EXON CORPORATTON Soence E Technology Oepadhenl AM 125] AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS. NEW YORK, N.Y. NATKIN - r,lanager Oll'c€ ol Envtroomental Allarc IOO2O 0ctober 17, 1983 Mr. R. L. Preston Esso E astern Houston, Tex as Dear Dick: Following your recent review of the Natuna Project with the Management Committee, I promised to send you my thoughts on the additional studies which phould be cols j derledJo -he l p resol ve,-or. at J e as tJ! t_lq_prope r perspect i ve, concerns' hbort the environmenta'l asDects of the oroiect." _ru The following ale:oTq initial thoughts on_the subject and.hopefullyr-_tl.:I_ry 6ettins tosether witffilfiCr" interEife?*ttifrlloili gio'ri,s-f6-discEss=86'E'-stfject inel:-:;'i*- fuo_q,[gf-y:gt I think we generally agree that we are seeking a method of disposing of the off gases in a manner which will minimjze the risk of environmental damage. l'le must also have the data which will be convincing not only to ourselves but also to the international environmental cocrrunity that the rEthod selected is environmentally sound. 0f course one may never have enough data to completely satisfy the latter especially where the science itself ig. cgntroversial such as with "icid rain" and the c02-"Greenhouse" Effect. The aft?lii'a-td-ffi6'ridfl*riiiitho"f: you have studi ed rlski- assovi ated 'wi th:-nq chal I en 4hem as well as probab env I ronmenta I comnuntty. l,le th i nk sone tdditi -€1 o!,r94,'.!!e;o f fa thi s eliminates the d i sch arge into the or ocean. atmosphere It is expens i ve and of both C02 and H2S/S02 produci n the formation. l{e undercreates an opportuni t for recycling wi thi stand you are going aEffiiEAI5T ffi-tdftiDns which would preclude or min ze the recycl ing problem. 1 E in:i The work done so 4eastdte'i removes which may be C0Z. far indicates that the-qh@icdrF the H2S but creates a zone around the underwater sparger life, and may only temporari ly remove the toxic to marine T rrazrh tai ned-rto def ine the potential toxicity in the 4Tt ' 4tiffis@tiffimld affected area due to the reaction products, i.e. corplete the Phase II studies. r{F Appropriate studies should be initiated dexlent-\heufjstryoof d-ne centrat i ons. ffffi to@ in the area by hTghEFTaFbonate con- c. :\tg'Lidiftq'ki*ffi1*l"i#iid*#is!ry iiiria:: rc:'!-f!:lY' :-= -d$$' lffieJY;E'1.1)-r ttcerAsEt n ###t':+rir" d!#qi!"ttlli:s;'f:# rd"ns ider' *tte ;rqigffi#.t un'"t to litnlttol' oi' i-ni"t"tt You' N,1il/ef SincerelY' (w/att. ) tll'*"""' t[[tJ;i'#' tLi:il'-lt ,/-