STATE OF MAINE QFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 1 STATE HOUSE STATION AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333,0001 Paul R. LePage GOVERNOR 22 April 2016 The 127th Legislature of the State of Maine State House Augusta, ME Dear Honorable Members of the 127?l Legislature: Under the authority vested in me by Article IV, Part Third, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Maine, 1 am hereby Vetoing LB 1614 ?Resolve, To Provide Funding fOr the County Jail Operations Fund.? if the counties are responsible for operating the jails, then the counties should also be responsible for paying the costs of the iails. Currently. county funding fer operation of the jails is capped. 1f counties spend above the cap, which they invariably do, then the State is asked to provide supplemental funding to cover the difference. For too long, state taxpayers have had to pick up the tab for. the cost of the county jails because, due to the cap, there is no incentive for antics rein in jail Spending. In order to avoid my veto, a bill providing 2 . (to the jails provision doing- away with the Von?cennty thinning jails, This bill does not contain such a provision. For this reason, I return LD 1614 unsigned and vetoed. I strongly urge the Legislature to sustain it. Sincerely, Que. Paul R. LePage Governor PRINTED ON PAPER PHONE: (207) 2873531 (Voice) TTY USERS CALL 711 FAX: (207) 287v1034