HILLARY A note from Donald and Ted Let's "aee it? it's no surprise we don't agree on eyerything. But there is one thing on which stand together - Canton cannot as our next Presdent. That's why StUp Hillary PAC iS St] important? it lS thE! 0th o?itial organization that is t0 Hillary Cliht?h out 0? the 'r?t?hite HOUSE. Please take a few Of IO Stop Hillary by making a donation today. You've seen it politics can he heated. and this rate is no digerent. But. without your urgent help today. Hillary rSlinton may very well may talte the White House in Noyemoer. And that's something all ltnow would he awr'ull Lets put aside our differences and come together to Stop Hillary. You and I must do everything we can to ensure Hillary Clinton is not the next President of the United States. We can't wait until 2015 to Stop Hillaly Stop Hillary PAC is the only organization solely deditated to stopping Hillary T'rom becoming president. Join Stop Hillary PAC today and talte a stand for America's future and STOP Hillary in her tracks. Ft'ease taHE' a mature ofyoo?r and support Stop Hal: Today. we myodtd ootn greatly aloo'eolate YDUFS. Donald and Ted Contact Information: Donation: FIST THE address 08 same :33 52; toe address or' you." oredd oard. Reported =irs'. ?lame as: Emu 5230 530'] 51.000 52.?00 55.000 'ee: Address Ap: Zip