HAROLO L BRODE DNA 6028F PROJECT TRINITY 1945-1946 United States Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Tests Nuclear Test Personnel R811iew Prepared by the Defense Nuclear Agency as Executive Agency for tho Department of Defense Destroy this report when it is no longer needed. Do not return to sender. PLEASE NOTIFY THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY, ATTN: STTI, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20305, IF YOUR ADDRESS IS INCORRECT, IF YOU WISH TO BE DELETED FROM THE DISTRIBUTION LIST, OR IF THE ADDRESSEE IS NO LONGER EMPLOYED BY YOUR ORGANIZATION. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Date~ READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE r~:oVT 1. REPORT NUMBER ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER s. TYPE OF REPORT 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER DNA 6028F 4. TITLE (lind Subtitle) PROJECT TRINITY 1945-1946 a PERIOD COVERED Final Report JRB 2-816-03-423-00 7. 8. AUTHOR( a) Carl Maag, Steve Rohrer 9. DNA 10. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS JRB Associates 8400 Westpark Drive McLean, Virginia 22102 11. 001-79-C-0473 PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS Subtask U99QAXMK506-08 12. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Director Defense Nuclear Agency Washington, D.C. 20305 14. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(s) REPORT DATE 15 December 1982 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 76 MONITORING AGENCY NAME & AOORESS(Jl dlller•t fl'- Controlllnll Otllce) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of thla report) UNCLASSIFIED 15a. DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE N/A Since UNCLASSIFIED 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thla Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the ebetrect entered 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES In Block 20, II different from Report) This work was sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency under RDT&E RMSS Code B350079464 U99QAXMK50608 H2590D. For sale by National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on revere• aide If neceuery _,., l(lentlly by block number) TRINITY Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Alamogordo Bombing Range Manhattan Engineer District Manhattan Project 20. AIISTl'IACT ('Caudioue- ,._r_ tJlo Personnel Dosimetry Radiation Exposure Nuclear Weapons Testing II~..,_,.....,,,. by block number) - This report describes the activitiesof an estimated 1,000 personnel, both military and civilian, in Project TRINITY, which culminated in detonation of the first nuclear device, in New Mexico in 1945. Scientific and diagnostic experiments to evaluate the effects of the nuclear device were the primary ac-tivities engaging military personnel. DD 1.f73 EotnON OF f NOV as IS otiSOLIETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSTFICATION 01" THIS PAGE ( . , _ Det• Entered) UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSII"ICATION 01" THIS PAGE(ft- D•t• Jlnt•Nd) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (continued) The Defense Nuclear Agency Action Officer, Lt. Col. H. L. Reese, USAF, under whom this work was done, wishes to acknowledge the research and editing contribution of numerous reviewers in the military services and other organizations in addition to those writers listed in block 7. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When D•t• Entered) Fact Sheet Subject: Defense Nuclear Agency Public Affairs Office Washington. D C 20305 Project TRINITY Project TRINITY, conducted by the Manhattan Engineer District (MED), was designed to test and assess the effects of a nuclear weapon. The TRINITY nuclear ~~vice was detonated on a 100-foot tower on the Alamogordo Bombing Range in south-central New Mexico at 0530 hours on 16 July 1945_~_ The nuclear yield of the detonation was equivalent to the enEfrgy released by detonating 19 kilotons of TNT. At shot~time, the temperature was 21.8 degrees Celsius, and surface air presaure was 850 millibars. The winds were nearly calm at the surface; at 10,300 feet above mean sea level, they were from the southwest at 10 knots. The winds blew the cloud resulting from the detonation to the northeast. From 16 July 1945 through 1946, about 1,000 military and civilian personnel took part in Projee~~TRINITY or visited the test site. The location of the test site~and its major installations are shown in the accompanying figures. Military and Scientific Activities All participants in Project 'l'Jl'INITY, both military and civilian, were under the authority of tb~ MED. No military exercises were conducted. The Los Alamos Sel~ntific Laboratory (LASL), which was staffed and administered~]if' the University of California (under contract to the MED), -~Q(>nducted diagnostic experiments. Civilian and military scientists and technicians, with assistance from other military personner;~ placed gauges, detectors, and other instruments around grottad zero before the detonation. Four offsite monitoring posts were-established in the towns of Nogal, Roswell, Socorro, and Fort Sumner, New Mexico. An evacuation detachment consisting of 144 to 160 enlisted men and officers was established in case protective measures or evacuation of civilians living offsite became necessary. At least 94 of these personnel were from the Provisional Detachment Number 1, Company "B," of the 9812th Technical Service Unit, Army Corps of Engineers. Military police ci~ared the test area and recorded the locations of all personnel before the detonation. A radiological monitor was assigned to each of the three shelters, which were located to the north, west, and south of ground zero. Soon after the detonation, the monitors surveyed the area immediately around the shelters and then proceeded out the access road to its intergection with the main road, Broadway. Personnel not essential to postshot activities were transferred from the west and south shelters to the Base Camp, about 16 kilometers southwest of ground zero. Personnel at the north 1 shelter were evacuated when a sudden rise in radiation levels was detected; it was later learned that the instrument had not been accurately calibrated and levels had not increased as much as the instrument indicated. Specially designated groups conducted onsite and offsite radiological surveys. Safety Standards and Procedures The safety criteria established calculations of the anticipated thermal radiation, and ionizing known as the Medical Group, was safety. A limit of 5 roentgens period was established. for Project TRINITY were based on dangers from blast pressure, radiation. The TR-7 Group, also responsible for radiological of exposure during a two-month The Site and Offsite Monitoring Groups were both part of the Medical Group. The Site Monitoring Group was responsible for equipping personnel with protective clothing and instruments to measure radiation exposure, monitoring and recording personnel exposure according to film badge readings and time spent in the test area, and providing for personnel decontamination. The Offsite Monitoring Group surveyed areas surrounding the test site for radioactive fallout. In addition to these two monitoring groups, a small group of medical technicians provided radiation detection instruments and monitoring. Radiation Exposures at Project TRINITY Dosimetry information is available for about 815 individuals who either participated in Project TRINITY activities or visited the test site between 16 July 1945 and 1 January 1947. The listing does not indicate the precise military or unit affiliation of all personnel. Less than six percent of the Project TRINITY participants received exposures greater than 2 roentgens. Twenty-three of these individuals received exposures greater than 2 but less than 4 roentgens; another 22 individuals received between 4 and 15 roentgens. 2 N Utah Colorado Oklahoma •Los Alamos •Santa Fe • Albuquerque •Socorro RTRINITY Ground Zero AlamogoH• Alamogordo Bombing Range .------"""*_.s Paso Arizona I Texas Mexico ----'-----' 0 100 200 kilometers LOCATION OF ALAMOGORDO BOMBING RANGE 3 r N GROUND ZERO (UTM Coordinates 630266) e WEST SHELTER ~ (") 0 0 :J "'Ci: :II "':J (") ~ :II 0 "'a. 0 I 2 4 I I 6 I kilometers TRINITY SITE AND MAJOR INSTALLATIONS 4 PREFACE From 1845 to 1962, the U.S. Government, through the Manhattan Engineer District (MED) and its successor agency, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), conducted 235 tests of nuclear devices at sites in the United States and in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In all, an estimated 220,000 Department of Defense (DOD)* participants, both military and civilian, were present at the tests. Project TRINITY, the war-time effort to test-fire a nuclear explosive device, was the first atmospheric nuclear weapons test. In 1977, 15 years after the last above-ground nuclear weapons test, the Centers for Disease Control+ noted a possible leukemia cluster among a small group of soldiers present at Shot SMOKY, a test of Operation PLUMBBOB, the series of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests conducted in 1957. Since that initial report by the Centers for Disease Control, the Veterans Administration has received a number of claims for medical benefits from former military personnel who believe their health may have been affected hy their participation in the weapons testing program. In late 1977, DOD bPgan a study to provide data to hoth the Centers for Disease Control and the Veterans Administration on potential exposures to ionizing radiation among the military and *The MED, which was part of the Army Corps of Engineers, administered the U.S. nuclear· testing program until the AEC came into existence in 1946. Before DOD was established in 1947, the Army Corps of Engineers was under the War Department. +The Centers for Disease Control are part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (formerly the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare). 5 civilian participants in atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. DOD organized an effort to: • Irlentify DOD personnel who had taken part in the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests • Determine the extent of the participants' exposure to ionizing radiation • Provide public disclosure of information concerning participation by military personnel in Project TRINITY. METHODS AND SOURCES USED TO PREPARE THIS VOLUME This report on Project TRINITY is based on historical and technical documents associated with the detonation of the first nuclear device on 16 July 1945. The Department of Defense compiled information for this volume from documents that record the scientific activities during Project TRINITY. These records, most of which were developed by participants in TRINITY, are kept in several document repositories throughout the United States. In compiling information for this report, historians, health physicists, rarliation specialists, and information analysts canvassed document repositories known to contain materials on atmospheric nuclear weapons tests conducted in the southwestern United States. These repositories included armed services libraries, Government agency archives and libraries, Federal repositories, and libraries of scientific and technical laboratories. Researchers examined classified and unclassified documents containing information on the participation of personnel from the MED, which supervised Project TRINITY, and from the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL), which developed the TRINITY device. After this initial effort, researchers recorded relevant information concerning the activities of MED and LASL personnel and catalogued the data sources. Many of the documents pertaining specifically to MED and LASL participation 6 were found in the Defense Nuclear Agency Technical Library and the LASL Records Center. Information on the fallout pattern, meteorological conditions, and nuclear cloud dimensions is taken from Volume 1 of the General Electric Company-TEMPO's Compilation of Local Fallout Data from Test Detonations 1945-1962, Extracted from DASA 1251, unless more specific information is available elsewhere. ORGANIZATION OF THIS VOLUME The following chapters detail MED and LASL participation in Project TRINITY. Chapter 1 provides background information, including a description of the TRINITY test site. Chapter 2 describes the activities of MED and LASL participants before, during, and after the detonation. Chapter 3 discusses the radio- logical safety criteria and procedures in effect for Project TRINITY, and chapter 4 presents the results of the radiation monitoring program, including information on film badge readings for participants in the project. The information in this report is supplemented by the Reference Manual: Background Materials for the CONUS Volumes. The manual summarizes information on radiation physics, radiation health concepts, exposure criteria, and measurement techniques. It also lists acronyms and includes a glossary of terms used in the DOD reports addressing test events in the continental United States. 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE FACT SHEET • • 1 PREFACE • • • 5 LIST OF FIGURES • • 8 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS . 10 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 Preshot Activities . . • • • • • • • . • Detonation and Postshot Activities Activities after 16 July 1945 • • • • . • • • RADIATION PROTECTION AT PROJECT TRINITY • 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 Historical Background of Project TRINITY • • The Project TRINITY Site • • • • The Project TRINITY Organization • • • • • Military and Civilian Participants in Project TRINITY • • . • • • • • THE ACTIVITIES AT PROJECT TRINITY . 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 .......... • Organization • • • • • • • • • • • Site Monitoring Group • • • • • • • Offsite Monitoring Group • • • • • 11 12 14 16 22 23 23 32 38 41 41 42 47 DOSIMETRY ANALYSIS OF PARTICIPANTS IN PROJECT TRINITY 49 4.1 4.2 Film Badge Records • • • • Gamma Radiation Exposure • 49 REFERENCE LIST • • • • • • • • • • 53 50 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE FIGURE 1-1 Location of Alamogordo Bombing Range. 15 1-2 TRINITY Site and Major Installations • • 17 1-3 Tent Used as Guard Post at Project TRINITY • • 18 8 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) PAGE FIGURE 1-4 Truck Used as Guard Post at Project TRINITY • 19 1-5 Organization of Project TRINITY • 21 2-1 The TRINITY Shot-tower. 2-2 The TRINITY Detonation, 0530 Hours, 16 July 1945. 25 2-3 The South Shelter (Control Point) • 28 2-4 Inside One of the Shelters. 29 2-5 The Base Camp, Headquarters for Project TRINITY • 30 2-6 Project TRINITY Personnel Wearing Protective Clothing • • • • • • • 35 "JUMBO" after the TRINirY Detonation. 36 2-7 ..... 9 24 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in this volume: AEC DOD LASL MAUD MED R/h UTM Atomic Energy Commission Department of Defense Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory [Committee for thel Military Application of Uranium Detonation Manhattan Engineer District roentgens per hour Universal Transverse Mercator 10 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Project TRINITY was the name given to the war-time effort to produce the first nuclear detonation. A plutonium-fueled implosion device was detonated on 16 July 1945 at the Alamogordo Bombing Range in south-central New Mexico. Three weeks latet, on 6 August, the first uranium-fueled nuclear bomb, a gun-type weapon code-named LITTLE BOY, was detonated over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On 9 August, the FAT MAN nuclear bomb, a plutonium-fueled implosion weapon identical to the TRINITY device, was detonated over another Japanese city, Nagasaki. informed the United Two days later, the Japanese Government Statf~S of its decision to end the war. On 2 September 1945, the Japanese Empire officially surrendered to the Allied Governments, bringing World War II to an end. In the years devoted to the development and construction of a nuclear weapon, scientists and technicians expanded their knowledge of nuclear fission and developed both the gun-type and the implosion mechanisms to release the energy of a nuclear chain reaction. Their knowledge, however, was only theoretical. They could be certain neither of the extent and effects of such a nuclear chain reaction, nor of the hazards of the resulting blast and radiation. Protective measures could be based only on estimates and calculations. Furthermore, scientists were reasonably confident that the gun-type uranium-fueled device could be successfully detonated, but they did not know if the more complex firing technology required in an implosion device would work. Successful detonation of the TRINITY device showed that implosion would work, that a nuclear chain reaction would 11 result in a powerful detonation, and that effective means existed to guard against the blast and radiation produced. 1.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF PROJECT TRINITY The development of a nuclear weapon was a low priority for the United States before the outbreak of World War II. However, scientists exiled from Germany had expressed concern that the Germans were developing a nuclear weapon. Confirming these fears, in 1939 the Germans stopped all sales of uranium ore from In a letter sponsored by a the mines of occupied Czechoslovakia. group of concerned scientists, Albert Einstein informed President Roosevelt that German experiments had shown that an induced nuclear chain reaction was possible and could be used to construct extremely powerful bombs (7; 12)*. In response to the potential threat of a German nuclear weapon, the United States sought a source of uranium to use in determining the feasibility of a nuclear chain reaction. After Germany occupied Belgium in May 1940, the Belgians turned over uranium ore from their holdings in the Belgian Congo to the United States. Then, in March 1941, the element plutonium was isolated, and the plutonium-239 isotope was found to fission as readily as the scarce uranium isotope, uranium-235. The plutonium, produced in a uranium-fueled nuclear reactor, provided the United States with an additional source of material for nuclear weapons (7; 12). In the summer of 1941, the British Government published a report written by the Committee for Military Application of Uranium Detonation (MAUD). This report stated that a nuclear weapon was possible and concluded that its construction should *All sources cited in the text are listed alphabetically in the reference list at the end of this volume. The number given in the text corresponds to the number of the source document in the reference list. 12 begin immediately. The MAUD report, and to a lesser degree the discovery of plutonium, encouraged American leaders to think more seriously about developing a nuclear weapon. On 6 December 1941, President Roosevelt appointed the S-1 Committee to determine if the United States could construct a nuclear weapon. Six months later, the S-1 Committee gave the President its report, recommending a fast-paced program that would cost up to ~100 million and that might produce the weapon by July 1944 (12). The President accepted the S-1 Committee's recommendations. The effort to construct the weapon was turned over to the War Department, which assigned the task to the Army Corps of Engineers. In September 1942, the Corps of Engineers established the Manhattan Engineer District to oversee the development of a nuclear weapon. This effort was code-named the "Manhattan Project" (12). Within the next two years, the MED built laboratories and production plants throughout the United States. The three principal centers of the Manhattan Project were the Hanford, Washington, Plutonium Production Plant; the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U-235 Production Plant; and the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in northern New Mexico. At LASL, Manhattan Project scientists and technicians, directed by Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer,* investigated the theoretical problems that had to be solved before a nuclear weapon could be developed (12). During the first two years of the Manhattan Project, work proceeded at a slow but steady pace. Significant technical problems had to be solved, and difficulties in the production of plutonium, particularly the inability to process large amounts, often frustrated the sciPntists. Nonetheless, by 1944 sufficient *This report identifies by name only those LASL and MED personnel who are well-known historical figures. 13 progress had been made to persuarle the scientists that their efforts might succeed. A test of the plutonium implosion device was necessary to determine if it would work and what its effects would be. In addition, the scientists were concerned about the possible effects if the conventional explosives in a nuclear device, particularly the more complex implosion-type device, failed to trigger the nuclear reaction when detonated over enemy territory. Not only would the psychological impact of the weapon be lost, but the enemy might recover large amounts of fissionable material. In March 1944, planning began to test-fire a plutoniumfueled implosion device. At LASL, an organization designated the X-2 Group was formed within the Explosives Division. Its duties were "to make preparations for a field test in which blast, earth shock, neutron and gamma radiation would be studied and complete photographic records made of the explosion and any atmospheric phenomena connected with the explosion" (13). Dr. Oppenheimer chose the name TRINITY for the project in September 1944 (12). 1.2 THE PROJECT TRINITY SITE The TRINITY site was chosen by Manhattan Project scientists after thorough study of eight different sites. The site selected was an area measuring 29 by 39 kilometers* in the northwest corner of the Alamogordo Bombing Range. The Alamogordo Bombing Range was located in a desert in south-central New Mexico callerl the Jornada del Muerto ("Journey of Death"). the location of the bombing range. Figure 1-1 shows The site was chosen for its *Throughout this report, surface distances are given in metric units. The metric conversion factors include: 1 meter = 3.28 feet; 1 meter = 1.09 yards; and 1 kilometer = 0.62 miles. Vertical distances are given in feet; altitudes are measured from mean sea level, while heights are measured from surface level, unless otherwise noted. 14 N Utah Colorado Oklahoma elos Alamos •Santa Fe • Albuquerque •Socorro R TRINITY Ground Zero AlamogoH• Alamogordo Bombing Range Arizona I.-------~~EI Paso Texas Mexico ----...JL...---...J 0 100 200 kilometers Figure 1-1: LOCATION OF ALAMOGORDO BOMBING RANGE 15 remote location and good weather and because it was already owned by the Government. MED obtained permission to use the site from the Commanding General of the Second Air Force (Army Air Forces) on 7 September 1944 (12). Figure 1-2 shows the TRINITY site with its major installations. Ground zero for the TRINITY detonation was at UTM coordinates 630266.* Three shelters, located approximately 9,150 meters (10,000 yards) north, west, and south of ground zero, were built for the protection of test personnel and instruments. The shelters had walls of reinforced concrete and were buried under a few feet of earth. The south shelter was the Control Point for the test (12). The Base Camp, which was the headquarters for Project TRINITY, was located approximately 16 kilometers southwest of ground zero. The principal buildings of the abandoned McDonald Ranch, where the active parts of the TRINITY device were assembled, stood 3,660 meters southeast of ground zero. Seven guard posts, which wAre simply small tents or parked trucks like the ones shown in figures 1-3 and 1-4, dotted the test site (9). 1.3 THE PROJECT TRINITY ORGANIZATION The organization that planned and conducted Project TRINITY grew out of the X-2 Group. LASL, though administered by the University of California, was part of the Manhattan Project, supervised by the Army Corps of Engineers Manhattan Engineer District. The chief of MED was Maj. Gen. Leslie Groves of the Army Corps of Engineers. Major General Groves reported to both the Chief of Engineers and the Army Chief of Staff. The *Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates are used in this report. The first three digits refer to a point on an east-west axis, and the second three digits refer to a point on a northsouth axis. The point so designated is the southwest corner of an area 100 meters square. 16 I N GROUND ZERO (UTM Coordinates 630266} e WEST SHELTER ~ 0 0 0 ::::s "'0: ::0 "'::::s 0 :T ::0 0 "' Q. 0 I 2 4 I I 6 I kilometers ' / To Base Camp and Guard Post 8, 1 km Figure 1-2: TRINITY SITE AND MAJOR INSTALLATIONS 17 ~ z I= .... 0 ..,w 0 a.. a: ~ .... Cl 0 "'0 .."' <( ::> "'::>cr () • 1- •.. • ~ ~ :> "' il: 10 Army Chief of Staff reported to the Secretary of War, a Cabinet officer directly responsible to the President. Figure 1-5 outlines the organization of Project TRINITY. The director of the Project TRINITY organization was Dr. Kenneth Bainbridge. Dr. Bainbridge reported to Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of LASL. A team of nine research consultants advised Dr. Bainbridge on scientific and technical matters (3). The Project TRINITY organization was divided into the following groups (3): • The TRINITY Assembly Group, responsible for assembling and arming the nuclear device • The TR-1 (Services) Group, responsible for construction, utilities, procurement, transportation, and communications • The TR-2 Group, responsible for air-blast and earthshock measurements • The TR-3 (Physics) Group, responsible for experiments concerning measurements of ionizing radiation • The TR-4 Group, responsible for meteorology • The TR-5 Group, responsible for spectrographic and photographic measurements • The TR-6 Group, responsible for the airhlastairborne condenser gauges • The TR-7 (Medical) Group, responsible for the radiological safety and general health of the Project TRINITY participants. Each of these groups was divided into several units. Individuals were also assigned special tasks outside their groups, such as communications and tracking the TRINITY cloud with a searchlight (3). 20 The President Secretary of War Army Chief of Staff Chief of Engineers I I Chief, Manhattan Engineer District Director, LASL Director, Project TRINITY Commanding Officer, TRINITY Base Camp I I I TRINITY Assembly Group TR-1 Services TR-2 Air Blast and Earth Shock Measurements TR-3 Physics I I I I TR-4 Meteorology TR-5 Spectrographic and Photographic Measurements TR-6 Airblast-Airborne Condenser Gauges TR-7 Medical I Figure 1-5: ORGANIZATION OF PROJECT TRINITY 21 1.4 MILITARY AND CIVILIAN PARTICIPANTS IN PROJECT TRINITY From March 1944 until the beginning of 1946, several thousand people participated in Project TRINITY. These included not only the LASL scientists, but also scientists, technicians, and workmen employed at MED installations throughout the United States. According to entrance logs, film badge data, and other records, about 1,000 people either worked at or visited the TRINITY site from 16 July 1945 through 1946 (1; 3; 8; 15; 16). Although supervised by Major General Groves and the Army Corps of Engineers, many Manhattan Project personnel were civilians. Military personnel were assigned principally to support services, such as security and logistics, although soldiers with special skills worked with the civilians (7; 12). Most of the military personnel were part of the Army Corps of Engineers, although Navy and other Army personnel were also assigned to the project (4; 12). 22 CHAPTER 2 THE ACTIVITIES AT PROJECT TRINITY The TRINITY nuclear device was detonated on a 100-foot tower (shown in figure 2-1) at UTM coordinates 630266 on the Alamogordo Bombing Range, New Mexico, at 0530 Mountain War Time, on 16 July 1945. The detonation had a yield of 19 kilotons and left an impression 2.9 meters deep and 335 meters wide. The cloud resulting from the detonation rose to an altitude of 35,000 feet (5). The TRINITY detonation is shown in figure 2-2. At shot-time, the temperature was 21.8 degrees Celsius, and the surface air pressure was 850 millibars. Winds at shot-time were nearly calm at the surface but attained a speed of 10 knots from the southwest at 10,300 feet. At 34,600 feet, the wind speed was 23 knots from the southwest. The winds blew the cloud to the northeast (f1). 2.1 PRESHOT ACTIVITIES Construction of test site facilities on the Alamogordo Bombing Range began in December 1944. The first contingent of personnel, 12 military policemen, arrived just before Christmas. The number of personnel at the test site gradually increased until the peak level of about 325 was reached the week before the detonation (2; 12). On 7 May 1945 at 0437 hours, 200 LASL scientists and technicians exploded 100 tons of conventional high explosives at the test site. The explosives were stacked on top of a 20-foot tower and contained tubes of radioactive solution to simulate, at a low level of activity, the radioactive products expected from a nuclear explosion. The test produced a bright sphere which 23 Figure 2-1: THE THINIW EHDT-TUWEH Figure 2-2: THE DETGNATIUN. 0530 HOURS. 15 JULY 1945 Iv I.l spread out in an oval form. A column of smoke and debris rose as high as 15,000 feet before drifting eastward. The explosion left a shallow crater 1.5 meters deep and 9 meters wide. Monitoring in the area revealed a level of radioactivity low enough to allow workers to spend several hours in the area (3; 12). The planned firing date for the TRINITY device was 4 July 1945. On 14 June 1945, Dr. Oppenheimer changed the test date to no earlier than 13 July and no later than 23 July. On 30 June, the earliest firing date was moved to 16 July, even though better weather was forecast for 18 and 19 July. Because the Allied conference in Potsdam, Germany, was about to begin and the President needed the results of the test as soon as possible, the TRINITY test organization adjusted its schedules accordingly and set shot-time at 0400 hours on 16 July (3; 12; 14). The final preparations for the detonation started at 2200 on 15 July. To prevent unnecessary danger, all personnel not essential to the firing activities were ordered to leave the test site. During the night of 15 July, these people left for viewing positions on Campania Hill,* 32 kilometers northwest of ground zero. They were joined by several spectators from LASL (3; 12). Project personnel not required to check instruments within the ground zero area stationed themselves in the three shelters or at other assigned locations. The military police at Guard Posts 1, 2, and 4 blocked off all roads leading into the test site, and the men at Guard Post 8, the only access to the ground zero area from the Base Camp, ensured that no unauthorized individuals entered the area (9; 12). *"Campania" also appears as "Campana," "Campagne," or "Campagna" in various sources. 26 At 0100 hours on 16 July, military policemen from Guard Posts 3, 5, 6, and 7 met to compare their logs of personnel authorized to be in the ground zero area. The guards then traveled along the access roads to clear out all project personnel. As individuals left for their assigned shelters or stations, their departures from the test area were recorded in the military police logs. By 0200 the area sweep was completed, and the military police went to their shelters and stations. A final check of personnel was made in each shelter (3; 9; 12). At the time of detonation, 99 project personnel were in the three shelters: 29 in the north shelter, 37 in the west shelter, and 33 in the south shelter. Dr. Oppenheimer, Dr. Bainbridge, and other key personnel awaited the firing at the south shelter, which served as the Control Point. Figure 2-3 shows the exterior of the south shelter; figure 2-4 gives an interior view of one of the shelters, most likely the south. Although most of the shelter occupants were civilians, at least 23 military participants were spread among the three shelters (1; 12). The remainder of the test site personnel were positioned at the Base Camp 16 kilometers south-southwest of ground zero, or on Compania Hill, or at the guard posts. Important Government officials, such as General Groves and Dr. Vannevar Bush, Director of the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development, viewed the det0nation from a trench at the Base Camp. The Base Camp is depicted in figure 2-5. The military police of Guard Posts 1 and 2 were instructed to be in foxholes approximately five kilometers west and north, respectively, from their posts. The military police of Guard Posts 3 and 4 were instructed to be in foxholes south of Mockingbird Gap. A radiological safety monitor was assigned to the • group from Guard Post 4. Guard Post 5 personnel were to be in the south shelter, Guard Post 6 personnel in the west shelter, and Guard Post 7 personnel in the north shelter. 27 The military Smhzuu. :ha?w um.? mini il 1.. Figure 2-41 INSIDE DNE DF THE SHELTEHS mn?n. .mEdU m?d? th Hm? EamE 3 police of Guard Post 8 r0mained at that post, 400 meters east of the Base Camp (9). An evacuation detachment of between 144 and 160 officers and enlisted men was stationed near Guard Post 2, about 14 kilometers northwest of ground zero. These men were on standby in case ranches and towns beyond the test site had to be evacuated. Five radiological safety monitors were assigned to this detachment. Ninety-four men of the evacuation detachment belonged to Provisional Detachment Number l, Company "B," of the 9812th Technical Service Unit, Army Corps of Engineers, from LASL. The identity of the remaining evacuatLon personnel has not been documented (3; 4; 8; 10; 15). With the exception of the shelter occupants (99 personnel) and evacuation detachment (between 144 and 160 men), the number of personnel at the test site at the time of detonation has not been documented. Film badge records show that approximately 355 people were at the test site at some time during 16 July. The shelter occupants anrl 44 men of the evacuation detachment are on this list. It has not been possible to pinpoint the location of many of the remaining personnel. or on Campania Hill. Some were at the Base Camp Since many of these people returned to the test site after shot-time to work on experiments, their film badges registered exposures from residual radioactivity on 16 July. Based on the documented personnel totals, at least the following 263 individuals were at the test site when the device was detonated (1; 4; 8-10; 13; 15): • 99 shelter occupants at shelters 9,150 meters north, south, and ~est of ground zero • 144 to 160 officers and enlisted men of the evacuation detachment, located 14 kilometers northwest of ground zero near Guard Post 2 • Five radiological safety monitors assigned to the evacuation detachment to perform offsite monitoring of nearby towns and residences 31 2.2 • One radiological safety monitor assigned to Guard Post 4 • Two military policemen at each of the seven guard posts (indicated by photographs such as figures 1-3 and 1-4). DETONATION AND POSTSHOT ACTIVITIES Because of bad weather, the Project TRINITY director (Dr. Bainbridge) delayed the detonation, which had heen scheduled for 0400 hours. By 0445, however, the forecast was better, and shot-time was set for 0530. This gave the scientists 45 minutes to arm the device and prepare the instruments in the shelters. The final countdown began at 0510, and the device was detonated at 0529:45 Mountain War Time from the Control Point in the south shelter (3; 12). No one was closer than 9,150 meters to ground zero at the time of the detonation. With the exception of a few men holding the ropes of barrage balloons or guiding cameras to follow the fireball as it ascended, all shelter personnel were in or behind the shelters. Some left the shelters after the initial flash to view the fireball. As a precautionary measure, they had been advised to lie on the ground before the blast wave arrived. Project personnel located beyond the shelters, such as at the Base Camp and on Compania Hill, were also instructed to lie on the ground or in a depression until the blast wave had passed (1). However, the blast wave at these locations was not as strong as had been expected. In order to prevent eye damage, Dr. Bainbridge ordered the distribution of welder's filter glass. Because it was not known exactly how the flash might affect eyesight, it was suggested that direct viewing of the fireball not be attempted even with this protection. The recommended procedure was to face away from ground zero and watch the hills or sky until the fireball illuminated the area. Then, after the initial flash had passed, 32 one could turn around and view the fireball through the filter glass. Despite these well-publicized instructions, two partici- pants did not take precautions. They were temporarily blinded by the intense flash but experienced no permanent vision impairment (1; 17). People as far away as Santa Fe and El Paso saw the brilliant light of the detonation. Windows rattled in the areas immedi- ately surrounding the test site, waking sleeping ranchers and townspeople. To dispel any rumors that might compromise the security of Project TRINITY, the Government announced that an Army munitions dump had exploded. However, immediately after the destruction of Hiroshima, the Government revealed to the public what had actually occurred in the New Mexico desert (12; 13). Immediately after the shot, Medical Group personnel began the radiological monitoring activities described in section 3.1.2. At 0815, when most of the monitoring activities were completed, preparations hegan for entrance into the ground zero area. To regulate entry into the area, a "Going-in Board" was established, consisting of Dr. Bainbridge, the Chief of the Medical Group, and a special scientific consultant. Its purpose was to determine whether a party had a valid reason for entering the ground zero area. The board functioned for three days. Military police at Guard Post 4 and at three roadblocks set up along Broadway controlled entry into the area. Guard Posts 3, 5, 6, and 7 were within :3,000 meters of ground zero and thus remained unmanned. At the south shelter, the Medical Group set up a "going-in" station where personnel were required to stop to put on protective clothing (coveralls, booties, caps, and cotton gloves) and pick up monitoring equipment before entering the ground zero area. Since it was not known how much radioactive material might be suspended in the air, all personnel entering the ground zero area wore complete protective covering and 33 respirators for the first three days after the detonation. Figure 2-6 shows two Project TRINITY personnel wearing protective clothing (1). On the day of the shot, five parties entered the ground zero area. One party consisted of eight members of the earth-sampling group. They obtained samples by driving to within 460 meters of ground zero in a tank specially fitted with rockets to which retrievable collectors were fastened in order to gather soil samples from a distance. This group made several sampling excursions on 16 and 17 July. The tank carried two personnel (a driver and a passenger) each trip. No member of this party received a radiation exposure of more than 1 roentgen (1). Five other men from the earth-sampling group entered the ground zero area in a second tank, lined with lead for radiation protection. The tank, carrying the driver and one passenger, made five trips into the ground zero area to retrieve soil samples on 16 and 17 July. On two trips, the tank passed over ground zero; on the others, it approached to within about 90 meters of ground zero. The men scooped up soil samples through a trap door in the bottom of the tank. One driver who made three trips into the ground zero area received the highest exposure, 15 roentgens (1). This lead-lined tank was also used by ten men to observe the radiatiDn area. These men, traveling two at a time, made five trips into the area on shot-day but never approached closer than 1,370 meters to ground zero. The highest exposure among these ten men was 0.3 roentgens (1). The next party to approach ground zero consisted of a photographer and a radiological safety monitor. Wearing protec- tive clothing and respirators, the two men were about 730 meters • northwest of ground zero photographing "JUMBO" from 1100 to 1200 hours. "JUMBO," shown in figure 2-7, was a massive container built to contain the high-explosive detonation of the TRINITY 34 ?5 - - - ?T'b . - Iii-??451. anus.?- Figur? 2-5: FHDJEET PEHEDNNEL WEARING FHDTEETWE Figural 2'1: AFFER THE device and to allow recovery of the fissionable material if the device failed to produce a nuclear detonation. The plan to use "JUMBO," however, was abandoned when the scientists concluded that a fairly large nuclear explosion was certain. The container remained on the ground near the shot-tower during the detonation. Both the photographer and the monitor received an estimated radiation exposure between 0.5 and 1 roentgen (1; 7). The last party to "go in" on shot-day consisted of six men retrieving neutron detectors. hours. They entered the test area at 1430 Three of the men went to a point 730 meters south of ground zero to pull out cables carrying neutron detectors located 550 meters south of ground zero. The group wore protective clothing and respirators and spent about 30 minutes in the area. The remaining three men drove as close as 320 meters southwest of ground zero to retrieve neutron detectors. They got out of their vehicle only once, at about 460 meters from ground zero, and spent a total of about ten minutes making this trip through the area. Each man's radiation exposure measured less than 1 roentgen (1). Most of the soldiers of the evacuation detachment remained in their bivouac area near Guard Post 2. According to a report written by the detachment commander, a reinforced platoon was sent to the town of Bingham, about 29 kilometers northeast of the test site, while offsite radiological safety monitors surveyed the area. The evacuation detachment was dismissed at 1300 hours on shot-day when it became evident from offsite monitoring that evacuations would not be undertaken. The detachment returned to LASL at 0400 on 17 July (15). Two B-29 aircraft from Kirtland Field, Albuquerque, New Mexico, participated in post-shot events. Their planned mission was to pass over the test area shortly before the explosion to simulate a bomb drop. After the TRINITY device had been 37 detonated, the aircraft would circle near ground zero, while the men onboard would measure the atmospheric effects of the nuclear explosion. This would enable them to determine whether a delivery aircraft would be endangered. However, because of bad weather on shot-day, Dr. Oppenheimer canceled the aircraft's flight in the ground zero area. Instead, the two B-29s, each with 12 men onboard, flew along the perimeter of the bombing range and observed the shot from a distance of 19 to 29 kilometers. Among those observers was a Navy captain who was also the MED Chief of Ordnance (6; 12; 13). 2.3 ACTIVITIES AFTER 16 JULY 1945 On 17, 18, and 19 July, all personnel and visitors had to receive permission to approach ground zero from the "Going-in Board." On these three days, 21 groups were authorized to go beyond the Broadway roadblocks. Most of those who sought this authorization were scientists and military support personnel whose job required that they work near ground zero. Except for a group of two military men and three civilians who went to ground zero on 16 and 17 July and a group of two civilians who approached as close as 90 meters on 18 July, the reentry personnel came no closer than 180 meters to ground zero. Of these personnel, the individual who received the highest exposure during the three days was an Army sergeant who received 15 roentgens. During the same period, two civilians received 10 roentgens and 7.5 roentgens, respectively. All other personnel received exposures of 5 roentgens or less (1; 3). After the "Going-In Board" was disbanded on 19 July, permission to enter the ground zero area had to be obtained from Dr. Bainbridge or one of his deputies. Many scientists entered the ground zero area after 19 July to retrieve instruments or to perform experiments. The population of the TRINITY test site was diminishing, however, as the emphasis shifted to preparing the devices that were to be dropped on Japan (1). 38 On 23 July, a week after the shot, chain barricades with prominent signs warning against trespassing were placed 910 meters north, south, and west of ground zero. These barricades were supplemented with two concentric circles of red flags 1,830 and 2,740 meters from ground zero. Except during bad weather, the entire ground zero area was visible from the roadblocks. No unauthorized person was pver detected entering the ground zero area (1). On 10 August, the Broadway roadblocks were removed, and mounted military policemE~n a distance of 730 meters. began patrolling around ground zero at Each guard was assigned to a daily six-hour shift for a period of two weeks; in the third week, the guard was assigned tasks away from the ground zero area. mounted guards and their horses wore film badges. greater than 0.1 roentgen was registered. The No exposure On 1 September, the mounted patrol moved to a distance of 460 meters from ground zero, just outside a fence installed a week earlier to seal off the area. The same rotating patrol schedule was used. The guards' film badge readings showed an average daily exposure of 0.02 roentgens. The mounted patrol at the fence continued until early 1947 (1). Between 20 July 1945 and 21 November 1945, 67 groups entered the ground zero area. after shot-day. Most of these parties entered in the month These W('re the scientists and technicians conducting experiments or retrieving data. By the beginning of September, most of those who entered the ground zero area were invited guests (1). Also during the period 20 July through 21 November, at least 71 soldiers were at the TRINITY test site. Twenty-five of these men were support personnel who never went within 460 meters of ground zero. The remaining 46 men were technical personnel, laborers who erected the 460-meter fence, or military policemen 39 who served as guides. Eleven of these men, probably members of the fence detail, spent several days at about 460 meters from ground zero. Working three to five hours per day between 9 August and 25 August, they would have been the only group to stay longer than one hour in the ground zero area. Of the remaining personnel who approached within 460 meters from ground zero, 25 spent 15 minutes and ten spent between 30 minutes and one hour in the ground zero area. Only 11 people received exposures of 3 to 5 roentgens between 20 July and 21 November. Most received less than 1 roentgen. After 21 November 1945, no one approached closer than the fence which was 460 meters from ground zero, although about 200 civilian and military personnel worked at or visited the TRINITY site through 1946 (1; 16). According to dosimetry data, entrance logs, and other records, about 1,000 individuals were at the test site at some time between 16 July 1945 and the end of 1946. This number includes not only the scientists, technicians, and military personnel who were part of Project TRINITY but also many visitors. Some of the scientists took their wives and children on a tour of the area near ground zero, particularly to view the green glass called "trinitite," which covered the crater floor. Trinitite was the product of the detonation's extreme heat, which melted and mixed desert sand, tower steel, and other debris (1; 8; 9; 16). 40 CHAPTER 3 RADIATION PROTECTION AT PROJECT TRINITY The TR-7 or Medical Group, shown in the figure 1-5 organizational chart, was responsible for radiological safety at Project TRINITY. Many of the physicians and scientists in the Medical Group had worked with radioactive materials before and were trained in radiological safety procedures. The Chief of the Medical Group supervised the radiological safety operations and reported to the TRINITY director. In addition to providing medical care to TRINITY personnel, this group established radiological safety programs to: • Minimize radiation exposure of personnel on the test site and in offsite areas • Provide monitors to conduct radiological surveys onsite and offsite • Provide and maintain radiation detection instruments • Provide protective clothing and equipment. An exposure limit of 5 roentgens during a two-month period was established. Personnel were provided with radiation detection instruments to determine their exposures (1). 3.1 ORGANIZATION The Medical Group consisted of physicians, scientists, and administrators, as well as radiological monitors. Many of these personnel were nonmilitary, but all worked on the Manhattan Project under the administration of the Army Corps of Engineers Manhattan Engineer District. 41 The Medical Group was divided into two monitoring groups, the Site Monitoring Group, which was responsible for onsite monitoring, and the Offsite Monitoring Group. Each reported to the Chief of the Medical Group, and each communicated with the other during the monitoring activities. In addition to these two groups, a small group of medical technicians provided radiation detection instruments to Medical Group personnel (1; 10). 3.2 SITE MONITORING GROUP The Site Monitoring Group consisted of a chief monitor, three other monitors, and several medical doctors. This group had the following functions (1; 10): • Conduct ground surveys of the test area and mark areas of radioactivity • Conduct surveys of the Base Camp and roads leading into the test area • Provide protective clothing and equipment, including film badges and pocket dosimeters, to personnel • Monitor all personnel for radioactive contamination and provide for their decontamination • Maintain a record of radiation exposures received by personnel. The Site Monitoring Group monitored the radiation exposures of personnel in the test area. The time spent by personnel in radiation areas was limited, and radiation detection instruments were provided to permit continuous monitoring of exposure rates. In many cases, a monitor from the Site Monitoring Group accompanied project personnel into the test area to monitor exposure rates ( 1; 10). Two members of the Site Monitoring Group, a monitor and a physician with radiological safety training, were assigned to each shelter. The supervising monitor was stationed at the Base Camp and was in radio and telephone communication with all three 42 Before shelters and the offsite ground and aerial survey teams. any personnel were allowed to leave the shelter areas, a radiological safety monitor and a military policeman from each shelter advanced along the roads to Broadway to check radiation levels. They wore respirators to prevent them from inhaling radioactive material (1; 10). Since it was expected that any dust from the cloud would fall on one of the shelter areas within 30 minutes of the shot, plans had been made to evacuate personnel as soon as the monitors completed their initial survey. Because the cloud moved to the northeast, the south shelter (the Control Point) was not completely evacuated, although nonessential personnel were sent to the Base Camp. The west shelter was emptied of all personnel except a searchlight crew spotlighting the cloud as it moved away (1; 10). Only at the north shelter did an emergency evacuation occur. About 12 minutes after the shot, a detection instrument indicated a rapid rise in the radiation levels within the shelter. At the same time, a remote ionization monitoring device detected a rapid increase in radiation. Because of these two readings, all north shelter personnel were immediately evacuated to the Base Camp, 25 kilometers to the south. Film badges worn by personnel stationed at the north shelter, however, showed no radiation exposure above the detectable level. It was later discovered that the meter of the detector in the north shelter had not retained its zero calibration setting, and radiation at the north shelter had not reached levels high enough to result in measurable exposures of the personnel who had been positioned there. However, fallout activity was later detected in the north shelter area, proof that part of the cloud did head in that direction. This also explains why the monitoring device detected rising radiation levels (1; 12). 43 After ascertaining that radiation levels along the roads leading from the shelters to Broadway were within acceptable limits, the radiological safety monitors and military police established roadblocks at important intersections leading to ground zero. The north shelter monitor and military police set up a post where the North Shelter Road ran into Broadway. The west shelter monitor and a military policeman blocked Vatican Road where it intersected Broadway. The south shelter monitor and military police set up a roadblock where Broadway intersected Pennsylvania Avenue (1). The monitor assigned to Guard Post 4 surveyed the Mockingbird Gap area to ensure that it was safe for the guards to return to their post. This position controlled access to the McDonald Ranch Road, which led directly to ground zero (1). At 0540 hours, the chief monitor departed from the Base Camp with a military policeman to monitor the entire length of Broadway. They first checked the roadblock at Pennsylvania Avenue and Broadway. Road and Broadway. Next they drove to the roadblock at Vatican Upon the chief monitor's arrival, the west shelter monitor traveled about nine kilometers west on Vatican Road to monitor Guard Post 1 so that the military police could reoccupy the post. The monitoring excursion to Guard Post 1 continued until the chief monitor had returned from Guard Post 2, located· 17 kilometers northwest of the Vatican Road roadblock on Broadway (1; 18). The chief monitor arrived at Guard Post 2 at about 0550 hours and found the post empty. He then continued five kilometers north along Broadway to the foxholes from which the military police had watched the detonation. There he found the guards, the five radiological safety monitors assigned to the evacuation detachment, and the Commanding Officer of the evacuation detachment (1; 18). 44 The military policemen refused to return to Guard Post 2, insisting that they had received orders over their two-way radio from the Base Commander to evacuate their post and head for San Antonio, New Mexico, a town 28 kilometers northwest of the Guard Post. The Base Commander had noted that portions of the cloud were heading northwestward and, fearing that fallout from the cloud would contaminate Guard Post 2, had ordered the military police to evacuate. The chief monitor, however, had found no significant radiation levels anywhere along the northern part of Broadway nor around Guard Post 2. The Base Commander, after being contacted by the chief monitor, drove to the foxholes and ordered the guards to return to their post. This was the only unplanned incident during the onsite monitoring (1). After Guard Post 2 was reoccupied, the chief monitor returned to the roadblock at the intersection of Broadway and the North Shelter Road. The north shelter monitor informed the chief monitor of the sudden evacuation of the north shelter, whereupon the chief monitor surveyed the north shelter area and found intensities of only 0.01 and 0.02 roentgens per hour (R/h). The chief monitor then contacted the south shelter and informed Dr. Bainbridge that the north shelter region was safe for those who needed to return, that Broadway was safe from the Base Camp to Guard Post 2, and that Guard Post 2 was now manned so that personnel leaving for LASL could be checked out (1). The chief monitor then returned to the south shelter and assembled the monitors from the three roadblocks and Guard Post 4 to prepare for entrance into the ground zero area. about 0815 hours. The time was The military police at the roadblocks were given radiation meters to survey the adjoining area. Broadway from the south shelter to Guard Post 2 was remonitored occasionally to reassure the military police that there was no radiation problem. Monitors also surveyed the Base Camp for 24 hours after the detonation. No radiation above background levels was detected there (1). 45 The following brief description of the radiological environment in the TRINITY test area is based primarily on the results of the remote gamma recorders situated in the test area and on results of the road surveys conducted after the detonation (1). Within about 1,400 meters of ground zero (except to the north), radiation intensities between 0.2 and 1.3 R/h were detected during the first few minutes after the detonation. These readings decreased to less than 0.1 R/h within a few hours. At greater distances to the east, south, and west, radiation levels above background were not detected (1). The cloud drifted to the northeast, and higher gamma readings due to fallout were encountered in this direction. About five minutes after the detonation, a reading of 3 R/h was recorded 1,400 meters north of ground zero. Several minutes later, the intensity there had increased to greater than 7 R/h, and it continued to increase for several more minutes. Gamma detectors 9,150 meters north of ground zero, however, recorded no radiation above background levels. This indicated that the cloud had passed over or near the 1,400-meter area and only partially over the 9,150-meter area where the north shelter was located. Subsequent ground surveys of this area found no gamma intensities higher than 0.02 R/h (1). Gamma radiation levels at and around ground zero were much higher than in other onsite areas because of induced activity in the soil. Twenty-four hours after the detonation, the gamma intensity at ground zero was estimated to be 600 to 700 R/h. This estimate was based on data provided by the tank crew that drove to ground zero to obtain soil samples. The intensity decreased to about 2 R/h at 725 meters from ground zero. Gamma intensities of 0.1 R/h or more were confined within a circular area extending about 1,100 meters from ground zero (except in 46 areas of fallout). One week after the shot, the gamma intensity at ground zero was about 45 R/h. After 30 days, intensities at ground zero had decreased to 15 R/h, and intensities of 0.1 R/h or more were not zero. beyond about 365 meters from ground encountE~red Gamma intensities of 3 to 10 R/h were found at ground zero three months after the detonation (1; 19). 3.3 OFFSITE MONITORING GROUP Four two-man teams and one five-man team supervised by the chief offsite monitor constituted the Offsite Monitoring Group. Before the detonation, the four two-man teams established monitoring posts in towns outside the test area. These towns were Nogal, Roswell, Fort Sumner, and Socorro, all in New Mexico. The five-man team remained at Guard Post 2 to assist in evacuation of nearby residences if the TRINITY cloud drifted in that direction. These rr~sidences, the Fite house and the homes in the town of Tokay, were 24 and 32 kilometers northwest of ground zero, respectively. Since the cloud drifted to the northeast, evacuation was not required. All offsite monitoring teams were in radio or telephone contact with personnel at the Base Camp (11). Offsite monitoring teams in areas northeast of ground zero encountered gamma readings ranging from 1.5 to 15 R/h two to four hours after the detonation. Three hours after the detonation, surveys taken in Bingham, New Mexico (located 30 kilometers northeast of ground zero) found gamma intensities of about 1.5 R/h. Radiation readings at the town of White, nine kilometers southeast of Bingham, were 6.5 R/h three hours after the detonation and 2.5 R/h two hours later. Another team monitoring in a canyon 11 kilometers east of Bingham found a gamma intensity of about 15 R/h. had decreased to 3.8 R/h. Five hours later, the intensity It was estimated that peak intensities of gamma radiation from fallout on shot-day were about 7 R/h at an occupied ranch house in this canyon area (1; 11; 19). 47 Monitoring teams resurveyed these towns about one month after the TRINITY detonation. At Bingham, gamma readings of 0.003 R/h and 0.0001 R/h were found at ground level outdoors and at waist level inside a building, respectively. At the town of White, the highest outdoor gamma reading was 0.008 R/h. Inside a building, the highest reading was 0.0005 R/h (11). Surveys taken in the canyon area one month after the detonation indicated that gamma intensities at ground level had decreased to 0.032 R/h. The occupied ranch house was also sur- veyed, both inside and outside. The highest reading outdoors was 0.028 R/h, and the highest reading indoors was 0.004 R/h (11; 19). Monitoring was also conducted in offsite areas other than those to the north and northeast of ground zero. Monitors found no radiation readings above background levels (11). Significant fallout from the TRINITY cloud did not reach the ground within about 20 kilometers northeast of ground zero. From this point, the fallout pattern extended out 160 kilometers and was 48 kilometers wide. Gamma intensities up to 15 R/h were measured in this region several hours after the detonation. One month later, intensities had declined to 0.032 R/h or less (11). 48 CHAPTER 4 DOSIMETRY ANALYSIS OF PARTICIPANTS IN PROJECT TRINITY This chapter summarizes the radiation doses received by participants in various activities during Project TRINITY. The sources of this dosimetry information are the safety and monitoring report for personnel at TRINITY, which includes a compilation of film badge readings for all participants up to 1 January 1946, and film badge data from the records of the Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company, which contain readings through 1946 (1; 16). These sources list individual participants with their cumulative gamma radiation exposures. 4.1 FILM BADGE RECORDS During TRINITY, the film badge was the primary device used to measure the radiation dose received by individual participants. The site monitoring plan indicates that film badges were to be issued to participants. The film badge was normally worn at chest level on the outside of clothing and was designed to measure the wearer's exposure to gamma radiation from external sources. These film badges were insensitive to neutron radiation and did not measure the amount of radioactive material that might have been inhaled or ingested (1). Personnel from the Medical Group had responsibility for issuing, receiving, processing, and interpreting film badges for Project TRINITY. Th·e Site Monitoring Group compiled the film badge records for both onsite and offsite personnel. Radio- logical safety personnel and military police recorded the names and identification numbPrs of individuals as they entered the test area. This information was recorded in an entry logbook and 49 on a personal exposure data card. Upon leaving the test area, individuals returned their film badges to the check station. When the film badges were processed and interpreted, the reading was entered on the individual's exposure data card. In this manner, the number of times an individual entered the test area and his cumulative exposure history were recorded and maintained (1). 4.2 GAMMA RADIATION EXPOSURE The safety and monitoring report lists film badge readings for about 700 individuals who participated in Project TRINITY from 16 July 1945 to 1 January 1946 (1). This list includes both military and nonmilitary personnel who were involved with the TRINITY operation and postshot activities. However, records are available for only 44 of the 144 to 160 members of the evacuation detachment (1). In addition, some of these film badge listings may be for personnel who were only peripherally involved with TRINITY activities, such as family members and official guests who visited the site. According to the safety and monitoring report, by 1 January 1946, 23 individuals had received cumulative gamma exposures greater than 2 but less than 4 roentgens. An additional 22 individuals received gamma exposures between 4 and 15 roentgens. Personnel who received gamma exposures exceeding 2 roentgens represent less than six percent of the Project TRINITY participants with recorded exposures. As described below, these exposures generally resulted when personnel approached ground zero several times (1). Information is available regarding the activities of some of these personnel. One of the drivers of the earth-sampling group's lead-lined tank, an Army sergeant who traveled three times to ground zero, received an exposure of 15 roentgens. A second tank driver, also an Army sergeant, received an exposure 50 of 3.3 roentgens. Three members of the earth-sampling group, all of whom traveled in the tank to ground zero, received exposures of 10, 7.5, and 5 roentgPns. An Army photographer who entered the test area six times hetween 23 July and 20 October received 12.2 roentgens (1). Four individuals involved with excavating the buried supports of the TRINITY tower from 8 October to 10 October 1945 received gamma exposures ranging from 3.4 to 4.7 roentgens. Film badge readings for this three-day period indicate that the two individuals who operated mechanical shovels received 3.4 and 4.3 roentgens, while the two who supervised and monitored the excavation received exposures of 4.2 and 4.7 roentgens. The individual receiving 4.7 roentgens during the excavation operation had received 1.3 roentgens from a previous exposure, making his total exposure 6 roentgens (1). An Army captain who accompanied all test and observer parties into the ground zero area between 1 September and 11 October 1945 received a total gamma exposure of 2.6 roentgens (1). The activities and times of exposure are not known for other personnel with exposures over 2 roentgens. According to the dosimetry records for 1946, about 115 people visited the test site that year. No one ventured inside the fence surrounding ground zero, and no one received an exposure greater than 1 roentgen (1; 16). 51 REFERENCE LIST The following list of references represents the documents consulted in preparation of the Project TRINITY volume. 52 AVAILABILITY INFORMATION An availability statement has been included at the end of the reference citation for those readers who wish to read or obtain copies of source documents. Availability statements were correct at the time the bibliography was prepared. It is anticipated that many of the documents marked unavailable may become available during the declassification review process. The Coordination and Information Center (CIC) and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) will be provided future DNA-WT documents bearing an EX after the report number. Source documents bearing an availability statement of CIC may be reviewed at the following address: Department of Energy Coordination and Information Center (Operated by Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Co., Inc.) ATTN: Mr. Richard V. Nutley 2753 S. Highland P.O. Box 14100 Phone: (702) 734-3194 Las Vegas, Nevada 89114 FTS: 598-3194 Source documents bearing an availability statement of NTIS may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service. When ordering by mail or phone, please include both the price code and the NTIS number. The price code appears in parentheses before the NTIS order number. National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Phone: Springfield, Virginia 22161 (703) 487-4650 (Sales Office) Additional ordering information or assistance may be obtained by writing to the NTIS, Attention: Customer Service, or by calling (703) 487-4660. 53 PROJECT TRINITY REFERENCES 1. Aebersold, Paul. July 16th Nuclear Explosion-Safety and Monitoring of Personnel (U). Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Atomic Energy Commission. Los Alamos, NM.: LASL. LA-616. January 9, 1947. 170 Pages.*** 2. Bainbridge, K. T. Memorandum to All Concerned, Subject: TR Circular No. 18--Total Personnel at TR. fBase Camp, Trinity Site: NM.l July 3, 1945. 1 Page.** 3. Bainbridge, K. T. TRINITY. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Los Alamos, NM.: LASL, LA-6300-H and Washington, D. C.: GPO. May 1976. 82 Pages.** 4. Bramlet, Walt. Memorandum for Thomas J. Hirons, Subject: DOD Participants in Atmospheric Tests, wojencl. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Los Alamos, NM. ISD-5. February 20, 1979. 4 Pages.** 5. General Electric Company--TEMPO. Compilation of Local Fallout Data from Test Detonations 1945-1962. Vol. 1: "Continental US Tests." Washington, D. C.: Defense Nuclear Agency. DNA 1251-1(EX.). 1979. 619 Pages. (A99) AD/A079 309.* 6. Groves, Leslie R., LTG, USA. Memorandum for Secretary of War, [Subject: TRINITY]. [Washington, D.C.l 18 July 1945. 13 Pages.** 7. Groves, Leslie R., LTG, USA (Ret.). Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project. New York, NY.: Harper and Row. 1962. 444 Pages. 8. Headquarters, 9812th Technical Service Unit, Provisional Detachment No. 1 (Company "B"). [Extract from: Daily Diary, Provisional Detachment No. 1 (Company "B"), 9812th Technical Service Unit.l Army Corps of Engineers, Department of War. fSanta Fe, NM.l 14 July 1945. 2 Pages.** *Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk. **Available at CIC. ***Not available, see Availability Information page. ****Requests subject to Privacy Act restrictions. 54 9. Headquarters, Special Service Detachment. Supplemental Special Guard Orders, with Appendix. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Manhattan Engineer District. fAlamogordo, NM.] 14 July 1945. 4 Pages.** 10. Hempelmann, L. H., M.D. [Extracts from: "Preparation and Operational Plan of Medical Group (TR-7) for Nuclear Explosion 16 July 1945."] Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Atomic Energy Commission. Los Alamos, NM.: LASL. LA-631(Deleted). June 13, 1947. 32 Pages.*** 11. Hoffman' J. G. r Extracts from Health Physics Report on Radioactive Contamination throughout New Mexico Following the Nuclear Explosion, Part A--Physics."] Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Manhattan Engineer District. [Los Alamos, NM.] f1945.] 31 Pages.** 12. Lamont, Lansing. Atheneum. 13. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Public Relations Office. "Los Alamos: Beginning of an Era, 1943-1945." Atomic Energy Commission. Los Alamos, NM.: LASL. 1967. 65 Pages.** 14. Oppenheimer, J. R. Memorandum for Group Leaders, Subject: TRINITY Test. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Los Alamos, NM. June 14, 1945. 2 Pages.** 15. Palmer, T. 0., Maj., USA. Evacuation Detachment at TRINITY. [Manhattan Engineer District, Army Corps of Engineers.] rLos Alamos, NM.l f18 July 1945.] 2 Pages.** 16. Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Company, Inc. [Personnel Radiation Exposures, 1945, 1946.1 Vegas, NV. Microfilm.**** 17. II Day of TRINITY. New York, NY.: 1965. 331 Pages. Las Warren, S. L., COL., USA. Directions for Personnel at Base Camp at Time of Shot. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Manhattan Engineer District. [Alamogordo, NM.] 15 July 1945. 1 Page.** *Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk. **Available at CIC. ***Not available, see Availability Information page. ****Requests subject to Privacy Act restrictions. 55 18. Extracts Warren, S. L., COL, USA; Hempelmann, L. H., M.D. from: Personal Notes, Subject: Events in Camp 1945. Immediately Following Shot--July 16, 1945. 2 Pages.** 19. Weisskopf, V.; Hoffman, J.; Aebersold, Paul; Hempelmann, L. H. Memorandum for George Kistiakowsky, Subject: Measurement of Blast, Radiation, Heat and Light and Radioactivity at Trinity. fLos Alamos, NM.] 5 September 1945. 2 Pages.** *Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk. **Available at CIC. ***Not available, see Availability Information page. ****Requests subject to Privacy Act restrictions. 56 DISTRIBUTION LIST DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Armed Forces Staff College ATTN: Library Aviation History Unit ATTN: Library Asst. Secy of Defense Public Affairs ATTN: PAO Bureau of Medicine and Surgery ATTN: Asst. for Medical Surgery James Carson Breckinridge Lib ATTN: Library Div Asst to the Secy of Defense Atomic Energy ATTN: Executive Asst ATTN: Military Applications Marine Corps Base ATTN: Document Custodian Defense Nuclear Agency ATTN: PAO ATTN: GC ATTN: BA 5 cy ATTN: NTPR 25 cy ATTN: TITL Marine Corps Dev & Education Command ATTN: J. C. Breckinridge Lib Marine Corps Historical Center 2 cy ATTN: Code HDH-2 Marine Corps Nuc Test Personnel Review ATTN: Code MSRB-60 Defense Tech Info Center 12 cy ATTN: DD Merchant Marine Academy ATTN: Director of Libraries Field Command Defense Nuclear Agency ATTN: FCTT, W. Summa ATTN: FCLS, J. Stinson ATTN: FCTT, G. Ganong ATTN: FCLS Naval Historical Center ATTN: Operational Archives Branch Naval Hospita 1 Corps School ATTN: Library Interservice Nuclear Weapons School ATTN: TTV Naval Ocean Systems Center ATTN: Library National Defense University ATTN: ICAF, Tech Library Naval Oceanographic Office ATTN: Code 025, Historian DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Naval Postgraduate School ATTN: Code 1424, Library Army Library ATTN: Military Documents Sect Naval Research Laboratory ATTN: Library Army Nuclear Test Personnel Review c cy ATTN: DAAG-AMR, R. Tago Naval School ATTN: Librarian U.S. Army Center of Military History ATTN: DAMH-HSO Naval Sea Systems Command ATTN: Nuclear Technology Div U.S. Army Chemical School ATTN: ATZN-CM-AL ATTN: ATZN-CM-CS Naval Surface Weapons Center ATTN: Library U.S. Army Comd & General Staff Collt•ge ATTN: Library Naval War College ATTN: Professor 8 Libraries U.S. Army Nuclear &Chemical Agency ATTN: Library Naval Weapons Center ATTN: Code 233 U.S. Army War College ATTN: Library Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility ATTN: Library U.S. Military Academy ATTN: Director of Libraries 57 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE (Continued) Navy Department Library ATTN: Librarian Tactical Air Command ATTN: Historian Navy Nuclear Power School ATTN: Library U.S. Air Force Academy Library ATTN: Library Navy Nuclear Test Personnel Review 2 cy ATTN: W. Loeffler U.S. Air Force Occupational & Env Health Lab ATTN: NTPR Nimitz Library ATTN: Documents & Reports Dept USAF School of Aerospace Medicine ATTN: Strughold Library Office of the Judge Adv Gen ATTN: Code 73 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Department of Energy ATTN: OMA U.S. Merchant Marine Academy ATTN: Librarian U.S. Naval Air Station Library ATTN: Library Nevada Operations Office ATTN: Health Physics Div 2 cy ATTN: R. Nutley DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Human Health & Assessments Div ATTN: Librarian Aerospace Defense Command ATTN: Historian DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CONTRACTORS Air Force Communications Command ATTN: Historian Holmes & Narver, Inc ATTN: JNATDR Air Force Institute of Technology ATTN: Library Lawrence Livermore National Lab ATTN: Technical Info Dept Library Air Force Logistics Command ATTN: Historian Los Alamos National Laboratory ATTN: M. Walz, ADLA MS Al83 ATTN: D. Cobb, ESS MSS D466 2 cy ATTN: Library 2 cy ATTN: ADPA MMS 195 Air Force Nuclear Test Personnel Review ATTN: HQ USAF/SGES Reynolds Electrical & Engr Co, Inc ATTN: ere ATTN: W. Brady Air Force Systems Command ATTN: Historian Air Force Technical Applications Ctr ATTN: Historian Sandia National Lab ATTN: Central Library ATTN: W. Hereford Air Force Weapons Laboratory ATTN: Tech Library OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Air National Guard ATTN: Historian U.S. Public Health Service ATTN: G. Caldwell Air Training Command ATTN: Historian Central Intelligence Agency ATTN: Office of Medical Services Air University Library ATTN: AUL-LSE Dept of Health & Human Svcs ATTN: Office of General Counsel Military Airlift Command ATTN: Historian Exec Ofc of the President Management & Budget Ofc Lib ATTN: Librarian Pacific Air Forces ATTN: Historian Library of Congress ATTN: Library Service Division ATTN: Science & Technology Div ATTN: Serial & Govt Publication Strategic Air Command ATTN: Historian ATTN: NRI-STINFO, Library 58 OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (Continued) OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (Continued) National Archives ATTN: Librarian VetPrans Arlministration - RO San Francisco, CA ATTN: Director National Atomic Museum ATTN: Historian Veterans Administration - RO Denver, CO ATTN: Director Department of Commerce ATTN: Librarian Veterans Administration - RO Hartford, CT ATTN: Director Occupational Safety & Health Admin ATTN: Library Office of Health & Disability ATTN: R. Copeland Veterans Administration - RO Wilmington, DE ATTN: Director Office of Workers Compensation Pgrm ATTN: R. Larson Veterans Administration - RO St. Petersburg, FL ATTN: Director U.S. Coast Guard Academy Library ATTN: Librarian Veterans Administration - RO Atlanta, GA ATTN: Director U.S. House of Representatives 2 cy ATTN: Committee on Armed Services U.S. House of Representatives ATTN: Subcommittee on Health ~~ Veterans Administration - RO Honolulu, HI ATTN: Director Envir U.S. Senate ATTN: Committee on Veterans Pffairs U.S. Senate ATTN: Veterans Administration - RO Chicago, IL ATTN: Director Committee on Veterans ftffairs Veterans Administration - RO Seattle, WA ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Providence, RI ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Indianapolis, IN ATTN: Director Veterans Administration Washington, D.C. ATTN: Board of Veteran Appeal Veterans Administration - RO Des Moines, lA ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - Ofc Centr~l Washington, D.C. ATTN: Dept Veterans Benefit, Central Ofc ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Wichita, KS ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Montgomery, AL ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Louisville, KY ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Anchorage, AK ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO New Orleans, LA ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Phoenix, AZ ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Togus, ME ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Little Rock, AR ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Baltimore, MD ATTN: Director Veterans Administration -RO Los Angeles, CA ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Boston, MA ATTN: Director 59 OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (Continued) OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES {Continued) Veterans Administration - RO St. Paul, MN ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Portland, OR ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Jackson, MS ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Pittsburgh, PA ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Huntington, WV ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Philadelphia, PA ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO St. louis, MO ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO ll.PO San Francisco ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Fort Harrison, MT ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO San Juan, Puerto Rico ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO lincoln, NE ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Columbia, SC ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Reno, NV ll.TTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Sioux Falls, SD ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Manchester, NH ll.TTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Houston, TX ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Newark, NJ ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Waco, TX ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Milwaukee, WI ll.TTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Salt Lake City, UT ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Albuquerque, NM ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO White River Junction, VT ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Buffalo, NY ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Roanoke, VA ATTN: Director Veterans Administration -RO New York, NY ll.TTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Cheyenne, WY ATTN: Director Veterans Administration -RO Winston Salem, NC ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO San Diego, CA ATTN: Director Veterans ll.dministration - RO Fargo, ND ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Boise, ID ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Cleveland, OH ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Detroit, MI ATTN: Director Veterans Administration - RO Muskogee, OK ATTN: Director 60 OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (Continued) OTHER (Continued) Veterans administration - RO Nashville, TN ATTN: Director Albany Public Library ATTN: Librarian Alexander City State Jr College ATTN: Librarian The White House ATTN: Domestic Policy Staff DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CONTRACTORS Allegheny College ATTN: Librarian Advanced Research & Applications Corp ATTN: H. Lee Allen County Public Library ATTN: Librarian JAY COR Altoona Area Public Library ATTN: Librarian ATTN: 10 cy ATTN: Kaman Tempo ATTN: ATTN: A. Nelson Health & Environment Di\ American Statistics Index ATTN: Cathy Jarvey E. Martin DASIAC Anaheim Public Library ATTN: Librarian Kaman Tempo ATTN: R. Miller Kaman Tempo ATTN: Andrews Library, College of Wooster ATTN: Government Documents C. Jones Angelo State University Library ATTN: Librarian National Academy of Sciences ATTN: C. Robinette ATTN: Medical Follow-up AgencJ ATTN: National Materials Advisory Board Angelo Iacoboni Pub Lib ATTN: Librarian Anoka County Library ATTN: Librarian Pacific-Sierra Research Corp ATTN: H. Brode, Chairman SAGE Appalachian State University ATTN: Library Documents R & D Associates ATTN: P. Haas Arizona State University Library ATTN: Librarian Science Applications, Inc ATTN: Tech Library University of Arizona ATTN: Gov Doc Dept, C. Bower Science Applications, Inc 10 cy ATTN: L. Novotney OTHER Arkansas College Library ATTN: Library Adams State College ATTN: Govt Publication Lib Arkansas Library Comm ATTN: Library Akron Public Library ATTN: Govt Publication Librarian Arkansas State University ATTN: Library Alabama St Dept of Archives & History ATTN: Military Records Divis'on University of Arkansas ATTN: Government Documents Div University of Alabama ATTN: Reference Dept/Documents Austin College Arthur Hopkins Library ATTN: Librarian University of Alaska ATTN: Director of Libraries Atlanta Public Library ATTN: Ivan All en Dept University of Alaska ATTN: Govt Publication Librarian Atlanta University Center ATTN: Librarian 61 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) Auburn Univ at Montgomery Lib ATTN: Librarian Buffalo & Erie Co Pub Lib ATTN: Librarian B. Davis Schwartz Mem Lib ATTN: Librarian Burlington Library ATTN: Librarian Bangor Public Library ATTN: Librarian California at Fresno State Univ Lib ATTN: Library Bates College Library ATTN: Librarian California at San Diego University ATTN: Documents Department Baylor University Library ATTN: Docs Dept California at Stanislavs St Clg Lib ATTN: Library Beloit College Libraries ATTN: Serials Docs Dept California St Polytechnic Univ Lib ATTN: Librarian Bemidji State College ATTN: Library California St Univ at Northridge ATTN: Gov Doc Benjamin F. Feinberg Library State University College ATTN: Government Documents California State Library ATTN: Librarian California State Univ at Long Beach Lib ATTN: Librarian Bierce Library, Akron University ATTN: Government Documents California State University ATTN: Librarian Boston Public Library ATTN: Documents Department California State University ATTN: Librarian Bowdoin College ATTN: Librarian California Univ Library ATTN: Govt Publications Dept Bowling Green State Univ ATTN: Govt Docs Services California Univ Library ATTN: Librarian Bradley University ATTN: Govt Publication Librarian California University Library ATTN: Govt Documents Dept Brandeis University Lib ATTN: Documents Section California University Library ATTN: Documents Sec Brigham Young University ATTN: Librarian California University ATTN: Government Documents Dept Brigham Young University ATTN: Documents Collection Calvin College Library ATTN: Librarian Brookhaven National Laboratory ATTN: Technical Library Brooklyn College ATTN: Documents Division Calvin T. Ryan Library Kearney State College ATTN: Govt Documents Dept Broward County Library Sys ATTN: Librarian Carleton College Library ATTN: Librarian Brown University ATTN: Librarian Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh ATTN: Librarian Bucknell University ATTN: Reference Dept Carnegie Mellon University ATTN: Director of Libraries 62 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) Carson Regional Library ATTN: Gov Publications Unit Colgate Univ Library ATTN: Reference Library Case Western Reserve University ATTN: Librarian Colorado State Univ Libs ATTN: Librarian University of Central Florida ATTN: Library Docs Dept Colorado University Libraries ATTN: Director of Libraries Central Michigan University ATTN: Library Documents Section Columbia University Library ATTN: Documents Service Center Central Missouri State Univ ATTN: Government Documents Columbus & Franklin Cty Public Lib ATTN: Gen Rec Div Central State University ATTN: Library Documents Dept Compton Library ATTN: Librarian Central Washington University ATTN: Library Docs Section Connecticut State Library ATTN: Librarian Central Wyoming College Library ATTN: Librarian University of Connecticut ATTN: Govt of Connecticut Charleston County Library ATTN: Librarian Connecticut University ATTN: Director of Libraries Charlotte & Mechlenburg County Pub I ib ATTN: E. Correll Cornell University Lib ATTN: Librarian Chattanooga Hamilton Co ATTN: Librarian Corpus Christi State University Lib ATTN: Librarian Chesapeake Pub Lib System ATTN: Librarian Culver City Library ATTN: Librarian Chicago Public Library ATTN: Governments Publicatio"s Dept Curry College Library ATTN: Librarian State University of Chicago ATTN: Librarian Dallas County Public Library ATTN: Librarian Chicago University Library ATTN: Director of Libraries ATTN: Documents Processing Dallas Public Library ATTN: Librarian Dalton Jr College Library ATTN: Librarian Cincinnati University Library ATTN: Librarian Dartmouth College ATTN: Librarian Claremont Colleges Libs ATTN: Doc Collection Davenport Public Library ATTN: Librarian Clemson University ATTN: Director of Libraries Davidson College ATTN: Librarian Cleveland Public Library ATTN: Documents Collection Dayton & Montgomery City Pub Lib ATTN: Librarian Cleveland State Univ Lib ATTN: Librarian Coe Library ATTN: University of Dayton ATTN: Librarian Documents Division 63 OTHER (Continued OTHER (Continued) Decatur Public Library ATTN: Librarian East Texas State University ATTN: Library Dekalb Comm Call So Cpus ATTN: Librarian Eastern Branch ATTN: Librarian Delaware Pauw University ATTN: Librarian Eastern Illinois University ATTN: Librarian University of Delaware ATTN: Librarian Eastern Kentucky University ATTN: Librarian Delta College Library ATTN: Librarian Eastern Michigan University Lib ATTN: Documents Libn Delta State University ATTN: Librarian Eastern Montana College Library ATTN: Documents Dept Denison Univ Library ATTN: Librarian Eastern New Mexico Univ ATTN: Librarian Denver Public Library ATTN: Documents Div Eastern Oregon College Library ATTN: Librarian Dept of Lib & Archives ATTN: Librarian Eastern Washington Univ ATTN: Librarian Detroit Public Library ATTN: Librarian El Paso Public Library ATTN: Documents & Genealogy Dept Dickinson State College ATTN: Librarian Elko County Library ATTN: Librarian Drake Memorial Learning Resource Ctr ATTN: Librarian Elmira College ATTN: Librarian Drake University ATTN: Cowles Library Elan College Library ATTN: Librarian Drew University ATTN: Librarian Enoch Pratt Free Library ATTN: Documents Office Duke University ATTN: Public Docs Dept Emory University ATTN: Librarian Duluth Public Library ATTN: Documents Section Evansville & Vanderburgh County Pub Lib ATTN: Librarian Earlham College ATTN: Librarian Everett Public Library ATTN: Librarian East Carolina University ATTN: Library Docs Dept Fairleigh Dickinson Univ ATTN: Depository Dept East Central University ATTN: Librarian Florida A & M Univ ATTN: Librarian East Islip Public Library ATTN: Librarian Florida Atlantic Univ Lib ATTN: Div of Public Documents East Orange Public Lib ATTN: Librarian Florida Institute of Tech Lib ATTN: Federal Documents Dept East Tennessee State Univ Sherrod Lib ATTN: Documents Dept Florida Intl Univ Library ATTN: Docs Section 64 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) Florida State Library ATTN: Documents Section Government Publications Library-M ATTN: Director of Libraries Florida State University ATTN: Librarian Graceland College ATTN: Librarian Florida University Libraries ATTN: Documents Dept Grand Forks Public City-County Library ATTN: Librarian Fond Du Lac Public Lib ATTN: Librarian Grand Rapids Public Library ATTN: Director of Libraries Fort Hays State University ATTN: Librarian Greenville County Library ATTN: Librarian Fort Worth Public Library ATTN: Librarian Guam RFK Memorial University Lib ATTN: Fed Depository Collection Free Pub Lib of Elizabeth ATTN: Librarian University of Guam ATTN: Librarian Free Public Library ATTN: Librarian Gustavus Adolphus College ATTN: Library Freeport Public Library ATTN: Librarian Hardin-Simmons University Library ATTN: Librarian Fresno County Free Library ATTN: Librarian Hartford Public Library ATTN: Librarian Gadsden Public Library ATTN: Librarian Harvard College Library ATTN: Director of Libraries Garden Public Library ATTN: Librarian Harvard College Library ATTN: Librarian Gardner Webb College ATTN: Documents Librn University of Hawaii ATTN: Government Docs Collection Gary Public Library ATTN: Librarian Hawaii State Library ATTN: Federal Documents Unit Georgetown Univ Library ATTN: Govt Docs Room University of Hawaii at Manoa ATTN: Director of Libraries Georgia Inst of Tech ATTN: Librarian University of Hawaii ATTN: Librarian Georgia Southern College ATTN: Librarian Haydon Burns Library ATTN: Librarian Georgia Southwestern College ATTN: Director of Libraries Henry Ford Comm College Lib ATTN: Librarian Georgia State Univ Lib ATTN: Librarian Herbert H. Lehman College ATTN: Library Documents Division University of Georgia ATTN: Dir of Libraries Hofstra Univ Library ATTN: Documents Dept Glassboro State College ATTN: Librarian Hollins College ATTN: Librarian Gleeson Library ATTN: Librarian Hoover Institution ATTN: J. Bingham 65 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) Hopkinsville Comm College ATTN: Librarian Butler University, Irwin Library ATTN: Librarian University of Houston, Library ATTN: Documents Div Isaac Delchdo College ATTN: Librarian Houston Public Library ATTN: Librarian James Madison University ATTN: Librarian Hoyt Public Library ATTN: Librarian Jefferson County Public Lib ATTN: Librarian Humboldt State College Library ATTN: Documents Dept Jersey City State College ATTN: Librarian Huntington Park Library ATTN: Librarian Johns Hopkins University ATTN: Documents Library Hutchinson Public Library ATTN: Librarian John J. Wright Library, La Roche College ATTN: Librarian Idaho Public Lib & Info Center ATTN: Librarian Johnson Free Public Lib ATTN: Librarian Idaho State Library ATTN: Librarian Kahului Library ATTN: Librarian Idaho State University Library ATTN: Documents Dept Kalamazoo Public Library ATTN: Librarian University of Idaho ATTN: Documents Sect ATTN: Dir of Libraries Kansas City Public Library ATTN: Documents Div Kansas State Library ATTN: Librarian University of Illinois, Library ATTN: Documents Section Kansas State Univ Library ATTN: Documents Dept Illinois State Library ATTN: Government Documents Branch University of Kansas ATTN: Director of Libraries Illinois Univ at Urbana Champaign ATTN: P. Watson, Documents Library Kent State University Library ATTN: Documents Div Illinois Valley Cornm Coll ATTN: Library Kentucky Dept of Library & Archives ATTN: Documents Section Indiana State Library ATTN: Serial Section Indiana State University ATTN: Documents Libraries University of Kentucky ATTN: Governments Publication Dept ATTN: Director of Libraries Indiana University Library ATTN: Documents Department Kenyon College Library ATTN: Librarian Indianapolis Marion Cty Pub Library ATTN: Social Science Div Lake Forest College ATTN: Librarian Iowa State University Library ATTN: Govt Documents Dept Lake Sumter Comm Coll Lib ATTN: Librarian Iowa University Library ATTN: Government Documents Dept Lakeland Public Library ATTN: Librarian 66 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) Lancaster Regional Library ATTN: Librarian University of Massachusetts ATTN: Government Docs College Lawrence University ATTN: Documents Dept McNeese State Univ ATTN: Librarian Lee Library, Brigham Young Universit,~ ATTN: Documents & Map Section Memphis Shelby County Pub Lib & Info Ctr ATTN: Librarian Library & Statutory Distribution & Svc 2 cy ATTN: Librarian Memphis State University ATTN: Librarian Little Rock Public Library ATTN: Librarian Mercer University ATTN: Librarian Long Beach Publ Library ATTN: Librarian Mesa County Public Library ATTN: Librarian Los Angeles Public Library ATTN: Serials Div U.S. Documents University of Miami, Library ATTN: Government Publications Louisiana State University ATTN: Government Doc Dept ATTN: Director of Libraries Miami Public Library ATTN: Documents Division Miami Univ Library ATTN: Documents Dept Louisville Free Pub Lib ATTN: Librarian Louisville Univ Library ATTN: Librarian Michel Orradre Library University of Santa Clara ATTN: Documents Div Lyndon B. Johnson Sch of Pub Affairs Lib ATTN: Librarian Michigan State Library ATTN: Librarian Maine Maritime Academy ATTN: Librarian Michigan State University Library ATTN: Librarian Maine University at Oreno ATTN: Librarian Michigan Tech University ATTN: Library Documents Dept University of Maine ATTN: Librarian University of Michigan ATTN: Acq Sec Documents Unit Manchester City Library ATTN: Librarian Middlebury College Library ATTN: Librarian Mankato State College ATTN: Govt Publications Millersville State Coll ATTN: Librarian Mantor Library Univ of Maine at Farmington ATTN: Director of Libraries Milne Library State University of New York ATTN: Docs Librn Marathon County Public Library ATTN: Librarian Milwaukee Pub Lib ATTN: Librarian Marshall Brooks Library ATTN: Librarian Minneapolis Public Lib ATTN: Librarian University of Maryland ATTN: McKeldin Libr Docs Div Minnesota Div of Emergency Svcs ATTN: Librarian University of Maryland ATTN: Librarian Minot State College ATTN: Librarian Mississippi State University ATTN: Librarian 67 -- -------------- OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued} University of Mississippi ATTN: Director of Libraries New Mexico State Library ATTN: Librarian Missouri Univ at Kansas City Gen ATTN: Librarian New Mexico State University ATTN: Lib Documents Div Missouri University Library ATTN: Government Documents University of New Mexico ATTN: Director of Libraries M.I.T. Libraries ATTN: Librarian University of New Orleans Library ATTN: Govt Documents Div Mobile Public Library ATTN: Governmental Info Division New Orleans Public Lib ATTN: Library Moffett Library ATTN: Librarian New York Public Library ATTN: Librarian Montana State Library ATTN: Librarian New York State Library ATTN: Doc Control, Cultural Ed Ctr Montana State University, Library ATTN: Librarian New York State Univ at Stony Brook ATTN: Main Lib Doc Sect University of Montana ATTN: Documents Div New York State Univ Col at Cortland ATTN: Librarian Moorhead State College ATTN: Library State Univ of New York ATTN: Library Documents Sec Mt Prospect Public Lib ATTN: Librarian State Univ of New York ATTN: Librarian Murray State Univ Lib ATTN: Library New York State University ATTN: Documents Center Nassau Library System ATTN: Librarian State University of New York ATTN: Documents Dept Natrona County Public Library ATTN: Librarian New York University Library ATTN: Documents Dept Nebraska Library Comm ATTN: Librarian Newark Free Library ATTN: Librarian Univ of Nebraska at Omaha ATTN: Librarian Newark Public Library ATTN: Librarian Nebraska Western College Library ATTN: Librarian Niagara Falls Pub Lib ATTN: Librarian Univ of Nebraska at Lincoln ATTN: Director of Libraries Nicholls State Univ Library ATTN: Docs Di v Univ of Nevada at Reno ATTN: Governments Pub Dept Nieves M. Flores Memorial Lib ATTN: Librarian Univ of Nevada at Las Vegas ATTN: Director of Libraries Norfolk Public Library ATTN: R. Parker New Hampshire University Lib ATTN: Librarian North Carolina Agri & Tech State Univ ATTN: Librarian New Hanover County Public Library ATTN: Librarian Univ of North Carolina at Charlotte ATTN: Atkins Library Documents Dept Nebraska University ATTN: Director of Libraries Univ of North Carolina at Greensboro, Library ATTN: Librarian 68 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) North Carolina Central University ATTN: Librarian University of Notre Dame ATTN: Document Center North Carolina State University ATTN: Librarian Oakland Comm College ATTN: Librarian North Carolina University at Wilmington ATTN: Librarian Oakland Public Library ATTN: Librarian University of North Carolina ATTN: BA SS Division Documents Oberlin College Library ATTN: Librarian North Dakota State University Lib ATTN: Docs Librarian Ocean County College ATTN: Librarian University of North Dakota ATTN: Librarian Ohio State Library ATTN: Librarian North Georgia College ATTN: Librarian Ohio State University ATTN: Libraries Documents Division North Texas State University Library ATTN: Librarian Ohio University Library ATTN: Docs Dept Northeast Missouri State University ATTN: Librarian Oklahoma City University Library ATTN: Librarian Northeastern Illinois University ATTN: Library Oklahoma City University Library ATTN: Librarian Northeastern Oklahoma State Univ ATTN: Librarian Oklahoma Dept of Libraries ATTN: U.S. Govt Documents Northeastern University ATTN: Dodge Library University of Oklahoma ATTN: Documents Div Northern Arizona University Lib ATTN: Government Documents Dept Old Dominion University ATTN: Doc Dept Univ Library Northern Illinois University ATTN: Librarian Olivet College Library ATTN: Librarian Northern Iowa University ATTN: Library Omaha Pub Lib Clark Branch ATTN: Librarian Northern Michigan Univ ATTN: Documents Oregon State Library ATTN: Librarian Northern Montana Co 11 ege Library ATTN: Librarian University of Oregon ATTN: Documents Section Northwestern Michigan College ATTN: Librarian Ouachita Baptist University ATTN: Librarian Northwestern State Univ ATTN: Librarian Pan American University Library ATTN: Librarian Northwestern State Univ Library ATTN: Librarian Passaic Public Library ATTN: Librarian Northwestern University Library ATTN: Govt Publications Dept Paul Klapper Library ATTN: Documents Dept Norwalk Public Library ATTN: Librarian Pennsylvania State Library ATTN: Government Publications Section 69 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) Pennsylvania State University ATTN: Library Document Sec Quinebaug Valley Community Col ATTN: Librarian University of Pennsylvania ATTN: Director of Libraries Ralph Brown Draughon Lib Auburn University ATTN: Microforms & Documents Dept Penrose Library University of Denver ATTN: Penrose Library Rapid City Public Library ATTN: Librarian Peoria Public Library ATTN: Business, Science & Tech Dept Reading Public Library ATTN: Librarian Free Library of Philadelphia ATTN: Govt Publications Dept Reed College Library ATTN: Librarian Philipsburg Free Public Library ATTN: Library Reese Library Augusta College ATTN: Librarian Phoenix Public Library ATTN: Librarian University of Rhode Island Library ATTN: Govt Publications Office University of Pittsburg ATTN: Documents Office G 8 University of Rhode Island ATTN: Director of Libraries Plainfield Public Library ATTN: Librarian Rice University ATTN: Director of Libraries Popular Creek Public Lib District ATTN: Librarian Richard W. Norton Mem Lib Louisiana College ATTN: Librarian Association of Portland Lib ATTN: Librarian Richland County Pub Lib ATTN: Librarian Portland Public Library ATTN: Librarian University of Richmond ATTN: Library Portland State University Library ATTN: Librarian Riverside Public Library ATTN: Librarian Prescott Memorial Lib Louisiana Tech Univ ATTN: Librarian University of Rochester Library ATTN: Documents Section Princeton University Library ATTN: Documents Division Rutgers University, Camden Library ATTN: Librarian Providence College ATTN: Librarian Rutgers State University ATTN: Librarian Providence Public Library ATTN: Librarian Rutgers University ATTN: Director of Libraries Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library ATTN: Librarian Rutgers University Law Library ATTN: Federal Documents Dept Public Library of Nashville and Davidson County ATTN: Library Salem College Library ATTN: Librarian University of Puerto Rico ATTN: Doc &Maps Room Samford University ATTN: Librarian Purdue University Library ATTN: Librarian San Antonio Public Library ATTN: Bus Science & Tech Dept 70 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) San Diego County Library ATTN: C. Jones, Acquisitions University of South Carolina ATTN: Government Documents San Diego Public Library ATTN: Librarian South Dakota Sch of Mines & Tech ATTN: Librarian San Diego State University Library ATTN: Govt Pubs Dept South 8aknta State Library ATTN: Federal Documents Department San Francisco Public Library ATTN: Govt Documents Dept University of South Dakota ATTN: Documents Librarian San Francisco State College ATTN: Govt Pub Collection South Florida University Library ATTN: Librarian San Jose State College Library ATTN: Documents Dept Southdale-Hennepin Area Library ATTN: Government Documents San Luis Obispo City-County Library ATTN: Librarian Southeast Missouri State University ATTN: Librarian Savannah Pub & Effingham Libty Reg Lib ATTN: Librarian Southeastern Massachusetts University Library ATTN: Documents Sec Scottsbluff Public Library ATTN: Librarian University of Southern Alabama ATTN: Librarian Scranton Public Library ATTN: Librarian Southern California University Library ATTN: Documents Dept Seattle Public Library ATTN: Ref Doc Asst Southern Connecticut State College ATTN: Library Selby Public Library ATTN: Librarian Southern Illinois University ATTN: Librarian Shawnee Library System ATTN: Librarian Southern Illinois University ATTN: Documents Ctr Shreve Memorial Library ATTN: Librarian Southern Methodist University ATTN: Librarian Silas Bronson Public Library ATTN: Librarian University of Southern Mississippi ATTN: Library Simon Schwob Mem Lib Columbus College ATTN: Librarian Southern Oregon College ATTN: Library Southern University in New Orleans, Library ATTN: Librarian Sioux City Public Library ATTN: Librarian Southern Utah State College Library ATTN: Documents Department Skidmore College ATTN: Librarian Southwest Missouri State College ATTN: Library Slippery Rock State College Library ATTN: Librarian Southwestern University of Louisiana, Libraries ATTN: Librarian South Carolina State Library ATTN: Librarian Southwestern University School of Law Library ATTN: Librarian University of South Carolina ATTN: Librarian 71 OTHER {Continued) OTHER (Continued) Spokane Public Library ATTN: Reference Dept University of Tennessee ATTN: Dir of Libraries Springfield City Library . ATTN: Documents Sect1on Terteling Librafy College of Idaho ATTN: Librarian St. Bonaventure University ATTN: Librarian Texas A & M University Library ATTN: Librarian St. Joseph Public Library ATTN: Librarian University of Texas at Arlington ATTN: Library Documents St. Lawrence University ATTN: Librarian University of Texas at San Antonio ATTN: Library st. Louis Public Library ATTN: Librarian Texas Christian University ATTN: Librarian St. Paul Public Library ATTN: Librarian Texas State Library ATTN: U.S. Documents Sect Stanford University Library ATTN: Govt Documents Dept Texas Tech University Library ATTN: Govt Docs Dept State Historical Soc Lib ATTN: Docs Serials Section Texas University at Austin ATTN: Documents Call State Library of Massachusetts ATTN: Librarian Texas University at El Paso ATTN: Documents and Maps Lib State University of New York ATTN: Librarian University of Toledo Library ATTN: Librarian Stetson Univ ATTN: Librarian Toledo Public Library ATTN: Social Science Dept University of Steubenville ATTN: Librarian Torrance Civic Center Library ATTN: Librarian Stockton & San Joaquin Public Lib ATTN: Librarian Traverse City Public Library ATTN: Librarian Stockton State College Library ATTN: Librarian Trenton Free Public Library ATTN: Librarian Superior Public Library ATTN: Librarian Trinity College Library ATTN: Librarian swarthmore College Lib ATTN: Reference Dept Trinity University Library . ATTN: Documents Collect1on Syracuse University Libr~ry ATTN: Documents D1v Tufts University Library ATTN: Documents Dept Tacoma Public Library ATTN: Librarian Tulane University ATTN: Documents Dept Tampa, Hillsborough.County Public Lib ATTN: Librar1an University of Tulsa ATTN: Librarian Temple University ATTN: Librarian UCLA Research Library ATTN: Public Affairs Svc/US Docs Tennessee Technological University ATTN: Librarian 72 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) Uniformed Svcs Univ of the Hlth Sci ATTN: LRC Library Wesleyan University ATTN: Documents Librarian University Libraries ATTN: Dir of Libraries West Chester State Call ATTN: Documents Dept Upper Iowa College ATTN: Documents Collection West Covina Library ATTN: Librarian Utah State University ATTN: Librarian University of West Florida ATTN: Librarian University of Utah ATTN: Special Collections West Hills Community Call ATTN: Library University of Utah ATTN: Dept of Pharmacology ATTN: Director of Libraries West Texas State University ATTN: Library West Virginia Call of Grad Studies Lib ATTN: Librarian Valencia Library ATTN: Librarian University of West Virginia ATTN: Dir of Libraries Vanderbilt University Library ATTN: Govt Docs Sect Westerly Public Library ATTN: Librarian University of Vermont ATTN: Director of Libraries Western Carolina University ATTN: Librarian Virginia Commonwealth University ATTN: Librarian Western Illinois University Lib ATTN: Librarian Virginia Military Institute ATTN: Librarian Western Washington Univ ATTN: Librarian Virginia Polytechnic Inst Lib ATTN: Docs Dept Western Wyoming Community College Lib ATTN: Librarian Virginia State Library ATTN: Serials Section Westmoreland Cty Comm Call ATTN: Learning Resource Ctr University of Virginia ATTN: Public Documents Whitman College ATTN: Librarian Volusia County Public Libraries ATTN: Librarian Wichita State Univ Library ATTN: Librarian Washington State Library ATTN: Documents Section William & Mary College ATTN: Docs Dept Washington State University ATTN: Lib Documents Section Washington University Libraries ATTN: Dir of Libraries William Allen White Library Emporia Kansas State College ATTN: Govt Documents Div University of Washington ATTN: Documents Div William College Library ATTN: Librarian Wayne State University Library ATTN: Librarian Willimantic Public Library ATTN: Librarian Wayne State University Law Library ATTN: Documents Dept Winthrop College ATTN: Documents Dept Weber State College Library ATTN: Librarian University of Wisconsin at Whitewater ATTN: Governments Documents Library Wagner College ATTN: Librarian 73 OTHER (Continued) OTHER (Continued) Wisconsin Milwaukee University ATTN: Librarian Yale University ATTN: Director of Libraries Wisconsin Oshkosh University ATTN: Librarian Yeshiva University ATTN: Librarian Wisconsin Platteville University ATTN: Librarian Yuma City County Library ATTN: Librarian Wisconsin University at Stevens Point ATTN: Docs Section Wright State Univ Library ATTN: Govts Documents Dept University of Wisconsin ATTN: Govt Pubs Dept Hyoming State Library ATTN: Librarian University of Wisconsin ATTN: Acquisitions Dept University of v/yoming ATTN: Documents Div Worcester Public Library ATTN: Librarian 74