Brian Goodnight LEG Leg Asst Positions SUM D2 SUMMARY and FISCAL NOTE* Department: Legislative Contact Person/Phone: Brian Goodnight / 4-5597 Executive Contact/Phone: * Note that the Summary and Fiscal Note describes the version of the bill or resolution as introduced; final legislation including amendments may not be fully described. 1. BILL SUMMARY Legislation Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to Legislative Department staff; increasing the number of Legislative Assistant positions; amending Ordinance 118851; and amending the Legislative Assistant Compensation Plan Administrative Guidelines. Summary and background of the Legislation: This legislation creates nine new Legislative Assistant positions, one for each of the City Councilmember offices. In 2013, Seattle voters approved an amendment to the City Charter that changed the way that Councilmembers were elected. Beginning in 2015, seven of the nine Councilmembers were elected by district, with the remaining two positions being elected “at large.” The additional staff support provided by the new positions in this ordinance will be used to address the increased workload resulting from this switch to district elections. In addition to creating position authority for the nine new positions, the ordinance amends Ordinance 118851 and the Legislative Assistant Compensation Plan Administrative Guidelines that were incorporated by Ordinance 118851. Both the ordinance and the Administrative Guidelines specify that each Councilmember may hire up to three FTE. The amendments increase this limit to four FTE. 2. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ____ This legislation creates, funds, or amends a CIP Project. (If box is checked, please attach a new (if creating a project) or marked-up (if amending) CIP Page to the Council Bill. Please include the spending plan as part of the attached CIP Page.) Project Name: Project I.D.: Project Location: Start Date: End Date: Total Cost: 3. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Please check one: _X__ This legislation has direct financial implications. (If the legislation has direct fiscal impacts (appropriations, revenue, positions), fill out the relevant sections below. If the financial implications are indirect or longer-term, describe them in narrative in the “Other Implications” section.) 1 Form revised: December 1, 2015 Brian Goodnight LEG Leg Asst Positions SUM D2 ____ This legislation does not have direct financial implications. (Please skip to “Other Implications” section at the end of the document and answer questions a-i.) Budget program(s) affected: General Fund $ 2016 2017 Estimated $ Appropriation change: Estimated $ Revenue change: Positions affected: Other $ 2016 2017 Revenue to General Fund 2016 2017 Revenue to Other Funds 2016 2017 No. of Positions 2016 2017 9.0 Total FTE Change 2016 2017 9.0 Other departments affected: 3.a. Appropriations ____ This legislation adds, changes, or deletes appropriations. (If this box is checked, please complete this section. If this box is not checked, please proceed to Revenues/Reimbursements.) Fund Name and number Dept Budget Control Level Name/#* 2016 Appropriation Change 2017 Estimated Appropriation Change TOTAL *See budget book to obtain the appropriate Budget Control Level for your department. (This table should reflect appropriations that are a direct result of this legislation. In the event that the project/programs associated with this ordinance had, or will have, appropriations in other legislation please provide details in the Appropriation Notes section below. If the appropriation is not completely supported by revenue/reimbursements listed below, please identify the funding source (e.g. available fund balance) to cover this appropriation in the notes section. Also indicate if the legislation changes appropriations one-time, ongoing, or both.) Appropriations Notes: 3.b. Revenues/Reimbursements ____ This legislation adds, changes, or deletes revenues or reimbursements. (If this box is checked, please complete this section. If this box is not checked, please proceed to Positions.) Anticipated Revenue/Reimbursement Resulting from this Legislation: Fund Name and Number Dept Revenue Source 2016 Revenue 2017 Estimated Revenue TOTAL (This table should reflect revenues/reimbursements that are a direct result of this legislation. In the event that the issues/projects associated with this ordinance/resolution have revenues or reimbursements that were, or will be, received because of previous or future legislation or budget 2 Form revised: December 1, 2015 Brian Goodnight LEG Leg Asst Positions SUM D2 actions, please provide details in the Notes section below. Do the revenue sources have match requirements? If so, what are they?) Revenue/Reimbursement Notes: 3.c. Positions _X__ This legislation adds, changes, or deletes positions. (If this box is checked, please complete this section. If this box is not checked, please proceed to Other Implications.) Total Regular Positions Created, Modified, or Abrogated through this Legislation, Including FTE Impact: Position # for Existing Positions Position Title & Department* Fund Name & # Program & BCL Legislative Assistant / Legislative General Subfund 00100 City Council / Legislative Dept BCL PT/FT FT 2016 Positio ns 2016 FTE 9 9 Does it sunset? (If yes, explain below in Position Notes) No TOTAL * List each position separately (This table should only reflect the actual number of positions created by this legislation In the event that positions have been, or will be, created as a result of previous or future legislation or budget actions, please provide details in the Notes section below.) Position Notes: 4. OTHER IMPLICATIONS a) Does the legislation have indirect or long-term financial impacts to the City of Seattle that are not reflected in the above? The legislation creates nine new, non-temporary positions that will have continuing financial implications related to the salary and benefits of these positions. This legislation does not provide appropriation authority for the positions. b) Is there financial cost or other impacts of not implementing the legislation? No. c) Does this legislation affect any departments besides the originating department? No. 3 Form revised: December 1, 2015 Brian Goodnight LEG Leg Asst Positions SUM D2 d) Is a public hearing required for this legislation? No. e) Does this legislation require landlords or sellers of real property to provide information regarding the property to a buyer or tenant? No. f) Is publication of notice with The Daily Journal of Commerce and/or The Seattle Times required for this legislation? No. g) Does this legislation affect a piece of property? No. h) Please describe any perceived implication for the principles of the Race and Social Justice Initiative. Does this legislation impact vulnerable or historically disadvantaged communities? No. i) If this legislation includes a new initiative or a major programmatic expansion: What are the long-term and measurable goals of the program? Please describe how this legislation would help achieve the program’s desired goals. N/A. j) Other Issues: List attachments/exhibits below: 4 Form revised: December 1, 2015