\.-"r I E*g1t Arrror." o*o ,*o,*.r*,*o e.o. Box I ) .o,tro*" 07932 Cable: ENGREXXON, N.Y. M. 8. GLASER Manager Envi ronmenta - 1o1, FLoRHAM PARK, NEwJERSEY I Affai rs Programs November - co^ L2, L982 "Greenhouse" Effect 82EAP 256 TO: See Distribution List Attached Attached for your information and guidance is briefing material on the CO2 "Greenhouse" Effect which is receiving increased attention in both the scientific and popular press as an emerging environmental issue. A brief surTnnary is provided along with a more detailed technical review prepared by CPPD. The material has been given wide circulation to Exxon managernent and is intended to familiarize Exxon personnel with the subject. ft may be used as a basis for discussing the issue with outsiders as may be appropriate. However, it should be restricted 'to-Exxon personnel and not distributed externally. Very truly yours, 7ls //* M. B. IIIBG: rva Attachments GLASER I{. F,l. WEINBERG NOV 1 5 i98Z Distribution List: R. w. cohen M. J. Connor, ilr. E. E. David, Jr. c. u. Eidt, Jr. W. R. Epperly R. L. Hirsch T. G. Kaufmann G. Levine It. I"ong D. G. J. H. R. Riley R. Savage A. Schriesbeim iI. F . Taylor D. T. Wade H. N. Weinberg c0 - NGREENHOUSE EFFECTN z PRC:::-:A.RY SUilUARI Atuospherlc toonltorlng prograEs shon thc leve1 of carbon dlorlde 1n the attrospbere has lncreased about 8l ovcr thc last tHenty-flve years and not, stands at ebout 3q0 ppn. lttls observed lncreasc ls bclleved to bc tirc contluuatlo! of a trcnd rblcb began ln thc olddlc of thr last century sl th thc start of thc Industrfal Revolutlon. Fossll fue1 coobustlon and the clcaring of vlrgln forests ( deforcstatlon) arc belleved to b! thc prlnary anthropogcnlc contrl.butors althougb the rclatlvc contributlon of cach 1! uoc.rtaln. Thc carbon dloxlde conteDt of tbc atDosphere ls of concern !1Dce t! caD affect gl,obal cllnate. Carbon dtoxldc and otbcr trace gases- eontalned ln the atDosphere such as sater vepor, ozoncr r0ethaDe, carbon Eonoxldc, oxldcs of nltrogen, etc. absorb part of the lnfrared rays.reradlated by the earlh. Tbls lncrease tn absorbed energy uaros the atnosphere inductng HarBlng at the earthrs surfacc. lbls phenooenon 1s referred to ss the ngreenhousc effcctn. Predlctlons - ngreenhouse of the cltratologlcal ltopec! of a carbon dloxlde effectn draH upon varlous DEtheDetl,cal Dodels to lnduced gauge lhe !eo- perature lncrease. The sclentlflc cooDunlty geocrall.y dtscusscs the bpact ln terDs of doubllng of the current carbon dlortde content lD order to get beyond the nolse leve1 of thc det8. lle cstlnate doubllng could occur arormd the year 2090 based upoa .fossll .fuel requlrencnts projected 1r Erronrs long range energy outlook. thc questlon of rbl.ch predlcttons and nhlch oodcls best sLEu:.atc a carboa dloride lnduced elLroate cbaage ts stlU bclng debated by thc sclentlflc co@unl.ty. Orr best estlnate ls tbat doublhg of the^currcnt congeDtrarion could lncrrasr average global tcBperatur! by about l.Je to 3.1oC. lbc lDcreasb so-uld not Ua nn t.ior.n over tbe earthts surfacq nlth tbe polar caps llkcly to sce terp€rature lncreases oa thc order of lO'C and thc eguator llttle, lf any, lncrcase. Consldcr'able uniertalnty elso surrounds the posslble lnpact on soc!,ety of such a rirnlng trend, should lt occur. A! the Lor cnd of. tbe prcdlcted teoperature rangc there eould be sooe. Lupact on agrl.crrltural groyth and ralnfall patterus rrhlch could be beneflcl.al in soEa reglons and delrl^nental ln othcrs. At tbe hlgh end, sone sctentlsts suggest there could be conslderable adverse lnpact lncludlng lhe floodtng of soe coaslal laDd Easses as a result of a rlse ln sea level due to DeItlDg of the AntarctlQ lce sheet. Such an cffect nould not lakc placc untll centurlc! afler a 3lC gtoUat averege t€Dperaturc Lncreas€ actually occurred. ls currently no unanblguous sclcntlflc cvldence that the earth ls warolng. If the earth ls on a warrlng trend, uerre not 11kely to detect 1t before 1995- llrls is about thc earllest proJectlon of utten the teoperaturc there EC-11-5/ A3 i. -2trlght rlse the O.5o needed to get beyond the range of noraal tenperature fluctuatlons. On the other hand, lf clfunate oodellng uncertalntles have' exaggerated the tenperature rlse, lt ls posslble ttrat.a carbon dloxlde lnduced trgreenhouse effectn oay not be detected untll ?O?O at'the earllest. Tbe ngreenhouse effectn ls not 1lkely to cause substaqtlal cllnatlc cbanges untll the average global tenperature rlses at least log above todayrs levels. Thls eould occur ln the second to thlrd guarter of tbe nert century. goreyer, there ts concern atrong sone sclentlfle groups thab once ttre effecti are neasurable, they nlght not be reverslble and llttle could be done to correct the sltuatlon tn tUe short tero. Therefore, a nrnber of envlronnental groups are calllng for actton now to prevent an undeslrable future sltuatloo fioo developlng. Hitlgatlon of the ngreenhouse effectn nould regulre naJor re?uitlons 1o fosstJ fuel conbustlon. Shlfting between fossll fuels 1s.not a feaslble alternatlve because of ltnlted long-teno supply avallablllty for cArtaln fuels although. o11 does produee about 18i less carbon dloxlde per Btu of heat released thau coal, and gas about 321 less than o11. The energy outlook suggests synthetlc fuels will have.a negllglble Lnpact at least through the old 21st eentury lcontrlbutlng less than fil of the total carbon dloxlde released frm fossll fuel conbustlon by the year 2050. Thls low 1evel lneludes the expecled eontrlbutlon froo carbonaLe deconposltlon rhlcb occurs durlng shale o11 recovery and assuues essenttally no efftelency lmprovenents processes above tbose currently'achlevable. in synthettc. fuels Overall, the current outlook suggests potentlally serlous cllnate problens are not llkeIy to occur untlI the late 21st cenlury or perhaps beyond at proJected energy denand'rates. Tlrls sbould provlde tlne to resolve uncertalntles regardlng'the'overall earboo cycle and the contrlbutlon of fossll fuel conbustton as rell as the role of tbe oceans as a reservolr for both heat and carbon d1oxlde. It should also allon tlne to better deflne the effect of carbon dloxlde and other lnfrared absorblng gases on surface cltoate. ldaklng slgnlflcant changes 1n energy consr.uptlon patterDs nor to deal rlth thls potenttal probleo anld a1I the sclentlflc uncerlalntles would be prenature 1a vlew.of tbe severe lnpact such noves could have on the norldrs econonles and soctetles. EC-1 1-5lA4 -." PROPnIETANT I}IFOR}IATION FON AUTHONIZED COI{PANI USE OTILT . CO^ GNEENHOUSE EFFECT I A TECHNICAL PREPANED REVIETI BT THE : COORDIIIATIOil A}TD PI.ANNING DIVISIOI{ EiCIOII RESEANCH AIID ENGII{EEBIIIG CO{PAI{I APnrL EC:11-5/A2 1, 1982 -1CO^ GREENHOUSE EFFECT z A TECHNICAL REVIEW TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. BaCkgfOUnda .. .. . ... . ... .. ... o t. ... . o. . .. ... o.. ... . o. o.. ... . .. . o. .. Sources and Dispositlon of Atnospherlc Carbon Dtoxide Thil CanbOn Cyele.. o ... o.. ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... . .. ... . . o . .. .. o ... . 2 . .o..o 6 MaJor Rgsgarch Prograns Underway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Future Energy Scenarlos and Ttrefr Potentlal Impact on AtnosPherlc CafbOn DlOXldg... . . o . .. . .. . . . .!. ... . .. ... . .. . o. . .. .. . . .. . ..'. .. ... 17 Desorlptlon of.Potential Inpact on lleather, Cllnate' and Land AVa1lablllty. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .... . . . . o r .. .. . . .. o .. . .. . .. Forecagt Based on Fossll FueI ProJected !n Exxon Long Range .... o............. ......... Enefgy O,ttIOOk..... ... r........... Induced Greenhouse Effect.............. Detgctlon of -a COo z o o... r........ o 1g 26 30 EC-l1-5/A5 -2c02 cREEllnousE EFFECT Background : - contlnuously' af the butldup of co. ln the atoosphere has been Eonltored I s (llOM) Observatory 8t AdDtnlstratloo the Natlona1 Oceaflc and Atuospherlc Hauna Loe, Hanall, and perlodtcally 1n other places since 1957. In addltlon to observlng a trend between 1957 -1979 that strowed atEospherlc co2 lncreaslng fron 315 to 33? ppn, Keellng and others a13o observed a seasonal ?arlablllty ranglng froo 6 lo 10 pp betreen a lox at the end of ttre suDDer growing season (aui to phoeosynthesls) and a h!.gh at the end of ntnter (due to fossll f\rel. burnlng for heat, aDd bloDass decay). rhere ls 11!t1e doubt that these observatlons tndleate a SroFlh of stEosPherle CO" (see F!'gure 1). It ls also belleved that the Srowth of atEospherlc Cor-has beeD occurrtng since the niddle of the past cenbury, 1.e., coincldefit r{'ltb the start of the Industrlal. the at[osBevolutlon. I?rere ls, however, Sreat uncertainty as to wbether Dherlc co^ concentration prlor to the Industrlal Revol.utlon (ca. ' 1850) ras )go-goo pfin uhlch one would arrlve at by assuulng atoospherlc C0" Srowth ls due to fossl1 fuel burnlng and ceoent Danufacturlng, ot 260-270 lpu based on c'arbon Lsotope EeasureEents ln tree rlngs. The lnfortatlol- 9n. c9z concentratlon prlor to 1850 i3 lnportant because lt rroul d helP establish the valld1ty of cliroatlc predlctlons nlth respeet to the tnceptlon of a CO2 I'nduced tgreenhouse effectn. effecti refers !o the absorbtlon by CO2 and otber trace in the al66sphere (such as rater vapori ozone, carbo6 Donottdel 6rldes of nltrogen, freons, and netlrane) of part of tbe lnfrared radlation $hlih ls riradlated by the earth. An lncrease ln absorbed energy vla thls route nould iarn the earthts surface csuslng cbaages 1n cllEate affectlng atDospherlc and ocean teEperatures, ralnfall Patteins, solI uolsture' and over ?he ngreenhouse gases-conlained . cenbuiles potentially ueltlng the polar tce caps. relatlve contrlbutlons of bioloass oxldation (nalnly due to deforestatlon) fossll fuel cornbustton go the observed atsospherlc COr increase are not loom. Ttrere are falrly good lndlcatlons that tbe anfiual gronth of ataospherlc CO; ls oo lhe order ot 2.5 Lo 3.0 Gtlar of carbon and the net Tbe and quantlty of caFbon absorbed by the ocean.ls siu11ar1y 2.5 lo 3 Gtla. 1bu3, these tuo slnks (atDosphere and ocean) can account for the total fosslI carbon burned (lncludlng 0.3 GIC/art frm ceuent nanufaeturlng) which ls on the order of 5-6 Gl/a and does not alJow nuch rooo for a net contrlbutlon of bloness r Gt/a = glgatons per annun = 10' Detrl8 tons per year. tt GtC/a = glgatons carbon per annun = 10' netrlc toDs of carbon Per year. EC-11-5/ A6 Eii o :9 az :3 -_a EE c EP 9.9 =-5 c;! -9€ Zg c3 il !: 9;. -iE =a ZB cl= a= >E Ec oo EI gc oa t-u o8 (J5 cE BI i a I *s Eg ac r€ EE EE i ::'a E;' aio :t! c I t t! €B tIT t -4carbon. Yet, highly resp€cted sclentlsts such as Hcodwe11, Bolln and others have postulaled a net blonass contrlbutlon to atDospherlc C0. that ranges froo 1 to perhaps 8 GL/a ot earbon. Drrlng 1980, a nrnber of dlfferent groups Produced ner estloates of the contrlbutlon of organlo. terrestlal fl [es to atoosphertc C0r. A consensus has not been reached, but esttsates of the net annual terFestlal blosphere eolsslons to the at&osphere noH range betueen a 4 GtC/a source and a 2 GtCla slnk. Flgure 2 al@Earizes the Cluxes and reservoLrs for the carbon cycle. rt should be noted that the net blosphere contrlbutlon nas assuued to be 0-2 Cte/a. rate of forest clearlng has been estfuoatqd 4f 0.5/ Eo 1.51 per yeaE of the exlstlng area. Forests occupy about 50 x 10-h' out of about 150 x lOekn< of contlnental land, and store about 650 Gt of carbon. Gre can easily see that lf 0.5t of tbe rprldrs forests are cleared per year, ttrls could contrlbute about 3.0 Gt/a of carbon to the ateosphere. Even lf reforeqtaH.o! $ere contrlbutlng slgnlf1cantly to balanclng the C0, froE deforestatlon, tbe total. carbon stored 1n nelt trees tends to be ofily a s6a11 fractlon of the net cerbon eoltted. It sbould ie noted, however, that the'rate of forest cl.earing and reforestatlon are not loonn accurately at thl. s tiue. If deforestatlon is indeed contributlng to atoosphertc cOr, then another slnk for carbon uust be - found, and the Jmpaet of fossil fuel 6ust be considered in the conbext of sueh The . a ' . slnk. the Eagnltude of the carbon flIuxes shom ln Figure 2 betlreen,tbe atuosphere and the terrestlal biosphere'. and the atoosphere and the oceans are not precisely knom. lhe flor of csrbon between these reservolr palrs ls generally asslud to h€ve been ln equlllbrltn prlor to the rndustrlal Revolutlon. lbwever, the errors in ihe estlnated Eagnitude of these BaJor filuxes are probably larger than the oagnltude of the estlnated Een-Ead e carbon fluxesi 1.e., fossll fuels and deforestatlon. Ihe.nan-nade f,Luxes ere assEed to be the onl.y ooes that have dlsturbed tbe equlllbrluu tbit ls belleved to have dlsted before the rndustrial Revolutlon, and they can be estloated lndependenU.y of tbe naJor fluxes. tlre nan-oad e carbon f,lures are balanced ln Flgure 2 betneen the krom gror./th rate of ateospherlc cerbon and the oceans. fhe carbon f,tux to ttre atnosptrere ts 6Gt/a froo fosstl fuels and ce&ent nanufacturlng (cenent nanufaeturlng contrlbutes about 4t of non-blospbere anthropogenle carbon) and 2Gtla llon deforestatlon, rrhlle 4ct/a return to the ocean, resultlng Ln a 50! carbon retentlon rate 1n the atuosphere. Ore cannot rule out, ln vlen of the lnherent lnrcertalnty of the uaJor flrxes, that tbe blosphere nay be a Det slnk and the oceans Eay absorb nuch less of ttre nan-nade COr. ProJectlons of scl.entlsgs actlve tn the .area lndlcate that the contrlbutlon deforestatlon whlch Day have been subStantlal 1n the past, rr111 dtnlnlsh ln cooparlson to' lhe erpected rate of fossil fuel coDbustlon ln the future. A few years ago a nrober of scienttsts hypothesl zed that a doubltng of the anount of carbon dlorlde ln the atoosphere could occur as ear).y as 2035. !?rls hypothesls ts generally not acceptable anlmore because of the g1oba1 curtallnent of fossll fuel usage. Glculatlons recently co@pleted at Exxon Research of EC-11-5/L7 TICURE 2 '; Almrisphete Combusllon Photo- 0:2 I (650) Blota Sirrlace (39,000) FossllFuels and $hale Terreslrlal Blosphere lnlermedlale, Deep Ocean and Sedlments Oceans ( I = Size ol Carbon Riservolrs ln Bllllons ol Motrlc Tons ol Carbon Fluxes (alrows) Exchange ol Carbon Belween = Melrlc per Tons ol Carbon Reservolrs ln Bllllons ol Year I -6and Englneering CoEPany uslnS the energy ProJecttoBs froE the'Corporate plannlng Deparinent r s 21s! Century Studyr, lndlcate that a doubllng of the 1g7g atoospherlc CO. concenlratton could occur at about 2090. If synthetla fuels are not Oevel5ped and fossll f-ue1 needs are net.-by new 8as and petrofeuD dlscoveries. tben the atDosPherlc Cor doubllng tloe nould be- delayed by about 5 years to tbe late 2o9ot3. Ftgure J sunoerlzes the proJected groFth of atnosDherle co^ concentratloa based oa the Erxoa 21st ceotury study{lgh Growth sienarlo, 5s well. as an estlnate of the average globa1 teoperature lncreaae Hhlcb Elght then oceur above the current tenperature. It ls nor clear that the doubtfng tlDe r'i1l occur nuch later ln the future than PreviousJ.y postulated beeause of the dccreaslng rate of fossll fuel usage due to lorrer denand. and Land Avallab1l rhe nost ridely accepted calculallons carrled on tbus far on the PoteDt!.af lBpacg on clluate of doubllng the carbon dloxLde contedt of the atDosPhere use general. circulatlon Eodels (GCI). ltr;se Eodels lndlcate that an lncrease 1n giobal everage tetsperature of 3- I 1.5-c ts oost likely. $rch changes .ln tenperature are expected !o occur rith uneven Seographlc dlglributlon rith - greatei iramlng occurrlng at tbe hlgher latltudes, 1.e.' the polar reglons. ittts ls due to lncreased absorptlon of solar radlatlon energy on tbe darker polar gurfaces that Hould becme eXposed Hhen lce and SnoU cover nelt due to increaslng legpereture (see FlEure 4). :here bave been othei calculatlons uslng radlatlve convectlve nodels and energy bslaDge uodels wttlch ProJec! average te&perature lncreases on the order of 0.75-C for a doubllng of ' CO^. these calculations are c@Pared ln Flgure 5- Flgure 6 suonarlzes pogslbte beDperagure lncreases due to varlous cheD8es ln atnosPberic C0, concentratlon. If the atnospherlc CO, content had beeD 295 PW prlor bo the IndustrlaL Revolutlon, ,and an av€rage g1oba1 teoperature Lncrease above clloate nolse general ls detectable at the present tine, thls r+ould add eredlblltty to theppn prlor and been 265 c0. concentratton lf the Honever, _clrculatlon nodels. g.F-C to the Industrlal Revolutlon, then dete6tlng a tegPerature effect of now xould iuply that the tenPerature for a doubllng of C02 ltould b: 1.9-CA fhe proJected tenperatures for botb afternatlves faII wlthln the l- 3 1.5-C rang-. Tenperature proJecttons for alternate scenarlos wl11 be dlscussed later . Cllnate nodeling Has studled by a coDBlttee of the Natlonal Research Councif ' chalred by Jules G. Charney of HIT, aod the concluslons are suErnarl.zed 1n places ln lbls report ffi't-sfcentury Studyr referred to here and ln other12030 study!. rhe neH the ca1led study enerSy has been superseded by a ner flSures but the earll.er than lower study projects energy deoands that are ' of thls report. not suificlently dlfferent to change eny of the conclusions Ec-11-5/A8 -7- Figure .3 GROWTH OF ATMOSPHERIC CO2 AND AVERAGE. GLOBAL TEMPERATURE ]NCBEASE AS A FUNCTION OF TIME C' E CL 4 ul o i IIJ v) uJ () 500 9 = tg tc f F o z I E 450 c, uJ A c) I ;I = F UJ 420 UJ o G U) cE o uJ F = 300 1960 YEAR f i ZP "93 Eo o !oo !zz '.o< fi.a -A EE =, EZ t-tl - t: t.i E-;! ;5 ; :ii !i:! l2=a ii:!r Es !*i; ::E E3!3: .:j .^4--\ ! Es . ;; EE !-n :::_r; !i-:r'=i+i =E:iiEiE i;!:E:i: !!E#iE:s; EstiiiF, i$j;t: ij: ,t -1> 15 sallons/ron) were averaged over the U.S. resource ot 651. These efflctencles "irioi"iroy ;;;;tb arrr"e at ?e.5t. Table 1 suogarizes the Prl&ary energy consuDPtlon of fossll fuels. The lotal carbon dlorlde that can be eBltted frou prioary fossll fuels rns estlnated uslng the followlng factors: Ot1 = 1?0 lb cas = 115 lb Coal = 20? lb COrlHBtu = 21-0 l'ltCr/Qtrad. CO^/llBtu = 14.2 HtC/Quad. z. COrlMBtu = 25.6 l{lClQuad. the In addltion, ttte quantlty of carbon dloxide that could be eoltted froeestlnated was shale processlng o11 U.S. deconposltlon of carbonate Blnerals ln Uy avlraglng thls potentlally large CO, source over the GreeD Rlver foroation resource base. It should be nobei that Poorer shale resources tend to mtffiI-ru on netrlc tons of carbon. EC-11-5/A15 , PRIMARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION OT' FOSSIL FUELS 2lst CENTURY STUDY--HIGH cAsE Quads,/a 1979 Year oil -lT.s. Canada others 32.09 4 . 06 96.62 i Totar Gas --T.s. Canada others Total Coal -u.s. Canada others Total L37 -77 . 2000 201s 2030 2050 :. 33.32 ,. 32.01 4 .30 4 .7L 111.93 12S.16 35.35 5.62 139.63 36.35 6.09 t4B.5Z 36.80 5.g7 L3Z.7S r9t.0t Lls.sz 1990 14 9 . 55 164 . ag rB0. 60 20.95 1.83 30.88 53.66 17.93 2.5L" 55.54 75.88 17.24 2.88 74 .95: 95.07 .15.98 3.49 96.24 lo5.7o t6.g7 4 .38 99.65 120.90 L7.42 4.73 log .68 14.69 0.80 60.17 75.66 2O.L4 I.37 81.44 102.95 29.66 1.90 103.90 134.54 ', 32.19 2.72 125;55 165.41 43,12 3.62 1?5.55 222.54 55.10 5.3S 261.14 130.83 321 I Fossil Fuels world Total Rate t/a .59 267.09 328.38 3g4.4.g ' 45r.?1 534.45 1.90 1.85 1.I3' 0.81 9.91 I 62i.g4 ,! o, -21 tluch more CO^ fro! cerbonate loinerals than tbe loore deslrable hlgh quality resources for the saDe quantlty of shale o11 produced. It lfas further assuned that 65t of tbe carbonate ldneral's decoDPose durlng processlng. ftls very conseryatlve assuEptlon ls based on the average.of 1001 decooPositlon that Eay occur ln thot spotsn during ln-situ recovery and 3Qt decoBPosltlon tbat ls generally observed ln above ground retortlnE. lable 2 stnoarlzes the total CO- produced Ln GEC/a, Please note that CO, eDlsslons resultlng fron Co^'nlxed wlth natural 8as ln producing we113 can be substantlal' but due Lo €he unavallablltty of quantltative data thts factor l{as assuled to contrlbute about 5t addltlonal CO^ currently rislng to 151 ln the year 2050. Thls trend of C0, eontaninatlon of natural 8as ls cooslstent with recent Euon eEit exper1'ence. The contributions of sbale o11 to prluary fossiL fl)el energy and prlBary fossll fuel carbon are sunDarlzed ln Teble 3. lttls !ab1e shot s that the fractlon of shale o11 C0, euisslons to total C0, ls greater.'than the corresponding contrlbutlSn of shale o11 energy €o total energy. Table 3 also indlcales the breakdoHn between co, generated in Produblng and consuning shale o11, and that due to carbonaEe olneral decouposltlon. Table 4 presents the. estiEated total quantities of Cor eEltted to the environnent as G!C, the grorbh of C0. 14 the atnospheFe ln ppn (v) ' and average g1obal tenperaLure lncreare !n "C over 19?9 as the base year. In vY,Jt tt r.ra 3 essuned ttlat tbe of i'rYYt..Y. v. atBosPherlc 4.e bulldup we--esl, uI ugl to 99 estlEate the order -Y Coo, pFE ln 19?9. f?re fractton of ras COo eonc-atratlon 33? average atoospherlc 2 vag !o be 0.535 of the total fossll' asstned tn ttrezatoosphet':e io^' "I.*uf "teo fu6t CO-. Thts nuDber 1s derlved fron tbe observed hlstorlc ratlo of total' ;;;i"i rossu fuel. Co.. rnheren! ln thls nrnber ls the "ii"""i3ir"-io^ tha€ bioaass and ceuen! prod6ctlon did not contrlbute to st4ospberlc """rrbtion cO^. It should be noted. hoHever, that thls Dethod of calculatlon Hould te6a to predic! total dnlhroPogenlc CO, as ]ong 8s the ratto of blonass and cenent roanufecture to fossll fuel cons8nption reoalns constant. ltre average teEperalure lncrease since 1979 nas estlEated, assullng Chat a doubltnS of CO. nould cause an average g1oba1 tenperature lncrease of 3.0- 3 1.5-C. It nas a16o assuned that fosEll fuel carbon Hould SroH at a rate of 0.87/a betneen 2050 ana 2080. r.trich ls a reasonable decrease froo tbe 0.977/a rate Projecled betxeen 2030 and 2050. fhe fo oi lng section analyzes the lnpllcatlons of tfie lenierature rise due to COA doubllng wlth resPect to lnltiaL detectlon of a greenhouse effect. one variatlon of the Hlgh-Case scenarlo nas considered. It lras assuEed that adequate quantttles of o11 and gas $ould be dlseovered to exactly natch those estioated to be produced froa synthetlc fuels ln the Hlgh Case scenarlo. and thus balance the prlnary energy needs of the 21st Century Study. Ibe net quantlty of carbon that woul.d be saved ls s"nrrrarlzed ln Table 5. Itre lnplleatlons of the syofuel losses are conpared Hitb the Hl.gh Case ln Figure 3. I?re overall lnp.act Ls rel.attvely nlnor. EC-11-5/ A'-t6 . t. TABLE2, ! PRIMARY CARB9N DIOXIDE'(AS CARBON} FORMATION FROM FOSSIL TUELS .21SC CENTURY STUDY_-HIGH CASE . Gtcr/a L979 2.90 Year oil Inorganrc .a 1990 3.15 0.01 2000 3.47 0.05 L6 .5? 1.35 0.L5 2015 . 3.79 0.19 2030 4.0I ' ' 0.2'l 2050 .98 1.50 O.18 .28 L;72 O.22 4. 09 .68 4.24 9.90 I .94 2.L4 5.70 11.92 8.24 3.69 0.40 Carbon Total O11 Gas in COz Tota1 Gas Gas Total CoaI World Tota1 Rate l/a 2.9O 0.76 0.04 l.0g 0.l1 0,80 1.93 5.63 l. Ig 2.64 7.00 3. 2.00 I .50 3.45 8.47 L.92 4 3 3 r ?l 1. 05 L.25 0.97 1.86 I N N 0.28 I L4.47 0.80 TABLE 3 OIL SHAIJE I'IQUID FUELS PRIMARY ENERGY CONSUMPtTON EUO CARBON DIOXIDE (ES CARBON} PRODUCTION 21st CENTURY STUDY--HIGH CASE L979 Year U.S. Shaler Quads/a Other Shale ,.,-- Total t Prlnary -- Shale EnergylPrlmary. Foaall Fuels Energy shale Carbon, ctc,/A . 1990 2000 2015 l.0I 0.2I 3.65 L.49 L4 1.21 5.14 0.35 t.3O 2030 20s0 .38 , 20.66 2.56 5.55 1I.10 16.94 26.2L 41. g9 3.?5 {.90 30.79 5.6t .Toral O.O3 0.01 o.o4 O.I1 0.05 0.15 0.36 0.19 0.55 0.55 O.27 0.82 1.28 t Prlnary Shale Carbon/Prfunary 0.55 I.89_ 5.55 S.gZ , 8.05 Carbonate carbon FoBsll Fuel Carbon I 0.88 0.10 ,s ? TADLE 4 ESTIMATED ATMOSPIIERIC CO2 CONCENTRATION AND AVERAGE IrEMPERATURE INCREASE 2lst CENTURY STUDY--}IIGH CASE Emitted, Year Stored in Atmosphere,.GtC GtC Incremental Cummulative L979 Atmospheric Concentration, ppm 7L5 j. Average ture Increase, oC 'fempem 337 0 1990 69.3 6g.3 37.1 7s2 17.5 355 0 2000 77 .2 146.5 41.3 793 19.5 374 0.{5 137.5 284.0 73.6 857 34.7 409 0. 8r' 20L5 .22 I 2030 153.3 2050 263 2080 490.6 120r.4 262 2090 191.3 L392.7 102.3 .5 447 .3 710. B .4 954 4L.2 450 L.25 14L.0 109s 65.5 s16 1. .5 t35B L23.7 640 2.78 48.2 588 3.09 87 'ire o B4 N F, I TABLE 5 ESTIMATED INCREMENTAL CO2 CONTRIBUTION FROM SvNTHETTC FUELS TO ATMOSPHERTC coi coNcENTRATToN AND AVERAGE GLOBAL TEMPERATURE INIEETgE ' Gtc/a Year ' Shale Loss Carbonate DecomPositlon Total Stale r 2ooo ?!!! 2o3o 20s0 o;00{ 0 . 0I3 0.025 0. 04 7 0.069 0. r8 6 0.114 9.2Q7 0.18r 0.39I "ry OIS !,,oaa Rate t,/a Incremental CO.r' z GtC - GtC CummulatLve CO,', z Incremental Atmospher!.c Corr PPm Cummulative AtmospherLc Co2, Net Atmospheric COzr *ry 0;235 offi 2080 6m 0.067 0.135 0.276 0.s35 0.139 0.391 0.657 1.114' 0.03s 2-O 2.7 3.5 7.1 ' l{.8 45.79 7.73 .1?-38 3.73 0.80 - Coal Loge Total Synfuele 1990 PFm PPm Average Temperature Increase, oC - L2.26 29.64 75.43 o.8o 4.53 0.2 0.9 I'9 4'4 II'5 0.2 i'L 3'1 7'5 , 19 3ss 37 4 407 .446 0.22 0.45 0.82 1.21 506 1.75 616 2.6L r N l,l -26Detection of a C02 Greenhouse Effect a general cgnsenaus reSardlng the greenhouse effeCt 11.llL not be CO' lnduced llkelihood e;d teplicatlons of a lncrease can be detected. leBperature reaehed untl1 sucl tlne as a slgnlflcant ln average global cllBate. above tbe natural randoD teEperature flucluatlons These flucluatlons are assured to be !0.5"C. the earllest that such dlscreet slgnals w111 be able to be nea l-red ls oae of the DaJor uncertalnties of It ls antlcipated by uost. seientlstt that the C0, lssue. a nuEber of clfuoatologlsls c1aln that they are currently Beasurlng a teoperature sl.gnal (above cllnate noise) due to a c02 induced gtreenhouse effect. rh1le the EaJorlty do not expect such a slgnai to be detectable before the year 2OOO. In order to quantlfy the lnpllcatlons of detectlng a greenhouse iffecl nor, as opposed to the year 2000, estlEales nere uade on te&perature projections as a functlon of tbe co" concentration .that exlsted Prlor to the concentratlon Prlor to ttle inaugtr:.al Revolutlon. Avallable d5ta on CO, -goups: 260 Lo 270 pP@ or 290 to lnto bwo Revolution tend to faI1 . Induslrla1 Here estlBated as a 3OO ppB. In Table 6, Posslble teloperature lncreases of lnltial co^ concentratlons of 265 and 295 PPe. Teoperatules - i,rnoiion proJected for th;3"-;;;;,'"i".1-crj a-teoperaluri-lncreasl of 3oc . were obcur! ii current CO^ concentratlon doubles. (2) the greenhouse effect ts debectable non (19?9f, and (3) the greenhouse affect 1s deteqted ln the year 2000. Table 6 that lf a doubllng of at6ospheric CO2 ttll1 cause a 3oC r13e ln tenperature, then ne should ltave seen a teEPerature-increase above cllnate noi;e lf lnltlal CO^ coneentratlon nas 265 ppu' or be on the lhreshold of delecllng such an effect / p,fat ,r'l:1,"":':l 1l t ' 19sO 2000 Year 20s0 2100 _29 _ the behavtor of the nean global tenperature froo 1850 to the present, contalned rdthln an envelop scaled to lnclude the randgn tenpe5ature fluctuatlons, and proJected lnto the t\rture to lnclude the 1.3- to 3.1'C range of uncertalnty noted above for the CO, effect. Dependtng on the actual global energy denand and supplY, 1t1-" po""fble tbat sone of the eoncerns about CO, Erowtb due to fossll fuel conbustlon nay be reduced lf foss1l fuel use lstdecreaseS due to hlgh prlee, scarclty,'and unavallabll1ty. The above dlscusslon assunes that an lnstantaneous cllnatlc resPonse results froa an lncrease ln atrnosptrerlc GOo concentratlon. In actuallty' the tenperabure effect nould llke1y Ia! the C0, change by about 20 years beeause the oceans would tend to danp out tenperat[re changes" Gtven the long tern nafure of the potentlal problen and the ulcertalntles lnvo1ved, tt rould appear that there ls tlne for firther study and nonl'tortng before speclflc acllons need be taken. At the present tl.ne, that actlon would Itkely be curtallnent of fossll fuel consunptlon uhlch rculd undoubtedly serlously inpact tlre worldts economles and socleties. Key Polnts needlng .better deflnition lnclude the lnpact of fossll fuel conbuslon and the role of -ttre oceans ln the carbon cycle and the lnteractlve effect of carbon dl'oxlde and other trace atnospherlc gases on clluate- EC-l1-5/A18 -30BIBLIOGNAPHT Ad Hoc Study Croup on Carbon Dloxlde and Cl1Date. 1979. Carbon Dioxlde and Cllnatl: A 3clentiflc Assessnent. wash. Dc: Hat. affi-ffi J.4. S., l{antovanl. H. S. .' Lundell ' L. 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