cENERAT. - t aa.l.l E INTER.OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE i oArE July 8, 1980 H. N. tlei nberg N. R. l,Je rthamer C02 Greenhou Cornmunications Pl an 1, I have been working with Ed Wi1ey, Bob Barnum and I'li ke l"largolis to develop a plan for achieving national recognition on our C02 Greenhouse research project. l,le selected a public relations consultant to provide additional sophistication and a fresh approach to our thinking. Based on the results of that exercise, we have prepared the draft plan which is attached. Your review and comment is solicited. Note that the objectives and strategies of ER&E's Public Affairs Dept. have evolved over the last year to the point where the activities proposed re C02 fit quite naturally into their overall program. For this reason, we see no need to request special funding for any items in this plan. l.le also feel, unless you recommend otheruise, that concurence with this plan at the level of the General Managers (or possibly Vice Presidents) of the involved departments would be sufficient in order to begin imp lementati on, As you recal /kf Att. t'// / -.'/. r\-+ H, N. WEINEERG JUL 9 1gBO JUll Z 5 l9utl (;L$ER.lL - l5a-l-18 lr tl INT ER.OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE DATE rTo ,:rrnoM 24, 1980 REFERENCE See Below SUBJECT E. K, l.liley CO^ z /Geeenlrouse Corumunicatlons Plan Barnun #ffil,".lse;" Faf il,*rJ+*+: .=-- i-,..s,.fr;:i i+C-r/ ALtached ls a draft plan. As dlscussed, no Lrnplementacion Is planned in 1980, except for sork on some of the background rnaEerlal by a studenE lntern. Please advlse lf you feel furCher dlscusslon is 6sslrable b.efore we revlew this material.wlth. our respectlve managemenFs. EKI.I:nbtr .,4"" xb4q 9aj 1) c0 /Greenhouse Effect Communi cations pLan ( ceNTeE\ Introduction s research program on the CO3I Greenhouse Effect offers an exceItent vehicLe to hetp achieve the corporate objective of improved recognition of Exxon as a center of sci'entific and technotogicaL excetLence. The research is in its approach of testing vintage ]nnova-tive. wines to fiLt a gap in the knowtedge of historicat sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide. rt is imaginative in capitatizing on ER&E scienti sts I access to tankers and offshore dri t t ing rigs as ocean-going extensions of the taboratory. rt is significant to the scientific community as a source of new'data in an area of jnqrf.y which has been onty partiatLy expLored. rt is significant to Exxon since future pubIic decisions aimed at controLting the buitd-up of atmospheric COZ couId impose timits on fossil. fueI combustion. rt is significant to atL humanity since, al.though the c01/ Greenhouse Effect is.not today widel.y perceived a9 a threat, the popuIar media are giving increasing attention to doomsaying theories about dramati c cL imate changes and meLting ptoar icecaps.ll ER&E I For these reasons, ER&E examjned, wi th assi stance of outside publ.ic retations counset especiaILy retained for the ,,t.aa :l l purpose, the desirabi ti.ty of more concentrated PR ef f ort than woutd normat Iy be devoted to a research program. The fottouling recommendations are a resutt of those deIiberations. The recommendations mesh r.lith the objectives of ER&Ers 1980 PR ptan, and faIL uithin the scope of activities which were aLready envisioned by that pLan.ll I. Cornmunic,at-ions 0bjectives A. To demonstrate Exxonrs initiative in apptying its scientific and other resources to hetp improve understanding of envi ronmenta I matters. I I .8. To estabtish Exxonrs credibitity as a teading authority on CO3 Greenhouse science, particuLarty among opinion teaders who are not scienti s ts.l I C- To hetp bring about better publ.ic understanding 'of the COZIGreenhouse Ef tect.'ll II. Communications Activities: communications activities The fotl.ouring COZlGreenhouse are grouped according to the 1980 ER&E PR programs with which they fit. t I / ' ( .1. r 5 A. Medi a ReIat ions 1. Media Briefing - FuLt-day session hosted by to bring together science uri ters and Ieaders in the f ietd of C02l6reenhouse Effect research. Speakers woutd inctude representatives of ER&E management, ER&E and LamontDoherty peopte invotved in the research program and outside experts. Goat is to define the probLem in broad perspective and to ident i fy ER&E as major parti cipant in the overatI research effort.ll ^,/ ER&E 2. Background Papers Prepare non-techni ca t documents whi ch woutd provide detai ted information about th e CATlGreenhouse Effect in gene raL, and ER&Ers research program in particutar. ------Papers uitI be used as handout at'media f ..rl L J,l( \ra[l&vi-fi 2,w'\ ? , . br?efing and as 'mai ting piece for other meOii representatives, government officiats and ,\. \*.,\t\, ,-.ty, a-\ , Ntli'-":\ other interested audiences.l I 3. Reteases Issued as appropri ate to announce signi f i cant devetopments in the ER&E research program: award of government {'ellLI'dsLs' Lesllrl I u€lL caL contracts, techni 'llllerlL \"t{' News papers, etc.r r :4 ;-A 4 i 4. ! -t Fitm Cl.ips - Prepare and distribute to teIevision outtets 1-? minute f iLm.cLips deal.ing with various aspects of ER&E research prog ran.l I 5. By-tined trlagazine Arti /ry,* tes Prepare h,(7t;pS" art i c Ie., in the name of senior ER&E t"n"n""r,V c describing research approach. I later articIes could d.iscuss research findings and their imptications. Artictes wouLd be targeted for broad-scope scientific pubtications such as Sci.encq" Scien.ti.fic Amqric?n, Smi.thsoniar!, etc. T'he artictes cou.t.d be adapted for use on 6. t-.ro pages interviers sf da.i ty neuspa pers.l l Arrange media intervieuls uith s-cient.ists and managers.connected with the research program.ll 7. I ltedia Visitations - Consider inctusion of a scientist invoLved in CgTlGreenhouse .research in proposed program of vi sits to seIected cities for participation in radio and tetevision taLk shousr print media interv ieus.l I W fftd .l a 5- to'-t0r.1q^ ^o B. Symposia 1. Inctude segment on COTlGreenhouse Effect rese"..\ ?.1* in future Exxon symposia, i f topi c fits sympott"!, / theme-// 2- 'Encouragee p€rhaps by co-sponsoring, the convening {' \ C. Institutionat 1- Advertising 'Inctude one ad deating uith research in 1981 ER&E CO2 G,re'enhouse Effect advertising progran.ll rA fa/ .)/ 2- If Exxon corporate advertising program resumes, propose C02-/Greenhouse D. Ef f ect ad. lt!./ w5,, -rt% Execut i ve Speeches 1. uhere appropriate, inctude materiat on Effect in major speechris. ?. COy'Greenhouse Seek opportuni t ies for ER&E peop te assocr ated uith to address campus organi zat ions, professi ona t soc ieties, etc. u CO 2l Greenhouse research It'f a 6 \ I E. Additionat Activities 1. Speciat ltlaiLings Devetop maiting Lists to inctude scientists.r noh-scientist opinion teaders, government officiats and others with current or potential. interest in the c02/Greenhouse Effect. SeIectivety mai t technicat papers, speech reprints, ba+kground papersr. summaries of research reports, etc- I I 7- Testimony - Evatuate, with Exxon Corp_ and EUSA, the desirabitity of testimony uhether votunteered or ln response to reguests - before government bodies./ I I