total fossil carbon burned which is on the order of 5-6 Gt/a and does not allow much room for a net contribution of biomass carbon. Yet, highly respected scientists, such as Woodwell, Bolin and others have poitulated a net bjomass contribution to atmospheric C02 that range from 'l to perhaps 8 Gt/a of carbon. The rate of forest clearing has been of the-exlsting area. Forests occupy about estimatqd 4t 0.5 to I .5%/a .l50 x l06kmz of cont'inental land, and store 50 x l06km2 out of about about 650 Gt of carbon. One can easily see that if 1% of the worlds The forests are cleared per year, then this could contribute 6.5 Gt of carbon to the atmosphere. Even if reforestation were contributing significantly to balancjng the C02 from deforestat'ion, the total carbon stored in new trees would be only a small fraction of the net carbon emitted. It should be noted, however, that the rate of forest clearing and reforestation are not known accurate'ly at thjs time. If deforestation is indeed contributing to atmospheric C02, then another sink for carbon must be found and the impact of fossjl fuel must be considered in the context of such a sink. -2Figure 2, taken out of a recent DOE publication summarizes the fluxes and reserviors for the carbon cycle. Note that a deforestation flux of 0 to 2 Gt/a and a net flux to the oceans of 4 Gt/a are assurned. Thus, the carbon flux to the atmosphere is 6 Gt/a of fossil fuejs, and 2 Gt/a deforestation, whjle 4 Gtla returned to the ocean resulting in a 50% carbon retention rate in the atmosphere. One of the major objectives of the Exxon Research and Engineering Company project to measure C02 in the oceans using tankers is to clarify and quantify the role of the oceans as the ultjmate sink for C02. Projections of scientists active in the area indicate that the contrjbutjon of deforestation which may have been substantiai in the past, will diminish in comparison to the expected rate of fossil fuel combustion in the future. A number of scientists have postuiated that a doubling of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could occur as early as 2035. Calculations recently completed at Exxon Research indicate that using the energy projections from the CONAES study and the World Energy Conference, a doubling of atmospheric C02 can occur at about 2060. If synthetic fuels are not developed, and fossi I fuel needs are met by petroleum, then the atmospheric C02 doubl ing time would be delayed by about 5 years to 2065. It is now clear to mnst people working in the area that the doubling time will be much later in the future that previously postulated because of the decreasing rate of fossil fuel use. Description of potential impact on weather, cl imate, and land availability The most widely accepted calcu.lations carried on thusfar on the potential impact of a doub)ing of carbon dioxide on climate indicate that an increase in the global average temperature of 3+1.50C is most likely. Such changes in temperature are expected to occur with uneven geographic distribution, with greater warming occuring at the higher latitudes i.e., the polar regions. This is due to the presumed change 'in the reflectivity of the Earth due to melting of the ice and snow cover (See Figure 3). There have been other calculations on a more limited scale by a number of climatologjsts which project average temperature increases on the order of 0.25oC for a doubiing of C02. These calculations are not held jn high regard by the scientific community. Figure 4 summarizes the results presented in the literature on the possible temperature increase due to various changes in atmospheric C02 concentrat i on. The area of climate modeiing was recently studied by a comnittee of the National Research Council, chaired by Jules G. Charney of MIT, and the conclusions are summarized in their booklet titled ,'Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessrnent." This National Research Counci l study concluded that there are major uncertainties jn these models in terms of the timing for a doubling of C02 and the resu)ting temperature increase. These uncertainties center around the thermal- ? capacjty of the oceans. The oceans have been assumed to consist of a relatively thin, well mixed surface layer averaging about 70 meters in depth in most of the general circulation mode1, and that the transfer of heat into the deep ocean is essentially infinitely slow. The Charney panel feels, however, that the amount of heat carried by the deep ocean has been underestimated and the oceans will slow the temperature increase due to doubling of atmospheric C02. The Charney group estirnated that the delay in heating resulting from the effect of the oceans could delay the expected temperature increase due to a doubling of C02 by a few decades. Along with temperature increase, other climatologicai factors that are expected to occur will include rainfall, uneven global distributjon of and increased evaporation. These disturbances in the existing g1oba1 water distributjon balance will have dramatic impact on soil moisture, and in turn, on agriculture. The st ate -of -the -art in cl imate model.ing allows only gross g'lobal zoning while some of the expected results from temperature increase of the magnitude indicated are quite dramatic. For exampie, areas that 4,000 to 8,000 years ago in the Altithermal period (when the globa1 average temperature was some 2oC higher than present) were deserts, may in due time return to deserts. Conversely, sone areas which are deserts now were formerly agricultural regions. it is postulated that part of the Sahara Desert in Africa was quite wet 4,000 to 8,000 years ago. The American Midwest, on the other hand, was much drier, and it is projected that the Midwest will again become drier should there be a temperature increase of the magnitude postuiated for a doubling of atmospheric C02 (See Figure 5). increased In addition to the effects of climate on the g1obe, there are particularly dramatic questions that might cause serious global problems. For example, if the Antartic ice sheet which is anchored on 1and, shouid melt, then this could cause a rise in the sea level on the order of 5 meters. Such a rise would cause flooding in much of the U.S. East Coast including the state of Florida and Washington D.C, The melting rate of polar ice is being studjed by a number of glaciologists. Estimates range for the melting of the West Antartjca ice sheet from hundreds of years to a thousand years. some In a recent AAAS-DOE sponsored workshop on the environrnental societal consequences of a possible C02 induced climate change, other factors such as the environmental effects of a C02 growth rate on the less managed biosphere were studied. For example, lhe impact of a and temperature increase and a higher atmospheric C02 concentration on weeds and pests was considered. The general concensus was that these unmanaged species would tend to thrive with increasing average globai temperature. The effects of atmospheric C02 growth on the managed 6iosphere such as in agriculture would also tend to benefit from a C02 growih. It turns out that c02 can fertilize agriculture, provided the other key nutrients, phosphorous and nitrogen, are present in the right proportion-s, Agr.i- -4cultural water needs can be met by new jrrigation techniques that require less water. In addition, with highest C02 and higher temperature condjtions, the amount of water that some agricultural plants may need will be reduced. It is expected that bjoscience contributjons could po'int the way for dealing with cl'imatological disruptions of the magnitude indicated above. In terms of the societal and institututional responses to an increase in C02, it was felt that society can adapt to the jncrease in C02 and that this problem is not as significant to mankind as a nuclear holocaust or world famine. Fina' 1y, in an analysis of the issues associated with economic and geopo'l'itical consequences, it was felt that society can adapt to a C02 increase within econom'ic constraints that will be exjsting at the time. Some adaptive measures that were tested, for example, would not consume more than a few percent of the gross national product estimated in the middle of the next century. Major Programs Underway The DOE which is acting as a focal point for the U.S. government in this area is considering two reports to the scientific community and to the policy makers. The first one, summarizing five years of study is due in 1984, and the second one in 1989. The current plan is to spend approximately 10 years of research and assessment prior to recornmending policy decisions in thjs area which impact great'ly on the energy needs and scenarios for the U.S. and the world. The national program on C02, environment and society is summarized in Figure 6. Projections on When General Concensus Can be Reached It is antic'ipated by most scientists that a general concensus will not be reached until such time as a significant temperature increase can be detected above the natural random temperature fluctuations in average global climate. The earliest that such discreet signals will be able to be measured js after the year 2000. However, depending on the actual globa'l energy demand and supply, it is possible that some of the concerns about C02 growth due to fossil fuel combustion will be minimized jf fossil fuel use is decreased due to hjgh price, sbarcity, and unavailability. Figure 7 illustrates the behavior of the mean global temperature from'1850 to the present contained within an envelope sca'led to include the random temperature fluctuations. Future Scenarios and Their Consequences For Exxon A number of future energy scenarios have been studied in relation to_tlq C9a prob'lem. These include such unlikely scenarios as stopping all ftissil fuel combustion at the l9B0 rate, looking at the de'lay' in doubl'ing time and maintaining the pre-I973 fuel growth rate. Othei studies have investigated the mirket fenetration of-non-fossil fuel -5technologies such as nuclear, and its impact on C02. It should be noted, however, that a new technology in a competitive scenario would need about 50 years to penetrate and achieve roughly half of the total market. Thus, even if solar or nuclear were to be considered viable alternatives, these would not really displace fossil fuel power generation for the next 50 years or so, and C02 growth would have to be estimated based on realistic market displacement of the fossil fuel technologies. All of these studies tend to give a range of deviations on the order of 50 years, indicating aC02 doubling time.that might !e as early as 2035 (for a fossil fuel growth rate of 4.3/"), to a doubling time occuring by about 2080 resulting from scenarios which assumed fossi I fuel growth rates of 1 to 2%. Synthetic fuels will cause minor perturbations on the projected atmospheric C02 growth rates in the next century. FIGURE I Trend in Atmospheric C02 Concentrations at Mauna Loa (Hawai j ) 340 340 (Based on Scrlpps 1974 manomelrlc calibrailon) o E 335 I o tt e 330 CL 330 c c o o c o a c o I 325 325 o o E x 320 o o c ao od I Ol 315 310 3't 5 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 Year 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 310 FIGURE 2 Exchangeable Carbon Reservoirs and Fluxes Atmosphere (710) 335 ppm Combustion of GOz Photo- 0:2 I \l (650) Biota Surf ace P5000) Fossil Fuels and Shale ( )= (39,000) Terrestrial Biosphere lntermediale, Deep Ocean and Sediments Oceans Size ol Carbon Reservoirs in Billions of Metrlc Tons of Carbon Fluxes (airows) Exchange of Carbon Between = Metric per Tons of Carbon Reservolrs in Billions ol Year I FIGURE 3 Temperature Change (oC) Due to Doubl jng COp Concentrations COz-Standard Stratosphere I @ Tropopause I o 5 :ct .= = \\ ---.*_- _-nn-j '7r*7-2-*:L\ f900 800 600 -+3 500 400 200 300 Latitude Decrease in 100 Temperature -9FIGURE 4 of the Change in Global Average Surface Temperature to various changes !n c02 concentration. shading shows Estimates Due Present Range of Natural Fluctuations. 6 5 A v A :rF I c, V c'' c@ .c o qt T, C' TT c, .I P A'L G' 3 + IE o- E2 qt G) (, 0v GI L 3 U'I 0 _1L, 0 * % r_ -300 I t I . 600 ; t. 900 COr concentratiof.* ppr?m , 1200 , , J : l5fit FIGURE 5 The ' Altithermal Period i8o 180 90N 90N I G) 'o += O I P(g ) 90s 90s 180 180 Longi tude Wetter !$:,'::,ttsI,. $i$\ks Dri er Unknown FIGURE 6 A National Program on Carbon Dioxide, Env i illrrrnrI Irsrrncl ,nrMJlnY ntstARcll rrUrli or to, . lt$otttllma lt0tA!t a rr3t ltconDl 0t t0. o. nootrl cr lht crnr'or trct3 rYSta u0!n . , t. $ilrrtttr 0t illl'l tln00Rt tu$ttE00[Y ,n00ucrt i ?[t Gto!lt tlnr0il crctl ronment and Societ.y t. ASStSSlffflr Yntultl ruror 0t ttrlt{ct 0t ll!103r$lrlt 101 i. rborurc tri rrititt !I C01txcilltt l. llcorll iucilol 0t . cilulllt l. lulr^tl tcttlit0 t^tt 0tvl!0lnrIt 0. tvr0rrct 0t Eu,rlit '3{Ar0t I t$t ItIIIAI:r 0t tli crllrr: ttrttturtbrctrorot 0tvfl,0rrltT 0t Cor, r. r. c. ttlttimI lttr dcrrrr rlrlrlt ox llr cttlo. Inllit trtctt 1. orJrirrrrrrvt or or lrrt riir o tlvrrorrtrtrL tYtltr ilrt0rltl Urrrrrcto lrollilrrr !. ltrrcn or l[! IrlAct0 ilotilllil I rr J I, l. r. r, I lavllt, lrrt!8Ar0t Ar0 tv^urllr0t 0t ltYta0rllatrlt utttlt llto8r rotAtotoDl13 t!trllflr^Ir0l 0t Et0rAt lt0t0$ tnlrllNttt ll'^ttt0 rt0 r0ttllflc^. lr0I 0t cotil lr0r0t Itrtflrt l. rrtlct !r llvtr6l. rtlrtr tillrit ol trrld$0t rilvtIdrtllrfltll E8l[0[,0x ilrt luurd sbcrrrrri Gr0tAl s0stIr^[ rYtr{ l. rttcr lrrtrl or trvnofi.. ctrrct ol . mr ltotAt ttoroilt3 tY$tl lltt,'nl?t'' . .r-l.lrtvrilfflvrurturrf.l llgit,rin rolrrrYr naauill -Ei:hlrlii[iffi],1; / F ltvttf. trra0t^l 0r tttturrlot Ar0 0r r0rE! 0t $rrrSov orllort Iflt lllt trrtru lttft3rttt ttt0nt lrlll. ^r! esnrcuIrunlt. trvltotrtlrlt l. !Ivlt0t allI ttrnrral 0t I^lr0rrt rritorit loautrl 00rtt0ultcll 0t tlrt c0' nSul ^xo t. trvt[0, 1!tr ttturrrr ol cortt & trtlrtat ttcru0t00v Alrrrlrilvtt ter lcttsrrAtlro urotrtlrlltl u,rtlt l. c0rtttt 0t lltt Artn0rst tll$ 0t n{l C01.Btlrll0 nltlrnCl tn00n^I I0 lM It$r8cfl utctltlllrtt strAllllE !r ttotrt lar0i t -12FIGURE 7 Range of Global Mean Temperature From 1850 to the Present with Response to Increasing C02 the Projected Instantaneous Climatic Concentrations. ' )-J-\ t -,/ 3 '/ .i v l2 ,., i //-x t ao ol CL E c, P c.t dtl an E ao lro ltt o0 o, C'I c qt .E C' -1 -2 1850 1900 1950 2m0 20s0 2100 Year l