UN ITFD STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Rl?t?tJN FOR 1T5 a?tlx'k'r?tht?w?ta rout-?1mm 109?! BRYAN 5'11. SUITE loEtt DALLAS. TX 752111 ?ism March 23, 2016 Michael J. Sorrell. President Paul Quinn College 3837 Simpson Stuart Rd. Dallas. TX 7524] Via ?rst class mail and email (president@pqc.edu) R15: OCR Case No. 06162100 Paul Quinn College Dear Mr. Sorrel]: The US. Department of Education (Department), Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR), Dallas Of?ce, has completed its evaluation of the above?referenced complaint, which was received in this office on The complainant (Student) alleged that Paul Quinn College (PQC) in Dallas. Texas. discriminated agains the basis of sex by failing to appropriately res ond eport of sexual harassment and sexual violence by another term failed to investigate the complaint and Es: bra; we I) This agency is responsible for determining whether entities that receive or benefit from Federal ?nancial assistance. either from the Department or from an agency that has delegated investigative authority to the Department, are in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX 20 U.S.C. 9' Mali]. and its implementing regulation at 34 ORR. Part 106. which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. PQC is a recipient of Federal ?nancial assistance from the Department. 'l?herefore. OCR has jurisdictional authority to investigate allegations ol'discrimination ?led against PQC under Title IX and is Opening for investigation the Following legal issues: . Whether provided prompt and equitable responses to complaints. reports. and/or other incidents of sexual harassment or sexual violence, ol? which it had notice (knew about or should have known about) (including the Student?s complaint), as required by the Title 1X implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. ??106.8. 106.9, and 106.3]. Whether any .tailure by PQC to provide a prompt and equitable response allowed the Student or other students to be subjected to a sexually hostile environment that denied or limited students? ability to participate in or bene?t from programs. in violation ofthe Title IX implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. 106.8 and 106.31. The til-?int 3. ?Martin in mm ?(admit in hi't-t't'vnm! anilpn' tantrum 1} >51: magnolia vin?and (11 we?. it Page 2 Michael J. Sorrel]. President Please note that opening an allegation for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to its merit. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact? linder. collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant. the recipient. and other sources. as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally suf?cient and is dispositive of the allegations in accordance with the provisions ol?OCR?s (fuse Processing Manual. For your information. we have enclosed Complaint Processing Procedures to provide you with an overview of our complaint evaluation and resolution process. Section 100.6(c) ol?Title 34 of the Code ol?Federal Regulations stipulates that each recipient of Federal financial assistance shall permit access to pertinent sources of information to responsible Department of?cials or designces. Enclosed is an initial data request. Please provide the requested information to OCR within 15 calendar days of the date of this letter. Please note that this request does not preclude OCR l?rom requesting additional information during the course of the complaint resolution process. After reviewing all information received. OCR will determine whether an on-site investigation is warranted. if so. you will be contacted to arrange a mutually convenient date. Please be advised that PQC may not harass. coerce. intimidate. or discriminate against any individual because he or she has filed a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. if this happens. the complainant may file another complaint alleging such treatment. Under the Freedom ot?lnl?ormation Act. it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. in the event that OCR receives such a request. we will seek to protect. to the extent provided by law. personally identifiable information. which. if released. could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. If you have any questions about this letter. please contact me by phone. at (214) 661-9683. or via email. at edeoy. You may also contact Lori Bringas. team leader designee. at (214) 661-9638 or. Sincerely. (blt?l Camille r. Lacey Attorney Of?ce for Civil Rights Dallas Region VI line}. PRELIMINARY DATA Paul Quinn College. Complaint No. 06162100 Response Due: April 7, 2016 To facilitate the resolution of the above?referenced complaint, it is requested that the PQC provide OCR with the following information and/or documentation for the I lbs: Iacademic ears within fifteen (15) calendar da of the date of the attached 3? letter, or April 7, 2016. The complainant is identified as I b6;b7A;bFC Please note that in this request. the term ?correspondence? includes, but is not limited to, e-inail messages. meeting notes, interviews, notes of telephone conversations, and all related memoranda. In each instance where a policy is requested but a written policy on the matter at issue does not exist. provide instead an explanation of the usual practice. *Although not required. it would be helpful if the data response is numbered in the lower right- hand corner tag. 001, 002) to ensure staff from OCR and the PQC are looking at the same page during any future discussions about this data response. 1. The name and telephone number of the person who has been designated by PQC to assist OCR with the resolution of this complaint. in) A copy of the following PQC policies, procedures, and documents that have been in effect at any time from to the present. To the extent these documents are available on PQC's website. an appropriate link is sufficient. a. Title IX policies and procedures regarding discrimination based on sex and. if different, policies regarding sexual harassment and sexual violence. b. Grievance procedures for complaints and other avenues for reporting alleged sex discrimination and. if different, sexual harassment and sexual violence. If the PQC has different procedures depending on whether complaints are against students, faculty or staff, provide all procedures. c. The. Student, Staff and Faculty Codes of Conduct and any other that contain the PQC policies and procednres regarding student, staff and faculty behavior and discipline, including procedures for determining whether the PQC will impose sanctions for sexual harassment and sexual violence. (1. Student, staff and faculty handbooks. 2 b6 6. L). 10 b6; b7A; EJ7C 11 13 b6; beC b6; b7A; b?C Is he; b7C b6; b7A; b7C 7 19. If not already provided in response to any data request above. please provide. a copy of the notice {hut it will. not discriminale against individuals on the basis of sex. '20. Any other information the PQC believes; would be helpful in rexolving this matter.