ENERAL - ?84-?43 CORRESPONDENCE DATE August 18, 198; TO REFERENCE W. Glass SUBJECT FROM R. W. Cohen ?effect. I have looked over the draft of the RED reply to the request from O'Loughlin. The only real problem I have is with the second clause of the last sentence in the first paragraph: "but changes of a magnitude well short of I think that this statement may be too reassuring. Whereas I can agree with the statement that our best guess is that observable effects in the year 2030 are likely to be "well short of catastrophic", it is possible that the CPD scenario will later produce effects which will indeed be catastrophic (at least for a substantial fraction of the earth's population); This is because the global ecosystem in 2030 might still be in a transient, headed for much more significant effects after time lags perhaps of the order of decades. If this indeed turns out to be case, it is very likely that we will unambiguously recognize the threat by the year 2000 because of advances in climate modeling and the beginning of real experimental confirmation of the C0 The effects of such a recognition on subsequent fossil fuel combustion are unpredictable, but one can say that predictions based only on our knowledge of availability and economics become hazardous. I would feel more comfortable if the first para- graph concluded with a statement to the effect that future developments in global data gathering and analysis, along with advances in climate modeling, may provide strong evidence for a delayed C02 effect of a truly substantial magnitude, a possibility which increases the uncertainty surrounding the post-2000 CPD scenario. ROGER W. COHEN RWC:tmw Attachment cc: H. N. Weinberg A. J. Callegari a -/'^ -iG.-t-,s , €uFhfiL , *TER.OFTICE CORRESPONDENCE D^rE 8/L4'/BL REFERENCE See Below SUBJECT W. Glass J. F. Black R. W. Cohen S. A. Diamond H. Shaw Mcrey O'Loughlin has asked Ed David for EREETS views on the realism of CPDrs projections for fossil fuel' 2030 (attached) in view of potential combustion out to,,acid ,,greenhouse,' and rain" problems. I have been asked rePlY. short to draft a A prelirninary draft for EED's reply is attachedIt is based not on any calculations but on my "understanding" of what I think I've heard you say and write in the pasl. I would appreciate your reviewing this pre- liminary draft very critically and letting rne know ProqPtly of any changes you would like to see. EED vrants to get an answer back to }IEJO'L by August 2l..Thank you for Your cooPeration. WG: bl Attachments c: T. K. Kett /' . -. .?.'-a DRAFT EED TO !{EJO I L you asked about our viehrs on possible emission con- fuel consumPtion levels out to 2030. t"luch is still unknown about the sources and sinks for atmospheric CO2, as weLl irs about the clinatic effect of increasing co2 levels in the air, so that Prop gnostications remain highly sPeculative. The models that appear most credible (to us) do predict measurable changes in temperature, rainfall Patternr 6Dd sea-level by the year 2030 for the postulated fossil. fuel combustion rates' but sequences of the CPD-projected fossil changes of a magnitude well short of catastrophic and pro- bably below the magnitude that need trigger otherwise noneconomic resPonses to the problem of energy supply. fossil fuel contribution to the localized problem of acid rain aPPears handlable by liniting the reJease'of SO;r NOyr and chlorides to the atmosPhere--tfhich would decrease but by no means eliminate the economic advantage of fossil fueIs. The We would be happy to discuss ttiis with you in greater detail. . .\ INITIAL PROJECTION WORLD ENERGY SUPPLY .,1, 'Ir (EXCr-UDES CPE) AVERAGE GROWTH %IYEAR 1 960.1 1 e29.2000 awo.203q (1.s) 0.2 5.6 6.3' 14.6 '1.9 4.9 0,7 979 t"- z coNv. otL 25A SYNTHFTICS GAS COAL NUCLEAR IU 5 a ul 200 OTH ER TOTAL o o a 0.8 'j'.0 4.0 3.6 8.9 3.5 4.3 L2 1.9 4.8 1.0 -/ 69 240h NUCLEAR 150 260/0 1Qo/, LU E E, COAL 24o/o m 100 z o 12o/o 18"/o J = 17% 18"/" E GAS SYNTHETICS 17o/o AYo CONVENTIONAL OIL { l= 6 367o (vl"to li'lcL.) 14% 2000 201 5 2030 tg @ 1 960 lo