EXCN CORPORATTON Science & Technology Department ]251 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.Y. A.M, NATKIN Environmental Ailarrs Coordrnalor 1OO2O June 18, L982 H. N. WEINBERG CF.L I CO 2 Greenhouse Program i JUi'l 2 iE82 Dr. H. N. Weinberg ER&E B1dg. 16 Linden t l, ! J' --.\, Dear Harold: As we discussed, it is our view that total expenditures for CRL's(C:O2 Greenhouse program should not be more than $150k/year beginning July 1, l-982.\.i€-fe€1 this rate of expenditure shoul-d be sufficient to fulf111 the Corporationfs needs in the CO2 Greenhouse field. ) These funds are intended to support a resldent source of scientific expertise on all phases and aspects of the CO2 Greenhouse effect. It is important for the Corporation to stay abreast of developments in order to assess the impact of new scientific discoveries and to respond to various inquiries. We feel $150/year should be sufficient to do this. leave to CRL to determine the best way of accomplishing the above objective with the funds available. However, it is Science & Technologyrs view that the Exxon tankers should not be reinstated. This CO2 sampling program utilizing view was arrived at after considering total potential expenses required to carry out a multi-year program needed to build a meaningful data base. We are also faced with the uncertain availability of the Esso Atlantic and other tankers in the Exxon fleet. In todayrs tanker market, it is virtual-ly irnpossible to schedule tanker movements with any regularity. Inle Notwithstanding the above, if CRL decides to pursue a CO2 sanpling program with Lamont using Exxon vessels, the tanker situatlon should be thoroughly investigated before commitnents are made to Lamont. The $900,000k COZ budget for L982 is being reduced to $385k. This should cover your expenses for the first quarter of $225k; second quarter of $40k (personnel), and second, third and fourth quarter of $120k (modellng, etc.). We will- plan on an antlcipated 1983 budget for CO2 work of $150k. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, .R, AMN:cc cc: Ms. M. E. Forshee h" ' r'l***--'/c Messrs. J. F. Mathis/W. R. Eckelmann/O. l. Schumacher q- H. N. WEINBERG jUil 2 i i:jr.1i